;THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, r JANUARY 5, ' 1903. : ' . , " " , " ""' . , , : v ; . f v .r :' '': ml mm Sale; of ;lun-Laceo jiearance; jdrcice: V-H '--. t the seasin. Cluny Lace, with bands 'to match- from ; IWXO 3 inches nvide; all -. itiracnve . ,ncw k K- ? in both ecru : and. white; ' Laces that; are Jin. most .'demand , right V noav r for; t : trimming i iparty : dresses,,' '.V'1 number of choice patterns . (j.V : edging -suitable for :net f hA---V 35c laces, all at one price, : J 1 iOTc I ' Morrday and Tuegday Q "r ' i y TP T! "RT"W ATJTS MONDAY ONLY ; AT V ;,t.UIUVIVn " i f T i ' ale.' hundreds- and, .fc,un-; dreds.of Ribbon remnants , It via , . .r ; "..; TTTv J at one-half - the i marked remnant price. In the assortment you' will find ribbons of every color in every width' suitable' (or tve'rv ouroose. -hair ribbons. neck ribbons, trimming and millinery ribbons,-ribbons -for'bo.ws, fanev work" and ni'lli-rw rnfflinir ' in fart' aH' short lengths and remnants ' tea ' on ' sain tn. . 1 m v ' II i J III ' I I .. ' M IV il tiuv; "win ,uu yuiuv iuttaiii(, and, remnants . go , on , sale, to- morrow at , . . . ; . . . , , Laco Guimps and Chomispttcs Fifty dozen stylish new? Gumps,i Yokes and Chemisettes, made of fine sheer lawn, some triinmed with' dainty Val'lace, others' with lace insertion -and. edging to match, and. other are made of Irish point and babv Irish lace, the entire, line placed on sale tomorrow at the following Reductions:- ' " ,f 1.35 T . t ' a f i J ' a n 10-11 iar s n n vi i iiii rpnurivi if i . Regular S1.S0 and $2.00 values,. reduced to. .of. Regular $1.00.and $1.25. values,' reduced to. . . , . .', ........ . . 78f Regular 60c to 75c values, reduced to....... 3j Regular 35c to, ,50c values,' redtfeed to........ .v.-.;. Great Embroidery Cleari-Up, THE VALUES OFFERED AT THIS SALfi AE THE BEST WE HAVE .EVER PEEN ABLE TO GIVE , Hundreds of women are buying NOW in liberal quantities for next season's use, and many lota have been completely sold out Tomorrow you have splendid choice of tne following assort merits. ' ' Edgings and Insertions to match, in all widths1 from the dainty little sets to the wide .flouncing, all new desirable patterns, three lots to choose from: " I REGULAR 30c TO 40c EMBROIDERIES NOW lO REGULAR 18c TO 25c EMBROIDERIES NOW. ....... . REGULAR 10c TO 15c EMBROIDERIES NOW. OVER 1,200 YARDS SHIRTWAIST EMBROIDERIES Regular $2.50 and $3 Qualities at fl.lO The most beautiful Embroideries ever shown in this city made of the finest Swiss and Ohtffon cloth in elaborate panel effects, pretty floral designs and dainty little patterns of the most . at-, tractive sort; the mosf stylish materials, for dainty waist fronts, sleeves and party dresses, full 27 inches , wide;, regular d1 Q $2.50 and $3.50 qualities, priced for this sale at.. . 1.17 i . Se. Our.. Third Street Window Display. rt Goods and Notions 1 t ' Specially Low Priced 35c SCARFS "AND SQUARES 10-Special showing of cm- Scarfs and bqyares; best oic in. ...17 1, broidered and hemstitched values, Clearance Sale-price. $2.50 TEDDY BEARS 1 gl.?5 $2 HAND BAGS f 1.49 Women's leather Hand Bags, newest shapes, and styles, leather lined, colors black, and tfl AQ brown; values up to $2.50, Clearance Sale price. . .'"'. $1 ELASTIC BELTS .69 Women's silk Elastic Belts, tQ all colors, French 'elastic 'and .butklesj 'Cledrance r Sale' or. ' UiTC 35 c Values in Fancy Hat Pins 20c 50c COMBS 39f Extra heavy Dressing Combs.