ii 10 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY rMORNINQ.. JANUARY .lV 1808. ' If you know that your product has a real value to your com munity, say so The whole city is waitirigi to hear of ; it, on the want pages of .TJie Journal San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 120CjUi51d8. , VelephoaB Steamey 8181, ASTTBTTraKKjrT AVD BTJ- , fCMirxioaH juscjtfTau. Oregonlsns when in San Franclsee ran bar their nail ent la car of The Journai office, ARTHUR I FISH. Representative. WEATHER REPORT Th high area has shifted slightly to the northward since mis morning nj ia now central over Idaho. It la grad ually dlmlnlahlng in energy, mit sun exercises (ha controlling influence ov:r the weather of tha antlra Pacific slopo and intarmountain region. i,igni rains fell ever waatern Washington anil northweatern Oregon during tha last 12 hour and tracaa of precipitation over siiam t immn and southern Idaho. Clear skies ware, however, tha rule ot , all reporting statlona throughout tha weal, o marked cnangea m itraiini- ture occurred. These wera decidedly abov tha normal over the plateau " region. . . i h inAtoatinna are for occasional rain Sunday, weet of tha Caecadea and for fair weather easi oi inn rang. FORECA8TS. tv-a-. mr,A TirlnltV: Sunday. 00 caslnnal rain; variable winds, moatly southerly. . . ' Western Oregon and western Wash Inrinn' Siindftv occaalonal rain: vari- hi -In.la mnatl BOUtlierlV. Eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho! Sunday. pronaoiy iair. Maximum temperature. 42 degrees nl-imni tamnar-tu re. St deBTeee. Rlv er reading at a. m 1.6 feet; change in latt If bonra. 0.1 feet. Total rain fall fi n m. id I d. m.). .87 Inch; to- ii rtlnfull ilnrt September 1. 1907, 20.60 tnchea; normal rainfall since Sep tember 1, 1807. 21.87 Incnes; aericiency. 1.37 inches. Total sunshine, Janunry 10. 1908, S nours, minutee; poaalble sunshine. January 10,' 1908. 8 hours, 64 minutes. Barometer (reduced to aea level) at 6 p. m.. 30.88 incnes. HELP WANTED MALE Union Hotel Room a Hoc ma Room Country transient solicited. Room a 25c. 86o and 60c per night J. It. 1L An demon, proprietor. Wasninrton Hotel Newly ftirnlahed, airy outside room beat accommodation: rent reasonable transient aollclted. 10! 3d and Plandera. W AN TKffM EN TO 'DEM0N8TR A ffi and aell through retail trade, Large commission, premium., exclusive terri tories to business gettera; none other need apply. Automatic Damper Co., 161 cnion avenue. Paelflo Title Truat Co, the leading abatractora, 204-6-1-7 railing mag. ""Western Abstract & noanCo., room II, 268 Stark, opp. uoru oiag. c MARRIAGE LICENSES Joaeph White, Woodbine and Cherry Street, 41, ana Minnie nunw -. Gust Ek, 748 Rooaevelt street. It, and Sigul Elgatrom, 26. Francis Marlon Whitlow, Eugene, 41, and Mrs. Kate wney. 44. "Wedding Cards. W.G. Smith Co., Waahlngton bldg- corner 4th and Wash ington ata, ""Wedding cards ilie beat 100 for $5. Alvln 8. Hawk, 144 Id at ' Tonseth A Co.. fioriata, ior flowers of all klnda 1Z3 ctn sc. Clarke '.iioa Florists Fine flowers and floral dealgna. I8 Morrison st ""Full dreaa suits for rent, all slsea. Unique Tailoring Co., 0 Btark st ytx ii. Smith, florist 0 6th st, opp, Meier & Frank1. Main 7216. UNDERTAKERS EUNNINQ, M'ENTEE A GILBAUGH. undertakers and embalmeta; modern In every detail. Seventh and Fine. Main 4S0. LMOJ oseiBiani. J. P. FINLEY & SONS, 3D AND MADI aon ata. Office of county coroner. rhone Mln . A. l. HEMSTOCK, f LAEKAL Di rector.' East 13th and Umatilla. Fhona Pellwood 71 Lndy assistant WAWTliD-100 M1?W; DR. " kliTeilUW will cure promptly all your private anu aexuai u:seHaea: granuaie; aavice rree. itoy, ji at. w a in 7164. W X Fi "fi 1 -s a L 1: s Vi eN i "m" A NT xiii a 8100 to 1160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards: caah ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad dreaa Washington Nursery Co., Top- peiunn. waHiungton. me: EAUM ELeCt RldlfV, plumblntr. plastering, bricklaying, all klnda of drafting and olan reading: day and night; no books; joaltiona aecured; free catalog. Coyne Trade School, 230- zo gtn at., Ban Ffanclaoo. FOR MEN ONLYt BCIENTIFICALlV Examl ta jpr natlor and aexual dlaeasea. and medicine free. Dr. Madison. 251 Alder, room a H and 14. WE SECL'KE POSITIONS FOR MEM- bera; special membership 12. Y. M. C.A. CAL. WINEDEIOT. HEADOUARTER3 ror cooks ana neipers. 