13 San Trancisco - Office Oregjbn Journal 1, noVcaU Bida.: 1 f . :' Telephone Stearaay 'V , Cil,XIO JU3CUVBO. ... Oregonians when, in 8,25 ran hive their mall eat t The Journal ofnoe, ',: ' ARTHUR L, FISH. iRmrwwtttm. NEW TODAY. V. B. STREETER REAL ESTATE ooxxxcrrzon ROTHCHILD BUILDINO , Cor. 4tn Md Washlojrtonta-'-'If you have any good raaJty ) f5r Ml bring It trt me. If you ,V want to make nrit-l , - y; -vestment call on me. , ;;, ',., vr. ml ntia Bank Hibarnla 9rg. Xlank ' CXOICS VtTZXJOZSO lVOTa At $8S , flO SOWV, 95 MOHTBXT. -". SEEING BELHNTNO, ; ' Take Monta villa ear t( tract Ofnoe, cor. Hlbbard and VllU or for map 4 Information all at fflct C P. WELLS, SSI Worcester bide. Want M. itss. -l'' Orchard Homes I and 10-acra tracta: flna eoUr some running water; lomt clear; aom brush; tomi timbered; everything towi: near station, echool and stores, email pay ment down, $10 monthly. ; $66 aa acre oTiin rrrrrpoBB oa,' ; S68 Stark St, Worn 18. . 89 acraa of Sua apple orchard In aoa til er Oregon. Best winter varieties, lo cated mn from 8. P. ?opoU.Vi growing town of 600 Inhabitant. .Will firing fn Income of $16,000. Will ex change for merchandlae or real estate and would pay any difference In cash or would take any difference In cash or security. CaJl on owner, COBB BKOaV, - 412 Swetland.bldg.. . ., ,,,,;,.;.;.-..' ' SUBURBAN Six-room bouse, new and modern in every detail full oement basement ana five iota. 136 feet frontage on 80-foot avenue; beautiful View. All for $4,000. Or will eHl house and 1 lota for $1,000. S1STH1S I TKOMPBOW, ' ' Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans At reasonable i-atea, on city property . .. - Be or phone ... ; 633 cnamaer oi vomnwro axua. rnone Kaia 6407, Soma A-3a3i Piiso Sladb cl Icals BV Bell 5 " Now located corner 6th and Washing ton its, Lafayette bid., parlors tO-ZL . .- WEATHER REPORT ' Tha preaaure la falllnj rapidly over n.tin.ni. AMint thla fnnrn in and a disturbance appears to ba ap- proacninr xnat lociuny. a yet fallen, the cloudiness was gen eral over California and Nevada. Tha ji.t.i,K,iiM ava, Vanmnvftr inland vea- terday morning haa moved rapidly east ward, and now overliea northerri Al berta, Light ralna fell over Waahlng - nn.thMt,rn fr&trnn j n A northern Idaho durins; the last II hours, as a re sult or tnia movement mo mm over the southern portion of the west ern part of the country yesterday morn- , v. . taA ln(A twn nnrf inn K. one remaining practlcallytatlonary and . i ai.i k1ifli. ado, worn ine dinar uruuui overlying tha lower Mississippi. vailey consequence from the Rocky mountains eastward to the Mississippi valley. Tha : -depression over Alberta has moved east ward, and this morning overlies tha upper lakes. Very little -precipitation has resulted from this disturbance. Its f rincipaj iieci ung a m emperatur over the Miasourl valley imne. lairo T.lvht. tinow tn re- '''ported ftora tho ,northaatern tAtc du lO U1V VBSl vrca.. la uiwfcuivuv area noted yeeterdar morning over the lower lake and which haa new passed Jl 4U. a-o f (.1 AhilaarVft.linn. - 1 ' Rain Is Indicated over thla district west or tna uascaaes lomgni na pi urday, whUa east of tha mountain rain or snow la pruoatiia. -- . , , . , Temp. ' ' - Max. Mln. Pracip. Poston,'? Mass ....... 44 ; . Chicago, 111....... 24 . Cincinnati. Ohio... SO, Denver. Colo. . . ... 48 Jxs Angeles, Cal.. 70- " New. Orleana, ..la., 58 j New, Tork, N. . Omaha, Neb....... 34 - Philadelphia, Fa... 44 , Phoenix. Aris...... 68 rt plttaburg. Pa...... J4 Portland, Or....V. 60 Bt. Ix)uls, Mo...... 2 fit, Paul, Minn.,... 28 fi i Halt Lake.' Utah.., 38 , , tan Francisco, Cal.' 64 , flattie, Wash. . . . , 48 . , Washington, D. C. 48 Railway Addition Trad 20 ' .00 i .;-.oo .' 24 .00 ,84 .00 ! 66 . ,08 84' .01 23'. . .10 '26 "J .00 - 26 -.06 " 44 v ".00 - 18 - .01 , 40" .7S . 18 - .00 2 ' .00 "24 s , 1 00 48 ' '00 . 41 . .22 22 .00 ' REAIi ESTATE TRANSFERS ' Northwest Real JKState invest- k r ; ment company to Gulaeppl Sal- i , talamacchia, . Iota 6. . 6 and f 7, block 4, Powers tract... ,...i..i.060 T. 8. and L, J. 'McDanlelto JC- W. (, '. .. -Goddard. lots 13 and 14, .block , 8. subdivision proebstel'S 4di - tion to Albina ;.-..... ".iff Aid en B. end Mary Graham to 1 Arthur W, Graham, lot 12, block . ? 2, Colonial- Heights l.ooO John and Effle Brandt to Emma F. Duatin, half acre commenc- Ing at southwest corner of -lot 12, Lamargent Park No. I .... . i '125 Union Trust A Investment com-; , pany to D. B. Fleck, lot 16, ' ' . block 6, Ivanhoef 4... i,,., BOO Mary L. and James1 Shepherd to .. Erroll Shepherd, undivided half of tract beginning at point in ' weat boundary or lot 7, block -12, Blackatone's addition, 33 1-3 1' " feet aouth from northwest cor- -. . . ner, thenca south 88 1-8 fet, thence eaat $7 feet, thence north 83 1-8 feet, thenca weat to be ginning .............. ...- . . 1,160 Fred H. and Mary Wells Strong Q Fi. iH.. rewiwu, WWVk 16, Creston ................... Fred H. and Mary Wells Strong ' to N. M. Peterson, Lot 4, block IS, Creston .;..... Nellie V. and W. H. Markley to . r TlotAt-ann U S sirtn at 610 326 21. JVX, c .. l v w w mm block 215. liolladay'a addition, 2,800 Nils M.. Peterson,. 8 Ji acrea be Elnriliff at stone at corner of fwinmrll. J2. 1 and 14, town atim 1 south, range 3 east.,,... Mat lie I. and HS.lt Plasket to H. a Cttl'f. lot 1, block 6, Arleta l ark No. . 