THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAU, PORTLAND,; SUNDAY- MORNING, JANUARY 12. 1003. j:Mvnpics:j I -hit a ii inn -'Tf" IIW -f - IOXIGIIT'8 AMUSEMENTS. l: . . . ' .'CTelHg ........ "The Man of the' Hour" Marquam,.,..,,..,,,A $10,000 Beauty" luker ...a......... ."The Other Girl" ' Kmplre- ...... ....The jas Outlaw" Grand ... ..V. .. Vaudeville J-yrio ........... .."The Transgre-.aor" Btar , 'The Night Riders" Change la Schedule Beg Inning with -v Monday. January 13, early morning cart ' leava Greshain, :0; Gates. 4:00 :I5; Jnte 'Junction. :0B :o7: Kendall. . :07; 7:02. . Arrive Portland 6:40 and 7:40. Mount Bcatt car leaving Portland - at :10 p? m. will run through to Gatyi. -, Mount Bcott cara will leava First and . Alder streets at t:4G. 0:80 a. then every 19 minutes to 7:10 a. m.i then every 20 mtnutea to 4:00 p. in.; then every 10 minutes to 7:00; then every 20 , . mlnutea to 12:00 p. m., laat car. 12:20 " a. m. Leave Lents a, nu, - men i,, , every 10 minutes, to 7:S5 a.' rn,S 'then .... every zu mineue to :o p. ra. men ', every 10 mlnutea to S:U p. m.i then ' every Jo, mlnutea to '11:11 p. m,, last car 11:64 p. m. ' Bellwood cara leave Portland :.S a, m.; then every II mln ". utes, I. 18. 23 and 41 mlnutea peat the '. hour. No change tn leaving from Mil- wauxia ana uoii junction. .. , Many visitors to the exhibition Of 'V . atudents work field at the , Oregon ' School of Art In the Sellfng-Hlrach . -building, last Monday, were much- tn ' . tereeted and Impressed by the progreaa , which baa been made in the laat three montha alnce the achool opened. The . work la of a very High order and thoee must vuiia."'i. vu juu ii.y, cai woanu their surprise at the advancement el read v made. The charcoal . drawlnas from life show the aim of the school in mnihri. ' "Thai ' Anmfwifliitinn akatchea from Imagination created much en ' ' thuslaatlo Interest and showed great skill. The rapid 10-mlmite eketchea were aJo very clever. Miss Florence ' Chase Currier, the director, baa been I very fortunate la having talented atu- - oentg. , ; ,. i ! i . , With the intention of ruahlng the 'eaat side library building te completion bv February 1 the library association r lias let all the contracts for the eon . atruct.on of the building. The founds v tton is being iald sad the contract for .. tha. hutln Kit nlnmhlnr waa let the :, latter part of last week. The Building - : to cost IZ.600 wiu be located on prop- ' erty -donated at East - Aider ana- juaai tieveniu - sireeia. turn library association la working on ths . assumption ' that the necessary money will be raised for the cost of the struc ture without difficulty among loyal east side property owners. The . building must be completed early In order to make room for the books now In the basement of the High school,, tne room there beta desired . for ether school ,t purposes. - . , - Don't wait untU spring snd summer to buy property. That Is the time . when the majority of the people buy. - ... .tw-i mttttm Till 1. ' ' ar 1. A I -t... now. we nave ivr iu wiv cuwmmi . residence lots on the east side in our new Jrvlngton tract bounded by Bev- -enin, xmrteentn, tirasee ana inompeon V streets. Tou don't have to worry about the expense of street - sidewalk and sewer assessments; and the annoyance . about having gas and water mains laid. v. All thle is done for you. For prices and terms, spply to Charles K. Henry Son, 260 Stark street, Portland, Ore gon. ' ' The T. W. C. A. "At Home" will be : ., held as usual Burfday, from '4 to I - o'clock, at the association rooms, Sixth and (JaH streets, a. m. uriwey, pnr 4 . cal director at the T. M. C. A., will give ; an Intreatlnr atereoDtlcon lecture on 'his experiences during the Klondike . rnah. Tti. mueloal nromm Will be aa follows: vocal aoloa by Mrs. 01 RartBch.LAna'. "By the Waters of Baby -Ion," and 'a plantation melody;, violin solo by B. J. Matthla, accompanied by '. Mrs. Matthls; vocal aolo by E. A. una .Map, Not a Sparrow Falleni." - ; Walter Thomas Mills, editor of the "Saturday Evening Review" of Seattle, nuVi nn "Etaonnmla Conditions" at the ,f, , M, C A. auditorium this afternoon at 3 o'clock. A musical program will also be presented, consisting or vocai and Instrumental solos end male chorus led by Mr. MacMlkie. Follow ing the address a discussion group will take up one of N the "Conversations of Jesus." This. In turn, will be followed " by a fellowship luncheon and singing. This service is free and ail men are Invited. . .