The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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as 39,c
Underskirts of fine black mercerized
sateen y in full ! sizes, with deep
flounces finished with ruffles, .tucks
or knife pleating. ' The material has
a luster and sheen equal to silk; ab
solutely fast color. They are ,de
cidedly good 'values at $1.75 each.
A noteworthy Friday , A
"Fluffy Ruffle" , lundry Bags
Sometning needed by every bache
lor, bachelor girl or family.' They
are tinted in assorted : designs, on
drab art materials. - Size 31x22 in
chesgood large ones. Reg. Q A
65c values, special, . ......... uuC
Swiss Lunch Baskets Shopping or lunch baskets with
double handles Handsome and neat enough so that no
one need feel ashamed to carry them; well-nigh indispensa
ble on a shopping tour. There is good wear and f n
good service in them. Reg. '25c each, special, . . .... I f C
Child's 33c Aprons 23 Made of heavy gingham, in blue
and white or red and white checks. Finished with white
braid around collar and pocket. Mother Hubbard style.
tor little tots from 2 to 8 years of age. Kegularly rj
75c .each, special Friday. 1 1 C
... M . :.,....-v
Plain or , curled i
bearcloth, colonu
, white. red, gray ,
and -brown; regu
lar valuesSc to,,:
$1.25, choice Q
Friday J C
85f POUND -
t . . '.
Hurd'a fine ; Writ
ing,. Pajper 'with
linen finish; comes
in 1-lb. package,
pedal Friday, the
Carter's Library
Paste, quart jars,
85c values, C(
each ...OUC
Women'i Bulb
Syringes , of red
rubber with hard
rubber tubing, A
first-class, quality
that sells regularly
at $2.50 each, spe
cial price 1 Qt
for Frid'y.I.OJ
Villi isasSS i nm nil ill null i 1 1 mull J mmm J&r
Phenomenal Sale of the
Child's Wraps and Tarns
AH popular materials are offered and there is a superb line of color
ings and styles to choose from. Wise mothers will investigate and
profit for the regular, prices run from 35c to $4 and the savings aver
age one-fourth. There are Cajfs and Tarns in serge, velvet, corduroy,
broadcloth and bearcloth. The colors are white, navy, garnet and
golf red.
35c values, sale price.,, 25
65c values, sale pries'.,.. ...37f
75c values, sale price. .......39f
$1.00 values, sale price... ..69
$1.25 values, aale price.. ..TB
$1.50 values, sale price.. ,...80
$1.75 values, sale price 1.09
$2.00 values, sale price... .f 1.25
$2.25 values, sale price. ...f 150
$2.50 values, sale price.... f 175
$2.75 values, sale price....? 2.00
$3.00 values, sale price.... f 2.25
$3.50 values, sale price.... f 2.75
$4.00 values, sale price.... f 3.25
t'f ' - , v ' 1 -
ami -porcelain,
V open v stock? ' pat-
terns, neat decora-
tions; 50-piece sets,
regularly worth
! $6.80, special price,
' SETS FOR f5.45
Same decoration as
above, , only 60
pieces: regular val
ues $9.45,
c e s e t s.
$13.50 dJO OA
values.... $0&U
Decorated designs
in beautiful ware.
Pleasing decora
tions. Five differ
ent qualities fea
tured at., Price
Regularly $10.50
the doz., fle OC
special ,,fvwJ
$1.25 Gloves 50c
- n
Bright-hued ribbons in many, patterns,
in many colors, in many widths. Plain
and fancy effects that, are sold down
to remnants or short lengths. A large
number to choose from. Ribbons for
nearly every purpose. The holiday
rush has left us with an accumulation
that numbers many hundreds of yards,
and regardless of former values they're
or.".'!.F.rl.?f.. MLF PRICE
Women's Mocha Gloves in one and
two-clasp styles and in assorted colors.
Prime qualities and a rood choice of
colors and finishes. Usual values $1.25
tne pair, special Friday
...... i
Lace Robes, Half Price Our
entire line of Lace Robes in
exquisitely beautiful designs
priced as follows:
$15.00 values ......9 7.50
$25.00 values $12.50
$35.00 values ......917.50
$90.00 values ......$45.00
Embroidered Robes, V Price
Eyelet or French embroidery
on batiste or linen ; ready for
fitting. New and exclusive
patterns. ; - ;
$10.00 Robes ,.....9'.5.00
$15.00 Robes ......8 7.50
$20.00 Robes ...... $10.00
$50.00 Robes ...... $25.00
ft Mb y
Comes at the Height of
the Clearance Sale
Portland's Bargain Event
Men's $2.50 Shirts 95c
See the window at Fifth and Wash
ington streets and note the display
of men s wear. Modest prices pre
vail for clearance times. The man
of taste can find savings galore.
Men's shirts in "Griffon," "Cluett,"
"Star" or "E. & W." make. They
are in stiff or soft bosom effects
with separate or attached cuffs.
Small figures or striped patterns
in colors or black and white. A
shirt bargain that outshines any an
nouncea in roruana tms season,
Thrifty men are saving,
why not you? The reg
ular values to $2.50 each,
us season.
95 c
Men's Suspenders Weil-made
Suspenders with leather ends,
cast-off buckles. Regularly
35c the pair, special 1 i
Friday .....ljC
Mens Hose in natural gray
worsted yarn. Regularly 25c
the pair, special Fri- A
day at iJIC
Men's Underwear Shirts and
. Drawers in natural gray wool
Keguiariy worth $1.25 rjf
the garment, Friday. . . . JC
Silk Four-in-Hand Ties in light
or dark colorings; pleasing
patterns. Kegular 50c o
values, special Ct 0C
Boys' Shoes $BS $1M
Men's $3 Shoes $1.89 Pr
Boys' Shoes in kid or calf
eathers, with brass - quilted
soles. The famous "Steel
Shod" brand. The kind that
give perfect service and perfect
comfort to the busy, bustling
boys who are hard on shoe
Sizes 1 to 6f3 .... . . . .?1.70
Sizes 9 to 13y3 91.49
ndian Moccasins for children
wearing smaU sizes; from 3 to
special for Friday, JA
the pair ...I iuC
Men's Shoes Good styles and
Standard makes that sell regu-
iariy ai m.uv ine pair : an sizes.
your choice Friday,
the pair, ........
Women's Slippers in patent or
kid leathers; many different
styles, broken lines and sizes
and mostly in the narrow,
widths. Worth .to (f nn
$3.00, the pair t)lt)7
Women's House Slippers, sizes
2. 3t 7. 8 and 9 only.
Regular $1.60' values, nn
Friday only fOC
Men's Shoes in popular lasts
and leathers, , An assortment
" that contains jriany hundred
pairs of regular $3.50 and $4.00
values. Ail sizes are offered.
Fit and comfort are assured.
Specially priced for Clearance
bale only, the
All Walking Skirts Half Price Hand-Made Lace Curtains
Silk Raincoats S'L. $11.98
A garment offering bound to create a furore among Port
land's thrifty buyers. The bargain-wise of the city will
turn to this store and none who know good values will
fail to at least investigate the assortment offered. It pre
sents opportunities unparalleled for savings and tasteful
buying. Hundreds of skirts concerned and, every one in
the lot a late and desirable style. The materials are
broadcloth, Panama, etamirie, serge, voile and wool mix
tures and silk. There are plain colors in blue, brown,
black and gray. There are fancy plaids and checks.
There are all sizes and all lengths
Pleated or plain models. The regul
values run from $15.00 to $35.00 each
your choice Friday
Waists Worth to $38.50 Now for $7.98 Each
Another surprising special for the Friday Economy Sale. Waists of wondrous richness and
beauty, of shining silken fabrics or lovely lacev nets. The best styles obtainable and quali
ties beyond compare. Materials are wash taffetas, crepe silk and net. The colors blue,
pink, ecru, black and white. Plain colors or fancy effects in Dresden plaids, etc. Some are
richly ornamented with handsome medallions of heavy lace. Some
are frilly, fluffy affairs of net with cobwebby lace trimmings. There
is an immense quantity affording dmple choice. Worth d7 AO
to $38.50, each ., .0
A special sale on rich hangings that
will prove a boon to homefitters. Real
hand-made affairs in Renaissance pat
terns. Odds and ends to be sure, but
so vigorously underpriced that the sav
ings are worth taking advantage of.
Add to the appearance of your home
by having a pair of these superb cur
tains in your windows. Savings of
more than one-third. Come early for
first choice.
$ 8.00 values 9 5.25
I $10.00 values 9 G.50
$11.00 values 9 7.25
$12.00 values 9 7.05
$15.00 values 9 0.85
values S10.-"a-values
....... 921et
values ....... 928-'
iutJ ...... .pMv Ever
values .935"fY
values .940.00
3 Striking Rug Specials
Fine Wilton Rues,
with fringed ends,
size 36 by 63 inches;
beautiful colorings
and patterns and a lot
I inhis offer; regularly
worth $9 each, special
Friday, tffi 7
only PU fJ
Fine Axminster Rugs,
size 36x72 inches, ori
ental designs and col
orings; rugs that give
Bturdy service; regu
larly worth $4.50 each
very special 0 OC
for Rriday. .vviJJ
Fine Wilton Rugs,
hemmed ends, size
27x54 inches, bright,
vivid . colorings s or
soft-toned effects in
pleasing effects; a lot
of 100 to choose
from; regular $5.50
Women's Silk Rain
coats K" Each..
$ 1 138
The third of a startling trio of Friday specials in Portland's largest
and best Style salons. A triple demonstration of our unequaled su
premacy ih the garment field. There are none reserved every silk
raincoat we own included in this magnificent Friday offering. Thor
oughly waterproofed silks, in fancy, plain or striped ef- d AO
fects. Charming styles. Reg. values $25 to $42.50, choice pl l0
CHILDREN'S SILK RAINCOATS, regularly worth to j in
$15.00 each, choice Friday. tj)D4
Rare Savings on Shoes
From 8 to 12 A. M. Only , .
Women's Shoes in 25' st vies of reerular $3.50 crades. A wide
choice of lasts, leathers, heels, soles and weights. No matter
what your taste in cut, in finish, whether your foot be wide or
narrow, large or small, there is surely a'shoe in this lot 16 fir
you; 25 ot the most iavored models in this assortment. Ihey
are sterlingalues at $3.50 the pair; choice Friday O A
morning from 8 to 12 onlyr; Tr.r.T
SPECIAL NOTICE : None of the garments offered in this depart
ment will be sold on phone orders, none laid aside or sent on approval
Women's Shoes with heavy or
light soles, kid, calf or patent
leathers, lace or button models,
and a large number to choose
from. Values to $6.00 the
pair, clearance bale
Women's Shoes in college cut
or regular height; welt or hand
turned soles, with low broad
heel or in high arched models.'
Regularly worth $3.60 and $4
the pair. Clearance dQ 1 Q
price $0. IV
Perfumes and Toilet Requisites
Replenish the supplies on your washstand at Clearance Sale prices; the greatest possible bargains on toilet
needs. Only reliable goods are featured and you need have no fear as to their purity.
cial . . .
Cologne, in large sized
regular 5c,
Violet Odor Talcum Powder, t?
special price for Friday, can.. yC
Toilet Soap, 5,000 cakes of well-
known makes, such as Witch
Hazel, Violet, Rose, Glycerine,
Palm, Oatmeal, Lettuce, 'Butter
milk, etc.: special 3 cakes
Fancy Calendars; our entire stock
is rlow reduced to just HALF
Stationery in fancy boxes; a large
assortment of broken lines; regu
larly 25c the box, sale lOc
Writing Tablets with ruled pages
for .writing with ink; regular C
10c values, special at. ......... C
Playing Cards, with fine enameled
backs; regularly 15c a pack- f flj
age, specia) JLvC
Hair Brushes, with solid backs,
also bonnet and hat brushes: C
regular 25c values, special.. IDC
Chamois Vests for men. or women;
an excellent $2 quality, .OQ
sale price ......... , -.. .-. ,.f 1
Table Linen
Dice pattern, in Ger
man mercerized dam
ask, 36 inches wide.
For narrow tables and
offered at a great bar
gain. The special price
for Friday onlyl gj
the yard, is..... IOC
Napkins to Match, Doz. 39c
Notions at Clearance Sale Prices
Hair Brushes of aluminum; the
"Keep Clean" brush that can
be washed without in any way
injuring the brush.
Special for Friday. . . .
Talcum Powder The well
known Colgate's Cashmere
Bouquet, special at, 1 1
the can... .IOC
Back Combs of shell color with
gold band trimming. A 1 V
Friday special, each.... IOC
Fancy Buttons Broken lines,
but a large stock . to select
from; the values are up to 50c
a card. pecial, your
choice....... 1UC
Wire Hair Pins in large-size
cabinet boxes; assorted sizes.
Regular 15c values, spe- o
cial, the box. . . . . . ...... uC
Shell Back Combs of good:
quality.. Regularly O A
35c each, special . . .... . jC
. Needle Cases specialized ; a
large , assortment of odd lots ;
values to 35c each. f
Special for Friday 10C
Belt Pin JJooks, containing 60
assorted belt pins. Very, j .
