The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1908, Page 14, Image 14

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or ML
ha should become the first cttfinn of 111: "Woe unto tbem, for they went la
the country and the military eri-nlus of ln War of Cln; they ran riotously In
Wnen Franklin 'walked into M" error ot Balaam for hire, ana per-
hla are,
V hiladalphla
clothes at the end of a staff which
rented on ma snouiatr Jt waa not man
treated that he
Sreatest diplomat of that day. When
raat labored In tho tanynrd at Galena
It waa not manifested that he should
become the hero of Appomattox.. '
"When there came , a babe Int" the
Ytathlfthem idmii rr r it mrmm mani.
Achievements 'VofiWorld's &nl,; JtgUStu: i
"Otut has done rreat fMnra'fnr a
H ha 8 lifted u out of the nit. We
know aomethlnf about progress but no
man can testify to the and at nna who
haa faith In God and who la atrlvina-
id nvn in ri rtTi nnv rn iiiwi'a i,iu
Retf. BcnlamlB Younc. paator f Tar-1 trying to bring Opd'a. will down among
lor Btreet Methodist church, choa. for Jftii JlTr W
faia text yeaterdayj . "Now are wa we "That means inspiration and uplift
with a. email bundle of
- I lie speaker told the story or cam a
hatred and envy and how it finally
should-beoomw "the-f ended -In tragedy. "Cain had no de-
Ishwd in the gainsaying of Koran.'
quute religion, then how could, h
feet religion always makes an - Ineffl
auute religion, then how could, he nave
had an adequate morality? Religion la
morality in relation to God.. An imper.
Famous Men Nothing to
.. Compare With This.
olent morality. Sin only repeat Itself
as It perpetuates nseir. The sins or
Cain's life are of the aama nature as
those of today. Cain offered worahlp
to Uod, but It waa an esthetic service
with no Idea of blood sacrifice or atone
ment, and bis fruits and. flowers were
rejected. Abel on the other hand,
brought a sin offering. 'He laid the
lamb on the altar , for sacrifice and
found acceptance." , ': , -r
- " cloaking dad morals.
one of Ood, and Jt doth not yet appear and joy to man trudging along life's Humanity, Prone to ' Misrepresent
. -hall be: but ws know when It J?A ' ?yt heart. . Do - Real Character and Substance. .
-' shall be manifest, ws shall be ilka him: J hl, consciousness. If you bring Ood I ' Th hypocrisy of using good manners
-u... ... ki ha la." I John. I down to men. if vm hi-in hi. . I a a cloak for bad morals was , de-
ior ww anon ... -- - ., , j". -":"; '.' I k ij.. tr a m.,vi. I. hi.
Kim ii&v Bum. uBrHcnvu me you win i m , ,.
not have lived In vain.". ' , ' sermon at. the First Christian church
; He said la part:
- "The relation of Christians to the
Father Is a theme of aurpesslng inter-
It continually: Uonahlp' la a great sub- Earthly
ject t him. 1 U a wonarous iac nu
in Inspiring truth. Men might pride
thomarlvna UDOn rtODie anceairy kj
lemselves upon hodi uot.ii;, r wm ins auu-
Igbt boast of influence with the au- ject of Dr. , W. H. Foulkes' sermon at
.hnrlttaa who fOVmiM. 1M UFMI
: nerhaua was proud of his philosophy
1-a mimi inatitntlona. The Roman
could glory In Jurlaprudence and in rnil-
liary achievement. 101 jw wa -
ia waa a. descendant of Abraham, that
. 1 Vmm waa ana of the world's leglsla
tors and that Samuel and Daniel were
on his prophetic roll. The apostle
would have it that there was nothing
comparable to the fact of being a child
' 'at should be something to. gladden
the heart of a man.- We have not re
ceived the spirit of hondage but the
spirit of adoption, This is a great
thou t to dominate human life. Some
i of oa do not get front It the inspiration
we should. We go around with a for
lorn countenance and talk about our
trials in a melancholy sort of a way.
