THE , OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, - JANUARY, 5. IOCS. P HO W vTQ -LI VE Way to 'Enjoy Themselves Without Paying Dcarly-'-Hotels Less Expensive in PARIS PEOPLE DO .Americans II Succeeded in avc i FinJi: ian I 1 1 1 I 1 ,t ''1 J mm WVXLUIU tie United States Prollem ot Hard to Solve and Help W oris on Perfected Sv: t cm "u : v v c - .zr- nil ;;fcy, mm 11 n f -a"! ."4 JT " .. OW to live is perhaps the moat Perhaps m good an , illustration as .. ...ui - another 'Would be the hotel business.- ,u,lw'u,u' J"""". "rvu"" The French Boniface does not drift . W&im lilt iiii iik Mi iiL:: f!l I t '- r.-!!i Js FA I 'II'-1 ' :', -r--,.vi.: .ijff f' I if. ii I i .." .,." J I ...'-.. 'Vfc . m 1. 1 1 IP' apW aial . .. .. -V ' I : the American peopl at the prea- into businesa and nick ud- what Jb A ent time; Not tow to make a knowledge he can by sad and expensive . i a i- ' ATriArf AnrtA. hill1. It t lAArnftd ftfl A. bust- ')LZ -In to dThat al " " " branch", Ynd PedUy S are verr well Qualified to do that - redueed to a science- ready: not how to make more money, or . - While It la true that modern Afnerl- acqulre more property, but how to live can hostel have outdistanced all others. with what on naa and can make, to the "',."'", -St hi f.i 'Pit--idutl beat advantaee, derlvinK ,each day a ' full couraes in, 'hotellns,' " In New York, ao V.i .in K made for eoal.for a con- measure os to joy or me ana ine miik that they t may become up-to-date on tin,inui VirVt ZS faction that cornea from the knowledge American tastes and cater more lucra-s '"If??' LT i-.ePVanta about such that In one's life the DUroose of life is tlv!v t thMr ver.lncreaalna' American . J"? aJ?.5-?w "?irJLni" "?LU "-S fcelnir fulfllled. 'i enteK yet the Vreat Gotham hostel-fiaSSSSi mto tltSiZ MowlvWanl rnc to?tor". ;h.f ': vv..;- There are. of course, expensive hotels . "nd i?act, "renovating" would be tlAfI &m$J2trtt?t ' thato Parla, and one ) can ' easily spend R bitter word. Many hotels of thisclajs obsee'how UyTiol money so rapidly thit It Is soon neces- have Mi same thlnj. In the matter of daily life, ary to cable home for more cash, but ,:" nfttw) r-Itlon and change at Jfi?", ! ? f eAV?.' 2SmfiiVr S there are, on 'Ihe iotherJjand. many reguiar intervals year after year, and P studied to greater advantage than ...,-T. ---rr. z. .am thi hurominr. in that nf th lrrinph nnnnle whose thrift iiuihw bbww iu jniflsiuua wucm uuv , hV Klvn rrK1 Vr menw ayHve at very little wealth, her snlendidlv cultivated COUn- irnc -, tn nwv Vi .o try, tine railroads, Wonderful art treas ures, . magnificent parks and boulevards OPESA given to Franci her Immense ,Ww .. !... tblt. well-furnished room lit with eiec- . and the uniform and consistent archi-lVAl?" .'IliT lecture which makes Parte . the moat though for the latter, a small ly different from -the first, that it Is diincuit to believe it is me same quck. beautiful city in the world. service, sum, per haps a frano and a half per week may al- The servants, as a rule, speak little mm. served in two courses. The first Is nnnlrA Thv TEVaAarlrlr hlmftftlf. fa a. chaf ing dish at your own table, after hav This dinner is usually accompanied by, ins: been prepared for cooking in1 the potatoes In some form, .a. salad ana' kitchen, in a lew minuses you duvb win; k teui - iuv u . u: iibwmi. forgotten time, place and events, in the recommends. t.