THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, ' JANUARY' 12, 1803. H The big m wl: G ; Oregon is thoroughly r FOR REXT HOUSES GOOD FIVE-ROOM HOUSE,. FULL BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS CHANCES m b in . iuiiu i i vn-i uuiii r.Ai I . I J I vi w m r-4 rM i 1 . r cm iiiiu rvu nu. well furnished cottage, teas, $24; front I f!8 Chamber of Com mere. Pacific 1158. 1 The Electrlo Mining A Smelting Co A CHANCE TO MAKE 100 PER CENT UN YOUR MONEY. READ ill ID. mia .T n'Tfint.n a CO.. EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS BROKERS, 'll rhimUii mmrx. Pacific 2758 of cottage, three furnished rooms, $16; Bakery, two ovens, price. Including J incorporated under tha Jawa Of Oregon, 'llWM,,,d ot rlr' Coast Realty Co., I wagona, atoclc, fixtures, ate, 11.200; em-1 capital 11.000,000, par value of ahc-res. 824ft Morrison. nousa, with eight lota; east Irvine- at; cheap to desirable tenant O'Brien Real ty Co. Lumber Exchange. ' , ' UCCOol5.COTfAat!,, ias" a 84th, near Lincoln. Inquire Phone ;at 3400.- - nlovs three men: owner retiring. I tl each, fully DftlJ and unaaseenabl Aianery, clearing IZU3 per momn, uu. our property conaiaia or a mm" Tea, r rocery and bakery. Clearing $280 1 claims. 20 acrea each and a good water per month; $2,000; eaay term. power and 6-aore mlllalta for an eleo- ururstore in ' country town, one-p jrio piant; in tr.e aryest part or me rent; $1,400. - - - - I son we had l.JoO cubio feet per mlnnte. .uental practice, averaging .ibu per wun o leet or ran; we nave one ire; 1,060. ,-,.,. 1 1,000 feet long that assaya from 11 to Cigar a:d confectionery store: idvo. i per ton; the other tour claims carry Portland Homea Co., 104 Morrison. I 6loon , on good downtown corner, gold, silver and copper: thla ore goea VlV&1k6&rilOf6a7irQt'XKli 1 t-MOO. -""- - .Ifrom $1 to 11.60 In gold and about tha cold water. Phone A-10IL IhoulraL Saloon, clearing between $400 uiLmi U allver and from I to 16 Per f 3B Hj. Couch. . VOR. RENT 1 GOOD, room houses. IfODERN East aide. Call Conk $500: 4.000; term. t - leant In copper valuea, front IS to VD Mia An K-. ,nni 11.100 BVBIf Bar ton.' , retiring. , .1 We ave a copper ledge II feat wide uarber Shop. 4 cnairs; rent reaucea i wun a pay sirea mat goea a per cn . -. - . . a is irurr aiiirin. m pnairi: rnuii i - U? .r"i ,fla othcnU laf tn nJ$2 per month! IS0. .. to copper beside tha gold and allverj , Washington. - -- , I Barber shop. chairs, ' gooa Stand; I thla pay strak. where wa struck It on 91INBW,' MODERN 6-KOOU CUT. I B0, r .i - tha surface. V4 Inch wide: now. we Roomlnr-houaa In rood condition, 17 I are in 13 feet and It la 11 inches wiae ronmi piiirlnr ii 5S ncr month and I the whole ledce. 24 feet Wide, wll over; 11.800. I FT concentrate; we have a man that Rooming-house, IT 'rooms, clearing I has looked tha property over and ha I11S per month, furniture and carpets I wants to put a gmelter on the ground; almost new: cont 13,100; owing to UHwe are 11 mllea from the railroad; we health owner will aell for. 1 1.400. I have 6H milee of wagon roaa to buna iinnminr.hAUM. rood.' locality. 111 there are three other companies adjoin rooms. !U0O;wlll give terms. . -.' ling us that, wUl help to make the iota ill ortages: me eiimiea cost i uie niu toe I is iig.ooQ; our snare wui do aooui I 1 r.Ofl- aatlmala that IIS. 000 wll i-It6dM m0dE1T C6TTAflE. E. 161111 Roomlng-houae. el room In A-l eon-1 place the property on a paying basis " 1 j "ir" liwi litin .rim taos anil tioolthera U a. chum to consolidate an ad 4 nooy cnTTAriT With STORE. M Month; H.'rOO; terma' , ' I jolnlngcompany with ours that will 4r.H??an,Yt iiOB,L Rooming and boarding-house. In rood make It one of the best and blcgest month. Call TabOr So". I , MAnh j7b I 11 AAA nf nnnl and eroflA -ROOM MODERN "FLAT. WALklNQ quick aale. V" pts ani tSod lot of or Ton the dump; uiefLMiirtf. iau. cirDiu mr Bmia. auuai HAnmiNe.riAiii 1 1 rnnma. mnMnTi in 7726. 93U Oilsan. , I rood condition. roo ma &lwayi filled: tags, bath and gaa. 129 and. Ill Ma son at. Telephone Main B990. 10 FOUR-ROOM C'OTTAaii.' ' ROD- nev avenue hetween Khaver and Fall ing Phone East 4011. 7 - iTOR RENT MODERN 8-ROOM v - nousa, large grounds, wi improve- menta, inquire at 40 coucn si. FOR RENT S ROOMS. MODERN. Cl- ment basement, several car - uoea. riarin 1200 ner montni pavement I0 Russell, near, Williams; I one of tho best rooming-houses in can or rnone Mam 7. - I city; 14.200; terms. Sura Is not a mine yet but we have one of the beat prospeots In Oregon; our property Is located en the Utile nortn fork of the Santlam river seven miles Restaurant and eonfeetlonerv. clearlna I above Elkhorn poatofflce Marlon JTOn RENT NEW FURNISHED 1 1280 per month; 111 health compels own- I county, about 10 miles eaat of Balem; 7-room house on Bunnyslde carline. I er to sell; $1,700; terms. . . J we put 400,000 shares of our stock In FURNISHED HOUSES rood condition, .rooms uenerai score, in gooa town,, sv.oue. 1111 Belmont St., modern jri every way. , FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES THH MILNER, ISO H MORRISON. near7 Park, deairable office rooms, sin gle or en suite, with, steam heat, hot Butcher ahoo dolnr rood business, I the treasury, . of which about 40.000 If 10. . , -. I shares hdave been sola; we sun nave Restaurant and lunch counter 1350. . 