i - ' ; 'if V-" - ' : ffarrZfryoerarA f ' V -V - ' '1 III I T 18 not necessary to be young la ..order to wok young these days. , - The rule is that a woman ehould not grow any older in look for twenty yean after oho has reached the age of Mb "' ' : ! ; - r "''' The years, ae measured by a, woman's . look, are theee: At 10 ehe la auppoeed to : ; lose br chlldleh appearance. Then the come to a standstill and looks the ease . unttf ahe la Mi. Between SO and tO beauty specialists ' ; are agreed that there should be bo . change, i r" ; V After 80 a woman may allow herself a ' Uttle Indulgence In the natter of grow- n$ old; buf If aba "be up to the ideas of the moment; she will not change very - much up to the day that she goes to her grave.' , ' Learning, bow to grow old gracefully la one of the tasks and duties of the .woman of todsy. v ' ; 1 She not only studies It, but pays ax pensive prices to learn the art ; Bhe knows that one the art Is hers she will never regret the money she has , ' paid In learning It, ' She knows that a great deal , of her good looks will depend on the email things. ' That the poise of the head counts for ; lot . The lifting of, the chin correctly. The plumpness of the cheeks. The habit of keeping the eyes open, - and keeping the bands and feet young. The woman whose bands are old will ' find that they can be made to look much younger by the process of plumping ' "them. That by soaking them first In hot wa ter, then by massaging with skin food, and then by finally Incasing them la soft, warm gloves, or by sleeping In gloves lined with a glove pasta, she can . work wonders with, her .hands. '- v- Well-kept, -'trim-looking shoes ara an other Important item to a woman's youthful appearance. , . The woman who cares for her looks In middle life should be very particular Jn regard to the shoes -she wears, and she . will find that she can get Just as much ' comfort out of a good-looking, well fitted pair of shoes as she can out of a - pslr of run-down, loose Slippers, that will allow, her feet to spread and ruin their shape, One of the most telling signs of mid dle age. is the dress which becomes rather slack. : The woman who wants to look young must be most fastidious about her dress. The hair is anotner poim to consiaer. OWINO to the great amount of mall received and the limited space given this department, it . is. absolutely " impossible to an swer letters in the Sunday issue follow ing their receipt The letters must be answered In turn, ahd this Ofttlmes re quires mroe or ivur wothb. All correspondents who deelra ah lm mediate answer must Inclose a.self-ad-' . dressed envelops for a repljc This rule , muat also be complied with In regard to personal letters. Reducing Flesh ' F. K. V. There is only one way to foods as do not produce fata and to work off adipose tlsaua by meana of continued exercise. - In your case, for breakfast you should have only a cup of clear black coffee , and two slices of salted but unbut- terea loasi. . ; , ( .. . , . .. - . ,; For luncheon yon can get along nice ly with soma raw tomatoes, cold meats, . fruit - and non-fattening foods of the v sort V;"-.'' jS'-'-':- . -'; For dinner a slice of' roast beef, no liquids and soma green vegetable like strliigbeans, asparagus and ..others of i similar character., , Vegetables that' grow under' the; ground, like potatoes, turnips and beets,' ara all. flesh producing. - " , . . , . - Sleep not more than seven nours each . night Every day. if possible, take long; walks, : swing Indian clubs or i make some auch effort to rid yourself of ex- . Any fleshy woman who haa the will , to continue ,thls . treatment will lose from two to five pounds a week. - .. Z(lUrei3Ci iskcu t ur . ; ' M. M.', T. It is ' lmpoesible to print ; names . and addresses here."1 t S . Doubtless the advertising columns ' will give you the information you seek. ( There are beauty shops In every large oltv where von can learn to give fa- :- , clal massage and scalp treatments. 1A. The field is not overcrowded and you would And that you had at your Anger- tin. . v . .i tips a knowledge and a profession that would! bring , you jn an excellent In- . . To give facial massage correctly re quires natural neatness, qnlckitess and a -certain technical skill that a good Inetructor will develop. . . .. ' Go to some reliable establishment and you will be taught all ... the details of Hh work...' ' .-.!. .'