153 100 .THE VREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C, I and'L. M, Brubaker to Fred . J. JjUnaourg, unrin irai '4 half of tract "10," Overton Park. I E. and Helen M. Kern to School , plstriet Na 1, tk acres begln iilng at point' la eaut line .or . lUborsharn avenue. 739.6 frt north line of Division otreet j 4.000 Mary W.Oaston to WlllUm and Mary , Icdrla, lot X ' , of . Uaatoa B. and Lena 'plennick to Ida Al-! . brecot, lot , block 21, Tolmaa , tract .i,.. too Bums, lot 17. block 49. Vernon.. ;t 400 rvini v lew ne&i Mmii lomwnj t to Willis 1L Moxoo. and V. W. Valentine, lots 15, 26, 27 and. , is, Dioca 19, jroini view...... Frank R. Howard to Chin Quong. -, beginning at southeast corner of I.I B 1. 1 ... 1. 1, CnhAn'M mA 140 , dltlon. thence wesCSS 1-8 feet. .; . thence north 66 S-S feet, thenca i- i, " eit SS 1-J feet, tbt-nee south.- 2-S feet to beginning f.OoO; WlNtar and Mary Erlckson to Jens . -p . Madsen, . 110x98 feet beginning ' . , 471 feet south of point In cen- ,1 . ter of county road. 767.85 feet ;'weat of atone at section corner. .. of sections 7. 8, 17 and If, town- ship 1 scuth, range I eaat. . U X.000 Qeorge Pope, guardian, to John- Anuerson, unaiviuea m unov- in weat or 44 acres In D. I . C of Jacob Johnson Security Abstract Trust com-, . pany to Charlea O. ?hyer, iot I, block 129. Rooa City Park. ... Becurlty Abstract A Trust com ,rany to Charles G.J'Thayer lot Si, block 129. Rosa Oty Park. ,; Southeast Portland Real Katata association to Mary Horn, lots 13 and 14, block 1. First aubdl- ISO too 00 160 vlsion or Mcmniey x-ai Point View Real Estata company. to Martha E. Beck, lots 86, 30, block 25, Point View,.... ; WIHUm J. - Hlllyard. at al to w.w!r4 K.x rVection' too t 34. township 1 south,- ranga 3 B east.... .............. V't " Louliie and J. R. Daniels ta A. J,- and Mary, Lightly, aama, as . - above Title Guarantee A Trust company . to A. W. Davis. . lot 16, block , v. South St Johns. u. . . . A. W. nd Ruby R. -va,to S"V; v tiei A. ureenwooo, im, ' 8, 8outh St John..'.fi;. '', 0 Alice H. Dodd to T. Kyllljs at al lota 16.-16, 26, I8 block 17, m ' "'Paclnc Vltle &' Trust '6o., the leaUlag WM.to.. lAl.K.S.f Palllna blda. Western Abstract A Loan Co room 11, 868 Stark, opp. C of C bldg. MARRIAGE LICENSES k. V, rtevera. Brealln hOteL 21, and Ella C. Lehigh, Jl. ... .' 13 e roam in n. jaauiawn, "r . Fourth street, 21, and Pearl B. Nudel RL.!2ltia Tcih wiuirit Hood. Ore gon. 42, and Mary Cosgrova, 88. Joseph A.-Day, 1S0V First atreat, ST. and 8ybla N. Leach. 19. B. L. Beard,' 125 Elevanth atraet, 26, and Elesa Vlgellus. 26. . Anarew a. a anew, i ,,"v atreet, 21, and Nancy Elvira Elsea, 18. James Annur sioyt?r, mwniyu, Jl. and Mary Ellen Neuens,; 18. . . William ifcDowell, 64 H Ninth gtraet, 88, and Eley McDowell. t i-Oscar Fredenburg, Hood . Rlvar, 17, and May Stone. 27. " " Wedding Cards. WTO. Smith Co.. Washington bldg, corner 4th and Wash in y ton ati. - ' ' 1 . " Wadding cards the best 100 lor ik. Alvin S. Hawk, 144 2d at Tonaeth & Co.. florists, for nowera or all kinds izs itn s norlc.'.'ft.na' WoVlsts Fine nowera and floral designs. 289 Morrison at Full 'dress suits for rent, all aiaea. Pnlqua Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st ""Max M, Smith, florist, 160 6th at, opp. Meier AFrank's, Main 7215. . FUNERAL NOTICES V Hn.J-At 895 Hood; Jnut years, sister of Mrs. J. W. . Sherwood, Vm.. Tr.iinheth Miller and Mrs. R. M. Prettle. ; Friends ara respectfully In- Vlieu w atL irjim - in, . , u .... . . which will be held at Holman-s chapeU tri.l OnltnAK at Fa AT ft. 81 1. Z p. m. Saturday, January 18. . Interment BAIRD-Tha funerU services ortn. late isaao w. " the Elks' hall, corner Stark andSev-r enth sts.. at 1:30 p. m. Saturday. Jan uary P18? Friends invited to attend. Interment River View cemetery. BIRTHS JVLLUM January 16, to Mr. and Mrs. " TT. r..ii r a-fmrrrtm a. tlaua-hter. unTH-jannuT 16. to Mr. ana Mrs. ii a imnih. a? East Eleventh. ;a daughter. - i . 1 '.,..'' .a HAMILTON January mr, n Mri J F.. HamUton, Sheridan, Ore- IS7T,TNlr Timber 14. to Mr. and " Mrs" John BhUlnsk, 617 North Twen- ty-nrst, a son. v.-- .., RHEINSTROM January IS. to Mr. and M?,.: ? DkAi..tmi Mi West ava- ixLra. MjvvnL .i.t.. v.w . - r , " . nua, a aaugmer. - - DEATHS B McPheraon. aga68: ulcer of atomach. rla : Wilkea. BaTpayton, age SO; cardiac hypertro- R,yii orrNn Ijanuarv H. Gong Sung, age 49i Inanition (opium eater). MILLER January l Carallna J. Mll f ler? 8 9 5 Hood, aga 66; paralysl . . ; HUNTINGTON January -15, Arthur Huntington, , llJl , East Harrison, ago ; periionuta. ; UNDERTAKERS TfI-Ll frmfmi",m - JL: 1T1TT ,Tl A TTlTfT TVT TlV NIN VJ1. JUL lull va aww v- undertakers nd .mbalmers: modern Ih everydetalt Seventh and Pina. Main 48 0. 1 ijut a'"'".' , , J H LFliali w - - aon sts. Of fica of county coroner. prone Mam ".- , - -s U, -a , HEMSTOCK. . FUNERAL Dl re?tor.Eaat;mh and UmaUUa. Phono Phone Main 9 BftllWOOq II' - , ,T m 1 1 ii 1 i rjrn fcELLER-BYRNES COs;FUNERALDI rectors, embalmers. 27; Russell, East "irnWAriD ' HOLMAN. UNDERTAKER. t20 2d Bt. ; ' CEMETERIES .rv OTMni .m rtRAVES .110: y?ff.,r.