THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY- MORNING. JANUARY 5, 1903. THE "H: ... . By Barry kaln., 1 OW aweet H would be,", said V . -1 . r 41 .. .....ta. ' ft.., f O I l ever an mi jovaiy " ' land In the middle of the big. ;,.' rti: ' ? tone. takt, just you and I. . .: - Willy." . ' - .is A.rrablo' d'hote at T:3." Mid William, ; .'Roomily, "and we've got to get back '.Vt for It We '.han't et another moment alone together until after t. Even men we shan't unless w wander off into tha garden 'together; and the last time we did that wa wart accused of selfishness, wr.'r- all rla-ht tut I esn't make out ; ','' what, the rest tha world waa made i'i 'Truly, it waa an enchanting Island, f with tall tree where the herons built. V tratcne" of black and gray, mos. . arown boulders wbre shy. "tarda , funned themaelvea. Hera for a brief ' " '- hour they had been Quite out oMh . world, but- it waa fi o'clock, and It '.would take them nearly two hours i to ' -Jet back to hateful clvilltatlon. Hate. , f5l 3wilatfon denounced thera. acidly .Kal'l.ob.l. "to th' llttl. 'V'. "MhT. framenf Of ... ture nature aa aweet a a "he alwaya is ' . ' 'd'w that inferior pothouaa which maa- ' tha autdance f an Intelligent Bwiaa Back ta tneaole that I really plaice. : and to tha creme da volatl a wit i a quadrupedal origin. .nd;t b.that , 3 flwls would never hare bought ao good an animal, and nobody would have been fool enough to give her to him." 7 The nian pulled up. and William pad laobal up into the cart. "You'll be home In a quarter of an hour," he am. "But aren't you coming, too?" . " "Too wet. V run for It. . 1 ahant ka ' long after you." v - ' . . v tin hi arrival no round mat aha had' .'already eatabliahed for him .a'aarvica able reputation aa a heroand aenlua. ' Am the utmoat of hla exploit waa that he had recognized -a horn, he felt that he WOMAN WHO PRO Ckarlai Folet ! I 1 W U I 1 Jno" ?iory written vtor VAa Dunday joui I WAS going to ' Menat, and' bad to oaatle aold at public auction two weal have . talk kwltn the tag olleotor, . ' '' at the aame time I told bli ,io I aaked. him to go along with fhiTAlWaJHWf tffi me to a cafe. It was the opening should be an honeat boy' willing r I Cay, of the county ; fair, and the ""y me. ana wnocouid satisfy jw . moderkte-cost"-' - " V was fuU of people, among whom iill h," hadto do wa. to" Vlnrth The hotel dinner waa over, but the in I Immediately noticed a lieutenant of large , bell at the iron gate of tl: telllgent Swlaa. . aunpectlbla to the police sitting at small table, with two castle, Then I would open the door, r ' beauty of laobel and the long purse of membera of the town council. .. , celve him, and listen to whit he ha her father, did wonder. They dined ' This blonde handaome fellow with his' to aay, and If he appeared to me goo well, under the admiring supervision of pink and white complexion, his aquiline 'and ' sincere I would marry him ) ' Isobel'a family. The Swiss produced, nose, and his soft mustache, had blue matter who he was, or how ponr. i wnn an air o m7siery, a very special gooa-naiurea large eyes,' wnicn loia ot 'inia waa' fool Inn, ramantlo. ' yo bottle.. "No," he said to William, "sat a kind and calm disposition, lie laughed might aay and you would be rlgh is not on se -vine list It ia not filth, liked a child, thereby showing a row of .if you laughed at ma, but to me wi sat. I hat drunk him myself." ' white teeth, when he twirled his mus- Jiad seen nothing of the world thl or arranti mmvwt ..yiuiivu ill iivr iiiuinnr taiuv wii-u utm iaiv uiwu uu vibhh mmsmmn it, very BvnSlDlS Way that if you were In a railway collision, and well-kent hand. - One could tell from ing' things. ,a ooinery explosion, a ohipwreck and an his race, from his way of, speaking, "Having told everybody uruiuui imuiianconiy you were ciuua irora ma' wnoia manner inac nia aoui mrnm in this I'M mv hnmA niAC hanv mA An w,i mm j vi tiau nu huu wflrB in t'u,iii urinuny. ivnteq man k nao Deen Tor a long tm w,i?y52fc-' "Uil' 'uV ', v "."Th,.J A' Wautenant Landru from past. The two week which I now bm dLbB .w,th anybody elBe," she Menat " the tag collector whispered to to spend alone before leaving the castl said. ''I should have been sitting on that me. 'lie is a handaome fellow, Isn't he, were the saddest of my whole life darling little Island without any dinner but hla wife, is far handsomer than he, Every day I strolled around in- thi atpu l",rnom-sn" ' . ''. " . nd. th atory of how they were mar. . large ' ehady park, but I never wen The lenrth ot the awtm Increnaed and riA la t imiulu Rul hm la w-t. v.r. ,r ur. " .i. 1Y -r- 7; v 1T.t up DOW lo menau . mig-nt pe mere immediately If any on ' J.h d,nr,5r t waa represented that Wll- will say a few worda to him, and you should ring the bell. Hut nobody rang Ham had Swum half way across the can walk to Menat together." ' i People passed by on r the road by doi . lake. She alaa Proved that, but for . A r.w num.. h. tuHn.n Zi M... enjui db ug. 1.1 in in ciua. iiu