KINGTON .INDIANS OnViV of rNamcs. of , Rivers Traced to tkc STINGEtEEGENDSjOEAS .Queer Superstitions cf Savatfcs-OM Tree That Had a1 Romantic HistoryFate of .a FaitLful tkc Famed Olympics; rr 11- Pl;'-r -'71 .a T By Carolina W. MeKinlay. fHE poetry and Imagination of tha Indiana of western Washington art typified la the sonorous and . musical names they hare be- i , stowed upon the atreama. moan . Ulna and rivers of their land. ;.-;-.'. . ' , Moat of these namea are mellow and ' attractive; while comparatively few of , them are harsh, and difficult of pro? nunciatloo, .:" . Wlshkah, Chehalls, Rumptullpa, Snoho- ? mish, QuinlauIWHoquiam, Wynooche and Skyhoraiah are aamplea of namea Which have a meaning derived from .some his- ; . torlcal event. -, : . ,'.' . i -,;, 4- i One of the, Indian legend! relates to f the Wlshkah river, a beautiful stream of cold water, whose aourca- is In th , ! snow-crowned Olympic -mountains, to : the north. It empties into Grays har- -bor. and is affected for many miles., from its source by the tides of the sea. It winds in and out among- the dark : f reen of the evergreen forests. Its banks ,, ined with the beautiful vinemaple, wild , crabapple, salmon and blackberry vines; h while its current rippling on its way ; to the -sea, la not mors musical than the name it beare. . But this name, while falling pleas- antly on the ear when translated means "stinking water"; and - the reason for :. it is that many years ago the hunting and fishing canoes of a warlike tribe , of Slwash Indians floated on Its spark- " , ling waters, or filled with bravo warriors, went forth to battle. 'U -..:. , .;,. . ... The tribe made its home on a lit Ha in endow alonlnc rentlv down . to the beautiful river, where their wickiups . stood thick on the graaa which was al ways green, and formed & village of considerable else, located many miles , up the river, neaf its headwaters. The tribe numbered many , braves, with . "klootchmen" and pappoosea, and flour- - " lshed happily under the wise guidance of the good chief, Chemalnus. .. , For many years they were happy, and ' prosperous they were victorious In their frequent battles with other tribes . their number -continually increased and the chase, the fishing-,-and the fruits provided by bountiful Mother Nature furnished ample' supplies for . their dauy needs.- , - , n Owccesssf. 'to hit' Ml MM f A k lir'ii a mm UV VMZJ 11 Sf.fiJ IK 11 ?U N F m 1 mma if 1 m r. J 1 ik: It iWW . II -II J I ml mm i , A t e V?Wnfu $1 1- s a. . jr,n. . Ml i , 1 r I. ' ' 0 ,ti Bo the lovers Finger o! Fate. I For a moment the nrlncesa stood and ' Gradually the vlclnltv of the bit trea were forced to secret, meetings, and the tuM a.s If oetrified on the nrostrata me to be shunned, especially on moon her lover, her eyes wild with if" f"--"- T ? r". men witn a glance or scorn and For the story was told, secretly faint whisper of a legend connected ld spruca.. treo -waa made Jhelr tryi- ,Trz . with-It Is as follows: Ung place. form of uu "The great Chief Che-wa-no who was But - not for long were they peri horror; tl - Not a lodge was there,, from that of ago, so the legend Is probably founded The locality breathes of mystery, and noa to receive her lover. tne cniei down to the Humblest war- OB f.c tne touch or a lire-long past; ana; tne llJ -DUl iw oeaauor aying: ana Thft B,mB ..,., ... tw. tr.n. But tha finger of fate waaApolnted " 11 1 " latlons, "hungry' wood." and "hungrj In their direction, and on a lovely mid- ; as a last resort, in hopes of staying r wooa- legena conneciea witn tne head ' of. powerful tribe of Hi- mlUed to enjoy these stolen meetings, loathing at Wlsh-la-no-ga she gave a In whispers, how on moonlight nights, auibraer day a strange happening oo- the plague. Chief chemalnus called a m,i' ",,ilSi e.l washes, had aa only cherished daughter... for tha Jealousy of Wish-la-no-ga was maniacal shriek, plunged into tha depths the shadowy forms of the maiden and . . ,. .w.