'A v r ' THE OREGON - SUNDAY. JOURNAL.' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, .JANUARY. 12, 1903. 'SvfSf H P If ' of living growth, were concealed la my only sighs of Ufa were the Infrequent had bcn wiped from the face of the Dreaai-porxet. jno next morning be- iteavmgs or me purry meat, showing cnrm. me. am T reallv hamiflftif a.nln r la Death could onlv entrmD ui It i riraam if 11 t win . t nnnl, I fore .unrlso we were In tha open ocean, that tha lung eould ait 111 work. Tha through accident and Ulneaa. Immortal not bear to go back. Elale, Carl, will with only nurnla snots on tha distant akin Waa warty, rouch. and wrinkled vouth wa tha sift of mv Dleaaure. .1 you nnt tinliTaf ch inr.j ihi .1n. horlxon. . ' , . .. beyond Imagination! and tha eyea were "After few daba and embrace, th. Ing from one to tha other,- for we could ' "Hut all night long rny eye. woro glued .hut I touched tha animal hurricane biased, out and Mown the not aprntk, as the aucoesa of the expert ""u 10 ma microscope searoning - in rwnuf. i wm turn m ui m aiaira. 1 , iockbu , tne ooor ana inrew mom Duret over our disordered mind. vain for that microbe of old age which of Ice. - - ', myself upon the bed, feeling within me For I had conjured from the past, A I had once hrld in my possession, and " 'Jlere,' said the professor, Interrupt, the rower of a god and wondering ap through the blood of tha toad, the jnoet . which now seemed to have .luded ,we J" my star., 'this may convert you., tha vaat possibilities of .my divine die- glorious woman that mv eyes had ever f0Kv1v ' V. . '.Thla nodule fell beneath mV feet at the covery. , . . - beheld. There aha atood, vibrant with in mm monins arier I nan enm " ""' wmw,i .11- a a vmr t. 1 Hit waa Tn w nmv MnrinnnTA. ilia, ainwin u; 1 1 v ....... with th. '' . m poawDiuiioB' or Europe, hjhi.. 4 pmii " nunoui an exnauaiive series or experi vntnuaiaam of girlhood a poem of V'iT ., i waa encamped amid the giant red- foaall. I carefully broke It with ray jnente It would be Impoaalble for ma to Kloiv, an ode to oiitary, and with a h.-Tft f; , .wood tfeea of California, for, after all,' hammer.and the toad fell out on my -iv. to - humanity wy discovery. A -that quivered with 45-yeara af experl- Jt waa forcfed upon my reluctant Jmag- palm.' The dark bluleh alata fhowed fhouaand problemg .'of, proportion, enca. I looked upon thla creature of v.. 1 Jnation that the United Ststea not only- the perfect' outllnea of a foaall toaL .-: atrcngth and number of Inooulatlona my mirrobea with blinded eyea. Who -,;. .held the tomba of - tha moat ancient The atone had 'become the living am- mnti DO ,Vea beyond peradventure of could wlthetand herT She waa the In- ,.- flvUliatlin. the world knowa of today, hib'',,n ,TSm doubt.- For tha flrat time I had be- carnation of love. She waa the Impreaa, ; , but It alao poaaeaaea within tta faatneaa - . .n2.S"ht .h7, vom reconciled to animal eiperlinenta- May. the temptreae. of, tha world. Be- ' lnorganlo life that antedatea tha Want- tlnued the profeaaor, frrgvely. that thla tlon(fc for my" laboratory work, would "I'ie her, Klaa aeemed a pale replica; . "" -tha ; Incaa. tha ..Oreeka ' th .TJ.Urn-.. not In torture. but if. giving but there waa that hovering abSut the ' hKyKln' tha-Cllff-dwellara'ana av-n jua age, when coal wag form joy; not in viviaeotlon. but In vivifying g1r-a llpi which made me wonder that J.-"?.- tha Mayae that myaterloua 'raoe. con-' rowing In clay to hibernate durlnaja mnd I b!glin. t0 Mther all the old and I could ever have wavered .. temporary -with tha Innabltante af auo- S'nuV;. '"Xf.a",! anlmala I could find. The ' " 'Martha,' aald Elaa, bar Una dry. her ' V merged Atlantic, and fuelne t tha" P"? LP! f ih. Pn.voniii re,,,rre'Uon ot M h t0 b explained on pulet. farl did it: I aaVed him. I ,s ehepherd klnga, who antedated tha an- J0'" J" H'fnJ.-iV.VPVn D k2 tA mother In a way that bordered rromlaed to marry him -If he would. ' fi?.t..S1.0-nrech" 04 ,Pt ,"' Kriemifi.'iM not1 f Mrr-tala. I waa alleged to have, That la hla great dlacovery. ilfi made thoueanda of yeara , ., ffi 2atS2; itf?yk?J?L,5iy v ' "ugh thla young pup' vlthTma to Uka Max young.. Now he haa-mada you V"'1' ft0l urroundad by the rfentlc;0" 'than few houri or . thalaoe of tha oUl'do I had merciful- "". lTl did not know, I did not ' wouolae and aaemed to be. tranaported r Now young man, tell MI you ,y fiBV0W4 t But tt atrange thing jealUe Tha noble girl awayed and IV 1lva",luv.,A,' Tnen 4!!' W",i, .' Arkn-fum riei-hfiwi'i-WM that the young Max aeemed to Kara J bounded to her aide. .'It la nothing.' m ma aeniie-aniipainy 10 Mme. von KIV- '" Z'".1 a'c u'lnnj. 101 u .Vanhnrv rf.iiKi,i (n Kia MiHn..A.. ' not touoh me. Carl. It la evident that I - to uae tha appropriate word. Thla an., you have a declalon to make.