12: . i ' THE v OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAi; : PORTLAND; SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 12, 1908. WasMngtcaft' Oregon ; -. 'Realty; Co. ': , , 108 Second street. . 7i acres, near Columbia, river, S miles rnm boat lauding and growlnu town; 140 acres- htimks bolt cedar, 20 acres piling, balance stump land cleaned out and Hded to grass; thousands of rorda cordwood timber; well watered by two streams and springs; easy arada tn rlVKC for i-t-niinr cordwood; torlr alt level and fine soil; rood rhancs i for, email colony or wt dairy raxm; only $10; per wra. . . f 1.800 it acrus, 7 miles from Van couver, Wash.; part prairie and part rich awale land;, fenced on i sides; easy terms. . . t, ,. ". $2. 4 00--80 acres 1 miles from North ern paclflo railway and Columbia river, 10 tniiM from Vancouver: mostly level. good aoil. lot of good fir and cedar Baw timber, logging road cloae by, lota or cordwood timber; half cash, or will tak Portland property In exchange. V $3.4ci--40 acres 1 J "miles from Port ,..nd, I jnllcs from railroad station: 20 'acre In cultivation, 4 acres In hops. 1H aerea In bearing orchard, mostly p " Pies: several aerea timber; 4-rooin l , house," fair bam, hop house, R. F. P., ". rear school; fine soil. Terms, V4 cash. - balance I years at C per cent FOB SAtlJ FAIOI3' FARMS! FARMS!! FARMS!!! 8Utes aV Pepcr, real estate, 6X0 Union aveH North, near Russell at., Portland, Or, Headquarters lor farm lands; 78 choice farms on the list; here, are just a few: 170 pr acre for 295 acres I hi miles from Kewberg; 105 acres Improved: running- water, well and aprlnaa; 1 10. too cash, balance 3 years 4 per cent. 14.000 for 60 acres, partly improved. ever 1,000 cords of Wood: one mil a from ; town and railroad. Cash. 11.200 for 40 acres, partly Improved nouse, orcnara, wen, rencea, gooa water 1800'Onsh, balance 3 years 6 per cent. f 3.600 for 160 acres. 35 acres clear. Da la nee immure and timber; buildings. orchard, creek and. well; 4 miles from railroad and river; mall route; $1,800 caen, balance e per cent. . 12.400 for 160 acres In Columbia county, close to new railroad depot on Nehalem river; fine land. Will trade for cltv property. Terms. 11 4 A All .- A " " - ImnvfivAi aau to electric line, boat landing and rail road; 25 ncres beaverdam; buildings: pasture; timber: rood water; $7,000 cash, balance 8 per cent. Jli.000 lor 66 acres close to railroad; improved; Al bulldlnsa; 10 acres bcav erdam; good water; (3,000 cash, balance ( rer cent. 11,700 for 40 acres. Improved; 3 miles from town and railroad; good buildings,- good water; $00 cash, balance 3 years HORSES,: VEHICLES, HARNESS 80MB GOOD WORKERS. AT 150 Flanders Pair bays, weight. 8,000, 81 ana years oia; e grey ana umi-n, weight, 8.900; pair chestnuts; sorrels, weight 2,666; all pood pullers, and price ngnt; nay years oia wen Drone, weignt FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE 1.100 pounds: brown and black, weight 3,1 B0, good road team, work single; ( year-old grajr mare, weight 1,080, very clever: Dnlr have, weiirlit 2.200. rood - -. , , -- -.,- - , . , 1 pair in any country; win give goou irmi with all this stuff; positively will not De undersold in rortiana; l raise most of theae horses In eastern Oregon; they don't cost me anything. C W. McClaln, 860 Flanders. PAIR OF CHUNKS. WEIGH 17-00 each: sound and gtd workers; Hingis or double; sell separately; aiso mares, one welehs 1.400. price welrha 1.200. price 165. Call Stables, 12th and Flanders sta; ask for Mr. -Gentry. BARGAIN FINk YOUNO HORSE, wetaht 1.100. lady can drive: also driving mare, weight 860. fine saddler; light spring wagon and heavy harness; also good top buggy, or exchange for real estate. Phone Tabor 084. Wanted oooiJ ' A NICK HOME. ' : l-room plastered house. full basement, I lota, each 60x100, bearing fruit treea, berries, .-. moll barn, hen-house, ' cement walk around house, ' on fit, Johns carllne; pries $2,600; will; trade for farm. , ANGEUJ8 EXCHANGE, 111 Commonwealth bldg , th and Ankeny. .- Exchange ' - ik. n5 v"tea lare house, good barn, aaroe i frnhhv I ,rult- P'eaaont location, on good road. 7 ..ir ni rnua" will take house In Portland aa part pay: 83.600, A . HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bldg. . Excaanire r, J 00-acre stock farm, splendid outslds range, good house, 'barn, orchard, good ntphlwirhArkf1 tnliinhittiA mtj iA mtwtm LIGHT SURREY: must be nearly new and cheap. N-119, j vetch and clover hay; good water; will iraue ior iirnanu property; vi.uuv. liKNKLK & 1IARHISON, an ADington ouig, Journal GOOD TKAM tX)R SALE OR TRADE for a lot. Woodlawn 883. 156 Al- 6 ppr cent. $2.0 $2,00020 acres. 1H miles from Portland: 4 miles from railroad sta tion; new rustio house; all fenced with cedar post and wire; 14 acres In fine mate of cultivation; all level land, on maln'emintv marl, near school: R. F. D. nd telephonti fina location; best f mproved;' g00d buildings; good soil; - uair cash, Daiance per cent .'..aa-j, .rn; -ti f HOO for 47 acres, lu miles from 000 for 40 acres on Tualatin river. a bargain: $1,200 cash, balance 8 years 8 per cent. $2,000 for 18 acres one fourth mils from town anTT railroad. Improved; buildings; franquette walnuta fruit; berries; good water; $1,000 cash, bal ance 8 years e per cent, 820.000 for 3S8 acres on the Willam ette river, 2 miles frem carline; partly berta t HOUSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. Cth and Hawthorne. Fast 72. WANTED TEAM. ABOUT 1,200 LBS. LARGE LIST CITY, FARM AND Busi ness property ior exenange. ir i haven't what you want, will get It. Come and s. a. J. Richardson. 