The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 12, 1908, Page 43, Image 43

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ist riirnishes Picture and Historv of
an;raman teed VV iiich Me Acquired
-; After a Long ;and:Tedibus Journey : ;
.'IB ..; -
i II 11 . i IT A rWs J a : ''-!. mmm J V' ' ' . -. - . . . -
: IT' V :, v . Jlf:' ilVLJJL J! JHL V - U :. .'v. W : ' v; . ; . IPs'. : . v. K( "
';;:Cartdomstirurnishes ' ' ; v.-V-.-!,-.---; ; '
4 , J ; j (Translation). f ' ; j ' ' . ;
-.. . Mr dear brother-a-I waa vary happy to receive- your kind. Jttr ' .'
November in which you told ma off your eafa arrival In oui nwn'h.
loved country,an the rood health! you Wnd-jTfimumtoVtaV
waa especially glad to learn that you found rolr-bbn-tu'wili
I would ak 4hatp.iw.1rtni my kindest rewrda. ' "5!"
J " butUnSVtyh tou?D 4noth"!;
. The three-year-old blu steed died. -hut hl ilBfi r, ' ' "
much. Your -letter-cheered me, and fwaa so very mueh pleaied to haJ
from. you that I forfot the, loss of, the steed. I waa also clad to 1m
x,tbmt the president appreciated yodr!ood work "V7 7 ..f?
My son Kay ad Is about to b married, and I bea" you and vrmri f.d
' t6 accept tha Invitation I herewith, extend to hU wodoni SlS has heiJ
V appointed soldier. ,i v ; " "f"0' i M,,ben ,
' - OMrn uiilah rnm to Alnna ann.,aalri1 t.i. t-
t .,lJXi!52 lo nd;. haJt year'a old.
My sona AUla ,nd . Fayad send; their .beat, wlahaa to yod ani your
family. v. - s . v. - ?-;. " '
uiva my wssi rejaras to Messrs; Tuompson and Moors.
Homar Davenport! " Oh. yea, avery-1 Jinlsh. "War thre--Arthur Moor
- body kndws Homer Davenport, x Ho la fw Thompson and myself had start-
th. .an of Tim Davenoort tha aa of ?l.Sutli a5 together a . band of
Bllv.rton...nd h. la. tha brother, by iers'to" thehelTf .VVrlba
blood and salt ot Sheik. Akmut Haffea ft,l?.,e,ou,n' treat war trlbw of
th. diplomatic ;rul.r. of .tha.Anaaah AX&TkK
trlba of tha dttoman empire. And, with ret ndfarthr because of "the waTa of
made Mark Hanha famous, and wbow "h ma fM.lJl'A ivW,,"1!!
cartoona and caricatures hava molded tare notajika tha OraioT v.;V5v:v i i.:7
to a largo extent tha politics of tha na; wa decided to return to the coast, arlv-
tlon. 1,?LI? 41f 7el"H.r aa a bad Job. but
''kow. however." b. Is thachamplon of rwp through.
tha Arab ate.ed and me promowr w IL'U,'"? "tlne. ranga and beautiful
.... h..wMn his or'dl 'or tha desert horses.
ryr;ol7.;.lonMo.;ud and t tha thf0- XVM W'W
blade K.eniucay orea ni -." mrnea . witn . their
which are to be sent In May from Van-12 and scars. I thoufht of
couver or Sllverton under ?ovrnent ton. and of 11?,
welaht across tha continent In M days. Mw ths ImabB7hn2hi
forehead and close-set eye and one can
easily believe the Bedouin philosophy.
Judged by His Taca.
