THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNING, JANUARY. ; 12. 1808. wjT Sagetruali Land TL at Will Soon Blossom as do tne - Farms Tkat Arc Now Blessed WitH Imgat.onProjVct5 Tkat Will . Open '- to ; Ijnmration a Land Bounty and ' 1 - -i -- j' - - ". '- . : ' ; ..', :: ;-t , r''.- -. ';' -v..;. V-yy ". '.. y yyyy Vy- .'.y , -y ,, '; -y;3 TnousanJs ure M iL Happin::J rimrb "iXur 0&w f TWIN FALLS Jv-i-'1- - - J3 r.X'5fe?:' -v'vv;,. wu vOfe IDAHO. J - ! ' Wt " : x vyf4' - ' - ly-,;''v(;t. j..y, . y, ' v. .'(v.X ?,v- 'J ' . v -V 7: a y i.; :yi v y , , v. frvvy y S V .wv : j--'- - " -w w,. ry-- J--. - ;- -, - - rJKv ' - ! - - n,--'- - - - . - -,"t" 11,1 "1 ; Vf V-'wPs. y.ytv , - - r'yy L - ; i ' , , iMIt t- ; Lyjl' Jl -Vxx - vrT-- v J-rry .4 r wsfi- v '-'- :: wMkyvy "f- -.. .t,r;rv.-'-' 'f'?Ms -MKmk: I " oth.7 .(tlon of th world at south through thflJ town of Minidoka on ; ' ' 'VVnnnFn ' Wj1iii.,JW - ,u y , v.TV..y..- I ?J7 rl. Jl v the main lino of t Oregon Short Una .? tWaU f - ffl yLiALJx r ' f Ll5ggSgJ 1 .:.y'::!V'l?:. jvthla time offen eo much In railway will form the eastern boundary: - . , . - i, iaayX3a . - .yyyyv-yH , OISBJ. IDA.. Dec. lS.Perhap no of thl article a line drawn north and nthsv wt1nn . nf th world at inrougn iiito town ti miwi n ?JV 1. Jl v e main line of tne Oregon Short Line : thla time offeri no much In ranWay will form the eastern boundary; Vi arav rnnnrtnnltB n Ihi from . thia Una to thn raatarn and of -:r..t .northwe.t a.ction of the ""sotK Albion, and OakW n iTtiitAiV . - Tii. nAPt an at . . - -.z . - ... . "... a . il.i, . mittttv si lata nf Aa thA rrnw nips auoui fv.uax nnrnpa. lu.tsu bwiho, 4, a vo.v 1 a i-itv suiwct -..--. -V- " wioin. ijui wiii uiciuqj p, V,Tiw h ii .id Vnntatn-- ahaao .nd 78 a.w and Dlanlna mllla. In 1807 there were manufactured eity at Moacow, inj a;reai empire 1 waterea 5J vaiiey rormea ny ineuwyneo na , - - . - from euirar beete frown in Idaho about and private echool ki. Kr. Malheur rivers In eetera Oregon, mak- n l . a nnh nA. t ...c.r vaiiind at . Manv lmDrovementa ;v:.wT:.::'v.":;:"'z...;i:;: !? j? o'l-o? iLn:- .a" r. . h . "nroon ixinivoo. nd i.m- crop wur each- of th.. whouiur.' ; ani "atd SKrV.' .25 .AWlo.OO; dUtT U on Of the .MIMU acre.. otleIn far In exce.. of the cropof ISO . ThU Pa-t year e-ply , i. v. 4 7- -m i. t .. . dna. not Include the lateral val- n air line out oy ran doui tnat On tne Oregon Biae. mere r ":r--it.t- r-"j tinn h.iiMir. i. n m-the early nart of th. ear. , But the nnaae. river m principal rB m ir--'an'Tjr-i: delightful 1 "aummera tape. njon. no rueao tn iuw na no M.rSh. " , ineeo , reeervotre and tneir content , v..?"- Yi, ' nourish the orchards and fields of pain ana grass hundreds of miles die Thla section of the United States has drawn lta population from the best and most progressive class of citizens In the eaat and th. tnti1rtl wr ,Tk , been empire builders and have bullded the world. so weu mac every portion of the state . . . .. , ' offers its inhabitants comforts and lux- Southern Idaho Rail Lines. uries not always found in large cities . .. . in other parts or the World. i , . Tne trunic line or me anon j-ino r.n Cassia on part, had In , JTMOJ Wtle, This -year one carload of prunes netted the Alblo twl &&YJ!'SV Msiaes many pudiio nam ea town. , ..v?, . s ana academies. Tne uregon tinort una nas naa lot have been made at soma time a force of men and teams at schools during the work grading a line down the Snake it the university, river irora Huntington to xewiston, ana 1325.000 adminis. when this line is completed Boise and. rmira nf nnnntrnn In tnnt all sMithAin TdiaHn .-will hlVA Hal lev lio.iso acres unuoi inie..iuu ui who- year the total proceeds or tne output lion 10 uks me pioc. qi mo una uo- ciuaa connmjuun wun . mre on ; inn th ..m. and nanala. These were aU constructed of creamerv and da rv products was stroyea py rire anoui two years ago. greatest: agricultural ana timner coun- Donulation 1.