The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 05, 1908, Page 28, Image 28

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    T? . Gcor H- Himes ' Cjt,5SC1 .Plains After Father Had
f Heard Lecture on ' Oregon First Telephone. Service
Vf 1
(s ::::.:;;.;
j "ft !
rHEN Portland waa a village with
a population of paorr
It-Il!m, aecretary of tha
OrfonHItorical aorlety, '
. 1 roaet th plains and cant hla
lot in tba Oregon country, writer fama :
and fortune awaited ail mtn. It -aa In
JS62. wh!l he waa but a boy., that hja
father -Joined an , emigrant train and
brought him to tha golden went. Twelve
i yeart later, when the Oregon metropolis ,
had grown to tha proportions of a small
frontier city, he made his home here
, and tx came a factor in the growth end ,
rronperlty which were destined to fall'
o the future city of rones. Ho knows
; "Old Portland" and ha an Ineihaust
lnle fund of Jntereeting anecdotes to -.tell
of "the man who did thing.''
tr. Bamuet J. Parkers lectures on
' the Oregon -country were directly re-: .
" aponxlbla tor Mr. HIme' coming wet ;
In 1838 his father heard the explorer
talk aJid Impressed with the ,
i latent' possibilities of the Pacific north ;
west that he determined to cross the
Plains. He settled his business and in
Sit started put Reaching Peoria, Iili-
noi, he w Uken sick. The delay .
finally . resulted In Ms settling there '
for several yesrs. The western fever
refused to bs suppreed, however, and
' In lH&t he made another start
j Founds Institution. v ,
. it was tha plan of Mr. Ilimes and Ms .
companions to; go to Polk oodnty and ,
there found aft educational institution. ;'
"Whils ha failed to, Keach his destlna
' tlon, being a,ttracted northward and set- :
' tling at Olympls. the other members of i
the band avompiiKhed their purposs !
and tha Monmouth 8Ute Normal school ..-(, , i.'r-., ; , J ; .
Is the result ot their efforts. . ;
At Olympla the historian's father In- .. v i o
tertsted canltal and surted tha. first Frmp offloi ini wi owMi H
'V'.. . ' l ,,.. ..' .. . II .. 1..JIH JLllllll ilMl I if ,-WW AVI ,Wtl
,TK.yyvjj:'- y,V : ; V ' v
- - ' ; . l, ' -t - Old-Tiro HoteL1
" , , In those days the
mm 'tha . Waldorf-Astor
t&x$;i i S. ; " ' '? 'X H-Vi ; ft ; ? f f-kf i : '' 4 "5Svj was a f rama buildl
&M'ffM: rronfar
f ' ' - ' ' " ' ' ' ' tj, MArrigonlonduc
?.:':;5;PC I: ' ' - i '?'' i It5; ' ,: . J'lOf i:;- ?V:: "d w ably, seconded I
as resident manairer, and C, E. TUton.
as. New York corresponaent, ,. . .
those days the Dennison house was
Waldorf-Astoria, of Portland. It
frame building on the northeast
of Front and Stark 'streets, B.
Arrigonl conducted tba hostelry and
:-i . , was ably seconded by B. O. "Whitehouse,
now an .official . of - the Portland Oas
One of the most Important years for
old Portland was 184. It wss in that : ,
i year that the Multnomah county court-v
; building done. The courthouse wss not ,
;, '. , f v 1 ' ; first designed as it appears now. The
K. M. Burton wss the architect who do-. (
slrned he structure. , - ; '-' i m.
' This same year Portland saw its most ' .
pretentious brick building erected, J.
L. Parish, a pioneer of 1M0, owned the
bulldln;Ivhfch7.atm stsnds at the .
southwest corner, of Front and Wash
Ington streets. '
Out on the adg of tha forest thi v
first sohdol erected with pubno money , ..
was located in 18S7. The directors se- ;
cured an entire block tor $1,000 and
placed the new building In the center ,
I '
'A i
f rx..
