1008. ARISTOC RATI C , H E N S A ND STRUT Trizcs Awarded by Judges On- account th:;tongeste(i -cohditibii of bur, i bankers - any to make room for the cargoes; that are due we; make : a at Thirteenth Annual Ex ; hibit Meet. Satisf action ; Show Is Best Yet Held by 1 1 Association. - jf-t ? v in THE OREGON SUNDAY I JOURNAL,! PORTLAND; SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 12, ROOSTERS AROUND UNDERMEW HONORS I .- - ,-'...... I.. , t, ..... ' , I ,'-,,"... J , .. -.. , 4 - Jj The thirteenth annual exhibit of the Oreroa . SUM Poultry association to day Bearing Ita close, la pronounced the most successful show yet held by tne organisation. The exhibition will be cpm throe days more, at East Alder afreet and Grand avenue, and will close Tuesday afternoon with a baby ehow la which all mothers will be permitted te enter their babies for a prize. Tuesday night the annual election er officer wlU take place and a stirring v r. snook J W lADUEE, JUDGE . TTO WILKIW JCGE n.C.3CHELLt1DU5 1 I -ill v-f Frr ' VrKliiT fl I- is t rr: "-'-.'Yl I ; J f j 1 ?if Is w c , r 'V, V3wil :'!,, . :AUSTRALIANfCOAi?gai $ 1 6;5Q per ton delivered W0$:M ma v'V Mft!a229r (COAST CQMPAW 249 Washingtoa Slrt et A 3293 3 EDITORS CDMIfjfi time la erperted. Tt baa been predicted that all th old officiate will be ousted from office Mild new men put tn their places. - Thae haa been consWierable politics In the. association preceding the ' show this yeajr. which may result in a . uiirupiion ;i oiu. cannwuuna, : : . Tbotuand Bird Showa. However, th cjass of birds Is 1m coming more; iiiteronted In aristocratic chickens. - The location on Grand ave- nue has proved -to be a good one and the uatronaae orfered baa been crreater than It was last; year when the show was held on Frpnt street. . The only objection la ' the lack ' of - room In the . cast eme muimnr sea zor tne snow. ' More than 1,000 birds, Including: the piKeoaA are lncluoedt In. this year a ex hibit. Tbere was a slightly larrer num ber last year, but the claaa of poultry anown was not as mgn. A grreat deal of Interest was manifest : edin the twartlt of special prizes which . were as folio wjs: - Klnghouso cap,' for the best White t . "; Wyandotte cockerel, won by D. N. Lash; Northwest Poultry Journal cup, for the ' larseat and best display of Rhode Island Reds, won by James Rait; J, C. Murray cup, for best collection of White Wjr. , andottea, won by D, N. Lash; president's cup, orrerea ty E. H. Bauer, won by JYank yenwick on Golden Duck Win uarna cocKerei; Oregon state board avncuuwre cupw ior east exhibit oFOre of 1 -President's trophy set won by Frank Fenwlek. 2 Oregon Homing club trophy won by E. H. Bauer. 5 Kreb's & Reynold's farm cup won by Windle Bros. J- C. Staples' cup won by Frank Fenwick. 6 J. C. Staples' cup won by Windle Bros. 6 E. H, Bauer cup won by J. C. Murray. 7 Oregon State Board of Agriculture cup won by E. K. Brown. : 8 D. N. Lash cup won by B. F. Keeney. : Wlllomoor farm cup won by B. F. Keeney. fron poultry, won by E. K. Brown; Wil omoor farm cup, donated by Chairman W. Clisa. of the livestock committee of the Alaska-Yukon exposition and Sup erintendent j. Lt. Anaerson or tne poul try department of the Seattle exposi tion, for the lars-est and bent dlanlav of Barred Plymouth Rocks, won by B. F. Keeney of Ku gone; Krebs & Reynolds Pa;e trophy tray, for 10 highest scor ing airas in American class, won ftj-eDs neynoias. wards Satisfactory. The decision of the judges aa re vealed by the awards are generally well accepted by the exhibitors and the ex ecutive ooara Has been congratulated on us rortunate choice or judges, j. w. Headlee Hf Everett, Washington, has been especially mentioned aa a comoet ent Judge of poultry, particularly by the Barred Plymouth Rock neoDle. The otner judges were F. Fenwlek and . Carlisle of Portland. .In the pigeon- and pet cock Classes the Judrlna was dona bv Thftman Wil. ainson or Nana mo. British Columhln and hla work has also been commended highly.