412 c ommonweaun building. rERSQNAL Kidney Cure Tea 1 Hot medicine. For sals by W.'j. Vsn Damme, 186 Morrison street, next to i-ups coirce nouse, following are the testimonials of a few of those who havo Devn vurea or Kidney trouble through A.' B. Gates, from nihim nr talla about bis kidney trouble and this won derful ruror , "tn ih, K..innH T - ... ... va ......... - iriougnt ma my pack was affected by rheumatism. In coume or tlnVe I foiliM OUl mat my Kinaeva ware mttmrfA i Went to different ' doctors and rrtcd all kinds of medicine, but got little or no re nuiia. Alter aurrrin mr mnra than 10 years and spending conslderabla nwuvy, but., van i 'amine gave in a a tea made from a leaf ha called a Ladv tree. I drank that tea for a week anJ was louuiy cured. . I have drank the lea. on ana on ror rnrea mnntha i la now Six months that I have not drank any and my cure is perfect and recom mended tot tha suffering public" Ifrs-M V. Ttlltlur IRS lifh . "1 have suffered a Ion time with kid ney trouble. - nnthlliir - ilnln mi mnV good. Three cups of Mr. Van Damme'i tea cured ma so oomnlnti-lv that I rn. otnmond It o all ladlea who ars afftotsd with aura back. . ' - Miss Carrie Nlcloua. 1I1RU Morrison '.t'?1 "J llv aniffered for years with a lama back that drove me about PERSONAL MISS , ETHEL WARD.; MANICURIST goi H Mornoa nt. to xui i CLAIRVOYANTS AJTD PAUIIST3 MELVEf "THUJ SNOWDEN BATHS," 146 Vi fi'tii at, rooms 84-25. Vapor, sponge batha electrlo treatments. Lady attundont t LADl KS"Xi KE TO do t6' aLabSa as housekeepers Tor middle-aged gen tteman. Oil A. Journal.- kTiiS aRCKtxrEE lt6tf, sill, AL . der at., room 4. massage and mag netic treatment. PIANO TUNING. MELVHf Tee Reliable Seer ' ana Psychic THERB5 bldg., Id and Taylor. Phone Pacific $44. VntAJJi$m2-pA'lJX SEERS DBS. AT WOOD, PRlVATti, llOSPITAlI WHAT 1EY" CANADOC Vn8 vSr Home for unfortunate girls; good car WHKN Upon varrtt JU at confinement 808 Allky.bl3g. THE in flt!RRriTTJinV5SllaA?l? MRT0liRl5clOdTSSElJSK, CAlK'E'lf BVERyRA(TnONRWOm?D TONVINCH erenceja 8 Mi Park. Uln UPS. A-1734. THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF HELP- 100. Ladies' skirts pressed. lOo. Gil-f9. COUNTERFEIT DOLLARS. Hu bert 10W th. next Qiwlle. Main 2088. 1 LilSJ.'iN F ' T H E GKNUINK.'' poll-HoamAL :,K0w:,rjpiiif-:yog tfrntsPR .ctorsand: business, at 423 H Morrison St. rVwive-'.io' ,V..yy BTSl-fJlBSON GIVES SCALP (TkEAT-1 CHICS: THERE ARE A FEWOFNU ; ment; danuruff. li68H Mor., room II. INK AND A GREAT MANY'IMITa" ALL KINDS OF BATH. 26c; MAS3AOE. Zl$N.JVOiK MB BY MY WORK." i o: Z07 sra. near Tayior. i ; i -ji nunAunj and atAfeqAflK' Aivri'ViIANirURltNd ,SAT SUCCESS ARE THE ENVY U4?12E; AND MANICURING. , OF ALL COMPETITORS. - I AM IS A- ATTAININU Morrison St., room 16. VOUR," FORf UNE oyOLli BY I jjTAkji. j ;w6rU ANBWIn" 1UCLP MY PA hand and cards. 26n. Aroc. 803 gd. TRONS TO SUCCEED. "ATTAINING BOOKS HISTORICAL. LITERARY. reierence, gooa as new, to exchange i none miner r.asc sto. i -v -" v " . uun, w vaviwiki HOitfiK AND WAGON FOR SALE, MR." &,rtntypWrltr- R X k Crane, 175 Arthur, cor. 4th st 3 TEAMS, 8 SETS OF HEAVY HAR Main. FOR SALE OR RENT OR WILL EX nexs. 1 1, 11U, l IK wagons. E. 7th R 16 I tnr nt Si rnnma with wjtll.atnKllakSjit WANT HORSE FOR BOARD; a i ai.tkuo ror acres, i iniit-v xiviu i - - - -. . . , u " - business: nlcelr furnished throuehout GOOD For particulars address HA. Oolllns, unnnnq, ir. 1 I I I....... II J Jk-U ' . ' r-V.i...- ei7 Tli-; , K.r lanrf. canine, it miles irom r-oriianu, uura, p.r-o uuib ULul BUAtK. ttAfllfU LOT ON ALBERTA BT. kT. rrZiXti VV"" "VA Vi7i -tlon Mnprovementa. Timber to pay ror me norse, harness and rubber-tire top car line. Will give five acres of -' ----- i miii fM x i villi rain n lunnn ta nrtr cni nurrv. ahki rnr n 'I'l-tiat vmrmTmnn noma timber, balance very easuy i "I-r. -..V h i . - m. .. . - a . stJ I atfi.DUsT lui alV HCl CDi lUILlIUTVU, IWl PIMUIQ. 11 VJ IllKJtl faVVB. VZTnlc oW'Wi-i? irl'U ""a nrinf004 nW'MAM 0 GROCERY AD GENERAL STORE TO ioiui iiuisqb, hiiiiii i.dvu, ido; one i exenange i or rajicn or nouse ana lot gray anving mare, narness and buggy, v-115 Journal. i2o; rearing orcnaro. mosuy arpiw, n - .... ht.lf raah balance 8 Der cent main count road: RyF. D near school. jT;. iialraBi1, Dnl. Pei,,lr,. nr.- 1w..tl-. T -w, ,..m nnw iinl MiV casn lor uv acren, i ri iuuo ments, 75 chickens. 8 head of hogs, 13 tons of bay. 200. sacks of spuds; good clear; good buildings; good water; wells and creek; lots or line iimoer. $75 per acre for 130 acres fine fruit land, some improved; one mile from C. must sell at once, rolnr awav. L. Johnson. 14 Union ave. 11 (oa t rrm in mllea naat of Van- carline and boat landing; nearly 4.000 wmi??tM?tZM. jord. wood; two thirds cash, balanc. vatlon, several acres of green timber, P'0"1- ... ... . . balanca rr aaa'.lv cleared: rood l-room $5,000 for 100 acres fine land, close fo ChKwAn4 B a i-iw m Iiaq I'Sfna TT1 V 1 1 1 1 II Tl WANTED 1,250 pay preferred. A-8546. . POUND HORSE, Phone Main 1666. $100 DUE BILL TO EXCHANGE FOR good cow and chickens, or pair of ponies. ,484 E. Washington. rustio bouse, new barn, zamuy orcnara. " - .v'ji V" i. fmall creekV good iweil at house and cords of wood; half cash, balance barn. 13 head of cattle, 8 are miicnie years a per raiu eowi I horses, l.colW 61 chickens. $8,200 for 81 acres 1H miles from cream aeparator. wagon.top buggy, all Eagle Creek; 2C Mr.. f-P-f: rroD ana nousenoia xurniiura. mnv, i o-. . it V n u mil tn anhooL level gravel orchard; good buildings, lerms. road to partland: terms $3,000 cash, bal-1 .