The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 12, 1908, Page 42, Image 42

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    . )
' - ' From th New Tork Times.
THAT ther If Something wrong with
th bureau systsin of th navy
. department ha now beeom too
clear to admit of official denial.
Ther la a proverbial relation be
t ween amok and Are, and the clamor
. that la coming from M many quarter
la mora than likely to fore congrees
Into making an official inquiry Into lha
charge that hav been mad against
th "burtaa aratem." Among a large
number of other thing, the jlleg a
Jk k or Harmony wiwrra . , ,(
; and it aeema to have been fairly well
proved that ther 1 uch a lack of eon.
cert, and that It ha worked to the e
rlotis disadvantage of th navy.
That w begin at tba wrong nd of
hip construction 1 admitted by moat
vary one in me iwfiw -
variou bureau. In this w ar b
lnnd foreign navie. and owing to our
peculiar method our hlp can never
AHifkArarlM' r
Tolllustrat thi by a comparison
-with tb plan which Great Britain fol
lows. It may b aald IncidentaUy that
. If w know anytning po ''-'
, construction than Great Britain doe
this writer. doea .not know when or
where we gained the knowledge. Keep
ing constant watcn on wn um" -tions
are doing. ttlng every new de
vice, eontlnuaily experimenting, , in
short, keeping Bp to dat in verythlng
that -relates to navy improvement, the
British admiralty, wnen n- "
wore vessels ar needed to maintain th
unremacy which the nation. Insists
upon, goes about th building or them
In this fashion: A board of Eighly ape
.i.ii.i officers, all ezperta in
their line, and whplly unhampered by
th petty detail which overwhelm our
own bureau chiefs, first map- out what
they. wmC - Ear. for Instance. b;tUe-
hlp l. requ.rea. ""'aT .hih
erved. and to expre their opinion a
10 wimner ; ns osn snn nui v.v....-
manded or not,' By inviting , thea
crlUciaraa after the onea rrom wnom
they were asked bad passed from under
me autnority or me -ox near
thsy might have reflected, th odmlral
ty la alwaya reasonably aura of a franK
and therefore valuable expreaalon Of
opinion, ...... - .
Of the arreat executive department
of the federal government, our navy
department la th lxth In lineal ran,
and lck but nine yeara of blng as
nM aa lh nillnlol COmDirt Th
present secretary I Victor H. Mtcalf
I'aiirnrnia rnrmwriv ui'i-iimi v va.
commerce and' labor. Hi assistant, also
amolnted from olvil life, la Truman
If Nawherrv nf Mlrhlsan. Th seere-
tary. and in hi abeenc th assistant
fiecretary. la responsible for tn ouna
ng, manning, arming, and equipping of
our amps ox war. ,
There ar eight bureau. .Th on
a board on c..lfn,ln pl.o of th. 5f
present board on construction. , do a-ulshed officer, Bear Admiral WiUard
not beUev that opinion gathered nap- H. Brown-on has Just resigned, I tn
rar.i from line officers form a euf- bureau f navigation. Thla bureau ha
!..(. af ha An,tmnHnii nt Murladlatlnn OVtr the detail Of.all Olfi-
new shins. Line officers, individually, cere In the navy, me movement si
have often mad mistak.' and th ships and fleeta, the naval peraonn!.
bureaus have aometlmea been right the isavai acaqemy ai ymnapous.
when the line oltloers wer wrong. After .
the gpe-nlsh war our Una officer wer Admiral BrownfOn SUCCestOf.
u-mrormea or foreign
Intarmonious Relations Likely to Cause
Congressional Investigation Like
Kingdom in Itself.
sen, allv too
naval designs to be competent to give
aound advice offhand. Tret this is th
only way In which th department
asked it of them. A board on design
should give aa its time to th study
of nlennlna shlDS. The present board
on construction cannot do thla. because
four of Us present nve memoers are
head of bureaus ana ar more man
rully occupied wun meir own psruo
ular tasks.
"Chans and Improvement, aald a
dlatlngulahed navy officer to th writer.
