it-Ti The Perplexed Husband. The Fable of the Temperamental Cockatoo -MONKEY SHINES. By WEX JONES. By KNOCKO. BRAGGO AND RHYMO. Bt jAmes j. montacue" r'., Ooprnaht, 190T, or Anxricui-Jonrokl-ExiinliMe. - v . OwritM, IMC. AMWI T COOK Mf 1 , ' 4 j l Wloe sftocrfd Aae outttdt Meruit, mnd not b treated like ho dagtttO- riBSOB TBOMAB, Or CBICM10. , '..;". r .:..; '.-'.,.. .. ; ' TF4os sAowId se at homt end Uoten oecationeUy.EXQLlBlt TISIT6R. WHEN Billy, Binks ww mumi 'twa the , Happiest day I of l fcl'f t- , He'd persuaded a perfect pippin to become hi loviotl iwfe, , ' C f f ' ; And V nid to himself. "You Billy, I nope youU horribly perih .'V .'. " V : If ever you fail In your duty to feed and clothe and cherish. .y life 'went by like atory, the future was fuD ot pnmW '..;"'.';.; 4 . ? Till Biflr'yead to a paper the word of Professor Thoinai 5 V ' ? ' V v , "Don't treat your wife like an image, aha Imf a rtick 6r a toe: ,; "' 'vi, V Let her have outside , Interest, not live like a eoddled. doft." "' ' So Hi "wife adopted culture and club and charitee, : j And card and conversation and politic, too,, b " w; ,-' .- ;. ' " She wa m the house but1 seldom, though Billy milesd her ot,'r - "0 j And aha spieled of woman' minion, which annoyed him a little bit mor.. f iVJfHY.'oh, why did I marry!" cried BID a hi lonely room, , '. U - W .''Vkta the word of another adviser tent a nay of light through die gloom i "Wire have too much reedom" thi sterling counsellor aaidi- '. "A nan shouldn't act like a wetlding, but bat hit spouse on the head.". . t "Ah. bar aaid Billy, arising, TB be that kind of nun: - . . Thing can't be worse daa at present. o I'D try the newer plan." ' So when wifsy came home that evening Billy 'l language wa rough and crude: He slung her into the kitchen in a way that wa almost rudei He boxed her, ear with vigor and told her to aook a meal. And bullied her moat tremendoiu till the neighbor heard her squeal. ' D ILLY, he went to the Inland: hit wife got a hundred week: The magistrate ecored htm teverefy until ha could hardly speak. "Oh, why did leaver marry T igh the locked up BiOy Binka, And he never can eolva the problem however he drive hi mink. I 1 TO COLLECT FROM A FLIDW IllFOR COLLARS AND uffa ANDTRfli A ' . ft ft tS' ft Aft I I II '' s . . . A . ft-k. . MM ft ric rrtr-tuc art t txirr uc't zrvr nIvE A.BlU FOTOailR.-lTS NOT , nt - enn a. n i i ji a a a. in & , b-i r m at. - ' . use Women and "Sport. When a big "ahoot" take place In the covert near one of our country houaea, the occasion la made a sort ol aoclety gather ing1. The ladles of the bouae party (race It with their preaeoee, and other ladiee of the neigtroorhooa ere glad to be allowed the honor of each company. Tbae a large ' and fanhlonable party aatemble; and while each beat la In progreaa the glrla and women try to look en unmoved while a wounded hare kick and aqueala upon the ground for tnloute which aeom Intermin able to the aeoRltlve onlooker, nntll the beat la over and the doiro are looked to fin lah off the cripple. And thouvb the hare'a piteous shrieking make Ita case seem the ' worst, the mere tumbling over and over of a wounded bird Is a shocking eight to aee aa the time pauses and no one goes forward : to release it of it life. London Dally Mall. 4, . ma MutM-Mim i m Stamps and Children. A rare philatelic gem will come nnder 'the hammer at Messra. Glendlolng's - gnl- lerles In Argyll street It la a used copy of the Pout Office Mauritlna . penny red stamp, which la aald to be worth anything from 4,000 to $5,000. London Dally Mall. . Prosecuted at Sleaford Petty Sessions for not sending bis child to school. Joslah Klklngton, laborer, stated that be earned $3.75 a week, and had "only fourteen chil dren to keep out of It." The case was dismissed on payment of co ta. London Dally Mall. - Surname Smythe. A Mlssoiirl girt apella tbe same of her dog "Phldeau"' If her own name lan't Mse- or "EUlae" It certainly U "Nellye."' Cleveland Leader. . Mixed. By hie side