148 4in at. WANTED, 1M MEDIA TEL Y C A SHIER as partner In lunch counter, 8160 monthly and board guaranteed; 1600 nd good references reuulred. Particu lars call or addreas tha Coast Realty company, zz Morrison . at. - - 'L" - . r i 1 u : j " j.ja. IDL.K USN L,XJK; THIS LP. 8250 and aervices buys half Interest In nice, clean restaurant averaging dally 340 to lilt. tnrticuiara to those meaning bualnesa only Call or address the Coast Really company. ZZH Morrison, HELP WANTED PEMALB WANTED EXPERIENCED MANGLE girls, Eaat Hide laundry company, Phones Eaat 808, B-163S IJIDT WANTKD WITH OOOD EX perlence to take care of baby 8 weeks old. ieH,'t- i WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAIT. reaa. Hohart-Curtls. Z6 l4tn at. B1ALE AND FEMALE HELP MEN AND WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN- creaae their earning capacity: w have helped thousands, let ua help you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOU (4U th at. Open Evenings. HELP WANTED AWb SUPPLIED, male or female R. U. Drake, Z0BH Waahlngton at. Pacific 1870 or A-1670. Wanted two solicitors f6r a hlgh-rlaas article: will pay living sal ary, zoj Klledner Dldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE tersons wantino a situa tion CAN INSERT A WANT AD IN THIS COLUMN, THREE TIMES FRED OF CHARGE. MEN TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Char er Lee. 83 N. 3d St.: perfect fit guaranteed an work nrsc-ciaas. WANTED A MAN WHO WISHED TO rstabliah himself in the detective bualneaa must have aome money o Invest Addrepa P. O. Box 167. WANTED ONE OR TWO MORE rood men to handle Australian Rub ber ment. Apply room l, zH let st 0 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED (Po sition permanent) distributing clrcu lars. aamples. For particulars. Coramer clal Advertising association, Philadel phia, pa. WA NT ED, EVERYWHERE, HUSTLERS to tack tirns. distribute circulars. samples, etc.: no canvaaaing: rood nay. nun Advertising mireau, unicago. WANTED SALESMAN " TO CARRY best selling poat cards, as a side line. Address. Pacific Coast Poat Card Co.. juz exenange oiog., peaitie, waan. WANTED TO EMPLOY A CATHOLIC gentleman as local representative: we reuuire a person of energy and ability for the position; salary $18 per week; write us for particulars. The Hoey furnishing co.. sz Dearoorn st Chi- cago, 111. HI STLERS WANTED EVERYWHERE. 326 to 330 made weekly distributing circulars, overseeing outdoor advertls Ing: new plan: no canvassing. Mer chants Out-Door Advertising Co., Chi cago.' ZELLER-BYRNES COa FUNERAL DI rectors, embalmers, 272 RuaselL Eaat Hx8. Lady assistant EDWARD HOLM AN. UNDERTAKER. 220 2d st ERICKSON UNDERTAKING CO, EM- balming: lady ass t. 409 Alder. M. 8133 DISTRIBUTERS WANTED EVERY where. 326 to $30 made weekly, dls trlbutlng circulars, samples, overseeing advertising: no canvaaaing: steady. Ad dress Reliable Adyertlalng Bureau, Chi cago. MEN DON'T ACCEPT ANY. KIND OF work until you hear from us; make $10 per day suiting the quickest seller on earth; 110,000 sold In Minneapolis; new article; new plan; coats 7 cents; sells for 26 cents: send 6 cents for two samples; Domestic Mfg. Co., desk 27, Minneapolis. Minn. CEMETERIES F.OSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES. $10; family lots. 826 to 376. buperlntend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont at, end Cully road, , Phone Tabor 206. For full Information apply to Frank Schle- pei. 6JZ Worcester dik. rnone a-zheb CARD OF THANKS WE WISH TO THANK OUR FRIEND8 and neighbors for the flowers, the Kindness and sympatny snown us dur ing our sad bereavement fot the death or our son ana oroiner. MR AND MRS. J. B. RAPPLEYE and Sisters. 1 MEETING NOTICES PUBLIC INSTALLA- tion Webloot camp No. 66. Woodmen of the World, and Royal circle Women of Woodcraft will hold Joint Installa tion in w. O. W. tem- Dle. 128 Eleventh street Wednesday evening, January 15. All . friends of the order welcome. Dancing, good music,. by Professor Lucas. GRAND MASQUERADE BALL, GIVEN by the German la Sisters lodge. No. 3, O. D. H. S., Saturday evening, January 3 8, at Logus hall. Grand avenue and East . Washington , vitreet Admission ' s cents. ,.V'CRFOOT COMPANY, ffo. 65, W. O, ,WM gives- whist anddancin party, s Friday evening, January . 17. W. O. W. temple, 128 11th Bit Refreshments and dancing; full orchestra. Admission lfie. Everybody welcome. A dance will be given n Grimm's ; rew nan at wnnton, or., Saturday even. Ing, Jan. 18. Everybody Invited. HUSTLING MEN WANTED. Dis tribute samples and circulars; no can vaaaing: steady. Globe Advertising and distributing association, Chlcago! Id tllERB A GOD Itf ISRAEL? I AM a carpenter, references given, am out of work, am Out of food, have a fam ily; sickness In family has required more than my earnings. Can a worthy ungry man nay a little of the great amount or work now in progress in tni city of prosperity T Address Builder, Journal. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE. CON tract to conduct bonrdlng-houae In camp or on any construction Job, either in town or outside. -nz, journal MARRIED MAN, tT, EXPERIENCED In office work and in concrete con traction, desires a Job of any kind w. i.. w riant, zai Mead st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE I SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, j ' WANTED REAL ESTATE .'J FURNISH ED . ROOMS FOR RENT TOUNO MAN WITH TEARS' EXPE- rience in general store wants position as clerk, grocery preferred; can furnish I eastern rererencea. v-iis, journal.. TRUSTWORTHY ELDERLY MAN wants position or light work; low sal ary to start. L-l 18, Journal. RAILROAD1 MAN. 1 iR rlence in auditing and engineering nartments: would like noaltlon i small railroad or lumbar company uregon or waanmgion. jiauress Y-lie, journal. Y SITUA- PERSON9 WANTINO A. TION CAN INSERT A WANT AD IN . THIS COLUMN, THREW ; TIMES FREfl OV CHAhqg. . r.