.1, THE -OREGON ; SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12. 1CG3. 8 ' "-i .A . ... . 1 ' : , :-r : . . . Regular $1.00 Black Taffeta 73c Regular $1.35 Black Taffeta $1.03 6,000 yards of dependable Black Taffetas, 21 inches wide, : . . . j j . .r.. ma at an extraorcunary iow price xur kwu iv V yard... . i id 5,000 yards of dependable Black Taffetas, full nr yard wide, at the low January sale price OlcUO Annual Sale Celebrated Arnold, Constable Co. Guar llT ATTrTATTF TAC , v A-iJj less than regular prices v'1 85c A. C. & Co. 19- These celebrated Black Taffetas are the only grades war ranted to rive perfect satisfaction the dependable kind that our grandmothers were able to use time and again. Sold in Portland exclusively by Lipman, Wolfe & Co. This is sjthe only time of the year you can buy these taffetas at V -... v Inch Black Taffetas, 75c Yard $1.00 A. C. & Co. 21-inch Black Taffetas, 87c Yard $1.75 A. C. & Co. 36-Inch Black Taffetas, $1.49 Yd February Butterick Patterns, 10c and 15c none higher.' February Delineator 15c, $1.25-$1.50 AU- Wool Plaids hfth-clti imported 48-inch all-wool French' Panama Plaids, 44-Inch Scotch Tartan" Plaidi, Wool Plaids. 'black and white Shepherd Plaids, 54-inch Cloaking Plaids, etc.; reg 71 t iUS and $fi0 yard.. ...r,..4....f ............ .4. IOC All of our Silk and juar pries $2.00 and $2.50 Craveriettcf $1.48 54-)nch' to 60-lnch . Priettley's Cravenettes, guar-' v aranteed rainproof,' for tailor suits,-ralodoaks, etc.; Oxford and medium grays, tam, olitt browns, green, navy, etc.; regular a in and $2.50 Taluei, yard....'.,.......... M40 $1.00-$1.25 Saltings 39c - 54-Inch all-wool and " nixed Tailor , Suitings, In tripes, checks, invisible plaids, dark mixtures, ettu, for separate skirts,' coats and suits; me dium and heavy Weights;. $1 and $1.25 gA values, y ard , . . . U "C $1.25-$1.50 Dress Goods for 98c Newest weaves . in plain colored Dress Goods, French Panamas, poplins, Readona crepe, serges, Henriettas and wool taffetas, 44 inches wide, in black, cream and all colors; g n 12$ and $1.50 values.... ;.VOC V $2.50 Chiffon Broadcloth at $1.98 54-inch French Chiffon Broadcloth, high luster. ngea ana snrunic, in black, new brown, new enhagea blues, nary, leathers, grays, tans. . sponged and shrunk. In black, new brown, new lopennagea Diues, nary, leathers, grays; tans, reds, wine, plum, reseda, myrtle, etc.; 4b"t QQ $2.50 values for....... vlvO $8L7eltticdats $4.87 Each . sty ir t ... f - Black Silk Taffeta '125 guaranteed fine Black Taffeta ' Suk Petticoats of finest quality ' rmAm nvfra full TOit-Vi 4; deep flounce, elaborately tucked and trirnrncoV with ruffles and fancy heading. The styles are simply ex quisite; all new, fresh from the mak er's hands. The silks are so good 1 that you need not fear that they 1 will crack or wear. Splendid $8.75 2 values, on sale ti l O 7 Monday............. JHQ A Clearance Sale of Genuine Sterling Silver Articles An annual clearance sale of Toilet and Manicure Articles, Stationery Novelties, etc., including all our exclusive patterns in Sterling Silver Hair Brushes, Mirrors and Jars, at special reduced rices. ALL SILVER ARTICLES REDUCED. e mention a few of the extra special values: Sterling Silver Novelties 38c 13.5"C6ats Sold Regularly to $18.50 at $7.95 Ea For Monday in our great 57th January "Clearance Sale, we offer 135 coats in all lengths, sizes and colors. only a few of each style, in LONG coats and JACKET , styles light, medium , and dark shades. Some extraor- dinary values in the lot. Your choice Monday at this low price. , $7.95 Sale of Fur Scarfs $5 Values at $2.19 Fancy! Cluster Fur Scarfs