( ,rRT, rrvnn i.rvitt. land- 43 :ss"Jini?si3.lL5s;r,,ts "M 4 "TMn? .JaTOcivStio" and Vlaa maple Swala. ,) lthnrmihlv cleared, fenced and croas FOIl SALF ITVESTOCK FRESH COWS FOR SALE OR Ex change on beef cows. 85 E. 80th. Kast 6506. FOR SALE 8 COWS, 1 FRESH WITH WE HAVE CLIENTS THAT HAVE good Portland property to exchange for merchandise. What have you? Cobb Bros.. 418 Swetland bldg. 3-STORY HOTEL WITH CIOAR AND confectionery and poolroom. 2S8 N. 14th st, for a house and some land. IMPROVED i ACRES TO TRADE FOR noma in the city. Choice acreage, 8 5""y.wUn-P.,,.ln -.fcni .suffering. Aftar HaSsAgeVApUr AND TUB bAtHSJItHKIR VARIOUS AMBITIONS. THAT partaking or Mr. Van Damme'a tea foral ady attendants. HOVi 4th, cor. Wssh w wm curea and now am a nappy JT i nitf'fl'"jTfcR;rn' gftTVp a girl and have not suffered any for tbelMPiE?.JABE..-HlT.h - past inraa month alnc I first used tha Ua.M Ing, facial masssge. 64 4th st DoXErmins7TTpiraToT73 nair removed. Mrs. iiiu, sso ieiarer. After suffering for II yearn from kidney trouble I was cured of my ail ment by the use of my tea and last De cember when my health was restored I EXPERT MOULDING AND 8TATU concluded to coma to Portland. I bad I irv work.- Blaatar caata and orna. I 60 hens and 130 Worth Of poultry Wlral mania. Antlmm. Grarlan. Rnman and I NOW PHAfTrrTVfl t na I offers for sal before leaving. Florentine. G. Adaml Co., 148 Columbia. I HIS ADVICfl WILL Ba ABSOLUTELY and told me he would Ilka "UA" .v'. n.1 J?" '? HOW, Morrison. Phone Main T847. wrnn. biiu luuKia bo minrniDifj iiiki i i .'. j ' . ,M - - took pity on him and asked him what HAND CARVING TAUGHT, DEALER IN the trouble was. "I have floating kid- I ' antwue rurniture. repairing, bin waan. neys and am not abla to alt up In my ...u...'.." spring wagon when I take my milk to ATTORNEYS town. I must walk beelde my horses for I IS WHY I ItAVHl fin uiMv nviriiii AND WHY f i o , ""b rA?t? MENDS MET TO THEm raiENDS:" KKAD ALL OTHER ADVERTISB WKNT8 OF THIS NATURE, MEL YLIV8 ALL THEY CLAIM TO DO AND REMAINS HERB TO PROVE IT. Btk.Z&1L NOTfFIND MELVIIf V?,?:lyP?JO .ANY CLAIRVOYANT IN THE CITY. FREE. PERSONAL MAGNETISM QUICKLyN , DEVELOPED. , PERSONA T. M inxil-Tloir ia m WAND THAT RULES THE ' 2.?: !T.fcIUM.PHB OVER OB- . SATri ,vL" ",.N.i buccess in can -gai. miiKer. l i-gu mnaer; to 10 miles out, $65 per acre and up. M Zd st. Pi FRESH C6WS'At.7tl Harold si Sellwood car. L. & C. room 10. 142 TSJU 820 ACRES PORT ORTOHn TfMRKR iana; win trade for stock of merchan FOR SALE I FIRST CLASS FRESH dl": cruise 8.000.000 feet. Phone East milch cows, big milkers. 1480 Macad- I an I3ii Grand ave. . ,- , . ' ' Q fin ,r,.n merchant- I luimii uuwv, ui( luufter,. iisu tu I . v-'i 7? vtiwiiu nvc The abov. places ars all .Tirata I fflffiy take Fulton car. Phone M6981. GOOD HOUSE AND SEVERAL LOTS, a advertised. Above bargains are bnt a few of the ,b''1. j farms on our list We hava the larpst list of farms of any firm In Portland or f",n" !..- -- ttiii , I teiepno) vicinity. Prices ran re from 1600 130,000. Writs or call If you ars the market for a .arm. ; Rcalty Co. 101 Second st, Portland, Or, And $00 Mala St., Vancouver, Wasa, Phone Main 2404. assorted fruits; 8-story 7-room house, barn 46x56; all necessary out-butld- good wens:-close to scnooi; in nelahborhood: rural free delivery: - , 11 1 1 . l.nl IU -m - i Licjiiu(a iiim uj iJiavo, n& muo j-1 country town ana miles irom vsn- V., WV - to exchange for rooming house or the following stock, etc.: Team of fine itself In a month aavea tronhla and vouna- Dav mares, new narness. waKoo. new incubator, plowsj 'harrows, etc, fin milch cow, grain and potatoes, etc, enough to run .place. About 80 acres now in spring crop. Price, only $5,700. 62 acrea all fine level land; 40 acres under fine state of cultivation; 12 acres In timber; place fenced and cross fenced: new 7-room house, modern In every respect: now barn: chicken- houses, etc.; good well; buildings alone FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS farm. Whaf have youT T-TlH, Journal Save 85 T eo pEK cent Fuel By using the Heath Automatic Damper, it never lorgeis to turn itseir; pays ror 6 ACRES AT JENNINGS LODGE TO exchange for lota or house. V-113 Journa,!. danger; simple, durable, neat up to date; no trouble to Install It; demon strated. 151 union ave. Phone East 4622: B-1895, and we will bring you one and let you be the ludge. Thoroughbred Black Minorcas My entire flock of thoroughbred Black Minorcas for aale; must sell in consideration of my neighbors' gar dens. Take R.-S. car, get off on the verton. I acres cleared: good house, worth $2,600; quarter mile from achool; bam and chicken-bouse, ots of fruit: rural maU delivery and telephone; 1 VJa v . . i .. i I mile from church. 1 U mllea from coun- lir ' - " ' try town on Columbia river, and 6 miles corner of Shaver st. and Maryland ave.; per cenu , y. . frora Vancouver( on fmo ievei roa(1. It Is the store building there. ' 14 acres, I miles west of Beaver- Includes, 1 horse. 2 cows, 1 heifer, 100 jjf the MIDST OF BARGAINS ton. soma timber. 1 acres swale, easily chickens, buggy, wagon, harness, bar- there are still bargains. See us and cleared; cabin ana spring; a snap at $1.100, -r-.;v-.. ,,. ' .-- . . ACREAGE. 81,700 acrea, all In fruit trees, grapes, berries, etc.: 6-room house. small barn and henhouse; inside oity 9 acres. 1 miles southwest of Bea ver ton; cabin; one acre cleared, bal ance brush; price $900. i " .. i A few more small tracts. ' -J' v FRY &"tHORNTON, ' Beaverton, Or. . J00 ACRES SWALE LAND, GOOD solL 80 acres . under cultivation. 