- Knowledge of pigeons must be inaroujn in order to maite ralr awards as - the classes are more or leas etnuelv ailrea. una aecisiona in tne poultry see tlon was aa follows: iiarred Plymouth Rocks b. Ttr kmi. ney, Eugene, Oregon, tnlrd cock, second cockerel, first, fourth and fifth hen. ursi ana secona nniipt. rirnt iwn nmnii collection; M. J. Myers, Lents, Oregon, rourth cockerel, third and fourth m.llt and third pen; Eugene Poultry Farm. Eugene, Oregon, fourth Cock and third cockerel; W. P. Kneeland, Gresham, Ore- Son, fifth cock; J. M. Garrison, Forest rove, fourth pen; E. J. Ladd, Portland, ' i cocnerei; j. v. aaurray,. Portland, first and second cock, first cockerel, second and third hen, fifth pullet, sec ona pen ana iirst collection; ueorge W. Speight. Hubbard, fifth nen and xnira collection. , White Plymouth Rocks Kreha A Reynolda Poultry Farm, Gervais, first ana nrtn cock, second and third hen, first and second nullet. f frst Tien, mvnnil collection; it. is. Mimer, Portland, rourtb cockerel, fifth puUet, fourth pen; Haxel. wooa x-ouury f arm, epoxane, tnira ana pullet, second cockerel, second and third pen, iirst .collection: JSuaene I'ouitr rarm cue-., for est collection or Buff rm, jugene. rutn pen: William cas. Orpingtons, won by Windle Bros.; J. C teel, Portland, fourth hen; M. W. Bu Stanlea cud. for best Buff Plymouth ard. Rainier, third cockerel. Rock cockerel, won bv Windle Rros I Buff Plymouth Rocks Windle Bros. E. H. Bauer cup, for best collection of Lents, Oregon, first cockerel, first, sec- Barred Plymouth Rocks, won by J. C ond, third, fourth and fifth pullet, first Murray: U N. Lash cup, for best five Pn; Isaac K. Staples, Portland, second maies ana Pest rive remaies Barred Plymouth Rocks, won by B. F. Keeney; to Liberal R e duct ions On incomplete lines of IVORiES, BRONZES, MINIATURES, ELECTRIC LAMPS. HNE, CUT GLASS and LEATHER GOODS .This is done to close out choice wares left . over from the holiday shopping season..- SEE WINDOW DISPLAY CORNER1, THJRD ANDWASH ING-TON 1 Black Javas C. II. Datichv. Mil wan kle. first and second cockerel, first, sec ona, inira ana lourtn puuet. White Wvandottes J. R. Hamilton Portland, 26 Russel bldg., second cock, second and third cockerel, third pen B. Lee Paget. Portland, 80 Third street third cock, first hen, second and third Eullet, second pen, second collection; N. Larh, Woodlawn, first cock, first ana nun cocxerei, secona ana tnira hen. first, fourth and fifth pullet, first pen ana iirst collection, 8. C. R. I. Reds Paradise Poultry zaras, jm osier, uregon, tnira puiiet.. sec ond cockerel; George C Pendleton, Woodburn. Oregon, fourth cock: K. M. Calkina, Lents fifth cock, fifth hen, first pullet, third cockerel, third pen; N. 'J. eieena. Lents, first cock, fourth ana rirtn punet. first pen; Charles Big- low, Portland, fourth cockerel, second pullet; W. A. Bates, Corvallis. second cock: I. C. Clodfelter. Portland, third cock, zirst ana secona nen, second pen; Windle Bros, fifth cockerel, third and lourtn nen. R C. R. I. Reds James Rait. Oree-on City, first cock, frst, second and third liuuci xirai pen. - White OrDingtons Eue-ena Pnult.rv Farm, first and second Dullet: Ed Car. lisle, Portland, fourth cock; C..E. In man, Portland, second and fourth- cock erel; jvir a. a. Bowles, University Park, second pullet; Windle Bros., first and third cock, first, third una . rw hen, first, third and fifth cockerel, third and fourth pullet, first penn first collec tion; rruim r en wick, Portland, aeoond and fifth cock., fourth hen. fir I fiiu second pen, second collection. I.. - VS lver - Gray J. Dorking Mrs. Ida , L; second, third and fourth pullet,'ftrst pen . f- . ' t ?i v 'iv. . -' . niacK -. Jangsnans Eugren J; Poultry Farm,, first, second, third and fourth Cockerels, first? hen, first, third, fourth and fifth pullets; ? first pen. 1 itst col. lection; Frank Fenwick, firtcock sec bnd hen and second pullets -': . .. V , t - Black- Mlnoroas-L. '!). .Elliotts Lento, first cock, second, third and fourth cockerel, third then, third pullet; Isaao E. Staples, fourth cock; George W Speight, third and fifth cock, fourth and fifth- henj E. rFehwlck, Portland, second -cockr -first s cockerel,, first- end ewnu nm iirai inu ecqun a pullet, Iirst Meeting to Be Held Tnis Week Will Be Largest ink Jlistory of Association. One of the largest meetings of the kind ever held In the state will be the convention of