The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 05, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Will Commence Proceedings p. 7 " ;;iS - fe-, 'fiTf.-.t. .,Wi ..H.Kin,.M;,M v.'
'Against Private Jlonopoe f Hirfe--..--.,--...-... hjTfe r II
' I . HAS VY IllCll ? J1U O , UMxva I I , i 1 1 1 1 F i i . ' III rM F I w""r ! II. I 1 IHf lAH'-f vAWW 1 1 I I I
f;H7ty;t Thmmghfan!S- pi P? IP I mWW 4
Abusers of Franchises Will
Be ; Taken; in j HandEx
ecutive Asks, Council' to
Aid Him in . Punishing
, Street Grabbers.: ;-v-v
In the annual mimit to tha city
I eouncll filed With the city auditor yes-
tsrday afternoon Mayor Lane calls at
' tentlon to .mgrant violations of the
I term of franchises which ha ve been
I granted to various corporations and
asks the eouncUmen td aid him In e-
curing Information from tha corpora
, tlona concerning their methods. v;
i Mayor Lane states in bU message
t that ho Issued a. call several month ago
t to air franchlse-holdera to submit state-
menu of their affairs to tha city audl-
t- tor aa required by tha h'rtr'
that tho results obtained were msager
! Ind lift him practically nothing; re-
r port apoa from this source, bacaurt of
. th "refusal of tha corporations to , eom-
' ply with tha mayor , request Tho only
Z no fUlng ouch a statement was the
Portland Oay company. ;
Special reflrwce la mede to the man
; ner in which caln corporation
, gobbled up city Streets nd city prop
erty for prlw'e ue and tha mayor
promises to commence proceedings to
4 Sus tho usurpers aa soon as Pole.
J Referring to the general ProPUy of
I tha city in the past year and comment-
lng upon Tvtho fevorablo prospects tor
vLza uaror lane refers to the large
1 iumbefoiprJt. l!BtS mnleiSd
- ver all of which can be compieiea
without eSdamreringthe city's present
i strong financial condition. . .
; A iigniflcant statement In
" dr in' thVaUeeVclSnlag
I Tepirtmenrby' brewing the dlsunce
I ?? e oft? wrl M.id5.72.Z7. The
"MKribli 'th. 'atf CouncU
f I?. ' of "Portland . 0n'
I TuJm't iy Annual meswge, together
t with the reports of the several boards
snd departments of the elttltwrawt
I for the fiscal year ending cember II.
i l0t. Reports aro submitted to . me
i from the auditor, city traasurer, city
attorney, city engineer, building n-
...ifh . ntrtpir. aurerlntendent
5 o? cremator? "superintendent of street
cleaning ana sprinkling department.
T civil service; commission, plumbing in
; spector. poundmaster. municipal Judge.
harbormaster, chief of -VoUg. tUft of
lire department, superintendent of fire
I V-i inline tnlerranh. food In-
i spector.superlnteadent park depart
. went, president library association and
t superintendent and f engineer of the
S "JMiin'irt1! submit
the following statement of cash Receipts
and alBDUrsemenui ouim - -
fkree-on City.
yoafhelp, and aotlng In . 'Conjunction
with the water board, I expect to per
fect tha cltya title to the aame by do
lnr such work upon the property as U
noiurv to acauire the full title, to
' eira Berrloe Conunlssloa. "
I herewith submit the report bf the
civil service commission and call at
tention to the same. The work In this
department Is conducted free rrom po
mloal lnflnnr nt n sort, and I uulte
agree with the suggestion mado by the
eommission, so long as an .mpiu.
not discharged for reasons of a religious
or political . nature. that fo i appeal
should ba . entertained. This would
servo to increase tbe efficiency or tno
city s service, and allow of the weed
ing oat or sucn -employee who, ruu.
carefully refraining from doing any
overt act. yet shirk their duties and by
their example encourage others to do
the same.' j :
In tho future I purpose to call all
heads of departments to a stricter ac
countability In respect to retaining such
unfaithful -errant. In the city's em
ploy, trusting that yourselves and the
commissioners will concur In the view
that a person who will aocept and re
ceive pay for work perfunctorily per-
xormea or my aone is aciing auumi-
fSi: 'to Oty Aadltor Barbur-.
report.embodled In the JVThe
tno rec5iii T-r-viv.f Th.
t Total balance Jan. ,l".I07t . 72M63.II
. ....I. fi04.e6S.Zt
vir dnoartment fund.. .... c 160,681.6 J
Police department fund....
t Bonded Ind.. Int. fund.....
. Lighting fund v. .
I street repair fund ........
Vubllo library fund .......
r Park fund ,........
f Water fund
i m .inVin. una...
