The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 12, 1908, Page 56, Image 56

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i ll
a Unique
? mw marvf m s stor m vm r mi
n. -M i "5 x t cx t
t "i ; . t ',
Business JJeYelops
as Country Grows
arid Keeps.
With Progress
piwio niiur threnfto'th meaiom of
brnch towi'.rr '"hoom In th
ast, 1 KM ' ba atloB;4 . .to wnacaf
ffjctwer oa ,th Pwlflo eowt ; Tb
tooct onplWorfanlUoii' of tbli kind,
both from th BUadpolat of profit mni
rtlUblllty, ' 1 . tbt Vof Bhorman, '', ay
A Co- tho lTEt nuilcl'oompftB In
tho wt 'With Mtwork of otoroi,
from Mexico to Canada, carrying a lino
of, good that "la ' unlTtraaUy rocog
nl4 aa - too , atandarflo 'of Jtbo world,
througb tho channolo.of otudlod cour
tety and- nnfalHng oftortto'aafoguard
tho purchaoor In oTery poslblo manner,
thlo company onjoya" tho proatlgo of
leadership' In 1U Uno. Whilo ovory ln
depcndoht branch U allowed ompl aeopo
for too profitable management of U
aelf, . a) iitematio, compact organixa-
tlon of too why atandh back of tno
builneieortho company, making the
name ' 8hrman,Vpay; A Co.; too em
bodiment 'of nnlform .oauaro dealing, in
every hoik and' corner, of 4tho vat Utw
ritory lying between tha national bonnd
ariea " la'facC'tho 'lndlvidualttyof the
lirm i la j itamped 'indelibly" upon every
tore in the'eritiro chain.';" ." ' "
, While the firm of Sherman,' Clay
The Seattle store is at 1406 Second street ind Is managed by , T. ,". Searle.
. 't -n. r n.,rW IS 000 aatiare feet the finest
talking machine exhibition rooms to
'. -Co.' has' been engaged for over 85 years
'In the gelling of musical goods in Cali
"fornia, -the covering of too northwest
neld Is a recent move. ' With the pur
"chase of the entire business of the Al
len & Gllbert-Ramaker company. May I,
1906h Sherman, Clay & Co. announced
fhc newest ind oni 'of 'the handsomest Winchw M
. . .. . .. .. . . .. i L''
t:3-810 Tpranze avenue, spQKane,
M . . i- :L
tut ha the satisfacUon of knowing that hii branch, is one offthe most
Brought to ureajna
Pace x m-.:
is ' c
-' , - w , ' ' - '
. ""-,. 'i '" '
s . , ,
'ii ' ' Ji' Jiii 'ShmCUr & Company ! located t Sixth arid Morrison streets and is the most commo
The Portland .tore of Sherman, usy countrr.vlt is rerr beautiful location, an
; diou. and V PP;ea;'Vrie Th; total floor space is m excess of
c .lrpo cornered h AwSirt'IShm ol Sherman.' Clsy & Co, is under
(20,000 square ie.- Aiu ""
the control of Joonson.-
(..'unniliiB of , nlano-'aelilpg' or-
raniaaUon j that ha deVeloped'; aoVfar
beyond too original' cxpectatlono of the
promotera of tho pUn that "it atandi to-
f -; ; i
tiie United SUt
aay' lthWt a successful competitor .on
Uie COUL: s U ' vi" -3
ager f or tho ' AUen & Gllbert-Ramaker
company" before the. consolidation. Was
retained by the succeeding company and
on July 1 of last year came" to Port
land . to establish ?tha headquarters , of
jjy au ocas, tnero arc , iuw;Utv.-. -
'-la maintained the excellent name of the company
the northwest district Thla portion ,of
the big organisation controls thebranfch
stores at Portland, Tacoma, Seattle,
Everett. Belllngham and Spokane.