-j; WB HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL kinds of elty property, wnst nave you for aalet Coin and list It at one. for w have the purchaser; we are mak- I Main 7 NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE v room, also single room; - reasonable, Walking distance. 148 Lownsdal. .i. . "M".V m M I business girls. Main J0Z3 or Piui. 80 1 la an St., j-ortiann yr. eiiinnay. man: understands ianltor work and I WANTED A. w.iii. non in rrw.rr.ior nv I u.-.l,., w.,w . Vl" uiij romrnVfo years experience. Address u-116, jour-1 wirAotu wietica riAUia i , . , T;n.i ' weeK and up. ' 808 Jefferson st ' fev; AaLL -fArmJ. OTST2S' t: must be snaps; what uJh" aim rlmi h U' ' rwa" iV7020V Chamber of SVX'ts-r- :. nal. i i FOSITION WANTED BY"ALL-'r6uND' B;l17' Jo"':nal to work for board of self .and bus- WANTED FARMS wilt rent ELTTiAVTrr- nlahed slnsle and douhU numii ia gentlemen. Steam heat, alsetrla Urhtm walking distance. -'Prioa very reason-, . . .. - -1 TTo.iv.iia uiaiMncs. -rrina varv reason., mecnanio. machinist automobile re- "i" .lajjbj to be I lcriTinv wvriMmrM.vnim ipirm rnon Main 6704, A-460I. . Call , SSJ' at -no matter "where Treated r.bav cash Morrison st. FIST 11, nalrer. elAcf rlctun. nlnmhai ind turn fitter; non-union. Address W. Bonner, WaNTKB 1 Vancouver, Wnsh. I position as TwrCTtyi-w BtijkTt.Ljj-1 ' "o maiier wnere lucaivu, . uri cuu i ,7, . L lEFINED WIDOW hiivor. MIllrii onlnn. w 11 anns ir. 474 VTkl ffff .1 housekeeper; widower rre-1 rive. Office Chicago, Milwaukee St I rooms, light and warm, for gentle- . -I- - r '--I- - 'I ' ' - ii i I sT . ."I - v ft nip,' Vll IWfJ w866;KU. W T a WW ) vwimb. ! WANTED A PLACE TO WORK FOR wiin one or two cMldren.- Mrs, Minneapolis. Coast Commercial ' Co., I men or business women, prlvataliouse. rwm anu noaru wniin iii.nainr noi-i r. ..utwi wn sb oiftimn ii. i iffH im n nr.. Hnri inn. 4ir. lege. J. A. Elliott, Behnke-Walker Bus! news t'ollege, Fortlnnd, Or. YOUNO MARRIED MAN. EXPERI- enced retail shoe clerk and eobbler. good hand with horses, must have em ployment; not afraid of any kind of nnnest isDor. t-ii, journal. wallrlna Hlirin ma mimw lJi.Mn. il.i in . phone sobu 6668. - - . " ?". . .. .t:j ' . I - ' .. i . . . : " ."""r? "J"'". ' " HgyBiaEi AU-trii ViftTt"' iiirr ft' pomvvjikkiu in i tiw vaux, un- UKN18HED AND ALSO UN-. ., DRESSMAKER WILL HELP WITH 1 improved tract of about 40 acres; furnished rooms, stasia or en suite: . nouseworg , or. sewing for room and I clear of logs and brush: near road school 1 quiet and very suitable for ama-le sen. rtm ri Main 7111 i t n i n - . . . - v. . . WASHING AND -IRONING noon 260 per hourjclose in preferred:) V-H 7. Journal. and R. R for caah onlv: well drained I llemen. Kamm hMr 1st nri VMna. FORE- land -wanted; give full deacrlptlon. i jWo. RQOMH , frfmki6tJKh FTXSZ HUH-1 DUKfiilUilfl Tiliiiutwn AT. Ten" I on tho Pnlumhla rtvar. for raah: mult J hunk ... . ... T . um, w.i w-ui ojiiriinrei,, nNuii anons. at noma or br the dav. MANAGER. RESTAURANT. Uer. east and west exnerlenc Invest. Keller. Phone Pacific 1066. Frost 414 6th; Main 18!2. Mrs, I he bargain. O-l 18, Journal. BY EXPERIENCED BLUE PRINTER Address F. C. A... 681 lat st. city. DRUG CLERK, 8 YEARS' EXPERI ence. wants position as same: a bust ler from the east X-lli, Journal. EXPERIENCED KITCHEN MAN would like work In restaurant: ran neip on range ana ao short order cook ing. J-119, Journal RELIABLE MAN AND WIFE, COOK, wish position In family hotel or caraD preferred. C. Schaefers, Arleta. Or., or take Mount Bcott car to Millard ave., waiic rotir diocks west. Wanted work of any kind by man with famllv: experienced In mil'dlng clatema. Box 64. Mllwaukie, Or YOUNO MEN AND WOMEN OF NEO- lected education will receive instruc tion in Latin. Engliah and commercial branches, to suit individual needa: dav nd night Instruction. Apply State Academy, 405 Commonwealth bldg., 6tli sna Ankeny. EXPERIENCED COLLECTOR WANTS position: is rapid and reliable. 0-117. journal. WANTEDA-BY YOUNG MAN ATTEND- ln- business college, a place to work mornings and evenings for room and board or small salary; understands fur nacea, janitor work and the care of horses. B-117. -Journal. ELECTRICIAN WANTS p6sif 16M OF any kind understands motors, meters. etc.; references on application. W-117, ournai. MARRIED MAN WANTS A POSITION as janitor or watchman. Not afraid f work: references. , R. B. Watson. phone Eaat 1942. 