-f- mi I7S Bunerlntend: and Cully road. Phona Tabor - 206. For f ull information apply to Frank Schle- rel, aaa yyorcestpr m. . --w - BUSINESS NOTICES 1 NrSt ContTact Cari lt FUedner L. a HENKICHSElJ CO JEWELERS, .ri ikih' 284 ; Washington st K"V"'" i, - ; 1 7777,' 77 MEETING NOTICES ; MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77, ' -jWOoamea- u mi World,1; meets . every Friday night at cijilu, visitors cordially Invited. E. L. MINAR, C Gt'H J. M. WOODWORTII ; A. uancv will u ivcii , i. vj . u..... b new hall at Linn ton, Or., Saturday evea- 1 , -1 , , r U - - 1 Im Til mm1. SPECIAL; MEETING PLASTERERS' union. Local No. 82,' Friday, 17th, 8 O'clock. L D. Reed, president ' ' M. W A, EVEKOREEN CAMP. 6.466. meets Wednesday evening. Allsky blig.. jj, and Mnrrlwon pta.- - - ' M. W.-A. 'OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6,975. Mondays, 17Ui and Marshal Visitors (slconia. OREGON DAILY IbURNAL, Nonas NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND TO N.?ll persons firms and, .forporaUon. interestea in m a Trust company. In tPuanf, J order m.d.P by the honorab a the el- order maaa y xn for the cult court of the United St ates ror district f Oregon. 1 Jrf.ann7: and omera, nouuo ;--- Mr-0na, JraoVon'i demand ag.ln.t tha i . .....mm. i corporation. '" tea lTUSl curayauj, f .ma P?r.tlnt Oregon J-.W" .TO ?..lD.?...u"L:'Vr,it romnany the data hereof. ' ' , iot Portland. Oregon. December 6.1901. Receiver f tha TlUa Guarantee A ; Trust company, ', ; , , M LOST AND FOUND LOST AT OR NEAR CORNER w ' "worn. and 86th at. . , smai 1 gold ajf rorC'return"to Ml E. I.tt at, lbona spaniel answera to name of Rurua. te Qf Tv4rv.. reward. - RJUNTWATCU IN PARK AT Ww; rada. uwner nquir vi . --- BUNCH OF KEYTAOKATTAj;iii - with name. R. F. Beauchamp, Carey, Ohio. Iava at thla office. ',, ' "founda plack to jiavb hair . mattreaaes renovated and return! same day. 228 Front -at. Mala 47 4. A-1374. Portiana t-unea-xiaar rifiT-fiMALL PURSB. BETW 14 utci.fr. nronriaior. Xa. - KvK alnrl VVV rant sta. $15 In fold, acme paper and lifer. iciurn ""a !Lr Lost a BTtoocii wiTlTTNfTiALI c ana Journal offlc c v;- ana iwmumi ..-- HELP WANTED MALE ;.V Unicd Hotel. . , Rooms Rooms Rooms r.ti.i.. tr.nai.nt anil cited. Rooms JSe, 85o and 60c per night J, H. H- An- oerson, proprietor. !- f WashinjjtcnHctel: Nmml-r riirnlahed. alrr OUtSlda tooms; best accommodation -H rent reasonable; transients solicited. 103 a mn tiM"' WANTED 100 MEN; DR. KETCHOM .win kiih nrnmntiv all vour private and saxual diseaaes; graduata; advice free. 170H ll at. aiaia ip. WAITED SALESMEN; MANT MAkB lo lu per nranuii mora; stock clean, grown on reserva Uon far from Id orcharda; caab ad- ... .livi nf tAprltnrT. Ad dresa Washington Nursaty Co, Top- pen l srijVV asni n LEARN ELECTRIClTi, 1 .l..wlM- ka-iL-lsl trlnfr- -Lll klnda of drafting and plan reading; day and night; no books; positions secured; . .. 4-, - . m L.'n n r 9 Jt 1 u rrea caiaiog. win iio uuwv 240 8th at, Pan Francisco. FOR men'onLt. SCIENTIFICALLY traata TtHvat and sexual dlseasea Examination and raadlclna frea Dr. Madison. 261H Alder, rooms 11 and 14. WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR MM- bers; special membership i. m. v.j MEN TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Charleys Lee. ?8 N8d st; perfect fit guaranteed ; all work first-class. lUQCUi a yy w sa, a a p..- WINE DEPOT, HEADQUARTERS cooks and helpers. 148 4th st err: for WANTEb" ' SALESMAN TO CArlR? aaiitnv nn,t enrilsi. aa a aide line Address Paclnc Coast-Post Card ' Co, loa Kxcnanga mag., oeamo, tyw". i WANTED AT - ONCE A - MAN AND J tr to work on farm, middle aged I f.t i?g a month and board (or mnnin. . Address Otis E. Wise. fiaston. Oregon. R F. D. NO. 2; Gaston, Oregon. R. F. IJ. Jso. a; WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN t6 Ala. akto4 -Flh 4aan. WB tar.Wellfl. ' In quire , at Woodmero ; e tora , on .Mount DEMGNSTRAtaR1 AKt AAUiSklAil, 'i local ana Fnnu, if w.uu.. exclusive territory, to competent parties. Nona other need apply' Automauo Damper company.J 81 'Union ave. x y?yTED-TWO -MEAND ,A Braiwr,.... -'7., !"'A--7:. . pen-e-r- Mr. nowara, .ia. v.mu - commerca. . - - ; . ..t- c. , , vt ixr A-xTTirri IVl 14 A A-.t A WA.a-a, a.a--.v r - - . O naa r1a. V fnilflt Tillt UO SI t0 J. Matter,- 618 Commonwealth olrtg ma vol war a - - r r . A BRIGHT, INTELLIGENT, xuum ma a who desires to learn the vererl mn nrnfoasinn wanted for work tn a veterinary hospital. Cooper's. 20 Mont gomery at. Ban Francisco, Cal. . BOYS AND -GIRLS .EARN MONEY aeillng Jewelry. Send name and ad dress, for 20 pieces of Jewelry to sell at 100 eacn, wnrn. bum iuhi , . r SI for your trouble. Strfnton Manufac turing Co P. a Box 1320, Providence, Wanted-1-electro PLATER, POL. Ishers and buffers. Portland Plating K. i. Co.. 802 E. Washington st. PARTNER WANTED IN GOOD PAY : ina lunch counter, $601 needed. -h. 276 Rurnslde. ; Phone Main 7824. Clothing Co.. at once. 69 and 71. 8d st WANTED-FIRSTi-CLASS BARBER. Ai ply between 6 and 6 thls,.aventng or ft and 10 a. m. tomorrow, room '20 Ral algh bldg.. 823 V Washington st. 1 HELP , WANTED FEMALE ENERGETIC "WOMAN OVER 25 FOR , position with wholesale house; axpe- Mence unneceasary. "! DAY NURSERY. 13 N. 6TH ST.. CHIL- cren or woratng wu- mi to u m, 10c per day- , EAST SIDE FEMALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general nra,-uik..m . ffw . . Dhnnk Vaut 1K9S . a cgmpetSnT Lady 'with nervi4 ana energy w uvm --, si-vi. WANTZSl---tAt)T TO BUN LUNCH counter on . oV, 1 nished. 