-a .v.i- va. .icouncii or tne lew great men or tne v.iv. lne loveiy princess Mii-ie-noa. it was soon arouaea. ana ne quiCKiy aiscov- or tne xorest, ana was never again seen ner lover couia ne seen under ins aroop. eurred which changed their Eden to a . MtM that tn, ,COUrge had left, and Jg'S,1? i Vi! I. . S5 the wish of the chief that the princess ered where they met except In spirit by mortal eye, . ing boughs of the old tree, keeping their purgatory. . . , . , , it was decided to seek another dwelling tvSll!Su.lSS.J. -J5NM y hoM wed young Wlsh-la-no-ga, a One beautiful moonlight night tha For long the sorrowing chief, her tryst; and how, If one ventured too Some of their youths, resting on the pic., , ; g ta iatlon, heiice hun gry wood. braVf 0 hls ow trlb wn0se yalor lovera kept their trvst In hlissful father, and-WlabJMO-ga ,th repentant, near, the dark form and malignant fiice green Hward, Rafter a "-mimic battle, --r bo rthlcktups" wera ' tor " dowiu't..? 215-5-i,. 1? Was approved. ' ' tjoranca of the dark fate awaiting them, sought through the dim aisles of the of Wish-la-no-ga would also appear, caught sight of an Immense bird, fly- and the scattering remnant of the peo- Wish-la-no-ga . also , thought to Just as they-were, making their laat , forests on mountain, and beside the that he would draw the fateful bow. in wwiroi imnn irwuiiw u mui pie, tneir canoes iaaen wun DianKets, mi"S nm m nn Kkmn in sirengxnen nis cnances oi: succeeding rono aaieux, wion-ia-no-ga stepped ci- stream ' xor mi - vanisnea, princess out au inis was in me aavs or tne long """". ana (ueir- must, cnorniwu poEBesaions, " V V.r..iii.. tk.t ih. ... lo wnieiuunsHip oy weuaing ins irauf iiw r nimuuwi vi -ne ever in in. neiress or tne oia cniertain ' hurin a. rreit naa airuKKitnK iu 'jb .nj iiig riniut rnermnaii n. talons. Tne sigui ; uiiuui ana passed' slowly ana sorrowruiiy the boys watched the flight of the great ine jCng stretches of the wlndln bird with fascinated Interest. J"'- treat Quantities, so that to the sav- ago; and the maiden and her lover, with whose mossy, green-clad fcanke "'Ivf.'J iJT'JSSSLliS spoiled , child, and wilful in this as menace. forest, into the full moonlight, and con- Often, along the dim reaches of the the dark shadow of Wlsh-la-no-n him out me peauuiui mii-ie-nua. wno was ironmi mcra wuo o manner iuii or trees iiioj m..n,r na anirit nf tha chaji awnka u , t. on-e,.i -,.m.. superstition is wnispered in connection i.. .11 .u. in,. iiit ii ivai m. A f.. aoht ,m arith a In the breast of one of the number, lamentations of the women, as they J n ,"1 of hein ennvertid inin of Wlsh-ta-no-gar for ha was of a sul- company of the princess, roused In him shriek of horror was heard which f rose gathered on their reservations; but this tna iw if w iT v, i lert inair Oia noroe ana tne Doaies or n aJlvertlsins: 'attraction for this ' 10"m" ""Poion, ana uie pnn- ungovornauie urswing nia inn uiuwu 111 iiieir veina, ana in aie- nine siory 01 love,, revenge and super tneir iwvea ones, wig wcui iorin mio r, iiTa nnnntrv i- iuTeu sim na nurin iey thought they caught a long since disappeared, of her form, but Just, as they The remnants , of the nnne itrnnr' a shrill tribes of ths BIwash Indians hava been arpowa. and j when the eagle was '11 rectly over bis head, let fly a shaft which struck .his prey in the talons. tlon of the country. e, iktl ilir rn rhla tha ahln. Ihe tree. Was known locally as the aM. aha hayl aean. an lnnlra.1 raiiRlnc- R. to lose its grip on the fish. .', m.n of tht Winhkah rtver have ' Drummond. spruce, and wai of great favor on La-lo-le-na. . the vounir nhiaf ' which feU-into the water The bird Dn ahunned by the tribe, and no In- "Jt"SulVtyiaVr-.iu f Qutlleyutes snd her heart had flew away to Its disUnt aerie, and the J,!an canoe Is ever seen on Ita bosom. J.?- whi;h .hw. ?t- Pa88ed out ' nr own kwplng into . . . .v.. rfi.nM.,AnH . ,k. . . . nis. bow. he slew La-lo-le-na In the sight appeared, leaving them to sorrowfully stition still arouses lnrereat. 