THE OREGON SUNDAY JOIRNAi; PORTtAND, SUNDAY' MORNINO. JANUARY .12,' 1908; NEW TODAY NEW TODAY NEW TODAY KKW TO DAT. ia spring, j In ; April ;190 Yr tomersf boiight two lo t3 fbr ; $75010 p. . Made ; a M total pay Y; 8t 1908, Wc presold these same AY W V H iL-f. I ' II II 11 II ; , y v jt& v jl- jinv iL-f u4 ji 11 ".f , : Is the place. " NOW is the time jno. -p. Sharkey co. i ARB THE PEOPLE v -' i . ; . 'i ', -; .- ' 122 Stfi St., Cor. Wash., Upstairs Phone Main 550 A 2537 $40 PER ACRE - Choie appl tend. Salmon Ala trie t. In faraotia Whlta EASY TERMS Multnomah County Acreage W hara a tounbr ef-tracu from nva tt keraa aach. located on ar near trolly Una, t prloaa from flSI ta IS0O par aara. . LAMBERT WH1T51ER CO. fibarlock tl&t- and H- -Aiar atraat Improved arm of 160 for $3500 Dar1ba4 aa followai l aorea andar tha plow, amall houao, I barna. one aaw atuddad matlo and palntad 0x5l, II feat to tha aavaa, wood-ohod and craam room, amoKa-nouaa, rruii ana poiaio houaa, eto food - orchard, llrinpr water. I mllea rrom cooa town, xnia la a raai bargain; eajy term. ALFRED A.BAKER or J. J. KIMZ ' UMAX, XWTATM Ill-til Abtnrton Bids. 138 ACRE Crunch v in mllea from Portland, borders the rler: with church. arhooL and atora near bfi all tillable; 10 acrea In eultU vetlon; I acrea In apple orchard) 4 aoree In prune orchard; all kinds of fruit; eoll andy loam, very prollfla, and wall adapted to all eereal and roet cropa. and aaneclallr fitted for orchard and ether frult-ralalnr; the , orchard la II rears eld. and In. fine condition; au enced and eroaa-fencedi haa a new a. room houae: larre barn, and out-bulld inga oi au Kinds; i nean oi came; milch eows: chlckena. warona. mower, rake, cream anparator. and all lmple menta; nay. reed, etc This una is clear of atone or rrarel. and Is a well Price, S5.500; terms ta suit you on naii. FA RMS tO acrea, within rortiana; au in of hardy frulta; via. mllea of center of cultivation; conalatlns; apples, peart Hair CuttlnrJ2ic , , . nozi nnrn nn v the: model The flneat ll-chalr Barber Bhop In tha city; oniy nest oaroera empioyea. II BXXTX CTSSST plume, cherries, and orer I aores of a traw berries; a new l-room houae; fine new barn and outbutldlnra; together wiu au aiocK ana implements, cmck ena, eta Thle la aa nice a home aa you can find bordering tha City, at very reasonable prloe., 110 aarea,jfa tha Columbia river; 40 mllea below Portland; 120 acrea tillable. 10 acres In cultivation; large fruit or chard; l-room house, t large barna; all farm Implements, tools, hay and feed; fine rlew of tha river; Orchard' I to II years old. Price, S3.20O: terma, halt cash, balance at per cent mm Best Residence District in Portland NotVVhat IsGoing toBc,Butls Lots on easy terms. $900 to $1,200.' Six per cent interest on deferred payments. Fifteen minutes from business cen ter, seren-minute car service. EntireVHstrict restricted. AH improvements, including gas, water,' fiewer, cement walks and improved streets. Trees fifteen years old. A small cash deposit will prepare you a future home. ..... Irvington InvestmentCo. Room 39 "Hamilton Building. Phone Main 3177 Farms and Acreage foicSale cleared, balance light timber; all Price, SI 10 Pr acre; one third II ACRES on the Tualatin river: 40 acres rich prairie land on two public roads, cash, balance to ault tha purchaser. 41 ACRES. 14 miles west of Portland; 40 acres cleared, all smooth, rich prairie soil, all well fenced; timber enough left for fuel; on good public road. SlOO per acre, ' II ACRES, 13 mllea weat of Portland; on two public roads. Joining ehurch, school house, postofflce, etc.; 10 acrea cleared, balance light timber; good, large barn. Prloe S12S per acre. Must be seen. to bo appreciated. 