uiias Bimnueu -William, there' would have been no and -1 were walking down the- winding one une aay went after the other. I wai minx mat men . cart to take her swiftly home from the .road which leads Into the valley among ; almost In despslr to ', ." a no not anow now sne aiatnis, niaaaea of poplar trees. ,1 'shouldn't be a single man In the whoU becauae the cart would have overtaken Dandru safd very Uttle himself.' but village who ceref enough for me tc her in any case: and even If aha had he answered my questions in the most marry me when he knew that I waa to not recognised the horse, ' the man Tom friendly manner. Made curious by , the be hid, for the asking. , , (Would certainly kave Dulled un when wnH nt-thm nntmtr i mum n, . "tv... . t .. : he-' recognised; her, 8o I do not .know help aaklng him. If he we're ambitious, alttlna on tha .rraea.'r never want intd use until it was very dark, be ttikj large reception haU seemed f.M"rTnd thVr-eT- that are tinned At the neat table will be me jtieverena t Father with the indigestion, and the rnVture lldy with th. L,". J Xtlwir h-"Xbd"onW. Ih". VaopK" I.ob.t. "Mamma doesn't like .them either, The. . dinner isn't nearly as good aa it looks 2nd aoundsT but all the aame your think treuch about food- VTou re too ma tVn rrtlcuurlr'apirltubynaturer ,': aald William modestly. "But t dinner . fSodU rather thruat on your anUmj ., and I have an honest man's hatred tmltatlona. Otherwise. r an jr few - A loaf of bread, a Jug or juai thrordlnary bottle of wine, and thou ; itrt me slnamg In the wilderness, and ; . t-iVvJd trouble about me further. SS'gcl ?ouW insist on the bread. It's ; Tber Just'eome round the corner , i an ra wmm u- . 1(10bri blU? in which he had rowed Ifbl Hfi : WADED TIIB TIRST PART OP THfi WAT, SWAM THE REST, AND BROUGHT BACK THE BOAT, of him to take a aeoond uimv . . . , . no longer .. . ... . . - ' miffdlnff'. IrnnnAniientlv how she did it but aha did It. and with it h aia nA wvlatK vat. a. Mnrd lmna. (h K m Siiii.VTk i?. lSill!ZLmVvVzr n- . m hWT repIIed.rto me so cold and cheerless, and thd "Also this evening I shuddered Wheti fluently and firmly, until he found thst changing around. ne waa merely earnlna another repute- ."Rut ir vm h,M , ,mm ni4 t . r ... linn te,., o.n.l.. Th.n hm T. w ' Z 1" ." . v J . . I '"7.."""; 7 . J"" uuu :. ""- , wm w w uranown ror nia mus, ,nu lue aoor. wnen me Dell rang. a 1 n?. ft w.."ru... . ,imi In' yu "? ?;b him a better,' "I; trembled, hesitated. I had beS But It was pleasant to sua hlmaeir in education. Wouldn't you?" . - wait ng ao long, that I did not dare U his lady's favor -once moir- , ' ; "Ha smiled and Y did not know bellevj Tmy own eari But surely some mTu 1.Y n .h. h '.i .kTn;"rm r!!S"l -Pf0.1"?"0? rlnglng..and thla time louder i me tawni some onj me. ana J without aeei the gat4 though! muiurnd iV.""."""""!-.'" ,.,.,?.'"VrL..'i" not made several remarka about the.enourh couraaa to ao rlono tn the aatd iiaeiy to IM a.Diucr lone. country and tta neonla. which Droved and thnn I l.,-v.r m.n In iinlfnrmi might mayo J nd ad mllltaH mi fn'.T "h Sl'i ' ' '. ' fm .J"? . 4 . ? told myaelf that probably ;;.r .1. : . .: . .".t. .,u.,k i. . Ai lBr ne saia notmng more, not waniea to piey a Joke on r,,: 7k . i i i . V. A, Bacauee ne relt bashful or suspected wss prepared to turn back ;.Vm. ? .h.h: ..Vn v th. K"1,n?.r- ??.. not see mg anyone outside., I reached ,.Vi;V.V ;VT .VI ,h k l. r. . '"w anrining concerning mm couia oe ana somepoay waa there. H1at. 17.1 "ful tLn2-JAati.h.l.,JLtr?: intereet to me. I should have "Suddenly I became afraid. I '"-.y""" tnought him a llttla stunld If ha. had It mlht ba um. tr.n hi.f T 3 tint amv -wnv 1 1 vn ni an Aiirpmn v 1 labia to v th nii about women f"' nl" "cuiuea or Dservation at .Tne thought came to me that he There BeemrYo be no reason for It 1M?i W,r "1"r . ' , an onlolal measenger from the "'."J i . When we came to a turn of the road or the notary. I opened the Kate a ifci"5Jiir-u"Sir--,wii: f a "covered In a. small valley by a big mltted .him. Taking off his lUnnXi;ob.l'ha"d' 'd.gnlfled "by the f gVylt. whites?!! leVk oul t. twar. thS h"""1 behlnd nma of tha Hvernd Father, had gone iLIISZ. '"HiL wbIth l ! lo" llta towarda the house. to hd airiv fn k at at a of haraaiilnff "' .w"" smaii towers ana "i msqe mm enter and wnen we wer EJ5d.."trhaiw dfP..'n,'t?:: -Wh" . topped te.look nslde tiJe hall I aald: Pleas, give m to the ialand there. . ..1, laobeL the heach, Of eouree with aw Iguana aa been a "fragment of pure, sequestered -r-"I am a beaat. I a "The boati got awar. neo f"00?1 leader." . . nature"; It was now a "horrible place." forgive myaelf. I'll n In anguish. ...HVand fn fcfrald . li lUr ' iV. wa". . v'r on WJlllam, too; for, forgive myself." . . naven t-tne .rainiest iocs, out im wru, it was isonei. and not he who tkuddlna. Conseouently the m a pig. I won't talked on the aubject of women. heiblnaof iced t..i.hl." Ppoua but melancholy building, the letter, ho aaed angler with Its closed windows, he aald quIeN "1 hav. mself. J5df he .rt- "That 1. the place where my wife notary wh I .4. was born. v to do. and have no letter, I heard from thJ ' what you had aald you wanted to do. and that Is' the reason I cam J t r,. 