80 she would have none of him. Be-' of the terrified maiden. give up the chase. .' ens human sympathy.. - -T flsh fell unnoticed across the narrow though they are frequently seen on ad stream, -where It died, and putrefied. ' jaxent Streams, ' All of the water for domestic pur- s f poses was taken from the river, and pXiinden1 on Fact. In course Of time the supply became rotinaea on f act. tainted, and a scourge of terrible sick- History tells of a terrible scourge of aan after the discovery of this conti nent by Columbus; so it had withstood pusr rK;a4 the stress of time and weather for near ly four and one-half centurlea. Tt 91A faat In h.lrht 11 -faaf to the first limb, and where It was cut. P9ea 10 iim "r the two tribes wera PLAN SCHOOL FOR CABBIES-Autocab Creates Chance for Drivers Who !Want to team New Business But the chief, . her , father, '. was op- , f.ij unon the trine It HnRorillv a 10 me iirai num, anu wnere 11 wu cui, r . -- - Jlecimted Teir nSmbc?S and stSniaJ i""1"! "V" bojft,f,5 'fet.,fromktlr KT0W1- me"V 2eteSr,t 7"LBt W'i h,.,V,t sind struck terror into their hearts. ' ing on ,ths Wlshkah river, many years ured 11 feet, six Inches. of Wlsh-la-no-ga, and forbade .Mil-la I NDICATIOKS that ths rise, of the full realisation Of their opportunities into three jparts- autocab Is bringing a better class of tenaing - to proauce new class tures as well as road work. DON QUIXOTE FILIBUSTERING IN SOUTH How It Is Done in the Republic of Jirazil land from the watch for the preconcerted signal from sicms in t 1 He thKra confederates hidden on the shore, and where they 1 lies the Bra- th under the cover of darkness un- and eventu to Introduce him here. He Is reputed io oe me leaner or tne 'expedition, ana is aeacriDea as a r Brazilian, , "half devil shop work and : leo nuA arnrlr 'Tti. ahu. men Into the cab-drlvlna business tn? up,er cabbV. He Is the man who la work-consists of work on all types of fmen into tne can-armng Business not , only, an efficient driver, .who can steam, gasoline, and electric machines, havs been noted at tha automobile take his fare along the stralghtest route the last being optional with the stu- a at . . a m ... .. . .a 4 A. A at mm a.laaa JamM "Dn4Aaka ata ala m. A 4 1. A. . .... 1 m a scnoois aunng tne past rw montni, !" ""i' w' i; iv " asm. - a single instructoitaxes cnarge . Ship canal.- but Who thOroUKhlV ' knows ' .Of a limited mimhar, nt aturlBr,. Antu tne einenition - ai iiio wrai aiue, . uiwgra . vi.- .hi..' j .v..:ir ..'.-;. hatr.hrainBH ,,;. bile school which is' the larsest one of '". " m iumw unna Biia inaucis tnem into all tne mysteries I ind h?udryhiY,?S this kind In the country! amons r the l,n1 ? ePb automobile mechanic. ; of the machines. The various types I and half child. tnis ama in ins country, among ine vor inrh men. vho dave nn emart ah .' nf . or. t.i..n .ha .... But there Is much mystery about him. students who have been studvlngdur- f." rMgiaAlMmtZ-iotrmLr At the office of the Brasllian consul ng the past term to become chauffeurs -gf'.ft." wcurs good ? poliUrfns with J n.n...l it m,am li lh. ha v..t ara tnaiKv who vrlah to niiollfv ftir nn, "a " i" c gooa poaiiiona Wlin a the Interior of Brazil, an were to ontain trooa watres eventually an interest in tne mm These vounsr men are Samual Parker an area as tlon.. eauip wun mesa tna trhvu unm vi . v xiiisijr-itiiiiu dhwi, how enrl it waa said that ha hart a.T - ara many . who wish to Qualify for no- " "'i'""" v'i ana, niaKe ine cars run again, uc. .1 emera-ed from obscurity untTrinm; sitlons to run motor cabs, and frthers ?""i"""J bombastic talk of leading a filibuster- have already entered 1 for the term that XoirVw r2ii,i "t&.M? . ing Expedition Into Brazilian territory begins January 6. As a rule theyare f 0ro,r th bi c.k Th? w?2 t ill u ? almnilma?- had brought him to the attention of the a fins, alert set of men, most of whom- ,!? t.'llPJ.hi." JL5ir(- -J5pt-2 - Ti w?r -n J-. ?5ra5? ."PPifment- cat-? Inlri.a rVra md .S have mowr ud outside of the metroool- l"h?nr P?1i,0."taml IV-.A ?.a by lecture. In the.Blg auditorium of - t iar cry iroiu ins ion m me ig nary ina r. m.