"Tha Bedouin Judgoa his horsa by
IV! !"?r,.hU..f' kna ui rambled
but' in hf.r'hV.d'e" Bl le.g' ?r W" ody
"Tha arava of tha Bedouin Is his ad-
u.c,. .wuiuiuf io ma pnuoaopby of tha
desert and therefore tie Aran says. 'If
I amto trust my' Ufa and my piyae to
FJ1??! 1 look -him fan be
tween tha evca.- What rin. n
- j'S-t at present 'Homer.- a. all tho lng ln edge of owdTnd
?LVJ" ii 'SSJt'.reu tha , i,e?PreteJhetoroWue.t1ond
w.- Y.. . . , . ,, ,
verton, visiung wun i . " . i 1 A" "'m,'-1 said, If ha knows where
BUiiuit, ufviBu . f "" me Lit io CBIDi In. Tha man with
.or two ago the artist and horseman the white teeth was the coiSn of
wandered down to Portland to near the oUI Shelk Akmut Haffa the flo"omaUc
no Is. of-a city and to renew old ac- ,d ruler of all tha tribes who
quaintances. From rprce or naaii no me town on a secret mission for his
followed. the trail when he heard the people Because! asked the man with
whirr, of The Journal s presses and tha, white teeth we. went to the land of
M"nAe.V i".l....l.u1 .,,v.;""- .n thZiVfi ZmTlV-i wrought, back
uuvi; : u w luo teens or nAnvon
th bor- 'Hello. ' Then m aiKea , 0 -
or cnings mat nr. oiu, ,v rha cl.ii. . ,
that is new. until his eye fell upon an inai-?W, sha,k u arand old man.
arUsri able. with Its litter of ' pens f. ' Philosopher, a poet and a phlN
-and a" new white sheet tacked down 2"NVl0i,f1t- . "e mn who has
' Stha drawlna board. - - b"i,d.e.L"? f. p.eA about hlmaelf
' i tnra: "Jl "?ersnip it ha. never
- - . wmiuoivu. xie la a man.
If some one will loan me a good stiff "One day," continued Davenport, as
pen . I will draw the picture of my a smile broke out over his face. "I re
brother by, the rite of blood . and , salt, monstrated with the old man because he
the good old Sheik Akmut Haf let, and was- buying the horsea I brought back
tha mart he gave to me." , lYiiL ' pa''inK, nls tribesmen and not
And then to those about the board he ail0.wnF me to bay. Tell him.' I said
told wierd tales of the desert land as ohf Interpreter, tell him that I can
hls fingers drew out from, the cells of nt i8"0 him to pay for all these
hia memory the grim old diplomat of f,1" Atd the old man came back
the Bedouins. .i " '
"Fatei" mused the artist, as his hand h.Jf" ra. my e "aid. Tou
worked on. "Is something strange, and pt JnLmy tent- Ywl have
CI belleva that It was fate hat led' me Pfep "vered by my quilt. yPu have
from tho verge of a dismal failure Into ai,ei bread.and tested of my salt,
the forbidden land of the Anexah, where -Jt your brother In blood?' I told
the hospitality of the desert gave me Z7 v."fh"",l,A ... ' '
of tha finest Wses ever foaled. U all -J h aif-h. W man, -do you
Replacing Antique Furnish-
mgs with Products of
France and England.
Rome, Jan. n. ChriHtian -
fTeeIS,eVa,,rb,e8' th runs:
tr,l't a ? ,earthtuak. U have con
tributed their share to tho demolition
of monuments of ancient. Rome Paga"
destroyed to bullS
Yt" ?iu- '.i;..J - mean to savthat .h. t :.AZ1 Y"'ls"?" cnurenes, theatre .n
by is pearly teath as the one who J four cpuntryyou will let me been stolS? ZJX??! UK' "ve
to watch hia haela lf l 'V,l-
his aonl la thinking.' And that la what
all 2-at horsemen think. " " " W,W
'1 told Jim Keene. th.
."ndVe'w1. fftSSSKSf ' ' Bed0U,n
i;!!?. tfA Peking
..... ... imau, lur i wo years now.
fi,5? Bodouina believe
that if a horse's hen ,nnA t,t. iZ,A.'. good and on this theory 1
chose colta that won me liso nna u
ness 1 over mode of th. ni ... 1 !vT
vv.v. jmiih is tn greatest
old man of his nation and that la tha
great war mare ha gave to rt. She
was given to him hv Hh.i u...i.
tBrtr KVT1 arK h' of tha Aneaah
tribe. Ha is mv hroth i i.i . "z J
?5yai,llr?e."lU!en ' collection of the
' It Is tha nlan nf nr. r. . .