It was in this printing office that tha Ladd occupied the building himself,
hunt mil ,hn tTirinn rsiaDiisnea in w....... f..--;' - " "
what 1. now the state of 'Washington, ' rival h H . u carter, a PorUand. Oeorge J.
warning cn n -printing . ?u .. v-- h,.tr,an:DHter went to promoter nd he had a
wh-,. si. i3d i. work "for "him. Three year, later Mr: auclng tha people of
position as a compositor. At that time Hlnes bought the , shop and rsn " tn, new Invention. They
h!". b"LJJ2r,:iln?J2 mVh" ffinVmwny..,w::r on .fry side he
" iyr. n ii ni wiiii mi ye'y;ry.;Sg '" """"" ' '
; s -Vi vslU
of It Joseph Fields sold the block to
I . -tha city and, It-was considered at thf
1 time that .he got a gooa pries for his
land.- In H81.- however, the school
board sold this same block to Henry ,'
Villard for' 175,000 and tne Portland I
hotel now occupies the site. Although
the foundation , for the great hostelry '"
.wss started at once the project' fell
through temporarily and tha building j 1
was-not completed until several yeara
later i . . . " '... . . . -.'.
Whn Work- was eonimenced upon tha
foundation nf tha hotel ths old frame
school . building was moved off the
block. ,The main' building now sunds , .
at the southeast corner of Seventh and ....
Aldef streets, -wrhlls tns wings were
conducting a aeneral merchandise store. Aider streets, -wrnus ins wings wr .
installed in 18e8 tw? s?orles ' wVre added to the converted I Into a. Prau Lt;uctura and ;
38 ' Jf
w..-sftta,Ws ssasWsV'-
Portland to adopt
were suspi
met with the
objection that they "had
bother with the new-fan
One day In 1S78. wnn
nfNce. which was then i
ton street. Detween r irni
streets. Alnsworth recoun
rmlttna which confronted 1
nrnmntlv . tflvAn IMrmlsSlOn
his first telephone on the wall of the
.printing office. Then the problem of
findlna- some' one to handle the other
end of tha line alarmed him.
. Don't worry about that." assured
Mr. Hlmea, "for if you will give me
SO minutes I will find some business
man who will allow you to Install the
Instrument." ,
Kept Hit Promise.
.Comforted by this assurance. Alns
worth went after the wall sets while
his friend set out to make his promise
' good, i He proceeded directly to tha
music house of W. T. Shannon and laid
the case before the proprietor. Mr.
Shannon did not look favorably upon
it. however, protesting that he was too
busy to be bothered.
Undauntejl by.thls rebuff Mr. HIme
Insisted that his proposition be ac
cepted, explaining in tne meantime that
it would be a great advertisement for
the music store and promising to call
attention of people In the printing of
fice to music played three blocks away
In Shanahan's store. This caught the
muslo dealer's fancy and the deal was
closed irt exactly 16 minutes, half th.i
times Mr. Himes had allowed himself
to find a location.
So great was the success of this first
public line that other business men be
came Interested- Orders began to pour
hito Mr. Ainsworth's office and within
12 months 100 telephones were in use.
W. 8. Lsdd built the first brick block
in Portland In 18BS. It was a small
one-story affair, located in the third
36-foot space south of Stark street, on
tha west Side of Front street ilr.
Alnsworth was the structure and the first Portland bank
hard time In- established.-.'' ; , "
This institution occupied a aimmuuvj
room on the second floor of the La'ld
building. It , was opened by Mr. Ladd,
are located an the corner of Sixth and.
Alder. ' ' ' v
Elevators were a thing unheard of In
the days of old Portland. For many ;'
years ths sturdy pioneers tolled to ths.
, ;i t . ... -
i i
no. time to Ssi:'s:is-- 1
e in Mr. nram , ..-vS..:fc;,;i 5.:':S; i.;-.-x if .-' j tf-.f 4 1
it 105 Washing- i.!:;; : s: i-i ;:,:if:4.r: x?::!:.? ?f .iS :?-1isS ? Ii::!: V: f ih'Jtf:f- I
and Front - , o ' i ! . ? 'y' Ji- 1
lm. He was V , , ' - " , ( ' - u i I ' I
to instsll ??imw?'r:..f st.-i t i'myUv I
aS B I 'v.-:.'VI.l:.y.'k M
I 9 y v. V V. " ' -
-v' '
"": IT' ::
' . . : sWJ:
s -'''v
t' "Jit -
WwMiSfe .wiewiiMiiwii..wiii i'v iim,i
fca WSf M
, ' top . of the highest buildings by the
' stairs. It was not until comparatively
recently that an elevator was Installed
In a local structure ana a tning or my-
terv it was to. tha neoDle. They floaked
" from far and near to the Ablngton
building on Third between Washington
and WUrlt streets, wnere it was m
K stalled, to sea the operator shoot from
floor to floor as though by magic.