15 acres In-hops, a good $2 000 bxmse, lajge llmlts; 2 blocks from car;' $1,000 cash. buildings good orchard and some small 20 acres 160 acres In cultlvatltin, fruit; prlca $50 per acre; will trade or balance In pasture and timber; all sell on easy terms; the first paymfet fenced and cross-fenced ; fine spring -uuuii iv buww vim f i.hu vi Ior mock; never raumg wen at purchaser and as long as desired on the house; fine orchard with variety of t Per 5B,i rruit; iarm can be irrigated from ' '. '--pALL ON US. spring; very productive soil, does not . COLUMBIA TRUST CO- overflow; 7-room house, good barn and Couch bldg., 109 4th Bt, near Washington, other outbuildings, blacksmith shop IMPROVED FARM OF ICO ACRES filled with best of tools, all kinds of rwws, iiiuws, cuumurr evii. m convincea. we can "show you household furniture, a. snap at D,; whether you ars from Missouri or not I! casn. thot we sell lowest Remember we will Write or call and get a list of our buy what you have to offer. Phone Pa large as well aa small places for sale. Clflc 793. Western Salvage Co., Wash- ycnn,.nujiiig. ju '"wiington ana zotn sts, -vi yvu iii-u-y. THOMPSON A SWAN. Cltlsens Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. 308-7 Bwetland Bldg., Fortlana, or. ONE GOOD LAUNCH HULL, $T2T One 60-foot launch, $2,700. Wanted, several launches to fill orders. Heyes Engine & Launch Co.. 171 Madi son st, phones Main 7408, Home A-3367. WANTED TO SELL $400 DEPOSIT In Oregon Trust & Savings bank. Ad dress "Bank." 2225 1st ave.. Seattle. Wash. 880 ACRES WHEAT LAND IN EAST ern Oregon to trade for Pert land property, particulars at Lafayette Realty Co.. 313 Washington st. 400 ACRES WHEAT FARM TO TRADE for city property: what have you? Room 15. 3134 Washington, corner 6th. HAVE SPLENDID FARMS change for city versa. F. Fuchs, 12 property TO EX and vice Morrison st. the shake of tha wagon Is too much for I GILLIAM ft GILLIAM. ATTORNEYS 1 SOCIAL AND BUSINESS T LIFE. IT me. I Intend to go to Portland next at law, 720 C. of C. bldg. Main 5101. OPENS TO YOUR VISION THR week for an operation. The dotton iMTtiHTi-i.i ituniTui.-uT M i itf GREATEST fiECnRTS nir iirte ,-1 - i ..i .... vv., i ra Tim m . . . , r v . . -L- , r.".,.V;r..v"V :. 1' ZZ-Z collections. uiy uie. x loia mm mat wuuiu io u sure cured TE ADJUSTMENT CO.. LAW ""O.'upoj. "2 OF 'LIFE. IT, s. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8130 ML?1! ARVELqu8,8UBTLE. UN- VJ3 .5. .K-, hv2 Mm bTioVNkNnVwr,'h80M. Kf' 1 take a few days longer to curs you. but GREY ft RICHARDSON. 618 CHAMBER THE MINDS OF MILLIONS I AND I can euro you In at least two or three of Commerce. Practice In all courts. REGULATES THE DESTINIES OF weeks. I then asked him to come In the house and drink of my kidney cure. He said "I have drank all kind of pat ent medicines, consulted many doctors, and am tired of all that. My only sal vation Is in an operation." I told him, "Now I will drink a cup myself and If you don't want to drink a cup you shall never move in this house. 1 win not sell to vou. He drank a cun and con tlnued fo drink the tea for three days, after which he had no more pain and was doing his work again and In a week was perfectly curea. I sen my Kidney cure mum a tea, no medicine), on the condition of "No cure, money refunded." The tea is put up In eoc ana 31.10 bottles. A trial win con vince. ACCOUNTANTS X.AVTRULY GREAT MEN f . rvBKa fERaONAL MAGNETISM AND USB IT. THH RCH MAN IS RICH BECAUSE HM USES THIS INVISIBLE FORCE; THE POOR MAN IS POOR BECAUSE HH" LACKS MAGNETISM O R T T HB KNOWLEDGE OF ITS USE. THH SALESMAN. THE UTATRSV A W LOVER, ALL PROFIT BY THE VRW WILL EXCHANGE 2 LOTS, CORNER 37th and E. Grant st, for small tract on Columbia river, Imoroved or unim proved: value $1,050. Keystone Realty AN 8-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT ON west side, for sale or trade for small business or farm; also farm land, close to Beaverton for sale. T-120, Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10-ACRE AP ple orchard, three miles from rail- road and river. Z-120. Journal. 6 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION, x.uuu rnspoerries, on Mount Hood rail road; will trade for house. Phone Ta bor 670. Goiter and Cancer Specialist Goitres or big neck promptly re moved; cancers, tumors and skin moles permanently cured: asthmatic, chronic and private diseases a specialty; tape worms removed In three hours; conaul tatlon free. Dr. Voose, 181H 1st st. WANTED BY A WIDOWER OF 40 with two little girls four and six ers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best R W. OAGE, .ROOM 80. RALEIGH bldg. 4th and Wash., e-eneral account ing, balances and statements furnished. AUTOMOBILES npvnnv unfnn pid rrh iiwAun. biles and garage; absolutely fireproof 9S!iiTHJS 25 cF0- DO building. 10th and Stark. Phona A-4550. WISH TO POSSESS. THE KEY " - r . v, m v-nvon vr XI A rrlii Hion. . ABSTRACTS LAWYERS' AB8TRACT ft TRUST CO. main fto, A-43I2. 780 Cham, of com. BATHS I FRIENDSHIP, WEALTH AND FAME.' ruuu Abunu, VAIN- LY HOPING THAT L U CK OH CHANCE MAY OPEN THE DOOR run uu. i BODLEY'S TURKISH BATHS, IMPE- nai notei, open aay and nignt. BLANK-BOOK BIAKEDS $600 FOR ANT -MISTAKE MADE Ti'SSHP" FOLLOWING HIS ADVICE. Low Fee, Low Fee. Blank books manufactured; agts. fcnif CTtlr fft- Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledg- . S-UC MJC HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM. 109-111 2D st for years of agev correspondence with a lady on the market. Deiween z ana u years or age. None need answer unless they want a help mate. T-114, Journal. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, PSYCHOME trlst, spiritual life reader, spiritual healing and development Public circle for spiritual Information, Tuesday and Friday, 8 p. m., 25c. Phone Pacific BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES a BIRKENWALD ft CO.. 304-304 EV- MCT WW ' erett st. largest butcher supply house MiLiL V on tne coast write for catalogue. READINGS DAILY AND SUNDAY. HOURS 10 TO 8. SUNDAY I TO 5. REMEMBER THE NAME. for 83.600. described as follows: 80 seres under the plow, small-house. 2 barns, one new studded rustio and . painted 60x68, IS feet to the eaves, -wood-shed and cream room, smoke house, fruit and potato-hAuse, eto- good ' orchard, living water, t miles from crood town, this Is a real bargain, ' easy terms. Alfred A. Baker, or J. J. Kuntx, real estate, -la-.n ADington biag, 10 ACRES, 2 MILES NORTH OF VAN- couver, half cleared, balance stump land, slashed and burned and seeded to jrrasa, good soil, good well and wind mill; water piped Into new 6-room house ana into gooa Darn ana cnicken-nouae; mall orchard, large bed strawberries ana considerable other email rrults; on XC F. D. route and telephone line, near cnooi; oniy 4,tuu, terms. .. . CALL ON US. t 'j- COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Cwchbldg., 109 4th st. near Washington. . 10 ACRES. ON JOHNSON CREEK. ON - ' - O. W. P., 1 block frora Luther sta- von, on county road; fine rich soil; jincn ,0,10V. fit-iigginKg at layman, so atn. BWEET CHERRY LAND, NEAR EU-" gene; piowea ana ready ror planting; I siww-par acre. ueo. aieivin Sillier, 25 ACRES, NEAR GRESHAM. ON BEC- uon ijine roaa; rine rich son, at $200 Ter acre; easy terms; will sell part t-ngHiHKe Lyman, u otn st. P-ACRE TRACTS NEAR VANCOUVER, 2 miles from ferry landing, partly i cleared, lies nicely, good soil, water eas v lly got; they are snaps and can be had . on easy terms. CALL ON US. , ' COLUMBIA TRUST CO., ' curn 109 4tn Bt- "ear Washington. ACRES AT KENDALL STATION all fenced, 4-r.oom house, good barn i . and chicken-house; price $2,200; will t trade for property at Roseburg or Rid dles, Or. See Cobb Bros., 412 Swetland bldg, - 29tACRE APPLE ORCHARD, BEAR fng.' in southern Oregon, for sale at a snap or trade for Pertlaiid property Cobb "Bros., 412 Swetland bldg. 65 ACRES, $3,600, 45 ACRES IN CUL tlvation. iV acrea von no- nni.,j bearing. good buildings, running water telephone, JLV. D.; easy terms. Wll 11am Smith. Oregon City, Or. 20 .ACRES ALL IN CULTIVATION . family orchard, house and other vhBT farm Implements and 3 sets of work harness; a lot of stock, .chickens, etc.: all for $30 per acre. Reason for sell ing, man sick and must quit hard work. This farm Is situated in the Willamette valley and can't bo beat Come and see ua about this, for It won't last long At this price. F. J. STEINMETZ ft CO.. ' ; 193 Morrison st CHOICE FARM BARGAINS. ' $2,800 Nice and woll-lmproved 30-acre place, easy driving distance from Port land; good terms given. $4,600 80 acres, well Improved, good buildings, best of land, IS miles out; easy terms. $11,600 200 acres, highly Improved and well-slocked dairy ranch; also all ma chinery, crop and furniture; very good buildings; boats land right at the door; $4,000 cash handles It 385 per acre ror aspiendld highly Im proved 116-acre farm, fina location; this place brought over $9,000 yearly Income for 6 consecutive years, as will be proven by bank,' reasonable terms given. If you want any kind of farms, and want good value for your money, writs or. set v .. ... ..... i ... F. FUCHS, 231 H Morrison st HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE -SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. ' STOVE DOCTOR WE REPAIR, PUT In coils or exchange, buy or sell stoves 232 1st The Dollar. Main 6374 FOR SALE HIGH GRADE NEW AND second hand upright piano at greatly reaucea prices, h. Sinshelmer. 72 3d st. Vehicles, farm wagons, horses. mucn cows, single and aoume harnes ses, heavy and light 850 Flanders. 60C ON THE DOLLAR. CHAlRS ANB extension tables at the Peoples' Fur niture nouse. front st. we buy ano sen everytnmg. Mam 4Z3H.. LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. ALL kinds of barrels and bottles bought ana soia. o n. roni. 1'none Main 3147. $65J, TOURING CAR: MUST SELL: snap. Call B-2126 or Tabor 388. BEST DRY 4-FOOT FIR WOOD DE llvered at 86 tier cord and nrnmnr. delivery. 1 am handling this wood for Kirk, Hoover, but phone Joe Laflamme, r-aciiiu ib. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 6A V- age ; jennen. 345-847 1st. Pac. 340. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUY furniture, stoves. The DollBr. 232 1st JiHODE ISLAND REDS COCKRELLS" 4 . V. 1 t .. . .. ' touii, ttiou i ornisn-inaian games cockrells. Call at 1184 Kanka kee st, one block east of Union ave.. H. Weisenbarn.' Bargains 40 acres. IS miles of Portland. .nar Clackamas river; 20 acres under culti vation, balance slashed, B acres beaver dam, 4 living springs, some fruit trees, old house, barn 22 by 30. 1 horse, war on. harness, plow, etc., and all farm tools, chickens, 1,600 pounds oats; 6 tons hay. jzu sacits or spuas; price a,2B(r; terms. 110 acres. 60 under cultivation, bal ance good timber and) pasture, living water and on main county road, build ings In excellent condition and good orchard, land lies well to subdivide, only 18 miles of Portland: srlce ISO an acre- terms. E. R. MARKHAM ft CO.. 209 Commercial bldg. I WANT A GOOD COW BIG ' MILK er. Give description and phone num ber. F-117, Journal. Wood yard for sale with K66 cords wood or more: chnan rnr v -v, Call or write 183 Morrow st, or box ii, juBtacaoa. GOOD OKLAHOMA FARM, 160 ACRES, trade on city property or small ranch. 