The officer designated to succeed Ad
miral Brownson Is Captain Cameron
McR Wlnslow. on of th younger of
flrera of th navy, and one with a bril
liant record, lie la a nephew of thai
Wlnslow who commanded the Kearsarg
hen that veaael sunk tne confederate
cruiser Alabama off Cherbourg during
the latter days of th civil war. Thi
relatlv of that distinguished officer
attained a fain almost as great by I
his conspicuous gallantry In cutting
th cables off Clenfuego during th
Si.ii l s-.J a. A'Slnan thA or 1 r I s.ix vavisa van,
lZ h- irS.; of As , dav and hnce) th war with Spain. Operating Ip an open
h.. rL. thUufeihlmus? t. clos 'in.hor. nd unde? th. ftr.
am, aaxa - T . I at ' sfhnlsi rim anr
be changed or else an Inferior ship de
signed.. The designer men snouia ac- -.r-.- -
of a whole regiment of Spanish infan
try, n eoouy Kept at th wora untu
,!.'n.f?f T"" ?LSt tv TEsSSto th . on.
KJ'JttS&Z rhn.'C-,'.y1.rtem,JUna-.SSSSUi
- -- r.'-j:-In laa.t the nu that has recently been
moat under fire, la nrestded over by
Chief Constructor Washington L. Cappa.
a solution of th problem
embodying th latest combination to
fit the case. . He must be alwaya up-to-date,
ready to change and adopt new
in... "t. rut out the old which I .ln"1 owicer oe OI rao-j
brother offlcera to the writer, "1 er-
TJi2ir S PW t th construction corp. of
D ill! "r e!SK.-C Kn.Vr-?wiI thfa or any. other country has produced.
Two caaea of change may b men
tloned. Several years ago th max!
mum rat of fir of turret gun waa
one every two minutes, and th super
imposed turret, which gave large .arcs
or fire, was aaopiea Decs use me
the rate of two minutes did not
fere with on another by the amok
Ing himself out, and th pity of It Is
that he la wearing himaelf out In a
thankless Job.
First to reach his office
5T,n. at in th morning, he is the laat to leav
finter- at night, and so Intensely absorbed la
1 J ha In Ma work, an overwhelmingly big
ih-i..rtn iiTm lTn. , iht in other on by th war, that mianignt onn
t.rt ft,l?'J r?, r fr Sh.aloJI find him pondering over th many
I?!! " 1U" nr .l problems that h haa to solve,"
Vow w. hevi a It should be aald her. that wnu tn
TZ2!a buraaus, as bureaus, may b and bav
clears away before
fire the next run.
rata or nr or tnirty aeconaa. m imi :::: ' ...v. ; -n. ,v.. v.. ,h
iSZl ff'A Cc1S.n.0tnrolMm' V. 'whsnTn P."eflucl-S hk. Uld
time In aa clos proximity aa wnn in-1 41 ... . in
stalled In a superimposed turret. Thu " w" ..TV;,.. v '
Sl-TrtbnS the .mdh.unw?r 0ttCtn' h,My
distribution of th guns, and th upr- ..n.hf- .-. i Iaot. waa du to an
imposed turret must be discarded.
," When th- rang of torpedoe wa
less than -1,000 yards th protection
I yen to battleahips wa S-pounder and
1-Dounder guns. Now .the ranee haa
gone much -higher and th torpedo de-
iena oattery snouid oe at least
capabl onea; in iaot, it waa aue to an
acknowledged professional competence
that tney wer aeieciea ior mass im
portant places. But each and every
on la a victim Of a pernicious system.
The situation as regards Constructor
Cabps was neatly summed up a lew
-ii , the latest dat w
baa been gathered and placed before It,
decide that th vessel must carry o
many guns, and that they must b of
such and uca a oalbr. To amjbody
all of th Jateat prlnclplsa. ah muat
carry br gun at a certain on
iboV th w.ter. Her armor muat be
of a given thickness, and her steam ra
dius must be ao and so.