When ' Mr. Himes came to Portland
t Mayor W. H. Farrar had his offices
, on Fro"4 between Stark and Washing
- ton streets. There was no city hall,
. the city authorities occupying rented
v;. quarters. Tha police force consisted of
v three men. Marshal William Grooms and
) .two deputies, and tha city jau was a
.'. one-storv brick bulldinsr on Morrison be-
tMn First and Second streets. This
building wss afterward occupied by the I
. lire company.
' ' Those were strenuous but prosperous
times. The mines in eastern Oregon
. '. and western Idaho had Just besrun to
' pay,' and every steamer ound for Ban
' Francisco, carried from $60,001) to 1160,-
000 in gold bullion,
Newspaper work in Oregon then wss
not exactly life of ease, either. Pa
t pers all over the stale were practically
suppressed by being denied the use of
the mans ny tne postomce aeparimem.
' Thla condition was brought about by
s rabid criticism pf President Lincoln's
' administration. One Daoer. the Adver
tiser, suffered this fate. It was estab-l
- llshed in 1860 and led a fitful exist
ence for threa years. Finally it grew
so fierce In Its attacks upon the admin
istration that the attention of a United
Statea marshal was called to it. Tha
reeult was that it was denied the use
of the malls and ceased punncationi
within a short time.
KneW Its Habits.
From PUck. '
Explorer Yew, I have decided to make I
my dash In an automobile. - I
Reporter And you think your chances!
of locating tne poie are gooa
RvnlArnr-t-Sure! If I Ket Within
thousand miles of it, this machine of I
' mine will run into it
" . . ' 1 " ...
Jucke Ben B. Lindsay of Denver Visits Soutnland Wnere He Haa Found a Quickening Putlic Conscience in Regard, to tne Treatment of Ckadren-Mrs. Waterman Work in Alabama
s' , f " , ,. V. ,f i . A ' . '- . . ... ' ... . ' -. -. m t ti t... ... As- wirV and nffnrts. snd in this Sir have
' . . .. " . v .... . . . .t. . mia v.i- nA vls nnla'a dnnument Nrere criticisms for his prompt paraon
nnnvrlht 1!07. DT unarilies ana me n toniounmo im vpwuniu i uh, . r--r-- , ,a orlma t rvhln-
Commons. New Tork.) . . the'Vppo.Ytlon XBl SS WSi 7 It T&.slbla In . brief report to -nd"7et.Jced to The vpe
wHEN the National Conference of Miss Jordan and Miss Kate Jordan even refer to all of tSe women in the ??her "
.'- 1 Ry Charltie.;id Coctlon me or -.r"wSK ?nfla0forclYdhooBd. The? ."redoing to emphasise hls contempt for such a Both-
favor of what the women have always
.in AtUnUi in ISO tha Jail f 'rct4 chivJwill .til
i conaiuona ior you to, nu " juvenile courts ana .aetenuon nome - isaing up m ourutu i mo un,,u,
'amaslns" number of children schools In place of Jails and prisona termined to see that It has fair pla
w ,niSln a Oklahoma there is Miss Kate square deal, aad Justice. Aslc any l
inded by - the DOUce Wllnin a - . k. ... .iii (. Mmmli. ilrlm rinwn thare. asneciaJlv air
aitvAMcv nf near, H. Putnam, has done splendid work snd efforts, and in this way have I
nartalnins to the luvenlle luvenlle court work for five years past mat one of ths aoeclal difficulties of I
probation system, , are equaiea witnout tne aia or xne 'o'" '" thlr section- Its lack of industrial
all ths literature of the sub- of such cit es as Indianapolis, Chicago .meir section us iaca oi .nuu.iriw
miim uHTOiyii.iiJi.iu and Denver. The results In Birmingham schools, or what were formally called
candidates for governor or go to show mat it is ins spim ana mi reform schools in the north ana west
done method of punishing and degrading Louisiana have publicly expressea views '".irt". p'H' !!."U?5.l"fB.v!,,