- b nrlvat. canltal or Individual or oo- 1400,000 and the orchard. products were A IJ.OOO.OOO state capUol building is ties in the atata Idaho, Nea erca and operative labour except two, the great valued at wm e tne - - - S-iiW th TTninn 11 make a better showintt resources and productive- matter or aeveiopment, ng and progress! venesa her people than can 8, of the world ar turned ' toward tha "Gem State" an thousands of people are finding' the; - t I1I5.76S: 96.858 horses, valuedat Streams Offer Infinite Power. way annually to this land of boum Both are 12,800,964; 818 mules, valued at jzb.dbu; , ana nappmess irom me overcmwn- i On. of 3S.0SD muca cows, vaiuea i tigg.v. mu cinu uninviting iiuuuus gi tuo caai. nu Hnake. the Big and Little Wool' nuw:. lu. r:i u Ti .-j w.i... nnnu ill nn bbo. iirant iuo miiea: iiovin- : Twin rmiii nroiect. consiruciea unaer i,u,v f : . r . ino di, mo mjiiw ura. ntuoi. r. -i..t:. aa ji.i.. iV"- . nod t isnnnnnn-'Dusneis or m dtoobbiit requires, ins uenneni.iii.rir considered, can The soli of the lower Snake river Jp?": at. vil .d ' at ' iii OOO.OOO 4.000.000 and soldiers' home at Boise, the asy- a to natural -vaiiey s compoaeu oi "! wiu vn jfi"" r5n tha western side are nrntt under construction bv th na- bushels of barley, valued at jums at wiacaiooi ana uronno, ine re- ness ana in tne erosion of lava rock mingled with J,'M"SV "Siatinn koo distant 80' Fin.f oJlrnmSS? nd.r th. reelama. In 1907 the mineral output of the state form school at St. Anthony snd th general upbuildli tahl mold,, constituting th most In- Ca Wwell. Populn,-f;.0U 0oo a?u" t S arf and which will IrrlJata aSl aggregated the maVnificent sum of $20.- deaf, dumb and blind school at Boise are Sn the part of daatmntlhl. and fert He class Of soil IB tntleS! Emmett( P0puiatlpn a.pou, qisians tton .act, andwnicn Will irrigate ap- v.V . riB J v,. in bus -,t. credltAhl. Inatltntiona and are In chara. Th -v. n , two wnn rnan Tlx m , j r , . ihi, nu nrnvi mIIh- ParmiL nonulation 1.000. distant In ti miiea: Silver City, population 1,000. gram distant 70 miles: Ontario, Oregon, pop- Dotations are ulation S.B00. distant 66 miles: .Payette, lng reservoirs m n t. 7 n n (in acres. uu,v, jud n . . . . . . w 7- the eastern wd of th parallelo- tie valued at $2 408 884; 1898.77 sheep, of competent persons., . in Lincoln county, two great cor- valued at 13,497,184; 81.439 swine, val- lona are now engaged 1 In construct- ed at $115,766; 96,858 horses, valuedat Streams Offer Infinite and canals. v w . "viiu, . . . ntn1,i(,t nn ft AAA dlatant 7 O miles: Wei- vmArattnr under th. Cjarev art. one or . v a u miicu coww, vwucu v iwu,v. - . hi"J Lrf." 5PPr ther. w.y passes through this territory from MSn J wr 20 sawmills reported In wUh th exception of one or two, ia CflSf : hJy-ed tOwe.t: in place, fugging h. and Huntington. Oregon, population X, i3F Ctt TTZ'-Mn?lZ IkWhWSSt of th stat. ar ir-dfhma,v In .;U distant from it On th way th;V0 wlng cuies-of Xewlston, with a ,Vi i tAiPPPPJr through the stat ther is to b found population of 8.000: Moscow, 6.800; with those things which happiness ana prosperit ttxm tmA tm nnMmf ..... .. ..........v., vVtn, ,i,,B.,-k .v. tat. there is to d rouna mmi tunities. unnumDerea, ana in iaabo tbo. rLl Fiiii hraneh. the Little Wood U., ' d-Ain 1906 with an annual output valued at ,,.t, .ti . &ttt"',H15, t, M SrUnerad WVnChVeVt.Urnahralf aof Vhi'wi R"0UfCM f NortlU aatelninrcomp .inl? mtai nmW1?tYonn4ftlgo in th. north 1. th greatest timber SSnAlC'M ana me ratouse n-v, aiiir. rii J. LB ililUOO) ajjsua w. v south. Chinaman's Success in Mexico. : Front th Baltimore American. "Away down in th Sierra Madre mountains of northern Mexico I ctuue across a Chinaman