275 Burnslde. Phone Main 7824. MALE AND FEMALE HELP T?W 1KH WAMTSN ANXIOUS TO IN f crease their earning capacity; wa have helped thousands, let us help you, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND- i , , KNCE SCHOOL, 644 6th st Open Evenings. . j HELP- WANTED AND SUPPLIED. mala or female -VR. G- Drake, 2054 Washington st Paolflc 1370 or A-1570. CREDIT ON J HOLMES' BUSINESS T college sold at a reduction. Telo phona Main 4177. r " r SITUATIONS -WANTED MALE PRACTICAL' PAPER HANGER, 1 PAINT er, decorator, wants work; all work guaranteed at lower rates than the Shops cnarga. : nmiw pcuttuuu RELIABLE : MAN WHO UNDER- stands cara of stock and ia good milk er, would Ilka work in city or country. POSITION AS HANDY MAN AROUND nottn, or assisianv cvwa a-uti uiau "man or; willing to work for $5 per week ana hoara. AoareBs u-ij. nuurniu, hnv it YEARS ;OLD WANTS WORK of anv kind. ri-lii, journal. - w - , wmrn TjrKTTiniJ SELLING goods from wagon -by a hustler. Bak- ery- una preierrea. - ji-i, juunmi, V-KTTien BTfifKMAN .WANTS SITtlA tion; has had five : years' experience tn' the drug business.- K-l 23. Journal. PHOTO FINISHER AND DARK ROOM man; long experience. . Address ; Alien, ret 1 at at; ' : ,' : --. t-v-: . --. .i 'x-Tl it i upicn MAN WANTS ... aAina vini rr wnr sr k- ja. ai. jiiuiiihi. DUIIIB V Va vv f" va - r,-irTXTfi"itr am ir A fl WAD EXPERIENCE uu"u . ,,T.. " . -n ln i i ',w i m(.MB. wnrl' 4 choice -of territory Capital City Nur WAJS:'J2 tri sery company, Salem, Or. , ' ZSSlJ?- Adores JFr C;74 'UnloH mi i; ..i c.A ,in4 ti.iAn . . BOY WOULlS LtKE OFFICE WORK OF v ,r,., T w.i i. ...-. r-ii nnv kind in wholesale house. C-124. Journal. -.- - ' ;-.v-. : PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1' BITUATIONS TTANTnD -M.1LD PTTR50NS WANTING A SITTTA- , TION CAN INSERT A WANT AD J IN - THIS COLUMN, TIIREffl t TIMES FRED OF CHARGE OUNG MEN AND WOMEN OF NEG- lectea eaucaiion win recivo i"';irn price ana lormiiinjij;;" tion In Latin. English snd commercial 1 1 WANT" A 'f tO8-ROtin10LEUM hrancha ta suit individual needs; cay I v" r,n. must ba a bar- . . .' - . . . . i ei.t, ana fiignt insiruciion. tiyv j. Academy. 406 Commonwealth biag t 'J SlfAtJ OF 18 WANTS i6W. lion, any aina oi won. iT .kTwZ I .n.hiv ku, nt rf ,.rnrea. H-122. Jour levator oneraior. aiao no ,,-. nal. ' " - ' - . ' iloV'lS VKARS OF AGE, JOB AS1 bh llvsry or elevator boy. X-lll, Jour- nal " ' 1 CoatPtiTEWT MlLLMAN" prontabla position in small mill, w jar orforeman preferred. .,, Box. Hi, eXPKrTCN'ced MAldiwAllk UoUAij - furnishing and stova salesman you'I like position; best of refereneea, S-r YSung 'mAn' W6ULb LUL& WC inn as elevator operator or GOOb htSlLER, wants work; will exchange work for furnished housekeeping rooma. ., T East 6089 after 6 p. m. i , . L' 1 - . 5.1. t l VTfT'631 GOOD EDUCATED JAPAraiu w a x o nnaltlon In a ahoe - factory or nw .Cwd if tham in; store or of f log. 'S"PB.,mslde st - ; , ' SITUATION Ifl GENERAL STORfc OH Bii . " . r..i r.. .inorinnra In the eaat, and beat of refereneea. Phone Main 1054. C. O. yoro. - , years,, won uuoi, " . languages; been In the bus ness for s year: unaerstana jmhu u phona awltchboard, communicating teie- planta. cable plants, ate.; can furnish refereneea. Q-l 22- Journal. , ' WAWEl5lTTjTrT5N a8 .Ba1v.15u; Wwlll aha sum of lltott.; who will aecura ma a portion, Addrasa WTOlAyWAta SITUATION, fclloHl' order eook in restaurant; h perlenced business In Canada, . Apply Mrs. Phllps. box 413. city. house or country position . acceptable. J.122. journal. - CARPENTER WANTS SMALL JOBS i a.M a kAaaea 1111a, Id ML. fotlTION WANTED AS aUv U ver, ot. auuci, i .w-- man: reference". T-123 Journal. HARDWARE y8?,?! like wora in .w.-, - with tools. C-122,-Joumal. ' , , , Situation . -ajs'tbd -- WJ- - Vnced oiler,-angina-room or . shafting. E-122. Journal.- ' xii TRUSTWORTHY MIDDLE-AGED AlA wants position as fireman or .watch man; low salary to Urt, B-122. Jour- feTRONi YOliNG liXtt 'OULD LiKE to .get a position In a wholeeala house? willing to atari at tha bottom. P-128,' Journal. , ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 SITUATION WANTED! BIT I1ARNES8- maker. v Wrlta Rudolph , Dlttert, Orient. Or. ' - .' GOOD, ' ALL-ROUND w CARPENTElt a ' Kk han1 seeks work, trade r otherwise: reliable. O-l 23. Journal. FIRST - CLASS , CARPENTER . AJNW builder,. A-l references, also Vja stands concreta work, desires position. r-ll. journal. . n . : WANTS- sltlon as boiler man or.fur for room rent; small wages. 432- Stark. phone Main bs- r. v. w m AN WO HAS " HAD. EXPEKIEin ,rm work and la a flna hand wltn nrk very badiTi must .l.thtna- Phnne PacttlC 1545.. 1 1;- i w SITUATIONS WANTED FE5IALE. . i t,.,, PERSONS WANTING A nUA TION CAN INSERT A WANT AD IN THIS COLUMN, - THREB TIMES FREE OF CHARGE. - GERMAN LAD I MilH BUI ".i;-- m watita a nlaca aa house- . ;rv- y--n"7",B---ood nlain cook. t "Yr"" .' r. 'ill 1. - , I van si iv . v-aii at iiv j .v.... " y FRENCH TEACHER GIVES LESSONS -fn.. too- ner- lesaon or 86o If regular. N-118, Journal. ' - ' ' " ' f LADY WANTS CHAMBER WORK OR light housework; i Bleep at home; WOMEN WANT - WORK BY DAY. 'Call Bellwood 104. . ' YOUNG LADY WlSHEd ANY KIND of work aunng aayi nunw ituiui P-118, journal. FRENCH TEACHER GIVES LESSONS for 50c ter lessos or cao ivmuii., o- 123. Journal. - ' - ' ' " 1POSITION AS CASHIER. OR ; CLER- leal work by. experienced bookkeeper. Address M-123. Journal. . - uriflT mvt! WflORK. v. ! Woman out ot money needs employ ment: will, do housework or Janitor work. ' Phone pac. 720. . t.YPRTITMr'F.n ,r GIRL WILL no plain eewirfSr bv the-dav; vam Phnna Main 6425. reasonable WANTED BY A REFINED WIDOW, position aa housekeeper for widower or old folks. -Aaares wiaow, ij tuai -f atatlnti Tt Portland. Or. ' Woman wants pLah to. cakj? for child through the day; would do ironing -ana oiner - ugui w w. STENOGRAPHER WOULD LIKE PO- "altion; experiencea ui u m ww WANTED FINANCIAL jgi? lr in..