Am. children when the State hafl proviaeu Similar to inoso o jruvernor aruBiuo.ii. luipui imiv m io - - nisei - i iinu lu-vaucu rniuuui can"
y V no nmns fwttii protecttonT Governor Haskell of Oklahoma ex- haps the most Interesting .ftf-ture- of gren except to the Jail or the penlten-
? . Pv.iVJi.. iT.r laViaa ii.nii. nressed to me the keenestiDDreclation Judge Feagln's wbrk Is that he Is fur- twy. This indivldus enterorlse in
.n. . m.. h.. .mnhAa mil tha nacas- nresseo
.,h-nrtad bv tha oollce within WA" .1 .""."4r: :.HTr;-,-U 7h.,'" nciajTv smona sltV of more enlightened, methods The of the entire . subject The system or nisn inf a . pracucai Nin '" vU i: mak nf a .tart, presages the coming
-'' " - . ' .1V .ii,. F'1"'"."" i " " " V . .v.Tl -.v, .V- rr,tti nvr in writer Tpcalla on a much easier trip courts m Okianoma especially in us ncumei me mi cim n n or state industrial schools as it am in
year-la Atlanta and , Other loner ZVZ ."anHhiO Jhrnu.h'the south seeSi ll bo?s in onS provision for a county court Irt each nile court of the .outh. He Is working the organlx-tlon of kindergartens, play-
t met Sl oriuini uuuj "' " , ;:v:-.i.V- Ikl a. . win II vnuthat If tha women have bull Den with adult criminals. im couniy niuiupw win; nuiuvipiik " V ,".h7 srounui, iudhoii anu aitiniion
: .v- r th. south. They began th.l lS"-. thi JKI?"10!: Ml '".U".. y.0U-ei 'ihL. ?. J,.m.h'.. w f.S chains to keep them from eery end criminal. Jurisdiction to do all very much as in the schools, and to this hoo,,. The of ,uoh schools stood
north ths significance or lacis wnicn ww ,'sr"'ri-w Tn .aita nf " .nv sunnosed Tndiffer- and had a chance to run away, I hoped insofar .as us constitutions system or ror tne coiorea cn.mrr,,. racea boys ten end. eleven years ol
. . L.j v.,i -,iiiv niim ju,.,, v. -..v. v ww.n, i. .. ..! Th tu mav hncome courts is concerned aamirsmv uauiea coiorea cnnureii m - " named witn thieves nurciara ami
on infinitely more criminal than the chlia for a statewide ana eirective system oi unaer "U.T. i w..r.rf m.nv fiends."1 A guard in one Jail in a town
in falilna to orovide Industrial schools Juvenile courts. The system is so estab- force. The results in eemlng many af 3i000 peopa w'nh ma wh,
country which rive resulted in much "TT fiUte. i -tWou. deoart- "The?." is no Intention tomlnlmiw the aid" wholesome environment for it. 1-h.d that the school law. cnua i.oor or tne siw. -,2 ""-tK n-Se-ld whit, boy wss being
. S . si,. Iiiaanl nAltrr ; . . . . . M Ua m am M l A TSjl . 1HW. U1W IUIUIUUIUR t-JViSS DS.IW VI 1IHUA1- MVIS r . II
iiivisvin. . , . " : i m a .t. i i uIa V. a frvAAm rsmsrVariia rl risk "
1 before they had but vaguelr under. haA outlined a unique plan for tak- ence. There is no longer any quesi
atood, and almost . Immediately .steps lng to 0uthrle this winter some of the that the sentiment of the south Is
were taken In different parts of; tha bet Known workers and advocates In the right side in all of these things.
i Mtintn which have resulted ' in Bocn ,k. it.i,.j c... in th. vartnua Hanirt. Thara la no Intention to minimize
In annlvlna- the luvenlle court kii..,k.n rnrlr an aantlmant atnnno.the men of vounf citizens.
Haa. r .... ' - '. -l Bh.-arniiM h a course nf lectures the .south In behalf of children. Con- Governor Vardaman
, W eaV ST VI UIUUIUB VJV4V v v JL M. " - a - a .
i of Mississippi cants, tobacco and firearms to children, ern c twr nas oeen "maraaDie.. ini , mRn- ten wejve boy, between
lourneyea wnn mo ti?uu,b -.-lV r" c ir "rr.. ,,. .tk
understood. Is only seven or eigm snn nhilA labor, associated charities, of that section, their Interest ana ic- Jackson. e nas pursuia -yww, uyyu i'f "i" "K'rr X,". .