- lou can I 'fin,h .k.4 .u. . make It now.' . . not my tha but were fearful reallUea. Jt M.f Q.0iSl " pJof "".r. "J?.1. onedron an did not take mo long to run to earth,,", "n?1 Bnaxen wiin or rather to air. the oldeat arouo of thla anxiety and wild excitement which atrana-e apeclei that prlately called "aempe have been aor.ro- could no . longer repreaa, -1 . trembled r Ylre..VAt f.l- I ' "2 iM.r"Si! t.' W.J la 1 . a - . . . 'RafnM hat af M aVfl taatV Viaail ImUVaJ U V ri t , aag BM B IVUI1I, 1U IIlIalD ' Df nu; red tree of fcoa The. redwood la tha Xu4 hatter MwMhM )g,J .l,fr5 "There wag bounding-on the talrel rU.?hV f.nVTf eJL .Cr7"1l.T..V tootweea toad from Ita box and bared would ry out for Elea, while my Una W.ffcVtffilAl?,bZ.t.h u.a.r- dredi 1 of feet above ma. ' ,""'r tnjr aoalpel for Ita divine uae. ; Taking; were anaried lnt what ; Madame Von . A f ?to"Z Skw).A fSZ fl ' my tent at fcrfe'ft'ffl fklyr' i&S&i A iltar 2ou?4 -Mt Yava'a J i .ia v . aw T 1AH J ar. iU. art imuwual uiuiuvr. i ak ktory ' witneaaed -and . had dladalned I during -Ita thouaanda of yeara to record c4 b,, "owed froi a of iff J ? rterlea. - I-plunged, ' . looked In vain from Ita tha for - i-i v w s niuoui moiner. .. Jonawu K.'-fi 'Bw ur inw n.int n saw one - HWk,. ,, ,..i, , ' :v " f va a- au ail t0 inuurn1 k.nlf. deeper., aide to con.um. ma and for thMe.t , 1 kS H .TZkIZ M when a party of acientl.ta rode up for ' "ta? fwuVSut to thTC.rtl ,nd wmfort" mc '1Ma cwm door. By thla Urna madpe'.V had takJ nurnoaea of Invent I rat Inn Thi ma. I ". . -in, OOl I nun cuiw im n?Brf wmiuri ma. , 1 . tweln e n. ml.j T- i founded oollega expediting headed by t' " Si.'li'UVhTf" tiw! 'dlalovatv nor Vuld r ".SLW' Ri po. a I hi a end ha tha lnevif.hu nrnrennr Haw AtA , hope had died wltn the death of tula ieioyaity, nor could I explain It. Bha ;-. H iouaiy -devotea to-Jier mother. if f.ltVfiir.dwi a her placid nature had no feel- J71 yet v waa cun knlfa In. Then a for whom With an 'oath I ing of Jealouay except when wa three how buoyantly we walk Into tha T trapa KVSZ? v. irlUZZV: enbur-9tJ-ttl'Z,IL'Lt' that fiu ii rlad tn n.inr nnnn ! ,n both hanile.- Tha- profeaaor. my prom- enourgt overateppea the boundary net mat aie la reaay to BPring Upon UBS ... -vervthln.- waa fnrantten. but the liraJ to a futur. m'nlhr.ln.l.. ' Xt'mm "That evening I drew the Ichor .from fact , that I afood aponaor for the life ever a man In euch a predlcamentT Aa tha Inevitable profeaaor. now max unar tna c alng. they. were about a llfe'a curaeT How . vi. ....u & wniriiign m in y mino. .1 a vnat im " .,."I, "" noa.lhla and barf mw lmnr... .mKlH.. bow i curaed thoaa jura With life! I rao-ad before tha phalanx of xlaaaea ' of teat tuhea and beakera filled with bacilli, ahaking my flat at each, in order. The window waa unlocked: I threw It open for oreatn. uutaida the air waa crisp and the aeouola'a valna. It flowed elaatl. h. -,m i rHt ' -in the i uti.,.. hl ii li T.ki. .vJi the anow crunched and creaked under rany, nay. 100 eaxeny. 11 jacaea ne name or On Almlahtv. one aron or looked from tha one tr ti.a niha, mv . . . "'" Inertia natural to aenllity. It dawned bloodt - . . heart gave alternate leapa. I adored upon me even before I prepared tha 'Then thera alowly onxed like carmine the one. and I could not live without fateful allde, that perhaps the glgantlo asphalt one dense globule. Thla I gath- the other. If Klsa had married me then specimen. - born before Abraham, waa ered'upon the end of my blade. There and there tha future of mankind would cuncaivBu, una nni yet arrived a i Tn waa no moment ror microscopio inveaii- nave Dean lmmeaaurablv changed, ft r,Pctbla old 4 gga. Cyclone, fire, gatlon. I thrust It into the warm "It waa on a day when I found my ,ivim,. mi . mviiiub. mtv vi ti, iiinun iuiunuu vuio. nmurQi o0u iur ul;iiii. jicii perruiiariy uv may murusr mi rcawgoq irre, out .ven aa I aia ao i iei( in my- nana an entanglement age -has not-yet waeaked her venge- Icy quiver. I opened It mechanically. Elsaa mother anca on that aubllma order, ; - , The carboniferous batrachlan HM lalmiu ,k. muiiI dead made In.Parla. ahowed. alas! undoubt. Dr. Cox'a voice. waa lost In the rwth Von Fersen. an ardent ad a day when I found my- iotd:0a?dh,tb., r dlatraught by tha atrange ?ytuydom of Mvehd aIen! gPfi Thi nrfl. nn ..i. peuea me.