-best fiberloid combs; all colors; regular 50c combs; . Clearance Sale OQ price v.. vJC All Sizes Pearl Dress Buttons 1 4o LCE CURTAINS Portieres and Couch Covers JFOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY i ' i . jri " : . ' r it f compare tne ioiiowmg special vaiues with any found elsewhere at th'e same price and you will readily see what we -mean by "Best Values.' The wo men of Portland have by their liberal patronage certainly-signified. their ap proval of these Clearance Sale offer ings. If you were in the department any day 'since the' opening of this great sale you eould not fail to be im pressed with the fact that it is an un precedented successand due solely to our power of value giving., Be on .hand tomorrow, in the morning if conven ient.' ' LOT 1 White Scotch Lace Curtains in a full assortment of neat designs; ; full 42, inches wide and 3 'yards long; very only a iimucu nuiuucrui pairs-in inis lot. January Clearance Pf ice, QA s ? j. .', . 'per "pair w LOT 2-1 White Scotch Lace Curtains, 45-inches wide, 3 yards long, in a?full assortment of patterns. All pretty de- At signs. ' January Clearance Price, Pr pair.. .pi.VJ LOT3 White SeotchLace-Curtains-in a full assortment of pretty designs;' 50 inches, wide . and 3 yards long.1 - ' JO January Clearancfc, Price; per pair .... ... .-. . ; LOT 4 White Madras Lace. Curtains in a full. assortment -of neat designs to choo$e from.' Full , 54. inches wide, and iyi ' yards long. Just a limited number, pf .pairs in this ! tfJO OC lot. January Clearance Price, :per pair; ... ..... .... LOT 5 Arabian Scorch Lace .Curtains in, a full assortment of ; pretty designs; all 60 inches ;wide 'and 3 .yards long. These pretty curtains will go f ast. January ; Qearance Price, M OA per ' pair .V. . .;. . .i . ;V. . .; . .. '..-.. ......... . .16V LOT oV-Arabian? Scotch Lacet Cuftarns"'1o a full ' assortment of pretty new designs on fine net! Full 45 inches wide dl 7t aiid. 1 yards long. January Xlearance ' Price, per pair . v 1 I J LOT 7 White Bobbinet Curtains with pretty Battenburg edge and 'inserting. A' full assortment . to , choose fromi , ' A,ll 44 inches;,wide ,.and.3 yards lhg. January; Clearance (1 OA Price, per pair .t. ........ ....... v. ,yfiuw XOT iArabian Bobbinet Curtains'in ai full assortment of ', neat designs, with ? pretty 'edge of Battenburg, full 46 inches wide and 3 vards long, only, a limited mimber of pairs CO OH in this lotr" January Clearance price, "per pair.. P69U TAPESTlRY COUCH COVERS A-full assortment-of . pretty -fringed Couch Covers, with cross stripe design, alj 60 M AC ins. wide', and, 3rydsi long; Jailiiary Sale price.. ....... jP.IM TATPTP.STRY COUCH COVERSA'nice Assortment 'of fringed otientat Couch Covers, beautiful colorings and pretty designs, full "fa inches wide and ;'3, yards', long; January . Sale JO t C of fringed Portieres in two-toned styles,; 5 jnther wide d0 e and 3 y?fds log January Sale price, per pair. . j)fi.U FOBTIjAUTDrS; FASTEST' GROWINGS STORE In Quality :i " - - . a . . ; The MOST In Value OUR SIXTEENTH REDUCTIONS ARE SO LIBERAL THAT EACH PURCHASE ' MEANS A BIG SAVING Price, economies' without a parallel are offered in every section of the store. Stocks are vastly broader, in every department and better in every possible wajr demonstrating as usual the su premacy of this store as giving THE BEST VALUES in fact, the most ruthless reductions have been made on the most seasonable merchandise in the most dependable qualities. That our extremely low prices and enormous assortment are appreciated is shown by the record breaking; sales of the last week. Here Are Inducements for You to Come Lookfor the special price, tickets Tomorrow & Tuesday You will find them in every section OliOAK AUTO SUIT .DEPT. Notwithstanding the tremendous run on the Suit Department during th last two weeks, our Suit line is by no means nearing depletion. There is still a large assortment of styles, colors and patterns to