- We throw out the lmpreaslon that ere
long we are to be occupants of the
poorhotiae. We often dishonor Ood and
, yet we ars the children of Qod.
. Through our allegiance to God we have
anwumed a great name and we ought to
live so that rerpect ana power snau u
sdded to It. The fsct ought to Inspire
our hearts and strengthen our zaim
and iwMtM nur Ynerlences.
"There is something hers suggested
. as to the mercy of Ood. It did not ap-
near ones that we should be SO callea.
It did not appear la the primeval day
witb its. strife ana Diuernes 11 cia
not look this way at ona time in our
own experiences. ' We are conscious
of this now snd so we ars Impressed
with the fact of the mercy and the love
, of the great Ood. '
"Men have tried t express this love
, In. discursive thought Volumes have
been written-to explain It. In lofty
flights of poesy have men tried to give
expression to It la stately cathedrals
where men have caught Inspirations of
heaven have men sought to embody it
. that they might teach their fellows this
love of the divine. In art and In en-
graving have men wrought for the same
. effect In earnest endeavor and by he
mic deed have they tried to make this
plain. No man has yet caught the full
, story or has ' been . able - to ' trnnslste
it in all Ita glory and beauty. We are
1 children of Ood and that means some
thing with respect to filial duty.
. ' Work and Baty.
"Certain principles have to be upheld,
sacrifices to be made and many other
things to be done. The obligation in
r volves duty. - Filial relationship in
l volves fraternal duty. , There Is work
' for me to do if I am a child of Ood.
Ood's children are to work to make the
world better and more beautiful. We
' must tiring wholesomeness snd strength
i into life We are bound to be active
i in every sond work for our fellows.
, Ood Is our Father and his law is to
govern us and we are to be In full hai
r mony with it We ars to toll until the
heart of humanity Is athrob With the
. music of heaven.
"God loves us for what we are and
the First
last Mght He said that Christ was
never popular amons- the Scribes and I
i'nariaees because ne aisregaraed sev
eral of their outward forma an1 rara-
Fetterg , That Repentance I monlala and penetrated to their mo-
' . - I w t arat aa T- nap al M saims astistM naAnla
Will AOt Break. Idav. said the SDcaker. mora intent unnn
form than aubatance. - j
Commenting on 'the hypocrisy In the
cnurcn, Air. MucKier saia: vne wouia
think that straight preaching from the
snouiaer - wouia keep mem out. The
modern hypocrite has an ax to grind.
Presbyterian church Isst
night when he resumed his evangelis
tic services. .They will continue until
Friday night Hla text was taken from
ths confessloa of John the Baptist thitt
he was but a forerunner who baptised
w rcpomance dui inai a greater waa
coming who would baptlis with ths
holy spirit and with fire.
lr. Foulkes said:
"This text Is one of contrasts. John's
baptism with water was taken from
the old Hebrew rite symbollo of cleans
ing after defilement It was a purging
Of dead works, but Chrlat'a hanFlam
of firs was from the concent Ion of fire
as toe essence of life and was symbollo
of a quickening Into a new life.
"When the dead embers of the heart
have been touched bv that bant lam thav
kindle anew. We should not ask to be
sent the holy spirit but for the privi
lege Of surrenderins- ourselves tn It. It
Is the possessor snd not the nosseaswl.
Christians are not repositories for God's
grace out ars instruments of it Only
those Who have received the real ban.
tlsm of fire are worth anything for
the reclaiming of lost souls. It takea
a spirit that is filled with the love of
uoa ana lias given itself fully to him
u maxe others want to be Christian.
The baptism of firs Is the fittest
symbol of ths lordship of Jesus Christ
and he will stand anything from a' club
bing to a currying to feet his ax ground.
uccasionauy. me preacner runa up
against It In a congregation that wants
meaningless platitudes dished out from
the pulpit In nice sounding phrases that
win aeep ine pnysicai eyes open out al
low spiritual slumber."