112 ACRES within nice driving distance of Portland, on good, leading publio road; 90 acrea cleared, balance light timber; all rich. roUing prairie, known as one of the richest farms In that vicinity; large new house, orchard, etc. Price, S135 par acre; one third cash, balance to suit the purchaser. S00 ACRES In Clackamas county, near Oregon City: 1SS acrea rich black bot tom land, balance little rolling: 110 acrea cleared, balance good timber: all well fenced; on leading publio road; good orchard; II acres good hopyard, two years old; good new hophouse; well watered; new barn, good house, eta Price, only S65 per acre. , 110 ACRES, ZH miles west of Willamette liver and only I miles from the city limits of Portland; II acres cleared, tS acrea light brush, balance heavy timber, estimated 8,000 to 10,000 cords which will more than pay for the land; well watered by never-falling stream; soil rich and lies well; no rock or gravel, and suitable for cutting Into four nice farms; good school Joining the place; one of tha best locations for an apple, peach and walnut orchard in Willamette valley. Price only 855 per acre. Ttt ACRES on the Oregon City carllne, one fourth mile to good railroad sta tion; soil rich and Ilea. welL Price, S350 par acre; $250 cash, balance to suit the purchaser. I ACRES on the Oregon City carllne; all good, rich soil, covered with fir tlm- Der enoupn to pay jor tne place in wood, on good puouo road, one third mile from the jarllne. Price, S20Q per acre. Adjoining what is oemg laid on ana piaiiea at rrom 40U to suo an acre. 1IU ACRES on Oregon City carllne: 9 acres cleared, balance rood timber: soil rich, no rock or gravel. Price S350 per acre, one third cash, balance to suit purcnasor. 7 ACRES near Beaverton; S acres cleared, balance good9 timber; on good pub lic roaa. nice Biza per acre, zou casu, naianoe easy payments. We hsve ready for market tha largest and finest body of rloh and highly improved xarm iana near rortiana on canine ana in tracts or rrom rive to twenty acres, ever offered In Oregon. These tracts can be had at reasonable prices and on Installment payments, If desired. This community is ideal as to location and development, and tha soil produces In greatest abundance, hops, grains, fruits of all k InI a, regetablesvetc, SO acres In Cowllts county, Washing ton; not far off the river, nor R. R. town: 10 acrea In high atata of culti vation; I largo fruit orchards; l-room house, cost 11,000; barn 40zt0; all kinds of outbuildings; personal property amounUng to over 11,000; this place la not over 41 miles from Portland; prloa f 2.60O. EXCHANGE If you wish to trade your city prop- ua. wo nave arty for farm a. largo list of farms 100 for sale. for trade and aver Coast Commercial Co. 004 DSXOTC B&SO. Call or write for fuU information. THE SHAW-FEAR. COMPANY 245K STARK STREET ' For Sale or Trade ' An apartment-house of fifteen ' apartments and 10 single rooms ; guaranteed lease. CALL ON US. , ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY " Couch Building ' ' 109 Fourth St., near Washingtdn HOLLADAY AVE. AND EAST 22D. PRICE Sl.lOO. Y - Terms, $200 down, balance in installments ol ?2U per montn; 100x100, on southeast corner Twenty-second and Holladay ave, MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 2d st. and 392 E. Burnside. BROADWAY ST. 8-Room House. Price $4,000. Lot - 60x100 and 8-room house on the northeast corner of East 12th and Broadway sts. Mall & Von Borstel 1Q4 2d st. and 392 E. Burnside. Special Offer for Monday Five-room cottage, beautlfuj grounds, 710, Corbet, street, both electric lights and gas. WIU sell It Monday at half price. f . - $2250 Half Cash SUJHA XiAWIlXXCS CO 148 Alder Street. , Representative James T. Lloyd, of ; Missouri, according to his friends, has enough votes pledged to him to insure t bis ele6tldn as chairman of tha Demo crats congressional - committee which I cratsr to 'the sixty-first .copgress xit i 1 1 - t fait, Tha election of officers will Uks place In January. . . " " '' i .) ' " I - '" '" :i'.,t,. Ten women la tha ' United ;Bta,tes earn ' their . living In the Capacity ot bagggemeo.1-t ,. - , HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS SAFE SANE RELIABLE 25 ACRES, all improved, modern 8-room house, very at tractive home, good barn; 5 acres full bearing, 20 acres young orchard, Newtowns and Spitzenbergs. PRICE, $12,000. Adjoining 25 acres sold last week for $1,000 an acre. 30 ACRES, fully improved apple farm, one 9-room modern house,one 5-room cottage, good barn and outbuilding, electric lights and all conveniences ; 15 acres set to trees, s 34 acres full bearing, 9 acres 1 and 2-year Spitzenbergs and Newtowns, 2 acres peach trees, 95 full-bearing pear trees, 20 full-beaming cherry trees ; horses, wagons, har " ness, cows, etc. ; all farming implements. A complete . , orchard and outfit. Can you beat it? PRICE $20,000. Terms. 