.. -o- : -It la impossible for ma to give- you ( . : . ; : : : 1 r Mrs. Symes Aids to Correspondents I ' " MM, . I , . :.; MS M III ;rrf r r . HII j5! I lit " .' ... .11 I I w '.I I . . X t5r The woman whose hair looks old and unattractive must go to work at it at once and work steadily at It for weeks before she can bopeto restore it to its natural color and prettlness. Bhe must study how to dress her hair. 8he must givo particular attention to the hair Une. which lathe line surrounding-the 'aee. A straggly iialr line Will make any face look old, ,, Thin hair is never pretty. , In these days the ready-to-wear hair is such an established habit and made so pretty and comfortable' that no wom an need have the' appearance of thin 'hair. . '. '-"''. Sallow akin is also another enemy to good looks thaf must be fought , The remedy lies in outdoor life, and In food that can easily be' digested plenty of green things, fruit .and lean meats and fish. - v .-' . . There Is also" the shape, of the chin to consider. The woman who leta her chin get the determined lines of ill . temper will surely look old. ' - The woman who ducks her chin down the rates charged for auch instruction. The terms Vary according to locality - and reputation of establishment ' Yellow Neck ADA 8. A yellow, discolored neck Is, as you say, anything but adorable, par- f tlcularly so when one has to wear a ' decollete frock. ' ' . A simple home-made remedy, is made . as follows: Take one ounce of honey,; one tablespoontul of - lemon Juice, six ' drops of oil . of bitter almonds, the whites of two eggs and enough fine oatmeal to make a smooth paste. j Apply ' this at night covering with a bit of old, thin, aoft linen. Three or four applications will bleach the : surface to a beautiful white satinneas. All sorts of cupping devices for mak ing the cheeks plump should be care fully avoided. A. simple cold cream that you ask ' for Is made as follows: Take two ounces of spermaceti, two ounces of white wax,- five ouncea of the oil of aweet almond, and melt together in a porcelain kettle over a slow fire. Remove and while the mixture la still hot add xne and one-half ounces . of strong rosewater in which forty grains of borax have been dissolved. Have the rosewater alightly - warm. Fluff the mixture to a foam, using an egg beater. When almost thick add. a few drop's of ol of rose, or any preferred perfume. ' : Use sage te,a to prevent your hair -'from becoming gray. Make a strong brew, strain through muslin, and" add -a suggestion of alcohol. Apply to the roots of the hair .every night . r Liver Spots ? ANNOYED The following wash Will often remove liver -spote; On ounce of , . glycerine, one-halt ounce of rosewater, -twenty , drops of carbolic acid. Apply to the face with a aoft piece of cotton. Hair Faded at Ends i DESPAIR When the hair f adea at the ends and becomes much lighter the chance, are that the ajiampoo pr.pa- ration used has hpn tmiron. ' ration used haa been toostrong. ! - Very strong alkali aoapa will fade the color x f the hair, as will borax and .ammonia. Use : egga and .hot - water or a good castile soap, melted. ;' ' Twenty-four hours before you sham- , poo your -heir saturate the acaln with pure olive oil, which will act as a food for growth and which will give your hair a healthful luster. t,' This hygienio manner of treatment THE OREGON, SUIIDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY y I ;v te, ft . , M: v v, v: olose to her neck will look the same way. The only woman who looks well with her chin down is the very thin, the very pathetic type of woman pf the Evange line type. Such a woman must be delicately thin, very splrttueUe in countenance, She must nave great, big. childish-Ilka eyes and a soft, -pretty cheek Una Even so aha moat be careful. With the chin lowered, a woman takes on a reproachful cast of countenance. And there are few women who can look reproachful auid do It prettily. The average woman who Is fighting old Father Time with all her might and main should tilt back her chin, carry ' her bead as high as possible and trust f to chance and nature to dd the rest Letting down the chin lowers it down to the neck and throat and brings wrinkles under the Jaw. : Not one woman In a thousand can lower her chin after she is W and look young or pretty doing it All other women lose very much In the beauty game when they try It Will put the hair and scalp in auch ex cellent condition that the gray hatra won't continue to appear, Electrlo brushing and acalp massage are beneficial. Many a case of fall ing hair is caused by the acalp be coming very thin and tight thua In- terferlng with the proper circulation of the