. The Juvenile court, a at Pre"" delivered to the legislators and others siderlng the dlfOcultles and handicaps Journeyed with me from
U ttU" al UCKBUll. X4 ss r W . " . " . . ' .
r,.r;: Mnd within the four yeare ".im.hnti.H. Tnaana . ihv have been keen. It was Gov- this entire question that juag- torcea , in ine same couri pioro ini ni .. am Wnman
Jince thT Atlanta conferenw. Juvenile runis"juvenii ' Siti tn4otrmur ernor Robert L. Taylor of Tennessee, ment Is mimtMtnmnr. 'SJ" "u" T women of Birminrham have es-
em'pTasiif Th'e "anT 'mthof bH :g"Mg taVA Agawlfh talned almost entirely through their
ths south in this movement for th . ... . . "',"-, "' ' '
S5HH3aS ,A KmNAPING BY RAIL Short Story Written for The Sunday Journal, Wallace Browa
!? i"?!f,?tl2fi: -. - .- '-rrrr.r-.:v Vu'ZZT.Za'Z:: u,-.- - 'a 'w.u ,. h.M ot w.
ranndBin"riThearlou. wayV W tSRa throuh '5"L ffJ e?. , .l0 2 SSiMrthm d actly "a's 4 tell ?rm.."Le.nini "farT po. Ible out f " AUanta. Georgia, who UrtSSvZ
which organise publio opinion behind ' f Pennsylvania at forty-rive
a new movement When the writer, as 1 l t mllee . an hour .when one of
president or tne iniemauon juycihi
"Jollied" by a burglar. He said that
as many ns ten to' twelve bovs batwaen
ten sna sixteen years had haan In tM I
jbii ai one timo. , i nere were six of this I
age at tne time i was there. I
luiih uiiiriuui, ki raiigemenia
would soon be made for them. The
matron of that Jail told me she believed
mere -were several nunarea bov. that
hlght In Jails Jn that state under simi
lar conditions. Assuming that there
were only two hundred, it meant that
over one thousand ivwj a year, at least.
imA tha ... . w ... tni men wn mi uubbi yhwh
south, he met large and Inspiring audi- end of the car observed a loco-
cnoss at Vickeburg and Jackson. Mis- motive loom up behind us about a milo
Isslppi; Mobile and Birmingham. Ala- m"ve 100 UB ,: ,
bama: New Orleans. Louisiana, and away. , (
Oklahoma City and Guthrie, Oklahoma. "Here comes the Chicago Special,"
The organised and lively interest of jj9 , jemajked. "Just watch her over
time .people, pi me mm ui " Sake and taas US."
f-iSaa ZiHIIlrATl I 11 rm urKiiuuituic.
wlhning P"l,." "a " -" inrH"'n !??wTA"u""f": ."t.ui': infant flrmlv. the soecial
V T WI I 3 auiv u wwp-..-,-..w . aataal
on fPanalna- suddenlv. his oulck esr de- !?. Winqow. me .rm i u v,, 4vi..iii proiBciones in the I
In tac5 tha" fumble of a train. Seatlna: child to mm,, ana ne. ci.spea in . Piure or our boys
re himself calmly at the window, and : . A. .rrasned the with varioua ivSe. of JV.mi?lxlnv
he thruatlna. 4ha woman back, lest bv un- . J99 to. "?.on "' Ab. ?. .vTVP..? J"! WJ..? "0U." tyP9 ' Criminals. ... Ij
iniant nrmiy, mi ipicim ie im iww ,w L""B "r iwo sucn instances
yards in the race, and the agitated face myself. The state enn poorly afford
the wife' whereupon ihe father openly" tectlve and two assistants, drew out on
threatened that he would steal the the next track, .-to- avoia suspicion in
child at the first opportunity. their daring pUn. four other cars were
'He made good his word.
i ntiraa one nav ana aecamDinK - - . .. . . - r . . -----v. . . . mZ r. varoa in ina race.
from the-city in question with the - "one or the ' jy5I ."' nVTed th"at the "h.T of the nurse was swept from view. An to add to criminality in such a fright-
ilV'111 illU VIJ luv "kiwii av
child and nurse for the east. It hap- nv
; ne noted mat me special nao come r-iir .r i k- j. e.,i l.: .v; "P"r
cnua ana nam xor me vmtn. n nj- . ....... - ., '-.ttu th. in .,in. the rhiia aseisuini iou ciinu nviu mo omioi, pui me inausiriai school
hn. that the man had a and equipped with a code of signals, up wlth the train carrying the cnua, h met Instant, too scared will surely coma ' " v.utox ,
KSSTw-jr- about him. and It wasn't was put in; the cab of the engineer. At and was jnow " ine ape- ; u burlcd In lts mother's
1? iSS. DheUlr.Xted"nof her con thVsTgnal,- the ; SSetal. drew ' aWay from cial locomotlv. hid jaready pa.sed the
rt,.cT anV communlcateil secretlV with the station, and then began one or ine rear car c mi reiu r , ,m '.-Then .
nable In- Sue ana jyaaa un. auct ana communicated secrcny wiin , r tv. V h x-'i, . thi nnvn cami 1111 mu. jvnumci
"crystali: The passenger.. Crowded out on the. the wife. t.lUn. her of the whereabouts t' rStr-lo,o lneV ouTWnaicJ tt. ,1".MobUo' A!bm Mrs. JohnB.
