TIJE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, 1S03. V- UO RELEASE CLEARANCE, SALE Or BOYS' SUITS, OVERCOATS, RErBRS, SWEATERS AND CHILDREN COATS pnicmjtpu ; The same careful attention is ;ivcn the selection of Clothing for Boys v; and Girls as is used in the buying of garments for older people that is why our ; Juvenile : Department is' so popular. These garments were "f? never priced high; and at the present prices ' arebargains , such as are J i' v i'!v; -" .;.;not seen often.' 'y Si- "' k r -'-C' "it . American Warships Anchor Judge Dunne Refuses , Pica V jn World's Most Beautiful ' Harbor Frenchmen flis- of Former Hayor for Ee leae on Bail Since Appel V cuss Efficiency of United I . States Navy. late Court Eerersed His .. -aj 9 ... JANUARY v..".v -v: jj ' U a"a"aaa-ssJaBsjsjj - v . h--XVJ fed : A il ' II 4&tlo .VS4 (3 I JT. K:: -4 J (.: -A ' (CaiUd Pr Leased Wire.) 'Rio Janeiro. Jan. l.The flest Of American battleships under Rear Ad miral Bvans reached Rio Janeiro lest nlghty-tha completing the second lap In the long trip to the Pacific coast. Rio Janeiro la by far the largest and . roost Important city that will be visited - by the fleet on ita long trip. It now has a population of nearly 1,900,000 and ranks aa th fifth city of the western ' hemisphere, in neei cast ancnor in a harbor that has been pronounced by experienced traveler to be the lari and moat beautiful In the world. Dur ing the paat few year the Braslllan government haa expended millions of dollar In the construction of docks, ' basins, piera and other harbor improve ments that are capable of aceommoaai Inr the ateamshlpa and sailing craft of the world. Rio Janeiro la now fh the full tropical glory of summer time.' Thla city la Ituated Juat about aa far south of the equatorial line aa Havana la north of It, : between Ti and S& degrees Fahrenheit la the average aummer weather. It Is i aeldom so high aa the latter figure. however, more than three days in auo - cession, followed by sultry nights, and then comes a heavy rain which conUn uea 14 hours or mora, leaving the air fresh and oleaaant for several days. Forty rooms In tha best hotel at Pe- tropolta were reserved for the uae of the American visitors. Petro polls It the raanionaoie residential auourD or Rio Janeiro. It la located about SO miles distant from hero and 1. 000 foot higher, easily accessible by rail. . In a recent article, John Barrett; one of the best Informed men In the t'nlted States on all that relate to Sooth America, paid the following tribute to Petrooolls: "Hero the diplomatic corps have their home and office, and enjoy life a If they were apending the summer at New port or Lenox. Ita capacious palace, handsome residence, all gracefully and contentedly situated amid exquisitely verdured hill and mountains, make It : a spot always to be happily remembered oy those who have lived there or vls . Hod Ita unique locality and environ ment" t The crowning feature of the official ' entertainment program I ' to be a dinner given by President Penna In honor of tha American admiral. Dr. Affonaon Agusto 11 oretra Penna ha , been president of Bra-.11 something more 'than a year. He la a dignified, schol arly little man of lmpl manner. HI ' chief charactertatlc are aald to be mod esty and a love for hard work. He ha had a thorough and extensive classical education, being a graduate of 'the fa- ' mou college at Caraca. He la a lawyer by profession, but haa epent much of his life in the public service. Under the empire ha held at variou time tha 9 :7 c i? W miiunm-iti .n.i 'iMi...