-i' -a. nuiinina. - wnan th. student la ready td cope with any emer- lnf nnnvaa. iha maiApttn-: rt .iifn r..n. gencv- in any tyoe of car. he is readv dents must learn to' reassemble the parts-and. make the cars run again. Oc- nOJIE SWW ; .roues mi ' i sllian stats of Minas Geraes, a load your cargw of arms and ammunl k. 1 Mimnrlih. . o. .inn annin with these tha raaraed band . .a - ta A th. ...... . OI CatriOlS auu lUWI hihivm asu. AV,a ucw B . . vw wi WI1VII Ulcae uau UV9D ' COIRDlVieQ DenOT IW" u T H viiuiciiw - --. . n V. hoV large as that of the states of ? tzLt .T. T sack. New Jersey. The cables reoorted nomea dam." fiantoa. . mmif Mar..- .. Ths fact that these men think the ..night. .nawK. -V. Irt Otl4 -MlaaAllf.1 T t haa a . . . Ji ........ .Tl. ih.t . tha . 'w.iin. VI a V. Kn.. T. 11 .... ..a ! t 4mK . mIiJiKv., .nftt.t.ntltf tmnAi4.nt Of AOItVaa r.,,iilal ion of 4,000.000. Us caDltal. ai.ktr..aa. t,i.m Nnt much. All un- in the melee with th nollce. and Imme. tht . in : arltatti. ..iih. k tu. to take a hard course of study in nren- bies are not ambKious enough to ..-be- r the course in, road work. Ouro-l'reto, in aulte as large as the armed entirely Impecunious, and wholly dlately after the news was -received British steamship Byroh for Bahla. an.L aratlori. at the Y. M. C. A. school Is come experts, The average man who On tb"toad -the lnstructorg gd out capital of this state, ita population be- i an o rant of the region to which they In Hackensack his mother took steamer recommended that the police of that the result of ths fact that the autocab i gets a - Job as cab chauffeur- simply . with one ; student at 1 a time, at first injr about 80.000. wVre going; they took passage In the for Bahla. The father of the other city look him over. has brought In with it a greater future,, meets the company's qualifications and along ths quiet -stretches of Central The community Is contented, peace- teerage of an ocean steamship and youngster 3: has -set the machinery of Magall's talk had been so loud, and FPr the cabby than was possible for gets certain Instruction from the com- park and ' Riverside 'drive In , the un-- ful, and civilized, efficiently governed walked down the gangplank ' Into the the state department s work, and has the consul general's Investigations so "m a few years ago. The old-fashioned pany to learn how to drive a cab in crowded hours of the day, and later on and policed, has its numerous smaller arms of Bahla'a expectant police. En- learned that the American consul at diligent that almost every one in the cab-driver might work up to be the New York. Tha company which Intro- more crowded thoroughfares, until fin- uwu tinraa aula venicie 11 uawu ma itMiacict wv. niw iiirj vuy, ..aiir-ine iiuueni iu fasa n -ftxanPit. I nn a and mlrht : hirvmia for instance, runs a reaular achnnl fnr I not Inn In liandllns- the machfna htmaalM In a Bahla prison, -fully -100 'miles dls party were wounded. All were locked the relatives , and friends of these expected departure of Ma gall by that a. free lance Jehu,-lurking about street chauffeurs. In whieh the men receive amid the heaviest traffic. - By the time t.nt from tha frontiers of this nnsus up. These same cables brought In- two young men are convinced that both vessel. So sharp watch was kepi for corners near the Big Alley for stray thorough instructions In cab geography 4 he finishes that bs is ready to handle Let-ting state, are now languishing a formation that the Brazilian govern- had been made victims of false renre- him. but. according to the aaenta. ha faree. His 'principal assets In this do- learn how to read the taxameter, learn any machine on any road. . - a ' half dosen ,l0U,"te:'Jwaairi mt -was onaidering the matter ser- sertatlons and that ach had set out did not book passage. Cable dispatches, J'tion were likely to be a good