- , T' .A' ': iw' . absorption of watchinr Frederick in hla ; A good way t6 finish the evening af- LlrBl uuurse, lurn- icr .;uuuuk i jtiduoiivi, w w v iTiio fundamentaLicjWnn cover inch essentials as "Water" erng If it is warm enough, or chatting this domestic economy Is a standard of :-2trZ T thv?: .iv ... with the vivacitv which characterises navPAAHnn shA thaAVW : thnf mrtlflf ever la worth doing at all is worth do-, f' Tic r.J Ti . hti lmFtant wanl k"0"1 inr well, there ar? no half-way, meas- lhf ro0. work, a man In such .a hotel v faxlmeter Cabs are a uris. The habit of taking pains enter ao'ngno.cnamDw ,ence, ,n par,s. and y. tlbHshntenV.' - or no English, and It la well to lay in smomdering coais in a dox aiongsioe L' return u.r "Tt Von.tivC ? a stock of working,French. words which iK,Baing; Of emBVold a" Frehcnoman-caiT dftss -weirpnTeeuc". Til then another over It.; and The Concert:i Jff "l""?!!1?: i. . thn inv other woman 1111 the same sauce Duck aguin siier 11 imo nuun, auu ituv iiuvuWu iredronealfer LilTW nlo4rln linnnllir great conven- ,js. Kr k ih mirumaM'i have done away ... lnmr Hrmilitr plonk which circular cloak to the infant is 'held or carried, and a round cap with nave uun .wy costnme. a lonir S. thivn rrSiRtV-r af,ord" protection to the infant when It lean aiieniion 10 aeiau wnitn nan rawou - JLrz.-.vj . i -,-m iv SVench cookerr to the highest Dlaceand 'Capacity f ladles maid only mf j!Vnth )tm In" All nvpi'. - ' '. ' In tthort. find the world, . . . . An c.arljr JsreaiUast. , , time In Paris at very little expense, and her In the breere ily has been doing business since the 5..- ' !,,i'it-- mMhtint of wh great profit Mdenjotent. Early on Sundays whole families with sixteenth century; is very modest and automatically the distance traversed. v colored ribbons five or six Inches tlonal reputation for cooking a duck can spend a consiaeraDiB jn wwth. floating several feet behind His restaurant. In which the same ram So' accustomed n"r. "I'l .;.n witi. T a. thi muste.l. sublime. Here are sl"oD girl In a platn drawn bVeath of iktlsfa'ction, he places found the genuine music-lovers, artists, solutebr unado?At ltbefore you" saying: '.'Viola, Madame.- studenta - and residents -of the LaUn In the embodiment of chio Frederick is a pale, eiaeriy man. wna quttner. e a huu Jt"" " IB ine tmiraqimeni V' .uuu v. I- k....h .trlhf Thaflr hln,r . or h nnvthlnar but absolutely There is in tno juaun quarter a.mau ., tr?, named FredericK. . wno nas an mierna- QUCK. TDearance be ne that she Knows now to; Plcturesqueness is lm- wear her clotnes. A snop gin in a piain little blacK rrocK, aosoiuieiy unauorneu. ni. hiri mil his absolute attentive wnue tne musio is in orogreiim. , attention to detail in the cooking of the When the program vat the ; Concert duck is as good an illustration of the Kouge is finished, it will be about time method of the French people as one to stop In at Maxim's, ir one want to could well have. ' ' seesomeAhing lively, as there Is really The second Course nas Deen imi'iim muiuiiK iuiuk w . v, juuiui mmwi ."-- ' customed are the Parisians to , 'I K.