-i Looted Safe In O'Day and Bank'i Offlc. (0 ID AT udge Who Tried Schmitz Makes Broad Charges Against Meri AVho Saved Former Mayor From Go ing to Penitentiary. TMED: FIANCEE'S PAPAF On 00 Meteoric Career 6f . Former Portland Man Punctured by Criminal Charge. portfolio of war. agriculture and state. It-wa whllw he was minister of state that tha law wa paaed which gave freedom to all slaves over 60 yeara of - age. t ,. - (Bpeelal Dlspatck to The Jonrnal.J Paris. Jan. IS. The Socialist organ ',-AcUonT feature - an' Interview ' with . Captain Fremont, naval attache of the ' legation, dwelling on the efficiency of ine unitea utates rieet, now on ita way from Hampton Road to the California coast. Tha captain' utterance have they do. ao soen after McClure's article produced a deep Impression, coming, a incy ao, ao soen arter Mcciure s artlcii by ReuterdahL which was aenerallr ac ' cepted here aa authoritative and given wia puDiicuy. BUEGUES CRACK SAFE Continued from Page One.) , the drawers were torn open and every uiing in mem o urn pea upon tire noor. , , Adjoining Colonel Wood room 1 the i office of Horatio H. Parker. Mr. Par- , aer aeK was forced open with a i. , pair of shear and although oni gold pen were left untouched half a dosen . , pacaage or a certain variety or cnew ; Jng gum were taken. It Is on tha olua , furnished by thla gum that the police ?. ikh aro now woraing. . The library wa not touched, but the it aesa oi j. coucn it landers wa broken it ,( open and the drawer taken out. al though nothing of value wa . carried ; i , awny. ,? v ixuonei wood den contain many ;, Tsjuaoie iropniea, Dronxea, rug and ar V , tide of silverware, but th room was . , iwi even enwrea. Ip Rodney Gllsan' room the desk wa v vruxen . inio ana pernap 60 cent in tamp taken, although no other damag ( , wa done. Stole Judge' Paper. , ' Th metal box taken from Judge P Day s afe and which was afterward found on the Are escape, contained, Mnong other thlnss. Judge O'Day'a will .,v,lnd hi Insurance papers. The police think that possibly a sua- pect nnmed Lamb; arrested by Detec. . tlves Jones and Tlchenor for another robbery, may have been mixed up in tne Chamber of Commerce robberies, i J. O. Dardeti, former Portland club man, leader in portlng circle, a suave, genial and dashing spender of other people's money a well aa his" own. petted by the best society In the city, the husband of one of society' daugh ters whose family saved him many times from disgrace, i again In trouble in Austin, Texas. After running the gauntlet of matrimonial and financial uncertainties for the past dosen year. . Jm. . , Tl irrcnargea with embexxiing 180,000 (Ipecltl Dtaptr to-Th-:Joaral.t- J t ronvTiheltatiier of his latest fiancee. Pan Francisco, Jan. IS. JnflgIJneTT"nbseqiTenr"to his numerous esca- gnae in I'oruana aoout t year ago, iarden wn a candidate for congre from Illinois. Locally he wa a fa miliar figure In sporting circle, where his lavish . expenditures . aained him many friends, but hi act were nofal- whom th appellate court reversed in the Schmlts ;ase, haa issued the follow lng statement: ,.-.. By Judge F. H. Dunne, It eem' to me from reading the opinion that' the Judge who wrote it think that I and not the rrand Jury wa responsible for the indictment of hi brother-in-law, Mr. Brobeck. The case wa submitted Saturday and decided thla morning In an opinion cov erlng 32 typewritten page. I am satisfied the opinion wa writ ten to protect Buef instead of tscnmita. and to keep him from testifying against the 'friend and relative of the Judge of that court I think the decision was hurried by my action In aending Ruef to jail. The fear wa that he would there weaken and tell all ha knew. There la no question of the sufficien cy of that indictment. In rendering their decision against It the appellate court entirely lanored the two leading New York cases that have long gov erned th question at Issue. Who ever before heard of a court dUcusslng a caae on its merit and reaching a conclusion, and then aa a tag or afterthought decide that the in dictment was defective that the whole machinery of the lower court was wrongfully nut in action? Such method of decision seems childish, and any court that Indulge in such sneclal pieaaing must d animated oy motive or matice or interest. I believe that if I had had the nower io appoint an elisor ror tnat