send hia 2-year-old VuilrnV Saaoud
meaning The Fortu
1?,. u,1rrKW,ly r rrlod ou? th2
eurt wllKba made In May from Hii.
verton or . Vancouver and Dt2nri'.
erai vaateiman. Under th.
ahlnT 5f' two hoS'a must
tlmnHmKNew York teha gamJ
lowed VoVE- .c5"4ons. .1-
the'coUy!10"9 00 h' lon trlpacroas
now at Silverton
W JKnuw. .1. j -i my BUD- Statues have bBfln
: . f :! ...t- ; 1 . '. -I ' " I or used a
routes ;V, -,. wta ine interpreter to It I, a D V V
got . hold of I III, 7i t u.."": snani spend a generation. -
. . . , l . .in vw. rn r a ... J . . . n n,
Wnlln msrhla
converted into lime
v-iiecK an assault
"JiS?" that Present
uiuirrm attitude
mlkht know what I f wanted
' This is how- It came about
.'"We'had traveled by devious
to ' Alenno. when the blues
me. . Youdon'.t' know wherei
desert whose ,180,000 people are- 106
mil, from thMflbfUit. and whose street-
cleaning departmeat la SO.OOO doga . It "Vok 'w.V '' '. a mollshed, but did notin .SLJm
Is the citv that , can be told Br Its Lhftt. ?? ,f aald. . "and literate all " .80i-ln. vepr case ob
1 ! k.fn lr . h.' .nJh. 'nl. . !' : WlCDMIlt of th modfcm ' .,.2lr".? "i tne past, thetl
, - - -v... ... i iiireiiHHn. 'rnit nP. a r i . - . "-vvcooufi or . rnio ui
wliera everyone wears the Aleppo, hut-1 tfful .head iand
they ,; sell
asked the
e. yoo-oonit Know wnerei Aleppo, is? i , Thin t. w. i toward, the nast- thii r i. "llluae
ell. I ll tell tyou about that and about .troked'-th 5J2r L 41La Arab steed striving to rebuld he?10
m blues.. Aleppo Is the city of the Urjth tn "horse molished. But the befn de"
W fin aaa . n wun nis pen- and turned to 'enpnminma I ,n tj , lne ranoy does not .onw.
f?W- or the o?mi!
U 4
That la what :T cai Vbea ',"uc?8 of today'-althouVh
:--2M2l.U Wy, the highly ' anfllrhten 8U.?E-8ed t?. . .
mart functions In American society,"
- wait,! naia xne artist, "ar
you what they are. For some
.Other the atreet-eleanin
Aleppo does not
sanitary standar
b resides hi that peculiar town there! tent and you
' PPr sooner or later a hideous,, can-1 of the arsum
jniiig sure, citrer on.tne cneex or .toe
, iorenea.
The Bedouin tSS tC?'., . "w"rs. mm
- . ' . ...v w.i. . a acw m.rfl nr.n.
Longus and were
r street was
and reburied;
brlflir.tha city up-to, a ha will point to" the .sSr' uion thelea" .'.hl5h . survived I tha
Mte!i;a. !?? P?H Aid then yoM go ut tTtSSntTf 'tlfa f Jind wTr. TnSSra SS, tH: reason both,ui,a:?r MaaalmA
owners m iisfi' DLL
. V. V TV If m
arrument and the car.
B-TrT1 -In Pfown of tha people's skin. 1 or leaves the tent- must crawl over hrm I th Sl.i", emnanjcmaat -and t
This is lae Aleppo button. If. however, or under him. whe7e thiMldr" 4ot
."i?r" X -Wm.' This ha . ben,,a mSttMA
w.Um.u, ui .jrfsrt until It is believed. n- '-,iv"::J- raiy a
h"-J.5T!?1" thr the Qn relation Ur villa :f5j of hrMf-?' n 0,d P1
KLth-J?J .n?,.Mven the. desert horse romanon. -il ojitorio interest and
.aMueu .intelligence and banished the men of .iV.; .".BA8' oman noble-
.ald-en'pSr" ? am 3K " fi r e oHhe .reS'U?, " WS
see the
rf... ff- 'II -r-fiiiiplli...i. i i' i ' -..