214 Union ave. N. A SPANISH WAR VETERAN WISHES a position as mgnt watchman, or can fire furnace: must have. work. Call 143 Knott st. WANTED WORK BY A CARPENTER change for lots; answer quick. X-118, Journal. WANTED SEVERAL HIGH GRADE, first-class, experienced road sales men, men who can earn from $3,000.00 to $5,000.00 a year; old and reliable Job bing house: staple line. Aaaress west em Mfg. Co., Lumber Exchange, Mln npapolis. Minn. WANTED RELIABLE MAN THAT IS willing to rustle, to sea our nign- a-rada fruit and ornamental trees shrubs, etc.; $100 per month easily made. Apply Mount Hood Nursery Co. 128 Union ave., near xsx. Morrison. Wanted reliable man for po sltlon aa partner; experience unnecea- sary; pav you izt a week; ou re aulred. Particulars 24S Stark st. WANTED 365 MEN TOMORROW, TO come to 91 6th st and get their nair cut for 25 cents and shoes shlned free. Th MVm1a1. the finest 11-chalr barber shop in the city; only the best of bar bers employed. MAN WITH REFERENCES, TO So licit and collect: experienced man to go with you and teach you the Dusiness; opportunity for promotion to good sal ary position soon. 409 Macleay bldg.. 288 Washington st. WANTED TO EXCHANGE FUR- nished housekeeping room ror paper hanring. J. Landigan, ib onerman, South Portland. EXPERIENCED COLLECTOR WHO can invest $150 as security ana rur- nlsh references; state experience. X-119. Journal. TWO LIVE AGENTS; LARGE COM- mlsslon. Call tomorrow. Automatic Damner Co.. 151 Union ave. PARTNER IN GOOD PAYING LUNCH counter: $75 needed. St. Phone Main 7824. 275 Burnside WANTED MAN WITH SMALL FAM- lly to take charge oi rruit rarm. Ad dress A. A. Jayne. Hood River, Oregon, M. W. A. EVKHiKEEN CAMP. 6.4, - meets Wednesday evening. Allaky fctdg.. Bd snd Morrison sts. M. W. A, OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 8.87S. Mondays, 17th and MarsbalL Visitors lcome. - ''.BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co., 427 Fiiedner Mdg. - Malii 2X91. L C HENRICHSEN CO., JEWELERS, anil-Antlolana Vti Woahln at ' WANTED MAN TO RUN RIP SAW. Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co., Macadam road. PRINTER. IMMEDIATELY, MORN- lng newspaper, near Portland; call this afternoon. Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough bldg. Main 6558. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO learn plumbing, sign and card writ ing and designing; day and night classes; catalogue free. Colorado School Practical Plumbing, 1645 Arapa hoe st Denver Colo. ; HELP WANTED FEMALE POSITION AS FAKM OR RANCH manager, by young Irishman with experience. W. Bonner, Kalama. Wash. WANT WORK AS JANITOR, POR ter or furnace man: understand car penter work and am good teamster. 119. Journal. WANTED A POSITION BY BEGIN ner In shorthand and bookkeeping. K 119, Journal. FlR?,T, " CLASS CA RPENTER AND" WOMAN WAlJt- WORk Bt DAY; builder, A-l references, also under- h, mail children, or will do house stands concrete work, desires position, keeping. W-1H. Journal. I--MB. journal. i a Woman ' w a ufa ' vn v rv1 Titta I v room, close in, modern convenienc W ANTED PV ELECTRICIAN w6rK dav half day?one Eat 947. 1 H-J?2!?tn; Addw P-1M. Journal. wTTrr f WANTED MISCELLANEOUS "WANTED ROOM AND BOARD BT I GENTLEMEN BOARD AND room, close In, modern conveniences; wNTra-WORK. BUILDINGS PRE- 'Union, want postlon. Addresg M-U7, What! Th Builder. Addreas E-116.1-- - ; Journ'- " -i WANTED AGENTS CARPENTER. C6MPETEMf. tll6k- .VTZ."" . . - oughly reliable, with best Of refer- A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM encea, desires position; rapable of tak- rates and high cash values make th Ing charge. S-116, Journal. policies of the Columbia Life & Trust cashier w.nn rw,.if inrT- win ir f.harP' mansjer of agents, 314 Lumber part of the neasonaoie. Hlngle or en gult. Mod- " jrn. One door off Washington, II North , 17th street. 3 FURNISHED ' R66M"d SUIf AbLH .'cKf b"ehelor, 81 per month. Inquire JS3H Mill street. i r . - 1 10- FRONT.' R6ot PRlVl,LE6H"Ci4 uminr room. uo Kast Grant IF--TOU- WISH TO EXCHANGE OR I NICELY FURNlSHfeib FR6NT ROOM ' sen your rurniture ror casn, pnon r one or two men. 168 17th iL East 8204. '8(8 Hawthorne. between Morrison and Yamhill. NOB HILL SECOND-HAND CO. PAYS 3 SEPARATE FRONT RObMS, KeW hlghest cash prices tor, all kinds ot ly furnished, in private family, sult- gtods. .316 Washington. 'Main 2421. abl for 1 or 3 persons; steam heat, gas, ' We Ay more for "FiiRN'ituRfl 'r' b?jh, ?fJ.n2nfr Jia.". i- r PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Phone Main 6448. 748 VaOghn. Main 6656. Ill lat st NICELY FllRKifliiirn i.wAnvi iAnal whole time as re- I , v : : ,n l.l .l u .- I .,r. v."VA tt. quired; II years' experience, with Al I AGENTS TO SELL THE MARVEL 1 1 B 4 VJt 8 uf v. .U8, 10th Taka inksn. M 0fW reference B-111, Journal. patented Beer pip Cleaner in your I ?"onl Hand Palac.. Highest prices J Anenyciir- WANT WORK PITY or Pfli'NTRY I territory; good money made; write for PW for gecond-hand ! goods. 