10 ACRES, fully improved, choice home, 5 rooms ; 8 acres set to fruit, 2 acres full bearing; electric light, phone, all conveniences. PRICE $6,500. A bargain. IT PAYS TO SEE US CHAPIN & HERLOW 425 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PHONE MAIN 1682. Jonesmore On the Montavilla car line. The best value for the money on the market today. Graded streets, sidewalks, Bull Rim water. Build ing restricons. These lots are 50x100 Feet $3C0 to $500 $25 Down, $10 Monthly .We will build for you. Agent, at tract Geo. D. Schalk 264 Stark St Main 392A23S2 V;':;d' lO Acres yX On bank of Bandy' rlvsrt acres dear, au fine aaady lom woold make am Ideal berry, fruit aadi cnioken ranch. Tonnf orchard aad g.OOO strawberry plants seS oat m year ago) plaee ea be Irrigated front a creek If dVslredl good 7 -room house with basement bars 80s 401 wooeshee eblekesv-honsei one fine $78 sow, 60 chlckena, S stands ef bees nag ail tools phone la k onset 1 aa.ll from oarllmsi s-raded Soheolj chnroh and stores i joa flu rook road to port Und. rrloe, ta,goo half ansa, baianos peg seal, 3 Acres Home place, an la best varieties frail aad garden land; a good S-room aonse, with bathroom aad closets and, a dou ble veranda, glass doors out onto It, water piped front Spring! new barm, BOx 40 1 plank drivowev, ebiokea-aoase aad eorrali dally mall at doeri oa a flas arrarel roasf to oltyi tbree fourth mile to oarllaa. fiaap. Frioe, if aeid at oaoa, 960. One heavy team, wagon aad aan ess, $430. 22 Acres AU Al som li acrea ta high stats of alttvatloa, balaao stomp pasture, soma timberf a fair g-room aonse, new barai yoaag orchard good well oa Krohf looataa ta a weu improved loaai r ea mall and milk route I a miles to railroad town, 14 miles from Portland, rorsoaal preportyi I team of mares, karaees aad wagon I I g-seated back, 1 mimm jmwtvw, a .ynav aws.a nwrvw, vm. tlvator, bay rank, gardea drill, feed out. tor, 1 fine range and other small tools 4 good sows, 1 heifer aaU, pieaty feed, rrioa, 12,760, halt sash. 177 Acres emltlvatloat a S good family trees slat-room Talloy farm, TT acre a river bottom laadi orchard i ISO bearlns honso, with double flreplaooi a largo bara, 60x00, 40 foot high I aoree heavy timber) pastures, epea oak grab laadi stock that goes with place, a horses, IS head eattla. 33 sheep, 10 hogs, 100 hens aad turkeys, a plows, 1 harrow, 1 diss, X mowing ansohina. 1 hay rake, X wear em. l hack, a aeta harness. 1 cream s ro an tori psoas lias and rural mailt plen ty ree oa mux ronvei a miies irom a rood, town aad railroad. Frioe, 07,000, half trade, balaaos terms aad sash. B Acres AH ta eulttvattoa, excellent aoflf two aares in ail kinds of berries! a yoaag orchard) a good a-reont bouse aad baee meatt good wmU, with pnmpi bara and sbiokea-hoasesi would make aa Ideal berry aad ehlokea ranch) one fourth muo rrom ateotria oaxume atauoa, miles from rortlaad, aa fine road, rrioo. for a few days, ga.SOOl tlOO dewa. AU Acres ACRE TRACTS THAT KEYtH r,' U-ACXB YBACT near tHirxloe. I a ' in cultivation, l-room hoti.e, r barn, ather outbuilding, line ' orchard and other fniiio, r well of water at door: no better 1 . out of door. I'rice. 2,00. Is ACmrg, 4 miles southeast from all in cultivation, large bearlns ' chard, ' house of 4 rooms, barn, i ... .; buildlnga, good well and sprlns. . , fi exchanse In part city imprnml rr' ; arty: near new railroad, I'rka, i;. ; ; per acre. ., S4 ACBCl on Johnson ereek, the lace In tho county to rains chlckena, jcka and geeeo