1 1 i' v. . 11UI1V II "Ra .1 waa Bumi". -. . Haven't-ina .raintaaf It's my fault t S'n.,i' eoUWn't nave Ptty eerUin.I've come aoroas It in the had lost the boat. If he did nothing it the trouble?' tn anoi --- v. v.rdr the , laiann aioriea. ' nothing T am ashamed the knot t'oat I X.:.dJ 'tha . desert island atorles. ' We've got noth. wa chiefly because, there waa slipped or gone wtwhii. ,n"'kno would ,nf ?f the kind here. L We haven't even w aa, Isabel was on the verge of tears sorry. You ma boat puuea m vV''" " - hia l xn oa aarg rorest or eucaiyptua at.ner consummate worst. if yo get If there had heen a er o'oj 1 and 1 epodeldoc. all packed with bread- Tm most awfully eorry." said Wll- right, firland- besldee h v"n, Vllttle 'r?iIut,.u,ni,lv , ,el,jr ana. ripe bananas, llam. "I know how trying It must be 'Af mat som WJ." " . .... with the monkeys swinging tn the trees, -for you. game with us." hrad. Can 'n- ln, is nothing of a deaert ialand, for another fire U m 1 "Oh. Wlllyi Tve 'remembered. uan nd , dont n J yo !?W "Jent becauM I've got v.; Jt- of nothing to for,lveJ.PuV , 0 you didn't care how long we atopped , William we vide the materlalp- . .. ' Tt here? luck turned foiiitail my fault v. B "v.m ..ii t.i , . . muM ..i.. 1 while you were 'tn(m7 hick to the difference between etopplng because the boat, which had been to uou tne " ,j i, wns right "u ' to stop ana stopping Because mo queer currents or tne ' boat to at my parasoU and 11 wm r,g ou y we must lng quietly along as If It had at me other end of tna poai, j,ave t anouah bracken for our fire anything wrong In Its life. tie lt'ta trBltJLd I uoDose that now" " 'Isle!' he called. "It's al tied It up again, nd, I auppoae, w . ;Wi,am ,tnJck a matcn Tm &ry right along home.'' 4 I had to make a strong effort not to here. nil myl and amjJ no I you like. If would only serve me .."T r ki- ..,i i th. . lieutenant without having heard any- find them, and when I hsd found thenf ht." ""i. ,'i.V .1.7- i. UrhtVi. i thing of hls.story, To make him speak, my flnsers trembled, so that I dropped ! . . . - ... ... . lOaiL, a A. LIIW lIBiii S wv liiwi J was w V . A . A . a. . . t'.. - . B "Afraid I can't. Not aot time ror one .--..-it-- t....b. a ..h h.. . "Cia io mm wnat tne tax coiieotor -one arter me other. Ha did not seeru I'll go snd get stuff UiKether thing. Tumble . In. sweetheart. All . , .h. alwava faala and .hd "aid to me; "your marriage must to notice, and his voice, waa a Hull wi44 biiuw up oeuer ta"i-t . vii wo u mcu. act aa If as ne puuea nara away rrom tne wav reroi course," said Iso- island she continued: "It waa simply .'n, rr. ever, never, never. -Vmt will lnd tn anv woman"' iw nun m irvni inwi noi iw nere. v ha SVrtonrU-L" ot want .to . His voice waa : trembling,, and awmTaImaA HTlTlial'a aall 1 . . ' i n . . IIU IL fl Iflr inFaL V. Wfl a"flfl Tin ltea1 wtfallir. FAWSk 1 1 Mama aft f adkiw a Vrft taftrt I V I Kl2r .kiv" m iV Th. t ing. and aoon came to the outskirts of self no longer knew where I wae. of myself. I'm very . V; T tha world will blame her tn1 1 n feel afraid what I said. I wanted to light a 1 v s-lva me un aitoaetlfef ..:.:r .,.. . ..nv.r.Bir t.. i wouia nave to part Trom the I looked for matches and could E would only serve . me )uc( least y, splendid the way you brought the boat nralaea and nt. and at that moment his in. I never saw anything quite like it ij0w right round. At flrat he It was magnificent And to think you Snnnaihia There Waa did it ail lor the StUPId. SPItefUl. COW- Jv-- hnld n nut and an nn brought back ardly she cat that I am,'' harm'a done." - - Jake, drift- "i aay, aon t go on uxe mat.- aaia ..YoU jny think thatr never done William, "or you'll make me laugh; and ..,.Vii . her nnaoand wss in soma - - unn,r, mu.. mu uu nm slbfe" t" " tnSt0.r .. . ' me but I knowyou. Oh. how ofte ' .'mtA wiiti,m '"nil. aian .. That all depends on howyou take have I seen you pass by! And you wer 'love her husband for his , .ft1'. e5l' V1 Jou,?a .1 veT? ao beautiful that I grew more and mor or which also he Is not re- uraj. -although I admit that It las sad.- : on. i.iim rancAia tha amused a good many peonle." '"Since1 the notary.'. told me. I hav Pointing to k simple little' cottage, been thinking of you night hlch In no way reminded of the broafl every evening I have bee and day, an J been up heri entitle, he added softly: 'This te where Ever; night i, sat down where the roa i iiyb ,tuu ii wuuiu kivb mi srrai picas- turns. lo .aee it anypoay snouia com What mS?ixttto. 1 can't lauah and null at the same time. ,nL.- .if 'r i. m. .. v.... ure if you would come in and take a Evert time a man nasaed bv I tremble right come To think that . I sneered at the lntej- M proper sense "of Justice T yourself." ' little lunch with us; then my wife can-'- with fear, a J. did not come until th fern, biased freely and smoae went answerlnr ' .' jJ1 land, and "Weil.