867 Flan- 8 SEPARATE VAdtif ROOM. NEwLIP waxmx work, CITY OB COLNTRY -r,louI. r.ri T- pir. r-l-n. oers. Phone Main 3518. furnlahed. nrlvata famllv. iltKiVn- er, K.O.. uetroit, Mich. I Uta 1 AAUGEH SHOES MADE TO . ur yrraona, nun neat, gas, rree AGENTS WiNTitn pan von RErTI I oroer. AHJVJtk.W.,ir.ll A- Ghai- rnm .. - wants position; will work ffiB5fnhMfr ot MBt1 e day oV whole time as rt- -f hn.?a 'j t.. ', by middle-aged elnrle man: under stand garden, poultry and general farm work; wages no object Addreas K-118, Journal. flee by apprentice with several yearg' I P -I nV perlence. A-l 17. Journal. sery company, Salem. Or, a-ondaT If an w ---4 miii mmnlt Ernut CI n vis. 81T2H Gllsan outfit free; cash weekly. Write for I RAZORS, KNIVES. SCISSORS t. ana Union made snoes in stock. bm? and phone. $10, $13 and 1. Mala 8448. 746 Vaughn st. T3 BKIQHT, NICELY TRNTtflHir.ri front room, for one or two. -891 llth. VI A M Wl KTTQ lUrtDI XlrTTtJf tTOt3fl or night watchman: will do any odd Jobs, ft-lie, Journal. MAN WANTS WORK CARPENTER- Griddle Co . anton. Ohio lna Utna--. (a TV'I U rPkAMu I x - J """"" I AQF.NTB TO HANDLE BIGGEST SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE I clal startling offer; exclusive territory. syo to isoo per montn. cadger cnera Capital City Nur-I grind. Karlaon Co.. SKI Unkmv M SSKO CASH FOR FURNITURE, PROMPT I-ARGE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT LyI: attention always given. Esat 1067. room with gas. UIHtli St, near k oilman. No. u washixgtc st. yrrion- i : ,1 ., WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED leal Mrg. C.O., Milwaukee. W Is. laundress, one or two days' work each AGENTS FOR KEROSENE. . INCAN- week. Tuesdays X-1 1 7, Journal. AGENTS HERE IS A CORKER: ONI pancake a-rlddle in world that bakes square cakes; turns them; bakes six between 10th and llth, buys house? 6ne LARGE. LIGHT? ROOmV' wiTil each time; 100 per cent profit Canton hold furniture. Main 1478: A-4750. heat. $8.60 per week.. 161 Tth fet 1 WANT A GOOD TEAM FOR ITS' NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH . poard, light work. Phone Main 6683. stoves and electrlo lights; transient YOu TO TRY OUR $7 COAL, 263 f Alder at., room 18. Main 637. WANTED AT ONCE GOOD SECOhtb- nann enma Klin. Phone Tabor 161. and Wednesdays. descent Mantle Lamp; J2 times Vheap- I EXPERT FURNITURE REPAIRING, ,,ih I -f than - ' 7 tlmai .h-riAr thftn ap. I flnlahina1 and noll-hl-0 t ua., fr,- I lAtn ana and weekly; very reasonable. 18H 84. $8.60 PER WEEK FURNISHED room, furnace heat, free bath. 117 ItH st, near Yamhill. ' THE BARTON CONTRALTO SINGER WOULD LIKE engagements for concert or church slnlnir. Address H-118, Journal. YOL'NO LADY, EXPERIENCED COOK, wants position; first-class eastern references. Address N-117, Journal. WANTED POSITION A8 CONTRAL- to soloist in church or for concert singing. Address C-116, Journal. STENOGRAPHER WILL COPY MENU cards In exchange for meals. Y-117. journal. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSE- keeper for widower: no objections to one or two children. Call Mrs. McQueen, SB &tn st.. city. LADY WANTS HOUSEWORK BY DAY. Mrs. Shaw, telephone Main Z228. LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE- keeDer for widower with children or I party. andlady. er than gas: 7 times cheaper than or dinary kerosene lamp. Continental Co., , 335 Broadway. New York. TWO LIVE AGENTS; LARGE COM- mlsslon. Call tomorrow. Automatlo Damper Co.. 161 Union ave. LARGE PRO ITS. GOOD SELLERS. See Plummer Drug Co.. 160 3d st WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRU8T COMPANY OF OREGON, Phone Ex. It. 8. E. Cor. 8d and Oak. WANTED A STOCK FARM IN Multnomah or Waahlngton county: caah rent or on shares, by responsible j. 5. -ijandram, Bt Jonns, or. finishing snd nollshtna- at voiT? hn.' nd. Alder. Nicely rurnlshed Geo. n. Lewis, at TiilamrJik Phn rooms; central; dining-room In eon- " - - " ww, v hAntlAH . H6RSE FOR BOARD: GOOD CAB.B. tb MILNER. 04 MORRISON, light work. Phone Scott 6557. near rara, nesiranieornce rooms, sin FOR , RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE MILNER. 850K MORRISON, near rirx, aesiraoie oinc rooms, Sin gle or en suite, with steam heat hot and cold water, gas or electrlo light electric elevator and both phone service; Krntrai, raPHinoiq rental. THE HEILER. 280 ORAilD AVE-' nue Housekeeping rooms. Modern prick Dunging. $1.26 WEEK UP -- CLEAN FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms, bath. launory, xurnace neat yard, 303 M C. A A. , 1 Dianiun mi. u car. gle or en suite, wit- steam heat hoi ana coia water, gas or electrlo light, electric elevator and both phone service; central.- reasonable rental. THE KARY FURNI SlTEC R75CH1J: $1.60 per week and up. t0t 3d. ROOMS AND BOARD HOTEL BARTON CAFE. - 4(1 y.LDER ST- AT 13TH. . 8So Uble d'hote dinner. ( it T:lt lunch. 11:80 to i;30. 36o; breakfast. 8:30 to I, 35e: wkly and monthly rates. THE WALDORF. 