or anything yu want Mo plant In tha ground; soil U-n ravei or roc a; on sovn best : place In tho county to rains chicken rOU L no srai , road to city, cioas to canine; win -r change in part la city property. Price, tltSO, S30Q0 wlU'bny T-room house (mf1 ern), Ma lit . East Davis it, vtU furniture, on. easy terms. , SSOO will buy a e-room nloe sottage, lot SOxlOO. In Montavilla. SllOO will buy tU lota In Pleflmont lark addition, 1 block from Union . ava ear Una, 9. U WXUI Oa, -004 Chamber sf Oomm.ros Bldg. Excellent Stock and Dairy Fsrms j nree miles sast f Roeeonrr, ureiron. lit seres, its if cui- to cultlva- i Und with on Der creek, of tlvatlon, 140 easily put lnt tlon: 41 acrea maaA naature considerable oak timber. The entire farm la well watered by creek and springs; wiu make sn Ideal stock and dairy farm. A two-story frame house of seven rooms, stable and hay-barn,, granary and other out-bulldlngs: or chard of apples, peach,, peers, cherry and prunes: entire farm la fenced; on telephone line; rural free delivery and H mile to school house! good level road to Roseburg. Fries tie per acre. 1,100-acra farm and ranch. U mile from Wetlsdale, Benton county, Oregon; on the 8. P. r. R, miles northweet of Albany and Corvallla, on good roads. 100 acrea of rich bottom land and bal ance low open bill land, with scatter ing oak timber. The bulk of it can be culUvated. Large lH-atory house with hot and cold water Snd bath, - A fine spring supplies the houae and barna from a larss storage tana o ment, of 1,000 gallons. fall and force. This is considered among af brick and co- wita asuaaanc tha best Pries 119 per farms In Benton county. aore. . - X T fTTLSM CO, 101 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bav land, 8 miles from Hood flaest of apple land. Moe, est bay ! this famous looauty. Rlverj $5,600. Espey-Meine Realty Co. kooic aia oovaanaLkx, bzjxk Corner Second aad Washlagtoa, AN IDEAL HOME AND A REAL SNAP Within a few blocks of tho steel bridge, walking distance to business center, 7 rooms, strictly modern, a stylish place. Is undoubtedly the best snap in tha city. TheDnnn-LaivrenceCo. 84 iXSEI BTmXUST. The Best Real Estate Soap on the Market 20 ACRES 7 MILE3 EAST OF C1TT ON CARLINEJ; WILL CUT 600 CORDS WOOD; ONLY 1-1 CASH. I' NEED SOME MONET AND HAVE GOT TO SELL. W. F. GILBERT Phone B-22C1. 117 Grand Ave. ROSE CITY PARK If you hayen't seen it you hare not seen the most desirable residence sec- Ition of Greater Portland. ;Not a suburb, but a part of the city, swith city conveniences. ; ? . Nothing cheap abbut it except the jprice of iota. ' w ' MRTtoM & THOMPSON , - ' CHAMBER" OP COMMERCB - ." A Goqd Safe Income Investment 60x100 feet ground with two buildings. Will earn 165 monthly. Rental 12 per cent Interest on price asked. $6,500 Don't you think that pretty grHlt The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 848 Aider St. FOR SALE J10GIIM Room 11, First St 302-Acre Farm n Benton county, Oregon, all good til able and grass land, ail fenced and cross-fenced; this farm la conceded one of tho best grain and grass farms In ths county; no waste land-and all can be cultivated; about 230 acres In culti vation and grass, balance timber, oak and ash; well watered: I -story house, largo barn; other outbuildings, bearing orchard. Pries, $35 per acre. 226 Acres 1H miles south' of Gresham (no better land in the state), 10 acres In good cul tivation; 160 acres brush paature, bal ance timber; large bearing orchard; house of rooms, barn and other out bulldlngs; this farm can bo divided Into 4 or ( parta very nicely! wUl take In part Income-bearing city . property. Price, $40 Pr oxre. 3. X WtXUI CO., 808 Chamber of Commeroe Bldg. - m $1500 VA acres fine rarden land, all cultivation, close to Wood stock car line, lies sightly. Would make a fine building place. $600 One lot, 50x100 feet, with two old houses, near East 21st and Stark sts. This is a cash propo sition, but nearly giving it away. $5QO Lot 50x100 feet in Tibbetts Homestead (corner), on Gideon st., cheap. Do