Th general characteristic outlined,
tb board turn t It naval construc
tor and dirct. them to 5"?
much displacement Is-needod to mbody
aU of thea features, and the approxi
rnat cost. When this "
Id- mnnev la asked for, com-
" a-., mwiA h rnnstruo-1 vast Knowledge oi aetans ana sirengm v
riet plan are drwn. ndthg construe- Weriai t0 wak a plan ambcy- rb. 1
ilon of th vel 1 begun. ,n(f tne mnt9 wtUnti bf h de8rne'r .""J,
'' . '! m. jaajusting wner necessary, nut never
Dimam. vi . T '"-T.'i" I "J the.a lln officers haV virtually noth
. . mnt mnnli a iu ouwu wiuraui ... . .. .,. , mmKara In
commoVsen. uslne.llk. rMthoa 2HTl" tn. pcU?U Si. wh know. -" only-not by virtue , of . -gjeW
of nroeedur. At any rat. It I rar flia- . . v qualifications, but merely by Virtue of
their position aa th heads or bureau
1 1 a a civumu " m I . I uu - - ... -
from time to time asks conaress ior - M..4.J . t.r
many ships. ? Lik ss not in 1 "v" '"vm
tars and expert .7tt" "wlir t th consensus of opinion of
snd smat naval .MBjlf vYfe . Zi those who would bring a reform in the
due theumpei aaco aaklk for methd of navy administration that
7nl ?r,.r..v,. will let you build l?r v,ry UmW- but vry Important,
four lftifWpa. wo , tp are necessary befor such reform
Z nrtcTnsr and muiTt not co.t afc?J?
more than such and such a aum. -,, 430i Revlsed Statutes, and which .-v. construction It wIU continue to o do-
t With no rcgara urju- ... .-7T - Tne ,everail bureaus shall retain the VOiv.
targe as our latest s-incn gun. ana me rma v.n u-
j . . . - i jar. liiddi iiaiuiiiii ubiivth
Having received th broad Idea on :L'T '""7V". " rr:
r,h 'h,Va- a: LTi.Twra Ars
at Rnowledg ol detilli and .trength "? A" J!?J. .d!.? i f JaSK
-r.Hw a a-
in auonoaed to nave
fita. smirtA 4n If rlnal tsrTir Itn1nn
never i ' C'.Z a-u-.-. x,, r.f I
jl; iff -.
rt'.'ii--. '
duties Is so great as to forbid the idea
of their rendering service on me noara
even If they wer qualified by experi
ence and special study to offer It.'
Thus the resDonsiDiuty ior tne com
pleted product devolves at last upon the
head of this overworxea omciai, una
until a e-eneral reorganisation separates
the board planning the ships from their
Proposed Board on Design.
The need of an expert board on de
sign never had a mors rorcerui illustra
tion than the one which came about
when the flv battleships of th Vir
ginia clas were suthoriied. lha
plana as originally recommended by
t s m that consisting .v"" pureaus snail retain tne
mai a u ,7:i'., irosd tilan-r""1? Bna. custoay or tne books or
LI TJ0? ?7rln the building o'f It; Fr " fcount perU ning to their
un "w il little Indenendent I ' . nu an me a u ties oi
p-1 tit each bureau a? ltue inaepno-nj ,h0 bureilu, ,ha,. b rerf0rmed under
ki"d0Jc2 "!hrwtnr. and wltli Tno l' .ot th -r.Ury of the
wors: m ".JVn- mrnmiS -uch as th I ""V' na lno,r oraers snail be cons d
tlnal responsibility except sucn as tne d ?manaUn)r from hlm and n u
bureau of ?'!S? M ar ha,v" 'ul! '? and effect, as such."
riimei, uis "'"- , j.... than . " l,lal w, wnicn gives to each
marnr' museums of delect w" bureau !hlr an thA maloritv of the board -of construc-
thv are now asserted to be. 0f th toenUrr ot th Vavv. whirh "on involved a. main battery of four
The Navy, a t",c",iY.Vnent of P" Cliv'"td o much discord. No capi-. 12-inch guna in tw turret, one ror
hs been urging th establishment or U,t wouW war), wlth gerlouVnep,a ward and one aft; eight 8-lnch guns in
IKnjpoBjiion to establish a business with 'ur waisi lurreia, oni'uwu m u
eight heaQs, each independent of one known quadrilateral arrangement, and
another, and with a nominal chief "bos- 12 -lnch gun In broadside. Th
ss(i or no previous training But In board on construction at mis time
the administration of Its navy denart- was composed of three sea-going line
ment that Is exactly what offlcera. the chief constructor and the
capitalist, Uncle Sam. habitually doa engineer-in-chlef. One or the iin ox-
I U7I V K WS.A U .. ' . I .aa I
Arthur Martin Mortallv
Wounds Wife Because She
Obtained a Divorce.