Mrs, Waterman'g Work.
t- deed, It needs only to be
;ndVroughTVfective.v to bear upon- obMrvfctlon and to watch the thrilling of the child but .nrorm.n , n.r at ne - ver iaught flutfrm handkerchief at ?n even V-r- "SiV She'heid with help Of one of; the
legislators ana oinimii -. t,A -ihteen-hour train, as 7. X.. .kiu ih f nervn.i. nm.r.ii ihrnurh fear of the stateroom winaow. oi in aecona .... , .,mnii..tiniv wcri juages. secured from . tha Ala.
laws and esiaoiimii in vi. ------- -. . .. . -,. . .. . "-'!'-- v.. . u ........ .v. ..r- ion car irom tne
car, he leaned out, and his quick eye
the results of the daring plan, and anx
iety to clasp her child once more to
- . - . .. . nil r ner arina auim ilhiii Kir.
...... .... . . , . " , in. . .km .1 nlan AnH anv. Car II IMU III. IWl UI fcile UMI1. kl It . I ln..A.a 1.1. I I. ' . 'T,
...kun. h int atrtaes ma locomotivi tunic ineir escaDe was iiuduihiuii. iu 4cuno u( mo uauug iw. .... . . . . . n iuiuumiuioi vn.
V ""W .' .Tar conference of the of our train. At the speed Tt, mnthar at once oonaulted a de clasp her child once more to . -a mmuw laier ne wavea a signal would be certain aeatn.-
j. . .him. vii ifKhure no sub- whinh mii own train was making, it . w i, r ,,r ,., frtnil of her oreast Her companions tnea to in- to tne cao, ana as me car in wnicn ne
King's Daughtera at vitksuurg no sun which our own train w "'' tacti wlo ta vary warm memi M duee her to sleeD. buf she refused. Sta- was riding came abreast of the car nurse.
ComW th'eleus e of tn-' iX'SS the Wyrt erV Wilnd, NirchlldW 5?.S wherert . conld .ee ims from which the handkercn.ef fluttered, -you must h cried Lfir..,
.&'fiSrxsi ss, KCi!tttSSi a;d7r7'7" ?ofuS0r
i called? Some of the ablest women Lweyer, after another forging t0 mov. u,. child to an Atlantic sea- I suppose I don't hve to ejrplal'n what "rf"6! fT T ,,?nle?tlA1iht! SiiLVte. ,.,d of
aaramiiss: -asf eVwuhTurowa tfp&z th ,ntenuon or carry,nK lhnaadl waswss Sw? acl
Ihuth whlchdld not permit ln ,hmt L,0sUlon tte. two train. -'You wl?l .understand that during all fJS!0: X? Xlnfae fenTth"gthe rei? :oa.elfl.fd0rh.fedeFtective. Vait..
women H''J ! U caanea w 'r.:-.:. ."r. ln, ."e.r "e".e.vca '"Kl'V.'Z fitl. nlstform of the special was on a direct Tha ',l.tI of tha raa-ular train hlla la th. rhl.r 4 a. m-
Was a ' nne ruii ui ma ruivanj aim iolnlna traCKS, ionar enuusu ii i nurse was raunrui lO nis- lniereaia, run wnn a ijicni iwir H,iiu ummi, mi- fi,. iul ii.. . i. j ii. .t.u.u. . Jr . 1 r . .i.i. .c :,r. r ..- .w, ...1. in,
i.i ...,t r .n,.v,rr. mn.fni. f""J5 ii-. , .MiiKMiinii with IiT-.T-u if" ii, i" ... ,.i..j n .n.A. tiir. . v,iri Miia after line With the window of the stateroopv sounded down brakes, with the station son and. because of excentianul rnni.