1 .n,""nli.V-. .t. I Art store and picture framing: good I at 10 cents per .share; now la the time ooenlnr for r rht man: II. boo. terms. w w " 1 iivK&rw. i.nvu .mi uiufiui uj tut o, $810: worth more, but owner is ill and The Exclusive Business Brokers. or 10 cents per share. Here la a good chance for echool teschers, clerks and all wage earners to lay by something for m rainy aay ana 01a age ana 11 is safer than any bank; $10 Invested .now In 1 to b years will be worth $100. and OFFICES TO RENT IN THE WOR-1 SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCES. - wiil make you an income for life; 1.000 cesie. ua nimuiua muia. at mw-r ii.vvv veuairr aiuio, wwring iir 1 snares will our con rou sivv uu in erate rate. ' APPiy , w MODen scrooi, 1 i,uu s year, closest mrauiiuun so-iyearsor less it win oe worm ei.vvv, 114 Worcester -bldr. incited. . ' I To those that have a few thousand aol- o.6UO -Kooming-nouse, raon central-1 iMrs to Invest in a gooa tning 11 win gie or en suite, win steam neat, noi . .1A w. ... ... n .l.ntrln link, I hoS tO BSlL electrlo elevator' and both phone service: I . CHARLES. X O'TQOLH CO., central, reaeonaoie rental. IV.V hT.iMin-. Viaam IT located, clears $200 a month, ong Day vou to look this matter up, the heat, electrlo and gas HKht, wfth lanl- WMC" ' worlB m0T an I property Is close b- and tor service, w.. B. 6EU ARCHER A ear. Id and Madison. UCHANi CO., ITH we will be asked for the whole. . .... I glad to hrve you look at It for we have $11,000 The only rirst-ciase noiei in KOt ths goods. If you win call at our gooa vy uimmena iwn, uuua I offloe, U Worcester ouuaing, rortiana, a aplendid business, good terms given I Or., we Will be glad to convince you . r itiio, 1 (hat we have one or tne nest lnvest- Morriwon et. 1 menta in Oregon, we nave some very FOR SALE OOOD-PATINO crppr fnnc pr, and Oak sts- odd. Commercial club bid. DESK ' ROOM FOR RENT. EXCEL- lent location. low rent; desk ' fur -11 a . 1 1 mm ..I. , r""""n":::"7. r, :. W .r. fwn.o l.000 lnh.b- THB COAST REALTY CO.. MOR- nan oiu ryn ivr-iu. w .wuunti, wun gooa pmjTvum. oiock wn- riaon at, leading; real eaute and dubi st. near Mftalaon. 1.1 f Kwirsi mitnntrv. erhnnl aim I v.!.... i..... kab i.awi . 1 , 1 -r - . - ve. ww.-.-, - . , nrni lI unci HW, eauvs wo b svovu WAKKHOUSB SPACiS. INQUIRE 174 1 piles, mualcai iaatrumanU, confection- (offices In city; reasonable amount of E. Water at. tfOl ftM FITRVTTITRR I room and location in town, with lease. ery and cigars. Will sell for invoice mon,y loaned on nearly all places sold If Investigated at once. Have best "SPECIAL PRICES." 109 Journal HOOD RIVER BARGAIN WILL SELL hair intm-eat in valuable 60-acre place Including buildings, team, two I also farms and timber: largest In city; wnirnna anil 11.000 worth of wood, for I rooinlnr-houses from $200 to 13.000. i-.?nmn,h.' $2,000: cash If taken quickly. D-117. $600, Vi cash 10. rooms, modern, close THB COAST REALTY HOLDS AN IN voiced ash ODtlon on the B-room up per flat st 352 Jackson st, and it can onlv be purchased through them; price foreign to the said company will be at- Journal, . i mi tnA K araa V nnllaa Portland; land oleared, etc.. on carline; rood rich soiL must be sold Immediate ly; no trlflers; other acreage all prices. In: trade for small lunch counter. tne saia company win pe at- , I M .i.nt Knmt tacheo. . Tne coast lieauy uo., I.t omajuu jtmioiun, ".'.f. Vr. 4i i months aeo- rolni away bthera Mrriur at - to ret in on the ground floor of the 00 a monins ago, going away, outers .....w.. i . - a i . a, iii nripsi til-iriiPMilrtTRff nr i nniSui xiniS. money producing mmunen. " 'ifTLJL? tiVR2uh flr. offered to PorUand capital; guaranteed " ' " ...... j, . a,. ani nnirK ruturni: amnre 114.50. B17 Hal- !"". - . ir" ni ' T- three rooms rented. tnr a maatlnir! It will COSt VOU Only T rfWin i ROOM NEW AND MODFRN yur tlme t0 K"". Wh U..U; 0"5 A FINE S-KOOM KBW AND MODERN Jhane, ln every lifetime. Give time and r furniture for sal feet condition. Charles Hlrstel t anc complete nousenoia r,.-. wftf mMtlnir to T-117. Journal. well improved r ale. All new and In per- fv atorp itirhT rTfq PorUand property. Fine location. Apply at MILLINERY STORE, FIR8T-CLA6S Rouse and 10 1 Vb. 88 K Bd St., room 8. tA' location and stock, with nicely- , t ejtchance all nrices. $800, M cash 28 rooms, nearly new, rant S7B. lease: rolnr awav. ll.tou. z-s casn au rooms, oncK, close in: 6-year lease, cheap rent; sick nets: trade for real estate. wen improved farms to exenange ror 6-MOOM HOU8B3 FOR RENT. 215. FUR nlture for sale, . (85 Water at, 6outh Portland. 15 ELL MUST 1 EELL THIS WEEK FURNI ture of. modern 4-room house, near Helllr theatre. Inquire 410 Washington FOR RENT 6-ROOM FLAT; FURNl-1 Journal. furnished living rooms; price, $360; one third Its value; lurniture ana location is' good for any small business and worth price alone. Y-llB, Journal. CAUGHT BY THE PANIC FORCED to sell $2,000 worth of stock In gilt edge manufacturing proposition. R-115, ture lor sale. Mia na gaa. jwm i iiBftll'WT ..0, nainiufi u" i-ivi . a, v iw.a. j , uu tween 3rd ana 4in. B SINESS IN THE EAST "compels me to sacrifice an estab- li-i n.,.lM . hii, n.,fl aah nr Z - . I liaiini UWIWJIII, .sua...-" " " " FURNITURE OF A 4-ROOM HOUSE real estate. 421 Hawthorne ave. for sale cheap, at $07 Ross st, pear WAtfT ' PARTNER LAUNDRY BUSI Halsey, ne8(i. must nave $2,000 to $6,000; one THE FURNITURE OF 7 ROOM HOUSE that would take active part prererrea. ror saie ana nouse lor rent, cor par-i x-us, journal. tlculars phone Main 6033. FOft SALE THE FURNITURE OF AN t 8 room house. 312 3d at 1426 WORTH NEW FURNITURE IN room iiat; cneap rent; gooa ioca- ' H rvVHI .W.i v." ,v., bvwu tlon; price $260. phone East 6217. GENERAL 6T6RE FOR SALE IN A thriving southern uregon town; siock Will invoice aoout iz,uuv; couia reuuc.j doing a business ot 33,ooo; win in voice stock at actual value; no trades. F-116, Journal. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR RESTAURANT AND LUNCH MUM sale, walkinr distance, all new. cheap. tor on Washington, rood place ror sale, walkinr distance, all new. cheap, W. Wolf stein. 110 1st FOR RENT-3nSCELLANEOUS BALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern conveniences, mono Mam isb. BUSINESS CHANCES arfners 11.000. Y-I09. Journal. HALF INTEREST IN lunrth niinter and Tea- KVWU J " , . taurant or I860 buys all.. Will stana investigation, v-ui, journm. to AwTimAT ONfilt. EXPERIENCED "Dromoter and organiser to dispose of OlOCK Or SIOCK in gill as inniii' lnr prooosltion. G-118, JournaL FOR ' SALE ONE OF THE BEST- FOR SALE OR TRAD IS HOTEL HAL ' known restaurants in tho city of sey. Will sell cheap or exchange for Portland; has a 100 seating oapacity, farming lands or stock ranch anywhere and the verv best class or oo- in oreron. write ior pHruuuwiu. , In a tare, hiialnaaa! Inratad on on a of I W Marlrahnrv. Hslsev. Oregon. the tworbest streets! owing to failure Ufk'tEfi - PARTNER WITH SOMH of health 'owner must sell: price reason-I " . tm. hi intArant ln new i iai - " w.ue. i raatanranr. Acaress or ci A ITINIC R SINKKS IJH ATIIJN 1JM I MnWhwlAK Kt thriving suburb, consisting of one t ttMoti nnfj-rn-n privilege TO, uuiii, unui -.i.u va...v.7, i l,. rastaUrSnt, 2 line lOlS, nuui, anu price $2,500. Address R-120, Journal. 1 hnraa a.nd blue flame oil stove. 'WANTED-lA DRUGGIST TO BUY all for sale; bargains. Call today or i , Interest and take full charge of a I Monday afternoon. Equity Industrial drugstore In one of the best locations Exchange. 842 f ront st r... I . - a ak.ll.. maw ..tllnn lm "I " . 1, ' I Tl, in , - fine cannot : vestlgatlon solicited, inquire FUUHS. 221 Morrison st Portland:' ,4 carllnes. hew building. WANTED -TO "BUY INTEREST IN e corner, low rent: have J stores and 8mftU business. What have you to )r,aV,..fA!;?,f b.0:..0Best ln offer? Vm. Journal. ixrii.i. RKt.t. HALF INTERESi" rood business proposition; partner hhoh' ' "ntTHiKiraa hambuVa it ok' can work in6oorn or out; experience not ?n lhfSHfTlKl:?l necessary; the best place of i s kind in naL shop, well Yamhill, owner called to San Francisco. Address T-120, Journal. T"" ... RESTAURANT. Al location, clearing $5 to $10 per day. lease, cheap rent, owing to other 'business must sell: price, $425.. Room 309, Commercial blk. '"GOOD HONEST P.ARTNER IN CASH ntiMtnoaa nroflt USD In 1!0(1 nr month: price $350. .Particulars call ciGAR AND CANDY STORE, POOL room 200, Commercial blk. - tables, etc.; owner clears "$125 a SNICELY-FURNISHED ROOMSrAT month after Tr .'rttSS location, fent $60; income $110; price, ness forces sale and price is sacrificed 18t,0: some terms. Room 209. Commer- to 8175 to sen Monoay. wu. ars olal UK. Shave fine business; $500 takes It. X-120. Journal. WANTED TO PURCHASE -A ROOM WANT PARTNER WITH $500 FOR half Interest in manufacturing busi ness; artlole costs 8e, sells for $1.26. A J. Matter. P18 Commonwealth bldg. GROCERY PARTNERS DON'T agree and win sen cneap; i,vuv rv aulred. can piarn eu lnr house on west side; give' number Of rooms and price. Y-1 20, Journal. 'WaRted-to Blt A ROCERYl vi givo location and price. ., W-120, Jour nal. Stark st lots la Portland sub- for farm. Fine stock ranch. imDroved. 14.000: exrhanga for rortiana property. i6o. can zo rooms, one noor. $4,00060 rooms, modern, close; terms. $2.000 55 rooms nearly new. 3760 27 rooms, nearly all new. 1500 Nicest little lunch counter ln citv; living-rooms, Close in; rent fzo; mn nt sell aulck. $760, V4 cash Restaurant seating 40 people; ctners an prices. $300 Lunch counter, sacrifice; worth double. $3,000, cash Best located brick lodglnr-house in city, clearing $300 monthly. $500 Homestead, only 20 miles Port land. $300 6 rooms near Washington st $400 6 rooms, new, steam heated. $800, V cash 22 rooms close, others at various prices, ln fact nearly all that wish to sell. Patronise us, the office that adver tises the most have the experience and reputation and unlimited capital to back every statement. THE COAST REALTY CO., 226)4 Morrison st Phone, write, wire at our expense. I hone Main 1668. A-4160. A MONEY MAKER. For sale, a gravel pit four blocks north of Fir land station, on Mount 6cott carline; cleared $1,200 last year, with small team; good reason for sell ing. H. S. White. Arleta. PARTNER WANTED TIRED OF hired help; will pay you $5 a day; $250 required.' Call 248H Stark st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LOOK THESE UP. 175(1 Neat cottage on full lot; re stricted district, fine location; small cash payment ' 1900 each 2 6-room dwellings la. rood condition good locality, on carline; best bargain in city; terms. Also have several modern bungalows from $2,300 to $2,700 In North Irving ton. ... Two e-acre tracts at a Bargain. J: J. MCCARTHY. 422 Abington bldg. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE t V U i IRVING TON, -r V .'."'' , -..f '.' " ' - 81.200. , ' - Just one 10x100 lot left on 17th, be tween nuamooit ana Y&ompson. . .- , i -; I , . , ... . V , " 11.100. - 16x100 feet, -corner of 14th and Thompson, cneap at 31.100. . , ' Inside lot on 14th, between Tillamook ana Tbompscn. 1 Last on at this price, Beautiful Iota on llth, between Bra ee and kooii, -. : . , , Eaijr terms on all above. , .A tRVINOTON INVESTMENT CO, "V ?, II Hamilton bldg. EXTRA BUYS, SOUTH PORTLAND, 3.1,300 Kim lot, good House. 38.B0O Pretty 6-room cottsra 84.000 7 rooms, furnace, fire place extra well built and finished. $4,500 corner rooms, pew and op- to-oate: rine value.' 81.600100x100. corner, excellent lo cation ; 7-room modern house, room for more nouses; investigate. ZIMMERMAN eVVAUOHAN, 303 Buchanan bldg. STANDARD INVESTMENT -CO. II Kth at. New modern 4-room house, en Broad way, and a treat buy at $4,600. Fine l-roora cottage on Halser st- lot 00X123, para; zo-it aney; only 31,000, Lot 15x200. on B. nth at: this la a great snap at ii.zoo. UTAH UAM1J INVESTMENT CO, 226 6th st I fcfttlflTLY koDERtf .-iid6M bUH. raiow. close in. Bouth Portland, rood neighborhood, grand view up aed down river, 3 d 10c its rrom car, cement walks, lawn, rosea, large baaement furnace. fireplace, beautifully finished and con veniently arranged, large sleeping peron, eiuy ae.uvu. iVlvL. win u, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., 108 4th St., near Wash. FOR" BALE Large l-room house, brick basement cement floor, laundry tuba, furnace, 1 nrepiaces, modern plumbing, 2 toilets, I stationary washbowls. , best enamel bath, gas, electrlo light, elegant fix tures, lot 60x100. beautiful lawn and shrubbery; facea east; 14 blocks from tsroaaway oar: most oesiraoie surrouna lngs; $1,250; terms. IT. B. HUtionOOK CO.. Room 1, Worcester Bldg. ' CUSTOMER OF OURd AtfrildR Ixes US to sell eirht beautiful build ing lota at a big discount The lots have splendid view: are full alxe and on the line of the Mount Hood Electric railway. Tney are five blocks from present street car line. 2226 a niece. At this price there Is $1,000 profit for less than a six months' wait. The Spanton Co, 270 Stark street (ground floor.) UOLLADAY PARK RESIDENCE, $4, 600; fine lawn, rosea, fruit trees, wide veranda, 7 rooms, furnace and fireplace, gas and electric lights, enamel bath, wood lift, large cellar and attic, etc UALU UN VS. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg.. 109 4th st, near Wash. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, CON- crete basement bath, electric lights. etc., all rooms large and house well built throughout; 82,500, half cash. Churchill & Ross, Laurelwood, Mount Scott car. Phone Tabor 782. TO 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSES, from $1,000 up; essy terms; also rooming houses, business chances. farms, and timber land; will trade. Aithur S. Draper A Co., rooms 5 and 6. 348 M, Washington st. corner 7th . FOR SALE 2 MODKRN COTTAGES, 82.100 and 82.600 each: good location. Inquire 318 Hancock. Phone E. 8176. OR SALE MODERN COTTAGE AND lot Fishing. longshore work. Oregon. logging, sawmill and E. E. Lyon, Westport EIGHT ROOMS, MODERN, 100x100; corner; roses, garaen, owner, uuy view. Sellwood 370. ROOM, MODERN HOTJSE. JUST FIN lshed. East 21st and Division st Phone owner, Sellwood 770. H. P. PALMER. 222 FAILING BLDG., makes a specialty or semng nouses n the E. Burnslde district FOB SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ' 80 acres near Lebanon, IS acrea Cleared, 6-room house, 1 barns, 8 springs, all fenced, . one mile store and post orr ce, good level road, mnes to n. k. Price, 11.200;. batf cash, balance, per I acrea all ln fruit and berries, aome strawberries, good B-room nousa, earn chicken houaes and yards. Price, $2,700, f?loaa to raa HnA ' 4-room new house, I lots, 10x100 each. Price, 700. Back of railroad. 6-room house, all In fine shape. Will aell now for cash. 6700. Lot 10x100. 6-room house, plastered, city water, lots 60x100. all In bearing fruit and berries; 1121 rash, balance, . $11 , IHAntk. it.lA. 1 tl AAA . . . 6-room house. Sot 76x100,' al! fenced, good barn, chicken house: 11.800. 1164 cash, B per cent monthly payments, or yeany, just to suit. . . ' B-room house, on side of Mount Tabor 8 lots, 60x100 each, nice place; $1,100, tsuv csso, oaiance, 1 per cent. 8 lots. I7ttxl00; $300 for both) 6I cash, $10 a month. In the city. 10 lots ln the city, 60x100 each J $125 each, half caah. 80 acres on Base Line. $5,8601 half casn, oaiance, per cent. 33 acres cleared and all fenced. 14 1-1 acres near Base Line, Ml Cleared and In clover. Now. $4,800; ft, 000 caah; balance, 6 per cent 8 l-acre tracts, near Base Line. $V 7o: naii casn; balance, 1 per Tent. 10 acres, close to Base Line, $1,800, 10 acres, close to Base Line, $1,100; toon casa; oaianoe, 4 yearr time. 4-room house, cantrv. china closet hall, one block to car line, basement. oement roundation, lot 4Bxii; price, $1,100, half cash; I per cent on bal ance. 6-room house. 8 blocks to car line. a real bargain at 11.300: $800 cash, bal anoe, 1, 8 and I years' time at I per eent O. T. POTTH ft CO., Montavllla. Phone, Tabor 628. EXCHANGE OR SALE. Six-room house, new. for vacant lots; seven-room house, for small farm ln valley. $3,000. pay difference; four-room bouse and auarter-block. for farm, pay difference: five-room house and three lota, $1,800, for grocery or rooming house; five-room house, $2,200, for small farm; eight-room house and quarter, block, $6,000, for farm; 140-acre wheat farm. Waahlnrton. for City or valley property; 800-acre wheat farm, Oregon, for city or valley property; eastern Ore- ?on wheat farm for ranch on coast pre er near Nehalem bay. Farm mortgages for sale. , A. J. RICHARDSON, 412 Commonwealth bldg. ATTENTION FLORISTS. 