- with o 3slT,.JI' we were. Jhe' d n Moaa . wa mwru . t . man un1ertAni going.- ,-:imyi-i ? see a boat being rowed toward onJ,2yef? J.1 'out of my we really did lose The boat." -oat for a minute." ..' 1 And luck, having now decided to take ; -He waded the first part of. the way, the lovers In hand, dldthe thing thor-. Swam the rest.' and hrourht-hnrb hm nua-hl wall. Thev turkad tha hnat un . j j.7vi. r: r. - uu. , '; vU ,., vou tne want or it aoesn t seeo me "v .up on the still air. But no pa iq me ooat. as 1 get a cnancer ....i. , rtAd iht' avarvhndv ' eignaj came from the. main- "lu or tne wanderer," ns said. "I do wish you bnaan't gone into the -.- ..0 C(mfmm" said the agod angles, mvitin araduallv thav rfllla that t "Yes, but it's driftlna awav from iia. water like that" "l ,7r,ir. v.T SJLl hS .X Mme. ot been aeea r had notTatiH. even sow it'a quite out of reach." "It won't do me any harm, and It will ..i. , ... ' .l... .1 . . w w . h blonde il l Tanhoi v. . "I m preDarad to .bet lOO nnunda n An ua cnllectlvelv a-nnd. It rtrnvaa that '".' "t: . i V.V 7 . a the rulnedabbeyi ;i The lake ' J" ' William.- "However, , I'll brli LT. w from the hoter and may 4h, tug and the tea-basket and we a. . all . ADDUl S OW rln ,. V,.-, ,. ir. ,n.i rtaver occur w . . w "x i ci r a ri ir J?7 o'clock they will begin a. swmWW ..moke signal wa aeenr They ma; nartv. bt,they won't have n rainiest on tha way ta u- natr." ' ISl'AfS lJt.T .i:?"'. to they'd have he gaveme.theuseofrMdaoup ,haj, et 0 then. jt.geta frightfully rnu"lv if anybody aw s unlock tj he eold at i ight. too. Never mind. ,It boathouse and get .It out JI1 ;nw,2 fan't be helped. It waa silly of roe to. come. 2:.;.-.!- .wfnl : hut I'm quite ri'J.." v." . Ll."v "f lis Vcc"-" r,. na Inn ' ... - " "u" mua. i nat mug .mm nnm will come for US -long !..,.. ...., . nerore insw- - '"- rm,P din- """"S uu ?..".7 onP aoesn t starve ' Willys it wUl only mean , that 7?- onehaa milk." ' j. ner wlU e put ott tor an h our two. r n,, Bay.ith..t I don't mind it a. Wtt rather , aa- v (jootora aa i when milk is a foodr say so. ligent Swiss who runs our hotell Shan't 111..1. ..i wim.m -.n rn tell you the story of our marriage, we last moment of the last day. not he iinvina snierea a amau out-ciean ana pecause i wanted, to give you ever g dmlng-ronm. I waa received by chanca to est a better and more aultl Bandru. who was a tall younaj shle husband than, a poor devil like m woman, very beautiful, verv When I aaw that nnhndv would ennl lender and very amiable, but evidently I ran a- tha bell.- That of cnuraa do I ..1.. . U . r. . if., . . . ... . I tit . '""' i!,iifu mnii imr iiuauanu. no nui -uino, youM am neiiner uglier DDI '' .'.. JW - . 1 J . I.LI . . .1 . .... . . T 1 .1 ' YyttAaav ITAInff TlAWW .; YV".-i .o,,,, vu, iivuiiniinia luuiv ptMpi!4 Mian IIIUBI'U, IIWJJIW II 7. mncn, uo aa soon as we naa nnianea, tne vnmge. And i nave always oe from tha London Globe. ' . the lieutenant stood un and exnressed told that mv 'heart la In the rlo-ht sno Thara r onlv three knrrilcanta thla' l a"t that he had to go to the town, Besides I have saved Tip Just enough t xnere are oniy inree applicants ytnis ... ... ,ima iiin hia tvitM o.. un,. ..i ...t , " ",".. r" ,i"?.",a ""I'T rrani mi iae ina im ms pin up imo we mam jmr. wm".;iiuhib ji. to ten me tne lory or tneir marriage, you think I ask too much men tell nt' .clothe. Isobels conaclcncV smote her road, and they had hardly reached the ta which tha lata Marotiesa of Buta ' Rhe smiled and looked at her husband nnd I will ao awav. verv and. that 1 nnrm m n ym a nrt fcw thl. fin.. , . .1 i,.,.,. ,k. i... a h.klnj , u . u . , .... , , , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . ' , I snau never teu to any oni here.' I lit the lamp after serem and now I' placed It on ml that the llelit fell unon hll aau mm wraaeow nnla H 1 1 faeu Vi a m .11 tiiTlZI T. " i r , , : , ...... w.. . . oV piace wnere j was oorn ana orougnc up. some. e ' seemed composed enougtl My name ar mat time waa Mile, ne nut m hi" eyes, hia large blue eye rraiues oa i-onisuoier ae jwersy. My mere was an appealing mat I could father was a marauls. After havlnr heln wantlna- to take hla hand In mtn lost his wife, when he was very young. As I did so I suddenly realised how un ne nimseir aiea almost a pauper, wnen usual, now rooiian was my behavio I was hardly grown up. - The castle, all I blushed with shame .and covered tn that I had In the world, was mortgaged face as I whispered to hlms to the chimney. When I sold it I could " 'What must you think of mel Just pay the debt, but nothing more. I "I think that you are a brave glr was alone, terribly alone, and knew no and that I love you and that la th ar- ' . . ... m liifim man inum nivuniii SI1U IIU lllll I'11 WIIT X. lid C fJUIII U 111 1,11 ERTRUDB Werner balanced her f'Oh, miss, what can I sayf wailed sound came. But the madman, then man rich enough, to