The speaker added that the hypocrites
are not an in the church. He declared
of so called society today
Aitnouan rouow-
lng ths latest book on etiquette, Its
members will violate all rules of mor
ale and decency. He said ha waa not
aecrying good manners, because many
a man s ioriune has Deen in his man
ners, but good manners should not be
usea u covsr oaa morals.
that much
Is rotten at the core.
ail hope to have our sins waahed
away. No one wants to exist forever
in me snams or his wickedness and
everyone is willing to get down on his
knees In private to pray for forgiv
eness, but when asked to go the whole
way. when asked If we are ready for
ine oapusin qx lire, we raiter. we are
Willing- to be saved but not rttarfv to
give ourselves into his keeping.
-i ten you mere are some sins that
; for what we may be corns. It is thus
. that you love the baby in your home.
What hope" gather around a baby's
rnesa: . wnit areams are dreamed by the
. ' , V. ..II. .... 1 . - ' .
i ijbi'7 iv aiiu wna.1 uiuyvra flic OS-
,fered' When Plato stcdled at the feet
J of Socrates it did not appear at that
l' time that he should control ths philo-
rsornic iiiougnt or tne world ror nearly
r 9. AAA . tad m . YXThatt VimIwih m, .
t young lieutenant In the artillery corps
: I it was not manifested that he should be
I roaster or Europe, displacing kings
I and disturbing thrones. . i, ,..
. ti '7 Xs One Xasw.
'rt7 "When Washington , was running his
. .lines through the forests and swamps
. of Virglnis it was not manifested that
Do You Enjoy Your Meals?
i One of the Most Jmportant Ques-
tions to Consider in the Search 1
for Happiness ; and Health.
' The burning question, to you, is,
' "Are you getting out of life .all the
pleasure and ths health you are en
, ' titled tor '-It not why not? '
" . No matter whether every organ and
member of your body Is In a sound
atara In asi t K mvA strun af Vi 1 4 waiii
. , stomach Is In any way disordered, you
are not going to be "yourself." . You
- ars going to be a worried, out-of-sorts,
need more , than repentance. There are
some foul deeds that water baptism
from dawn to doomsday will not wah
away, they have to be burned out There
are some earthly fetters that repentance
will never break and have to hn turn.l
How can Jesus Christ save those who
are not willing to be burned with his
uranu ; . .
"Hsvs you been branded with . the
spirit? Paul was proud to call himself
bondservant of Jesus Christ In thoe
oays mey. Dranaea servants. A bap
tism, of water may be put on and roll
off but after a baptism of the holy
spirit you hava an Image of Jesus Christ
deep, down in your heart that nothing
can efface.
"I am not concerned so much wheth
er you sre baptised with the baptism
with which Christ was baptised but
whether you are . baptised with the
oapusm witn ; wnicn
tised, His baptism
redemption by the dead way of
repcaiance out oy me living of faith.
You will not know of it by any Inward
myth or outward rite. I , cannot lo
It He does It . Whenever you come
In faith and, say, 'I yield myself an !
all my members, the holy spirit will
come and kindle the flame in your dead
In spite of the fact that It haa been
21 years sines there has been a Mult
nomah county man elected to congress
from ths Second district, and In -spite
of the fact that he wss beaten tool I
votes py congressman Ellis In 10.
ueorgs g. Bnepnerd, a former sailor, an
ex-councilman and a practising attor
ney, has (announced himself as a candl-
date ror me republican nomination to
Mr. Shepherd decided yesterday to
make it known that hs was really aolna
to run for the nomination, though it has
been wnispered in more or less unguard
ed tones for soms time past He says
ne is going to stand lor several things
if be is nominated and elected to the
iod now neia by Mr. iiis of Pendleton.
He Is golns to Insist on 40 feet of
water oeinr placed on the Columbia
river bar. lie is going to have the nav
igation laws amended so that foreign
built vessels purchased by American
owners may be allowed to engage In
the coastwise trade vnder the united
States flag. He Is going- to hurry un
the digging- of the Panama canal and
secure national aid for Irrigation In
Oregon, to demand of ths government
that Oregon be given its Just share of
ine traae or me rnuippines and to In
sist on the establishment Of postal sav
ings Danas.