last IraDOrtant aten vnnlH k ,k. .k
Cation of artlcl 2S2 of the navy regu
itlon. This article is aa fniini.. '
All persons belonging to the nay
c.;m w Which He Quickly r.TmPlW.u"d lh pyy; depart-
j - t . - i - luiuiuuin 10 puousn, or to
New " York At trologer Perfects j
Heads the Secret Chltracter-
; ;istics anJ J-ive$ ot reopie,
Thpugh; Thousands of
' MHeSrAway
(United Press Uased Wire.) '
New Tork. Jan. 11. Arthur Martin,
whose beautiful young wife obtained) a
decree of separation against him in tb
Kings county court yesterday, shot and
probably fatally wounded th womaif In
the St. George hotel, In Brooklyn, to
day, and then ended hi own 111 wlm
tne same revolver.
The Martin moved to th St. George
I'naiiai, uncle earn, habitually doea engineer-in-cniei. wn "i wm iui, j summer. o iUi.,w nu,
with the huraau ivx.n, .i.i.. I twr mamhera of the board, however. I and in Aueuat Mrs. Martin left her
and a board on design inatitnto.t tha was In favor of mounting four of the I husband. She returned a few week
a-inrn runi in curreia luvviwow uuvm i hkd. iubu iumuwhi ui uwiw ui mv
the 12-inch turret. . j aratlon. giving th wlf custody of
Ths department subsequently oraerea tbeir daughter,
another board to consider the plans; Mrs. Martin came to th hotel in her
thi second -board Included the mem- husband's absence today and went to
bera of th board on construction and his rooms. He came tn a few minutes
was composed of 11 sea-going line later. Guests in the adjoining room
officers of th rank of rear admiral soon heard two shots. When the door
or captain, the engineer-in-chlef, and was broken open Martin wa found dead
a naval constructor, representing th with a bullet wound In the tempi. HI
chief constructor, who was absent on wife was unconscious, wounded in ths
fu"! pr.Perni,,t to be published, direct
ly or Indirectly, or to communicate by
...-..., loner, or otner-
Wlse. excent as ri"nnlr.t hu
clal duties, any Information in rrH
to th foreign policy of the United
States, or concerning the acts or meas
ures of any department of the govern-
Men and Women in All Walk, of -ffifc Jr VnrtnU
i. if Receive. Letterg From This
Great - Astrologer in Which
Ht Adviaea Them on
' Important Affairs.
Offer "Free Readings to All
, Writt and Send Date
. ... ..o( Birth,: -
Vr. Altwrt H. Postel, antbor, lecturer and
trsTtler, ba completed arranrvmeDts by which
be hopes to rentier a great service to humanity.
Tbousasds of men and women In all walks
tit lite are cekiog tlie edrlee of this eminent
ana many voluntarily .send tnankful
ports, or letters upon any subject what
ever; or to furnish copies of the same
to any person without th permission
or the navy department No person
belonging to , the navy or employed un
der the navy department shall act as
the correspondent of a newspaper, dis
cuss in the jrublic prints matters per
taining to the personnel of the naval
service, or attempt to influence legisla
tion In respect to tbe navy, without the
express authority and approval of the
department. Any violation of the pro
visions of this article will be noted in
t'12..ecor(, or the person concerned."
This resrulatlon 1 haa a T-H 1 la. VI aa
tory. It waa promulgated In the early
days of the civil war and when Gideon
, tci ico i secretary or tne navy. In
those dava a larca numHn,. tr
f the merchants service had been given
provisional appointments In the navy
and as some of these had frequently
showed lark of dlar-retlnn tha
framed and issued for the chief purpose
of enforcing discretion on these new
comers Into the service.
The Story of a Princess.
There la an nM ntnrv r ...
princess, who one day came across a
tiny sprout trying to force Its way
through a crevasse of una nr th, an
walks of the Dalace irroiinit, Th.
princess became so much interested in
the little shoot that a nentrv tit a u .to.
tloned over It to see that no Ana trrwt
upon .
como aunareas .or -year later, so
run tne legend, there came tn tha
throne, one of frugal mind, and in cut
ting down bis establishment be made
lnaulry of a sentry, nacme a nart nf
m pajaca grounaa, as to wnat be wa
mere ior. ine sentry nio not know,
distant duty.
hlvKlw n,alslM hliM 4n Kl IrinH I Th ft TIT i Tl halt hoATI AaaA anv. 4 A A
tiijfai services. 1 TSetollowlns are samples of I years, and the reason why the sentry
letters received by Mr, Potl: (had been put on . duty to guard her
nine liower naa long ago been rorgot
ten, but from generation to generation
the sentries had remained.