- - 8. N. Steele, late manager of the Title Guarantee & Trust company real es . ' lata department, has opened an of f toe or nis own at no eecona sireeu r, Rteele la a real estate man of wide ex perience and gained Invaluable Insight of realty through the management of the realty department of the defunct bank. Being in the business for him ; self for many years prior to his con . ! nectlon with the Title Guarantee & " Truat comMiT. Mr. Steele la in a post 'tton to Impart valuable knowledge to r the home or. investment seeder. . . ts PUnt Slbson's ; roses When' the i around Is not frosen or too wet, plant- f4ng can be- done all winter. If ,yo preier spring worK, seiect vrien and fine plants will be reserved and . delivered later. Poor rose bushes and . virlatlni ira denr nt anv trice. Get the best which can be had at one place 1 The Sibson Bose Nur!er?e Sp5- t clalistfl In roses acres of roses. .Of , flee and nurseries. 1180 Mllwaukie ave- ; nue. Phone. SeUwood 60. William Mack and Billy Webb were arrested by Patrolman Golti yesterday atnd lodged In the county Jail to answer a charge of robbery at Roaeburg. They y are alleged to have drugged a man and - to nave taken tivo irom nun. n " fleer from Roseburg will arrive this morning to take them to Douglas county, ' , J.'",.--.- ' Have you 'seen the famous R, A B. .flat opening loose-leaf ledger used by the largest firms In Portland? Outfits , 318.50 and up. Pacific Stationery and Printing Co 203-205-207 Second .street. Caroline Hoffman, a buxom German - woman, who has been annoyed by splr- ; HEITKEMPER'S Welcome Comparisons !; WHethcr in their richest and "rarest, or most inexpensive. jew- elry, silverware, clocks, watches, ' cut glass, china, bronze, etc-we welcome comparisons of prices and values. ' ' Here you see the highest pos ' sibilities of the jeweler's, art, in , eluding flawless diamonds in our l xiwn make ot matcniess mouni lntrs. novelty iewelry of dainty design, and watches of allstand: ard, guaranteed makes in vthe most 'exquisite and ' serviceable "casing. -, ' ' . , ; visit us HEITKEMPER'S : JEWELRY STORE i . Loivcst Priced Jewelry Store - lor Fine Goods"; 2SB MORRISON STREET METHODIST CONGREGATION WILL . SOON BE- HOUSED IN NEW EDIFICE mi aw t-'mm-my - 1 perspectlV ot Proposed Epworth Methodist EpIcopalChnrch. ' Plans of .the new Epwerth Methodist Episcopal church to be buUt at Twenty sixth and Savler streets, have been com pleted and the contract for the on atrurtlon nt the edlfloe will be let tn A short time. The estimated cost of the structure Is $7,000. - The style of the architecture Is suca that the building can V enlarged to meet the require ments of the congregation without ma- TRAGEDY AND HUMOR ON THE ; PAGES OF THE Every Ill's is aa onpubllshed book. Rt readtna- between thS lines of any hotel register of elty, tragedies even sore Interesting than soma of the up-to-date novels may easily be distin guished. a M L . t- . II. .1 c AHU UN IflVI V .1. b liiwiu.".. mar dicating pathos.1 others that are funny ana ouiera niunq w un;u i o wuunu stories of romanoe that would make even William Dean Howells turn green with envy. M it One name, perhaps, like that of the had been fighting in the courts for OeVra lV ill ytBwomivu vs. mm wv children. Is of a father or mother who . . . a IB at last o pe reumiea wmi aonio member of the family from whom he has been separated for years. The next name might be ene of some . . Vkaa 4i. . awlvail all expectation and anticipation, of hie marriage wiwin a iw uaya. juia mm WONDROUS PRIZES OFFERED FOR