blood. ' Tonic for Blonde Hair '; BLONDJ2 Tonic aultable. for blonde" hair; , one dram of blsulpbate of quinine, one-half ounce of tincture of canthari dea and aeven ouncea of listerine. Ap ply v twice a day. ' V Bath Bags ELSIE The bags you inquire about contain various mixtures to use la the bath. They , are more delicate than aoap, and sometimes tgree better with the skin. ' Bran,' which may be bought at any drug store, may be made up into these bags, and it ia among the simples and best of remedies. The bags themselves are made of squares of cheesecloth, six or eight inchee in size," and are filled half full;, and If carefully dried one can be used several times. For Wrinklesllnder the Eyes CROW'S FEETVFor wrinkles under the eyes, plenty of restful, sleep, no i worry, plenty of water and massage every night, with orange-flower -skin food, formula for which" may be had by addressing this department and Inclos ' big a stamped, self -addressed envelope. Rub on the skin food very lightly. Place the second finger on the eyelid close to the nose, sweep outward Just beyond the eye, , coming back under neath to starting point The 'pressure under the" eye should be firm, and over (he "eye. very soft Every morning upon, rising ; dash cold water over the face. It will help the tissues ' to become Arm, ' ' Henna1 Paste t LOUISE The henna . preparation you "" abouVis absoiutelv JSSZ 11 MK D0Ut 8 absolutely harmless, and gives a reddish glint to; one's hair. It is mads by boiling the henna leaves in : Water. . ' . . fb formula for the lavender lotion Is ss follows: Four ounces of alcohol, 'one half oun;e of ammonia, one dram of oil ' of lavender.' Add a ' teaspoonf ul to a ..bowl of water when bathing the face." V At night use a complexion brush and" pur caatlla aoap, rloslAg anA uxxlng ;-....- t .. . . M'M i . i r . ' i' v. j m. i . a 1 tf : ts bl J a . BM-a-a-aSBaBSSBSSBSHSlBIBSSBJSi.- '.-.- . K I ' .f ' f i ' ' ssasj r v I ia w- 5- . uf s V ' f A ' Wt ' the face carefully and applying orange flower skin food. Bringing Color to Cheeks 'i MADGE B, No complexion cream will :, l, , glvo color to your cheeks. If you are, " ' as you say, perfectly strong and healthy" - and lead an active out-of-door Ufa and '' ' i ara still pale, you might under the ad vice of a physician take some sort of an ' Iron tOnlc. This la ofttlmes helpful in creating . rosy cheeka ' , Hair on Face HATTIE B. Any sort of soap or face, cream which is permitted to clog the pores will ofttlmes Induce hair to grow. A complexion brush, plenty of hot wa ter and pure soap and careful rinsing Off in several waters will obviate this danger. Scrub your face with the brush until the pores are free from all foreign mat ter and oily substances, using hot wa ter and a pure soap. Then do the rlns - ing.' Green soap may be used, as you suggest, but it should not be used mOre than "a couple of times a month. It is too strong for the average com plexion. Lengthening the Waist Line L. L. E. The make of corset worn has much to do with the length of the waist line. . Get one that Is especially long walst ed and wear two sets of side and front supporters to keep Jt down. By holding the shoulders correctly the line from the chest to the waist is nat urally longer, ' r Wrinkles Around Mouth R. O. E. If you mean the lines run ning from the nose to the mouth, these : may sometimes be removed by good facial massage and by building up the system with nourishing, fat-building foods and plenty of sleep. v ..These muscles are apt to sag from : over-fatigue or from .weakness or auf-' fering, especially mental worries. . If the lines ara too deep to be erad-. pleated by massage alone, adhesive plaa-'f ters will ofttlmes help in doing away , with them. : . v! : " ' Vaucaire Remedy ? ' DOUBTFUL This Is really one of tha ? most jroaderfiU tonJca foe davelosinjt ' xA: .vMlllliiiSlSi.-: I - CORNING. JANUARY . I90J the figure and soothing nerves that curt up at the edgea Tour physician will tell you that it is perfectly harmless and la more of a food than a medicine. The only thing to do Is to get it properly compounded, to have tha imported galega used. The formula is as follows: Four bun- ' dred grama of simple syrup, ten grams of lactophosphate of lime, ten grams of tincture of-fennel, ten grams Of . true extract of galega. Take two soupspoon fuls In water before or after each" meal. Development is aided by massaging . with this developing cream: Two ounces -of lanolin, one ounce of cocoa butter. Mouth Wash EL8IE A very fine mouth wash Is made by combining