of fine quality Isabella opossum, trimmed at each end with three natural fur tails. Selling regularly at $5.00. On sale Q Monday, for. J Cream Tars, Nail Filet, Shoe Horns, Button Hooks, Cuticle Knives, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Talcum ars, Tooth Brash Jars, Pocket Nail Files, Stamp taxes. Paper Knives, Tweezers, Letter Seals, Cigar Cuttersand many other novelties; all reduced QQA to..,.. ...,IUV Sterling Silver Novelties 58c Cream Jars, Salve Jars, Tooth Powder Jars, Talcum Jars, Tooth Brush Jars, Ink Wells, stamp Boxes, Nail Files, Tweezers, Key Rings, Combs, Whisk Brooms, all reduced to Sterling Silver Novelties 78c Velvet Brushes, Hat Brushes, Silver Whisk Brooms, Bonnet Brushes, Purse Mirrors, Ink Wells, Scissors, Nail Files, Cuticle Knives, Nail Brushes, Pumice Stone Buffers, Cream Jars, Salve Jars and other articles: all reduced to... , 781 58c Sterling Silver Match Soxes Sterling Silver Match Boxes, the latest styles and newest designs, French gray fin ish T8f, 98, f 1.08, f 2.38 Sterling Sifver Puff Jars Sterling Silver Top Cut Glass Puff Jars, the latest designs; our exclusive "patterns: at 81.58, 82.78, 83.58 Sterling Silver Minors Beautiful Sterling Silver Mirrors; our ex clusive patterns, 8 5.58, -87.98 8 8.78, 89.58. Sterling Silver Hair Brushes Handsome Sterling Silver Hair Brushes, lat est patterns 8 2.78, 83.18, f 4.80 Sterling Talcum Jars 38c Sterling Silver Talcum Powder Jars, latest gray finish. 300 Pairs Clasp Glace Kid Gloves BfacKand White, $1.75 Values $1.18 Fd'r Mcdtyignljiv ye place on Sale 500 pairs of 2-clasp overseam Glace Kid Gloves' in- black and white only. Every glove is absolutely perfect y and is taken from our regular stock for the purpose of giving another sensational special value in our great January sale; gloves sold Tegularly at $1.50 and $175, for Monday sale only. . . $1.18 1 1 , WW 11.00 Black Dress Goods 71c Newesr weaves in plain black Dress Goods, V! tnen lingiisn mohair, bnlliantinea and Sicilians, ilk and wool crepe de Paris, voiles, etamines, erges, Panamas, jioveltv Panamas and 79 granite cloths, etc.; regular $1 yard.....,.! OC $2.00 Novelty Suitings $1.48 54-inch Imported Novelty Dress Goods, this sea son's latest weaves, stripe worsteds, herringbone cheviots, invisible plaid broadcloths, stripe broadcloths, in all colors; some in ex- AO elusive dress patterns; reg. $2 values p 140 50c Wool Dress Goods 29c Per Yard 38-inch Novelty Wool Suitings plaids, mixtures, Shepherd checks, tn all-wool and wool Oft- I mixed suitingi; regular price 50c yaul...C I , t . , . . .. J - m $1.50 Lace 48c 5,000 yards white, cream and ecru Net, Veniss, Baby Irish and Fillet All overs, 45 inches wide) values QO to $2 ytrd, for Monday sale 90C $L30Val. Laces 48c Bolt Single and double-thread Valen ciennes Laces and Insertions, to 2H ins. wide; vals. to $1.50 40 bolt of 12 yards, on sale at..,40C $3,25 VaL Lices at $1.35 Valenciennes trace and Insertion, val ues to $jj bolt, on sale P1 or Monday at... ............ 1 Tooth Brush Bottles Sterling Silver Tooth Brush Bottles, latest patterns. .....3f, osf, 78f . Silver Military Brushes Handsome Military Brushes, latest exclu sive patterns. , 83.98, $5.78, f 7.18 Sterling Silver Emery Bags Reduced in this sale to &8t, 3Sf Sterling Ribbon Runners Sterling Silver Ribbon Runners and bod kins, reduced to t9f, 23 f, 88f Sterling Silver Stamp Boxes Reduced in this sale to.,. 