court and naa been able to protect it from out side' influence It would have rendered a decision more In conformity with tn law ana the evidence. About the onlv thins- the ripiMnin-. aoe not do I to advise Bchmlti to sue Mayor Taylor for the back salary of tn term or office of which Schmitr wa aeprivea. Th only OitV 1 that we now cannot get an tne trutn. it is of small conse ouenc who is indicted or who con victed so long as we can reach the exact trutn. This decision seems to put. a gag In San Francisco, CaL, Jan. II. Judge ' Dunn this morning denied th motion of th attorneys for Ex-Mayor Schmlts I that their , client b admitted to ball. Th court held that until th remit titur comes down , from th appellate court, which must be within 10 days, he haa no Judicial knowledge of th declelon of th higher court, setting aside th conviction of th ex-mayor. Attorney Drew,-for Schmlts. Immediate ly upon the opening of th court mad in following motion: "If your honor, plea, I now move that th defendant. Schmlts, be admitted to ball In ease No. S60. There Is now no convictions standing against him and he la entitled to ball a, a matter of right. There la no provision of law that exactly fits this set of circum stance. The defendant now occupies the same standing as he did before a Judgment of conviction waa renderd and w now ask that he be releaaed upon bail." Tne motion or Drew waa opposed oy Assistant District Attorney Cook, who declared that the decision of the appel late court did not become final until 10 daya had -elapsed. He held that the decision of th appellate court was st rent merely an opinion and an or er. "Under th constitution th case stands merely as an appeal pending," aid Cook. Attorney Drew then changed his ar gument and admitted that the matter was with th descretlon of the court stating that the code had not been amended ao as to provide for the court of appeal, ' which Is a comparatively new Judicial Inatltutlon In California. Judge Dunn denied the motion to which Drew took an exception. it is entirely probable tnat witmn the next few days an appeal will be taken directly to th supreme court to allow Schmlts his liberty upon bond but nothing in this line will be done today. The cases ox jeremian uinan ana Abraham Buef, charged with conspira cy, were continued thla morning by Judge Dunn until January 27 for trial. Ruef wa In court thla morning ac companied by hi attorney with whom he consulted earnestly for some time. He refused to, discuss hi own situa tion but stated that he was to again confer with District -Attorney Langdon this afternoon. Boys Suits - $7.00 Values . . . . , . . .95.00 $8.50 .Values . .... . . .$4.50 $0.00 Values . . . . . . .. $4.00 $9.00 Values ......... Boys' Reefers ; , $8.00 Red Reefers, satin lined, ' velvet collars, aU sizes (2 to 8 years); special. . . . . ;$4.50 Boys' Blue Chinchilla Reefers," Mrs. Jane Hopkins boy-proof brand, spl value, now $4.00 ; Boys' Overcoats $6.00 Long Overcoats, fancy striped worsted, sizes 6 to 15, ' special $ 4.60 Fiber; School Cases Free with Boys' Suits and Overcoats. . ' Girls' Coats ;V $18.00 coats ..a...;. $12.00 X .117.00 Coats .V:;: . $11.00 ? $ 9.00 Coati ....... .".$ ,6.00 '$' 7.50 Coats . .$ 5.50 $ 6.00 Coats ....;...:$ 4.50 $ 150 toata ..... $ 3.00 $ 8.50 Coats . . . . . , . .;$ 2.50 Girls Cravenettes $17.00 Cravenettes . : . $8.00 $12.00 Cravenettes . . . . .$0.00 $1100 Silk Cravenettes $7.00 - " i - - . . -. ' .. .. MJJJaWAJJJjJMMJ. 