ATTENDANTS Invitations were Issued yesterday by the Portland, Ad club for their "New Tear reunion and Jubilee banquet" to be given Saturday evening. January IS, at the Hotel Lenox grill. Third and Main streets. It will Include a liinnhAnn. smoker and entertainment. Among other things, the members of the local ad club are compelled to sign the following statement which is an ac knowledgement of their Intention to be present: " "I confess that I have left undone many things and many men that I ought to have done: that a boost to make our ad club a bigger hit. in 180$ is for me to attend not , sometimes part ox the time, or part of the time some times,, but all of the time all ot the timea. f have reformed. . I have nest ed the date of the January meeting in my not and hymn book and have asked my wife, aweetheart, , mother-in-law. DIAVOLO FAD LANDS ON PORTLAND WITH FEROCITY OF PING-PONG Ah,, there, New York and Parlst rla'vdlo has reached Portland at last. nova and r Iris clay with the dinkey little things oa the street in the house a everywhere.-- r "Y" Even the men are not exempt, and tne next thing women will be quietly performing- the little tricks with the time ?las shaped thing which is thrown In he air and caught on a string held by two handles. - Its, was sent to the asylum for the In sane at Salem yesterday. She says she v i n . n , W. MWArnAr. H-.1 ntr lava unu TVl uui. v vaaw v. - - - a confident. that he cftn fluiet the spirits . - . . .. A . .V.a. n..,.. ii once see is aoie w uvyuuu .uv ui. to him. . ; Must leave Wednesday. My pianos that I have advertised In this paper oa must ' all be sold by Wednesday afternoon. ' I have Orders to leave for New "York on ,the Northern Paclflo train .that day. If you want a good piano I have got it for you,, and you don't have to pay anybody a profit to get one. See me before it Is too late at 103 Front street. I. F. Ramacclotti, General Agent t The People's forum will hold Its reg ular weekly meeting this evening at 8 o'clock, in thetMulkey building, Sec ond and Morrison streets. J. B. Stev ens will lead a discussion of Shakes peare, as the topic of the evening. Dur ing - the ' evening he will give several recitations' from Shakespeare' works. JaBurns' i Anniversary,' new Armdiry hall, Friday,' January .14, auspices of Clan Macleayi Address on Burns and tha Rurna eountrv. bv Bishop Scaddinic illustrated by lime-light views. Best musical talent in tne cuy wiu appear. Highland piping and dancing. , The Portland Shoe Repair , company. 589 Yamhill street, Between Third and uvmrth atreeta. ' Phone Main 765. Your shoes repaired while you wait. Best oak soles,;? 6 cents. Bauer & Stopper. This will remind voti that now Is ths time to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 474- The Portland Curled Half factory.-, tu ftieisger. proprietor. . t Installation of officers will take place at the regular meeting of Wmslow Meade circle no. t.. laaies pi tne u. A. R.,-Tuesday evening. KtMLrner ' lease Parkins, for Camaa. Washousaf and way landlnrs. daily ex cept Sunday. Jeeves Washington street aocit t s p. . - Thomas Dobson left an estate valued at $31,662, according to the ( report of i ej, . , 1 1 ii . I terially altering, lta appearance. . -' ine nonunuun iuvin( win ramver iu hand Is composed of T. 8. McDsniel, A. M. Smith, E. T. Johnson of the City Church Extension society and Rev. C. T. McPherson, pastor, Ernest Blue and F. K. Pomeroy for the congresatlon. Rev. C. T McPherson, -pastor of ths Epworth church, baa secured the Oregon state ' building, Lewis and Clark fair grounds, for use as a temporary church. HOTEL REGISTER there Is the little slip of a girl, per haps, with her heart fluttering with excitement at the realization of meet ing someone dear to her, who ahe has not seen for years. Incidents of this character and hun dreds of others sre written on the hotel register every day In the year. Just the names and the home of the Individual are actually written, but all the joys and troubles of a human heart, the