The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 12, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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L ni ATirinnn a
run iNuitfi
y , (Speelal filtpatch to I. Journal.) i, "
'-'Grants Pm. Or., Jan. 1L An wot-
r flclal report of tha production of plati
num from the, pUoer mines of southern
, Oregon, tor . tha , pact year ' places, tha
Xlgurea at 0 ounces. This mar aaam
' amsJL yet it la about ona third tba total
output of platinum from the mines of
, America, aa reported by the United
Etatea reolotieal survey. But with plat
J aura, aa with all rara metals, thara la
much produced that la not credited In
'tha report of tha survey. M tba minora
L'jfAU tha product dlract to tha mamifac-
Jturers. - Most of the nlatlnum from
southern Oregon is bought by one Fhll
. adelphia company, whp la tha
manufacture of sal mantles.
Moat .of tha platinum from aouthern
Oregon thla season, aa for several saa
ons past, -ram, front- tha diggings of
t na xaep uravet- nyarauiio minea 01
Waldo district. Tha black sands of theaa
-diggings Ilka tha aanda of Oallce, Grava
Cre.K ana otnar aiatnota v or - soumern
Oregon, carry eonaldarabla platinum. Va
Houa machanleJ. contrivance and ma
ehlnaa 'hava baan triad in tha aepara
tlon of. the platinum particle from tha
black aand, with an attempt ,to arootn-
pllah a disintegration during tha retru
lar procaaa of placer arold raining;. Hut
all at theaa methods hare failed, and
Mines 'In Southern Tart of
I t State Produce Nearly. One
jl Third $ Total 1 Output of
Americar-Polishlnff Stono
! Found.- . i.'.-A v
t. -
tha aystero of anccaaaful platinum aay
tna a
- Br I
"Wlmer of tha Deep Gravel mlnea aavea
ln' reduces Itself to
or panning. - u
lmple matter I
thla method Manager
from ll to 15 ounces of pure platinum
avery aeaaon. To aava platinum ra
oulres great care, aa tha particles are
vary light and etuslv.a. and ara easily
washed away by tha feast disturbance
of tha water Of tha sluice. The method
'followed it that of panning twice first
tor gold and tha aaoond time for plat
inum, panning over vate or huga tuba
built for the purpose, 1 which tba plat
inum particles settle,
v ., v ; Many Sydraallo Olaata.
? There are now mora than 100 hydraullo
'giants In operation In aouthern Oregon
and the greater number ara operating
day and night. Several of the larger
nrnnii'l la hV Ihltlr AWH SlOCtrlO llffht-
fng plants, the dynamoo; being run by
rower taken rrom tna main pipeim.
Theaa mines suspend aro lights over tha
rilggttira, and tha working grounds are
lighted as bright as day, making nlgftt
work an easy matter. Other properties
use locomotive neaaiignis, punun
blde. The headlights ara act on re
volving bases, by which tha light can
be thrown to any and all part of tha
The Pickett Creek mining- district Is I
' k rt- , ', 'r-S-. 1 ""li' ' ,W V
now cut off from tha outalde on account
,of tha carrying away of tti Terry Dy
the recent freshet. Tha (district 1 lo
cated on the sound bank of Rogue
'and all supplies ara taken Jnto the camp
-fronv the- nortn, requiring toe tniwmi
4of tha rlvjM.- Tha ferry was awept down
i'i$r as Oallce district, , where. ;lt
flortced; but tha Strang current and awlft
'rapida-jaaKea- it imposioio w jnujn
"tiw liarge ta- Pickett week, and a new
-one win puiiu' aijoio m wi,mumw
'acttyity ln-Pickett , creek this season,
both amo'nr the quarts and tha placer
Photographs of Albert -Edward Tower, the millionaire Ironmaster
of Poughkeepsle, and his wife, Mra. Mary Bogardua Tower, former tel
ephone girl, who has filed ault for separation against her -husband, al
leging cruelty and desertion Mr. Tower's first wife hag also alleged
cruelty by the millionaire, until finally when she could stand It no
longer she shot'hers6n and committed suicide.
Several immense ledges of cop'
'rer are under oeveiopment Dy eastern
capitalist, and tha showing Is such as
to promise big things for tba camp aa
a ooner-proaucing section. n accuum
of the abundance of water, ie placers
ara enjoying a fine run. and tha output
of .virgin gold' from this district wiU
be larger than, for several aeasona,
,: ; .WiU Ba" Baopaned, ' '
-That tha. Internal troubleraf the Opp
Mining company will soon be satisfac
torily setUed, and the Opp mine of Jack
sonville i district ' again thundering its
stamp battery, now seema quits certain.