' " tne they are alwav. wiTii. uce,' ami
big jaw, the narrow thJr S?
andin . .tL'UBt..ln08e that are left
fw.."BfL ?at re left
-w...a niuuernizerl anH
atanamg are
doomed' tT'n.,"aH 'Wn old
among the Roman" nobi ltv tK. JSJJ
i"f" wnicn 'is encouragPd bv th. Vmt,
ing Offers of both nativJ rll m,pt
dnai.r. .iir.1" native and foreic-n
wtm TIF
7 ' ?t . Tr" ,a -
' - .-u-il ' . . ' - i i .1 "er ana conimlttl
better Jn Arabic Wrltfen ta Homer DaTenport by th'Grarid Old Man c " ' " '
9 ' 1 .- , - - , ' Mstzgerr, jeweler.
Husband Wouldn't Look for
Ta l 1 '
urgiar wife Dared
Danger and Met Him.
onJ ln th' Jn- "-"Th", om
A. tuh0U8e' Qeor"i I r foot
rlAh" J' ro" ' .pered
w.m . in "ire of a, Second
ward grocer.-after ah. h.4 u
hi..K..j .... . .7 wuoou ner
;arly"thl.WmorVrW Vl Pachas
ihuucuu t
., .. : , if i .. r : "j : " ." . . - -,
n nnrnnii '
I 1 1 ii i iiiiri nifli vi
Senatpr Bourne Fails to Get
Turner's Official Scalp
for Constituent
la;IaVen,aVnV..Cil'.li0 S -taap and
: Mrs. Rankin
dressed hernrlf " . ui "Bu- Partly
ereshe 8 confrontid by a" youn
man packing up a ouantitr
wre. , h attemntul n ., " i "V '.V
Woman raBnlul 'i;w."?v' DU
nlaed the hurii; t!'""- n2 cog-
a well known vouni Xl??0-
borhood. " ""an-
Scanlon dived th
escaptd. but was aVrS tT ."VlT
i..eX, . ljltted for eouVt "after a
anybaWIl.b M,,"t"t ' Slf..,
opUcian.? l Vasht
fWMhtntton Boreas ef The Joarnd.t
Washington, Jan. 11. Oreiron now has
two men H. H. Ollfrey and William B.
Turneren the payroll of the United
States senate for Ufa, or so lone aa thev
behave themselvea. And, Inasmuch as
both are very well-behaved and have
iiiKuo gooa - iqr many years, the man
w to miu to move tnem will run up
""oi iuo lnipuosiuie.
.Setrr S,mry u th; chief clerk of tha
sertato. . He succeeded Chief Clerk Mc
Donald, who died this year. He has
Jew J1!,1" ?.r KacOT of -years and for
Wh. j18" beP rrled on the rolls
l)Ot charred aa n. ..' .i -
.1. "c"lorB- 1( ' the cus
tom for th. i.r.t. ,a v.. . .
. ... . w . v w hcii rL or
2r.accoumJt.with- the members, and
when a constituent 1. ,k.i.j -
senate position ha Is chged against
the patronage account of , tha aenator
W-hO Indued hia ..l.tin "
If tha jmploya bo retained farfnwny
fw- ,"nJ.'v,9 wtisfaction he JZ
tlmas Is transferred to tha senate roll
In a wav tr mnk. hi. r
nabla, and it i, thenceforth nitwEhE
tha power of tha senator to procurehla
Cannot Ba Bemoved. '
Gllfrev lnnsr a or. vaUaj tua
whence no senator could oust him. Were
uvin me senators to make their hottest
si un mm no wouia continue to draw
M81?' nd tbe senators would find
that they had run against an immov
able object with a resistible' force.
However, there is no desire on any one's
K" ' jHiiiuve vjuirey, so ne seems des
tined to remain for 11 f a nr imtn ho a.-
. . - . - - - . v. .,'.11 .IV UQ
wrea 10 return to ms nome in Ore son.
"'cig iu diijuv litb mmnprRncA no ma
f t any time from his Portland and
.uimuicue vsuey realty investments.
W. B. Turner for manv vonra hn ham
printing clerk. Hia duties are to at-
jena to certain items connected With
the senate printing, and handle all the
rutumea ex puDiie documents which ara
pound in specially attractive form for
mo senators.