145 Webster st. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE OF equal value for a $50 graphophone? A-119, Journal. WILL EXCHANGE NEW SEWING maohine or gold watch for milch cow, hay or good top buggy. Z-118, Journal. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR hay or fresh cow a fine Durham bull; also thoroughbred Poland China boar for sale or trade. B-119. Journal. TO" EXCHANGE RAILROAD" BONDS and stocks to exchana-n for farm. tlm. ber, mineral, city properties. List sent iree. wuat nave your Brokers' Ex- cnange, iouisvuie, Kentucky. HIGH-CLASS SECURIT YEXCHAn6eS ior nrst-ciass diamond of two carats or oetter. zio commercial block. 2835. 302 Alisky bldg., Morrison and ara sis. Eft ISABELLA MACKIE IS NOW prepared to meet her patrons. Her office is moved from rooms i tpd 10 Lewis bldg., 360 H Morrison, to 371 12th st Take Montgomery car to 12th st. wnere sne win oe pieasea to meet Dotn the old and new patients. Phone Main 7320. SPOKANE ARMFICUL LlMBHOtfSE; 18 years' successful experience; legs, arms, trusses, braces, arches for flat feet made and repaired; manufacturers for the United States government and Northern Pacific Ry. Co. Sherwood bidg., Spokane, Wash. PERSONAL We Cure All diseases of men, women and children both acuta and chronic -Aliue&a-a nf the eye, ear, nose, throat and ' lungs, heart, kidneys, bladder, brain and stom ach catarrh, rheumatism. Indigestion. constipation and skin diseases promptly curea. All private and wasting diseases promptly cured and their effects per manently removed from . tha avatem. Consultation free and strictly oonfl- ueniiai. we guarantee an or our cures. New York Surgical ft Medical Institute, Raleigh bldg.. 1th and Wash. sts. SIGMTI.V, t imea looking Columbia river V mile back, east of Vancouver barracks ol fn. $2,000; easy trmsT ' oleare1' tot " -V k. .f'AL ON US. ' ; COLUMBIA -TRU8T CO Couch bldg., 100 4th St., ntrW-i,t--- hKR SALE 480 ACRE OF Yirr i nvrf Pine timber land .-in WhleluJ Inouire of owner. 80 M;k.icV,S"u E. Cannon, -.-..... 'T' . WE HAVk -THE CHEAPEST1 Avn ; . best small tracts In the viclnitv ef Portland: come in and see us and hi convinced. ' L. A C., room 10, 142C im SAL&40 ACRES Oil coOsbaT suitable for feranborrlea ' and- truck gardening, '3 - mllea from Ity. Addree. I.. ,?vn,, mainniiriu, vr. 1 I' A RM 53 ACRES, MODEK !HOt:SE i . fine orchard, spring water piped In ; blkh school, bantu railroad, phone, every convenience, for ,lty property. Owner, IMl 8; Journal.- " . - - ; ; 3 . , . S uit SAi-E 46 ACRES CHOICE Bdf tom land On Iewia river, near Wood land. Waah.,, a live town with r 3, can neries and many other resourcesr $100 lr acre; nmnll payment and good t-viii m lorir tlmo.- M. E. Lee, room -ijKakJiii t.Og, SIS and Waehingtoa. . Cbicken Rancn 8 acres noultrv farm fl ml Ion nt Pnrt. land, near 6c carline; half acre of mt ra wiArit am 1 AA ,,4 f aa h,inm.1 barn.tpigeon house (180 birds), poultry nuuBM (su cnicKens;, Drooaers, incuua tor, horse, cow, etc.; first class farm Implements, on best highway In Mult nomah county; small price and easy terms. E. R. MARKHAM ft CO., 209 Commercial b!k. FOR SALE FOX TERRIER PUPS" and one female I years' old. Phone Jtast 407 s. SUNSET COAL, $7 TON. 253 ALDER st., room io. Main 6037. UWUEHWOOD TYPEWRITER, IN gooa condition, at a bargain. 718 unamoer or commerce. Utt bALlS DIAMONDS, PART OF an estate; reasoname. w-11 9. Journal. BUFF ORPINGTON ' COCK. COirKRtt. els and pullets, pure buff, all prices. x-eiiA murpny, near wooastoCK P. O. TWO YOUNG HEIFERS AND SOME tnorougnDrea -tsarrea ttock hens and cocKereis, cneap. pnone Tabor 934. 1 CAR 2x6 FIR LUMBER, 16 AND 18 long. 402 Wells-Fargo. Main feet 8425. FOR SALE. Cheap PEDIGREED Duiuemer puppies. Z89 E. Morrison sr., fortiana, or. FOR SALE -65 ACRES FULLY IM proved bottom land in Cowlits county. Wash.; fine new- house, new barn and other new outbuildings, good orchaTd; one mile from town, good roads and good - graded-- school ; - price $ 6,000 half cash and terms. M. E. Lee, room 80 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washlngtom sts. TIMBER TO SELL 12 TIMBER CLAIMS OR any part of them, consisting of spruce, hemlock, cedar and fir; good quality; all in fjrst hands, near river and Lytle railroad survey; townships 1 and 2 north, range 10 west; no options. Address J. C; Bewley, Bay City, Tll lamoote County. Or. " MODERN, NEW, 6-ROOM HOUSE, Queen Anne style; barn; lot 60x100; 1U.WU, iuji uaaemeni; l,vuu casn, Dal ance easy payments. R-118, Journal. FOR SALE 1O0 SHARES COMSTOCK" -wwen uate. Aqaresa b-118, journal FOR SALE A GENTLE PONY CHEAP' Call 669 Overton st. IF YOU WANT A MOTOR BOAT""!' have a proposition to make you; write F. W. Smith. 890 E. Salmon st. STEAM - - WOODSA W - FOR cheap. Call 288 E. 8th st 1 ATM $ 1 5 SHORT TAN LADY'S COAT. A& most new, slie 84, for $3. Call 281 Glbbs st - FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE , .. . . TIMBER LANDS. wa oN US. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. Conch Bldg. 1Q 4th. near Washlnrto-. T- MUSICAL ECSTRTJBIEXTS FOR SALEA FLAT PIANO it at TORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU v.slo -house; repairing. $27, SUrk, - CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 20 acres, all but 3 in cultiva tion, finest kind of -soil, family orchard, fenced, 6-room house, good barn, well, half mile from Tualatin river, 1 miles from Tlgardvllle., near electric line. Price. $3,600. WUl trade for a bouse and lot - v 1 ANGELES EXCHANGE, - S18 Commonwealth bldg., . - k 6th and Ankeny." ' , Kiduey-Cwe Tea Not medicines. For aals hv .W. J. Van Damme. 