one ounce of tinc ture of orris, one ounce of essence of white rose, one ounce of alcohol and twenty drops of peppermint. Pour a few drops in half a glass of water and rinse the mouth thoroughly with " ' - "v A lotion which will prove helpful In cases of chafing or rash Is made by combining seven ounces of elder-flower water, one Ounce of glycerine and one- , half a dram of borax. Apply at night Enlarged Pores A READER. Tou will find the follow Ing lotion very good for enlarged pores: ' Borio acid, one dram; distilled witch betel, four ounces. Apply with a piece of old linen or bit of absorbent cotton. Camphor Ice L. R. R. Every night apply the fol lowing to your cold sores: Two ounces of refined mutton or lamb tallow, a piece of gum camphor as large as an English walnut Melt together, stir until thoroughly mixed snd allow to cool. Hair Tonic O. M. H. 'Apply to the roots of the hair once or twice a day the following: Eight ounces of cologne; one ounce tinc ture of cantharides; one-halt dram of oil of English lavender; one-half dram of oil of rosemaryT It Is positively necessary that the scalp should be kept clean. Shampoo at least once a week. Jaborandi Tonic V. L. Rub the following into the roots of the hair every night: Twenty grains of quinine sulphate: two fluid ounces of tincture Of cantharides; two fluid ounces of fluid extract of Jaborandi; two fluid ounces of alcohol; two ounces of glyce rinersix fluid ounces of bay rum; six teen fluid ounces of rosewater. ' The quinine should be dissolved In the alcoholic liquids by warming slightly, then the other Ingredients added, and the whole filtered. , Superfluous Hair S.. D. The only permanent cure for superfluous hair Is the electric needle. The following formula will help to r keep the growth down If used regu larly: Three drams of sulphide of ' strontium, three drams of oxide of sine, three drams of powdered atarch. '. . v , . .- Apply this to the surface, of . tha .. skin . and . let . it - remain on until a -burjniQtf sensation 4 experienced, and. " f then wash off with warm water, peat as often as is necessary. To Develop the Arms L Z. An excellent emollient ' for ' developing Is made by combining two ounces of lanolin and one ounce of cocoa butter. They may be com- s blned by melting over a slow lira ',; To BleaclTthe Hair r PATIENT Add a little peroxide to the water In which the hair la washed. ' The following la the recipe for cold cream: Four ouncea of rosewater," four ounces of almond oil, an ounce k of spermaceti, one ounce of white wax. For a Red Face F. D. C Every night apply this oint ment: One dram of powdered sulphur, two and one-half drama of powdered ; starch, one and one-half ounces of oint ment of sine oxide, three drops of oil Of rose. 1 It is not at all harmful to use butter milk on the face, as It purities and nour ishes the skin. Gooseflesh 3. 8. C The only thing to do for gooseflesh la to take alcohol baths every day until the kin becomes smooth again. Following Is an excellent corn' cure: One dram of borate of sodium, one scruple of extract of cannabis, one : ounce of collodion. Paint over the corn once or twice a ' day and scrape away superficial growth In three or four days. . Face Cream V f CATHERINE. After washing the face with warm water and a good soapr rinse with clear warm water and. apply the following cream: One-half ounce of ' spermaceti, one-half ounce of i white . wax, one ounoe of cocoa butter, one c, ounce of lanolin, two ounces of oil of -sweet almonds; melt over slow Are, re- move and add one ounce of orange-' flower water and three drops of tinc ture of benzoin. ' ' 1 Fluff up with an egg heater until creamy. Blackheads of the Skin - ' ' M. R. Apply a very little oft the cream to each pimple; wait until the pimples are cured before -using the ' face brush, which might irritate them. ' Two-drams of boracio acid," two ' 'ounces of' alcohol, four ouncea of , rosewater. . . s,, m , j Use with friction twice a flay on. the skin affected. i You wilt find this a: very good cleansing cream: . Two ..ounces -of white wax, two ounces of sperma ceti, twelve ounces of aweet almond oil, two, ounces of distilled water, tw ouncesof glycerine, ninety grains of salicylic acid. , ( . Cosmetic Glove? Paste " t A. D. An excellent i glove v paste Is mp.de as follows: One-half pound of home-made soft soap, one gll of olive oil. oneounce of mutton tallow. After boiling these together, remove' them from the fire before adding spirits of wine, one gill; ambergris or some other .perfume to an amount to suit