choose from, and the sooner you come the larger the assortment will be. The remarkable price reductions of this sale are not' alone confined to the Suits, butextend to the Furs, Cloaks, Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Knit Goods, and, in fact,, every article in the-department is reduced. Suits at Clearance Price, $19.50 'Suits that you have seen selling elsewhere for $30.00 and $35.00; Suits that have the finishing touches of the very high priced garments. They come in black, blue, and red broadcloth and worsteds in fancy stripes and checks; with tight and semi-fitting backs. Skirts are pleated and trimmed with fold. The same beautiful lines and styles that A A P characterize, all of our Suits are very noticeable in these garments. T I W 11 Clearance Sale Price VWV Fitty-Inch Coats, Sale, $10.50 Coats 50 inches long, of wine red cheviot, black broadcloth and worsteds in fancy stripes and mixtures of many rich colors. These extremely stylish garments ft -j C have the semi or tight-fitting backs and are plainly tailored or trimmed T I 1 1 1 1 with braid. $17.50 value, Clearance Sale Price W JUf Fur Reductions Scarfs of real mink, 48 inches long and finished with mink head and tail. $10.50 regular; Clearance Sale Price fT.50 Scarfs of fine Siberian Squirrel, 60 inches long and elegantly lined with a fine quality satin to match fur; $8.0 regular. Clearance Sale Price f6.90 Collarette of imitation Martin; over 60 inches long and trimmed with two tails at each end; $5.50 regular. Clearance Sale price $3.95 A set of fine black Astrachan, Muff is extra large and scarf 60 inches long. Set is lined throughout with fine quilted satin; regular $10.00. Clearance Sale Priee f 7.50 A Muff of dark brown Coney, finished with four tabs; a $5.50 value for f 4.25 CHILDREN'S COATS SIZES ONE TO SIX Children's Coats of tweed mixtures, bear cloth and crushed velvet in white, blue, red, green and brown. Single and tfJO Q? double breasted; $3.50 and $4.50 values. Clearance Sale Price ' $LVd CHILDREN'S COATS SIZES SIX TO FOURTEEN Coats of tweed, worsted and fine Kriev cloth in various colors. Single or double breasted. Collar and cuffs of &C AC same cloth or velvet.- Regular prices $650 to $8.50. Clearance Sale Price .....$J.UO DRESS GOODS and SILKS At reductions from one-third to one-half. Since the inauguration of this great Clear ance Sale of Fashionable Dress Goods and Silks, the selling has increased each suc ceeding day and despite the tremendous sales choosing is practically aa good now as at the. opening of the sale! for several special lots, bought under price,' have just arrived, which we wish to clean up quickly. We know of no other store that places before you such inducements as these: Fancy Dress & Waisting Silks 81.25. $1.35, $1.50, $1.65 Grades on Cents ALL GO AT THE ONE PRICE Xard 1,500 YARDS TO CHOOSE FROM! The greatest Silk Bargain ever offered in this city over 1,500 yards of this season's choicest silks in all the popular foreign and domestic weaves; the newest colorings in stripes, plaids and novelty checks; Fekin stripes, neat Jacquard designs and rich Persian weaves; elegant, stylish silks suitable for street and evening wear. Our reg- f g ular $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 and $1.65 grades placed on sale tomorrow without fyxMf7 -at the extraordinary low price, per yard S An early visit is suggested to secure best choice. reserve- SWISS TAFFETA SILK BEST 75 Cent QUALITY 59c 19-mch Swiss Taffeta Silks made of the purest of silk fibre, a beautiful, rich, hieh- finished taffeta, comes in all thrbest shades of blue, pink, tan, mode, castor, green, red, white, cream, etc., etc. Our regular ",75c ;gra,de. Special Xleararice Sale Price SILK EOUENNE, BEST $1.50 GRADE, 89 CENTS PER YARD 42-inch Silk Eolienrte, one of the finest of foreign weaves, a beautiful sjlk and wool fabric, that will not crush or wrinkle; i comes' in 'all the b'est shades of tan, rose, lavender, green, pink, blue, steel, champagne, cream and black; sold everywhere Yt $1.50 a vard. Soecial Clearance Sale Trice j -89 S1.25-S1.50 Dress Goods, Clearance Price, 69c 69c t i. r tv. r.r . .', '' 14-Tnr-Vi Crn Da Pari. 46-Inch Ervotian Crene BeauiifuF Silk and Wool fabrics so much in demand for evening wear.. We are showing the above weaves in Sfiades of green, pink, tan, steel, lavender, blue, etc. Our regular $1.00xand $1.25 grades. Special Clearance Sale Price A COMPLETE SHOWING OF PRIESTLEY'S CRAVENETTES In Air Colors, Widths and Weights, Now on Sale ' at Clearance Sale Prices OUR GREATEST Undermusim ' Here is another instance where, this store s steady advance U conspicuous. .Thers are reasons galore, why so many pec; are buying these beautiful undefgarments they art correctly made and comfortably fashioned; the trimmings' are daintier than the usual sale kinds and the prices are fully a third lens than regular. THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL FOR TOMOR ROW AND TUESDAY,... '; ' ,. V -J. : Great Clearance Sale of Muslin Gliirta 25 TO 50 PER CENT ' DISCOUNT. t. ci Muslin Skirts of every variety to be placed on sale for Monday and Tuesday at a great reduc tion. A FINE LINE OF SHORT KNEE SKIRTS Skirts of high grade cambric with lawn flounce, finished with rows of neat hemstitched tucks, 27 to 31 inches in length; values to 75c, sale price 43c 79c A line of fine nainsook and cam bric with lawn flounce and under piece, trimmed with lace inser tion and lace ruffle or with rows of neat tucks, 27 to 31 inches long; regular $1 values, sale price... CORSETS AND GIRDLES FOR 43o A fine line of Corsets, made of heavy coutil in white with or without hose supporters and boned with steel, alsov a fine lot of tape and corset girdles, in pink, white and blue, made 'of fine material and well-boned; regular 75c values, Monday and 40 Tuesday at Clearance sale price.., .tJC CHEMISE FOR $1.89 , v .Fine nainsook Chemise, trimmed with neat embroidery ; yokes and insertion and. ribbon around the neck, finished at bottom of skirt with deep embroidered ruffle, sizes 36 to 42, all of good width and length; values to $3.50, Monday and Tues- &1 Oft day only at Clearance Sale prices .....yl.OV A nice line of knee Skirts of fine cambric and nainsook, with tucked, flounce, finished with a deep ruffle of embroidery or lace; come with under-piece, 27 to 31 inches long; values from $L25 to $1.50, sale price .' ..'.....IOC LONG MUSLIN SKIRTS AT SALE PRICES. V Cambric Skirts with deep lawn flounces, trimmed with -rows of lace insertion and lace ruffle, with dust ruffle and under-piece; also a line trimmed with a lawn ruffle, finished with rows of neat tucks, dust ruffle and under-piece, 40 to 44 inches QQ' long; values to $1.50, sale price .......vOC MUSLIN SKIRTS $3 Values ?1.49Made of best' quality cambric muslin, trimmed with 30-inch hemstitched embroidered lawn ruffle, finished with underlay dust flounce, made d1 .' A( extra full and well worth $3, sale price..... LINGERIE UNDERSKIRTS f 2.08 Made of finest nainsook, nicely trimmed. with laces, ribbons and embroideries one -renr pretty style has a row of 6-inch insertion and is finished, with 12-inch ruffle of embroidery; other styles are trimmed, with rows of fine French lace and insertion; values-as high as frO QQ $4.50, sale price ....V.JU Knit Underwear and Hosiery Clearance A great sale of seasonable garments for women and children prices that will prove a surprise to every