-,, ftVat-olfliMi real estata mort gages at Hood River; wlU net you 8 pet cent interest. , w r ia o ; -s .r : Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. Leading Land and Loan Agents, ' ' Hood Rlyer, Oregon. , ; ''j.;;'-''i!i'ry - ' ''Wi: - '4'W'' WANTED- PRIVATE 'IOANftijl of $300 to $1,000; wffl give vs . first mortgage on real estate aa , security, s Address D-122,, Jour , nau it. tirir f T1TTTT tZ-VT. HAQ y Oregon-Trust A Savings banjjfc.j Merchants National bank. ... : TlUe Guarantee A Trust Co."1--.. . V, H. W. GODDARD, 110 2d VfV.rw.nn.. Main nit A1 748. " vi iLiU jli ti I j? J rv awara.UA a vvv w a, i , rw WANTED--$600 TO $3,000; REAL ES- . . .. . a. . . aP- . ma..A iIamh fata security. Chas. Stout, 616, Com- merciai dik. CASH PAID FOR UU AUAIVliiiE - & Trust deposits.. H. E, Noble, Com- marclnl hlock . ! THAT WANT loans. A Lafayette Realty Co., Lafay ette DIUg. ' - " WANTED AGENTS TOAMTliin. AOKNT8 (CAM OIVB TER - ritory In Oregon); to sell Hitchcock Improved Kerosene lamps; no chimney, no smoke, no odor, no heat, no flicker, burns open like gas; will maintain 80- canaiepower name ror iv noura on m plnta coal oil. -Address Thoa, J. David son Hood River. Or. - - - v . - A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM i rates ana hign casn values maae p" nniicioa of tha uoiumDia June irusii Co. easr to selt Apply to Jesse R. u. easy w ii. - .wij . Sharp, manager of ageuta, 214 Lumber AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL outfit free; casn weeaiy. vyrue ior LARGE ' PRO ITS, GOOD SELLERS, I . Uaa Plnmmar I mm:.. n na ac WANTED ; SOIaICITORS, I aer hmiaehnld necessity:- sex: household necessity: good propo sition, iZ WaAlilagton bldg, . , 5 ' WANTED REAL ESTATE I DESIRE TO PURCHASE A 8 RO,M cottage, with water., naa and bath, near good carllne; can pay 1600 casn and 826 monthly. Ji-iza, journal U'wtioiv-a tJR 6-ROOM HOUSE. im, ai - ranr. cioaa in. west elda. Anstey Bros., 825 1st st WANTED FROM OWNER, . ,ouga and bath, one or two lots; state I . in n-l'4. Journal. i'uu" .' . r.vVjTTPi-TT g n.,s " i ft Ati k3T U?' Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT- .tares, flats, stores, oincra, 'w" '"f: bouaes. eta Landlords wUl do weU To PORTLAND ' TRUST jrOMPAKT. OF Phone Fx. 71. S. E. Cor. 8d and Oak. WANTED FARMS NOTICE WE CAN BELT. TOUR FARM no matter where located: have cash yer-r easternolony w) soon ar rive. , uiiicua iiii-iu. -Minneapolis. Coaat Commercial Co pekum bldg.. Portland. Or. , WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS "';' -TZ 1 Kr.w, 1R w you TO w TMu -your f urnUuwgoi cash. phone East b.vJ J3b iULL 6Ec6ND-HAND CO .PAYS li.i,..t ah fMrices for. all kinas 01 fod vVi3 PAt MORE tP OVSr V ru Uni Ml lit it I : Main 6665. UJ" 'z. ...rl IF YOU WANT TO 81E1J-. .. - - , ! i - V.rw TV -l?Jvi'"u .'"nlt.hrnd T roods. Second Hana 'Fia i-aivA . ,vr Vnm . order, ' tjnion iiiww a. , c ' m..,a KU Gltsan. ...... ..a" or1 iCMl) Pt HAZOllS. '.,BArv. M. 6260 csTrFOR-iyRE4.pIpT attention always given.g j -,,, GTLmNToWAgc ' between iota, ana '"'. ".';-. hold furniture. Main 2478; A-4750. SEST PRICE PAID FOR FURMl ivaws Main fcefttt , . ., USED jr right piano, etaw o--- r---. must be cheap ror ca an. - - FOR RENT-HOUSEKEEPING ti. x tor . - - - - -.i UgaT $15; 4-room new w.r . f"; Coast Realty Co All west siae river, All WUOfc Baw . mj4 Mornsori . , THREE -..FUKKiOMJio Yi. twTVhii. ingrooms In private ftlSLrtL! drenT Take "P car. J83 Monroe at, cor. TPiniama ave. ", fHEHEILER, 280H . UruuiAV - nue Housekeeping rooms., Modern K...l,.r.lldfn. . .126 WEEK 'UP tWAn , ir.ished housekeeping rooms. ? .bath, laundry, furnace bit,',, Jrra -: Stanton st U car. - . i ka WEEK UP LARGE.. CLEAN urnWhKedKhousekeeplng ro?m laun dry and bath. . 184 Sherman at,- aouth, Vnrtland. ' ,' " , LARGE UL,.,BrVl. nOLfoiau.Eirii.M rooms, nice 17 Am .-. - . ter. mm Aldtr. - L ter. aom Aiaer. . . LARGE CLEAN' WELL , VKNTllAAlEli housekeeping - room. J .Vfc FOR RENT 8 NICELY . FURNlbllED - flUUBC-rvjyaaAsa, - bone 4519, ; , L1... URNISHED HOUSEKEEP1WU ttwaa, - 308 4th SI.; reasonauig. . . FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS free for taking charge of baby; par- nt out dava. -APPiy , ,, wiI-TinaS ul grocerV ' M Front, cor. Arthur st 3UST WHAT YOU WANT. "THE MIL nerr 850 Morrison st; modern, cen tral, reasonable. " ' ' , -TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath, gas, phone, yard, 594 2d, cor. Rherman. U FURNISHED AND kOUSEKEEPlwji rooms; -very-reasonapie;. ""'r, "''J? blocks from poatofflce; bath, phone. S81 jamuiAA. - , r , , aa4,ia.c6' DESIRABLE SUIT. J tiuo lng rooms; S rooms large and aim newly furnished; good , location , m 634 iviorriwun ' i l j. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. LOWEST rates; electric lights and phona - in- cluded. 801H Water st - 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOB RENT PACIFIC . HOTEL,' FURNISHED . rooms. 214 . Coiumoia.