eye, enough about; the different ' part "of . For this - sehdol-trklned motor ;cah- cuffu i ii ;..".. " i ; tuumy, mougn juai wny, ii auuuia into iit hwu mim, imiiiu( w t"pjib in nowever, announced inai ni waa in tne f" "iraj - rtr anu a. urannim- uia- nwwr bwi" ininu- .i. vaton or tne sii&--, :-'v;.;-; r''-npt-een made clear. mining worn, xney maae no secret or narty that was arrested when the v These South American repuDiics iavr. As a matter of fact -there is con- their Intentions, and it does not appear reached Bahla. Tha agenta of the In the for th" stray reveler and a thorough tha. motor machine to telephone lntellt- driver as he-sits on his box Dosseaaad vessel knowing- of the geography , Of tha un- gently to the conysany smschine shop gf m-chanicat training which puts, him " v- dJK2rtl.-a. 'Ii ia'-'. entrance into shoplworknd long been a fvorlte field for .those nov stderable about this tawdry enterprise, that' any .secrecy had .been requested sel are unable to explain his appearance The coming of the motor cab, and 'ars taught all abouthow to run a cab ;hV maintenance department as in v- lit wnose nerot a ro wHiw-Bi iw- rtnat wieos to be cleared up. A care- or deaired. They toia au or their on board except on the theory that he particularly the - recently introduced In crowded city trairia y xne intruo-?-a-t..Worlrmaii. the "old school hackmen tuna, but it would have required the ful Inquiry made by the Times shows friends that the agent of a mining ayn- went on board at tha last! moment electric taxameter vehicle, hag brought ' tlon. la designed to turn out competent lave aome not unnatural awe even Imagination of a Cervantes to have lhat the two young Americana of this dicate, composed of British and Am and paid his pasaage money td the pur orward greater chances for ' the cab .drivers, and i accomplishes that object thouah they are a bit cynical' ahoiit vlved so fanciful e scneme as i the neighborhood who .were In the party ericanocapital. had contracted wlih.them aer. '. . f A - driver, and some of the men who are , The orosoectlva cabby who has am-u learng to be a cab-driver in anvTither rn in which this handful of , ad ventur--had no thought of filibustering when to go to an Interior state of Brastl. But described by those who know him are now said to have been engaged. . they left their homes. Each-had sur- that they were to receive $20 a week ss a very young, -very Indiscreet, and . .... i.., ..Vin Panama .threw , aside all -rendaren rnnA nn.llliir. mmA ... ... k.,nl mnA that , . ae . th. . .i.,n ..... ...i.Tkll .u nv. . . . i- -:!-i. It J one ef the ethics of nnunced to their families and. to their turned out well, they would receive an edness wss easily apparent It is by no It :',i - erlng tfmi joa must go In your friends that they had done-so In order Interest in It. . - - - -means clear how he managed to get a . .. ,.Kk.i.larln .raff. dnilDA BIl llahtS tO flat their ffirtnn.I aith a nlnln. . Om.wkara In . 'atlin. , . u ..... .w. . 1, a-i f . " . .;... ria.t .vAAitL mi, am:v;.; ,."i.v. .u:. r. ' ..r rjK"wAu.u,w?.mij'BW surmwea that nn ca ii".. w ; .-a Mu awaw tunwr at mi; n- jtw .wv wnf nuaut ' (T u ' utgL TUl tun-'llf It bitlon enough to go to the T however, is. M. C. A. as a rule,- mark- school save that, of experlenc. Their phiiosopnv aoes not emnrace special going in for chauffeur's Jobs with a or how he succtoeded In deceiving them1 Ing out a program - for himself 4hat training for any Job- other than that of Into a belief that they were going into does not -end on the. driver's sest. He a physician or lawyer. - But In spite of a i legitimate mlnlnar. entarnrlae., It la want a to know all about a machine. . these hardened skeptics, there is averv surmised that his own object was the Accordingly be bucks up against - a evidence that ths gcbooi-bred cabby baa akaat laa. 1 u . a.Sa 'a aa aaaal ana 1 aa S aa.l. laita. . S J I ..I J 4 -' ..a. . . i. A a mm A ia 1 avrenuuus luiiwiuum, vuuu if uatubu tumt iu uy. - i- . ,