ths Oregon Press associa tion, to be held in Portland Friday and Saturday, , January II and 17. Editors are coming; from the most remote parts of the state. Every county will be rep resented and nearly every town. A let ter reoeiyed by the executive committee from the chairman of tne Marlon county editors states that every newspaperman in nig county will be nere. For several years the State Press as soclatlon haa been nnsatlsfactory as an organisation, the meetinga have been more for pleasure than business, with the result that the newspapers have not stood together aa they should. The coming; meeting Is for business only, and with the targe number of editors who have already secured ticketa to the meeting, a stronger ana oener organisa tion ia assured. County organisations have bean formed in nearly every county to carry out the work of the state association. In countlea where such organizations have not-been formed, county meetinga for that purpose will be held during- the convention. Excellent speakers are to be present and an Interesting and Instructive pro gram has been prepared. The meetings will be held in the Knifbts of Pytala hall. The social event of the week will be a reception by the officers and their wives, to tnis tne roruana -ress ciuo and the Woman's Press club of Port land, also the newspaper fraternity of Washington, have been invitea. HEADER'S CARD MUST COME BACK WITH BOOK A new rule will, be enforced in the circulating; department at the public library on and after February 1 the reader's card must accompany every book returned. For each book returned after that data without the card a fine at fiv will be chara-ed. The fine folios of architectural plates recently added to the library will be on exhibit for another week in the art ref erence room. - ' The most popular exhibit the library has ever hau is now installed upon the landing between the two floors. It is tna Matorv of the vear 1907 in cartoons. The leading- papers of the country have been carefully aearched for this materi al ana the cartoons have been cut out and mounted and are nunc upon mo walls in chronological order. A cordial invitation is . extended to all those -in terested In this lorm or art.--The following magazines have been added to -the periodical room this year and may be found on file: American Journal of Archaeology, Dramatic News, Economic Geology, Foundry, Musical rpimn., Man, Wnirlanri Historical and fno-ical Register. Philippine.. Jour nal of Science, Rural sjew Yorker, Sub urban Life, Textil World Record, World Today, Inland Arcnueci, Arcni tectural Reprint. Mining Record, Mines and Minerals, Mexican Mining; journal, Boating. ' FIT is the besi thing to say about a shoe; COM FORT FIRST. , WEAR is the next best thing to say about a shoe; you like big Value for your money. . .j STYLE comes last, but not least; you like to have good-looking feet. . ' SELZ ROYAL .BLUE SHOES have these three qualities in a greater degree than in any .other" we've ever seen or sold. You can find them here -, and have them for $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. Best Oak Solo Leather Tied la All Our Shoep ' . " ' : . (.-.. COR. SEVENTH . AND WASHINQTON STS.' . . . 4 (Formerly 149 Third St) ;. wanfria. Orearon. route 1. first cockerel, firt and annnnd nullet: Rosa Pfennln- ger, Milwaukle, Oregon, first cock, first a C W. Leg-norn Kugene tr. ann, first - and third cockerel, third hen. first, second and third . puiiet, rirst pen, third collection; airs. w. j. Rey nolds, Gervais, Oregon, route z, nrtn hen, fourth cockerel, stfoond cockerel, fourth pen, fourth collection; George C. Pendleton. Woodburn. Oregon, fourth cockerel, fifth pullet; E. M. Calkins. Lenta. Ore iron, first, second, third and fifth cockerel, fifth hen, fourth and fifth cockerel, first and third collection, second and third pen. -. - ; . Dm.. T jcrhnrn H. . R. Greer. Hills' boro. first cockerel, fourth and fifth millet, first hen. first cent-Mrs. East- ham, University Park, Oregon, second heni; Georg C -Pendleton, fourth, oock erel fifth hen; 8. E. Beal, Corvallis, Oreeon. first, second ana tnira punet, third . and . fifth, cockerel. aecond .Den J. M. Garrison, Forest Grove, Oregon, second cockerel, 'third; ana lourtn , nen, third twh . ,.':.