147 13TH ST- BE- xween Aider ana Morrison; single reasonable. WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED WO- man. position at general house-work. Experienced. Address eo& juam st. ancouver, wash. WANTED HOUSECLEANING. ETC. Phone Par r c 222. Mra. Khaw. WORK BY THE DAY; SEWING PRE- -Jur"al COMPETENT WOMAN WANT8 WORK by day. I'hone Tabor 706. WANTEDTO RENT SMALL FARM, I furnished housekeeping roorn lauf. 1" ' tl'ww i - a, uitaDie ror cnicKens ana srwan rruit.ary ana oaia- n onirmaD' it., outn, i i.a jj vu r.n a riiwi- fn W I vvlll BIIU UUfll U I cduiimjio wt "viiiv vwamti a,M aa, , amsiwa house. Beventh and Madison. The colonial has a feW ko6kS to rent with board. Choicest loca tion In city, first-class table, low rates. 166 10th st, corner Morrison. 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS, ONE NICS- Must bo near good school Write to D. P. Ross. 38 th and Harrison sts., As torla. Or. WANTED BY RESPECTABLE QUIET lady, 1 unfurnished room, cheap; give aaaress ana pnone number. K-1U, Portland Large Light rooms, nicely furnished; running vt ter. 603 H Alder. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in suites, $1.60 and up; also single rooms. fi(4 Ravler St.. cor 17th. i f erred; 32 per day. S-120, Journal. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE FOR LARGE CLEAN WELL VENTILATEl) BOY WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A JOB running elevator. Walter Johnholtz, 6U jonnsnn St. SITUATION WANTED BY MECHANIC capable of running Jobbing and manu facturing machine shop or take charge or construction work; bu years experi ence. i-n, journal. YOUNG MAN. GRADUATE EASTERN university would like position at any. thing. M-118. Journal. A STRICTLY FIRST CLASS WATCH maker. Jeweler and optician., several years with one firm, would change piaces ior oetter wages; inis city or anywhere in Oregon, Washington or Cal ifornia. F-119, Journal. MAN WANTS POSITION AS JANITOR or some Inside Job preferred; Is sober and industrious. Phone Pacific 1205. W-103. Journal. YOUNG MAN WITH 8 YEARS' Ex perience In stenography and general office work; gilt-edge reference. Phon East 4338. B-1416. EMPLOYMENT WANTED, BY FIRSf class plumber and tinner; married. E-117, Journal. MIDDLE-AGED MAN WITH FAMILY must have work; best of references; will accept any honorable position Phone East 6142. or address box X-iifi Journal. POSITION AS SHOW CARD WRITER" or window trimming; do not expect big salary. A-l 18, Journal. PLUMBER WITH LONG EXPERT ence: wants situation In citv. Ad. dress 0-71, Journal. WIDOW WANTS TO KEEP HOUSE for widower. Phone East 1065. SEWING WANTED BY COMPETENT dressmaker. 467 7th st. Main 7119, WOMAN WANTS WORK BY DAY, Phone Paclflo 105. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION as cashier; can give good reference. Ij-119, Journal. WANTED WORK BY THE DAY OR hour. Phone 8217. Llllle Freeze. WANTED HOUSEWORK AND ROOM- ing-house work by hour or day, Phone Tabor 879, M. J., or 237 Vine Bt, Montavina. FRENCH TEACHER GIVES LESSONS for 50c, or 25c if regular. N-l 18. Journal. - - - - GIRL WISHES ANY KIND OF WORK, rrom t a. m. tin ? p. in. . -lis, jour nal. MIDDLE - AGED WOMAN DESIRES office work; rood speller, good gram marian, fair scribe; references- C-119. Journal. EXPERIENCED WOMAN COLLECTOR wants position: references. C-118. Journol. CERTIFICATED TEACHER WISHES position in private school or Institu tion, or will coach persons desiring ppeclal work: references. D-119. Jour nal. A NEW ENGLAND CHRISTIAN LADY, age ou, with .quiet daughter, age 13, would work for small wages in respect able place: highest references given. K-118, Journal. ' ' wTshing AND IRONING DONE, 7CC a dozen: work guaranteed. .Address K-120, Journal. absence hy young couple furnishing best oireierencesr Zi-iiY, journal. WANTED FINANCIAL Wanted Lands to trade for city property. Now wnai navo you to oirerr HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. I nmhArt hnn.. TTntnn mvi nVt B! a T.h I . ,v lurnisneo: win iurnisn m otner i.amnert nouse, union ave.. and E. Ash. 'if dairid with h-d- nrinti .mii-. FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED HOU8K- I modern i -on von Ixnnu Pnniein t1T. " Phoneaing14i2,nFronfr,Bit the an."11 NICELV FURNISHED ROOMS, WlfH ?v;al8At a.-. J.. board, $20 per month. 606' Colum- uiiiioii t iiuuduiuisif inu nuumo I pi a. ASCITIC 1182. ior rem. ouo in. 2 -FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, furnished: Savler at rent reasonable. 913 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WILL BUY FOR CASH ACCOUNTS OFi Oregon Trust & savings bank. Merchants National bank. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. II. W. GODDARD, 110 2d t Phones Main and A-1743. FOUR TTWFIfRNTHHFin ROTtMH VrYR I WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- I housekeeping, near Eastern at North ing rooms, range, hot and cold water. I ern mms, o. tzi uuuos ave. KfvaUfaVI AV R 8tn- near Bmont- 4 UNFURNISHED LARGE ROOMS," 17; Phone Eaat 6468. phone Main 4529. Call 118 7th st SUITE COMPLETELY FURNISHED. UNFURNISHED HbUSEk J E P I M (3 ! f??fe' 'urnish 146 N. 16th. rooms, ground floor: bath, front an-, Main 5173. . tranca. 923 Ruaaell at SAVINGS BOOKS AND CHECK DE- FOR RENT-t-3 NICELY FURNISHED TWO' UNFURNISHED RObMS ' WlTl. DOSitS on Title Guarantee A Truat r.n hnusa-kaenrn aultea. 