reposed an empty cup that had contained tea, an apple and a cou ple of biscuits. London Bphert. " Faahion Note. Small checks are all the styles Atchison Globe. Annie Laurie. William 'Douglas, whose love ' ballad, "Annie Iaarle," hat become one of the famous lyrics of the world, wooed, but did not win, Annie Laurie. The real Annie Laurie gave "her prom Is trne" to Douglas, but wedded another, a wealthier aultor, Perguston, of Cralgdarroch. Donglaa, who wa ready to "lay me doon and dee." went to the ware, and when he came back mar ried also,, and left a goodly crop of belra. Th tender melody that has won tbe hearts of people the world over waa set to the worda many years after by Lady John Hcott. Annie Laurie waa born December in, 1082, at the bome of her father, Stephen Laurie, at Maxwalton. Scotland. an oid-rasbionea stone mansion fortress that had once been the castle of tbe earls of Glencalrn. Kansas City Star. Costly Necklaces. The most costly necklace In the world belongs to tbe Coantess Henckel, a lady well knOwo lq London and Paris society, tbe vakie of which Is said to be $250,000. It la really composed of three necklaces, each of historic Interest. One was the property of the ex-Queen of Naples, sis ter of the late Austrian Empress; the second was once the property of a Spanish grandee ; while the third was formerly owned by the Empress Eugenie. Not long ago a necklace composed of 412 pearls. In eight rows, the property of the late Duchess of Montrose, waa sold for $fl9,100. The Empress Frederick of Germanv ls said to have possessed a necklace of th'lrtv two pearls, worth at leaat $200,000, while Lady Ilchester'a necklace of black pearls la vaiueu at aoout Tit-Bits. ; V. aw B . .astaasjaajmvM "t 'i fir Trprrip'- "nnrh Jf rZ'. " . V jVaHO TRYING, TT J . -jj - " I if WAS ftSORRr I TROUBLED TO COME with The Bill, BUT HE'DlDNTsocK OP, and I DONT nlnK Hg WILL ' vepr much. He GOES AT THE - " w W awsw -esw v S NOW I WOOLt (BOSHj II f I'M THE BOT NNHO COULD GET HIM TO PAY UP. --OUT I A Mere Acquaintance. do you atand at the White "How House t" "I'm In donbt," replied the new Senator. "I get Invited to the State banquets, but I'm never asked to the wrestling func tions or the jtu-Jltsu affairs. "Kansas City Journal RIGMT.BRAGGO PEAR; HERE'S THE 31 IX i GO AND TRX; ANP BE CAUTIOUS OR. TOU wilu COht OUT ON THE FLY : YOU JUST WATCH ME XOU KNOW ME.! j?OOH ! PERHAPS HE'D PAYtOU IF, YOU TOOK tT in4 ' PER.HAPS YOU . COULD SEPARATB HIM , FROM HIS TIN ! (GIVE THAT 61 LI. TO ME) 1 1 Lia wet nin o t-wr, VJMbT CANT FOOL TIE A TEMPERAMENTAL Cocktoo. who'd written large hit Name' In wid John Hancock Characters around the Hall of Fame, Got Jocund with the Fruitful Grape, and Browsed upon the Brew, ; , At Divert Tunei. and Dyed the Town an iridecent Hue, V ' J And on Occasions such as These accounted it a Joke ' To amash in Uptown Window Panes, and Startle Honest Folk. ' To shoot off Guns, emit Strange Cries, and Bat About, till Men .I'-'1 Would Ululate: "Let", Hunt our Holes, for Here He Comes Agalnr I -' -tvK--;i ' BECAUSE this Jovial Genius was admitted to be There . ! . ' With Brains that Filled his Block clear to the Wellspring of his HaV Hi wilful. Wanton Waywardness excited no Dissent; ' Folb merely saidi "He suffers from Artistic TemperamenL, ' " And though he drained three Fairbanxes at one Intensive Gulp, ' And Beat up Cabmen he Disliked unto the utmost Pulp, He Got Away with what he Did with Fluency and Ease, T And all his Revels were set down to Eccentricities. " DLTT when another Cockatoo, to Revelry inclined. ' ' D ' But who possessed unhappily, a Mediocre Mind. Thought he would be a Genius, too, and Straightway Started Out With a Repeating Winchester to Shoot the Street .Lights Out, To Rassle with the Demon Rum, and Swiftly Take on Board The Burning Fluid that he Thought the Barkeeps Meant to Hoard, A Gruff Policeman took him by his Forelock and his Feet And Speedily installed him in a Punitive Retreat THERY0U iPEST.'