It was much in tb same way that
the archaic order has been retained in
the regulations, and retained long after
the original purpose of it issuance had
passed Into obsolescence. As a matter
of fact, it required considerable re
search to discover tlie origin of the reg-
uiauun. Tuose wno naa rramea it nai
passed away, and the condition which
had brought it about had vanished so
long ago as to have been almost for
gotten. .foreign nations do not Insist upon
:nLw oerecy- regarding their naval es
tablishments, i France did until there
came an expose of th rottenness of her
paval mismanagement, arid which led
Th-lk!n,v5U?t'?n,?-na. keneral reform.
JJ?, ?iUh fmlralty.-lnvtta criticism,
JSlL"1"0?1 tJut ntts that
I",tfic"" , any that they have In
mlnL i Ttl writer- haa been given to
understand, b Is .not positive Ton this
g.?r lnax wnenever . a ship of the
Tltlsh navy goes out of eommi.,i
11 Officers below the rank vt the one
fhocommanded the craft are expected
v reports about th ship, to enu
t guca defect a they bad. b-
WlUlant Payne Cole, of Orance. Md.. writes:
"I do iadeed thank yon for tne grand work you
have done; things of which you spoke bsve al
ready come to pass.. I f?el that If I bad bad
t this reading two years ago I wool nave been
tetter off today. May God bless yos and your
good work." '
rrom AUie Wardwell, CoSTeraa, Ind.j "t re
ceived say Horoscope and I am wl pleased
with It- Tea bare a wonderful knowledce of
human life. Jt Is the best Horoscope 1 ever
bad. Pleaae accept my thanks."
Mlille Mr. rntel Is Bodt and ansssamlns.
It is clearly seen fey a glaaee at kta features
that be la a man of keen perception, opear
baarted, seneroos, and baa a kindly feeling to
ward bemanity. Tbe writer baa reeeived one
ef tbe readlair altsilar to Uwee which Mr.
I'osirl is sending to all who write to hlm, in-!l-uititi
the tuuoth- and seer In whlchM tbay
were bora, sod It la tralr amasing bow c
rurntely be 4arTiles tb llfs of aa Individual
with only the dat ef birth and bis superior
knowledge of MtrokeT side klm.
ir job win a ie reaumj i qowi anq
and too v.111 reenlre by retura mail your read
tnf and a eo;iy of afr. matel's Intereattns
t-n.klrt. ntltll -Yw Destiny Foretold.' Ai-
era .tir letter plainly to albert. H. Postal,
.vnn Ao, JJO neat S41S at., . Aitr ' xors,
K. Y, If yo Too By enclose 10 cents
i l r t ata)i to par pot and
i w, 1 1.v9kv, the radlrs will be promptly
, . . rr j t eui-Uise tie JO cents or aut-
to g
Th recommendation
of this boarfl resulted in a com-
ix-thre vessels belnc recom
mended to be built with superposed
turrents, and two vessels In accordance
with the ptan originally approved by
a majority of the board on construc
tion the on construction member ana
four sea-going members of the board
being, however, on record a opposed to
the superposea turret pian.
The Board of Thirteen.
In view of th compromise character
of -the recommendation and th
obvious lack of unanimity of opinion,
the department ordered still another
board of 13 officers, and -while thi
board had on It a majority of the of
fleers who wer members of the former
board of IS. the strictly sea-going ele
ment was still represented by 10 mem
bers, one or tn original n Deing an
sent when the reDort was signed.
Tha result of the deliberations bf thi
board was that all five vessels or th
Virginia class were recommended to be
nttea wun tn mutery originauy pro
posed by the board on construction, but
disposed in the manner suggested by
the original minority of the board on
construction, viz., tour or- tne s-mcn
guns to be blaced in turrets superposed
upon the 12-inch turrets; the construc
tion member dissenting, however, from
the recommendations of the rest of tb
noara as to superposed turrets.