who haa maila a nttv and rrtOLt aueAasn hf farm Ino- and ulm l Perce and Latah power to run th Boise & Interurban! destined to jjcom a very ' rich num."' famous Tor its rauroaa neiween jbojso ana wuaweu a.ia i nomas it. jiamoy or ean Anton to. South Or ta tart Of nt m company a duiso oAionaiuiu irA-, j, puu wr orient, whoh 5L iS lnnS th state, all the cereals, fruits, grasses buuding a fine $1,000,000 plant at thes farm in the whole republic, lie speak a and grains are grown, and In mineral great rails, ana it intenas to lurmsn pom jungnsn ana Bpanisti wen, ami ha . ui.ii.'iki !) 'una and 0Aa mmZt Indnraaaina- the Short Lin at Nampa; the 4 808.000 acres which - It contains I ' output thst section ranKs rirst. it nas lignt ana power jor wuioern mm quick aaaDrvgressiva as any xan- - Idljriln-. th lat 80s and 90a J wept, fndcirosslnr tne snort . . snlandid transDortatlon facilities. The northern Utah. It Is already furnishing ke l ever beheld. His neighbors admir " i a - . - r. nma rrnm, jn eisop ua ujo oaw bius mm hoi 1 rn:j uuin w liiuoq vl MBiera u okuii, . . . , - 1 1 . . , Am- . J I 1 1 , . , 11 D nnn. . to. k nnn a .m v nf vnwinr nnmRMifiiF. fa f Im. ..... - . - . ' . i . - - . : i.. 'h.Jsnin.a. Vnnrit ai river branch, tne JHOise-jMamp. orancn, ana many otners tnat are prosperous tne reclamation aci ana unaer me su-, section in tne state, ' i-r vv the Payette river brancn ana tne nranpn and rapidly increasing in population, pervlslon of Engineer ij. w. koss, wno h(, t balt of N ment. . ,; C-r-t:f-.?.V-fffS.f,lrti Amvaii.., -.. Aa In' fh. .nnthm . nart of the atate. MmatnidM th. Minidoka dam. la now wne1 ol J..' y - .. ''i'rU:f'-'- Thla 'avatatn of railroad vis supple- there ara .evidences of trosnerity on enraaed In constructing what Is known counties has become . Idaho LrOnff UnalSCOVerea. ., wanted bv th Idaho Northern, known everv hand not only in the cities and as the Pavette-Boise project, consist- nroduct. As in the Tha, a-.-. w. nf nnnnl. Ma. k. ai in' Uewey roao, running i. u. towns but also In the rural districts. 7 . ; a w !. Phy, in uwyne oouniy, io nmuisii.) iu i i riouiary ana accessory 10 mia onaa. wnicn, wnen compieieo, win put anuer souiea yngon soB . waaiiinsian so rap- Canyon county, a aisiance or ii mi, rtver parallelogram ana in aaauion ro water 170,000 acres. lines operating are the Northern Pa- light for th city of Twin Falla The and like him iramensely, and all hand. -Xnt. TT 0t T "5? thlpoeuV ti'.A,? Safa plant on tt? PaTittt' rtw the valley of th Nil, and that lta- iVsUncrof 80 miles and by th Bols 'Mountain ridgs and mountain peaks ' valley to 4,880 feet at Minidoka, at Its J.jw-l aa the outhani l part of the state railroad, operating b thousands of square miles of sagebrush vaiiavv Electric railway, from Boiaa.ta. ha t h. haadw.raC. ....... M. -.hi. nmdnot. in. wall provided for In this respect city and a point near Nampa. with nosing Irish potattifca and made rj..ij.. i nialna ,win In. future aunnort a nonuialr?" na- h chief product . In-; section of the inter-mountaln Nampa as the objective point. The the first season to pay for his iii Parana : m.nv !.. a. rrl aa wo, . 1 K. possible to matnUin on Jhe .sam area 'ptla, - arff 'Her Weiffhhora. I in in Missouri or unio vaneya. net- - - . . --; -- 7, . . a. wnni-iad with an aiia DUBU""" lu ""w ww tiers in this state find the air so Dure : Vha-M,V f knl.ii.ti,. caital of tha Pi.nd flrr. singled with an excellent alfaifa fiva-tons to the acre and pota- and ; invigorating, the climate so .brac-t: .d ' th-.trnnnii. .f th. Snak. n other members of toes M0 .bush!-. Alradjr there ar 10 gute Institutions. th rlvera especially on th north side, elude ail tha cereals, alfalfa, clover. m- mnntrv and caDital far new enter- water rower or tne Hnaxe river ana its ms success caused him to buy iur ar' heavily, tim Wed with fine yellow othy. and potatoes. Wheat averages 40 prises Is rapidly finding its way into numerous large . tributaries . is Inez- property, and he now owns ,0d a'-r. t n , iw-u 1 ;.