marry a girl with- "This Is the way we became engaged, . lissom rigure on ner bicycle,' and " wmwin, ijiwhuuii, , mo umi, nu neara tne wnisper, out any oowry. i narea to tnina or me tne young wire sain, ana 1 noticed th; ' Dolslnr nne font nn tha rrh- "Never mind." replied Gertrude. "If ""i""1 suooeniy sprang. convent or 01 oecoming an oia maid. I she wss even now blushing, and ex '. .a-T. v. JSt m. . very annoying, but it can't be helped , Bn," v n? ming coming at her, wanted to marry, to love .and to be cited, as ahe must have been when ( ..w now." Hon of a good-looking la IMI " ". ,V1 "C .....w .1 i.u ruv ucu.a "'"J iioaiu usuiuu .usiu ma . .. m nf tl Ann tum Intaraaf nf Willi nn expreaaion wiucn tola Ol love true, out-1 must Into thorough workina- order and amnta sound, of a nulcic. trott nr hnrae. , . . , ' lert ft. aum or tl, uou,. tne interest or i ,... tcu.- ,. v,. i. .. t .... youi m " uiy. . j. nat s verai " exciaimea wiiiiam; wmcn m w Kireu niuiuauy oy tna room she sat down and began-to v I had y oe tvui, you re soaaea ana you ji simpiy "must ds. rne norse ana cart awung magistrates . or tne town to some ae- tell. efforts, ,. , -,;" I 1 .,. , ' . fir,iu?,tt.l?'1r,rnr lSw ;nfc'y jove, serving vriue. . . i . "you noticed the cssne as you were table so been -wot . wowing win Keen me warm, it is 1 Hi. therei Tom!" It may be that Scottish lasses shrink nminir Hn wn T simnnsa a The lei t Kaa m ma IT a Wll Hair) o!flva matninf ral Vratii rt th iann1 gVisirtiB tt fit' Intelligent Swlna raunt h John' fonpl rad to them by th mar- on tn grounds tnat tne itrate, wnicn is one or tne conditions. . KftiMSSSS sS:,OUT OFTHE MIST-A Short Storv Written for Tic .". no time.) bo ?, iailhaW rw '' ,ieni were aomg deadlf work wltlt' . -r e - -a-r. i i j-a JK-iSHlS p i". i.- ! . Journal by Michael Storm , until tomorrow morning aome one win. screwed the stopper of the Wtla. "wha- : : t G man-1.; "And Tom back to marital, and won't m. ".i.i." h,? .nKJ?" .""f-.V in-ro.m5n"-7Ifm" or a lrn' fteart K1.11, ,UBn " J" 1d yo ji.i.-i Da home with the cart till nlrht " went . a- juinimu, wmn aim m muj mini me ioo rorwura, dui i can tei alUtltr. -Mr. 'triom"! f i ,.?idn f,.J on. ' . chains caught In ft strug- 'When the time of mourning was you that not for one moment since the! me ftnxi-, kul them there dog si" ' "n3 .Bi;lar,.t.ana. ne re,LLface on- over, I lost no time. I went t the I have had any cause to regret wh4 ,..,- 1 "! u"sl . . .. . . . ward Into tha atraam aha k m nn ,. t .... .w. t i . 1 writhe with a dreadful cat-like move. the bank, and then, with one ehrlek, she turned and fled, MIT .1 TllAjS nnHMFn TO MTK TT-TTvJ VT7 A 1 terror taking the a-'v iu ixxi aiuk J nty fea-c trudfc . "They didn't know, any better..; "J1 betrayed As for getting back, I'll walk. I know piercing 'r'- lm "'S.SMi fftV'..w5": in her panic and T i aniX.,.iJ ' " " longer path that led on her way homo. . mu, lona Ah Ty",n-t tn.a v wv t M The king behind, snarling In baffled (Continued from First Page of Thi 116 ' ,y .i J. .55v ,n .wy" i c.?i?"J frensy. came after her. leanino- una it Diinaxoia, cnoa uenruae. "iiui nnint n nnin liir a ..e 7- 1 " olC Lnv.1: 0,i moth0r W1H b WOrr1e1, But for afl his lllt and demonlscaT venturous and romantio - . . 'TVell,. I say milk Is not a food. adornln tlo railings 10 yards i, oui "" -,:;.,hi, or " a annic. ou annK It How wiin mocg aocuity into , It - will be beaatly uncomfortable ror . u . ; . . -i- - Z,m . ,.. . . 'W aren't going to ston nere. corns , - v la 7"irr 2- "2-'"..,"" jures ana sea-aneu coloring Deti ST&fe.V. dWn ohpflpo.?tethSem0ther f WelL eomethlng Is certain to. hap- - . . 4 ,. . Jwl do- be careful. Gertrude.. I 'anxiously, n,n it always does on desert tsianas. ii" Tu-lmi "VV ...rrv.,," "on. '" 7J?U Kln.& tnatroaa aione, ' Vow. what ought we to dor . if men are ilk that" t Ana tnai nui coming back.1 .k. . a int of oueer OI.iVen lnal-. Oh. you worrylns- old .', T i in -. "L7.i.- i m almost certain rva aaan va iaiuii th: . ..fii ...n. t. .. v.-' poeU"oW , ; hlir f Ke, wraorT T?KUed' her; hand Jnd lookV Or 111 lo alone. If you're ,. tired." , .. few biscuits, "wot a mi, in b" y1"3 7,,'""T butter." ' you'll go the other,, and we ill meet ,Hoir. Then we snau a n n u i,.,, eaehr' Alrnlt nf the Island could '.."..SLi. L".r . finVa T and thaw had H"' i m not going in a I probability' y vacant hour. i-rSr. . !?o S J?, .B"S! ner?heaa.d ' Ibef In tone."' rao'nrnw - .'PhP.I?t...- - . LeonaTrd. - SYJ iaitiimaV of an obese habit wnr-T::. ' I"?n5. ".-w-,w0 thfae , run to s compels us to respond: perhaps It I only because the revolt of the cannon ' 1 under the mutineera. the pistol shots ci waste away wun nunger mey couia not nevotea revolutionaries, tne wild! riunc hnmha nf ' flnninimlnn anddanl apotheoaUed Into martyrs, .make ft tioW . apotheoatxed Into martyrs, make tiolM UTh.a.Jr. liiij-t SnwgedW Vil'ad decy p.ervation of' tnV ra ' , and. ah!-anv amount r la-nVrant ' Vhn. X VaT " 1'."" -? 5? '"JI!-.".! 