an ticipations, the hope and the disap pointments of an ordinary life are also there in almost every case. Each has his own little world that he Is living In, with his air castles and other thtnirs he Is building. And oth ers are those who are suffering from Incidents which have taken place, all perhaps, owing to no fault of their own, and theynust suffer the consequences. Francis J. Heney registered at the Hotel Portland .yesterday morning. On the same page was the name of S. A. D. puter. If hotel registers could only talk. AT ADMEN'S FEAST sister, other fellow's sister to remind me on that date where I am to go in the evening, and I will be present." The invitation. In another place, reads: "It is proposed to make this meeting a test of individual loyalty and there fore a record-breaker for attendance. Pools are selling that it will exceed 0 per cent of the membership. It win go to 100 per cent If you are there. First 80 men arriving get prises. "To the first 10 Lock of Rinaldo's "To the second 10 Formula for the Rellig smile. J "To the third 10 Hoffman's beauty secrets. . Tha officers of the East Side Bus! ness Men's club will be guests, like wise admen delegates from Seattle, Spokane, Yakima, Lewis ton, Astoria, Eugene, Hood River and others enroute to Oakland to atiena me annual coast convention of advertising men. A traveling man was amusing a crowd at the Oregon hotel yesterday afternoon with this plaything, which la now all tha art over all the country. . Dlavolo is so old that many of tbe old timers of this country, and In fact all parts of the world, have never seen It before. It Is hundreds and hundreds of years old. The e-ame is so old that It Is yonng. It Is so ancient that It is nsw. Harry Thaw , plays It every day. And now Portland has It In all Its glory. the appraisers. X F. Wilson. Robert Galloway and L. T. Peery, filed yester day. Or this sum $21,660 Is In real estate, and io,oiz in notes. Painting, tinting, paper hanging and ploture framing. Portland Paint and Paper company, 2S1 First st. Mala 4879. Will pay cash for deposits, Oregon Trust or Title Guarantee. H, W. God dard, 118 Second. Acme Oil Co. seU safety coal on and fine gasoline. Phone East 78); B-1D07. ' H, W.' Moore, expert photographer. Elks' building. Seventh and Stark sts. Highest price paid for fresh eggs. Kruse's. Park and Morrison. . ZX Chambers, optician, II Seventh, Journal want ads, lo is word. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. - Wliere to Dine. ; Merchants' lunch dailr. 25a Sunday dinner, SOo. JECruse'a. Park and Morrison. ' Moore's restaurant serves' a special 60-cen t Sunday dinner. 148 Fifth st. , Watson's Restaurant will serve a Ha ehicken dinner today. 10 cents, r , Expo pink Sunday. On. account of .-the last appearance of. the Passion play at the Expo, the rink will remain open this one Sunday. There will be skating all day and the fictures will be shown at 4:80 and at p. m. If you haven't seen the Passion-play be sure and do so Sunday. The rink will not be open to skating on Sunday regularly. : Next week continuous- music and moonlight akatina- afternoon and evening-. 1 v ;PEH0NAL ; Wr. and Mrs. C. W. Norddy and their son, Tommy left Wednesday for a trip througn caiuornia ana Mexico. rney will be Joined at Medford by Mrs. W. A. Handley, sister of Mrs. Norddy. LEFFERT'S sale op v i. v ' ..... - , ' DIA10ND i , Will Continue for . the Balance of January -v We; announced last week that we had too many diamonds on hand, money lying idle i and producing' nothing; that . we needed cash and decided to sell our precious stones at a big discount. ' We have decided to continue this sale during the balance of January. We must reduce our magnificent itoclc of diamondsmounted and unmounted- We have found that .we have entirely too many, and if you want to make a profit able and safe Investment here is an opportunity to buy per fect white .diamonds at a great Reduction Former Price. 