Too Cart (o Make $10,699? Wa have a 860-acre. well eauipped. Dairy and Fruit Ranch: two good houses, one nicely furnished, on the Kalama river, overlooking the Colum bia. Other good buildlnga Present ln- ms over 1409 per mentn. Jtau ana water transportation. Two thirda Its actual value will taks it now. (0x100 business corner lot on union avenue, $5,000, . ties our sere iracis n you omi suburban home; $200 to $i00 -per sera, 60x100 Irvlnrton lota. $1,100. Choice suburban lots, $260; easy terms. DXULIff ZJLirS ft mP&OVXICESTf CO., (31 Chamber oz commeroe. Hancock Street Addition ZBVXKOTOH' DISTRICT pineet realdeaos district . ta Sfortlaasli parked streets, eemeat walks and curbs, BoU Xtaa water. . . - Lots 50x100 $600 , BAJTT TEMJS8, $10 KOSmOiT. Take Rose City Park ear direct to tract Office cor. 17th at For further Information and maps call or write a r. wxua. 2$1 Worcester Bldg. Phone tt-t25ft. $50,00 Cash With 16.00 monthly payments will boy a ales acre.nonje in ovuj-o . ; v4$ Aider 8U CO. Dolladay's Addition Ths one BEST, place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of ths city. . i i Tie Orp k state 88H Third tree.' , ' Xoms Telephone Bonds are as good as fold to us when yoa get yea -. HOME TELE PHONE BONDS We wlU take them at face with the fifty per cent stock bonus In payment on lots In Vernon, Lorrinton snd Ver non Heights purchaser to have lota at Ust price, same as ws sell for cash. We also have noma beautiful ACREAGE PROPERTY NEAR WOODSTOCK Six blocks from carllne.' Fin soil for frnlt, berries or vegetables. Tf von are looktns for "any kind of city or farm property call oa as, ; - v. Moore Investment Co. Rooms $-4-1 La Fayette Building, Corner Sixth and Washington. ' Main $707. '-' ; - .; .-. . A-2707. 88 AOBXS near railroad station In Wil lamette valley. Ail is tns oesi or land; has 10 sores of apples snd prunes, full bearing; small house and stable. ; Also a Una . y .fa .-h;. . . 40 ACXB tract within half a mils of a good Willamette valley town 01 s.ouu people, no buUdings on this tract, but will put In a house and two lota In tho town on tha trade, and will trade slther tract for good lnoome-bearlng Portland property. , s . , If you mean business, phone Main 2660 or call at .110 Second at. In the forenoons, .. . , Si N. Steele & Co. WB-HAVE WHEAT FARMS In eastern Oregon and Washington for sale cheap, or will trade lor Portland property, or will take Oregon Trust & Savinsra bank accounts, or Home Tele phone bonds In payment. Moore Investment Co. , . tU Washington Street. .. Mala 2707 A-270T. IN LOANING YOtm MONEY on real estate mortgages you have your security at all tlmea under your own control, it is me omy eecumy aoso ititniv backed by tho stability of the commonwealth. General practice,) title examinations, mortgage ana probate business: Interviews from lenders and borrowers, only, solicited. W. a Ward, Lawyer, Room $10 Allsky bldg. Main 7226. ' . ; ' ,;; Orchard Homes 8 and 10-acrS tracts; fins soil; some running water; soma clear; some brush; some timbered; everything grows; near station, school and stores, t Small pay ment down, $10 monthly, $66 an acre and np. v ' . ,, yoKTULiro yjrrssmx2) co, aea Stark SW Boon 18, ; -. Tcn-AcrEripugm A tine tract for chicken ranch or berry farm close to Clarnie Station, price $1,600; one third cash. : Chamber of Comroerea i . riasoStsJb cl lcs!s D. Cell Now located corner th and WasMn ten sts., Lafayette blag.,, parlors JO-il. Railway Addition ml okozcb BtnxBrro xots AT $85 EA. no 0w,. MOirrsxT, sV h SEEING . J3 ' -BEIJPEVINCI.V j- Take Montavilla ear to Wet efflea, Cor, Hibbard and Tills ava, or for maps and Information caU at efflce C P. WELLS, Ml Worcester : bldg. Thone M. $252. ii:. " wa BAjrora D R Ji Sometimes it Is dry dirt, snd sot.- Our dfrV is" in lots in Vernon.' ltn. ton and Vernon liieehie: at frr.,, near 1 Woodstock In Mount u "l We also have farm luna Se 1 ...e trade. -. ' illH Waahlnsuiti bir"-. T; .. t;s va rcn- ". Lowest -ti- Of l;,:.:f!. .:'V Tortt Plt-C'-i t- . 1.4 fcvlrk fci.. ; f