1 Portieres, Curtains, Bedding; Chinaware, Brasses, Bronzes, Etc- HALF REDUCTIONS (some cases even more) it "1 EASTERN OUTriTTING CO. THE 'STORE WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ' WASHINGT ON AND TL NT H S T ill LTS METHODISTS SHU way approved. Several times while living here. Dar- uen was in tne .on or me law. out in each instance the' money and influence of his wife' people lifted him out of trouble. During His residence here Darden wa a traveling salesman for E. 8. Larsen, at that time a wholesale grocer on f ront street. In Chicago Politic. Darden left Fortland about 1900 and I OUT REPORTERS Talkfests May Be as Lively as Mar Without Out siders tfr lle&ti' r MAN ATTACKED IfPJ I HER n Ulf I 0 Tho Methodist ministers have accom plished what in affairs of state or In any other important matter would be termed a couo d'etat. Bv naming every weexiy meeting-an executive ses a 1 1 li ttuuui i if uif unci i . . . . . . . . . . . went to Chicago. A hnrt .ilmV dft "on xney navo ucceeaea in aeoarrmg . . . - " . . i r.nAi., .ri TrAm vriAli. muflnn ttnA r airs, uaraen returned and lmtltni.il divorce proceedings against her hus band and wu granted a decree. Then it was that Darden won his way Into th favor of the Chicago machine, and reporter from their meeting and o need place no check on their tongue ana can nave a regular, goou, oid-;ime "craD-ft" vnr Monday . morning. Recently th matter of debarring wa nominated for i-onrres. Hn nwoaper reporter, irom in weemy hi candidacy was defeated because at me eieventn nour tne opposition tele rought up for discussion. but the vote of th majority decided a continuance of the old policy and one graphed weat for the detalla of hi continuance or tne wa o"cy na one uusky career in Portland, and the netrs- I 25,WS. A ino...so.bhe:-,n!"d.e1.50,n-t: Iamb had some of the same brand 0f ?-n.mouth of truth and to make It cnewing gum m his pockets as that taken from Mr. Parker's desk, but he 1 apparently n6t a particularly Intelligent man and would hardly be capable of unlocking the combination to the safe. Another suspect, giving the name of Brown, Is also being held by the police. ' , HERMIST0X ATTRACTS THE SEATTLE SPIRIT 3? harder than ever to reach th rant ; I firmly believe that the honest grand Jury which returned that Indictment and the honest trial Jury whlc"h rendered mat veraict win De remembered by a grateful community long after the name of the present Judge of the appeuaie court nave been lost and for gotten. TIME IS NEEDED BY CALIFORNIA BANK (Un'.ted Pre teased Wire.) San Francisco. Jan. 13. Charles S ?51?.nV-i.R-- .Jracks Hermlston .:; "" i"'-. uneiii ounaing upon and Im- iiVS PA?Perty at ,ce. The price Waa 14.0,0. Othar th a..i-'. ThHlfi.n?W Uok,n' ve- the ground. 12LXcr!'?f th,' government Irrigation i.t.HM.t'l will be openfd for .L wSOTfc&d atWn,a?l t, STEEL TRUST WILL ; NOT BUY RAILROAD Tt;ll Dlopitch to The Journal.) Pendleton. Or., Jan. 13 James D Lo man. a Seattle millionaire, has Just pur chased 26 If.tH frim th. -...- V." . "and Irrigation comn.nv on th . .iXi ruBMne. temporary receiver for, the de- V. r t o - . ' . ' ' ..vj r,,n, t'ali ffti-n t NafA nsnAt Mr Tiiit company, on the witness stand this morning before Judge Coffey of the superior court stated that with years of careful nursing owing to a 'number of high-class securities- upon which loans had been made by the bank, the present creditors and depositors may realise SO cents on th dollar of their deposits, but that - If Immediate pay' ment was made by the bank and all Its obligations met at the present time de positor couia not expect more tnan iv percent. Cushing's testimony ' detailed the operations of the official and pointed out, as has been precviously stated, that large loan wer mad on securities of practically , no vaiue. -v tnat - tneir re demption wa utterly impossible under the present conomon ot u pma. LOCAL OPTION" ON LAW ENF0RCE3IENT (Bpeelal Dispatch ' to The Journal. ) Klamath Fall, Or., ' Jan. 1. Judge Henry 1 Benson lectured at the opera house." Thursday "evening; under . th auspices of tb Civic Federation, on thi subject, "What May Citisen Do to Aid in th Enforcement of th Law?" . He wa applauded by the- entire- audience, which represented all lament, the ex treme radical. conservatives and ex trem liberal. He struck the keynote of th Civic Federation movement when he tatd th duty of the organisation waa to create a public aentiment that WU1 . render . the enforcement