Mr. fihettl
out In the field earlv he win
mis time to catch the worm of noml-
Shepherd believes that by getting
11 be able
Christ bapw -tinn Ind 1.. i- "J?:
Wfial nnr fnHl : o v va uuill i w it ri vim at r-i viarnv
The Influence of the home was the
theme of tho address delivered by Wal
ter Thomas Mills, Socialist and editor
of the Saturday Evening Tribune of I
Unhlll Strasrarle When Cnnrf a anil Seattle, who spoke at the Y. M. C A.
" 1 VMUMa et.MlMAM 1- V r 1 1 1 I Ll.
"I hava foiirht a. Mini flerhf T
finished my course. I hava knnt m
faith," was the text chosen by Rev. J.
Whitcomb Brousher In iHafimaino- tha
subject "What's the Use, Is the Game
Worth ths Candle." at Whita Tmnb
last night Dr. Brougher sUted at the
outset of bis sermon that he was led
to speak upon the subject because of
conversations he had with officials who
had led In the movement fnr Htr
public morals. He said in part:
-in terririo thing about the battle
address treated of the things that go to
make up a home and of the great im
portance ox ine nome to me proper de-
vwupmeui or me mannooa or a coun
try. He contended that If all the men
and women tn the country who should
be married were able to marry there
wuuia d no - immorality, no narrnnma.
uui m aieuier country Dacsea ana sup
ported by higher standards of morals
and manhood. The speaker argued that
one great cause of the vice of the coun.
try was the economlo conditions which
maae young men nait and then turn
of life Is that it never comes to an end back from marriage because they found
until you die. It Is a fight from the hey would not be able to maintain a I
time you are old enoua-n to make mnn uume as mey snouia maintain it.
decisions until ths final struggle with t,Th home, the speaker said, was the
death. A great many peoile set din- highest point and the greatest sunnort I
cou raged and give up the fight I heard existence of a nation because
a man say the other day, "What's the
trying to Oe good? The man who
me Dei
st gets more kicks than all
i neard
nervous or sullen Individual, whose ac
i. tions will reflect your condition inside,
and people will naturally avoid you. '
. - The world wants to smile and be
cheerful, and unless, you are cheerful
- ana smite, at least, occasionally, you
win nave rew xrienos, cewer ; oppor-
, tunnies, . no success, and you will go
down in defeat deieated Dy dfspeps
ana a oaa storaacn.
rood and thot
a quick, wonderful
brain.. You must have
ine rest. - j. neara a policeman sav
"What's the use arresting certain evil.
doers In ths city? They always escape
wjui 11 1 ne or no lines ana go right hack
to repeat the thing over again.' I heard
a city official say, "What's the use en
forcing: the laws When the decent nennla
sound I ,wU1Kn0v ,Una b yu and "PPort you
ju .1 vu bunt J uu IICVU UCIII IIIUBLf X
heard a noted lawyer say, "What's ths
use prosecuting tho land . fraud cases
when the supreme court will turn
around and set free the ones who .ira
convicted?" The public is general Is
about the fireside grew snd develooed !
the great principles and emotinna
which go to make the highest type of
cltisenshlp. "
Mr. Mills was greeted with a large
ouu.c.ivc, i. imm Binci attention to
his words. He Will sneak 4n th.
at several nlaces during th ,....,
. -
Zola Statne Dedicated.
(United Presi Iaaed Wlra.l
Paris, Jan 13.-Ths sUtue of Emlle
rccBuiiy erectea in, the Place
Dauphlne, was dedicated todav with in.