Howard J. Rogers, president of the com
pany, haa arrived from New York, and
la going over the . books and Investi
gating tha affairs of tha corporation
as conducted at tha mine. 'The Opp
has been the scene of several fabulous
Strikes this past year, and iia ledjrea
have yielded rich working ore. The
closing down of tba mine came about
tnrough no fault or the property Itself.
The mine is located hear the old camp
of Jacksonville, and la one of the oldest
quarts properties in Oregon. It waa
fiurchased by the Opp Consolidated Min
na; company of New Tork about two
years ago. The old mm waa torn down
and a new mill of 20 stamps, with com
plete auxiliary. Installed. The vein sys-
...vm HJ VOVfcllWl. .L UO Will
Wax of the Opp is one of the largest
uu w .-winaia mine in soumern urearon.
there beins- 13 distinct .ledges. Pri.
dent Howard- hopes to have tha affairs
of the company fully straightened out
and (C crow at work within tha present
-Tha discovery of a new mineral aub
atanoe, a!t least It is new for southern
Oregon, has, been made near Gold Hill.
The name given the aubstance is "sapo
Ho." It ls. a natural poliahlng stone.
Bevaralj acres 'of It havelaeen discovered
on the claim of Thomna Raiiin
fl0lan5v.wh' "cepy bought tha prop,
artyv There ara hundreda of tons of
SOt !.0IJt Poaed, ready for removal,
fj?4''5' ther. lB re,d3r rket for it,
thepwner Is, preparing- to quarry the
substance In auantitv tn
.nnrlilln. '7.. """"" v
Proprietor of a Eoommg-Youthful Burerlars; Steal
House Painfully Burned Valuables, and Tickets
During Investigation. From Theatre.
Patrick Ryan, proprietor of a room-1 Two boys named Brandt and Vaughn,
lng-housa at 2614 , Fifth street, smelled aged between 13 and 14 yeara. were
a strong odor of gas last evening about arrested In the Columbia building,
5 o'clock and atarted, out to search for J Washington and West park streets, last
and his curiosity was quickly aatlsfled: "'suv ""' voioman wng iouna
A burst of flame filled tha room and a quantity of passes stolen from the
Ryan waa severelr burned on the face 1 Grand theatra In th nv dntiiinv ri
for the gas ' leak by George Dixon, a Police station where several artloles of
stone cutter from Forest Grove, who I Jewelry were found upon the boys which
Is a friend of the family, and he, too. I are supposed to have been stolen from
was burned about the face, but much I a woman.
less aeveroly. He was able to take the Owing to the policy of the police In
night train for hi home in Forest keeping news of arrests from the pub
Grove. 11c the identity of the boys could not
Rvan suffered Intense nain from his be established taut nlu-ht hnt hnth ioa.
burns last evenings After the excite-1 are said to be members of wll-knnm
mem una suDsiuea ll waa iouna mat i lamuies.
a small .gaa. pipe running near the! -Tha pnssea found on the boys were
ceuin in mo uh in room nan iprn, ai-1 stolen weanesaay or Thursday from
lowing tha gaa to issue from It. Mrs. I a locker belonging to Tony B. Blanchl
Ryan said her husband was attempting I in the basement of the Grand theatre,
to llrht the aaa when the exDloslon took I Blanchl la advrtlKnr hill
place. The room was dark, and it ap-1 the theatre and reported the robbery
uiab no (tm vkaiiuiiiK uii tx lauuor i vi iiib locKer to tne m&nnr nr rn.
at the moment the flame burst out, I house. A search and investigation about
as moogn running a maicn aiong me i tne uieatre gave no clew to tha rob
pipe w locate tne jettn, i oery. -
lie fell from the ladder and auatalned I Last nlrht the fanltnr nf tha rniumM.
bruises in addition to his burns. A I building discovered that the boys had
physician bandaged hie faco and hands. I locked themselves in a wash room on
xna name ua not reacn nis ayes ana i tne rourtn floor of the building and
ma injure r not rcKaruoa aaa- were acting in a suspicious manner
geroua. I Ha sent a call to the -police station and
1 " 1 I Detective Coleman responded.
T7? AVflPPPS PTPTTTPTQ L t Coleman arrested the boyo and took
xj.uuiuj.'juAiu axvauj.uuu i mem to tne station wnere they were
,t;..JS ') ' : ,
Sixth - Annual Meeting of
State Association Held
; at Imperial Hotel.
' ': ' !' 1 , J.":-.-
. PresIdent--Dr. Otjs Akin, Portland.
First , vice-president Dr. C T. Sam
pels,;Baker City. ,
Second vfce-presldent Dr. Gertrude
uatea, , Portland, . .,.
Secretary Dr. Mabel Aktn, Porttand.
Traaaurr-Dr. H, T. Leonard. Port.
and..,-. . ;: . :-. - . ,. '
he Oregon Osteepathio association ' at
'jr sixth annual meetlnv. hM in
fmperlal hotel yesterday. The opening
...u,, .Boucmuun was latten
ip with the reading of reDorts and
he transaction of business. In the af
ernoon there were demonstrations of
echnlo -anr er discussion and clinical
emonstrations. while in - the vnin
kJ0 Kam,sW Clar Macfarlana,
label Aiken and M. T. Schoettla spoke
(ra eyneooloiry and obstetTics. , r
I A banquet . at the Oregon grill was
f eld last evening In honor of tr. P. E
tloora of La Grande, who Is the osteo
pathia - member . of the state- medical
rRr? nd lso President of tha Osteo
a'h, Association of America. -
At the evening session tba election of
inuers .waa neiOi.,. -ma bourd or trus
i.ies is as follows: Dr. B. P. Shepherd;
'ortlandi- Dr.-. Clara Macfarlane,, Port
md r Dr. R. C. Moore, La Grande: Dr.
V S' thrup. Portland: Dr. H. Ri
tuUley, itugena. i , . .t,
FEOM CARD TO WINDOW ShV tha lboPCtherBrannd mehn
Iiuok inera away rrom tne station and
at a late hour had not returned with
them "
house, who sells an sorts of rancy and
magic cards, la at the Hotel Portland.
Mr. Parr also - represents a decorating
concern. "A secret process of trans
ferrlng window signs and glass decora- been canceled some, time ago and
tions direct from specially prepared not worth anything to tha boys oi
aesiring signs on tnetr windows," Air.
Parr, said last night
"Tha process now -In- use depends
larjrely on the lithographers' art and a
chemical preparation which will hold tain Bruin removing them from the in-
Manager J. H. Krrlckson. of tha OrmrA
said last night that ha knew nothing
ur me aimir save mat tne ! Doys had
been arrested. He satd the passes had
nr Mnvm
body else.
Whether the leweirv found on th
ooys Deionged to them or not is un-
Known dui it is neuevea the boys stole
It. Their age was the cause of Can-
oil paint to any surface.. From the
llthnvrnnhara' atone the deafen daintred
is transrerrea to oaras. xnen tne car a
bokrd is ready to be shaped for use.
"Not only may wood and glass be
decorated by this process, but a very
large proportion of the poti
dinary ttse is decorated in the same
manner. The new way Is so much
oheaper than the old that It la becoming
more in aemana every aay,
( ' rrjnitod Prw led Wire.)
Lincoln. Neb.' Jan. li. Alert and
vigorous. William . Jenhlnas Bryan ar
rived in hia homo city this evening and
went at once to his-residence at Fair
view. ' lie will remain a week, During
this time he will attend to personal
business and deliver an oration at the
fluences of the police station.
Atlanta, Ga.. Jan. 11. In about 10
aays or aa soon as due notice has been
(riven by the state railroad commission.
all telegrams delivered in Georala must
snow upon tneir race tna exact hour and
minute or meir receipt, ootn at the
forward.'ns? and deliverv of fine. The
rauroao. commission, after hearing com
plaints rrom business men yesterday.
Da saed an order to that ffof
While the order does not so specify, it
in unumsiuuu u operation Wll Da Only
to teiearams oetween oeorarm nointa
It Is not expected that any effort will
be made to have It oover Interstate business.
tTTnlted Prcfa Litd Wlre.t '
I hon Angcleaal., Jan. 11. George A.
s TCI Vrvm i tvt 4 TV aatti Reitioone, wno was nrougnt nere lor
i wIS NOT A ' DEAD 0NEpeRtn,,fn'- 'nwn h, Vqnutai on
Tne . cnai 8" vt muraenrn ex-viovernor
Bteuncnbrg, wlU undergo an operation
shortly for .ulcer. .He haa Improved
f ? (Kiwcfil Olmtct i'"ta Thaf Irninnl.) 1
'Fendleton. or.. Jan. ' ll. feter uor I hi. .r.i
bett. the Umatilla Indian who was sup- cinca Da r row. chief at torn v for
u u uu sv 'v,"lli i his western . eaeration, 1 is aiso lra-
ojvraK racv.wiiQ ;Muiiy,in urerwi prrfvln and II escape an operation,
of-. salooy f still alive and well on although n9 still 'suffera much pain
ma umatuia reservation. me dead from tHh attack of mastoiditis with
man-proved to be Willie Strom, an In-1 which he waa stricken during tha Petti-
uiaa oi aautnar inoa, ( . . y j bone trial, .v . . ...,... .
l :3ont: Missf THese: Great SoaplBafgaihsl 1
Arcadia, Rose, Violet, Santal, Lilac, regular 25c; box 8'
caxes, JLof .
WE HAVE TOO MUCH SOAP Not because we overbought or anything like that We bought in large quantities, simply;
... t - l1 - 1... ,L. .J... t-m t-Um Ia nn.ul I .LI.. ... a.- -tC
' vO UC auic to IJivc yuu uic auvaiikQ v ui ww tv um t cuauici ua tu oner
. Harvard Glycerine soap, regular 10c cake (per box of 3
cakes, 10c) ; per do?en, 3Gf. , ,
Eagle Skin Soap, regular 10c cake (per box of 3 cakes
6c) ; per dozen; 21 f
Xa Pompadour Glycerine Soap, regular 15c bar; dozen,
QO f ; per bar, 8e
La Vogue, assorted odors, regular 50c box ; per dozen,
OOf; per box, 27.
Savon Violet, regular 65c box; per dozen $1.20; per
Armour's Arbor Soap, 4 odors, regular 25c pox; per
dozen, 55; per box, 1G.
Jergen's 8 cakes in box, assorted, regular 50c box; per
box, 3lr.
Jergen's 12 cakes in box, assorted, regular 60c box; per
box, 39.
1 Juniata Toilet Soap, .regular 10c cake; per dozen 60f;
per cake,
Pure Palm Toilet, regular 10c per cake; per dozen, 40
per cake, 4f.
Ruby Glycerine, regular 10c cake; per dozen, 39; per
caker 4t
Jumbo Face Soap (Tar and Glycerine), regular 15c; per
dozen, 60; per cake, 6. :'
Transparent Tar Shampoo, regular 20c cake: per box.
30; per cake, 11 . -v Vf-,
Fragrant Glycerine, regular 15c ; per box, 10.
Glycerosa Soap, regular 25c box; per box, 1C
Fine Art Soap, regular 25c box; special, per box, 14. ,
Oat Meal Soap, regular 60c dozen ; special per dozen 30.
Turkish Bath, regular 60c dozen ; special, per dozen, 39. :;
Pure Tar Soap, regular 15c cake; per dozen, 55; per
cake, G. .t ''
Cotton Soap, floating, regular 50c dozen; special, per
dozen, 33. .;t".
Klean Ezy Scouring, regular 10c cake; per dozen, GOrf;
per caKe, ofr. j
Andressa Castile, with wash rag; regular 10c; special, 6f
Superior Barber Bar, per dozen, 30; per cake, 3tf. ,
Mi Lady Toilet Soap, regular 25c box; special, box, 11.'
15 Per Cent Discount on All Picture framing Orders During the Month of January
Orders filled the same day.
Prompt attention.
The best of goods.
Improved over others.
Constant attention to small details.
At most reasonable prices.
Least expense to yon.
Don't delay longer.
Every day counts.
Perhaps yon have been convinced
At what others have said.
Remember what it Is to you.
Time and saving.
More satisfaction.
Every customer is
Now more than pleased
The way they found our service.
$5.00 Umbrellas Now $2.50
Every Umbrella in our immense stock at practically
HALF PRICE. We give no description here, they will
talk for themselves. , '
$2.00 Umbrellas now... f 1.09
$1.50 Umbrellas now 69at
$4.50 Umbrellas now... f 2.25
$8.50 Umbrelfas now... f 4.25
$6.00 Umbrellas now.. ,f3.00
$10.50 Umbrellas now.. f 5.25
$3.00 Umbrellas now...fl.SO
$5.00 Umbrellas now... $2.50
$4.00 Umbrellas now... f 2.00
$3.50 Umbrellas now...fl.T5
$5.25 Umbrellas now... f 2.63
Special Bargains In Art Dept. All Day
Home Medical Battery Price $6
(With dry cell battery)
For physician or patient
with treatise on home- treat
ment of over 100 diseases. Al
ways ready, neat, "clean, com
pact, portable. No acids, no
liquids, no repairs.
The primary current is suf
ficient to discuss all ordinary
tumors and to remove other
extraneous growths. The sec
ondary current is of sufficient
high intensity for all medical
purposes. .v
Your Credit Is Gobd
At This Store
Canadian Money
At Full Value
Electric Dept., main floor.
Pure Drugs at Lowest Price at ;AI1 Times
Our Phonograph Department
Is a beautiful place to rest when shopping. Newly fur
nished with nice easy chairs. You ' can listen to the
records and enjoy yourself. Victor and Edison machines
sold on easy terms. $1.00 DOWN,
A Woodlark ,
Obesity Belt
' $2J25
Will give the right support, cool
and comfortable. We can fit .
any person absolutely correct
Satisfaction or your money '
We employ skilled fitters, both
ladies and gents, in oar ' '
Truss Dept.
A poor Trass is a constant dr.n- t
&er: prices from $1.50 to f 10
Invalid Chairs from f 25.00 up
Rented by the month.... f 5.00
Comode Chairs at. f 12.50 '
Bedside Tables 94.50 to f T.OO
$1.35 Fountain
Syringe 48c
We are offering about 50 dif-; '
ferent iizea andvmaes of Fonn-;:
tain Syringes and Hot--Wate
JJottles at reductions similar Jo
the above. . . . '
, i ; J,i I ll: '.L:i-ii
Rubber Complexion Brushes,
reg. 25c,' special tOf
Rubber Sponges, reg. 50c and
65c, special.. . .lf and 23 .'
Rubber Gloves' : r $1.25, spe
cial . .. .., ,98
Big Improvements Planned
to Club on Willamette , -
Eiver. t
Thn Rock Island club rrounds havt
paased liito the hands of a new com
pany, to be known as the Rock Island
club, which filed articles of Incorpora
tion vemterdav and is creDarlnff to make
extensive improvements, inciuains mo
building of a pontoon bridge for auto
mobiles to ItocK isiana xrom ine eaoi
side of the river.
A. Reffllnir. the former owner or tna
Inland, which consists Of IB acres In
the center of the Willamette, opposite
Mllwaukle. haa disposed of his inter
est In the property to the new corpo
ration. The company 19 incorporated
for 130,000, leaving about $5,000 for
improvements. A meeting will be held
In a few days to complete the organisa
tion of the company.
Walter Coe Is temporary president of
tha new club and John McCraken ia
temporary secretary. Prominent busi
ness men ind clubman of the city ara
lnieresttd. Including Georire McMillan.
president or uie nuimomun ciuu; wii-.
ard H. cnarin. rormer nresiaeat or tna
same club; Chaster Murphy and many
others. . .
' Occasionally v . ,
' Ifrom tha Chicago News.
Occasionally a. .rlrl calls her smill
brother into the parlor and Jtlsses him
Just - to show the chart n the other
and of tha sofa what ba la missing. ,
Play Yonr Favorite Piece
;tt ;is, ;the Stradivarius' of Player Pianos the
Flistand Cnly 'Complete Player Piaao
On the market Besides containing all Uie features
; of advantage' found inr "any other player piano, it
: :vhas : the additional advantage of ;. . .
Play log 88 Notes or ' Ine fnilre Keyboard
Of a modern seven and -ona third octava pfcwat- It -also
contains tha patented transposing ' mouthpiece
: -which enables the operator to Instantly transpose a
: composition Into any desired key. t The advantage of
. ' ' thi is obvious. It Is simpl In construction, hnca
i : Its great reliability. It ia easy to eontrol, easy to play.
i" modern to the last Retail, and looks every Inch the un-
1 i;.s." .-ai'.usuaj. ;vaju ft is. , -
The piano itself Is a strictly high grade Instrument-In every respect. ft you are- owner ef one of tha
.old style 65 note Players of any make, wa wlllmak you a liberal allowano for it In' exchange for one' of
these standard up-to-the-minute 88 NOTE APOLLO PLAYER PIANOS. When you start out to investigate the
player piano proposition (and ypu should start soon insist on tha dealers giving you a LOGICAL, remon fr
asking you to accept a Player that ONLY PLAYS 65 NOTES of tha piano,- whKh neeeasitates the mutilatl .-i
i and abbreviation of hundreds of the most beautiful compositions to get them within Its raniye, when you can huy
an APOLLO PLAYER PIANO, with its complete range ot U notes, enabling you. to play. Just-aa thy mr
. written, duets, quartets-and elaborated arrangements of any composition at approsimately the amajirl-a
that you will have to pay for ome of the OLD STYLE 65 NOTE PLAYERS
Drop us a line for booklet describing in detail, tba advantages of an 18 not - Player over one j!u;!.r?
only part of .the. piano. -.- ' -v- . ;'-,-;.--. - . "... ,( -s-, .,
" Corner MbrrUbn and Vest Parll Gtvoctq