- i i "Ah. What mlaory I had cauaed -whan I dreamed of Joy and glory to mankindl la It possible that Qod knew better than 'The Idea had never occurred to me. I thought it man'a buainese to outwit waa the result; thla top love. . stronger than my will Im took up a Jar and threw L tha stanch days after I got my diploma, authorlx ateamer Boaton for Yarmouth, hig me to kill or cure under the law. Jumped Into the drosky. and was gone. ""-"r..w1? It out of the window. - It fell with III 1 1 VI UI Mallllimw - vnn v. a A . 1 . . i . . - In the rwth- Krakenhur. hr i t,. ?n. xew minuiea ana eternal lire edly thla aatonlahlng fact that tha old-, mio pounding of the ecrew. .He m nia with tha amneror. at whose court Elsaa ITi XaZ"-Y t est sequoia known bad not yet reached' T'P. pulled aavagejy. roiwwing me mother . wad onca a 'famoua maid of who wacd hla middle Ufa. If It wera permitted to tenuoua . amoke with hla gate aa It honor. It aeemed that thla general had Xalr TW fol . v.., , t U . y.wis..u.c- - . , , . . . . V v . ... K"' v'" I. ivbluiv death. 'If one, why not crlod. turning to Max, BDlendld tall ancouraa- Then followed a mad fusillade . . k. . j t 1 1.. 1 Thera waa tha usual medley of -iKim-d. nTSxATSSin crooks and waitresses returning I waa In .Parle, and devoted my nlahta Somewhere the limit of existence waa from a two week a vies t Inn. .and aa wen aa aaya to investigation ana ex- reaonea, ana at mat lira . ,-.,,. , . , . , perlraent. I became familiar with tha found tha microbe of old w iii w lamiw i viiia Paateur 1 under the law.. "Mr disappointment only whetted my fc rr,, "LSm tha fill of B the way he acowled. an if In tb it ma an Income ambition. Somewhere In the World my S"biasted AmericM?vllAt?on rSr Iln. I knew that the tragedy waa burg L,ln-i E2lA'2rS!V w." ."?i?f..' A Such ibout.to b,.unfolded. . andK dr.d not bee? limit would hi y hut ephemeral Instances durlnf !.- eould only wan ror nia arrant tuna bI? n7 . I a-ot Us tranaoendant vitality. . moc to return to -me. Itmight have Ml 1 '1 e. ' I - got wwhat'B the oldeat thlna alive t X een after an fcour'a pause that I heard by tl It X .Mkef tha profeaaor tha nex morning? cW; ln hi. throat It . must have . a7M to the lielra T ol tha SeVd wn v,'.v2 ofmlcrobea, ' Ah, 'how tha" world T would to mo neirs or im dead aon Kraken- hut'erim ni f x.;. if 1, . 1,. Pasteur school and all that It aimed to In the habit of calling 011 at toe cneapest rates, ror tna most accomplish. In tha name way 1 spent,- ote.- . """uK "ITI iV iZ ..1 been ohlv ' through a su part the faces wera common and unln- Jwo year. a. Dr. Koch'a aaalsUnt lo his " "Madame,' I .aid ona day after sup- " t nrve.hfa aud'.'nu heent on . biii kuiiik w vv ivi ivi . . w;. . it waa niarnt wnen 1 arm preme effort gether anma famllv ..I.,.. K. v.j.. " srioo out lor mercy 11 it naa SaJ-TJ.? known what .laughter I was coromlt- and an Independence to tha beauti- V' t window and her daughter Rtun. mlvF .-" tha hanti neWa. th Td Vail Tnt - jar nan gone a,na me gut or tna loan IhAA w. HM.Ukl. 3.a...... Jnt; I waa hastily called, and to- "w """a S lL7U Tour vea7a the. general and f carried her to 'JJJhftJ ,0P life and how wSI! m. .Elsa and I wera than left ? ;w".hl "J, .J ?I5nc7 -Sch er room. i.n.Hii. v. ... m . , - - - J w- K..k..M,i. k. . -it waa niant wnen 1 arnvea in Vienna, tnnihn . w r.u jm- ,, . . ... .. r.w montha. or even ror & vaa or mora. .-". " M" v. 1.1.. .. .v. .1 .. . ... . . n. lt-. t - 1 u weuna- int una vi noapuai prmciiuv ".--..VU. V.r: moment to OUrselvee. The nrofeaaor wwi .,c.v.. .w A B I , . to eupplement my laboratory expert- """ i-iwim r -.,. on. of thoaa lean anr mi whoaa pecting ma until tna next day, and t , mon hiidran whiln. tha aaraii i tAMii m .... 7 vf.-J r it... V. manlty.' I have made a great dlseov- lW P I'V .pry Jnen. wnosa r A m?,nnmA .,ir. nh,.H mv nr. "r" ' -m-w -- iiyv( iiiu., a won iv iHiiiu, iub wv ..... , . ,i fi 1 . .. ..i,. eyes oum-witnin tneir cavernoua bock- -r--.--.."-. - - , mum - aoon silence, and. chocslnx a aeat above all phyalclans. In leas thah a month w 'LV.'.L.ItJW.ui'J and waa absorbed n the contemplation , - V4irV th. acre., f.u . reading mo.t f. et Elsa. Elsa waa the most auperb "1 'k1"- "'ml"7nt"T"'f"l and heotle, and whoaa gGant law. are ',?"?? """.I0.???-... marry clnating. account of.lr, Broca'a dl-oov- 7;? ErVf ,7 , ?& return" succesaful I .hall ba' ballad'., fered by PAtjrT.nWtMT. g-t E,'Ior. cio'sely foHowed ?te. sBrv rr in suirn m fir inrAvirgt nn - . - - , iha arratA t asm aanaat,a.rtti thai wnrin nmm aiitiuhi ivi miiiuij, ax v 1 y ii, .l:. :-i.T::7.a .ka iaienM or a Marcareu an in pi rnodem lha arratA Aair Kanafa rf rkv the. wrtrM V ever Been next, of course I aald. rev- PrlnK"'..yt phlloaophlo, "M'"V".""