Long before the vessels of the VI r
ginla class were completed in fact, be
fore tne Keeis oz some oz tnem wer
laid naval sentiment as represented by
tne majority or tne sea-going element
underwent a radical change, and tha
superposed turret has not been re
peated on any subsequent design, al
though efforts were made to Incorporate
in the Connecticut class the feature' of
superposed turrets, a battery disposi
tion which Is now fully recognized as
wholly undesirable. ,
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Ontario, Or., Jan. , 11. The Inquest
over th body of Getfrg Williams, who
was shot in this city Monday afternoon
resulted In the verdict of suicide. Mrs.
Loeb, with whom Williams lived, and
her small daughter were the only wit
nesses to the tragedy. Mrs. Loeb says
Williams wa her 'first cousin. Her
husband Is at Sumpter, and they have
not- been living together since Williams
came her from California last summer.
Mrs.' Loeb testified befor th coroner'
Jury that she and ' William had quar
reled th morning of the tragedy and h
bad struck her in th fa.
breast Surgeons
ably die.
say she will prob
Tb Georgia .Federation of Labor ha
grin on record as -deploring tha reduc
tion of railroad rates and fares by leg
islation, and Opposing any further legis
lation of the kind. , The contention Is
thst labor conditions In th south bav
been disturbed by. sucto legislation and
that the discharge of , men. and' tb re
duction ot wages bav resulted.
..J- ! .
Crush in Theatre at Barns
ley, England, Results in
Awful Tragedy.
(United Fress Leased Wire.)
Barnsley, Eng., Jan, llr-The fright'
ful overcrowding of th gallery of a
theatre her thla afternoon waa r
sponsible for a panie in which it chil
dren lost their lives and dozens of
other wer seriously Injured. Ther
were few besides little ones in th
house. At tha box offlc a far greater
number were admitted to tb gallery
man could do accommoaateou
When the crush became) dangerous
ushers began to herd the excited -chil
dren toward the stairway leading to
the pit. Near tha head of the flight
one youngster fell and other pushed
forward from behind, plunged Over hi
body. The stampede grew with the
screams and confusion and In an In
stant the winding stairway waa jammed
with struggling forms.
ine ponce, rushing to the scene.
could not make their way up th flight
over the mas of little ones, but were
compelled to draff those on tha lower
floor into the lobby permitting others
larmer up to tumDie to tne zioor.
New cr the disaster had spread and
we tneatr was soon nacited with hva
terical and weeping parents whose "chil-
oren wer insiae. Among tn dead
wr several Infant In arms. None
was over 10 or 12 v,n fmlr ,
memDers or tne same family.
The most seriously Inlurea were ur,
ried to local hosoltala but so many wera
carried bom by friends that it Is im
possible to say exactly new many wer
nurt. it is zearea several oz tn In
Jured will dl.
Dime Novel Bandit Claims
Portland as Home After
Shooting Up Bar.
(United press Leased Wire.)
New York, Jan. 1L Though it coat
Henry Backus $5 to shoot up the Grand
Central hotel cafe, Henry considered
New Tork magistracy "not ao bad.
They let him keep bia gun, too. Henry
waa charged with Intoxication and car
rying concealed weapons. He might
have been accused of discharging the
weapon, too. But Henry seemed like a
good fellow, and New Tork law treated
hlm kindly.
Backus says he is from Portland,
Ores-on. He drifted into the cafe lata
at night and Issued a general invitation
to 'everyone here, step up to mis Dar
zor a annK." no on responaeo. An
gry at thi coolness, Henry whipped
out two huge revolvers, uttered a war
whoop, and shot 20 glasses from behind
the bar. He attracted attention with
out difficulty, and while those who
were In the cafe jumped outdoors and
went away from there. Henry amused
hlmseir by making target oi in cnan
deliara and bottles on the bar.
At thi. point 'Policeman Shaughnessy
entered. He had a revolver, too. He
did not try to shoot, however. One
crack with th butt on tbe back of the
westerner' cranium waa enough. The
latter revived at the station house
enough to say he was celebrating a
birthday arid did not mean any harm.
In a belt around Henry's leg he car
ried $2,340 In cash and a gold nugget
tb size or a billiard, pan.
.. .
Newport Man Sends for Two
Carloads to Sell While
He's Besting There.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Newport, Or., Jan. 11. John Loom!
of th firm of Loomls Bros, of Newport,
who Is standing a vacation at Los An
geles, has ordered two carloads of Lin-
coin county apples snipped to him tner.