-u-t. ma n.bninf,nvi nnnuiimin. n iTniPiranm. hut Immac . The second course has Deen ' imisneo notnmg g rolls and cafe au lait, or chocolate, will taking their amusements and their ia the beautiful grounds of the Boia, ulately clean and neat The duck Is np in the kitchen, and tastes o entire- night. & Tn th antnn Wav hnnanVAonlnir aim. w v..u, v, . .t.ttA meals al fresco, that' at any hour of pllfled.: and every possibility of waste time by the Valet do chambre. D He Is out on a vlsltJiereno hardship. "Wrlti me another lottor Ja obviated. : 'The very, necessity of sav- the second breakfast or luncheon, and afes?even on the coldest days In win- at present and h going to atay.a few soon." he concludes, 'and tell mewhatlment left sh ? Ing for the much-abused "marriage dot ' which is aurncientiy elaborate to do a ter, ' wearing mr coats reacning irora makes the daughter j thrifty and eco- dinner, la" served; at 12 o'clock, and the head to heels, with collars turned up tiomical before marriage, with the cer- usual French-dinner at 6 o'clock. If a above their ears. and occasionally tainty that-ahe will be ao afterward. : fire is desired a charge of a franc a warming their hands over a bed of T.nmmnnn tV-xtt-vt T. A XTT ri 1 a rr 71 LC I IUKS Uf KJniN JDAJNlVO--Jeisurely i lmes w nen Persons - Were.. Not Careless About TKeir .Correspondence V33& UcUW or" ?eYander"K.nS WZl? must ave benV ITrat.ned wiVTncam J" "f. -. iuiii ha v,rv uudii to fnhr who ref-elved these courteous and ; ground near New Orleans. Shortly art- . wnicnwas evidently ao strong un iu &hwh7n 'the Told on intrVstln letter. . fh rtdwt .on;" Awards another snt was ; raised itotv t " ,Ji" B.oflin finfiiinr TJa- h aunt to the rhild a box of atuffed and also met here: in this regiment but witn the Banks children, uranomoiner SeS S&SSS shfeS, HlbernSe r hve &n&BurB , , .re!rth?eV . . 4 i MUt . U 1BJE .....a. ..aaaavas "n a van rl n Q IlarflTTllTl sF r & T nA ft AO tn iir Tfl mninBr fllltl L'UL uu I the book." "Cronoiogy Dear little chao, with his and ma eyntaxi iow un S LETTER writing a lost art?'- Are Impressions of an intelligent spectator appears, in ; nis eiaer. Drotner s letters cur duster Brown present day ya Mrs. ,,.,,,., fln, mtm.niratihii and Meh events as the memorltfl proces- was " the father of typewriters ana. mimeograpn , ana , .,li,Hm-. nri tminw Nirhni- c.f tfii itv. - pnonograph and telephones-entlre- jtoeitaim death, the" ' marshalling of The - Roseburgh home, where .ii A ,. in Plit.hurt and which he tells his father is now in. . by he tells of the great, fire in Pittsburg, na nttsburg and Philadelphia, tie by sudden death when the lad was Jlt- tnnpA than 1A vpflr, old. Vet the fr- rietv ot boy whose letters read some- -wnion :.nearty : wijiwi wuv Philadelphia ma new lorn, new lorit grance yieiaea oy tnero vh l""1;,'?; rieiy or our 5. " i.... . h.. W1ln ..j in,.., ami Allionv unil ' Ruffnln lli , iin.nnK,lon- nuipnllnr of a fine. , , V il M u m writes; ..a iim cmwmi,; . niti 'tmup . . - ... 7 , . w'wi thing like this: - "Dear. Par JOnn nnt.hall ram and wa . i thn iTlttpn itncii. ttfiwim ftw the Mexican war. , the ereat -iv. .,t of exi-tftnoe.tho lr at Pittsburg ; which ; nearly "wiped missive with a human intereatt ' Shall r tii. Hnhiirh nnme. wnera jonn -"iiv, u .. maun, nr thin invention. . wnies maniv. , renue .cnaracter- fomp: Bonki grew upT wis but a Uttle'd T k Jon." ewa can be sent .from any one fully'to'those who pause in the stress i tance up the Kver from th : town of: aSStjiai TaShort . 