-i atatellnesa of a Margaret 1 hoot'lin .5 eVthuslaat ov S"?CJ nd 511 th- 'eAuf "v.: arenUV. nVthe hlstorto Salrlrin thla olldlt' of continental lei tha many microbe theorlee that tumble i"..UI fj "T. -.Vki- . case I ahalt ask you for tha hand of " irrepreaeiDia originality Avar aaoh Alhf in tha nrl.F j.r 1 hMr : " - . ' . . -rr !your daughter Elaa.' aiscovery.- wnat -win not tna Daom t responsibia xor nextr Abaorbed the realsUeas fascination of thla s latlon, I raised my ' ayes froni pamphlet and looked atralght IrUo Af a. man nnt 10 Vaat awav - Ilia waa a' moat remarkable 'face conveyed tha immediate Impreaalon :":n"u;T..:"u,,a .,:",.::m."T': "Madame Von Krakenburg waa the 7.i 11. .J.... Vi,.- lvwLi a I k.J widow or an AUBtrian captain or noma l.inf n2iuwy!.iJ5 .'nd dWL? hlood, and lived a proud Ufa of genteel vainly aeeklng compas-lon, and had pat .,..,. whioh ,h- fancied aha hid from I i,J2iPV- 1 lgered I with -tretPhid her frlendi. The only one aha de fi"? "..r"'?1 k.?ftcl15 celved was herself. - Mrenmaai; niicneiM wera necwo ana . -.-,, .v t -.m. ajwiut that J " " ' " . " . ... 'J " I ring ot It. , fc V rVK. i... iXV .opportunity .aura mo. Mith wihoaa arwia aw ..waw can expression. . . ka sall aiAwa4avalj..1a a aa IMV til Ii JUTS man .ha mM ha .t.talv a.'lVrilrr..''W n-raaenourg- oecarn, -V- T .- exchanged. . ..nth .llnrln, aa a t.rlrtJ' -Oonrl- -very out l .illi.l. .V.: "T.-l ""It has bee 11W.U- . . ,u. ii.Hu.pran.on .t ... in tii" y. . . .. , . , i . . a t, . i . . murmured el 4 mr-i . .1. i , 'Mamma,' - Elaa aald. urter-a long - .uwira . irym m h.k. i those V- -J.. v"..J;(r. .V pause, u shall marry can, and no one -""". "'.."'..'"-'V'" u,u 5,1 m, i r i " . . . J . " v.n.f .I.., dk. arnaa with roval dlanltv. and now i.uirrira nunng tnose lew sen- ... tv vnicann and D i. -1 necania lmma- . . . :r . 11 . !. f .nth Minn v , 1 . u... . - . s '5 dfatalyinfatuatra with, herj and-'wa. J?"eu " "k thV7errucaHacou. apoth; ?4 u',n , aoon on inninaia leran wiin nw iiiuuior. wn... ki.w ..(.. . num.- na neran. 11 an u v. aa ir na wera' . II U .t.TI.II . ..IV ..w. . . . ' - waa about to emntv tha mm- restoratives, Elsa put her hand pa aha said in a low voice. 1 will you next week If you will Innocu- mamma now. She will never know riUtrt'tS' irNon-anaa, EW I exclaimed, Ton't ,. m T .ii ' looijBiiiy. 1 must oring ner to.' the splendid girl .. ,.rL d.r.ar. ou do not n.ii.r. 1 never marry ao tnis ror me. " ho- enmblnad b'r Max, whoso wagging 1 lerMnT with brt ". Jlty of Amerl- J"" ? IS" A Eat har'in Jeareat you d In my arma. and my llpa met here, in .and t dar.ia.-a 1 win rr kiss thst w had ,.0u at ,j, ,f you d0 Bot 'inn. an inn.f .v. mma baa been bo unhappy, and with mr x convulafve ' l this new. fortune, youth will mean.1" f JLmn. 'JJi'W' fverythlng to her.. I cannot bear to defl n ao lnvlnx had died waiting for you. tha neceaaltv for my deDarture with a alsrsuaaing porn. beautiful faith, and made auitabie prep- . . inth n.r fana wa. a littia thinner Diooa, ana uvea av proua uin 01 nnicei -ration " "Have you ever Been JtO the Grand Z V 1. ht.i. .T,. . i . poverty, which she fancied she hid from . rh n.xt mornine- I read an account CanonT KoT Ita a pity. Vhen you go, "? T22. 1?,!: hava her grow old. Will vou. CarlT And we will b married next week "But. my Ood1 Elsa. don't von sear nothing mora than a dlvne 1 t'Wrtumy. v, derlngly. Then she straightened her self. , ' l " Tou can choose. Take ma or lose me. Now, Carl? I rlanced from the foolishness that wa wera guilty thone first five minutes of memory, waa aurely worth a century of life. I then held my nancee at arms 1 1 i j- , . ..... i ins. 1-mow. van : 1 riancea irora me .inn nf a iar. whaia which had been ran- If 'you are fortunate, you will aea on i,!:.,u"l!5J"5BU.;i ."i.1,." .jV.'Jui7-i?- Indignant girl to the silent and roval a - - - r - . a . , . . .a . untiHr iiiuiurni. miiu hub aiiuou uiaiui r . . . . ..1 . wo tured alive on tha shores of the Baltic one or tna wans a nuge grayisn and womanliness. , . """Lu"" ',Puor tnrmea across our bow with a big Newfoundland a horrible conflict again.