. ImprovrbondTslnklM fund.., .
ImnrnvMnint Tuna ........ 48i?5-l?
i Improv. bond Inu fund.... ,
i street and sewer Int. fund.,
f Vira boat fund .i. .;'-
police and fire dept. relief
J fund .....''
Redemption fund . ....... w
1 Hill posting badge fund....,
uncial KrinarA fund ..-..r..
Etreet improvement fund
Bewer fund ..........
Btreet, extension fund ......
Total receipts ..........I3.8.108.8t
riAn'eral fund .....1
. Uro dept fund
I Police dept. fund .
i Bonded lnd. Int. fund......
Lighting fund ........
, titreet repair fund
public library fund ........
t park fund ,........
Park concert fund ....,
Water fund ...... .;.....
i Water bond lnt tana. .....
Water bond sinking fund...
Improvement fund ........
Jmpv. bond sinking fund...
I Smpv. bond tot fund......
t fitreet and sewer lnt fund.
l'oirco and fire dPt relief
fund ............
Redemption fund . ; .
C lull posting badge fund....
; special bridge fund .......
fjtreet impv. fund .........
Pewer fund .........
Btreet extension fund...,..:
Chemical National bank f
i New York ........... . . .
i (Ehse National bank o?
N.Nw! lrru'oV Co'Now
, 5 Tork; .-..- it;'
, 2 telalr &. Company, of New
, Yorkl......
- 11,809,171.17
, 41,271.62
. 43,418.96
. 4.711.1
. 80.163.(4
, 69.870.01
' Total disbursements .....13,107,875.14
rtii bianco Dec. II. 1107. 702,097.11
. ' 13.809,973.27
1 - The total amount axpended by the
? .Lrtment. named during . tho year
1907 : , . i i - i fitnn
Street llghtjng ........ .f IJ'JSi'S?
street repair. .... ,.? JHJHJ
. water department 44 ,014.96
. Fpecial brtdge fund.,...4,.r 65,396.18
. jiealth epartmnt.:.wi,
rf-rtmeAt:; 11:151:!!
; etriet cleaning and aprlnkUng - ,
department .i... -I'iln i?
- pound department ..-jw.... ,!'!21I
s Plumbing inspector's dept.... 6,392.98
, iiarbormatser's department ; 1.784.92
f Civil service commission.,,.. J'"
iiuildlna Inspector's dept.... f,B77.4B
1 This Callable balances January 1,
. Ji1 .rZ.inin- In tha following. funds
after payment of all utsUndlnf . Wfr-
r!neral fund .- 1?T-255-5?
Klre department fund. ......
. Police department fund j...
Bonded lnd. Interest fund...
Lighting fund
street repair fund ..........
'park fund
Water fund .';..
police and fire relief fund...
. Pnbllo xagncmr. - .
The report cf the committee on lights
: 8.242.34
is submitted and contains suggestion.
ookin to the W".0! fiSil
owned and operated T.lti lnf?Z
ruich as the proper lighting of .the
-tree! is an increaslnt burden Of great
v: cost, the supitestlon la worthy of your
"aeriws consUleration. ,' . " J
With the idea in view that the city
imlaht want to engage in such an en
1rririe, at a time not far distant and
ta aJSSra bar rights to a source of wa
ter power in the event that she should
rWto do so. -acting with
r ard. I hare. In the amo of the city,
i ilM ,tn all of the .prater rights of he
-I'M loin river and have recorded the
with tlie federal land office t
iv hv th ntv a.nd Is deserving ox
prompt dismissal from the servlca
lark JJepartaent.
Tha report of this department is sub
mitted herewith. With great natural
anA much Knflt to ba de
rived to the city from a proper uso of
the same, poruana as a cuy nu wm
negligent of 1U opportunitlea An
amendment to the cy charter, which,
In a large measure, would have provid
ed -for an Intelligent system of parks.
unrortanateiy raiiea or . in purpun
through an error In the manner . in
which it was submitted to a vote of
the people under tho Initiative law gov
erning tho same. ,
, yoUoe Bepanmeat.
Attarfc' haratn: T aubmlt the report
of Charles Grltsmacher, chief of police;
and would respectfully call your atten
tion to the suggestions maae oy ium,
the work of the department being bal
ly wrlppled for wajit of adequate facili
ties to carry on the same.
With the present force of patrolmen
allowed ua, each such officer Is required
to care for a beat wnicn covers u r-
age of 14 miles of streets. Our condi
tion respecting jau room ana our
for an emergency hospital Is so well
known and has been mentioned so Often
that I consider It unnecessary and per
haps useless to fefer to It any further.