- cor. w, uw brick building, Just opened: steam beat, Sot and cold running water In .every foom7f rea bath, phono' 60o to $1 day. $2?60 to $6 week; one call means another. A-1539, 'Nlce'y furnished rooms,, single or en ... . n r a .w nfulr . tin - Rt.nm - n eat. CU 1 to, fl.uv vw " . , hot and cold water; free baths, . free phone; dining-room in ronmniwr., V"." sienta solicited; open all nlghU best lo- a. m ' 1 Ut. l 4 v aAliaa flrlil af MLI1nfPw room ground floor. 488 Washington at HOTEL BRESLIN.-. . ; New house. Just opened to the pabno, tor. 11th and Wash. sta.j beautifully fSrnlshed; private baths, hot and cold water, alectrlo lights, steam heat; rates ii and upwara. ruvu m E. Ogilvio. Qgllvie. prop. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT .ROOMS from $2.60 to $4 per week. $0814 Pine su near THE BARTON , -a. .- a . - ii 1 aVaaa a aaVI con- - WIS iniicu moms: central; uining-room In nectloo. ; , ,,':.. rn and you will find one of the 45 H N. 3D ST. ROOMS egt propositions, in Portland. . No trif n; $1.25 ner week and up Urn or ayente need answer. Nothing : "' u.'" 1 ..vhtttt r TiwriD-. v.. -.. a4sltrlw .Knlna.iei TiAnltntva uvlth HOTEL -,- EMPRESS NEWLY. FUR - U ICjU V - A-J 1V1 A 1VUMU a, m . . ' , . n.ohfld Ventral, oulet: 6th and Stark NICELY, FURNISHED ROOMS, STEAM Weat modern, $12to $30 Pamothi transients. 128 W. Park, the Artonla, THE ir KARY FURNISHEl; ..OOMS. ,i rn ... waaIi and MD. n 202 W. TWO NICE'ROOMS FURNISHED TO suit, very,' reasonable. .618 Ganten beln Bt'-'''':''-" ". .. GOOD ROOMS. ALSO OUSEKEEP- lng roorfs; reasonable. 801, st st. NICELY FURNISHED. ROOMS, WITH - all modern conveniences, $2.26 . per week and up. f 809 Jefferson st, , JUST WHAT YOU WANT, "THE MIL- ner, 250 Morrison st; modern, .cen tfal. reasonable. - - - ' ' TWO ' SLEEPING Ro6ms, VERY cheap, v 261 Adams st. near .steel bridge. Phone East 2667. .: , UNFURNISHED ROOMS ' I .M..-i-'-- 7TZr-l I NEW 8 AND 4-ROOM FLATS, $13 AND l .19 Ilia and, 192 Market-St PhOne Main 6864, ROOMS AND BOARD im ttt rnrT w ,iu 11TB . STi BE. tween i Aider and j Morrison r single rnnma . and board: - rates : reaaonabla. Phones Main 2118,' A-2118. THE COLONIAL HAS A FEW ROOMS r, to rent with board. ' Choicest loca tion in city, first-class table, low rates. 185 lUtn sc., comer xnurriauu WELL inTn.TTetjr'rv . tonATLTH , WITH rf i r t'i' ,:. jr aa. louiM' . , ,. - A1fl?JV X' T : --- , j. t iKis i -v;aaaoo buum aiaj uuiw,.i I i E. Davis., cor. , Union. Phona Eaat 1831. YOUNG LADY DESIRES ROOM AND board with private family; give par ticulars. : Box G-124, Journal. - : FOR RENT FLATS ' S-ROOM i .fLAT t IN MARGUERITE bldg.. cor. Hawthorne and Marguerite ave.; first-class locatlonfor physician. Inquire fW. L. Nash, owner, 288 East $6th gt,.- jjhona B-281J.'.. i - s FOR rent nousrs VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURIB and Xnos inoved. stored or shipped. Phone Main 161a. cl, toomn t Tand 6. 3434 Waah.ngton at., corner 7th ' , , S'ltLYTNEW 6-ROOM lKUSli, $1J. N Porf ia ml H omaaCo.sJ4 Morrlsonjit 40KM)MCOvrTAGl.; .CMPLKTKLV furnlshrd. $16 per rnontli. ItiQulre 4S8 ):. Waahlnrton St. FOR RENT FURNISHED MOpEltN cottage; Tefarencea r3iiulred. ''i ntoOSkfilOCSE. ELECTRIC LlCUlb, bath, full corner lot, close w ar line; rent $18. 606 Commercial block, 2nd and Washlnrjontreeta IRobM HOUfcE, MODERN, .WITH ik. riirnitnra if desired: premises. i awiaA""" FOR RENT FU RN I S 1 1 E D ROOM Kjn a.u... , ....... . . - - - . - , rnttnta or furniture for sale; call 404 B. Morrison at Thone H-1456. 834 E. UTH. N, B ETVVEEN" FAILING and Shaver; 4 rooms, bath, gas, toilet, kitchen range connected, if needed; $16. East 2494. ' ' FURNISnED HOUSES A MODFRN FURNISHED ; 6 ROOM house $26 per month. Phona Eaat66. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES OFFICES Tb RENT IN THBWOR cester and Hamilton bldgs. at mod erate rate. Apply Robert . Strong, 314 Worcester bldg. , FIRST -CIaASS OUTSIDE OFFICE rooms xor rent in new umm, . . .. . ti-k, m.1 V. l.nl. i2-vJcNor SEE ARCHER DWltAiSA, ty. tin and Oak ata onn. Commercial club bldg NE NEW STORE FOR RENT, S60 THIRD t. "ear Maniaon. ',.wT "; mx vr.tfriT fTia vtri JUST WHAT YOU WANT. "THE UiL ner, ooh Morrison su; mw, van tral, reasonable. ' ' ' HOUSES FOR R ENT FURNITURE -FOR bAJUIS .c ' .- ,: ; ' $42$ WORTH NEW FTTRNTTtTRE IN - 4 room flat: ' cheap rent; good loca- ,lnn. .4KB Phnna Vast 217.'. 9 ROOMS OF GOOD FURNlTiJATC cheap for casn. rent canira. rmr Ofilt . . ...... HOUSE FOR RENT. $7; FURNITURE ror saie, iour rouuia, i T-l 12, Journal. - 1 - " ' .. FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT, TERM OF YEARS. STOCK larm, miles irom ouver aianun, uu 0 p u D In xnlV Minntr a Sftft acre a? 100 acres in oultlvaUon, -400 acres timber, Daianoa- open pasture,, an wvu . aciwu and cross fenced, water In every field, .it . a n.11.. .a anhniil mnnA road. R. F, D. and telephone, 8 houses, t gooa oarns, jm pieman i aucu, .l,u K h..,aA and Athar nil t ,1111,11 B.'UI . . ...... v - - - - - buildings: rent $3,000 per year; terms if secured. . 2,000 sheep on place, will . . 1 . . I ... Tl . .. . . sell wr lev on auarca. jd auiv u. this ur. It Is a . money maker. Ball A Brown. 709 Bwetland bldg, 6th and Washington aim. " " " '-. FOR RENT anSCELIANEQUS HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main 1869. fi)rix- BUSINESS OIANCES i I' ; r- CHARLES J. 0TOOLEA CO.. 718 Chamber of Commerce. Pacific 1758. .Rooming-house, centrally -located, rooms always filled, 84 rooms, This is a good buy at $2,600. . Rooming and boarding-house, very clean and In good condition,: clearing over $120 a month; $460.