- I blessed. .,... r ii , t . . t vu,au. a 1 cjuilto. a ivgrvueu, 1 aiuruieu. I p raved, I hated and I loved. At laat overcome, nroken or lira, loat ambition and forever deprived of Joy. I threw myaelf on tha bed and Bank Into bleaa ed anconBOiouaneaa, nature'a calm . for tna Btorms that wreck and kllL "That night I packed-my bag and softly atole away aa I had come but a few weeks before. I did not aea tha two women again, but thq fleeting xiasea or Max a coia nose are still upon cneex. For -two years I hava been a wan dered,, although I hava left with Elaa ray Moress in case I am onlled; nut I never expect to hear from thera again." It was long past midnight 1 silently wrung the sufferer's hand and slipped Into my room, leaving hlnv sunk in Bleepiess reverie. The next morning we were un at six.' The foe: waa laallv lifting aa the steamed mowed Ita way siowiy up tna motionieas channel, it low tiae. a -dory defiantly sculled an nl Awal K. a baa aBawilaainar T aa - - ... m v iiniinri 1 1 Tl 1 1 V I'M 1 1 H1 mn. 1 IIal.IaiI.lIT w a c v w a aa. - vi v tin cn imwubbiiu a,c 41 1 1 K k. T ..14 al.,i4 thlnU " w vnvia.vaa iFHoniuu. vionmila u nueaiilnai a i.nnnl.. ft . ..u own f"r;:' wilt ahowed th. mourn. whoaS in"d0beca1m.1.tn "inmSfof ' iti? Pckl in 4,1 EJ- T1heCr:CUm,avW'nStCb. 'mora " ""ViTturW "you ""ali never " -' I S? froV it." mouth. 'Asight of tha passionate form and sensitive outline, f"?"16 tZ'Sili fu. for maJclngMd preserving cultures. Thera may not be more than 10 specK die, 1 ooUjd not bear If Z0A?J?"?.tn$ilAa.Vr animal I gravitated toward ( Dr. Cox. S character thaTbn MraJ-New & gfin from my k and "thS t VvVaV.tha rrv "'I do not want to, now I have you "1" h?lm?V?JJtitZTT bi'ner- 4ou"nJ ? ll''-dog had HW 'wa; fascinated "br he"&autV !! r.t depression, this lichen followed Carl; hut could not have atood It an- - That, or nothing.. . She apok. with Qr tnr.il Inva Tha man oils-tit hava been anii. uh",. ui narK race: DUt later, wnen 1 Uaae iu.ii. Jim in irramn vrm Dim '' - uw:iioii iei;uiiar to in Dionae , "J So h.i looked ftiiur ? Hi. him like the mange, the hatred of-Elea's Jffdam Von Krakeurg adieu. It foot every 1.000 years, and the canon Max. poor Max. he la nearly dead now. temperament hi.- rrnbftloi undone, of nltS mS "oth-r. This extraordinary aversion waa deemed as if her lips hid lost the a about i,Oo6 feet deep, you can easily I only kept h ra alive by whispering in "Mv cultures were alwaya ready. Jear 2rtlLlfZtl&S B,'oubtedldoato wnllty. ,hat oalculate the age of your friend.' I J11"!;?,'" 2f!? Fr4..T" SLJLU- "Verr "elK ' Th result Is fi I gravitated toward ,Dr, at ina extreme oow. . not breakfast together at tha liir.il Inva Tha man oilrht hava been anii. uh",. ui narK race: DUt later, wnen 1 Uaae iu.ii. Jim in irramn vrm Dim '' - "-v - uw:iioii Bi;uiiar to in Dionae "All rlrht " ha aaaented raaumln. cning ror that which he knowg he never vflnd. The kindly- customs a-, fiiw t. u w. mmi th.ra aMa '1B, wuum sruwi uwiui.liu.iij, paeg onate k bb mean to her? What 1 nree minion years: x exciaimca, "J-"!' on your own tuiure. i preBsea a kiss officers did not trouhl. aa wa haA TSS? bSVlrra1 m -C"lr, I,.tooka,e,.ur.,ycon. b'Sirf ffi Afe i.xWfeTh ? .1 . " Z UPUCIa III LU LIIO 1 1 CV3 L. . - m-' tv . -aa m . . . at Vv " ' . a w vua a;v viitj 1 Tfi'K I Hfl aTl Tl W n f nmil IT fl T II Bl rlllftlrlBL. iarr i nai wonnerrui nincoverv r i wAman tavaiai tin M.Hnni,.. r . : : . . -- a ; vo i mean to aat that what la In that Vk" .u" .""r.. "f""." vT """1" perrie.and HttlO else. Uoth Of US were iivma .10 UUTI- vhtch constitute. tha hymenlutn.' ... unln . ... . ..... H.mnn.t,.l An. rr nMnlmatit .1 ... . . . , . . . ... a.l-i..l9 to .tend the tenaion anv lonaer.- I hand- ; . . -" i neea not aetau my eearcn lor tno "" ' d him th oamphUt and aald: "If you had h-n. provide nt enough to bribe him mat life the world had In existence. ' " 'It is becausa tha i Ta n,.m.n P'P'rr.-.V1?,' "?"r the first day I called with sugar pellets. H(,rt. h.i anri r.ntii.. M.j n. oped In tha thecae. t ZlZ. wofonrihi. .f inn7iri V nOTtni I .Mwlved a ranmo der my microscopic gase. Impatience with the paraphyses. uN to ioclety if what hi claim, cm I?v.0v.l2 "iJL'-K8.! PV'!"' disappointment were the travail of, I . . . -r wiiu ua.u .".vii uiiiunn. . nv minn mnn vrn.r n 1 1 n. woi An waa aa liih luiciiur isi It aeemed ao pretty MJ0V-"1.... v..a rived in time to find i .Lr.ugcr . in"u w,laa ci.- ... aaa A ognition aa he glanced at the title. "Ah, uS-bt had jr; tiroca!" ne exciainira. 