'V? a"J in," dale.moss or clayey slopes, her eyes profound, fundamental Instinct or Ing. to our calloused .ears, than 41. i..S ki. . ik. Z..u.J i T ' ," ,,., " ,V." "'"".'".. " turning again and again In numbed species itseir, vanisneu unaer tnai ler- snrieK or tne cn a under the butchci many biscuit will there ha tar t W-"a J? rt niU)i of Halta. angulsl to rlghfandYeft "Jn Vn" hSE rrMe,.trM. Mother, .old their daugh- knife of It. cannibal sUyrer, Crl ' . i, : - -- . .r -r '" jwu n uwc , thai hnin mis-hf nma .f . v. . . tare io a iniiM wnicn iney lmDiorea. wnatnver tna nun wa nava h,.u Oh, I'm not goinr to snnll mv di. rha f lr. tni i. i. 7i. u. i'"J u.l,V.r' J'lLliJr.J awrui unclosing walls of mist. wun su.cenis mo commoniy quoiea price enea more repungiy to me suffering (1 . !. ...11. I. .a " " - J- ' - v4u m BHAluwiVi ICBVITVU Ll uilllllj l u And MM A Br ll la -KiaK a I m I TAF SB nri anil sail IT1 ft III nt'TTl HM I 1 1 1 1 BE Illr tt lIHSilB r fi Q rs Wft Ifl Tn Vna. v I snau anv din' lT 'the , briaht lrfthat ISmS llW h , W"hgat?a e,n putt,n5 cal energy o r'thn pursuer beg7n ToTeir H cnts and a bowl or two of rice. Par- China It may b osJ. lUg, I" tarire "o?8 SS ..uIatM "iS' S'So. the'r ChUlren crla ntlenen of an obese habit wnry-wr- tr-ro be worse there this yen t Autocracy has failr 1... 1 .......... J . . . .Mil n nMi.k ,Vt. Mn.lM. U . I 11 iht"niHiM-Mb Ih"Ka"mu" '-J1j "".Ij .t..T w "t Bireicneii tn lont alooe that "ul mr. iuinaM reumieu. cxecuiiuners ann juuers are aenarl .... v. iicu ruin m mm biiuuicu ior inrs. rlimhnd from Ih. final Atr. n .1.- . ITaw. Indeed, or tnose ratnera and moth- now ai than. Tha vl , atlll.fl. Ana tne incline was stuhborn, the turf ers, even wun meir ravoning-eyeo wun tneir niaaen guns ana tneir In man rf.Am . In : anA ahnfarf r,r certain we shall ade her gase fell on the young man From me. , wnen mere is anoiner ..cursed island aomehow. rh.., ... mW rnrioV .mTn--: -- -.V.u ""A" " ' . ?f .."'b"' sopping with the mist, and her -brea. in spue or exnausiea. love ana exnaust- provised pikes, to reap what harvest end then mere are mnupsia. .. . - Js,e .. , 7 - " .extended' hatTd ' ' w.wri VJ.,0iri"?f? T3.i2rr 15u,m1t was coming In fierce, torturing gasps. ed wills, upon me living Dodies or tneir they may of revenge, to sow wha Bd.wiiiiam ana laonei iobel did her best td smile faintlv "It 1 Mr Llneaurd " aha aald wk. ,r ' , r" .',Vt.. 1 ,r' Sne re,t tnat her limbs were getting orrspnng, couia oring tnemseives to wmnwinds they can or revolution.- l.". M-W ir:h;8h.-. lot herself to" be wu.dedlnin& did vouVeturnTlfmuat ftV-d S?J5 aflll a ka s fm each moment more heavy and he? hear? eal the fatal blowthat tranaformed . And with It all,. there is. the eye V" ".SSritSt tn! thlt P"k and eating all the year, since. I saw you.'' "WhatT Tha manTwl -7.. , ..Vr- A "? -"c"'t . 5.ha- n a h.h. Intn th. I . I I ... V ' . " . . 'i, w.wvi . - . . . . nriiiHinr hii inn mutr ann ma tino- .ii r 1. . waasa aiiA t ..a.. - nn. ... a. . . . vv n, uuuiujiib an nvito i. icicb iri ki n uwf,iwi - v - . v i.v,.v , iiuirjaoiiia iiitcurni iw xn.v ui minis u been quite sure from me start tnat tnat bl8cmta. fhen her conscience .mo a ' "About- fou? or five I think' v J"..,.m.n.? aTJ'.'a'VSS i2 Jabs that seemed to take her by the thatehould furnish forth their cannibal waste and of crops un sowed, of eeH , . surely atartlad . c. i , . . .. .. . . . , j. 1 . . . . . mrAitH navar do "And now." she said. "I know what' "Well. What is it7 her. She was a very good, girl, and then for son' snd that meant! started she 1-athered the bracken. a 1 j . .-iti a-lrl anrf Warn.. " ' unl oil th. iD 1 .. ...,'j " - ' Uli"l "U Bliaao linr. . iCHDt. ... ,. unvuuiou KUQ Ul BlUi; VUIIISIlCa in IIU ft-rule, her conscience ngd little to do: that young lady your were soeakin b "y'i,. .d- hi 5.n.!.ffW.c.S? .?V5T. fP??W..." -.lri.w.S. .... . .. .... J 1 I Z At tliii. . l W . ' " -.-aa.1 - - - j- - --- a.vv- nllil BnHU nlfllld fsisj SB 1 1 mm Bjnw t II r T ri A thlnM Bf 1 . HIS ftUIrUI IBI1L. LI I CXt. wn ui. LI 1 n lUiriDII I llrl I r IHHNI MIS nilT. fl V tna M 11 If Irll fn With that Occident cannot oenevo 11 true, or crea- or tneir ncn oppressions, still glea made ns mug L cmnui uonovo mm uaiimuaia enougn ror an tneir accustomed 1UN been on were, or naa over oeen, numan oeinBs. uries; . tneir only hardships are som 'Tho hflnrnlnad with nna anothar. Inrilimll. n ni.,.nn.. i..t "Y-.. . w - . ...... - - - - ... , . ......... . j in ,i n , ,.j,aiiv u, .uu,.in v-a., i access of tne onuaren tney -possessed, xney Dar- draws a little less of Russian gold t and for-gamea as tnougn tne cnuaren were bo turn over to Princess Marie Bonapartj sending mucn living; iiura., bphhbiiis mo uiinui bb tne oriae or rrince tieorge or ureectt vesiiKes wi tieoii ujjuh umii numbly i-aris unas itussian nooies a intie jesi hr. snowing Dones at ao many pounas or profitable, though still desirable. lnexnraaai. eaiaoie material. ' uui over tna riairia nr tna Kimain Anu wnere ons man naa wen-grown peasant over the multitudes or thort Wa1.. I id wnoae waia-nr waa sauai io inn naananriatita r , -,. nnnnn.i.. ar Hn. ught coming!" of two younger children of a neighbor, that awept down te the ancient grerl ono Kiaiiueu uaca ana saw oenind tne e loos moss iwo cnuuren in exenango an 69 or lifurope and constructed tl -we muai try smoKe iBim.o. itoh sclsnca' did -et to wnri it aa i ...V..nV.v. " !"