The city, while suriering mucn ire
crime, is, so far as I can ascertain, in
onmiHinn in tnls respect than
are our neighboring cities. I attribute
this condition to the fact that, in this
city, this department la kept free from
any entanglement with any form of vice
whatever and no protection is expecfaa
by or afforded to any person or class
whlcn maxes gam 07 cn "
free hand is allowed to the department
to anforee the last to all alike.
Thi nniinv tanda to make the polios
officer Independent and frees him from
all fear or interierencs wnu; in -formanca
of his duties, and has had a
beneficial effect fn the conduct of the
affairs of this city. . .
The police aepariment as prracm
constituted, with all, vacancies niieo,
consists of one chief, four capUlna
one matron, two detectives, three ser-
feants. three jailers, vnree gui. M
hreo drivers, two clerks., two luvsnile
officers, one city hall officer, Bine men
detailed to plain-clothes duty, two Ju
venile court . Oincers, leayuiK
patrolmen to cover as best tney can,
some 45 square miles of territory, con
taining 800 miles or streets, ey aaaing
nma nt mnuntAd men durlna the
eomlng year we hope to accomplish bet
ter results, it Doing impossiDie ior iwv
men to cover the beats assigned ; to
"Pwould respectfully advise'the cre
ation of an officer to do duty at the
police station at night with the power
of a magistrate to attend to emergency
oases, many of which are now dealt
with unjustly for the lack of such of
ficer. , . x '
riwinr tn tha ranld arowth of the city
it has been found to be impossible to
provide the large number of mains
Lrkih ruA fnr in tha newer out
lying districts of the city. The amend
ments to tlfe city charter.: which would
haui nravidad for the payment of exten
sions in part by the property owners
met the fate of all of the amendments
which were submitted to the people at
the last election - and left the water
board, without power to act in tno mat'
The rates to consumers were lowered
one third during the year 1907, vet the
large Increase in the number of consum
ers, duo to the- rapid growth of the
city during that period, returned a reve
nue an great as was collected during the
year 1906. ,
OMUUI vemrtawi.
Th work in the health department
h,i sraatlv InnrMaed dtlrinar the Dast
year, ana at no time tn me wnj
the denartment has sreater care or
more intelligent effort been exercised
in the conduct or tha anaira onirustea
n it Tha ltv la to be eonaratulated
upon Its low death rate as compared
with ottier cities tnrougnout tne wnu.
Garbage Orexnatory.
With an inoreaalna amount of offal
tn tw ilaatroved wa are still working
along with the present inadequate and
inefficient plant, ana i presume win d
compelled, to do so for an indefinite
length of time to coma It Is unfortun
ate that this state of affairs should
continue to exist
Found Department
The report from the poundmaster
shows that with a small force of help
and tha large territory to cover It has
been found Impossible to properly care
for the same. The suggestion of a
sensible cltisen that a lower rate of
ha.rarea for license to female dogs
would bring In more fees and give jess
Incentive fo the evasion of the law,
seems to me to be a good one and I
submit It for your consideration.
' . Harbormaster.
The report of tha harbormaster's de
partment makes a good showing for this
city, puring the past year a compe
tent man was appointed to tho position
nf harbormaster under civil service reg
ulations and an active and intelligent
supervision Is now . being kept over
matters pertaining to. the same.
Xaspeotor of Banding.
Th renort of the building inspector
shows by comparison a larger increase
in the number of buildings erected dur
ing the year 1907 than any other year
In the history or tna city, mis snow-Ina-
annlles throuah every section and
every character of structure from small
houses for wage earners to large and
imposing business blocks, and is a rec
ord of which the city may well be
- City Engineer's Department
A glance at the report of the city
engineer will reveal the vast amount
of work which is carried on in this
department and if one bears In mind
the fact that this city opens a street
every 100 feet the deduotlon will easily
follow that it will forever be subject
to much needless labor and expense on
that account
- BoUding and Car of Streets.
The romnosltlon of the material
which the surrounding country affords
Is of such a sort character tnat wun
the best of intentions it la well nigh
impossible to make good permanent
pavements from its present use. The
best basaltic rock which comes to this
market rapidly weara awayand I am
of the opinion that it is worth much
less than it costs to make uae of it
If a basalt la to op used it seems
te me that the harder type of the
same, such as is to be found In th
river bed,1 or in the old Vlver channels,
where by process of attrition the harder
material only remains, the softer hav
ing been reduced to !, is the only
? roper source of supply. Thaboutders
rom these sources of supply contain
a v certain percentage ; of much - harder
material, such aa quarts, which adds
to Its value as a wearing surface, -and
f i would (respectfully recommend that
the city purchase ons or more portable
rock crushers, and. wh.r i make
Sai of such crushed boultfera for treet
paving purposes. . '
Street Cleanta tprtakltnf Depart.
moat. ... - ':'''"''
The report' from . the Pr,nJenm?nl!