SaWrart' Ih. women of the SS. .h.l'rmmrm the Xi"i5r JPht wife ,m'm ted at mHe passed without any siin of thi P the regular train. , . In sight three quarters of a ile away, tions in Birminhamt these two princ I-
A!? ,w I It-,"?!. ar speciaio Then ,. lowly but purely the once secretly with the nurse, at the in- train ahead. , ."At the wondow appeared the whit Th. i!?. fVl ' .SJSSlJS'J
bama legislature a special act creatins;
V? won't 'SSyheJe.' answered, tha e'tlve court and probation.
. a puiivifiue J u VOJIliO
court law was passed, but some of Its
provisions put it so .out of harmony
with the actual local ' conditions with
which it had to deal that lt was later
repealed. This does not1-affect the
usual s.ct for the county in which Mo-
maHinK in toi a'i. ivi viuiuiiinnj. rnatar rrain arew away. uo wi iianci or ma aeiiciivi. iBKini imiiicui- 'hyioii wa Avar nvartaira itt" tRi ia vuuu i .nuw
making this right they are going to e-witn roar continued on her way to tely the hour that the party were to Woman cried aaain and aaaln 'Oh A glad cry from the mother's lips was wrrasiMia f ;J' " " jxiodiio oyjuage uarn, witn Mrs.)
re"rd 'and thev will break down any wew y - ' ,v, depart, the tW they were to leave on "a p ti ol!C tSJra to pot on t'')' suppressed by the detective, -tg..W& $SJ?ft,. ?ober"" Probation officer has made -
barriers that 4 may stand in the way, would have been almost poeslbl and ali the incidental details of the trip, more stesm.' who ordered her back into the ear. she took the .leap. The .detective a so endld .fepord, airf cwrled out that
however wall tmentloned. for a man to step from one train to -with these In mind, the detective 'tr, h.nA thm ,.. With a rapid motion he signaled to the r"J,?r.,Vh? J5
:v . -yt-'.-.u; , the othrwlm perfect safety." said one went to work. He first had the wife nSf-'.tISi IJ ' MurM t0 open thewlndow.-' ward, and held her on her knees onthe , man put into her campaign which ore-3
r..J.. 1HiIhm '..V ... '.'!.. horl ra. .....M.t. . i,.l. tn Ih. Sat noting thsmlnutes and the mllAS wk. trains vera now mav nr on ner- lower Step. , ated It. ' ' - -J
aw.vM.-B - i.'r v , . - . " . --'-. - v . . . . . . i . a vi hv A lnvielv atretch avr rrnru is f"???.,. " ?. .wji" was .neing neia nv. ff y - y
put 1
aterl It . ,
It was but B m nUL'S work to draff In T.nulalana a tiivenlla nourt 1. J
, j ii.Lrn " ..r r . . wain
Between mem was a gap or two "wr "".'"'.'Tn V , ', passea as ion rusun ui agitauon by the)
The trains were now movinar on per
fectly even terms at sbout 60 miles an
li our. Between mem was a gap on iwt
feet. At ths window of the stateroom
" The man addressed smoked his pipe kerchief out of the window of her state- two miles ahead. "With not a minute to lose the detect- L""''", J0wr,;l """"PP0- rext May when It will be proposed
, a moment In Tsilenc T and then said; room on the car, Immediately sfter the "'Good,' he cried. 'Tell the driver fve -fastened his leg about the brake on Even then j.XSILh-wlL ItK "fsliu-. .TtoeTeeorder' ourt Jtf Kaw Or-
. "Well naming- no names, I thwik it train set out at midnight, and to keep to keep tnem in. signt. press on an the piatrorm, an
can ha related. Tou see. several a close watch at the window all through steam, and do you mind the signals armsr. The regul
by underground means to hang a hand- that red lights were
state, and was
i ror reasons
tne legislature I
i.m. ttt tha. : moat e.lnntient anil vet
imole fcnd convincing: addresses I have who had first spied the special. "It carrying father, child and nurse on the ws were tnai ne. piannea xo execute feet. . xt th, window of the stateroom. . l?&aii.i -X wvin.i...1 ' women of the state, and some .men 4
lJ.Ji..r hv ,hm. ..: faet I haw MiTsomathlni Ilka .that track Immediately adjoining to the bis coup . j . . the nurse, having, quickly caught t 1 the specW Miehtsal i
CT,f.y-. r-- ' " done Not on this line, but on a roaa right, the nurse having written that a "With ner enm Dunea m ner nanas, idea. of the detective, was waiting ior." ..'U t.j -i.ri wyman, superinienaent oi ins jewlsg
Tliere. is, fot .Instance, . Miss Sophie "ojffj. tV through state not very stateroom had been secured for her and and her eyes fixed straight ahead, ths his-signal. Just Inside -the door of the "OfMJV ."A? "P L,Lbl f0!?.:; pnhan'g. Home, of New Orleans. -i The
WrlKhrf New orieaas. ,, iter seif-sacrl- far off." " .-. the child, while the father had arranged mother sat watcning. car of tha special, tne agomsea momer . aw wu propinr w acnea to tha
flcin life as r teacher since she was a "That sounds interesting," saw sn- to occupy the section just outside tne "At tne expirauon oi
?..-?.im nf ii i..r wnrk a.' nrani... nthar naaunrer "la there any reason stateroom. The nurse was Instructed sage came back from
of night schools an leader or. other wh
Bcreat pmianinrgpiei r uimurin, navs
ndeared her to her entire state. Miss
i.nki. wrlarht and that Powerful new
entlment of the south that is so con- can bs related. Tou see. several a close watch at the window all through steam, and-do yc
" . . ! . j I v. . . . . . . i .. .. nj,,.l.. t. nl irV, in. .mtthln. that m .hi K.n- ' 'Wrttu hi u M
mrninij iv &ii muuicr, iiio i.imi is ai- Kreai xxi x ra ii.iuaiiy iibiwiou aiivou.