- ' Rooming-house, 65 rooms, not and cold water in each room, clearing $400 a month. . Confectionery, one of the beat stands In the city; $1,600. . Thla business neta $150 a month. ,-:-v- -' Photo studio,, complete outfit,. $250; rent $8. - ' '- - ' . Restaurant, doing business of $41 a day, low expenses, net profit $225 a month; $1,100. v v; ? f .,..'.. v Cigar stand on Washington at: rent $26, including water and two living rooms; $500. .-- - .:. - Newspaper, and printing I business, $1,100. t - , ' - .-.,- i - Saloon on good corner, $2.000; ., A fixtures! othera from $1,000 up. f "f . Hardware and implement old estab lished business- owner retiring; splen did openlngr . '- .. By investing $175 In a business, yoa secure a position requiring no experi ence and $100 a month revenue. - ; , Business requiring no experience will net $160 a month, owner haa other Inter ests; $1,600, half caah. - t ... Reataurant one of tha nest .In the city, desirable location, nicely furnished and decorated: $3,000; terms. s.- Manufacturing business, no opposi tion, esUbllshed trade, ' clearing about $5,000 a year; requires no experience; owner retlrinar splendid "ppportunlty; $3,000. - .... ... , CHARLES JV CTOOLE A CO., . , ' The Exclusive Business Brokers. ' ' SometWni: Good tm ' Transfer and feed business, builders supplies, doing an average business of $4,000 a month; well equipped with good teams and wagons and everything nec essary in good location; old-established business. v . ' v- - ;vr ' ' vi. Main, building, 50x100, 4 stories, annex 60x100. 2 stories, rent only $100 a month, with . 4-yeaf lease. , Price only $4,000. " . i.'t.i- ?, - . - Best opening of the kind In Portiana. Open to thorough Investigation.- , THE VETERAN LAND CO., : nr.A 165 3d strroom A,' Market and grocery,1 central lno ilnf) trnnA 1ilLnA. ninV hilt, hual I IICOHi UUU J v - - i . ' . . - , a A , l..1a. -. clpal leaner ' is poultry, y.: Duiier, egsa, I m, ' , . a i a. , , a mb Mas Aa Tnn&o 4-1 i but Btrictiy Abusiness. owner.- - $2,600 . cash. 'H-123, Journal. CASH! BUSINESS, PAYING OVER $25 a-week,, with only Jialf a day's work each day. ? No Sunday work, no cora- fietltlon, regular (customers to be aup i3. '- $600. . If you have proper se curity you can get this business with out any cash and It will tide you over tha. hard times profitably.. Owner can not do the necessary outaldr work,.-.. THE VETERAN' LAND. CO., lbl4 unirq. street. l1 vtv naAOUlio cuioiiJi tiiu urtiniyu, i offer my interest in the beat busi ness in Portland; good office man pre ferred; pays $100 per month and nice dividends price $2,600, $1,600 cash, bal ance can be paid from your dividends. If you ara In the market for a clean, hon orable business let ma hear from you at Once. T-123.' Journal.' ' f rr -$240 ROOMING-HOUSE, : 8 . ROOMS upstairs pays rent, enap. .29 4, Wil liams ave. " v-h--- y fc'..-vi..i- v' ii, . as A OTT V 1.-. VDT . A TKTtni ' FOR SALE MEAT MARKET. DOING good business, $860. a bargain. , M. Motschenbacher, Newberg, Or. ; - WAWTOn BRIGHT. ENERGETIC. "young lawyer of good habits, as part ner in established business; country town; must nave naa some experience. V-123. Journal. .- v--v-l! --,-:,. t , GENERAIa STORE, FOR SALE IN A i thriving southern Oregon towntock WUl invoice aooui i,vuu: cuuia reuuee; doing a .business of $33,000; will in voice stock at actual value; no, trades. F-116, JournaL - J - Wanted at once, experienced promoter and organizer to dispose of block of stock in 'gilt edge manufactur ing proposition, u-no, journal LEARN TO BE A COMMERCIAL CARD writer; costs little, pays big; easy system ' of - commercial card writing. 211 4th st ' Evening-class. , y FOR SALE HALF -INTEREST- IN real estate of flee doing rood business. The. Farmers' Land Co., 203 3d st. FOR ' SALE PHOTOGRAPH GAL lery, close to Portland;, business In first-dasa condltlonr fitted tip to- llxia, $600 BUYS 1-3 INTEREST IN GOOD tn Knalneaa A. T. Matter 18 Commonwealth bldff. . : r.rSIXLT.3 C1L1NCT3 THE COAST REALTY CO.. 226 MOR- riaon St., lfttUing real estate and bual netm hrokers laiKeat and best locatal offices In city, reuMormble amount of money lonni-J m nearly all places sold ... , "t-i'KClAL PRICES." ' $1,500, $S00 cash 6 acres, T miles Portland; land cleured, etc.. on carline; pood rich soil, must be sold Inimedlatn- ty, in, iinicin, uiurr av.i r-a ,. ...... uino i:.iriiiis una iimDur; iuin.ab n, i. , rooinlng-houF from $300 to $3,000.. $t00, rnli 10 rooms, modern, close In; trade for small lunch counter. - $300 8-rocni new elecant flat cost $700 2 months agu; going, away; others all prices. $800 . cash 22 rooms, nearly sew, rent $75, lease; gnlnc ayvay. $1,600, . 2-3 cash 30 rooms, brick, close In: 6-year lorae, cheap rent; alck nees; trade for reni estate. Well improved farms to exchange for Portland property. House a-'id 10 lota In Portland sub urbs to exchange for farm. Elne atock ranch, Improved, ' $4,000; exchange for Portland property, IfiOO. cash 20 rooms, one floor. 31.00060 'rooms, niudern, close; terms. .' ' . . . ! 2,u00 65 rooms nearly new. 76027 rooms, nearly ail new. SOD Nicest little lunch counter tn cltv; 5 living rooms, close ln; rent $26; must sell quick. ' $766; cash Restaurant seating 40. peonle; others all prices. j ' $300 Lunch counter, sacrifice; worth double. - r I 33.000. U cash Best located brick lodging-house ln city, clearing . $300 monthly. " - ' ", " $500 Homestead, only 20 miles Port land. - ...'.