Turner came from Portland, where he
was a drug traveling man. Soma time
ago Senator Bourne wanted Turner's
position for one of his constituents, and
ucmanaea turner s resignation. Under
tna rule of patronage, he was entitled
to get Turner's Job for his own friend,
and Secretary Bennett of " the senate
served notice on Turner that he would
nave io get out. .. ,
. Turner, during his long service, has
formed some rather warm friendships
for certain , of the old-time senators,
who had become accustomed to have
tha, Oregon man attend to their busi
ness. He had DerfarmeA hi. fiinntinm
so efficiently that ha finally had grown
to be an absolute necessity, Therefore,
When ' he ' received Secretary Rennatf
ultimatum, he quietly counseled with
some of" his cloaa a.n.tnHav rianH.
and Senator' Hale of Mains took tha re
snonslbility of seeing that Turner waa
glued in hia swivel chair In a. m nnAf trt
defy th effort of Senator Bouta to
Th. .m.. ' .... ', ?r"unu or tiruisn coittmo a are- hi
j Tha denouement of tha little polltlcaldepleied by Americoit fiahing vesci
incident was a comedy for Turner and
a tragedy for Bourne's hopes of adding
one to the list of his political ap-
Frank W. Motter of Portland, one of
mo .apirants ror a position as reading
clerk of the senate, will not know for
nome time wnetner or not he is to be
appointed. It is reported here that
oenaxor Aiuson s selection la in the fair
est way to get the plum, but Secretary
Jiiincii K.Buiea an ine canaiaatea mat
"pull" Koes not at all in tha miMtinn
of the selection. Motter went through
several sevnrn tentx ,ilin mm .
ut-BK. just oeneatn in tnrnn. nf th.
vice-president, while Secretary Bennett
sat in the rear of the ojkamber, listening
to Motter'a enunciation and making
Oregon man's readinr. , ; Svnntv.fiv.
oiners iiKewise aia ine reading tests,
and half a dozen were t&knn from tha
ioc ny me process ot elimination, Blot
ter's name being found on the list of
thosa who were to ba riven .the
chances to prove that tha business' of
iiib government win . not nrnxuut
smoothly unless ha serve as one of the
readinr clerks of .tha : TTntt.a Kto..
11UUOV J 1 . . i
y 1 ! 1 ll.l" w 1 1 i-.:-fc'-.,;.;w
- (Doited Press Leased VlnS
Vletorik, TB. C; Janv 11. I a report
to tha Ottawa - government. Captain
wewcomo or tno irishory protecUon
cruiser Kestrel, asks that a moder
eruiser, like the Canada on the Atlantic
coast with a speed of 20 to 22 knot
and two smaller boats of lg knots, be
commissioned as soon 'as poibl' to
protect tha British Columbian floheflra.
Ha gives an a reaon that the halibut
grounds of British Columbia are- hhuj
IflllllO soos
Had Broken Through Ice
While Sledding on Bel vi.
dere Mill Pond.
' (Special Dispatch to Tba lonroal.)
Belvidere. N. J.. Jan. 11. Mrs fir-nri'.
Amey, a farmer's wifa, today saved tha
Uvea of her two Uttla aons, risking h r
own. The boys were trying their sleds
on a tnlllpond, when tha ica aava way
and both boys went Jnto tha water.
Ihelr cries attracted tha mother, ant
sha rushed nn th. with
poles. Throwing the tnr! of the roj
w.auat, a4i nun vi linn
It to tha little fellow, whleh h '.U.
"NOW. hanr on tirlit." xlm .,Id I i
a few moments she landed the two t,.t-
dren .aufa aud sound on tlio bank.
It is reoorted an effort will
at. the coming seosion of pomiks (
unatftat- V, l. carter, tna in-tiBii ' "
rronsman from tha 1 Fourtti dimr;l
klaiiorii"r The hul ot -'.i fomxit i
tha claim tlmt Cnrfr J.tii i-ii .
citizen of - th Uriliml btmi t n t
ulred ' length of tlit pru.'- i I - ' .
even Itari Jin v n 's '
hy :l'f In win ',( j . i i ,
In 1901.