moat at band. Within an hour 2 hooe Ae-aln they were on even terms, and
.-tirrwutad , ' !-- . ' .; ' war . an prettv soon his wife dlscov- 'TBen (119 iraniiir monger ana tne ao- to nana your cnua into your arms. once, mors ne sireicnea bui his arms,
n-iiere is Mrs-' MclAurin of, th dls- ered that the preservation of her self-. lectivs waited the eventful night. A wild look. or gratitude was ths only But once more be . was aisappointea.
tinrulshed Mississippi family,, who is respect vwasCposslble only , by securing "M midnight, from -a position of reply, he got. But the woman rose, in Now the: special 4rew away, leaving an
rna of the roost powerfuiTand eonvinc l a divorce. , , , - - cover, the mother: saw her former hue- her agitation, and began to stagger impossible gap. . ,
i; aiMuikera 1 have I aver heard i upon "It was eaav enousrh to secure the bsnit and the nurse, with two guards, back and forth through the car. -" ' "Time was flylnr.! There was a sta-
any iMRitorm. Before the last Missis-divorce. She got that-without any eon- pass through the gate into the train: "'As a final warning,' said the de- tlon. he, recalled, but three miles fur
rentrated and symbolised In her work months ago, one of
of an hour men- had fallen to her knees and was suppll complete . ignorance of what happened, judicial system of the s
m vie loeomdtlvs eating heaven-for -the safety of her "P2.Jn.ii" w .asn t until declared J unconstltutionsl
e in sight about child. -?S ? il v'next morning, I am told, that can be- hvolded in 4
and then held out his Pfned, and unless he comes across this ; iatis havs set aside separate days for r
Hilar train drew away at ?tory,tI don t think he ever will know, the trial of children and re carrying
k...nit ' la arnina- to be a nower rniiiionatrea after va vaara or nappy Pen. esDeciauv wniie tne tram was in turning to me moiner, Tne nme is ai'
mtK ai a j ac -w - - - - , , - - - --v. .v . " i - - i iiriii. a. w ....
i..e tha thild that .scarcely can be over? married life, rot Into the New xor motion.
with forced oalmness, the same instant, and th gap was too Tha child Is now- safe with the mother.,'., on a real Juvenile court so far as ex-
t4 1 1 orm. noiun mi imab ai lama-- uiviirci.v oni ioc imi- wunnui any iun-. ii.a m.wuai, m. i, 'n nuv i &iiti, m w.,,,,ih, ur t-ivii., vh. .u,,
t n-'pi legislature In a remarkable address test; but the man made a bl to-do and . few minutes later the train pulled tectlve, 'you must keep cool. Make ther ahead. He measured his distance, days.
lstihe laws will permit- The finelet i
' s Cause for Jov. . for the Prevention -of Cruelty to Chif- ij
'' .-. . , dren has .established an industrial 4
., . jrium ui.,ii. mui iibwb. scnooi in uni tt mo oia - plantation l
their house last night." . , partment for.' white boyk nd colored I
"What was the occasion r ' 1 v . boys under a 'probation- officer - who, l!
rinur cvw uaa nio viw wim inna,: witn ma - win are noing -mucn to lmD
prove tne conaiuons for thes bova , a