1 V 10th at I -.f f f bought H. E. Noble, 812 Commercial I phone 4619. I iZ ,T v"' w . block. I TfTTRTMlRwrrn nn TlMi.ihrjNiTiatrii! isttt: ,.-i.ii.j 1 j.1 -in VJMt vtiNiatin.u huumh ON I WANT $460 ON HOLLADAY ADDI - tlon property for one year at 8 uer cent Address J-118. Journal. FURNISHED housekeeping 340 6th st "Ur UNFl or lodging FOR SALE AT DISCOUNT, $600, WELL secured real estate mortgage. Port land Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. FOR RENT 2 WELL FURNISHEI5 and Alder. housekeeping rooms. 471 6th st FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 370 lZtn st. Phone 4384. vuuta -ii a-round rloer: all modern nnnvan. lences; walking tfiatance. . Ill E. 10th TWO water, $7.60. ROOMS, i WITH GAS AND 190 Market at WANTED TO BORROW $700 ON Vf imai.v "' irfTRMigHriin nAngTnViriib: uuoui-na .upu.iuuu hi o por cent I inr suites, brick building, steam heat? p., care journal. no children. Tha Erdmann. E. Burn. siae ana urana ave. FOR RENT FLATS WANTED REAL ESTATE la MaV .A WtEr-A1lT SEVERAL 1 TO e-ACREltageT $l'6;-Vo,"ne"w 'lower 'fla $22 tracts, close in. customers wait ner? f iT -i.,- r.. r,.i. .. w" call early; prices must be right. Mcmu Morrison w' CaUum A Gregg, 223 Chamber of Com- f 'pP?ZTmpiM v,ra ,t1d merce. Main 7020. I BRIGHT CLEAN ROOMS FUR- w,OTL.'n,"n.; . nlshed for housekeeping, 33 a week. i. x . uwi v vii v, rvuuaa I x ziat at. north. cfirnp wnah ninn $15, MODERN -ROOM FLAT. J71 AiisBissiDDi ave.. near ueecn, no GOOD FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING cnuaren. u car. rooms, i ior ; a FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT, -A handsome 8-room residence, with over two acres of ground, 8 blocks from station, 10 miles out, all in berries and house in northwest part of city tor . ifiV Wn tot a a a m ltruit- Juat right plac for Vn el about 35,000. F. Fuchs 221 Morrison. 666 - KEARNEY -TWO. PLEAS AN f1 1 derly COunle to live and entov Hri r WANTED-TO PURCHASE A 4 TO S I furnished references- no clldrerMain I ?ome.one wn2 Wlin t0'P "miner rnm mh. ,v.rv r.-o- .iii, iji I iurnisneu, reierences, no cnuaren. Main I boarders and cultivate irardAn. hrri areas box 77, Bt Johns. and fruit Would rent it to the riht -'.LVyff. JOTICES . .,- HAVING LEFT M? BED AND BOARD - against my will, I will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Firiah E. Bigham. Amos S. . jiignam. .- . , ii UAiiUAi, . -WEBBER S TAN - nery, . Macadam road, brown female Irish water panlel, ; Return 167 llth - at.-,-- reward.--: LOST WEDNESDAY,, MbRNINd X ' ' small grey Spitz dog, with small collar; ; return Mrs. : Marco, 655 Patton road! : I'hone Main 4276; reward. aa" LOi5 1'A GOLD SUNBURST BR66cH with Pearl jetting.r Phope Tabor 64. p.eward. '''" ..- j OUND A PLACE TO HAVE HaIr mattresses renovated and returned Min day. - 228 , Front st Main 474. A-1S74. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. Jl. IfLri, ' I'l'Mil iriuj. liAlK MATTREH3 MADE IN YOUR home. Phone Tanor lez. - HELP WANTED MALE WANTED EXPERIENCED w MAN IN general merchandise stored must" be 1n-totaler and not Afraid of harrrwork; fiil permanent position. to right man. .-in. Journal. . . ; -' - Vv A N ii iSvOUNG MAN TO ' ASSIST U Urht work on farm in exchange t r 4.1 homo. Call 374 2d st, room , ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER 25 FOR position with wholesale house; expe rience unnecessary. t-z, journal. DAY NURSERY. 13 N. 6TH ST.. CHIL- dren of working women cared for at 1 0c per daV. . EAST SIDE FEMALE EMPLOYMENT Office. J22M. Grand ave. East 1065. GOOD SALESLADIES AND DEMON- . strators. Large commission, exciu slva territory. Competent parties only. loi union avenue, YOUNG LADY FOR ALTERATION department; also salesladies living on east side. BannOn St Co., 288-390 E. Morrison. -GIRL HOUSE- FOR GENERAL work. Main 4152. ' Ladies $1 every day at home; stamped envelope for particulars. La mes- Aia. uurliam. conn. , - LADIES, TO COPY LETTERS X homii; spare time; good pay; cash weekly; reliable; send stamp. Zeck Co Morristown. N. Y. Ladies make monet belli Nb ' guaranteed silks direct from looms, cut any length; one third saved; express En'iPai?:'rlt"or Information, Lenox SUk Works, Brunswick blk, N. T WAITRESSES,; 1. 6 P. M. TlLL''A,' .". 