1 Pun-Tour, have been entirely destroyed bj.flreand J?"tese places to this city consuming and haste of our modern times over Mttsnurg,' a it was in tnose days, a itiA -.. f . . . - 1 f . '1.000 to i 1.200 -nouses " aesiroyeo., e . only the time u taaes to sena it t one inese reucs a tnume au . Mnn.i MAiinn m am vn w: i nn rna ftniiMtinn in,n nnn.. Mnnnnnnft & linn inn AiieKnenv rivers ww twrever . ; "i.JuT-rrV- - -i . A ,- Vi Kiniri ten three which a written letter has? i It 18 not f ""t J1-'J i"V" t fcr--"rhaX"W - -i" 1 2 vears : . t , nitit'aiit rcnunucr m inn wuii wiwumi nwwi,mJKivTO A 1 Al .- UIU. . ahirth' ' - All I4 . ... . . I II - I . Ji -. t. ( .. 1 ,,l.. Tn..nk n..n . ftt ntir ilia tAfl-n n.i. - m, I . LI....II.M UMJ .A,,lAmAM' Bllh. Pnlnt . arhftM InA years old. Hi Alleaheny a profitable source of income. By l""'J".X2l! nluckln'a the weeda from atones, he earned bennies X?"mSZ.i?rZ' duiifullyT penning the letter, to tar:whXn,"SndMin look, .nice today.-although-, family la. well re-: giiVnavWi?, 'bltwn itl mother heaithlV TheVTi. also "the little SmithneM and Wood streets i The fac- touch of the brightness of the out-of-eluding, the wooden bridge a which ' lonS JSL oors which- becltoned b lm as he sat spanned J.Mpongahela;-, ;; his In anoi&er letter a little later refer- and ence is made to the: election of goy- . ii V... -V. .iij. .) v; i.V. -nAt,kl. Af Imvnrm Tlv Wltn BIS youngor wumer", w b-"y vraseniy commercial bkw jq . mvwv. viuf , mnv iw.mwi . vw V . 4 ... .... n than teklaah n . ar 1 1 m A rv r In. unknown article and whicn tne maxers ; . i i;i, cj monstrosities in - post cards have -r"-" - . 'one their utmost Jo eliminate.', ;It la trt -n TrSrlMaH " ', a. ,ki. u m mr k nd Dorn on inniaau. of letter .which breathe ' n' P' e0" - , This la the story Rev. Joseph Banks, atyhirrnr?ea?r father., wa. fa Presbyterian, mis- insultlmr comment that we really have slonary, and hi wife accompanied him no. time to write letters. 'L . Ih his Journeys, it was in the island fftara tn Father. of Trinidad that the two younger chll-.. the - character of revealed. In .J, ,t mmr man killed." This to a call for volunteers. ik... I.K... ..lVau. 1 1 fiat A ml th rlAM r BIIIVM II 1117 DOT during "the : years 1M1 to 1849 ; they are we., flow, was aent ny xn. wW , nant to his father In Trinidad. J x rrUJai "-3 'NSm JVT, yellow . age, but are quite iegipie. oereaved iatner t live wun nis inr - letters -were sealed with a They are now lb the possession of Mts.' amd mother. Grandfather and Grand- e letter were seaiea wun a marence 1 NIeliola. jot fortiano. wnum momer iwwraurgn, memipnw. aijLnjiiuii- lur vnia father was brother of the writer of ately In the letter. Joseph and Alex? stamps. the letters. Mrs.