-NOVY IILL YOU kte? OUT OF HE1 L YHICH Aows that One May do Wild Things if he be Haprr Great. W WhJe w who have no Mental Gifts must live Extremely Straight, INEBRIATE! - (jxeoiecftiTy j UMurviaai vvk6a Aetv Coaasf VPT jXIJ .Mixed Pickles, fidwtn Markham. at a dinner, said of mixed metaphors t "When I was teaching la Loa Anaelea I used to read averv week a little -country paper whose editor's meta phors were an unfailing Joy to me. Once, I remember, this editor wrote of a contem porary: Thus, the black Ue laaulng from hla baae throat, becomes a boomerang In fata band, and, hoisting him by hla own pe-' tard, leavea btm a marked man for life.' He aald In an article on home life: The faithful watchdog or hla good wife, stand ing at the door, welcomes tbe master home with an honest bark.' In an obituary of a farmer he wrote: The race waa run at I last Like a tired ateed, he crossed the I harbor bar, and, casting aside whip aud apur, lay down npoo' that bourne from which no traveller returns.' " Bochester Hernia. The Interviewed. A stranger approached a little girl who waa somewhat accustomed to Interview with the usual question, "What's your name, nine gin r xne ntue girt, witnont looting np rrom her send pie. replied : "My name la Edith, rour. noes mv ii Mildred and she's two. I don't little sister; her and I'm name'a want to go with yon and be your little girl, and I knew yon can't ateal my little eiater. narpera weeiiy. Veracity. Ttl vr I did." "WW yer swear r Vn, f' . Take yer oathr Tue 1" Bible oathr "Tue 1" "Bet a Dennyf "Mar I" Independent Embarrassing. Some little wille ago a popular writer visited a jail In order to take note for a magaslne article on prison life. On re turning home he described the horror ha had seen, and hla description made a deep Impression on the mJod of his little daugh ter Mary. Tbe writer and his offspring, a week later, were In a train together, whleh topped at a atatlon near a gloomy build ing. A man asked: -. "What place la thatr "The eouuty jati," another 'answered promptly. . Whereupon Mary embarrassed her father and aroused the suspicion of the other oc cupants of tbe carriage by asking, in. at loud, shrill voice: t " th'Vtthe JaU wert to- atherr-, Jodge a Library. . .... Second Choice. ' , There la a Washington lar who. It would appear, assents to the old proposl- ' tlon that It ia well to have morehan on atrlng to one'a bow. .' , The boy waa being catechised one day by a well-meaning visitor to th house. "Well, Harry.- said the lady, "dont you think yon have a ehanee to b Preal- aent or tne united States?" "Oh. I don't know." impui tr.. carelessly. "Marba I'll tr tnr it .,-. 'J . Ledger ' P,tcher"-bjUadelphIa The Important Customer. "Here's a Wall Street nan .eat In franr- annonnoed th ahop boy.. V toii wait on him.- - aald th K . JS2rS Nature's Fakes : By WALTER A. SINCLAIR, iCIIU. k.av tltsi SWIMsT AfYQUttBtlV f&llixU iSopwanl Ths sua spouted firs 800,000 mUes in . - half hour. News Item.). THE anow was falling upward fast The aun ahot out a flery blaat Three hundred thousand mile In height In thirty mlnotea.. Pretty alght Whlle fishes flew across the sky And oysters dined on pumpkin pie. THE snow fell upward, scalding hot. A And dried the clouds in daah and dot, WhUo Tesla grasped the handle-bars And dashed-and-dotted up to Mara ' A message which he aald that we Should soon have answered C. O. J. A NO while the hot anow upward flew - The aun flame cold and colder grew. It froxe Into a skating rlnK Where Teddy bears how- skate, I think. 'The locomotives) burned their ateam. And Jersey cows gave off Ice cream. fTpHE snow fell up. The sun shot flame. And off the rings of Saturn cams. An elephant climbed up a tree V And sang a pretty song to me; ; ' And lest your head with doubting aches Bemember these are yature'a fakes. y; : A Born Trust King. Els-yenr-old Harry wanted to buy his sis ter a little Christmas present Bis heart ; throbbed with Joy at the thought, though he had la bis pocket only ten cents. Never. sfceless, he went around the sbos and came haxir n-ith vprv satisfied look. His mother asked him what ue baa nougnt "I got her a cream puny no saiu. . V VWell, yott know, Harry," aald his ? mother, "that won't last until Christmas." 