of . Jaw po.ible, , . i clrcTe to" the" effect that J "i?".1 fitate fitenl rri,!1 th United contem- wi uviduan limimir ino parcn of th WlfiviT.!. Central ranroad wa yofflcialW H?l2 today In dispatch freff wHfn - y , COFFEE We think we all know coffee. t We don't; we don't even know that we don't. ...": .. f j:- ,J, c;- l'-.Tifl-''-f Tour grocer return your money If you don't like Schilling" bestj we pay him. odly suggested that the fault of the dark brown tact of the newspaper re ports lay with the ministers rather" than witn tne reporters. But this decision was virtually- re for him at Buffalo the presidency of J6 ,at,ep' " now. u5ey f "0 execu the United Canning company. The rea- f.lve,Won' or ,u resolve paper notorletv that foil na-oH rta,. ally quenched hi nonularltv with th Toier o tne uoicago district. LeavinB- unicaorn iianion ) tiuiiuio. ma suave personality won sons for his fall from that position are not known, but it was probably due to 'fi f 1lZln? nwPPer. re5rentt'v stick Ills' inquisitive head in at the tne i Knowledge or Ms past that may 5l,u" hflv ftnm in th Airem . t I QOOr. company.. Anyway. Darden "I. appoint Dr. Cllne a committee of one," said the - president today with a broad smile, "to ' inform such persons company. Anyway. Darden soon left Buffalo for new pastures. He went to Texas and then to Mexl on In Austin h mnvH tn th . clety a he was wont to do at every tn,s, a,n xcutl)ie session." place he went He was neat appearing 1 decline," said Dr. Cllne, who could ana very gentlemanly In his conrinot no- "Bn VPreuii ma own pun. He became acquainted with the daugh ter of an influential and ncaithv rtt. le,'?v.ofA'25tln.fnd trough his intimacy with the' family was able to negotiate a loan from the unsuspecting father- in-iaw-io-o- amounting tOtso,000. Soon after the dotlpg father tame out of his trance he began inquiring about the whom he had recklenniv .iuu.uuu or nis as do not belong In the meeting that T. M. ABENEFIT IS TOMORROW AFTERNOON man's cast trusted with money. - lou -riaanolal Marriages. ' The Plnkerton aaencv s-nt h. traced hi oast career In rtifrrn('M,i.. of the United States. They discovered he had been married four ttmn a i each instance had found marriage a iin.uci.1 fiuci.. niH last coup wa Just about tp be pulled off In Austin r, licit mo miner wun tne 8U,000 loan JUSC What WD th nffsno. I n land for which Darden was before the juowv-c vwuii hi i8a, nas not been oniiicu. jy i iiiuuKiii py iormer asao ciatea tnat ne nasned ,nm. j checks to the detriment of his : em ployer. tMf Larsen. At any rate the tone , "vuu mi or court and Dar den was released. Attorney Fitzgerald lg atrical Mechanical association benefit which will take place tomorrow after noon at tne uarauam urana. ana no one can afford to miss It. A grand program has been arranged, every kind of theatrical amusement known to the stare almost being contributed bv the people from all the theatres In the city. Hundreds or ticiceis nave oeen sold. arid there is little doubt bat the big theatre will be packed to the door to enjoy the afternoon. An Immense or chestra composed or tne musicians from all the theatres will volunteer, and mu sic, dramatio and vaudeville number selected from the best will be united In the nroaram. Many unioue features also have been added which could be seen at no other time. Tickets can be had at all the box offices in the city. Unknown Assailant Beaten Back by Mrs. Warner of Warner Will Fame. ' (Bpeeial Dispatch to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or., Jan. Is. Mrs. Mabel Young Warner, defendant In a criminal prosecution on a charge -of forging will to an estate' of 140,000, was at tacked by an unknown man while at work in her kitchen last nignt ana oaaiy choked and beaten. By fighting vigor ously she drove off her assailant and fainted on reaching a neighbor's door to give the alarm. No arrests have been made. KILLED BY BITE OF VICIOUS HORSE TTltl Pi-Ma IjunJ Wire.) Seattle. Wash- Jan. IS. Bitten in the throat by a vicious young horse, which w V,..n....ln- T U irfaml HO wk nai uvoviiih. v . ." -. farmer, bled to death within two hour ftr the attack. The event happened on Adams' ranch near Novelty, 11 miles from Kirkland, Saturday afternoon. Coroner McCarroll was notified of hi death yesterday. H ascertained tnat the case Is not one for investigation by a deputy. Tne doctor rouna tnat. nis windpipe had been punctured and sev eral large veins In the . neck ruptured He is survived by a wife. , SUNDAY DEBAUCH ENDS JVTfH MURDER (Valt.fi Pri Leaied Wire.) Rattl Wash. Jan. 13. As the re sult of a Sunday debauch George Cyrn. ic, a Bohemian laborer, was shot and almost Instantly killed near Issaquah, yesterday. The shooting occurred at th abfn of doorae Bennett. Both Bennett and Joe Peet, with whom th dead man had spent some time drink ing, are under arrest suspected of mur tr. - The aoeused men declare that Cyrnle shot himself, but the evidence does not tend to corroborate the the ory of suicide. DISORDERLY SAILOR y STOPS A BULLET FATAL EFFORT TO POUR OIL ON FIRE due nWeMltt totoyV The instruction this year is to be j (Ctrfted Pretm Uawd Wire ) Vancouver. B. C. Jan. is vri. .. - - ' , u.n n u . 1,1 ( ' fea i L Purd coal oil JT"' I, "'ant. The can badly burned ahe died in a hospital five txor iiar waa ourned off on her face was burned Fanners Short Course, ftnlted Press Leased vflVe.) Lafayette. Ind.. Jan. 13. More than 1.000 farmers from all parts of Indiana are enrolled for the annual short course at Pur course of year is. to pe more com prehensive than ever before, embracing a series oi lectures Dy noted experts on corn growing, stock raising, fruit growing, dairying and household eco nomics. In connection with the agri cultural course a corn show Is beino- to the bone. hours later H- hoi. . v K j. '2 neia unaer -ne auspices oi tne Indiana n7 theat,eie.hlon hrf.Wc.8 ntfS Corn Grower. MwetoJIon nd a f rujt onuw unuci hi i ud;ivci ui 1119 AflUlcllJe uortiouitunu iocity. , ONLY ONE SLIPPED BEHIND SCHEDULE To Stag "Elijah" at 84. Ualtd Press buH Wlr.) Montclalre. N. J.. Jan ia -u. Ban. the well-known mrnlntV., ti."' hie 85th year, is to sing in the ora- -jm, ua iviiiihu air. Hmll was the first to slnr th i-i. Jah in America. It will be Just 0 v.Br ago tonight that h first appeared in the oratorio in Boaton. lor IaijUit atul CWlxlrexu Tin Kind Yea Hars Alwajt Boizgbt .Bears the Slgaaturaof S7 Five trains earn In on time today and on waa lata, I Northern Paelflo No. l, due at 7 o'clock arrived on time. , Southern Paelflo No. 16, due at 7:86, arHved at :85. fiouthern Pacific No. 1, due' at 11:10, arrived on, time. O. R. N. Na , du at I o'clock, arrived on time. a RAN. No. 5, due at :4S, e arrived on time. e Aatorla A - Columbia No. 11, " due at 12:16, arrived; on time. STORE OPEN TONIGHT Reed-French Distance All the Piano Houses. This $250 Cash Offer Is the Won der of Everybody Who Has Seen It The Finest Kind of a Piano for $250 Cash Read the Reason. .This is what you can get for $250. ' ' i.' Bert Reed, the secretary' of the Reed-Fcench Piano Com pany, made a startling an nouncement in Sunday's papers that brought quick business. By 9 o'clock a gentleman . from Dallas called Mr. Reed up at his house and asked him to "come to the store, as he wanted to see his $250 piano before he decided .on a couple of pianos he , had under consideration in the retail stores, and " upon one of which he was to decide this 1 morning. This gentleman says that Reed's pianos are not only tetter than the others, but cost' him $85 lest than he would have, had to pay in either retail store. Mr.. Reed is putting this ad in he Journal at 12 o'clock today and already this morning two people have practically demon strated the truthfulness of Mr. Reed's statement thathis $250 (Apeclal Dispatch to The Jonraal.) Aotnria. Dr.. Jan. IS. A sailor named lanlnen, from ligbtehlp No. 60, while 1 Ji -3 t . 