'J,0le'"--'5!0 combination wait-lng-harnberworlt. , cooks, . bousekeeprs, J"JH,P.;"y--n1PlVeI help ealj (White, Jap, Chinese)., Drake's, 205 ft Washington, Both phones. . A WOMAN TO TAKE CHARGE OV MainTm.0' 8M ; Front TrA AT mm 57 Mini w :- MI ....Sl,.iS Ad- 8176. FOR RENT THREE NEWLY PAINT- party for $160 cash, for one year, ed unfurnished housekeeping rooms. I ' THE DUNN-T. A WRtTMPir nn $7 per month. Also 2 newly capered. I ' ' 248 Alder street. FOR RENT 6 NICE UNFURNISHED Nice 6 -room house, 703 'Hood Bt. til. Beautiful B-room cottage, modern con veniences, 726 Corbett, $22. Beautiful 8-room residence, 611 East M.tt'l. Ilea. &V. ' )r Nice 4-room bungalow, 416 Spokane mm Some of the smartest men that brightened the world with' their presence made grave mistakes, and some of the most successful advertisers' blighted their careers through blurfders. The greatest blunder an advertiser ' can make is to rest on his oars after a spell of success ful. publicity. ' Many' think that after a few months' or years' advertising they are sufficiently known by' the public to reap the benefit of bygone advertising, never considering that a busy world' is too much taken up with passing things to remember months or years back. The old adage, "Out of sight, out of mind," should be mirrored on the brain of every progressive business man. The busy people-will not bother with the "has beens" . no more than they will with the man or the lrse who drops out of the race. Their careers are eclipsed, and the public will not buy field glasses to see how .the lagging ones are coming or 'where they, dropped out. Of course the question of the most profitable advertising medium should be considered well. In Portland and in Oregon the best known "way to reach the people is through the newspaper that reaches the most homes. The Tournal ii the one paper, for all the people, having no political axes to erind and beinrrnv 'organ-for any clique or party. The advertiser who is not making his announce- : i. Ti l. . ' T :i . . - - . . . - . , . - ..... ...... .-..j meius m xne journal is not getting tne results lie should, - b or real estate sales The Journal-leads by .three to one, - - ' - ; , ... ... ... , ... . . , ,. .. : . - . - "i housekeeping rooms at 206 Grand avenue, nortn. 313 per month. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING gas; . bath, Aim- Un. a A lll,t nhnn. 9Q!lt iKlAar RllrnnM at ' J -r-X-. lavpnim. 111 HOUHEKEEPINO SUITES .AND I Nice 6-room cottas-e igig n..A im.. Bieeping-rooms; modern oonven?ences corner 85th 818 - Z48 Aider street for rent, Unfurnished," 6ni 16- room house, all in good condition, for" 315 per month, pne seven-room house, one block from car line, $10 per month. One 4-rOom not t a.m 7 Klst-lra fvnm --aw line, $8 per month. 7-room furnished house, $26. Inquire of X Tressler, 1440 East Gllsan st Center addltioa Tak iviuma vnia car. . . kODERN, NINE-ROOM'HOUSE, CLOS3' ! j lower rent than west side. 291ft Grant ave... - .- . .- -. SUITE OF 2 OR 8 NICELY 1 FUR nlshed - housekeeping rooms; also 3 sleeping-rooms. 873 Taylor. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING I One 4-room cottage, 7 blocks from car Ul'IllB IUI IOIU. Vlfl HI, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT PACIFIC HOTEL, FURNISHED rooms, 214 Columbia, cor. 1st; new brick building, Just opened; steam heat, jiot and cold running water in every ruuin, irea oain, pnono; quo to u aay, $2.60 to $5 week; on call mean another. A-ID3H. THE COMMERCtAt- Nicely furnished rooms, single oren suUe, $2.60 per-week up; steam heat, hot and cold waterf free baths, free phone; dining-room in connection; tfn Stents solicited: Onen all nis-ht: hntt In. cation in the city; office and reading- ruum yrounq rioor. . g wasnington st , . HOTEL BRESLIN. New -house, Just opened to th public. cor. -llth? and Wash, sts.t beautifully lurnisnea; private Datns, not ana cold water, electrlo lights, steam heat; rates i anu unwara , mom j.am ma. Mrs. jq OgllVle, prop. In. between two carllnea. tn hlnolra from one; cheap rent; also nearly new eight-room house, good barn, chicken house, five lots, two fenced for chick ens, near car, only $15. 212 Alisky bldg.; Tabor 934. . .. t ; - - - Van horn transfer furniture and pianos moved, stored or. shipped. ' Vi . , .WS .Am m. A m - LARGEST UST PF'"h6uSES' AnL -- uais in ine city. Artnur Draper A Co., rooms 6 and I, 843 H Washington bi.., vurxicr i in. STORE AND SIX MODERN ROOMS" Vtl IntVa mtnmtA ' I..at I HotelVictoria Seventh and Gllsan- two blocks from Union depot; steam heat, hot and cold water; rates duo to 31. THE GRAND. 45ft N. 3D ST. ROOM SJ ror gentlemen, $1.25 per week and up. HOTEL- EMPRESS i NEWLY FURt nlshed, central, quiet; 6th and Stark. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. STEAM . heat modern, $12 to $30 per month; transients. 128 W. Park, the Artonla. ; IW6 NICELY FURNISHED I ROOMS for two. Or four nntltmtn. 632 barn, large vard. fruit' elactrtn iicr Phone Pac. 2105, A-2805. -L A NEW 6-ROOM HQUSE. I'l8; ONE , bock from -ears. : 408 " E. Skldmore BWTJ. $16 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE WlTi. . 8". Jo,riiy turnianea or WimOUf, In. TuTr;e at 276 , Hooker, BViPhoMj Tabor 101. FOR RENT 6 OR 7-ROOM COT'TAGEt gas and bath. "'Call at 813 Halsev st HaIrav at-: SMALL COTTAGE FOR RENTT-670 Front, st $10. Inquire at 426 W. Park. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. FRE- mont st.-. near Minnesota. av (ia -l)ln. . 1 Aflli DI....II ,! .. r. V T FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE, ' Jg j --f iaaiwaiuLi - v n.. . near - cnme ftf rteacn su w per monin. James Ryan M.nn.tAlM. . I ..! a , . . Couch et Phone Main 49.7L ' t"VM 41! . - U1UH 1 VU 1 ViUISCSj.