! ""ub'". . . cnainea was gaming on ner. runnlna- .a... .. i i.w t.. i, , i .n . vnn irnnw ' . : . ..v,. a,- . - nano ann ,u.r raa na nn lr ia a fni. . ..... . t . . . , "".I'.1 ' vways worg in the most approved man- "Yea. that waa Gertrude." aald tra "wir'. Vn iT.T "reaaiui, oaooon-iiKe imp mat .Ha dlkiw? Just plain na-!!fr:..r!'ina"cJvI''rto Werner gently aglow with, pride." ''She and we've traced him down to ' these m M 11 lld tlve. you get in travel books.' . . vr?f rn ulta au" S-Wh- 2 Jf.I2 L Jif I'!--" . ' ...... W h her shrtek the first r. . i a .ti ill . w . . - -, - .ii.i. iiiu ii Duiua . i Em r . h. v 1 1 1 1 1 1 inn 1 1 1 ri i . 1 i i ..m t ma..w" .a . . . . ... . i see. saia t imaui n'ti;. think- T'm hnrrihiv iioH n-ntii v r r. J"" "u, terror lent ner auridnn rnrca .i i ...v iin. VinnVui - .u.i.c,, ucuDiv lufnui io souo miB mornine. na with a iniiHn. vhfn m, a t v,i k..., ;., a a ":.rr' mcy oi i.v "'""". .-v.-.. nr,,,., i..u.a ..XT.. . .... I o. k. .i , . -.-,. o . jvu yafus ins uruw away atam. . i eiffna I i in a jArrAr. . ...... ,u ....ubui . i a it t . or I vmbubu .1,0 uku u ucaihik or (imn v raar T nr rn, rmii n, rtnm .. 1 111 . 1 , . Ill-, O'i'vn," - ,HlMll thla lun't m,. a " . .. m,i ...a ta, Mali k l.... " .r."T """" UP "W Blirill, UUIlllllK CrieS. gardeners waa to ee it, answer u. ";,VT . 11""." V.'. ..bZZ . r.V. .""CV . ", "ne in tne mist, "tnat ne s likely Suddenly there came back tn Start to tne rescue at once, ui JT.L "." .'"i""' -M,U --. r;r'M . .." "". mournful and muffled, but . 1. .i, . 1. T. tm isuinji wuii n itar, a laucn or tna t hrt. very triiiuiiamjauy. . "Thflfi th. ha, xr. n.. i,. ti. .1 . v jMiur, .tn 1 unc Dim:. 1 v , v. . - . , - . , ,.- . , r . .. . ... . . . j 1 u in, 11 1 v rnp-rmr. k nnr nrv tne. her word "travel hooks" had B JPr.VL "1T l?le- i .wa8 think- won t yow- mma,- ne aaaed. .witn a here, and his madness may drive him to "'Coura.Ver'1 called anm- m. her on a train of thouaht as iiiumma anq tne others. " r Jngenuoueness, -mat it old haunts. And he's got to be ci How terribly anxioua they'll be. Have would be good idea if II got my. bike Quick, afore h can do more harm ,'; vviiij, one w"j. ..5-.. kt, thev won't tart'tiAm. 1.. "Oh win Von raaiivf t mhnniA v. t.j . ' v' . .T , ""'"ob, tnmg two anapes looming obscurely ror ms ana, tne cnuaren ne now naa civilisations which now boast of thel .' ought to 1 have a barFel t pickled ''P"Zt so glad "agreed MrWerne V't aIone.. XjeRVe through the mist. being debarred from him by no tie of decadence where their stern forefather ; pork. Very little injured by the sea- troubled beforT 9 wi'va hfi? lv "I am revathr nnuaT,! you horses here, and foUow me." With a little sob she sped on. But kinship, he cut their throats and ate vaunted meir virtu e--the grim Valkyt water. People always have things Ilk , 0rXner before Mmetime. v , her" ' "orvoHg about 'My matell go along with you. sir." her force was spent The mist seemed their flesh, well kHowing that their fa- brood Choosing f thow esused of deal 'rosniiar . j .aarfntSttet U,. our f.ult this 1? nwtfertrud. Werner was con- .e sne IruWr only to tall ttrMWtS fnSnye Sruel '? rel However, ifi .no good complaining X,me know that or course and our luffeKtMU that lead. mJ'tn Jh2 nttil',.lnW-Wf y th2uh glen, back helpless, watching In numbed I ho" m?st gentle, merciful, hum trait.! Thor. f T,'. """" ' T w?t'tTda.itetl?h Md " "o 1 people T wlllfcow Vto5"a'nd bellevS' S Vhe had scorchedh f ora 1 Se er Kj Jototh. "sense of.o'ii.lond" 'n!1, gra1i!f, anPrch 2 the .ma.n,ac' ThiSy we,r tarrtnJf' tfcat ,Wa." alL . - o whiffs of grapeshot In thegrer : wat-r to it with. i ,f. lMr jrni ttl4. A 7k4 ' L, , "t:: e.,,- .L,u -J ..r u Bne er njqyinff me sense or isolation and Thirty yards. 20. 10. She calcuinrnri , Now tne ehocklna- - ordeal borlntt ntn f-nttiv nHnnhiiv m hAMV... . TX7A'A awnt- VIA . t-Aaolf ' kala T anttal J . Ml. av'v., va, i.iit urtllirj J II gnn W tft ffVI L Aa OIIQ WOI' B.L IXia I Rrffl TIF". tin V 1 4h t ft t fl th. BB, Inn f V A tha A.... a.. Its V T S.VV (IV ,- W Ct.IL. . Bit U lHUUn . . a . a ll.a.. Ja III ..-.. - thst's the initial mistake. When you,, ""J t on tinroose ? ir. K - V"t7. f .... MBt im An a daaart i.iand v.