special each,,, OC
Dress i, Shields trimmed with
lace ; ... particularly for evening
wear ; medium size.' ' Regular
25c values, special, ; -l f
the pair..",...., ...10
Cambridge Paxtisaus Say . They
i Should Not Represent Oxford. ,
i From the New-Tork Sun. ri:
. TTho Bhodes scholars st Oxford are
coming in for some .criticism just now,
arid not faw of the Cambridge par
;; tisana assert that thef should be ex-
eluded altogether from taking- part In
the trails and field and other sports,
i borne go ss far as to call them pro
- fesslonals, and the common term for
; these students bjr warm followers,, of
the-light blue is ''games scholars." Of
' course every Cantab Is not off tills dpln
Jon, and not long since a Cambridgs pub
lication came out with an editorial in
-praise of the Rhodes men at Oxford and
pointing out what a benefit they were
to the dark. blue. What has brought
along this aftaok of late in mors viru
lent zorm was the tact that no less man
seven of the Rhodeslans distinguished
themselves at their studies. "
In the fall sports of the colleges they
have been prominent too. In the recent
sports of Hertford college the stran
gers' hammer was won by V. T. Her
ring, an "'American, with a throw of
114 feet. He had a handicap of 40 feet
on A. M. Stevens, formerly of Tale, and
whose actual throw was 139 feet 4
inches,-which Is the best performance
so far this season. In a recent issue
of Sporting IJfe, "Old Blue", takes a
liberal vltw of the Rhodes scholar controversy-as
"Everybody must have noticed tnere
Is a -spirit 'abroad Which, if It does not
actuahy threaten the old-time relations
between Oxford and Cambridge athletes,
requires careful watching. It shows
itself just . now In the strenuous en
deavors of well meaning but irrespon
sible Cambridge partisans' and others
to belittle the Oxford .Rhodes scholars
in connection with srames. I have no
patience with those who .dub them pro
fessionals, or games scholars nor have
nine Cantabs out of 10. That sort of
so-called argument -Is right out of court.
It was very properly condemned by a
leading Cambridge Journal not long ago.
. "The Rhodes scholars are Droving of
enormous assistance t6 Oxford, how
ever. I admit. And whether Cecil Rhodes
meant the most important result or nis
bequest to be the yearly acquisition of
matured 'athletes at one university for
the discomfiture of the other ... is of
course another story. The facts remain
(a) that the Rhodes scholars are bona
fide members' of Oxford university, (b)
as such hey' cannot be barred from in
tervarslty competition, and (cX all the
controversy In the world will not alter
the position one whit. Frankly speak
ing, the average Cambridge athlete
troubles very little what sort of foem&n
he has to meet. It .1s only very few
who are now rushing' Into print and try
ing to make things unpleasant; which
action, I may add, is contrary to all the
best Cambridge traditions." -'
' Tomorrow, Friday, 1 wUl posl tlvely1e
the last day for discount on west side
gas bills. Portland Gas Co. . , : .
Rosea Are Distilled In Northwest and
Large Trade Is Carried on.
PVm Pnnnular Htort '
Scent distilling is carried on profit
ably in India, chieriy in tne nortnwest,
where roses, foil Instance, are largely
grown to supply the distiller with what
he wants. The chief, narfumes used
are rosa water, lemon-rrass oU. san
dalwood oil, henna (Lawsonla alba).
champs (Mictieiai cnampaca; mauisiri
(Jdlmusops eiengu, cajeput oiu nnrson
sar (Nyotantbes arbor-tristls). keera
or khetkl (Pandanus odoratlssimus).
khss khss (Votlverla slsanlctdea and
Andropogen sqMsrrosus),- motia or bela
(Jaslnum sambac), and - cbamelt . or
Juhl .jasmine. - . . -
Men with: a capital of perhaps $100,
or even less, distill-, these scents and
seU them generally to others who 'Con
duct the retail trade. There thus comes
out of the article two profits, that of
the actual distillers and the retailers;
in addition, the growers of the flowers,
and sometimes agents who collect them,
have also to make a-profit, out of the
business. All of these men, of course,
live in a very primitive way. i -
The Indian -serf umer has not yet ar
rived, at the stage of v assimilating
western methods, when he does, the
parzume -Industry or India will become
one of the most important In the world.
India possesses hundreds of perfume
yielding plants, and the manufacture
of perfumes,, of. which the native is
very fond, dates back for many cen
turies. The Jocal tastos, however, ur
not those of the western world, an l
Indian scents do not alwsys coiiimeni
themselves to Europeans, for the rea
son that thev are heavy In the i
that they are-not volatile. Ori re-:i
for this heaviness is f on nJ lf u.
vehicle employed, which Is nn;.il -t
oil. This oil is not, 'Strictly t.p.. :-r ",
sandalwood oil. but the eoi'mm t -or
ginjelly oil employed an a vi
for extrscting the perfume n
daiwood, sml It Is thl oil i't f
the basis of all Indian rfHH ,.
which accounts for the h 'iu.
f erred to. - ...
; Tomorrow, Friday, wi:i r- " '
the last day tir di-jrounr , ,
gam rortlainl l. .j: .