1 anew mm .iiment Por ; welt I worked with him and Pasteur iu-t Buch and Kocji tieiore 1 went to Vienna, x oped ft theory that age waa nothing but am uk vot . fc disease caused by the ravages of a Through the lobea of my brain there baciiiu, which had never been seen. Up to flitted a reverberation of that name. It th), tlm, j hati never found a case whose waa aaeoclated with the reporta of for- fatality. did not result from either dls eign medical Journals, and with some or aoddent; but before me lay a . Temaxuuii miwhuicu,.. ""i man perrect in an ma functions, yet tha conceptacla age lite, underwent a vlgoroua scrutiny. You know as well a. I do that old age cornea to anlmala a. well aa to man without a feeling of desire to be old. It is therefor, abnormal and It must iar? That wonderful dlacovery? you mean to say that, what is in that with excitement. EW watched the nro. . i.;;.ki.7 muddy jar can restore youth, ana you r.... n was so .lmple. so fraught with compared with tha tramendoua drama, had to spend a whole year away from r.t.fni .. it. r . .v,. rrmAiea.wl:!? "emenaou. arama CV'.y " w.rriMHT wivn axe aqq aeatn. .hoveling in tho berries contentedly near I Tr, t.--lKl ,..v, . .i.. mm mu . i . i iT ii W. atAAtkn ' 1VW. .WJiBlJ-.jrill..jgiA,. L1UU1 -.IM-AIAS VU O. AliUU-UiatB- WHB UUVl IR 1IV SUUHii .l.n,n. . , T V, 41.. I . I .1..... fT. 1 . 1 i. . . TT. mav Pr",.a "!' iit-i, lii. mijl:uiibl;i0ua LU9 tmi.ci. 'I us jiunt nem Ptnoa in ' woman moved. With a physician', anx- the door, flourishing a yellow envelope, expert- ,ety 1 Peered lnto her face aa her eyea "lr. Charles Cox!T' ha called. "la Dr. mented on anything yet.' fV'tv.;.. ;L.i?in7il.n Kr"..' ... a . v.-.., u . a. it. a m. m rT,A rrv. honr M AT.n Ifn w a.Iawftt 'b '""vu r aa, tliuotj V1U- 0 V3 1. IIIUI- 'C 4Jl.tWl VUI 11 VI J Cm, Hlian UJT HI1U.UB.. "SlitVSul awayj-Tst bu untUu do tittve,. were even now dlsap- 1 VJ&t&P.I2&Z. a".V' X,S5 S-ftv. AUJStST. r?SSir"iH the lady. with, out- whTieffl . ii.l. i w,ue.,v i a.w,.. ,....-:--L ' .".iT.. stretcned arma. Tnen a nuzsieti look now I felt that 1 waa -nrovident aiiv in a man dying of rti.n.n. h.n.h n h. wera not. thicklv dotted with convera-lne- careful llaxnosls showed ,..i.. " iti.. . .l.-.i. .w.u. filaments.'. Noting my asionisnment, a atooltttflf m aiMrtrr r Sr...!: ffi-aiShtnt.EK? " 'Of course!.' 'Max must be saved. Hurry! years I had been looking j ,hort any ariraal ,Upposad to live '"'It continually throw, off epore-llke die any minute. Wj(n... a cm, for I had devel- , ,v.. .L . i n .... , bndlaa fnund within tha anarmn.nn. out. my dear. I haven t lum- wm a. napranr vn nil niaa Tiinniinna vai . . . ... at.. n.ahed upon ma th. ...oolatlon of tha 'tT h.d" oni .inc. ni,ed ii.V ""S?"' wa accept it with resig- v, . rama with a discovery that wa. to revo- --fblWWlii ".7 . i! tr'.n w ii i inarnjura .unurmw unu 11 must'. . '" ,T ;V-, - v. n. . j j.,. ,,.h . ,i,m.i iht aireicnea arms. man a puzzieil loox now l leu ini be a disease. Wa all fight It At before f Taking their nourishment from nfl ' aaed uc h a potent ar gurnen t. t lmt ,toia over her features, and with a deen at tha finish. laat avarrnma wa annant l with eaala. the air. tneV Contain tna eiemetai prin- f iwiwihj rai.rcm.il. l l.i.l " ih ah. ...V ln,n n,nna ' ,nr..n It" ha ..4 elnla of life a. r much as a violet a Maxtrttered a deep growl. ",; aT,..i ..-S T an-.. .';XVhAiiT. -J.,:'h" .'.. . -i i . r i. .v.- ' It'a mamma-' anid Elaa. with a D,""V "H"" ' v " "Read It t.vpt"Tt-.o iff a.ajfcc.virrs P-jT whrchdmedlocmyK' S'u t'..', tppotunlt'for Vy yetrsof rv,riC lft t&ttatdrllrt'V:., n ' j f .t-rj-J ou,tt t of haven't w-T m'efry fr? 'notfiS-lSfS ' ""Mamma found dead In bed .thl. Mi rtvH m mr unknown naml. " Kas th unlau. ca.e tha ,nvltd- Everjr "ow and then thera oc- -hich Ij alone iheld In PmmmU. The'ie.w"a5,crfcVry wher I was going, only, intent upon morning. Max guarding her. Come. 1&S SJdleHbrZd and knew Jj gh "Solve VhTln soluble" prVem Th wu."h ? Z.Ur TtrH f0l rac2d".Hw " W "my defres? son!' Before I WflM" "r the terrible compli- . , B;fw,L8A-'" rothing of the. incandescent Hhts-- nigt the life of the manfllokered out mu! lrt,0 ''forfv for to him t?i?lnt, In tha da"f Wng 3- realized what had ' happened Elsa'a Ca X0dlrl not nter nntll inn, aft.r ,!d 'tlnMt th? faci'of mJ & lr.n.. anvinra of humanity except by whiiai held him in m v arma- and in :2B ougnt to live rorever, ror to him "v1' "!u. 'r "Sv . mnther -in in mv arms T rnnaiderathiv I d'd not enter untu.ipng atter mldt .twent, tna laca of my Vis-a-vls became ieoort Dr Cox greeted l-M? brother moment I waa absorbed over soeel" i u 2". ata of the brain and body IiPl0! Soeer than ier daughter' had been a B,Kht- ah then 1 coufd not sleep. Bru- changed a. through potent conjuration. wTOsTnVLTrtnpon tha anrinu.ern- pffn -2 f.'Vf. W. - ?I!sS!y,. K? h)o?tte. boulook-a. it you had overworked.- 5,uta?itvJd lt,K h.nrfghtlV lu 0?? ' "S '&. "led Klsa, turning pale. w-W-r .-on tta tSj 0 JM!