-. . did It on purpose! it horrible. If L.I ..A.nt Mri rf That la .k n th. ! ."' v DeeP engageo a year. We are as ..j.. ... r to na marnea nexi monrn. arlng to. return by the time the distance, her mind actlne In. that afresh, for-no neoole so vitally burned nnaa banana, tha arniierv offi... .Jl lunuuBijr rcniuie nu xrvzon way mat out ana no isna so completely ravaged Marats where tney- snouia pe Napoleon aliBMhas A iVia ska Anrnttm A .9 ma 'V. fTIL aat mm a...alhl aAaaa a V, - . J .11 - . a a . i . . . the 1 1mA TTnrrv lanrlmarlr hv Va 4r, t a, . . , " . " . . ' ! ay ft- V l 3 IV A '"sara naa. oniy surmountea me hill. "She had arrived at the little foot. ttah.: th. .hrd.Af iaath muT X n ..rAT .aX.J.. th. .,-iV.t ... ""r.1" ''".l."'' """rown quite cold," she said, bridge that spanned a freshet In tha thi ",,;....hf. hM, ;;---i? ...V' .X th. h--..r .... I . . - , : . . . . . " ...MWVUH..V.7W i. du.aom .va j , au,.. u.i.Di.McDa v, ibbi. jBVflunfl wfli. Kuiiiou tu LUDir mnpira II nnmn, rf.wn .1 ..... .. . . A.A. - I... . .1 . . m , . . , .1 , 1 . . . . " . . H . . . ... .. . ., story books, and. It come. In very "use fully. For that wreck doe. not stop at . "That doesn't stop Deonie'a tnnpii.a l..irlad nnrlr.".j.nvthln tar.n.1. 4Wm ."71 c. ? . awpping , ..... - , v"' -.-.- People wmgure, saia vv iiiiam. aarKIv. t'iin A'JT tw" t,me Isobel ha Justified Vfl JrhJ ? !USl?1--ade1ir herself in Jier own mind, and believed red Mfely pn. the beach el your ieet that ehe 'had a legitimate cause for net morning. ' '. grievance. -1 en. 1 anow inai wrw, iiugnin Tf really rather too bad." aha aald e ss. accompanied by the farmeVs wife a- n anri wai tandin iuTna. . T un.peaa.aDte nioeousness or it surged ortms year rrom. tne parrenness or last. Javelin, were guided to their she left the pleasant hearth! with lu f th? iii Val?2 "own -over her In n vitalising flood, and The decimation, still Incomplete, must ancient-Scandinavia. And the " blazing logl-and itood at the do she struggled-to her feet and sped on. ' proceed. In the accomplishment of Its of Saratov and Ufa! sinking neaaantf ne, she But the maniac, balked a second time, Inexorable-, murderous chances until the roadside 'and dying of the -tinlvetw further hurled himself after her, and, lashed by starving populatlone-are readjusted by. hunger and cold, are the appointed vfr his frensy, thd Intervening space van- wholesale slaughter to the feeding ca- time of the same harah deities of tU ' . . ...... j v.. v iu, ja;iLj v, in, va.. viae luiiauii, wo . . -. . : , 4 ;; beard panting of hla breath, and was con- unless - some miracle from on . high . Drought laid if. Withering touch uto r waa inlni., nt lha hnvarlna rP . I . f 1 1 1 ir . w.n.k.. tl.. h.a ..... A .V,. 1 1 .1.. ,i..j.. a aaa aaa " ..... n,. : , , - . " " ' . . .. 0 v. " i.n-.lA, n 1 0111 iiu. mo ... u . in., v. wa viiq ill 1 1- 1. J I M XIOIUS UL AUjVVU.VVU ' 01 people 1 r r . v""- . , . iionn Hnjr, iiu iovw iu uin jjifiu una aouineasiern aUubsiu ana nuneer. tv aVam nunr-n "i . wa. , ----- vvuiSg' vviiiiwiu ...a ayv ' ivrm vim" mm vvjuivv --vrpw viioill. UCaa, in M lIS,blahunanftf nf.J ,.a.t " -uvtrr., . .u..a ..a ... tW.;W'(Al.. 7f.h.Hi?' fho bitter. fruitW.' fleWa ChUnft'.tor . i v V -i7 iri .".'" jy uiing- me 5o.jnis nor- wun springtide, into ft' world netrlflad with Una that nVT.,tiwwi ..3 1 . . au,cnv ana miraoiw in- mn nuticni unis, wrousni wa. toia anew, wun me last norse it patent ,dirf lte then you go a mK-loao beneath some mystery "if ' "llenee dVeaduPly ovtr .m1?rtinf.tanLniumbled Su.r,n.'l ,n t,ms '? 8ee !L burlJr warden them solely that man, His powerful en, the roof , thatches devoured? A" mre. Tou know those anlmala. "They're the boat And von don't aam t haw -what ,r.i,2.Ve- . oreaaruiiy over inarticulate words. fell the maniac to earth with a blow vioa-raeant unon the earth. mlht imm uihi. Ammri r,m th. ..rr: i -.It a A . . . . 1 1 A - .. . . , . . " J ' ' A,.wn uu.a UOIII . f ' Tl 1 1 . KU. UTAnA BB nn. . 1 . . 1 . . . . , m . ' .. - " . '... ' . . n . .. v... , . On 1 a. ' til wun. iBi,u ."J ma raint-rjt jaea wnat to do to get vsMfr. Fromme ae-the .ound of aTOwiini to Vrtnva, 7 JTaii nf i''..-'.-unBD1? ? " o"0,. lnen ne conapaea some- the Dlosseaness or-aoing-m wont of trees tripped of their bark the glrj -. i a i vw,. AiuiimiiiM .nn flow iriLU irio Hrm nr i .in tra ret . .n 'hanr fAno nnw. , ai 1 1 t kAa. aaI faa v.a - . .1 ?fewl?B,or the K-Plng whether .hef alnted or not she is ilot . The agnf of Russia eemslmuchV M ..,t -V rtr vuiiBuiuus uuiio suro, iiivugn Niagara nroresHcs to nearer nome man tne siow, -auent per- And. this year,' the choosing of tW "re out ot the a-reat mnf. ihia dav that at that fAi.Kii a, , 1. . okin... rr,i .HI M i Sr .m. th!.'?;cnlt'''W" ewil.L)r wopiM him as the It is because, w feel the kinship pf our , -The TJnited StaUs, Irr the way. ..o! i ' Anitrnr Kn W aj t? lr1 j l. iv " v "vac utjno- juuiiiiuu uuiui , jci u&Ln ucuauoo t-iiorv i itnu fJiu filler removal of. oodth. ,d. .-.pXtVuZ;; rouo manage U XveP changeS ' CtuT "1 inna hat T don 'intaa Jha nt 21. One alway' leave It to tlio, all the scene, lately so gay and vivid sVemed tan jem fla curricle washed up from '. , Thl was severe on the island. laughtered last year il,2TO.OQO.e4 nutrluoui -; t wnr, fs. run ui wrrcK or DuncturM Rht tr ii n k., Si r i. . 1 ---i vcim- wumiuu uuiv I ftwiL MtnjoiuDo wioiw.i iuiu 9)iwusiucivu ibbi year x.2 IthadftBd render Ure. o