1 . TaKh 1 1 SB QrunK ana ain-urucriy m eivisu i,iimui-v saloon yepterday mornlngwas ahot in hv the nroorletor fh the course of an attempt to quiet the disturber. Tnmiiat was placed under arrest and lr charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He claims he was rorcea ia shoot in self-defense. t , 1. Manlnen waa taken to the hospital. His wound la not conaldefed daqgerous. KLAMATH MAX S4YS THERE'S OIL THERE vht.l TM.n.ph to Tha Jonnial.) Klamath Falls. Or.. Jan. 13. J. I Rnarreton of Bonanza, who is a firm j believer that oil fields exist, in Klamath county, Is In Klamath Falls to orpnlze j an oil company to develop the Indus try. The stanaara uu company au i reoresentatlvea here ' recently, looking: the field over, and samples or ou were sent to headquartera t i ' " 1 . ' 1,1 ..... Building, Trade Cncil t ; . (United Press Leased Wire.) Santa Crus, Cal., Jan. 1J. The SUt Bulldlna- Trades Council or California this cltv today with a represenUtlve I -ion hair on convention day In winter attendance of delegates.. Jurisdictional I when i candidates for state and county questions and matters -of Importance I offM re helnsr nnmlnittil ThA crnwA to the buildlnt artisan throughout Cal- J r,c" rf f ' . V I? lfornia will be considered by the con- made UP of the; overflow of thoe vent Ion and of fleets for the ensuing I unable to gain ah entrance to the Unt- piano offer is a most liberal piano proposition. '., They bought . here instead of up town... There is no sentiment in this offer it's pure business wa want th( money. - 1 ' ' : Every effort is being made to , realize cash before the. 20th of this month, as Mr. Reed has ma turing paper which must.be paid on the 20th, and he will not call on his home office for help. He -will sell the pianos on his own ;; Ham- ff V '1:'.-, , Any piano in the Reed-French store will be sold without re "; serve; provided there are at least Fifty Dollars cash paid as a first payment. - V j These pianos are of the high est grade and are absolutely guaranteed. See all the piano stores today and then invest!-'- gate Reed-French's $250 offer. : The store will be open this evening '. Thelted-lnchPianoCo. The Only Piano Factory Selling Pianos Direct to the People! . V, SIXTH AND BURNSIDE SLOUCH HATS ARE PREVAILING STYLE AT LAND FRAUD TRIAU The hlr floor of th federal build-"among those Interested in the land lna - this morning resembled a conven year will, be elected. J.- s r Building Permit. '!' "... W. F. Elliott, erect dwelling. East Thirtieth between Alberta and Florence, 1 200 : J. W. Florv. erect store. East Twenty-sixth between East Fine and East. Ash, 1500. n v- iV. t Imnure blood runs vou downmakes 4f4 't4f ,, , T I you an easy victim for oriranlo disease. I his face and numerou other with mu-j In the lata trlke the railroad of a. w ' ' s w I Burdock Blood Bitter purines the blood-1 taehes of all sorts and shapes.1 Slouch I lsh( India, which were paralysed, ' km inn, i. -. .- e'oure the cause build you up. J',',.hvJ hate emd to be the prevailing style I been able to reautae work. . ted SUte district court room where the land fraud cases are In session. i Men were there of every type. Sev eral women were also to be e.;Mot pf these persons, were witnesses whom the government has subpoenaed, to ap pear . for the prosecution. There "was the old man with ,-whiskers, another smooth shaven but a - worried look on casea ' 'In wrand Jury room and the wit nee room wer thrown open for t prererrea to ioai in ine lODDy to mak ure that they missed nothing. Every to make the scene more reallatlnA . political fathering caucuses were hMn, held in aU the corners of tho hallways! duuiv dl .xivBti uuubci - vers Between I two men. Others were .. made un ot nail a aosen or more. v . 1 i-,v ;Inca Roads Running. United Frew teased ,Wlr. ' Calcutta. Jan. IS. With the dlsoharir of several Europeans who were leaders in me taie, iirim we ran roans or Brlt-t Ish India, which were paralysed, have . - H . f;.:-r wj-