5 - Now. t 13 Perfect white Diamond $ 8.00 16 Perfect white Diamond $ 12.00 $ 32 Perfect White Diamond $ 24.00 $ 36 Perfect white Diamond $ 27.00 45 Perfect white Diamond $ 33.75 70 Perfect white Diamond f 52.50 $110 Perfect white Diamond $ 82.50 8122 Perfect white Diamond $ 9140 8150 Perfect white Diamond $112.50 $180 Perfect white Diamond $135.00 $225 Perfect white Diamond $163.75 $255 Perfect white Diamond $191.25 $300 Perfect white Diamond $225.00 $360 Perfect white Diamond $270.00 $400 Perfect white Diamond $300.00 lElFFlEKrS . Diamond Specialists 272 Washington Street ; Near Fourth. Phone Main 7520. SEATTLE SOLOIST SINGS IIEKE THIS WEEK Fred Butler, basso soloist ot ths. First Congregational church of Seattle, who will be here this week n sing at the r m nightly revival Services at the First Presbyterian church, Twelfth and Alder street. At a recent meeting of the Woman's Trade Union league, of Chicago, the committee on benefits reported a propo sition whereby all women trade union ists of that city can have the service of a physician for 10 cents a year. The plan will probably be put into practical pjerenoTjmuienearrjii AanrsxMxsTS. HEIL.IO THEATRE Wednesday Eve.. Jan. 29 i .. America's Famous Basse. MERB13RT WITHERSPOON Mall orders received beginning Mon day, January 80. Address W. T. Pani-le, Manager JKelllg Theatre. PRICES Lower floor, first 10 rows,' 82.00; last f rows, 81.80. Balcony, first 9 rows, 81-00; last 5 rowa, 78a. Entire Gallery, 7 Sc. (No reserve In Gallery;) READ! READ! SMITH'S MAGAZINE rxruu stobt The Maiti of the Hour For sale at all News Stands. At HWllg Theatre all week. L The Gray Motor e-EOKSXPOWXX, t97.5& Installed free. Beat and cheanest Gaso line Engine. For Launches or . Motor Boats. ' " 'i ,-: . i-' F. A. BRICKELL, Agent 480 OUntoa st,. whose SeUwood T38. IS Y0URI MCE I11I.ED Wsary features rested and made happy. The Frakes Seauty Parleni are tha . final solace ef the Dlaln woman. whether it be halrdresslng, scalp treat ment, facial massage, electrical or any other of the most modern treatments, you wilt find-It beat done at the Frakea, .wasninirion street, near xejiin. The' prices are reasonable, ; ' This Great f Double-Value Offer Ouffht 5 Offer e ' '..,' r fcj 1 to Bring :v, Doiible FOR REGULAR $23 TO $23 FABRICS. MADE-TO-MEASURE THE USUAL COLUMBIA HIGH-CHARACTER FINISH, SUPERIOR STYLE AND. FIT With an Extra Pair of Trousers FREE It's a tailoring offer that stands out in the lime-light-1 $ distinctive! unparalleled, in this city, and your time no matter how valuable -will be well spent in giving it five minutes' investigation. Elks Bldg. GRANT PHBGLEY, Manager Why Wear READY-MADE CLOTHES? A perfect fitting tuit of clothes gives yon a feeling of confidence. It helps to make you a successful man. Wear good clothes and the world smiles with you. Ready-made clothes, slung together three thousand miles away, and sent out on guess work may look well for a little time, but soon the wrinkles appear, the iron is brought in use, this soon fails and the suit is old and looks shabby long before its time. We will build a suit to your order material, fit, style and workmanship guaranteed for little more and often less money than you now pay for "guess work" clothes. And what a satisfaction in knowing you art "dressed right" and that your suit will hold its shape long after the price is forgotten. Call or write today for samples and prices. Remember we guarantee to please you or your money back. The S. D. Wills Tailoring Co. UtVt Filth Street, ggg", Portand, Oregon . Special Sale High Grade Canned Goods FOR 8ATURDAY AND MONDAY. BUY YOUR CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FROM D. C. BURNS COMPANY BYs THH CASE AND DOZEN AND SAVE 5 TO 60o PER DOZEN. Extra. Fane? ev Corn, reruiar i.ou per . . aa aa - Vana Otanf ndard Corn, regular 11.30 J. M. Fltcklnfi-er Solid Pack Tomatoes, Special ..................' ............ ....... in., a. t .alia Dntiii Pd lr TniiiitiMiL IU'l f nl 11 Ka tier doc AUVU W AaWa aiva.W - L , - ' a m a a a gnecial ........ SX.ifu FarmBlde Brand. Rome, N. Y, Extra Sifted Peas, V. regular $1.75 . per dos. Special ...Sl.oO rarmaida. Rome, N. Y-. Bifted Peas, l'a, regular $1.60 per doa. rarmaide, Rome.' N.' Y' Tender CutRetuge Beitia,' $'t$V per 'doi.' ' A fiocial - SXeOO Farmalde, Rome, N. Yw Refugee Beaaa, S'c, regular $140 per doa. Special 81.90 Farmalde Rome, N. Y., Fane Extra Small Refugee Beans, regular $3.00 per doa. Special . ..82.50 Farmside, Rome, N. X., Solid Pack Pumpkins, regular $2.40 per do. Special ........... 9X.9Q Farmside, Rome, N. Y Solid Pack Squash, t's. regular $2.40 per Farmside. Rome' N Y. Spinach', i'i" regular 's'aib'per'dosV' SpeVi'aK IfglSQ Hawaiian Fancy Slice Pineapples, regular $3.60 per doa. Special.... 82.75 Our prloes average lowest for erdlaary and extraordinary .uaUt3r. ' -: D. C. BURNS COMPANY ' aid Third Si, Bet. Taylor and Salmon. Both Phones. Mai die, A-ieaa. PR0MPLRVI6& ; REAOMABLE PRICED 0REG0fi-PTOTO-5ro6KQ . .. x. UBESxa coxEir. x. llt-6 ST. BaV4K.M . : BJUSTXXHGr BAMOtAlSt W , - : Um3 a UU ' a -. At PLTJMTnXaH DKXTO 8T0SVB during their brush sals. Third and Madison sta, Ought , - Quick 7th and Stark jt a. t , uui. epvciai ........... do. per do. Special fa, reruiar $1.80 per do. a. a - a Sewing Machines at Low Prices Fifty slightly damaged sowing ma chine. Including lingers. Wheler A Wilson, Domestics, Whites. Household, Davis and others, for sale very, cheap to make room for new stock. ', SO CirFI 835 Koxitaos J. JlULL' Maiua Bldg. J. Sbenacsky. Yls2oiv Glrzizj Promptly attended to to any part of the elty. -Doora and windows bought and sold. B4 Second, aeaa Jeff. Phone Pao. SQ37. Mattresses and .Utbohterin rr I slade Over AHA Made to t)rder.' Carpets : .Sewed and Laid. Phone Main IS7S. . . HASSBT If XfASSXT. SOS Fourth Street ! v 1 , . ... ' - le aBwrlnf ' o-rt!a)ti her la, plesM i nentlua The Journal. - 1 1 1 ,:0FIATS r-. ''nisi. i 1 Our faros la an nrtinluA that wa rn do your entire crown, bridge and put work in a day If neceaaerv. Th! i. be appreciated by people from out of town. You may nave your teetti ex tracted in the morning and go home at night with new ones. Positively Painless Brtraettom Pre : Wkea Platee at Bridge Are W. A. WISI; Dentist Twenty Years In Portland. ' Falling bldr.. Third and Waahlninn sts. S a. m. to I p. m. Sundays. S tt Painless Extraction, SOo; Plates, 15. BOTH PXOHXS, A AJTO XAX2T 8039. LAST CHANCE . , TO BEE x PASSION PLAY Notice The Expo Rink will remain open this Sunday enly, on aooount of the last appearance of tha "Passion Play," ' Skating Ail Day : pioturea ae 4iso a4 sioe f, at, AOXXB sluSXUL Kext week Moonlight Skating j4 continuous mulo afternoon and aveninf. THE J AS. I. MARSHALL MANUPACTURINQ CO. Show Cases, Cabinets. Store and Office Fixtures I i I I i l . i tors Promts Changed, Xenses Bemod led, Oeaeral Contracting, riass Brawn, get Couch Street. Phone Paolflo 1181. Z2Z ftortCanf.. Oregon. Pure Beautiful Jade Jewelry Gold Bracelets and 61 k net Rings of all descrtp tlons made to order. American names en graved with the- three cardinal Chinese charac ters, vfca. Glory, Proa perlty and Longevity. Charges reasonable and orders of any design promptly executed and sent prepaid to any part of the U. a The Skilled i Chinese Jeweler, TOOK SABT Q tt CO jsy Tu Chong, ingr as juuer iirwi. Diamond Douse Paint GUARANTEED g gallon lota, SI. 40 P eL 1 gaUoB lota, S1.50 Pr taL .. Manufactured tr PORTLAND SASH & D00H CO. 830 mat St, ortlaa, Os. To Make A Long Ttle Short. WofM!m a. a '13 " DtBvwed vL - rtE rU S-W itsun &boe Repair mo 3333 Set AJdsr Stnst uunux. FURS FURS Remodeling a specialty. Pine Purs at less than wholesale, S.. Schumacher . 28S 'VABXSOB; BT, BBAB 8BZB6B. Store Room for Rent cos. vxxm ajto pxabbexs. ' V,-V' Apply r: ,, Laco House Laundry ' ; ftSH V. Twentieth St, - "The lSIckelodton Theatre" Opposite Oregonian HUf. TODAT ' THB TWO WBiUCKT PIGS." And ' KOJTETMOOJf KOVSSX--IPCTG', ANT BEAT Be, ' Hair Cutting 25c N ' SSOBS. 83XRBB PBI3 THE MODEL The finest 11-ohalr Barber P!.-n tn V city, only f-best barbers itij jujt i. CLAY .'4. ',",', aWMrMkr X. sraVJB.