- - -$300 8 rooms near Washington st : $1006 .rooms, new, steam heated. 1 8806. U cash 22 rooma closa other at various prices, , In fact nearly all, that wish to sell. 1 Patronise us, the office that adver-l tlses the most, have the experience and reputation and unlimited capital to back every statement. . - "X. . THE COAST ItEALTT CO, 226 U Morrison st - Phone, write, wire at our expense. - JIHone Main 1668. A -4 160. WANTED PARTIES TO TAKE UI our real estate business. 'We ara en gaged . In other lines and want deal room In same suite of offloes, W12i Journal HORSES AND WAGON. . I .' 11-room v rooming , bouse, good - tn pome, for $200 if sold Immediately) leaving city. Inquire Central hot... 300 Kaat Washington st f $2,6oo" LOAN Wanted at t.pei, cent; fully secured by mortgage oi machinery and atock; wish to enlarge factory. A. J. Matter, (II. Common. wealth bldg.' - f $260 BUYS RESTAURANT AN1 lunch counter. A snap for man an X wife,.. Can clear $110 per month eaav. D-1 23. Journal. I DELICATESSEN AND LUNCH ROO.N doing gorxj .business, good location1 price - $325 ; . monthly ' rent $26. Schmld. -16 Grand ave., east aid. I FOR SALE AT 20 PER CENT TU t count modern department etore. stocl reduced to $33,000. ln southern Oregon; population. O.euu; terms to rigni pari) call or addresa Manager, 412 8weUan peiore pnnoay, Partner -wanted, gknerai . merchandise, same location 28 year doing $80 per day, can do double if yo work bard; price $2,000; owner blghl Msnnn.l ble: tired of hired heln ool nuann for aelllnr. - Call - Hall's insur ance office. Concord bldg Id and Btarh "CAPABLEi'MAN WITH $J.600 CA3 buy half Interest In a profitable, iif corpora ted business. Salary $100 pd month and half the profits. Would tak; residence property to the value of $3,50 balance rash. H-121. Journal. - - - FOR SALE! REAL ESTATE .. . ;-. '.-V-V ' ntviNGTON. ? ': vf ' .., ... . 1100. .. . 4;: j,.;-' ' Just one 80x100 lot left n lTth, bj tween Tillamook and Thompson, ... 81.800.. (5x100 - feet, corner f 14th r' eoxivv xeei, corner i iiu Thompson, Cheap at IM0., 4 J, ; -i'V;- ... ., $1,150. i -y. - J inside tot on 14 th. between TTOamoc and Thompscn, Last on at uus pne Beantltul Iota on 16th, between Br ge and Knott s? ,.-yv; -.. ;. :iEay'tarm on all abora. '. i.,'v... V; . . IRVINOTON INVESTMENT. 430, 19 Hmuttm Ma!"" X IUVE" f6r AaLe ii houses An some vacant lota between ateel bridg Walnut park. Union ave., ahd Ovarloo, The best buys in this progressiva res; dence section. Supplied by, four tai lines. R-l 19, Journal. t 6 "to io-ro6m modern " h6use ; ... from $1,000 .up; eaay terms; , aJ.i rooming houses, buslneas chance farms, and timber land; will trad Arthur 8, Draper A Ox, , rooms aii 6. 843 Washington st. corner 7th. A ... 4-.' 4.A.t.I'. ifnfn ",Ti. 'il V6R SALEMODERli COTTAGE AN , u TTIahlTitr.. Intrrinsr. ,t Awmlll a.i longshore work. : K E. Lyon, Weatpoi, Oregon. tt".X PILMRR. ..ioa 'ROTHfiHtfJ bldg., ' makes a specialty of aellli tiouses ln the E. Burnslde "istrlct C rit, DoiinelL & Co. Real Estate ' ' Room 11, 168 Bta BUCHTEL &" kERNS : MAKE X SPi - elaitv of east aide realty, rents" loans, etc. 862 E. Morrison at a. .ii i .:? . V - S ACRES. CULTIVATED. SPLKNDli - for poultry or fruit; -6o fare, owna R-l 16. Journal. - - I NteW WoderN - 6-rOOM HOUS $3,600 $600 down and $25 per mont East li s, - ' J- " UP-TO-DATE 8-R66M1 RESIDENC - fireplace, furnace; by owner. ,, 2 Shaver." fnone wmranwn o. MODERN. - g-ROOM BUKflALOV tinted, large attlo and basemen full lot $2,450! $400 cash,, balanoe eai terms, jfnonet wooaiawn ii; own FOUR. LOTS IN EDMONSTON'S AA dltlon to Marsurieia, Oregon, ior sa, ehean: terma ' L-122. " Journal. - -- KKASIDE BUNGALOWS. . . HOUSE designed, built, repaired. 6e Jobnsol 204 Mohawk Dldg, tL-. P. , PALMER,- , REAL EST AT removed to 202 Rothchild bldg. Ma 61. CMDICM . OTTARTER-BLOCK. . EIGH room residence; - snap .-thli':. weel Owner, Sellwood 870. - ' , ! ' I Inside n" lot -on . hawthorn ave., near " 23d, $1,550. Hartman Thompson, Chamoer or commerce. TWO LOTS IN" TREMONT, SUITABl ror small- 'onicaen. .rauciir front of lots;"prlce $300. j Address J, Bailor, 4UT Jerrereon QUARTER BLOCK ON S. W. CORNI-, Froht anfTMeade streets. at ft l4 figure; see ua for full particulars. Pal rlih. Watklns & Co.. 260 Alder st ; ( rrntt 'a a T in TWO-ROOM HOUSE ANi . - l ... Vn BWeuesi ' loin, iivi ... . , Cheap If taken -ttuick. Terms. ?: Phor Woodlawn.-: 917. ' ' i fc IMPROVED ACRE WITH. ' NE . -nouse, boii" aiuav, VT ' . V $1600. Also one at Cedar Park f coir-ratuosnNEAi! tibtfsE, fibe jaw -vnwvu T ' . plastered; . gooa, w vu .u large corner lot. convenient to streetcf. JusFrlght tot small L&ver ce rental value; only;. 3'J-Tr dow Portland Homes Co., 20.4 Morrison ej. FOR SALE $1.000 A SNAP IF TA'i en soon; nearly new sla-rpom hout S - full - lots; fenced; . 1 , blocks ; fro Mount Scott carline. '215 ilth ave-j A i dress Box 65. Lents. Or. j : !l "VL FOR QUICK. SALE. - - i; Keat five-room house, furnished, v cent mattresses and bedditig. All rea. to atep into and go to living. Pore lain bath. hot. and cold Water elect) lights, etc. Fine fireplace with til hearth.' Within a few fef t of the V R car on 82nd at $1,750 including t furniture; $300 handles ltj : ' : THE VETERAN LAPTO CO, f ' ' 1 6 5 Third street. ' . best'corner -in soUth 'sunn side, 1 block from Hawthomo av $1,000; also one two bloclta away, f ixoo. Hartmaa & Thompaon, Chamt. of Commerce, , . f .