The advantages to the consumer, re
sulting from the Sherman, Clay Co.
manner of doing business, are numer
ous. Great orders, placed at one time,
shipped in one shipment and destined to
one point, anticipate economy in freight
charges, handling (expense and original
cost. Tae wholesale method of buying
paves the way for retail Belling that
advantages tho piano buyer. The Sber-man-Clay
method goes further. It es
tablishes a spirit of harmony between
the branch stores that Ma inspired uni
form reliability, so that one feels too
same safety in dealing with a branch
house that he would feel if he ' were
negotiating with the firm in San Fran
cisco or Portland. StlU mora impor-
taot is the invariable rule of one price
to everybody man, woman or child
of whatever station. The plan of mak
ing assurance doubly sure, by provid
ing their' own . guarantee with every
article sold,, together with that of the
manufacturer, adds to the enviable rep
utation of the firm for fair dealing.
Along with the recognition of this com
pany as a broad-minded., honorable and
progressive concern, has followed the
willingness of the world's leading man
ufacturers to entrust the representation
of their goods with Sherman, Clay A Co.
As a man is known'bytoocompanyjhe
keeps, so is a commercial organization
by the'oharacter of the goods it handles.
It would be difficult - to t determine
whether ! the proverbial , axiom .of a
Lsquare "deal ?to, U',or (the; unparalleled
array .of leading Instruments tney rep
resent has won for i thla company V the
distinction and reputation ..t it : wears.
One, rio doubt, tas" made the Other pos
sible and both have more firmly estab
lished the company and its policy.
' To have it said that Sherman, Clay
Co.- is the world's largest repre
sentatives of the Steinway piano . is
ft s
3 -,!.'
organbatioii U located it
M.ii!ftrt ticnliv rnnmi in that CitV.
tasty and finely, equired aales rooms
"' ! A i V:'1'' :X:'.
". . .
UatlnrHntv -InifMul- Ruoh . 1 the -. fSCt
Who' has nof heard; of the , Steinway?
It is the wo tld's ' one . ramous. musical
leader. , The name of this instrument
su'nds for all that is highest and best
among ' pianos. 1 , Tho " confidence of the
T. H. Cooler is In charee of the Ta
coma atore at 935. t; street, mis u
ea Um a atft-zsvavmm 1
K ui Bvw y w w - ----
stock and is excellently situated fof
the carrying;., on of the largest ana
. . m 1
highest class musical gooas dusi
ness ln'.thatyJXf i;r;v:';
wll nlaced ; in
fiharman. Clay: ft Co. -C That the rela
UOna DftTi pocxi inoiu.
ou is duickly demonstrated ; by the
ht h orMnizatlon , leads all
her distributors. . This Steinway ox
perienco haf 'dona more than add to., the
has won complimentary, consideration
from' all over the United States for the
people offthe "Pacific coast for their
keen appreciation ci . uu ,uw.'vi
nlanoa. . ' -'
In lino with Ita policy to retail only
such Instruments as have been demon
strated above criticism. Sherman, Clay
ft Co. also enjoy the advantage of . rep-
reaantina the greatest achievement; in
toe" player piano that i has ever been
vslotdi The X B.. Chase Artlsano
Plaver not an ordinary player
It Is a step in" advance of every other
similar attempt at aelf , playing pianos
..i Vo. nuicklv and surely won a place
for Itself that commands the respect of
evry one who haa . knowieage or tms
wonderful ' method . 'of v entertainment
fiere,-agaln; la exhibUed another reason
why Sherman, ; t"iay.J ftCo. . has achieved
i.irrhJi in musical lines. '
etui ..annthar ' " distinction v . may v ' be
placed to the ortdlt of Sherman, Clay
,ft Co. First U tho aaies wi piwjj
is the largest piano and musical mercnanaise nouse on we racmc coasi.
chain of stores extends from the" Mexican to the Canadian' Iwyndaris. . In the.