186 Morrison street, next to Pap's coffee house. Call at office and read testimonial of those who have been cured of kidney troubles through tne use or tnis tea. I sell my kidney curs flust a tea. no medicine) on the condition of "No cure, money refunded." The tea is nut ud in 60c and $1.10 bottles. A trial will con vince. Madame Luckey Gives electrlo baths and vibratory treat ments, also sclentlflo massage, scalp and face treatments, chiropody. 203 4th st., near Salmon. Main 2011. UUTUHEKS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekum, 131-133 1st st, carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest marxet prices. COAL AND WOOD MELVEi: DC x X X X , $7. Free Burning, Non-Cllnkerlng Phone Mail 734 x -x X X X SLAB WOOD. BIG LOAD, $2. UNION FUEL CO., Foot of Montgomery st. Phone Main 2143. PROFESSIONAL FINNISH - SWEDISH massage treatments for rheumatism, stomach and Joint troubles, etc Par lor 227 23d st N., or at your home. Home pnone A-2309. O. O. Jurva and Mrs. Graduated In Finland. Br. Mary Kramer Cures blood diseases; confinements specialty. 861 Mississippi ave. East 5543. Free examinations; patients at nom- STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO FOR aulck delivery: green and dry slab- wood, dry cordwood, any length; heavy diock, i6 a loaq. pnone . mast 424; u-1773 The Benson 291 MORRISON. COR FIFTH. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash, fir and coal. Portland Wood ft Coal Co, loin ana navier sis. GOOD LUMP LIGNITE COAL $7 PER ton C O. u.i aeiiverea in ton lots. Thompson-ft Swan. 806-7 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 3039. Home A-3039, NO FOR CHARCOAL. CALL M. 6963. W1rurjJD Tl tvt T,,-e,,x. TT-R "" ""' lJr Prompt attention. in DUDinaoo jictu i prompt delivery, root or curry st eftnn InnnmA wliina tn mat InH- 1 irom so to o; no oojecuon to country may, out must nave a nome; object matrimony. Aqaress -m-iis, jou rnal ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEfrf. women,' children; concers and female sickness permanently cured: aure cura ior spinal meningitis, ur. Paul Crom well sanitarium, 127 N. 12th. Main 6478. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. House and blacksmith cools, coka. cnarcoai, mnanng. pnone Main iuik. TELEPHONE EAST 7. ' F. B. JONES ft CO., Wood and coal. 181 East Water st Dr. PWliD T. Ball Paralysis, goitre, rheumatism. nnrm cnroniu, uiniu ana iemaio aiseases. 603 FIFTH STREET, COR. SHERMAN. SUNSET COAL CO., BEST LIGNITE coal in city. 87 per ton. Room. 18. 253 Alder. Main 6537. MOUNT HOODy FUEL CO., WOOD AND coat, sou water st. fnone Mam Biio. GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES. NOV- l .. 3. t:- ! i i. . Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; roreign dooks or all kinds. pcnmaie ua, ttv xst St. COAL INDEPENDENT COAL & ICE Co., 863 Stark. Main 780. SLAB WOODl ' DRY, $4; HEAVY block wood, $8. Phone Pacific 2974. FULTON WOOD CO.. 1224 MACADAM st. cord and slab wood, pacific 994. Dr. Mary Lane Institute Expert treatment given . women and children's ailments by a graduate and liaensed lady physician. Maternity cases given epecial attention. Up-to-date san itarium in connection. No charge for consultation and correspondence abso lutely confidential. Address all corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Insti tute, Medical and Surgical, Incorporated, rooms 6 to 14, Grand theatre bldg., cor. Park and Wash, fits'. Phone Main 3928. LADIES. $1,000 REWARD WE Posi tively guarantee Dr. fiouthina-tnn'a Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe ly relieves some of the longest most obstinate abnormal cases in 8 to 6 days; no harm, pain or interference with work. Mail $1.60. Double strength -.uu. but or arus-a-isi - or writs or Southlngton Remedy Co., Dept 17. Kan sas City. Mo. - PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL CLttB solicits business from relalble poople only; fine local list; sjtrictly confiden tial. Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 406 3d St., near nurriBun, a. car. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co., 834 Alder. sjtrictly confiden- FIR WOOD, 4 FOOT CORD. $5. MOORE, 402 Wells-Fttrgo bldg. Main 8425. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE- CLEANING AND DYEINO c i n:n. ,, . . . ' 1 . ... . . Sexine Pills cure all weaknea-- it - box, 6 for $5; full guarcntee. Address or can tne j. a. ulemenson Drug Co., mi -liiii, Kjr, WORLD-FAMED CLAIRVOYANT AND SPIRITUALIST. No charge unless satisfactory. , (You can be the Judge.) Sheldon will positively make no charge for his services unless vnn n entirely satisfied and find blm superior- to any palmist or clairvoyant who has ever visited the cltv: tells vnnr full name, what you called ior and when you will marry. His only reason for calling you by yuur name ana wnat you call tor is that he does this Incidentally aa a chain to read by. . . SECRETS YOU SHOULD KNOW. How can I succeed In buslnessT . How can I win the one I lovet . How can I make money f How can I conquer enemlesT How marry the one of my choicer -- How soon can I marry 7 How conquer my rival? How soon will lover propose? How can I get a position T How to regain your health? 