( ,.'!-" a-:. .. Tt. c. White Leghorn T. . sacin- toen. iirst eoca. . '( ? Black . Leghorn isugone arm .1 . n..1r..nt 4 . f h,.n i rlr. . MrkYA and third pullet; first pen. , : . "Ruff Ieahorn C. L. PhtlllDS. Th Dalles," Oregon, second cockerel, second and third, nen, vrirst pen; tt' tsaur, ' 'Our Stylish' Gold Mounted Rimle33 Eye lasses Best Lenses formerly. 97.50 . ' FOR ONE WEEK ONLY $3.85 We will include to each purchaser as a New Year's gift, one" beautiful 12K gold soldered .Link Chain, either with hair pin,i ear loop pr hook pin also.pltish lined case FREE. ulasses, refitted without charge inside of one -yean UM(VT) APTiriAM r "1 Sixiii street JLVriAlAJl.t V A , V.T1I I Between Washington and Stark ' : Dr..B.J Mills, Assistant; 'l' '" i pen, f irBt collection ; W.. iS. Baker. 'sAI hany,ioufth;,ana fifth puiietr- aecond ,WhUi. Mlnorcaar-W.' H." Hetaer. VaiW couver. Washington first fCockereL' first Md Second pullet ' Blua Andalualans Mrs. FMary "Albert, first cock, first and aecond hen. . Golden P. : Hamburg All to J. it Forbes. Portland, trKon. .. -" ft 8. HamburgsCharleg Ilalnerj illl- first 'cockerel; Lee Baker, 'first and sec ond pock, third cockerel, third and fifth hen, lourtn ana nrtn puuei; jmu ureoe, uresnam uregon. lourin cocaereu sec ond pen j"-William t H. t Ketser, ' fourth cock, first ben, .first, second and third pullet. - ; Silver 8 Bantam W. D. KeUey, city, , White C. Bantam A Breedlove, first cock,' first ana secona nen nrt puiiet. i Buff C. Ban tam--alI ot W. P. snook, 164 East thirty-second street, city. C. I Came F. R., Mcintosh., first cock, mat hen.- ,i i - Pit.OameJ, vP. Limericlc, Portland, first and aecond cock, . first and second hen. . - a . v ;G. . D. ExfGame F. Fenwlek. first cock, first hen..' first and second cocker el,' first, second and third pullet! y. B. S. R( Game rF. Fenwick, all. ' '-' ; "! ! . Red Pvle. dam Bantam F.-Fenwick. 1 first cock; Ed. Carlisle, first cockerel, iirsi nen. iirst. secona ana, tnira puuet. ' Inspect Rosenthal's Bhoa gtor ' win. dowa and get- busy.. .' . . YOUTH TURNS THIEF TO I GET SOnETHIHG TO EAT Hungry and Ctold. Ho Asks Advice ot Officer Who Tells ; Him to "Break Into Jail. , A 17-year-old boy turned thief Friday night because he was hungry and cold and had-uot elept ln(a-dry, warm bed for mapy nights. "How can :I get something to aatM he asked of k policeman whom he met on lower Third street .' :.(, . His shoes ana clothes were - sodden and j the gnawing at, his stomach dead ened the natural fear that every home' wanderer hUs for a. man tn blua uniform, and tha bright badge of author y. . f r. .. "uon t anow, : -was Tne not unmnmy resnonse," unless you nreaic into JalL" Frank Oliver, for that was his name,; trudged on dowa the street, pondering the words of the bluecoat and speculate ing how best to carry the advice into execution, Forming a hasty resolve he entered a gun store at Third and. Burn side streets and aflked to see a revolver. The proprietor handed one out from his stock. Oliver took it and ran into the street- and ran into the arms of" De tectives Kay and Kelnlin who chanced to bqr passing at the moment and whose attention wa attracted by the outcry made by the proprietor of the atore. , "Now : I guess I ' will get something to eat," he said, as be waa led away to the station by the officers. Then, as a sort of' afterthough,t: . . . . W 4U4I, -"., . ... I MV prison?" ''V;.-i'5iW''.;5 No amount of persuasion would in. dace young Oliver-- to tell of his home pr hla relatives. i K:: ;-.s,-ij - "I don't want .theirt to Tcnow about this." he would say. "I tried to ba hon est, but I was so hungry and old, and the policeman told me this waa the only way he knew of.". - But With all hU as sumed ' manliness the youth could . not rnnrnaa the te&ra that forcad tliamnlv.. to his eyes, or the sobs that weakness M anq aaame orournt 10 Aia inroat. ' , i cv ' Prorilbltlon leaders lir toehti'i-i If vNuewwTvu - v - anon -m cuotsrBaiuri&l 44 vwar va avacuu.ii iiuusuii. a I in wpaiinT Detroit rnercliant.- Mr.' Had Democrat with anti-saloon --sehtimmt, ana is not liKely to run on the Prohibi tion tick C. : 1