38 f, 58f, 78 e Sterling Silver Darners Sterling Silver Darners, assorted patterns, reduced in sale to....:...38f, 5Sf, 78 f Sterling Silver Scissors Sterling Silver Manicure and Embroidery Scissors, all the new designs, reduced to 58c, 78c, $1.28 Sterling Ink Wells Sterling Silver Ink Wells, glass base, nicely cut, French gray patterns, to match all our latest designs, , 18c, 38c, 58c, 78c, $1.28 . Sterling Pocket Pencil 58c Sterling Silver Pocket Pencils, in sterling silver case. Hundreds of the newest ideas- in sterling silver articles too numerous to mention at reduced prices for this sale. Chiffon & TJet Ruff, Reg. 12ic Crash 9c Values lo $6 at $2.6 Brown I4nn Craah, reaiilar litc yd !.'. i 1 1 , , IS S -So TowallBf, 12 H Black and colored ChKfon ' m Net iT0Wsn5!.,r w,4e Ruffa, In dotted and plain erfeots "TwA. ';;ifL,i. it and combination colors. Rulr linen craan, regularty IS 1-So values to $100 on $2.65 Mk ml 21"" . siSf i5 bi5h. hit ,B lor apodal aio ......,.. v Ua bleached Bath Toweli" 27x!I In. 2000 Handkerchiefs 38C ValUeS it 23C -lnch B?eh"' TaMeTamaak. ' S1.85 Damask, 5 Tard. 8,000 laundered Fancy aad PUIn mi- 72-Inch Bleachad TloDamaak. tlal- Handkerchief., regular S8o ..f"? II2K ; values, tor thia January , 23 C Xf-lnch Bleached Napkin. 25c Ginghams at 17c $2 Japan RtlgS 98c AlntotoT5illtSl,SHt Ported Japanoaa Fiber Ru. 8m3k T Xnd JhltS 2t' Rei n Oriental and conventional de- ulS? vthf c aafir ,Ri alRn Hcht and dark rrounda. It prfce ...... 17C ilUM0h?, l6,ruUr '00 98C 15C CinfihamS it 10c Yirrl Manufacturera Rug Samples, werth j j . . i"'?-'u. four timea sale prloea: ! -'T? ''."1? ""1 2?c i?c eic $M f r. Clearance Sale of Lace Curtains I I 'f ' " New Spring Lingerie Waists Our "fx Ys?fc': .: v.- r: ' i Annual Advance Sale Tomorrow we place on special sale our first spring shipment of new Lingerie Waists in all the newest models, includine the "PaDilldn" Waist. "Gibson" Waist, "Butterfly" Waist and a full line of the cele- braieii."UstIeton''LWaits. : AUjnade of finest Uwn, batiste, dotted Swiss and linen, trimmed in a bewil; dering variety of novel effects with embtoidery and laces. ; ALL ON SALE AT . REDUCED. PRICES. $1.50 Waists... $1.29 $1.75 Waists . . . $1.48 $2.00 Waists.... $1.68 $2.25 Waists;... $1.85 $2.50 Waists. i . .$1.98 $2.75 Waists..,.. $2.21 $3.00 Waists.... $2.45 ' All Waists Reduced ! -a i 1 i m i All kinds of Lace Curtains are reduced for this sale, white and Arabian color, 2, 3 and Zx yards long.; Thousands of patterns to select. $1.00 Curtains... 79c $1.25 Curtauis...-.-.. .98c $1.50 . Curtains .. .. . .$1,08 $2.00 Curtains. .$1.49 $2.50 Curtains. .$1.89 $3.00 Curtains ..... . $2.33 $4.00 Curtains. . ; . . .$3.15 $5.00 Curtains. . ... .$3.89 $ 6.00 Curtains. . . .$ 4.19;: $ 7.50 Curtains.... $ 5.89 j $ 8.50. Curtains. . . $ 6.79.J $10.00 Curtains . V. . $ 7.95 $12.50 Curtains,... $ 9.95 $15.00 Curtains. $11,49 $20.00 Curtains.... $14.95 $4.00 TLANNELITTE iaMONOS $2.78 1 , ' 1 1 !' i ' Women's Long Kimonos of fancy-figured flannelete, extra quality; all new est styles; loose, fitted and empire ef fects ; blue, pink, red, tan and gray. Values to $4.00, reduced dQ fFO to :JbZ.0 ' - Short Kimonos, made of good quality uanneieue , loose, nitea ana yoKe et fects;, blue, tan, navy, cream, "pink; values to $2.00, sale ' jh P"C. . 01. 4 J F4ncy Blanket Bath Robes or Loun g ing Robes, in cadet, garnet, light gray and lavender, : values to j mr I 5,50, on sale . i I . J)4 I O j French and Domestic Muslin UnderclDthes Xvcry . Garment Reduced Ordinarily we talk about prices, but today we'll tell you that NONE of LipmanWolfe' Muslin t Underwear is made in sweatshops, ( where the muslinweaf of . the aveage store is made. AJ1 prices reduce4 as foltews: , " Corset Covers, 22c to $8.10 Chemise, 49c to $11.25 r , Skirts, $1.10 to 30.00. ' . 1 .Drawers, 25c to $11,25 " Gowns, 59c to $14.40