- ul:- iM'ju,'i; Vi'a mmn( riVmnnVtrated tv a sales reoort that has ex-r
-h. i '
way, this iOrganisatlon also Justly lays
claim totha , Urgeet Victor Talking
Machine business In toa United SUtea,
i. KMiinn tn th DoDulatlon that la
served. 'Not only does tho company pos
sess a marvelous retail business in ina
Victor Talking' Machine, but in the citr
lea of "Los Angeles. San Francisco, Se
attle,' Portland and Spokane a, wholesale
a. tm lonatad. serving the entire Pa
cific coast country between the interna
tional boundary lines. There 10 no a
town. of any material also in alUthia
vast territory that has not from ona to
a hundred or mora Victor Talking Ma
chines to attest the completeness with
which this, extensive organisation baa
covered Its field. - '
Among the many pianos regularly
carried In etock by Sherman. Clay ft
Co. fa the celebrated and famoua Knabe,
Every where, for this Instrument is
widely known, the Knabe is admitted to
be one .of too world's representative
pianos. Then, there ' are the A. B;
Chase pianos, toe Everett. Packard. Ea
tey, Emerson, Conover, Ludwlg, Cable,
Sterling. Kingsbury. Huntington, Wel
lington and Mendelssohn pianos, each
complete In itself and each typifying
some particular feature that commends
It to toe general public
' In player pianos, the great Cectllan
line,' with the celebrated metal action,
appeals to many people with discrimin
ating taste while the Kingsbury Inner
Player, made by the .Cable company of
Chicago, attracts many visitors to toe
spacious rooms of the big company.
Thus, aU in all, Sherman. Clay ft Co.
delights In the reputation of having
built up a well-rounded, complete piano
and musical goods organization that
arouses, the admiration of everyone who
listens to' the story of its unparalleled
The story of Sherman, Clay ft Co.
K. Incnmnlets. did it not tell Of
the efforts that have been -exerted in
the direction of artistlo display or us
wares. It has been the ambition oi
the management to estaDiisn in
principal cities of the nortnwesi.
iin. r itarti that is creditable and
representative of the company, the cit
ies in which. a location m enwu,
.v. .nni, with whom the company
seeks to establish commercial relations.
This disposition has led to the selection
oi attractive and beautiful stores, the
policy being not to represent Sherman,
mar & Co. in any community unless
it be well represented, targe, roomy
and convenient quarters inereiore, com
mand the first attention. iier xne
decorations, furnishings, and fittings with excellent taste, all
with the purpose of creatine an atmos
phere of music that wm appear w
lovers of harmony.
Illustrations of the branch houses are
shown herewith, the newest one being
located at Spokane, under the manage
ment of E. O'Callaghan. Thla is' a mag
nificent storeroonv artistically laia oui,
beautifully -decorated and tho meeting
place of the musically inclined people
of the. Inland empire, emcs . iu es
tablishment of this spacious ana eie
in SDokane. the high pur
pose of Sherman, Clay ft Co. has been
locally recognised ana mai urancn i
m Ttmilneas ' is now regarded . as
one of the leading retail houses of the
city.; .. . . ,
Seattle may be-called the first or the
chain of Sherman. Clay stores. Not only
has ' the company - establisnefl a very
i..... ...A ina tora in Seattle, but a
large warejiouse is also mafntainedV T,
W, Searle is the manager or wis nrancn
and prides, himself upon having tho fin
est talking machine exhibition rooms in
the United! States, .v None has suc
ceeded in convincing Mr. Searle that his ,r not well rounaea. ine iai-
nirinri are finished in
white enamel and the effect is pleasing
and elecant.
J. , H. Cooley conducts the Sh'erman,
Clay ft Co. business in Tacoma. iie car
. onmnleta stock and being- well
located, near the heart of the' city, has
received favorable mention, time
again, for the gentility and refinement
that his branch most typifies. V
At Everett,' Sherman, Clay A. Co. is
well represented by T. P. Du Boss
whose business in that ' city recently
won the encomiums of Manager John
son at the annual banquet tendered by
Kim In this city. ' ' - ,"
The Beillnghkm branch la located In a
new and modern building. zs iw
.,t nA in conveniently arranged and
reehentlv decorated. Under charge of
George 3H. Barnes, this store nas rap
idly become the most popular In the
Washlngtorj city.- , .
t Under the direct supervision oi gen
eral Manager O. F. Johnson, the largest
business of the northwest la conducted
In the city of Portland. The building of
the company, all of which is under lease,
is located at the corner of Sixth and
Morrison streets, acrosa from the post
office. This location has long een re
garded aa the most Imposing retail, cor
ner In the city. The remodelling of the
building, undertaken by X, Mr. J ohnson,
haa resulted in the finest, series of dis
play window! in tho city, most of which
are given over, at all times, to the ar
tistic exhibition of toe -- most famous
musical products of the civilised -world.
V Here iav the headquarters for pUno
qaallty In the northwest Hero has de
veloped; almost . spontaneously one of
the most complete musical environments
in tho nation. Here is a series oi floors
devoted to all that Is grandest and best
la. musical goods. Here is . a bewilder
ing assortment of the standard products
Of tho world in musical merchandise.
Nothing is lacking, nothing Jrf out of
harmony, notWog7. unsatisfying XIro,
ceeded by many' thousands of dollars the fondest anticipations of the owners and ; . .
1 " managers of the pmpanyv One 'prime t reason; for; theirinptecedented suceess'; :-:
and' great;financiai' prestige is ;due,: to; the fact that they j
t best pianos and mitsicaUnstrumejits.
fmwWoowo4 ,
',' . . , ' i'J..a
This 8-story gtructure is the San Frandsc'o home of Sherman, Clay & Co.
The large first floor is devoted to me aatcsrvuma iu .
menti necessary for the accommodation of patrons. The mezzanine floor
is set apart for sheet music Second floor, general office of the company.
Third floor, Victor Talking Machine and records. Fourth floor, small
musical instruments.- Fifth floor, reserved entkely for Steinway pianos.
Sixth floor, all other piano. Seventh floor, player pianos, including the
Artisano and Cecilian line. Eighth floor, a large and well ventilated
recital hall. The fixture and all equipment are the nut modern ana
each 3 department" is exquisitely appointed. Vy" ' - " .::'-
artistic display, spacious halls and brtl
iianMv lighted ranmi eambln In one
striking evidence of tho friendliness of
commerce and art It would appear
that nothing more could be desirea, out
i- a i i '..v ;',i.. !'X :
' , "
JJ rlnimiT .nrn' itMa biar
V located toom . at 1235 Elk- ttreeti'; , Manager, George H. Barne ;prides
' t! wfart that this store is in ' modern building: and he
V has given a great deal' Of attention to the harmony , aiy taste; of its
a touch of pleasing 'refinement has been
added by tho company in -requiring the
highest degree -of courtesy; "fronv,-. every
employe of Sherman, Clay &,Co. ,r J '
HI I.'.. 1 !''' W1:1:'1'-
rV ' "t .,in .
. . . It v . . i .1 .
The business of tte'Everett braach at 4$03" Hewitt avenue, in charge of Tf
t "P. 'Du Boise, has assumed excellent- proportions;. Although one of th
; smaller; stores, the stock, .nevertheless,1 is complete ..ana tne cispiay ct
'fflusical goods is second to none in the territory. ' . . ' i , f
i!'uf A.l V av.MAA Hil .
Thus, much haa been said when the
word "comDlete" is applied to the Port
land branch of Sherman, Clay ft Co. From
the character of the merchandise nan
died, down to tbo manner of Ita hand-
I . J."
ij ,. ,
'... ' ,
..... ". . . - arr : M
s,..:ii :f tf
-comoajiv 1 ensconced in the fmely
ling, .this :flrm exemplifies .the most ap
proved and most' highly developed methj
ods of reaching the thousands of people
with whom" It is in constant touch,
- ' " w
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