posted buyer. , The leaders for tomorrow and Tuesday will consist of. . Women's Winter-Wt. Underwear Best 40-Cent Grade ARA f Wonderful Values at A QO ; SEE MORRISON STREET WINDOW. V V ' , Now it's a great sale of women's fine white ribbed cotton Under wear of excellent wearing quality, well finished, perfect fitting garments at about half price; vests and pants in all. sizes, correct winter weight, slightly fleeced, silk trimmed; garments never before sold for less than 40c and extra good values at that price; it's a great lot that we bought at half value, we offer them OC to you tomorrow at the same big saving. ........:...iuC No phone orders filled; none sold to dealers at this price. WOMEN'S WOOL STOCKINGS 35c Grade at 19 One of the best bargains we have ever offered; women's heavy ribbed wool Stockings, in dark gray, blue and black, double heel 1 ft and toe; reg. 35c values, special Clearance price Monday BOYS' WOOL STOCKINGS 40c Values at 25 Just enough for one day's selling; boys' heavy black wool Stockings, all ' sizes, guaranteed to wear; regular 40c values, , special jE1 Clearance price v. ............... . .W' CHILDREN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR 75c Values 49- great special offering of children's fine Swiss ribbed wool Und'r wear in gray, all sizes vests and pants, correct winter Atii A weight; extra value at 75c, special.Clearance price... ....'tyC ' " ' ' ' SEraSSi SHOE SALE IS A SALE OF GOOD SHOES Could you imagine a business growing to such an extent as our Shoe department if we offered in these sales anything but dependable shoes? Would we have anything to build upon for future greater things? The satis faction we give you now determines next year's success. Every -shoe offered during this sale we guarantee to be up-to-date in style and to give satisfaction in fit and service. ,.'"; A TWO BIG DEPARTMENTS MAIN FLOOR AND BASE-' MENT .,v;1;:::H4V; Women's $3.50 Shoes, in all sizes and widths, at.. f2.8S Boys' and girls' Shoes, $1.25 and $1.50 gVades, at....w.....99f Boys' Dox Calf Shoes, best $2.50 grade, at onIy.........S1.7T Men's heavy Shoes, $2.50 and $3 grades, at only...... !...f 2.10 Women's Felt Juliets, all colors and sizes, at .99 Men's fine Shoes, $3.50 and $4 grades, at only S2.85 in Clearance Men's Wear ; In this popular section we have selected j some very good ' values, not because they; are 'better than other items we could mention, but because they i are . especially appropriate for present needs, '"For"' instance Ji -'W . A GREAT SALE OF MEN'S HATS. $2.50 AND i $3.50 GRADES, f 1.98 Tomorrow we place on sale pur entire Jine of men's Hats, including all the new blocks ' in both soft and .stiff shapes.- ' tk' : r...i..'ti and "Robros' Hats in black and shades of pearl, gray; tan and brown, this season's best styles; $2.50 and $3.50 grades, all a. one price to- j (1 Q morrow.- only . . ;v. '. v I O isT' V 'T if, - 4 5v iena unaerwear, a uraaes LS?A -v - . St 79 Special sale - of 4tT' W ' '" . :P .;lvWriirht.'6'Health.;: Underwear. non-irritating; always soft and more durable than the, ordinary knit; in natural color and ail sizes? rcgular$l :value,;extr9 7() Clearance Sale .price," garment. "; ;, . . i . . . ?. MEN'S UNDERWEAR, BEST. $1.00 GRADER AT C0. . ' Men's naturalgray Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular winter weight; custom made; neatly finished garments, cut in all aire; our regular $1.00 value. vExtra Special Clearance Sale price Ul . MEN SHIRTS,' $l.oa" VALUER AT CO, i Men's Domet Flannel Shirts, with soft turn-down cotlari ; a'l sizes, from' 14H to 17, and assnrted shades of pray, blue an l tan;tfgular $1.00 vshies.. Extra Specif Clearance Sale -price C Jf , Ik . .1. 1 MS- II