'How hold husband's love? How hold wife's love? How settle quarrel? How can I have good luck? How can I make my homo happy? How can I marry well? How can I be successful In mining? How can I get a letter? - ? My practice and professional rnn- t at inn hullt liriAn 'hnniir able , charges, fair dealings, faithful secpW ice and speedy success, for my clients I nave won ror me tne largest nractiea In the atata of Oregon. My superior xnowieage ana power gives me advant ages which warrant ma In guarantee ing saier surer an mor rapid results man can do oDtamea eisewnero. FOR THIS WEEK. My $5.00 Readings THE HEILIG HIGH GRADE CLEAN- lng work of all kinds in our line. MS Wash, st A-6703, Main 8355. Look' into the future Mystic pan-co-vest a' club 174 west oracle, fortune-teller, dream book, fore-f Park. M-8242; A-6027, Sponge and tens luture events. Price lOe. Jonea press your ciotnes. it. so per montir. Mfff. Co., 631 W. 6th st, suits H. Cln- rrvrHRS r.T.RANEn Avn pnirssior. $1 nee month. .Unlaue Tailoring Co. 309 MtarK st. LONDON SANITARY PARLORS. Preserve vour hair: scientific treat. ment of hair anil acnln' AartAmtt Krt lutely eradicated; gray or faded hair restored to Its natural color without the use of lead. Our magnolia face cream preserves ths complexion and will not grow hair. Suite 7-9, Selllng-Hlrsch uiub. r if uue main cinnatl, Ohio. DR. bing choong. Importer fim -?ttSi ?-I?1ft1.n: 8elIs Chin.e5,ea H. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS h;;Tr vo-h,,r" V-- " specialty. .00 Jeirerson st ...... t,,iUr. Mam 01 3 LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S SAVIN FEATHERS AND FEATHER B6As and cotton root pills: safe and sure cleaned, curled and dyed. Work called ,c"'c"' iwi jjenoai; j per dox, ror ar.d delivered. M. yZ375, 754 Water, or 3 boxes for $5. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st ' ' J -r-r. fERSONS CiV MiHRUC.E-iRrE a-e oituer eex, uesinng acquaintance, send CHIROPRACTORS 10c for circular. Portland Tntrru.ncin- tvr. n. a. rrit.tt.ino riitAriTT-TiT' nureau, room a. iniv, jst St.. cltv. I P. H. C 900 Marauam bide. , A-1B2!! A LADY WISHES TO TRAVEL WITH DR. -L M GORDON, GRADUATE P. S C, 204 6 oreg. bldg. Phone A-1953, LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIS11 FOR i-nicnesters nun, tne diamond Brand. For 26 years known aa b put laf.at Alwava reliable. Tnlra nn s.H -ki chesters Diamond Brand Pills ara sold I CARRIAGE uy uiuigism everywoere. WILL TRADE FIRST CLASS TALK ing machine for gopd bicycle. Port land Phonographagen, 12$ Itb sC - NoMatterWIat ;Toii Wait A Journal Want Ad in our columns will meet the eye of Some one who can supply it. A trial will convince. ; Cost only lea' word. " ' a gentleman that is 111: bent ences furnished and required. IC-116 Journal. LADIES! DR. LA FRANdO'A YiSVt pounn: sare, speedy, regulator 25 cnts, druggists or mall; booklet iree., -uc jl- a mi-vi iiiiauci jnia- ta. : CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS PAPER. HIGHEST CHTfn v.LBr, iiiuoryoratea; iitn yearr 8.000 members; paper sealed; send lOo. L. L. J. J. RANKIN. 1 CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. JOBBING AND REMODELING A SPECIALTY. 2 8T FRONT ST-JPHONB MAIN 6 623. GENTLEMAN. 68, WORTH 150,000, HIAiiM W. .-- ar-'IJA..l.t -r JM n. rtv-.u "ntw vwui-.-ijiii.ni.i, jt.. o, jorr, T An mm n. tnIaj.M -K I . .... ' E.- MELTON OFFICETTSTORE FIX- Phone Main 8100. ' .': .. CARPET CLEANING PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND rWvn nTtnSrhFriiZa , . ,!.tal ttJ5S.?r.-A-a Bloomer. 10 -VEltrro"lVning ."workat'r 4th st. . Phone Main 3982. HOLDEN'S Electrlo Cleaning works; , . carpets mTTMXT . Mtt. - ,iv?.'i T-"r...5mr .. .... 4. 1 -r v.aM I a voaiu ViUiiiB , Vlrch ICUlllJlM UUT Sure euro for rheumatism, rma hv Bn .. if- ..r imr.nra ' . Yrr rlrFlfltll. -- i ,-. ..' I na, J 4 r ASA -co. - - i j0 gjs mnt ?. Q i .. s f u urgnt il , PROF. SHELDON THE MARLIN. 110 H 4th st, cor. of Washington. (En trance on 4th street) 303 1-2 Washlnon Street JFEEETTEST ' TURKISH BATHS, 800 OREQONIAli , s.7.i u genuemen nights. Main 1958. . MISS GRANT MANICUR.NC. AN ittciat itusB.g panors, Koom 6, 145 y Klh t . ' mrs. c, -6R4teLit-(,;PlklTUALiiii: t dium. SeUlng-Hirtch bldg 10th and Washington.. f . .. , x . , , - -. : aLM OP FiGS WR ALL FEMaLI. diseases, 803 Fleldner bldg. Main 7721. BALM OF FIGS F6RALL FeT3aT1! 7 diseases. t'4i E. Bfimont, E4t 4034. OIIItOPODISTS WILLIAM- DEVENY AND ESTELLE uevenv. tne onir scientino chi rnnnrf. Ists, parlors 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d at, CHIROPODY ,iAKD: s PEDiCURlNa Mrs. M. D, Hill. 330 Fleldner bldg. ' DISTRIBUTING OQMPANY . WESTERN CIRCULATINO AND DISW tributing Co., 350ft Morrison; . circu lars,, pahmplets, etc, distributed. THIS WEEK PROR'MBLO."- THE MOilT POWERFUL CLAIRVOY ANT IN AMERICA. This week onlvT- Ho tells you who you are, where you come irom, now many momDers tnero are in your tamuy, what vcur occupation is and what it should be; what your ailments are, how to -cure them; where you will be most successful, and wny; wnai your neaitn will be all through life; . how much wealth you will possess, if any; who it is that caueea fou trouble, ana bow to overcome' It: If your nnm contains ore; and to what extent; how to control thnte vou. love and admire; where vout lost ones are? what you should invest in tn K ani-nAflfll - In fact nO- mfltfv what you wish to know or wish to do, he will accompusn it ior yon or char nothing. Hours, a. m. to p., m. 303 1 -2 WasMnirtoa Street Between 6th and 6th sta. MRS. STEVENS: 1$ YEARS. - PORT- , land s - leading palmist ana, clairvoyant-1 For 1 a - reliable - reading on past present and future call onr this gifted " . in mi Tr Will . . i . seeress. a.aa xaimun u, ror.'un, , -."''-"-' '-SEE THE ' .,,-v Ari1; PROPHETESS, . v A : palmist, 268H Morrison,-bet-8d and 4th. EXPERIENCED "MASSEUSE GIVES massage ann natns. Hoom .11 inui Morrison, formerly-of 224 H Washington. MARIAN , CORELLI. PALMIST AND trance medium, 22iA Washington st ' .' - ' t