-h. ttai "I did !ov. ...rmnnHAri th. man. .we tallcea ror an in the viscid" Ttuiu tierore aie rioatea . in uBi-iaion maaa, i nurnea to me, n."::...r ii nn n ....J .. int.. nv.. .J,tontiv hi hi.m. i win. . wuero. m no. c, ... a14 a nw.fl m uiu riKtr. bxiiu in nge. my ; nr twn hefora the aronar sounded, the microbe of ' Mia deen eves -glowed as he retailed hands lay the eecnet of eternal life! . with Intimate knowledge the history of "I must have lost ray head; for when Pasteur'a and Koch'e wonderful expert-, I came to, I found myself In the wln monts And, a. he forgot his own mis- try night running like a madman home Island of Kos and to ita little canltal xor mere is supposed to exist the olde tree in the world. It was especially fit ting that I should give this historic ana guarded monument of ancient civl - un (ddui iv,vv,vg jura-or bu. ii "i" ,.u.... u.u iv.l uiaum ii... flerman maid had alreadv ll.ht.d I ""Phan tha anAth.nl,,Tn la harrtlv naat ma In the leaat She stood tantilnar her ""I?MerJn fia.alre"0r 11"nla I teething, go to .peak.',, : , footlth high aplrlted impatience upon "V Tholenature TX"ltSiTtTot xiaruiyt r ' , ' ' lhd iitoi. nci umiuci nan uiautiitavKcu avorvthlna hut.-mv nrnm mi! hrida m..'Vi..i,Aii h. 4n tMa w..it .ml .mmi tramhiina- everytning mil my prqmisea oriae. . . . . - ? i . . "r neara hitai ramuiar rustle on tha ,i .i - r ." . rr. .T'.v avmoathetia ami ? Duzxien eves or ma "'xou will not rorxet your promise. ..r i7...ii,i.. .;-,. :yea Ju-t IS ".SmrdeslcatM plantB are atory that pTouV'colony" of Immortil undiiimtSd that undaP its ".hide ow '"V. "4? PPear aurpred" and thus m-o m nded of the atory of the , Ru.alan Xddeawr-otatt by few drop, of fr'Sf i'iIt,f,I An AtWJaWi ni.Ul1hgrT,nIa1Tarra .trolHnl'uptnWhVi fffi Bht?PiLr.tVh.,roomn'tWoAar'm J IV th.V hf T"0" SsLESaefi ilS fflSf nTtX &n?o8t SfSllto i wuhvou caret? to wSdata "a" , Ihlnlng aword.at us, prophetic of our c;.,pt living relic challenged the modern Pe flftLLat th aifw'fiV h2 won her mouth kissea which were avar- up acquaintance with the Janitor of the 1 W fiit'moiS fllka a rtrt tharra man-In doom. discoverer. Did the bacillus of old age .,th ,Mt- : ' Affi'M 'Sai1,"- 'oceptd ' and returned. Such building and Boon noted In him a Bug- i AmnSjri- brfathed rapidlv I "When I arose, daeed with the mo- course sluggishly In Its atrophied velnS? "nLded moodllv " AJJW2 1 kZ th!? ? LJ.h?' bHss as thla Wutiful woman bestowed festive bent of mind. The man seemed rMM?stJnctTy eli my WoWVccelarat- mentous -misfortune, the hurricane of Wad this wonderful tree stored In its Veronese lt soma new germ the- Sf-iftt lf5nw?S UT?' 7iIf.?,.if,fii upon me. is reserved for few to experl- fond of counting the people, and iWould i-'ind 2oectad I nothing leas than a hoofs had passed, sweeping with it heirt the lore of the ancients? And orv mSt vou haclH biaots a the exact number ln"H.li5 if not an immediate with- my allde. and specimens hostages to would It yield up the secrets of eternal ?J.ya?fh Sy0 b.clMu D'" ?M .run.nlBT meditations, . -. , , ' . At the moment when it seemed as t present "We have 11S here tonight," V&J&?t:lK?lrf !ramedlate with humanity 'of-, undying youth that had life to a disciple of- Pasteur? an, T ' M w..iw ' "But my, promised experiment nerved heaven had taken the place of this In- he would say, or "Just bl all told"; n7.rrW''o lnbkad at me lone and been flung from my nana, wnen i leu. i nis memorial relic or Grecian pa- ..11.7 'Vh. anhtart miiat" hava lived BW' . 'tr u jtt , lul i hospitable earth, I was brought back or when the hall .was crowded, -fl make ..aitrfv unta my eyes Lame In vain I groped and searched; the dls- ganism is probably the most pathetic lonaeF thn the numbe? of vn to be fPS aboy og " .?" for lnocn;;-by a cold, cutting voice from the door- It 8T0.!' Thera was a problem In all frcWnglyv,nW my wn imun paasad me by, illuminating example of old age in the world. Its in?.tLtnh.a LJ??!-.' pt years 10 M Uttton. I quite forgot the two ladle, of way. - -.,. . " y r. this. vbut It took sometime for the . ,iah bt.' fSaturea T Then hi tali kind. ' my for a brief moment like a enormous trunk is only a hollow shell. m Ntfu-h lonier I said decisively I my i" Bemea to unaerstana, as - ; ' -Carl.' It said, what ' doe. th psychologist to solve It. fvr&row intt AftfWitlnff'nh.h'-of -lightning, leaving ma and from Its scaly 'bark only a few herlY'a toSd t dog. do when you try to cure them. '- Ho mwnV- "-Opening; my eye., -I -gw Blaa A bit of friendly, familiar talk, i ly: "Thank you for youi 'Interest After ' . darkness than before. green ahoots struggle for a starved ex- . H-.V'VLAVf fL-10.. t- . v did not interrupt; or whine, but cocked , .the-doorway. B he seemed aurnriaed tlnuallv renewed, did the business. !2?KLL ZVrJi n i" I win tVi v7, : two months I lay delirious. Elsa stence. To gather one or two of these ',.,. bacraaainat the" trunk.f me'rad. , nl ?,"i,n! W and Indignant In y arm. lav the It brought outvth. fact that tha .1,. a"-- k."