terestlng ceremonies. The date for th
asiting toaay, -what's the use prosecut- ' . appropriately chosen,
lng the grafters in San Francisco when V1 benS. f he nth anniversary of the
the California court of appeals will day ,5n wnlc Zola's open letter to the
turn around and set free the notorl- J V, repuDiic, entitled
ine statue was begun by Constantln j
ous grafter, Schmttsr
"Th 4rnn tho 1- V.Mt rV
Influenca of the magnet is magnetised, j ..ana .i!nlsn.ld . Alexandra
The soul that yields Itself o thi in- "re2"er' ftef ,th8 death of M,u-
aaaa. W VOUCRLtll UDOn Wfllrt tka
urn ut-Mrm several nanrlinma
;JJR?..""22 inMwhoi.,otartrw"inmS:it thil bears . se
lnV7, h-r7;;VA"rr.. "uperlor personal power must have Pr'ncipal one represent-
times for the brain and stomach are lxn "trengtn or one who is mightier Ji, 1 . VI " oui u Assises at
as intimately connected as a needle" - Jec"Sh.rltJia.pro4 hearlna .' oensatlonal Dreyfus
as intimately connected -as a needle c." -.Vi .,,C . oV.;r 1 prwvea i hearinar
and Its thread, one can hardly be used f 'm!Sil A J vluJL,tPe " abie 8'
to conxiuer - unnoiy aDDetitea ami i.
sires and bring your very thoughts into
subjection to that which is right. He I
rt-Bisiea mm aevji wnen ne was on -earth
your .w . i "n w m assurance
" ne io may oe Victorious in th
to ad van tare without the other. If
-vour stomach is slow and lazy In dl
i gesUng your food, it . will produce at
ones a stow, lazy ana ciouay , mrmence
' upon your brain. '' Mark it! - If your
stomach has absolutely quit work, and
aa a. result, surely vour brain la rMnir I - Lltt HO One therefore ever- lOBt hone.
to be sluggish and correspondingly de- iim.eJmD?r. r.nal .'f00. J1 5eyr de-
uressed. No one need tell vou that t?"- y"ur W
Woman Peared Consumption But Bps.
ciaiisr saia conga cams from Coffee.
tressed. No one need tell you that
But why continue to suffer all, the
miseries and torments that a disordered
stomucn orings you?
of Jesus Christ and when you come to i
the final struggle with death you will j
be able to say with the great Apostle.
If your stomach cannot digest your ooa Ilg:nv an1 tnen
-food,, what wiU? Where's the relief? depart ln acc-"
"Where's the cure?
Stuart's Dyspepsia
relief ana thecure.
Tablets ars thej
Why ? a Because,
Quite a relief to learn your cough,
which everyone said was surely con
sumption, is really caused by reflex Ir
ritation from coffee drinking.
You can quit the coffee, but consump
tion is. hard to "shake."
A Wisconsin woman couched an hni
una so mutu sne' ana ner friends
5r"" to Improve Life Ofrn In?uKn.t.,?u JWJ1 consumption, but
Zr:Z;ZZZr?to.ZZZ?,Z' Zn&TVflVtll -v -. v ? pi. n upo: uiseases round her
lungs were au right the cough cams
of Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets is able
to uoraiuriily and - oomoletelv -durest
3,000 grains of any kind of food, doesn't
it stand to reason that these little
rvBv. i. n. jaonroe, -me new pi
of the Calvary Baptist hurch, b
Passed Aside.
N. Monroe, the new
' 2f8tPhi,8JJJr"b!f Uhare KOtV 9 dlcsi f chose fir hi. 'text the ""words7-" doctoring with my
ali the food. and whatever food you put whereunto I also tahnV V?.i 7-!- fearina- SonsumnUon
n'J.? tom''!.: science, nowadays COrdln to his werklnV whi' I clalist ; who
M'M n niwoHr THAil avirnArif hatrlns iaa f . " "wiaclu ,
digest food without havina to use
the stomach for it.. And Stuart's Jys
pensia -Tablets are the result of this
scientific discovery. -, Thev dtnnf nnH
digest thoroughly and i well anything
iiu ' voi j .nmn jruu eat. si : -'-. "-
oo, ir your stomach refuses to work
In " " "
He dwelt upon the thema "Tk. t
Life," ; saying: Opportunities for
larger and better living surround us.