the taste, always being on your gaurd not to scent thing too highly. V . t . ' . To make bran bags, mix, equal quan tities of powdered oatmeal and bran (to gether, and to a pint add one-halt cup. of. powdered soap. To this eftout one -ounce of powdered orris root. F1U smll bags and use in tha bath. How to Acquire Pretty and Silky Eyebrows r:E eyebrows should be brushed) morning and night, and througH the day when one happens , tdj think of them. . ; I Have, a soft brush, and use It for flv minutes at a time in brushing thai brows. '..";'''"! Always stroke in the Una that the brows should grow. t ! Some tonics undoubtedly ara aids, andl the simplest of all Is vaseline. V i Red Is the best, and this should first be put on the finger tips and rubbed well into the brows before brushing be gins. ,,' This may be done In the morning quits as well as at night for the .' grease should be so absorbed as not to show. Whatever color the hair may be, tha brows are usually mora effective If few shades darker. Any tonic containing grease is a dark ener, from the fact of the presence of the oils, and with a tonlo of this sort a dye is not necessary. To be sure, a dye works faster, but -in the end not so well; and it is much . better not to use a dye. at least until after a tonic has been applied daily for some months. A decided stimulant fop the eyebrows is made of two and one-half grains of sulphate of quinine and half an ounce of sweet almond oil. Mix and rub In thoroughly before brushing. , In casea whee i. the eyebrowa grow, thin from illness, something a little dif ferent should be used. - ' ' , Good tor this condition is a mixture of five grains of tincture of rosemary, one gram of tincture of cantharides, fifty grams of th spirits ' of . camphor . and fifty grams of cologne. ;- " . Mix, and apply morning and night reg ularly for at least six week. : .The luster and prettlnesa fSf the brow. may be very much Increased in 'tha 'evening by moistening them sllghtty with almond OIL - A fine camel's-balr brush should b dipped: In the liquid, and . all that can should be wiped from the tip. Then rub tha brush over tha brows gently an, ' evenly. .! ' y li t ,,V . Should tha oil be visible In. any place, wipe it off with the finger Opa. Character .in the Fore- :,head A FOREHEAD ' that curves bacS reveals a - poetlo temperament, a fondness for the arts and talent for either: music or painting. A straight forehead., one that rises from the eyebrows in a , perpendio ular line, is a sign of severity, in flexibility and tenacity, s r A high forehead, to bs very good, ; should be -well : developed about tha eyebrowa .'":4-"rV ..!Y ." ' .' If' there la quite a perceptible bulgo .. of the eyebrows, combined with a high forehead, the elgn Is of a calm, cool, deliberate thinker. s ... , r If with these, eyebrowa Is combined! a forehead that slopes gradually back: . a sensitive, poetlo v temperament i i disclosed j ilf iagafu ;they , art com :bined with a short narrow; foreheadj the subject will be successful in busl i ness and in everything i connected wfth worldly matters, but he will bu Incapable Of appreciating to any ex tent or of creating anything -connect ed with the arts. - ,'.''.., - : Breadth of forehead la : always f vorable; it is distinctly connected v , breadth of character. Of course,, a broad forehead may 1 part of a weak face, which, will iut ,urally define: tha limits of 'charaen r much closer than' even a combine tloa of a narrow forehead with an othtr-, wise strong face.' i ' How to; Look Tall ,Tp KB woman who wants to seem t ill I 'er must see how slender sh0 cn , A" be. The thinner she is the aiu-r she will look, other things being equal. But there are things she must do. These are .the things to be learne l: First.' to hold up your head; second, to dress In long skirts, and, third, to drf ;M, your neck longer and wear the hair e i ' high as possible Xou must wear yoir gowns broader ' on ; the , shoulder anJ must dress wider, so to speak. Little women make a mistake if wear tight-fitting shoulders anil Ion c. ' thin sleeve They ' only nwke them- - selves look weareneti, j :. - The following u a Kood wwlse: ..the aims., then stoop and rust nn i , right knee. . Rling. rvrx,i ihr r"-- - tlon, and rKt on te othr ki,. Then run down til -romu, $'' - from foot to foot.- Tlen I -' . Jumping, and this time him g ' as though you wvi k!:m-.rf, i ' movement I to ln ' aril bii'i ibckwa-l. There n a rwuwn tt nil I! . - the' reason why tint" " ' the little tvoinau U..' r it i' I I - ier supple. 1: