The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 05, 1908, Page 24, Image 24

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Clearance Sales of Laces, Embroideries, Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, Veils, Ribbon Ncc .
Silt" Net and Plaid Waists
Values to $15.00 at $6.05
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. offer for Mon
day's sale 78 fine Silk Waists of fancy
plaid silks, messaline silk and ecru
net, in a variety of the newest and
choicest patterns and styles, selling
regularly tip to $15.00. g r
Your choice at only J) Q s J
250 Walking Skirts
$8?5Valuesat Only $2.95
250 Walking Skirts of plain and fancy Panama in gray, navy and brown,
made In plaitedT&nd gored styles, with the effective band trimming. In
smartness of style,, fullness of cut, excellence of tailoring, they are ex
ceptionally good. 250 skirts, sold regularly up to $8.75, (J- f r
on sale Monday at only.
See Window Displays Sale Begins at 8 o'Clock Monday
50c Silk ; Organdies 23c Yd.
Regular 50c Silk Printed. Organdies, yard.... '.23
Regular 25c Arnold's Suitings, sale price 15
Regular 25c Printed French Organdies j yard.. 15
60c Silk Lolinc. 25 c Yard
Regular 30c 36-inch India Linon, yard .21
fpn Sale Monday Morning at 8 oClockThc Suit Sale
f Reg. $2.75 Tablecloths $ToO
Reg. $2.75 Bleached Cloths, 2x2 yards. .... .82.00
Reg. $3.50 Bleached Cloths, 2x2 yards 82.65
Reg. $4.00 Bleached Cloths, 3x2 yards $3.15
Reg. $3.75 Napkins to match above.' 82.75
Reg. $1.75 Crochet Bedspreads) full site. .. .$1.19
40c Scotch Flannels, limited quantity for Mon-
day SaT at 20c Yard
Clearance Sale of Cloves
$-1.00 16-button Cape Gloves for only 83.35
$1.75 1-clasp Pique Kid Gloves for only. .. .$1.18
$1.50 1-clasp Mocha Gloves, special price... 08
$3.75 16-button Kid Gloves, special for .82.70
$2.00 1-clasp Cape Gloves, special price -.$1.48
8, 12 and 16-button and Kid Suede Gloves, regular
- $4.00-$4.50 values ; also $2.50 Trefousse Gloves in
. opera shades; all in one lot at 81.10
$1.50 1-clasp Cape Gloves, special price 08
$1.50 Kid Gloves, large sizes, special price. . . 73
Sensation nt the Vmi '''v:
, '' X- , . ' ,"- ".'.- If .
" " ' " ....... .'.wi?TT!rTT!Srr?S!?Si?T?!l!!SSv?
85 highest-class Tailor-made' Suits of finest broadcloth
In black, brown, navy, leather, plurq and gray; made iri
the popular long coat styles, with plaited and flare skirts.
If you don't.say, when you see these suits, that they are
the best that the price ever procured, you'll be the first
who does not say so. They have made a 6cnsation here
even among our own people, who are accustomed to
remarkable values. Suits sold regularly rh s r AA
up to $60.00, on sale Monday. ......... ij) J U U
$25.00 Art Plates at $9
Royat-Oermanware Dresden Plates, genuine
hand-painted plates by Dresden painters. Va
riety of exquisite subjects. We are closing
out our art line, hence this sale at about half
the wholesale cost. Regular $25
art plates for..
Clearance Sales of Dress Goods, Silks.Wash Goods, Linens, flannels, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Uinbrellas, Blankets.Kimonos. Underw'r, tc.
' ., ... . .... . . , .. y. ... 1 , . i
All Muslin Undergarments at Great Reductions in this Sale
$1.50 Nainsook Gowns $1.10
Women's , fine Nainsook and Cambric Gowns, in
slipover, high, circular - and square-neclCstyles,
daintily trimmed with embroidery, lace tfjl "I A
' insertion, etc. Values to $1.50 for. . . . 1 1 U
$2 Nainsook Gowns $1.48
Women's fine Nainsook Gowns, circular neck, flow
ing or puff sleeves, prettily trimmed with em-
, broidery, lace medallions, beading and d J q
ribbon. Values to $2.00 for Oi.'lO
3 Nainsook Gowns $2.33
Women's fine Nainsook Gowns, circular or V-shape
- I- J.!l!(- li! J tl 1 - t
' nciK, umniuy uirainga wun iinc iace, cmproiaery,
insertions, beading," ribbon and em-do qq
broidery medallions. Values to $3.00. . $9Od
$1.50 Cambric Skirts $1.18
Women's white cambric Walking Skirts, with deep
nuuntc, , irmuucu wna iuiks anu ncmsiucning,
others with embroidery and lace inser- in
tion and tucks. Values to $1.50 0 1 1 0
$2.25 Cambric Skirts $1.48
Women's white cambric Walking Skirts, with deep
Hare llounce trimmed witp Val. jace and inser
tions and dust ruffle; others Urimme'd with em
broidery. Values to $2.25, special for A j iq
this""sale".7. .1 . . .". ; ..... .'.140
75c Cambric Drawers
at 48c
Women's cambric Drawers, made with deep ruffle,
trimmed with lace and embroidery; open MQ
or closed. Regular values 75c, for. ...... . rOC
Women's cambric Drawers, made with deep flounce, .
trimmed with laqe insertions and embroid- or
ery. Values to $1.25. ..... . OOC
Cambric Corset Covers, .trimmed with lace, embroid-
- i a i .
cry, insertion ana.riDDon..- values to &Oc, Oil
on sale for.
$1.75 Cambric Drawers $1.18
Women's extra quality cambric Drawers, full sizes,
prettily trimmed with fine lace and in- A 1 1
sertion. Values to $1.75, special at. . . . p 1 1 1
Combination Chemise $1.10
Nainsook combination Chemise, daintily trimmed
with rows of fine lace insertion, beading and rib
bons ; others with embroidery yoke, etc. 1 A
Regularly sold to $1.50,' special sale at.JJ)l JLU.
$1.75 Corset Covers at $1.18
Nainsook Corset Covers, circular neck, trimmed in
fancy designs with Cluriy and Val. lace edges,
insertion, medallions, beading and rib- A q
bon ; for , . . Ol 1 0
85c, $1 Corset Covers at 59c
Women's 85c and $1.00 Corset Covers in several
pretty styles, trimmed with dainty lace, etc. ; sizes
34 to '44. Regular 85c to $1.00 values q
on sale for. i OuC
$1.35 Corset Covers for 89c
250 Corset Covers in eight different models, made of
fine nainsook, trimmed with the newest and daint
iest patterns of lace, insertion , and embroidery
medallions,, round and square necks; some with
straps of lace beading and ribbon, all trimmed
-back and -front.-These; are-xceptional - nft
values at , . . . . . . . . Or! C
$1-$1.25 Suites 59c
54-in. all-wool and mixed Tailor $125-$1.50 Dress Goods 98c
Suitings, in stripes, checks, jn- xt : r- :
visible plaids, dark mixtures, S"1" P1.11 " colorcd
etc., for separate skirts, coats A CnCh Panamas'
and suits; medium and heavy tffi?"1
weights ; $1.00 and $U5 r-n ,Henn?u? a ,d oo1 taffetasl
valnU SMr ,n- wlde in black, cream and all
values.,... OUK, cojors $1.25 and $1.50 Qft .
60c A11.Wool Dress Goods va,ues;; ......TOC
39c Yard $2.50 Chiffon Brtlcloth $1.98
38-in.' all-wool French Nunsveil- 5J:in frc"ch Chiffon Broadcloth,
ing, albatross, Panama and ba- h,$h, luuster' shrunk, ,
tiste, in black, cream and all black, new brown, new Copcn:
colors; regular 60c OA 1?age" bluCS' fta' lthtn
values. 4 3HC ys' tans: reds wmc P,um rc
r"w seda, mvrtle, etc. An
r . . $2-50 va'ues for....Vi. JIvjo
$1.25 Novelty Suitings 75c
aa - rn' t. 1 v. j $1.00 Black Dress Goods 73c
44-in. and 50-in. check and Stripe , , izz
Suitings, Panama and broad- Newest weaves in plain black
cloth weaves all wool, in rich Dress Goods, 44-in. English mo
dark colors aad quiet effects. hair, brilliantines and Sicilians,
Regular $1.25 values n r siik and wooi crepe de Pari8
at,,,i,t I uC voiles, etaraines, serges, Pana-
mas, novelty Panamas, granite
$2.00 Cloth Suitings $1.39 cloths, etc. Regular 70
2 I $1,00 yard I lC
Per Yard y IU
54-in. new mixed Broadcloth Suit- $2.00 Novelty Suitings $1.48
ings, in light, medium and dark S4inch mportei Novelty Dress Goods
gray and light-tan, in invisible this season's latest weaves, stripe
stripes' and checks; an extremely worsteds, herringbone cheviots, in
handsome material, for stylish visibly, Plaid broadcloths, stripe
coats? suits and skirts A OA -ziiS11 , J
Reg..oo values.., :.$L39 ::.$1M: 1
Clearance Sales of Suits, Coats, Waists, Skirts, Petticoats, furs. Books, Stationery, Leather Goods, Pyrbgrapby Goods, Needlework, Etc.
: - ' ' " " " : r-zn : 1 : - " ! : " ! 1 ' ' 1
Clearance Sale of !Lmbroideries
Reg. Values up to $6.00 Yd. $1.98
Reg. Values up to $1.75 Yd. at 43c
Reg. Values up to 75c Yard at 23c
800 yards Swiss an d Nainsook Allover Embroideriesr' Frrench and .English
.eyelet effects, 24. and 27 inches wide. -Regular $4.00 to $6.00 ' t gQ
values at ....... .J. J0
5,000. yards Swiss and Nainsook Corset Cover Embroideries, 18 inches wide;
also Swiss and nainsook edges, insertions and galloons, 1 to 12 inches OO
wide. , Regular 50c and 75c values: V . . CiiC
6,000: yards Swiss and Nainsook Edges and Insertions, French and M t
English effects, 3 to 10 ins. wide. Values to $J.75 yard, on sale at ... f JC
2000 Yards Laces, Vals. Up to $4.50 at $1.95
2,000 yards white, cream and ecru Net Laces; Venise -and" Baby Irish' All-'
. overs, in exquisite and beautiful patterns. Values of $2.75 to A- af
$4.50 yard;;pn sale at.:.v ....... .'t)l7U.
White, creatn and ecru net, Ve'nise, Baby Irish, antique Cluny and fillet Edges,
Insertions,;Appliques:an.d Galloons all high-class laCes, 1 to 8 inches wide,
assorted, as follows : . v ,
Values to5c'br;i9 Yard-
v Values W$l.Z5 on Sale at 59c Yard ' , - S
Values to $4.50 for $1.98 Yard
Values to $3.00 for 98c Yard ;
eg. $35.00 Axminster Rugs 9x12 It $24.95
$32.50 Axminster Rugs 8x10 Tt. $22.50
Pretty Axminster Rug in an unusual assortment of rich patterns and soft colorings,
in uricDiat, norai ana convcniionai aesigns ,
Regular $50.00 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 Feet, Reduced to $39.95
Regular $45.00 Wiltori feugs, 8 1-3x10 Feet, Reduced to $34.95
Bigelow Wilton Rugs in a large assortment of handsome patterns, with all of those
just tne rug lor parlor or ubrafy. . . . . '
Regular $35.00 Body Brussels Rifgs, 9x12 .Feet, Special at $24.95
You know how a Body Brussels Rue we'ars. and hon asr'it is to' keen clean. . Here
jroii will find an immense assortment to select from, to suit all color! combinations. By
far the most serviceable .rug' manufactured. Just the rug for living-room or dining-room.
Regular $18.00 Kashmir Rugs, 9x12 Feet January Sale Price $12.4?
.Regular $15.00 Kashmir Rugs, 9x12 Feet, January Sale Price $10.49
V 1 - . f ! t,i . fl i . .
.,. , rk.asiiinir ivugs are me most, serviceaoje inexpensive.. .rugs tnai are rnanuiactureo
look like a Brussels rug; sweep clean," reversible. Come in a large variety of patterns,
bju ujiuujigs. just-uic rug lor inc .upuiuvm1?
Regular $12.50 Pro-Brussels Ruga and IngratrfrVrTSquares $9.95
$9.00 Pro-Brussels Rugs and Ingrain Art Squares, 9x1054 ft, $8.95
A large variety of carefully elected patterns.
Manufacturers Rug Samples at. OnelFourth ;THeir Real Value
27x27 Tapestry Rug Samples. .. .. ..29
27x36 Taoestrv 'Brussels Rum. . ... . . .B8rf
27x54 Tapestry-Rug Simples ...SOf
27x54 Brussels Rug Samples A..... t l.Oft
Axminster and Velvet- Rugs. . . . .f 1.3ft
A11 at just One-Quarter Value. ' .
Sale of La Vida; C. B. a la Spirite and
W. B. Corsets- at Clearance Prices
Values Up to $8.50 at $2.98
Values Up to $4.50 at $1.49
LOT 1 Annual' January Clear
ance Sale of La Vida, W. B.,
Nemo and CJB. a la Spirite Cor
sets, made o;r imported ; coutil,
f brocade and batiste, medium and
high bust, short,' medium . and
, long hip,, with whalebone anch
steel filhngs.; The : t q
reg. values to $8.50 $.7Q
LOT 2 La, Vida, W. Nemo
.and C. B. a la , Spirite Cbrsets,
made of imported coutil, sateen
and batiste, medium, ' short and
long hip, medium and l6w bust;
Regular values to A i
t $4.50 on sale for. . Jp i 1 4 "