but we miss them often and fall tA
grasp the beautiful mean ine of th
whatever form,
i".8 " take dne-or two h ni iii ?ha. ""Sn. " 1.5. Be8
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets fcnf "ln ' tnese wqnaers a spiritual mean-
the dlffeVenci Til f doiSS't "cost yo 5 Kt hfiVVld, cal1 ,,orh the n,h"t
n.uih to nrove It v Then LT.' bst that is in us? Humanity, un-
ever you want if you use theaa tablets
and Jon fn. look the whole world in
the face with a beaming eye and you 1
win nave a cneenui spirit, a pleasant
iace, a vigorous poay ana a clear mind
and memory and everything will look
ana taste aeiicious to you. That S life.
sca uuuuiy on seeking
worldly thin nd nftn ri
'"i wiw wayworn traveler.
tet a package of Stuart's Dyspepsia I CaJn Km A V t?tfntrt
all-ts at sny drug store on earth fori T "a wf fPon and Conge.
e(l us your name and address to
fiynl we will a e once send yoa by
tm!l a ftmplo package, free. .Address
1. A. Piuart . Co, 169 Stuart lildg,
;irtiail, Alien. :-.! ... ,
quently No Morality.
The story of fthe first murder fur
nlshed.the theme of Dr. Clarence True
W lson s sermon at the Centenary Meth
odist church yesterday morning. - He
took for his text the passage from Jude
from coffee. She writes:
x had a very bad cough that refused
Alter nve months'
home doctor and
L consulted a ana.
examined irj v lunrs thnr.
oughly.v He said they were ail right
Dut l must quit drinking coffee as that
was proDaoiy ins cause oi it I was
very nervous, also, , i. ,
lie -suggested I drink Postum, and
gave me no meaioine, oniy said he
would write 'to my home doctor. I came
nome giaa in one way ana sorry in an
other.' 1, thought it was hard to give
up caueo, iur i am noi Rare ipr oreak-
f ast -without i ti,wM-:,,.M
"The doctor's letter miscarried and
I got-no medicine for two weeks, - but
I left off coffee and began to use Pos
tum, and my cough began to get better
I steadily Improved in other ways di
gestion got all right and I was not ner
V0US. -.-V: . :, I
"A abort time ago I went to a plcnio
Jrhere they v served only coffee and I
rank some, but found my great lovs
for it was entirely-gone.
a wuuiu oav mnu aitui to nan i
a cuo of Postum. for the coffee t tranv
seemed -like I had . swallowed a stone, I
besides I did not sleep that night ' I
aotnina- wouia inauce me to a-n haxir 1 1
coffee again." NamSv given by Postum'
Hn. RnttlA r-rMlr Mint." n if. 1
little book. 'The Road to Weiivtiu. I
pkgs. "Xhers'a a Reason," - , """V
n nTi Tn a nn
' , . I : .. i .'. ' ', ' " ' .' ' . ... - ; .'
f. .-( ' ' . 1 (' . 4 '. . . - . ' - r
-' r,7 -o, . . ;-;
1 l ' I I . . ( r ' . . . '.
4- i "' ; .- I ... ' ' . '
i-st' sw..v ew-aefS Ss siww J aiLaj s. isal
a s5s '
wfe aSs SST'll- aWj ,l
. HERTS IRIffi CMfflK!
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long at these prices. .
3d arid Oak
1st and Yamhill
and Alder strcetsj you'll get the choice bar?
gains during the Clearance Sale si&h bargains
qs : are riot found elsewhere on the coast
Everything in the store will attract your atten
tion as to quality, style and prices. Note Tuesday
and Wednesday specials, as follows:
Suits, Serges and Che viots, reg
ular $25.00 to $32.50, for .
.-- t ...r " , - : .7 - Trr-; ,t;t'.": hrf;"r
Silk Petticoats in all the different
, I colors and shades, regular $10
, Misses' Suits to $15.00 for $6.50
' Misses' Skirts to $10.00 for $2.65
v EURS Fox Boas, Heads arid tails,
regular $12.50, for . v . .
: $4.98
Muffs! Muffs! Muffs 'at a Price
ft:- '
Fifth arid Alder Streets -
. -i i.-.. a - . ... it