100x240 nicely fenced on the finest street ln Newberr.' new greenhouse 24 x80 filled with fine carnations ln bloom, city water all over the place, a fine system of sublrrlgation. richest of soil, packing shed, furnace, all kinds of tools, established market for flowera. has netted $1,000 per year for last three rears, best reasons ror seuuig. or wui rade for Portland realty. Price $4,- 000; terms. . lata v kth,haw unu w. 166H Third st FOR SALE FINE, NEARLY NEW all modern 8 -room house, full oement basement new barn, chickenhouse, fine full lots, ail neatly rencea in, piemy o roses, fruit and shrubbery, fine location VDuimnnt. A oeautirui noma, u.imr non-resident, will sell at a sacrificed $5,600, worth $7,000. Easy terms. u timers r.n.AL,i i Lumber Exchange. 6IX-fc66:4 Bumm3WTMODER IN every way, improved street, near Hawthorne ave. Call $02 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and Washington. ARGAIN SIN GOOD BUILDING t"7n lots on and near Hawthorne ave., eall a-l bit. rawt Qfil Ca,K.K1M bldg.. 4th and Washington. FOR" SALE, " M6DERN EIGHT-ROOM auhurhan home on carline. with large iivino- room, and fireolace. three corner lots, lawn, garden and fruts; terma. No genta H-119, journal. NEW FOR SALE REAL ESTATE "Wasbfajtoa & Oregon rr'". Realty Qmvw$S 101 Seconl at, Portland, Phone Main ' , . 8404. '..;: - FOB SALHL ' : 88.100 6-room beautiful, new, mod ern house,- tinted walls, gas, electricity, bath, full cement basement with wash trays . all complete, lot 60x100,' fine view, choloe neighborhood; terms. , $2,760 Strictly modern, .new borne (Just finished), with B rooms and attlo, full basement and full lot on East Mad. laoa at; cash, $1,760; terma on balance. $1,000 Modern k Croons house, bath, toilet, closets, etc Never been occu pied. On East Yamhill st; $1,700 caah; terma on deferred -payment '. - BUSINESS CHANCES. ' 1800 for 1 4-room rooming-house on 6th at; well furnished, good location; rent 160; income 1100 net; $100 cash, balance monthly; a snap, 12.600 4 8-room hotel. 'American Plan. on Gl Ian st. baa a good trade, ana a rood location; rent 1226; cash. 11.600, balance monthly: your chance to get a noiei at ute right price. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $$.6B0-MODERN , 6-ROOM ' JlOUPr, aplendid location, close to car, 11 minutes otit; $w0 cash, balance aa rent. $2,860- New, modern 5 -room cottnte Sear Union ave.) siaaU cash payuieuc. alance to suit ' 42,200 Just the home the mechanic would Ilka, fresh, neat and clean: 7 rooms, all convenience; full sue lot, splendid view, three blocks from "I. car and five blocks from O. It A K shops; If the owner gets right party, he will let It go for J100 down and U a month. . ,. $1.740 One acre In city limits all in fruit? good l-room bouse, close to car: terms. . $1,360 Neat l-room cottage, gooJ lot; a snap) very easy payments. $1,100 4-room cottage and corner lot 74x100; $426 cash, bnlnncc $11 monthly. THE SPANTON CO, 170 Stark st ground floor.) , : "Get Wist" Vtf. house renter, and see these bargains before paying another month'a rent Good $ room house, well painted and celled' lot 40x125.' all under cultivation and fenced, small basement, near car, only 8860, terms. Nice hW A room hunralnw . naav nA IA..AAM hanaa Waat Vark I Mount Scott carline. wood fiber Blaster: at! 'fine furniture, good location; al- 2w"er acrlflce for $860 and take waye .fuU; closets la all rooms, also I too casn; place la , worth H-OOO. hot and cold water; a modern home; I Owner la compelled to eeU 10 acres rent, inoiudinr naax. iidd: ii.vub caau. i .-., i vi um-r wiunum . . " " - I ani VmnnA , balance month!. 11 0fl flninr . at Invoice, a good. clean Stock of groceries. Including aaie. computing scales, cash register, coun ter, shelving, horse and wagon, etc; have splendid cash trade and a good lo- and fenced with erose woven wire, only a,ovv, iirmi. ... Fine I room home M B. Main at, . brick, basement gaa and electricity; original coat; on, account or fi nancial trouble must aell at $$,760; part cash. . cation; rent $$7.60, including etoreroom. room house concrete foundation storehouse, basement and water; good I electricity lot 40x126. house and good reason for selling. I rn- 0rJzJiJi?vJ,ie,h- . a - ". I AJliIDIUriB. KtUAIl X 1AI.. $2,360 buys a good clean atock ofl in Aiisky Mdg. A I I 1 M W KlT:1;..S..vo roR SALE, IN WOODSTOCK. 7-ROOM includeegood young heavy horse and modern houg. wood tlhttr B7a,t.r. hot wsron. wun living rooms aojoininr auu i .... .... ,u. . bam; rant IIS, with a 6-y..r la .This 7roor V'rMv ef''.' d r tm Buivimiu iimk4ii es iivs w vVmw for improved city property, , UNTMPR OVED LOTS FOR SALE. 11,200 for II lota In Columbia helghta. ISO each for t fine lota oa Cora street 1110 each, for I good lots oa Wood- siock car una. 8221 each, for I Foxchaae addition. beautiful lota ta lf"Jr FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. . '. A rrocerv stock well located, on west side; Invoice about 12,000; reasonable rent; doing good business; would con sider exchange aa part, pay la a email ranch. ' OTTO St HAKKBUN, ', ' .