He finds & ready sale for the Lincoln
county product tn competition with th
best varieties in that market
The superior climatic condition of
Lincoln county for the production of
apples is oeginning to o understood
and scarcely a week passes but a dozen
more zruit growers are to re seen
Whjf Rabblte' Talis Are White.
From th Nashville Tennesseean.
"Babbit have white tail," said Ben
A. Easley of Baton Roughe, Louisiana,
"so that th young may b abl to dis
tinguish their mother in case of pursuit-
Th color of a rabbit is so Ilk
th ground that this would otherwise
be difficult, if not impossible.
"When a rabbit is' running you can
see nothing but tbe tall. It looms In
th distance sorter ilk a beacon llrht.
And that Is why rabbit have whit
talis. -The young ones can see th older
folks" scampering across country; In
this way they can keep an y on th
frisky mother and father.'' .-i
seeking for suitable locations for tha
planting oz commercial orchard.
, Pendleton, - Or., Jan. 11. Peter Gor
beet, one of tha best-known Indian
on th Umatilla reservation, was found
dead yesterday, lying on the ground at
the rear of a saloon at Pascb. " Ha left
her Thursday over the Northern Pa
cific and nothing la known of how h
cam to nis aeatn, except that he had
apparently been beaten to death. H
was on or me wen-Known character
on th reservation and wa drunk -a
good part of the time. He owned an
allotment and drew a goodly, aum In
rental each year, mot of which h
pent for Jlquor. . .
Hair Cutting 26c
,., axons Bxaneo mam . i1- ---THE
Th finest ll.hSlr Rarher Khrm rn
th city. Only best barber employed.
91 Sixth Street
aBBjsassaBssa "
Piano Affairs Take a New Turn at f
Reed-French's r
Of th hundreds of business enter
prise In this town, probably not two
dozen of them pay absolutely cash for
everything they buy. Th foundation of
nearly every enterprise rest on It
credit. Tbe better the credit, the bet
ter th business.
Last lall Reed-French made 'an excel
lent deal with their eastern connections
for nianos for spring business, but to
get these Instruments at th right price
they bad to make short time arrange
ments for payment We hav an un
usually larg amount of cash to meet
on th 20th of thla month, and w are
going to meet it out of our own atock.
We don't expect to borrow a cent. In
other words. We are not going to ask
either bank or home office for money.
For this little time, lust a week, we
think It a lot better to sell without any
nroflt at all and get th necessary 'cash
out of tha pianos now on our floor.
The Beed-f rencn fiano company na
nM hiinrlreda Of nlanoa in Portland
within th last year and a half, and in
Very Instance . ih customer will say
that the prioes hav always been atrlot
ly in line with the caraful buyers.
But notwithstanding the close price
Reed-French has always made, for thi
coming week, or until we realise th
necessary amount of money, we ar go
ing to sell piano with no reserve. .
It will b out of orer to nam th
Instruments it might reflect on th
instrument itself; it would also b a
discourtesy to parties who hav paid
more for th same styl Instrument
Bert Reed will give you as fin an In
strument as you ever ran your fingers
over for $160. Thi 1 the name Instru
ment you would pay almost twlc aa
much for In a retail store. H will r.v
you an Instrument for $210 that you
would guess to bs worth $St0 (and It
really Is worth thi mons).
Th piano house doea not Mist that
can undersell Reed-French" when It
comes to nianos. If you bnv a nlano '
this week, I will guarantee you an ex
traordinarily big saving, x want tha
cash, .
see Bert Keea, secrets oz tn Reed
French piano company, Sixth and Burn
aid, .
Scandlna vian-A merican
is .
President, C, F. Hendricksen
Vice-Pmiaent. Sylvester Peterson
r- Cashier, Anthon Eckern
; Assistant Cashier, H. Rcyrtad
Director Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, M. W.
Parelius, Chas, 0. Siargun, F. C. Hagemann,
H. P. Christenaen.
Years of experience in the optical business and ttejcheapej
traveling faker or th department store bargain I We are :
exclusive opticians.' See our Kaydee mounting low bridge, : ,
and no screws to work loose.
. ; Professbnal Optician
; ;.YfM;C; A. building5
i '