- w . ", - . fw-, . t . . .. . . . . aii it ; fi,. h.itlhla- , it,, , Not one ha. ha had a failure of "!. -j r una inn season n 101a m. ne mpi i Va.t Tracfion Proiects -' - ' ,. hla shipment of potatoes to le atifiut 1t vast iricugn-(ujn,. . oarioada They ar th flnet I f gether so attractive . that the Ion-- river -vany.ionipies a," beautiful and Ai--int mrm rii, i.Lu ,11, machinery In use In that industry.. . Idaho's, state institutions are In a The Bols fc Interurban railroad will, saw, and in quality fully iuai th fu lly of thaneopl on th average la; BlQturMJu location on S!"P?raiv flourishing condition. All of her schools And Its. way w-stwartl from Caidwdl ..,.-,!, . grown ii Buumcr.i .wun ix. thl. na walla. Mil v. ...... , """-,. ana .invigoracina, to ciimaie w one 7 ; . . .',. :.i,a..ii. a. ha ennVa v.uv, u.imin,.i w jtiuiuw- aiuj lna.;th. naonle no congenial and iif : sUt sjnd .th metropolis of th SnaK -.Alfa- . mil ( and tn.nv h Placer mills eauipped with all the mod altogether; so attract! that :.Ion-'-tift;iy$ilfr occupJes '.ai-r beautiful , sjid .,m(i diatrirt. .r. Hrh in -id .n- machinery in us In that industry. gevity of th neopi on tne average is picturesqu location on th north hank " ".r mucli greater than in any other section ..ii.-, ...-,- t.4- vr 00PPep na of mVooSntry"' it ii V'fat that than ot th BOls Mven nearly .two-thirds (,aBd.Din mines ar now In oneratlon cent th. citrus family. Ther ara r- WU filled, the att.ndanc this year down th yaiy MU n rn.ets th Paciflo ' .His farm Is right at th a-imn arVmor.hl.and hearty old tolka in, distant fromth. ast, nd or .par. . z .- Dr0dUct'0f i,0 Jn thi. J ard 87.64 acrts. blng far In excess of that recorded last UfViThfl Continental divide, 1600 t Tdahi Adav th.. an tn ha fn..nrf i allalna-ram. thoiurh math.matlcal Trt- mnu im ""v""-v ul mi . . wKi.u I. tana a half-nmn vmp. j . ... . v. wnen compieiea, will piac tne " great -tha .... level, where thra la t.-..m any other state of many times the pop- ness would hardly permit of calling It section amouniea to ..ii.s..-Tnis after eupolylng the home market, a ..T, VT Kaa.y.-a,i.ii imn. 1 i,m ..."i- i b wm very rainfall to man gooa crops ulation of the "Gem of the Mountains." euch,' within four miles of th foothills vast territory la clothd with nutritious number of evaporators and on cannery,, tutlon has been materially improved door, of tha flower Snake river valley. rtsation. Jo. told w that h xne great Snake river valley 01 Idaho on its nonnern eoge, '?u iqiiei oisiant grasses ana lurnisnes on or in nest there were shipped to tne eastern mar-- until toaay taano stanaa secona o no nu "4i7 r a Beginning in mr f is divided Into two parts," the' ttppef ; from the Snak river and practically liveatock ranges Jn, the northiVeat. and 'kets-101 carloads, which netted $80,- other sute with' respect to education, eastward from Nampa. and prpeeed tojrood results, and h served t- t 1. ana in lower' There is no natural, nor1 equioisiam irom oait uiaeana iiruana. me parallelogram namea is in receiving o. This season s crop was a Tin wnen all tnings ara taaen inio conaia-, uvyuui, vu n -omm uot, wn n ern jkhw wmiu aa yet artificial, line of demarcation- The most. important tribuUry towns In ground for. all lta producta. on and about double the value of th eration. and particularly the fact that win rorm a junction with an itrio the great evsMf prouo.'.i between the two, but ror- th purpos Ah eastern end of tha parailalogram v. Jhla territory, axcluaiv of the Qra- crop oXJaat- yaar. Or worth. $1,10.(80. this Is a young aUta, 1 Hex schools ar line now bains; constructed by th Twin th worid." 4' - I