-Nichols and her sister ander, the two younger children., were . Me ,.Mai in .nl nM rlccli vhlh h. Mirftfl fnr In thn .fnmllvdf other rela- Writes longed to the family. - They are -well ; tives. "nnd Joseph,' who is not the hero - let ybi Wrtlv, considering. They give us .the of this tale-, but whose bahy portrait Little letter in the series is writ- gives tne details or tne ravages or tne .. uiiv " r, 7 - ; later When jonn was nrt omw,, mm , . ' ' v i j --vi'J , S speaks Of synod meet burned district, extending back' from Writes, of Studies. v T . town and of a visit water street aoout a njiie ana inaomg. ',. vi. ...m,:,, M. ii.' a Ul. tf..AMt Daannil ThlM . ;Bni1 h'AIIPth. UArKAt.. . n" W-riVC o ovwv.ww i;'uiw k-. , luil.r, uuiihiiiiii iiiiiia b no; ,ci ? . "Tha membered by the older resident, of the &n?lnF&vi - ing off the boshes," Utters to Father. ing letters by a youth in Pennsylvania dren'were born, and then the mother do to his father, who was a missionary in died, leaving the three little' children. . a J T Trinidad. , These letter, rwera . written ' vJ. "!, .1. . v quaintly turned phrase In aave aireaay ueguu "JLluy"Ji"r;. t..." i'vT . try." ;He wa tnen attending tne uni- trees and the strawberries are canuiuato, r v n, onuun, icccvwu, . - - ii.. , i. .... , ,zzL -it .n. i,i'ii in ih ' inv, tha versltT of Pennsylvania. J ' - , the Maharaia ' """"H.'.-S: Vr-XVk. mir. a" . -., .nt alona this youth's dnvot on 4 Tha tin- Tigrrs Kefuge In Trre. From the Bombay Gasette. ter: "I; am reading Horace rand t the -f News of a. tiger being brought inrrom Greek reader and am. studying Pierce's ; 11 village about three miles from th Curves, : a new ; book! on mathematics capital; ; the chief of state went out and a very good onei and also Chemls- wjth, a party.; The guns were placed In tiger being driyen out. wounded him In thfl Jaw. -thereupon sprang ini' rrDW-"hlTftt l-CIn847 tV;'warwwlth liVxkV: toTW.-' .tuiU nor his quick apprecia-chllla tree and. grasping the trunk wi.i, 1 Buppose you nave neara or too r a,iS ,.Kiia. ..r.nn tv,. , tlnn of the event. , of nis time that hla fore naws and resting his hln l 1 k S?2?ngt '".J1.. L a, VT avnl,r V i ?h. marshal. ehallenW admiration not yet hi. die- on a branch, -remained hl.i.len . I..' i t.a Tt .1. - with the - character of John - V11?"?' P."""-- IfyvllZ ..-5,t.K; i ,..nnn.. tion. arid the well-turned phrases as of : foliar, for five minutes. Tiin v.i - . . - - . - - - f ... an,., 1T.M . w.rB (111 r .1 1 I II K . UUI1U .UH - V. wa ..a " a . . . . -.. - . n . . 1 a wtiiim atiiTiira ann mt nkmani aaak &r nnia al mr I i in i r c -1 . i i " . i?.ll a.-,... .k. anl.1, aa Ik. . . . . . . 1. a I. i . .a. ami Wflllhi Tl ' f '!? 1 time. He tells of tleman which shines out through these down till the does, gating a ' ro or them raised Doyisn lettera.. , jt ib . in lutn impi mm. junii" wafer, trtarftttholicr "" in"lhat city, which were quartered in phr "I m very glad to hear that '-.was Just dangung over i .-i'i.'-am'l.-fctaitaflto set you hav. arrived safe In thl. country." Down .prang the tiger . . rr . . - ,WM uwwo.iuo i v. ,.v.- .ia -..J";,". ,,.r "r, r, ai V,. v. .,,,,.,, i'l.,Hlnir In Tnnr nrilAr -I .tiava air fi thflll dnt'K, pr.'iKiiitt --' " ' r."'.!. '- f ' : . ' i. : .?' nihl 'l. .n...ak n,-. rirh. whlla thav ilnvn tn'write vou a few lines lJ't3rartii end wounilinT niii-r ffiVra tKKRdin ;,V,-riyoln n"' V . ,l 'V ) ii know that -w are all welU and TUgebra." Truly. Not only aid. pe. privilege or selecting tneir iiic-r.., un- wi ., u2"L,,"","'r , , i.i . n?w r'fe - brotheT wephTHlvi at Aunt ;tudy air thew thlng but thought it new i..a.