- v. 1I8H 1st st " - iU A5REi 6NLY . i,806; "lFINliSf ciosc-in piece of acreage in rortiana: ily IS minutes on Waverly-Rlchmond $$00 Nice lot ln Highland Park. $1,600 each, for 3 awell lota on East SIB IL lai , n ll uiM. vv.vv-.w av.. , , , ' ar C. Logan, room 20, Raleigh bid? 823ft Whfnjrton st $560 NICE BUILDING LOT ON 86TH, near Hawthorne ave.: graded atreet and walk included; 34 cash, balance to suit M. E. Lee, room 10, Raleigh bldg., 17.3 H . Washington st. hnna Main 1404. I Av'r v Ai aaa xttdi r-r.v r''.T. $1.600--NBW. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. - ; "?mSA ; t TJli fin- ta-aii fsm w twri rtAi t arm r-m n uh nau. . w . .. - $lT200Go m"hous7-J block. fSwltS'Avl .S"won V" o.ii.nnii riina: lot EOxllB: con- I casn, oaiance to sun, a snap, won i i -"f '. . r .... f rh hiflr. I7iu waaninrtnn ar. BI.koo 6-room nousa ana a tots, m ri : U...U, Q.n .rilna- nuM rhjina fori ACREAGE NEAR CITY. rrorerv er clrar stand. I $1,800 6 acres, email house and a $660 Small, neat little house, barn, few other buildings; couHe of acres on lOt BOXIOU: 1 DIOCK irom Mount SCVU I ucr cumi.uuii., wmi in ir oitiii. carline, $376 will handle it balance $10 per month; would take horae as part pay. U11U AC I1AIUU3U.1, 183ft 1st st BARGAIN houses, TWO large BRAND rooms, basement; C. R. Donnell & Co. Real Estate . Room 12, 268 Stark BUCHTEL'oj kERtfS MAKE A SPE- clalty of east side realty, rentals. loans, eto. 862 E. Morrisou st hi ACRES, CULTIVATED. SPLENDID ror poultry or irun; oo ir, owner. .Ill Journal. ROOM HOUSE, LOT 40x120, $750. near Tremont Place, Stearns ave. Hood. Inquire for Mason. WITH IM- FOR SALE LOT 60x100. provements; a snap at vu. East 4KS. Phone HOMESEEKERS, ATTENTI6n1 VTWotaa. tnlstait afAfl hAUB and lot A all V"UI acm --x - on Mount Scott carline, price only $750; lot none worm aiou, unior new nno. West Side Exchange, 242 6th st, near Main. Pacific 982. $200 -BUYS HOME BAKERY, DEL- r i; icatessen ana ugnt gruuori (uoq lo cation, nice trade, very good future; other Interests compel Immediate sale; terms to right party; call today. 884 ;4th st: -:- .- - '-' . , i 6pKrtAif:"HAtR GUTTING. 25 CENTS: ' your . taeoktle pressed free at theJ Model, the finest 11-chalr barber ehop; only best of barbers employed. 91 6th, i?ARTl4Eh WANTED. WITH FROM 115.000 to IZO.UOu capital, to ihro ono I hAlf Interest ; in well established, rood Vpavlng business. Address ,G-119, foar- FOR SALE 6r trad. - W REiAL ts- tate;' best paying wall .paper- and paint business in the north J owner re tiring; for further information phone Main 8924, or L. Wet t her, 147 N. 18th. A GbOD"AYIN'd STORE AND LIV- . Ing rooms. Inquire clerty Hotel Hood, comer 6th and Everett . '' ', r FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES AND other goods for sale, at big discount Will give time on part. W-118, Journal. A YEAR'S LEASE. ON FURNI8HEI3 rooming-house and restaurant for sale chesp, Aoplv 29ft N. 8d St.-" QHOCERY STORE FOR SAIE AT IN voice: rood business, lonr lease: rea son for nHlltnr health. Pfe owner: no PARTNER WANTED BECAUSE OWN er can't depend on hired help; $600 reoulred and owner will guarantee you $35 a week; experience unnecessaryr Call 248K Stark sr. RELIABLE REAX ESTATE MAN . having more business than he can attend to alone wants partner: experi ence not necessary beyond ability to show land. etc.. which is easily learned; will pay active man $200 a month: Ht tle money reouired. Call 248ft Stark. HXVlS'OU" 810.060 CASE." TO INVESf . in stock that will pay you at least 10, -per cent this year? Over ouarter-i million invested in company up to date. To the right party we will pay $250 per month,' salary and expenses. Investi gate. Prtnolpals only. P-120, Journal. FWtmTTCKT5FECmN disc and store building in one or tne i best locations in eastern Oregon. A bargain If taken at ones Address box 81, Kingsley, Oregon. .. . ilxr"trt-doli:ar Witt BE the annual profit for those purchas ing Improved Smelter company's stock. Smelter now under course of roninle tlon at Ladd'a property, Oswero.- For particulars apply W. J. Curtis, 215 Com merclal block. - ' 1 ' I AM OFFERING MY WELL-FUR-nlshed $9-room house, .modern, rea sonable rent lease; will give easy terms to parties meaning, business; no curiosity- seekers wanted; circumstances compel advertiser to make special con cessions." Address ; N-180, Journal. $660 ' WILL BUY A - NICE GROC5erT business. On account of sickness will sell cheap. Living rQomaV Call or ad? dress "651 Morrison st-., ; , FIVE ACRES. PARTLY CLEARED. fair house, near townsite on Mount Hood railroad; part cash or trade for house in suburbs; this property will double In value when railroad is In op eration. . Aylsworth & Epton, 46 Base Line. Take M.-V. car. Phone Tabor 670. $2,000 BEST BUSINESS CORNER you can buy on KHUngsworth aVe.; safe investment Zella Gossett, River side office. St Johns car. T,TT!ATTTTtrTTI. 6 ROOM HOME. JUST across the steel bridge, 260 McMillan, offered at a big bargain for a quick sale; house has every modern conven ience: will take $3,400; $3,000 could remain. The Spanton Co. 870 Stark st, mrnimA floor. FOR SAtE-6-R60M MODERN HOUSE on Mount Bcott car line, joi ooxiuu; .760. $400 down, balance $15 per month. T-116, Journal. NEW MODERN . 