'That', what I thouaht after t bouaht '' It.' mother," replied Harry calmly, "and so I ate It" Uiaies' uome jouruai. V A Sad Picture. . ' The Kolemnlrv of the meeting was some- what disturbed when the eloquent young ,.i theologian pictured in glowing words the veinsnnesa or men woo speua meir eve- 'Jngs at the club, leaving their wlvee In loneliness at home at-this happy season. : "Thtnlr mv h..r Mill "nf a nnnr :,;negiectea .wife, ait alone in ine "jreary house.: yockln the "era ale ol sieppin onoo witn one loot sua wining Btnr.'t- 1 ' His' Estimate. Dpra How loiijr did It take yoa to learn how to run a motor cart . . ..i. .... fikorcher Oh i Ave or ais. . - J ' Porn Whnt? Weeks? " -w orcber--Ko motor cars.-yPlck-Me-TJp. The fiallroom Boys Turn On the Heat. GPGEE'BUT U S ) JOT BELIS-OING-DINQ! I'VE AN IDEA' WrCRtF wvwki, Dl n van Jf int -A-ni-nwsvivtiT-jrr inni 11 1 I OCr aIV mcUThKci LlT'c. Pi IT TUFRFTrtrrSro oiVftinaftir : . . 1 ' ivMti i''.rj i-'lM1" wvnMiwrmuiu muvt C'CQST A LITTLE ftfUT THAT OFF ANnWlPFTHTAR- fe pi mh ni if 1 1 iv. l - HmK usukii L . . I InlNn vr t IHtJfT- m-ttft! Wh Oepyrlaht, I90T, by Ajasrlcsj-Jouriial-Brsintssa, v.V th , -. . . n I l( QJT ? HE MUSTN'T iC APjIINUTtSAQO. LlTEM- HP' r,FTTIWr. Rlicv r - S I I niii l j i cu rir tu c rnrr r s-r-v in f i w i . . . i i i i ' " , iwi ii 1 1 r iiiiiail 151 FUNNt.. r- MHHW5i" iwaW V VWAI , I GEE33 1 I Ujl fy . . KHhwRFATlNA ff i r -ar saw l ix: m i i hp vi mriMi i a ar . " n t m 'sw - .a '. r jbw - - s -v a v a n ii i n . i r a l mm. i " ' 1 '" "1" !' .-Hi .i , .- . ... . .. , - . .... " ... . '. . . , : : . . ... .... AFTER THE HOLIDAYS. -,.Sht love ihcit old oaks. : . k lone ycto. t , $ht--Avhtttnut.Iikcl and .Wilta, THE INTEREST SHE AROUSED, , "IT'AcH it come to gottipxtg A a-fry infrrMlino." . w 4 w .' a M ' va, 1 never aeara ner taw mucn HAD TRIED THE GOODS broke into my cellar in the night. r unttna t rtcnaincit vert txrairgert. Jof Wttrtf.-FUeiend8 Blatter. ONE EXPLANATION. z"l'POTinot Hl(Serifah3 why han't wife it caiieirntt 'better half : DQWNTO T FACT8. -T -; Jfn IVhatricoHld f 011 io if J thonld ate sf trove your To-DayfsBesti Story LAWRENCS MOTT. "uthor'a antomo. ner la New Tork. l eondemn.- he aald. !Ta Kln" corch. bnt I don't demnauon to Wwayg a mistake. " . "Once, on Canadian railway ,ri the train for . nZJ!l 1 . ? raliway ' . 7 T t u n u he An- Ished I heard him aay bitterly, as h, took ... .7 ' ' nam sandwich! It's the worst baa, aandwlch I .ver ,tl No more taato fhn ... .f ml u you could harilTaTt. " 'mtU " xeve et yer ticket said the wait. This here'. ye ham sandwich." Compensation. : A Small bo. retnnln' ' .L ' day. inquired o( hla ' what peopi meant when ther annb. ... r v . : eompenaatloa.- The father, to the course ot hla explanation,!" cited-th fact that it one of tue senses i i. . .. other, receive, wrreapondinir develop, ment; as, for example. If a maa', sight became imnalnut Stik.v. -ma . ' . r " roucn or of hearlnr would become mora scuta. ..4 'Oh. bow I it .1. : . ' . ' i . . . tv mierruptea tu little fellow. uth ... . . . " Mm vi iem is shorter than, it ought to be the other U .lwayr longer.-ln,rpcr' Weekly, ' PutUng It Mildly. The floodlnar of V-vn ' . , - -- -- - .-.Mum biibv aaa . j. traglq result, and ar,mlner was deputed to break, the news in husband had been drowned.. aSWX wan ' . ' . K uor viinow rfones live buret o." wa. the Indignant lady', reply. ' ."JTou'ra at liar r- he Sald.Tatler. N "I love a dim. rellxloua UahL ah mn mured. t "I was brought no In Tittshnrr. ino. h sid. Leslie's Weekly. , 1 ' Dv. f. -I..".. -4 tffa-rMust-you go to the cinb-ton! dear?. "Ion would it you ked to divido mri:-'UnLtav.m.ioTmueitrtnn The Tramp Vi v. "The times are stt!r!8; wtm-.. fered me wrk at '' '";;.'. j day!" k'Uvzvui t a-t;