(C tod hw motn waicnea over me. uur- iiecame merniiy tne opject or my future mh,.. ' . ibi oui oi nu uiinu ajw. . w in innmw roost beautiful woman I had ever Been had spent many or tna:previoua Ti' "i.-.i.tannS Tn, nr t wtY h lng my convalescence, the manner or life. In vain I tried to bribe the zeal- t aurinoaa vou've heard of toad a pain. 1 lnjeoted tne vivifying Pacini human Jacqueminot-r-radiant with of hie life aa warden In an "".";."K::;:r.rj w i ,.,.i ... the mother pussiea ana trquDiea me. ou. guaras. wo money could accom- bin found T imnrlaonad In T coa aeajni.' P1" D.,0.oa- "" Vn .w?un.9 ironI love, redolent with - passion. Ah. It .prison. With rifle on anowder, J a jBj.." AL.a. a. a. a.a. AIIV ca.1 a statu .wa a a viva tliv uua llliu L II d WB H H wnrnan TOP wnnni bb Force of Habit. ; from the Boston Herald. Boston psychologist was recently re- . . .i . .. Mni waa a vuivuuiu wuhirh w. hwul i, inibii .11, uui iiuau. iur inc insa iimm n..n 111- .... tM..in.n ...... account for m 'hi ua tl Iw njor, u, it tlnw worshipped by the simple inhabitant,. '"Of co to.'heek iur hla flood of confidence to a stranger. , "i .. .ni initi. mnh nin. m.v. ..n;.,.i... v...i. . lu. . UI .cursa nave neara ot suon . .1t.n m .... ' - . , .,.,.r-ir.il. ... , K . . - fjr VaVCILVI.IV,.. ' . ". ' i.m..,t . ........ itn , II' .nui v waa lilt) . ft I . . except-for the mytiOU. i fact that na- hep daughter. Bhe must have been source of the island's greatest income. ;.. ' turss cnange upon . mw jkj .". ,A AL2 beautiful In her youth, and indeed I "I soon found myself an object of ioriontLi With vnai imDaimnn iu x wu in , l...i a.nn, n.n.roi van tr..ra.n .n.n .ii. .iv, .. " .l.J .... lnnH.HM.1 K., tin.. OW IIWIK' nU,n..,, yy.AU li.l o ,IFJ1M1- C1SV BHll hi. . mistress' room. Then con fer janitor yeara eastern , from man .um14 anma anrlnalnor wall ' tn. man ha1 I commit a thousand crimes, and suffer counted his convict, until tha habit be- nl 9 n Ik. Knil n-1 . .4 I...U. . . . . . . . . . . . . , v 1 j -r . V. . ........ - M i . ? , but there are no authenticated ,"" r.ri,f? .. .i wiT: tnouBana oremi tor one toucn oi ner inminra. i- , Vl m tfa ait tnmmv.rnt firania a-, home, again, and yet puzzled as to the crimson Hps. - brain the lectur. hall took the ahapeof 1 encasing toad, and frog, in actual- outcome of .the amorous con-' who is this woman? cried Klaa, In a Jail yard and the auiMence were fiti piaster 01 fans, uut none ever s, : t cuminunuuiar jh. xiwain-nre pres- "'"' . ";"". ) fV.Bllf.LI IV IM1VW A A. .A . w.av.v. f- vtiicnr! a? cm, u wua i mii.rBoiuiv , wwi wmo, ,, , ,k. .kvt- Air tna .mnarnr hum nn .no. that .h.ant. ... th. h Ai.H a . . . Jii.- f, tha mnilKmaMl at .V . , r- "- . "j"" "'"""r ui uvea a monin,' ,, . - ' - j - ' " T . . , .. . chub 111 ;ur .1 hid. . x iiare tne twt J.' 't Bn,UA thm ifit f"?.r "n1 il0.110 her,"l ''I8.1.8' tne levant Fortunately at the critical " 'But atill auolj " toad, h "have been I6".,1" ltrojlbled sleep only -to-, be creature, confronted each other. Paa jn.11 v.. ...... - ---- 4jiAr'. "ii vu i uw BiMim, iiniiiieiii vi itiuurB Hiiu ttBjiHir an jvog- fotini and here la one whose authentl- i"i"uu m mumiug uj a uu .ion ana oeace oueiea lortne maaterv. n ''JSSMi. depreaslon and perplex ty that Elsa liahman. whom I had met pleasantly fn my -im bey ond question. I .Aw it dug barking and the eager scratching of a " tjo you know me, Elsar 'tRtni. trolled t'iJilr wmt loli v5 5!! aVal S,7harTt ln l,he P," .'"',B?v.1d T,n i11" ?acht' 1 ex- out of a coal geajni, 1.600 fact under t,ha gog m mydoor ( Wandering what could -r asked. lth --triumphant amllel tlng amoklng.Impetuousiy. , yyjinout a. Boo had died that morning. In an in- plained that I needed a few tw g. of miaoa.-. .V.A ... , T be tnere. I cautiously opened the door. uch as onlv cornea to-the mouttamf a word of greeting, ana wu y .tent I .waB,weii. 'i ne microbe that I that almost .dead descendant of an un- "The professor .poke' with1 .uch sane, This was pushed violently -to one aide successful rival. Elsa and I cava tach , A TJp-Topper. ; At a holiday banquet in the .French an onlv cornea to tna mouth . of a .a -u.i . , i nnA.a.f,.l .Ivnl fl.. .ml't .iK, a v.w.v, ...u wl t