6-ROOM HOUSE. $3,600; $500 down and $25 per month, East 075. and 24th sts. SALE 5-ACRB CHICKENf FOR ranch, 4 blocks from car line; terma 1Z 1st at. Jigar siore i HIGHLAND REAL ESTATE GIVEN special attention; good homes, lots at reasonaDie prices on inmmnoui horse and buggy to show property. J E. Spier, 1031 union ave. in. MODERN "7-ROOM HOUSE. ON COR- ner lot 60x100, one block- from car line, nice lawn, fruit and flowers: or will exchange for one or two cottages; 32.700. N-11I, journal jTOfe SALUj M 6WNER, ONE OF THE moat beautiful new modern homes in Portland, 8 large rooms, fireplace, plate- glass Windows, dOUDie iiooro, lurnra, cement basement, built-in sideboard, wood lift, laundry. No. 96 E. 18th st, corner Washington. Snap FiVE-ftdoii house, new, in St" Johns, comer lot 73x126, within two DIOcKs or postoince ana sonooi; price, $1,800. Will take good team, wagon and harness as part payment Cobb Bros., 412 Hwetiana piog. HOUSE AND LOT NEAR STEEL bridge, close in; price $2,860. In quire owner, 315 Williams ave., near MCMinan $400 CASH. $12 MONTHLY; 4-koojm cottare, two lots, on corner, $1,200. Churchill & Ross, Laurelwood, Mount Scott car. 6.8 ACRES STUMP LAND. ONE MILE from Vancouver, Wash.; running water; Ideal chicken ranch; $750, ft cash. Merrlfleld Investment Co., 812 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. ROOM RESIDENC UP-TO-DATE 8- fl replace, furnace; by owner. Shaver. Phone Woortlawn 84. E, 226 isoo" BUYS 5 LOTS " IRVINGTON Heights addition, corner 16th and Skidmore; 50x100 each; terms. George Weigle, St. Helens. Oregon. $900 IRVINGTON, FINE BUILDING lot, 60x100, east front near Thomp son andil6th; cement walks and graded streets, one third cash, James C. Logan, room 20, Raleigh bldg., 823ft Washing ton at BEST BUY IN PORTLAND LOTS 60x100, 4 I el aoove graoe, grauoa streets, water mains. Inquire 2 blocks south of Hawthorne avev on 44th st Price $475. Owner on ground. Phone Tabor 254. ; MODERN" 6-ROOM BUN6aL6"W; tinted, large attlo and Basement, full lot $2,460; 1400 cash, balance easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 197; owner. 36M SNAPFARM64 A E&- NEAR Portland, with house, barn, orchard; only $2,000. Others. McCoy, with Coast Realty Co., 226ft Morrison. mSGTJSf S, 60x100, BETWEEN HAW thome ave. and Division street; $60 down, $10 per month. Conklln Bros., 302 Rothchild bldg. cottage; bath and gas, 766 E. 6th north, three minute car service. Gordon, 208 4th. Tel. Main 8990. : GENUINE SNAPS. $860 60x100, Willamette station; terms. , . 387660x100. East Glisan; all Im provements paid. A big snap; aea It ED. O. MAYOR, Room 8', Chambers bldg., $rd and Alder $1 200 SI3C-ROOM HOUSE. lELL- wood; $00 cash,, balance $1$ per month; one block to car. Phone East 181. Call j2ft Grand ave. $2,000 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, EAST $3.600 Splendid home of I ft acres: well Improved, on new-Salem carline; also 8. P. Ry.. 10 miles from Portland; terma can he had. V , . OTTO A HARKSON, t ;: , 138ft 1st st Read Bls-Bree WgMs; Rirht location, right price, right title: cut this ad out paste it in your hat. See Rust A Hofstrand. Arbor Lodge sta tion, St Johns car. Phone Woodlawn 126. TREMONT PLACE LOT 8, BLOCK 1. $100; lots 3 and 4. block 6, 8100 each. If taken soon. Phone Woodlawn 1018. AOrero"n. 0WM'' FOR SALE-FOUR ACRES OF LANT3T , uregon. 100 fruU tf 4-room houso and 4 FINE CORNER LOTS FOR 8 Am, I spring, i -iib. journal. block from canine; m BUI THIS STRICTLY MODERN 11 Bweuana Diag. S T.nilm ni tmtM! nirl a n. rllv $100 CASH, $15 PER MONTH; 4-ROOil" I $8,800, part cash. Owner, phone East modern Dunraiow wooa iiore piaaier, iau renin m MT. SCOTT LINE, $$60 TAKES ALL New four-room house, two iota weii Improved corner, about three minutes' walk from Agents station; or will sell one lot and improvement If you are looking for a cheerful locality and a neat suburban horae this is your best opportunity as this is a sacrlfloe sale regardless of value on account ot leav ing. If desired small amount can re main on easy terms; will answer your inquiry cheerfully. Address postofflce box 6. Lents, Oregon. close to car; lot 60x100. Roes. Price $1,700. NORTHEAST CORNER HAWTH6RNti .. .... c a, , a ... gas; concrete walks; nice lawn; suit able ror bungalow; BLiov. quiver, tt Chamber of Commerce. HUey Park To rent cavers: Why tvav rent when sewer, water, you can buy a lot to Filler Park for tesw una your rentT AvOLs o ana np: 10 1-2 Per Cent Net 6o fare: $8 monthly secures two lots. Room 427 Lumber Exchange bldr Id and Stark. Phone Main 6864. Cheap Home New 4-room cottage, lot 40x110 Teet, on graded atieet, water piped ln the house; $600, terma W. I. Day A Co. A AAA a. m.. m . a Vehlla1 K vaaM 4) O.VUV UBvffNI J VW natlUAUi e g w on deferred payment; four flats, new. IB rainutea' waiK rrom a a ana wasn- Inrlnn fii-nirM aTaa ninrM. oak floors. nlnta rlua front door. rurs. swellest $88 Stark St little proposition on the market M-120, f FIVE-ROOM BUJdAtoW. ' IBAtlt. Journal. . I china closet tinted walla, aonnrat a 1-W60U. k6t)ERN IldUSlS. FtJLL basement, electric lights, close to car; basement, electric lights and gaa 858 $1,900: 81,000 cash, .baUnce - to -ault Monroe atnear Union ave. Churchill A Rosa. Laurelwood, Mount . ' . ... . . . . T , . . n n n a HAita. ir.r hiiv I ill lK.Tnnr uiht. i .d.vuu. barn; terma 'o-118. Journal. wma .Hghly Improved lot' 100x100. btttfitt L66k Tills UP. KOW 13 ZIMMERMAN A VAUGHAN, your cnance to gi a noin, nmo . ' I 4 A MAK t Ano . ..,Trt i . room unfinished residence-, lull sise 101 " w.s unnis i-adi, Also 160 acres .wheat land. - T.inonin county, Washington. Trade for any. thing near Portland. Z-116. Journal. FOR SALE FARMS " "" " - " nrr nm i ti. n .i ' Fann 111 acrea. all rood land. IS aahm ml. ful lawn, flowera and shrubbery: one tlvated. balance pasture and timber, es- klnnir f-nm nrllna- rnnd terms. I Umated 6.000 eorda Of rood aronrl im AVa Phone East 881. Call 132ft Grand ave, land; watered . by good wella and 60x100, .fine view, nice location; two DlOCKa souui irom xaoor ave, on wooa. aAoflr Marline: must be sold this week. I am going to start east the first of the month: no reasonaoie oner reiusea. uwner, xt ponar. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. 8R.000 Thoroughly modern B-room house In Piedmont lot 100x100, beautl- ii oon-lfllx'.RoOM CbTTAGE. MOUJf "Pfjnta: excellent roads en two hides m.."'.. room house, fine new frame barnTall grand ave. I painted, good orchard and outbuildings. FOR SALE TWO LOTS. $275 EACH. Thla is a beautifuUy located faraT 16 48th st. one Phone East 381. block to car; terma Call 132 ft Grand ave. EEAP IIESE WANI AB PAGES TODAY They are full of interest and will prove very valuable to you. Advertisers recognize the power of THE JOURNAL WANT AD columns.- The following letter expresses .the usual result : v. ' . ' .' : . . laurel, Oregon, January 7, 1908. Oregon Journal, Portland, Oregon. ' Dear Sirs: Herewith my check ($4,35) for The Journal and two ads. " The two ads brought about 20 replies from all parts of the state. Journal ads surely pay, or at least they bring results. 1 thank you for not running . it longer, as ft was not "necessary. Respectfully, . F. M. CRABTREE. THESE COLUMNS ARE EQUALLY EFFICIENT IN SATISFYING SUCH WANTS. - - r , - JOURNAL READERS STUDY THE WANT XDS, HENCE RESULTS COME . AS , A MATTER OF COURSE.,. . . 1 . - , " - ' - " ' j,-1 !-."; ' '-.- -j?.'-. "-' -'':' -' ; , VV ' :'- i ' ; ' ' '" " ; 'c ,' v' i '."L :'- ' ' j r:i'V --v--- fc--.? r hlnrlrn south Hawthorne ave.. on I miles from i Portland 1 it ,11 42d at Taoor 542. boat landing on the .Willamette river HAVE FOR SALE 18 HOUSES ANDiananaji a mneirom the new Salem some.vacant lots between steel bridge. "ciint now ouuaing into Portland Walnut park, union ave., ana uvenooifc The best buys In this progressive rest, dence section. Supplied by four car- lines. R-119, journal. lTY PROPERTIES. Lota unimproved, $150 and up; houses, and 7 rooms, modern, $1,700 and up; near carline. Acreage and farms for sale. Terms. . L. A. WRENN, 406 Abington bldg.. Phone Main 8042. $3.S00 01 EASY PA-MEN-' Wltt" prioe $8,000: almost enough cordwood to pay for the farm In atumpage alone. Henkle &"Harrisoa 5 a ; ': 21? Abingttm bldg, CMceFana hn a modern 7-room house? built three months: large living-room, front and rear stairs, furnace and laundry tubs, etc.; on E. 19th and Everett H. P. palmer, zzz railing oiag. Vjooh Homes cheap. $221 eash and $376 on installments for tnree gooa iois in venm... $600 for a nice lot on west aide over, looking the river, beautiful views, easy terms. r ,, $3,600 for a nice corner on west aide with modern 9-room house, a bargain. F. FUCHS. " 221ft Morrison st WE HAVE 10 ACRES TO SELL SOUTH of Kilttnicsworth ave., near Union ave.. which can be laid out In lots and sold from $600 to $600 each. . Will sell at a sacrifice. . . a O'BRIEN REALTY CO- , - Lumber Kx change 6-ROOM HOUSE, BATH, . TOILET, fine basement, modern in every way; elegant lawn set out to roses; chioken houee and corral.close In., for $2,600; also we have many bargains In lbts, homea and farms. We will be pleased to show you our properties. . . HOME LAND CO. ' -. . . 146ft 1st st, ' SPECIAL HAIR CUTTING, 25 CENTS; your necktie ' pressed , free at the Model,' the finest 11-chalr barber shop; onlv best of barbers employed. 91 6th. SWEtX.." 6-ROOM . EXTRA WELL. built, right up-to-date .26x40 new, modern cottage. In choice location, ft block carline; cement walks; concrete basement, sweep roof.-' fiber plastered, electric wired and fixtures, large roauns; $2,000. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morii aon at. - - - --- 10 acrea all first elaaa ind-it ii.,. cultivated, I acrea in fine timber, goaxt new. house, brick foundation, good eel f v. ".Mf- uuiuuoii, ( Darn ana- out builinga 100 bearing,; fruit trees, 11 acrea now sowed to wheat and 71 n oata. balance In timothy, and clover, one eighth mile to school and conven ient to church, atore, shops and In Ger man settlement, only H mile out from Portland. - . - - HENKLE A HARRISON, t . s ' ' 217 Abington bldg. : . Small Fanrt Cheap IB acres, all good land; lies nicely, on main county road, 6 mile out nearly all cultivatasd. 6 acrea la -choice anil orchard, sold $1,000 worth of apples last year, good I room plastered hoime, hot and .cold water, , bath, good barn. gato1 team, fine cow, aome chickens, waron, buggy, all farm machinery and smalt tools; a choice little farm; no atone or gravel. , HENKLE A HARRISON " 217 Abington bldg. , 1 YUeat Farn 820 acres, tine of the best wheat farms and best improved, fine locution In Gil Ham, county, Oregon:; 810 ac rea in cram this spring; lout yr's wtifat ! th farm was sold for 68,200; mfflit t'11 some city property as part pay; price now only $11,600, ..v, hv. HENKLE A HARRISON. 117 Ablngtjn I'Hsr feMALt FARM FOR gAD . Oal" - J . on Portland-Salem elet:trla J!ni. acres of the very Ix-at gardpn a)... and dairy land, with a itvin . acres timber, tulnnce i ilm"U. miles from porllund con r f 'i "'"'. . "" ' macnalamised county ro'l, 'j " J '' elii-(rlo carllnfi; wi 1 tnnie a. it t, -r , house and lot in city t i " '" J armors' A.anJ Co 2?3 21 W I j agents. " 478 Williams avenue. 5 j-' .