.... rrtft the large amount, of work
done by this department - With a street
60 feet in width located every 200 reet,
and some 6.000 acres of streets in the
city 00 m les of which ara improved
S one way or another, this city has a
permanit7and expensive task upon its
nands in keeping the same cleaned and
PByktht use of oil or some prepara
tion of the same U is noju v.
use of such material may prove Ur be
more effective, than the use of water
for sprinkling, which is he greatest,
solvsnt known and opantM .!:
taVrata the surface of all atreeis re
gaess of the material used for the
purposes of paving.
annuo ' . .
..nnrt . of the directors of the
now at its disposal throughout the
homes of the-cltand speak, more i than
any words can oo ior iu.
department of the city.
Tree moos sum,
The amendment providing tor th i es
tablishment of this bureau ha vlnr be?
held invalid by W courts the matter
muat remain In abeyance until, -It is
again submitted to, fhe people. Until
sSch time as th e Is done, judging by
ha history of the past, many cases of
cruef wtroVnd -"thi. city with
lted upon the workers of this city, witn
no means of checking or righting the
riro Department
Many useful appliances and much ma
terial for fighting tlrnhmthntiM
to this department during the past year.
The growth of the city demandi . that
this department be kept upon a footing
iual tothe needs of the community,
and it should not be allowed to run
Sown below a fixed standard ol useful
It is a pleasure to report that .we
closed the year with a substantial be
9 mnn. nrwin hand and that tms
city's affairs, so far as the expenditure
of the fundi ,1s concerned, has been
carefully supervised, with due regard
AMMnmw In tha aama.
Wherein any responsibility for the
aama haa rested upon the executive
branch of the city's government an
exact observance of charter regulations
and careful business rules haa been exacted.
. rublio rranonises.
A tinmhar at months affO I issued a
call to all franchise-holders to submit
to tbe auditor a statement oi tneir ai
fairs, as Is required by the city's char
ter. This request brought forth but
meager remits In tha way of such re
ports, and ir anytning in ina wayo
tangible results in the wsy of securing
information rrom tnese sources iu u will ba necessary for ma to
secure your active aid and cooperation.
. in several instances J. nave caueams
attention of-the city council to flagrant
violations of the terms upon which
grants tave been made, but up until
thia tlm I have littlt, or nothlna to re
port upon for the same In the way of
I believe in the pursuit of a lust pol
icy toward all holders of grants mado
by the people, and that they should at
all times be treated fairly; yet as be
tween tho rights of the people and those
of the holders of such gifts, I lean to
the strict enforcement or the people's
rights to their equity in such grants and
deem it a grave breach of trust upon
the part of any of the people's repre
sentatives if they do not insist upon
the exaction of all rights and benefits
which are due to tho public.
- In checking up the matter I find that
many of tbe publie streets have been
taken over and are now being occu
pied by private persons .to the exclusion
of th public; In fact I am each week
discovering mora and more of the
streets which aro thus being occupied,
and in the near future.' as soon as I can
do no with equal Justice to all. I shall
begin proceedings to take possession of
tho aama In the name of the city.
Zn General.
The past year has been one of un-
frecedented prosperity in this city, and
he growth of the city has been sub
stantial, and wa begin a new year with
no undertakings upon our hands which
are unnecessary and which we will be
compelled to drop from lack of means
to accomplish the same, and with any
thing like ordinary business conditions
the city will continue to prosper during
the coming year. .
I wish to tender public acknowledg
ment for the valuable assistance which
has been rendered me by my associates
In the management of the city a affairs,
for all which assistance I am Tully ap
preciative and deeply grateful. Re
spectfully, HARRY LANE, Mayor.
Woman killed byth
wild auto eiveb
(United Prea teued VTlre.) v : ' i
Seattle, Jan. 4. Mrs. Catherine De
laney, a widow. 69 years old, ' was
knocked oown ty an automobile last
evening whils she was crossing Twenty
first avenue. She was removed to the
hospital, where she died at 1:30 this
morning from her Injuries. ,The auto
mobile driver did pot stop to inquire
after his victim, not even slacking his
terrific speed. The police are search
ing for the, auto and driver.
Burns, Or., Jan.' 4. Harney Valley
camp No. 81, W. O. Wm' have elected
tho following officers for the ensuing
year: J. E. Logan, consul commander;
George Hopkins, clerk; Sam Mothers
head, banker; Carer Thornburg. watch
men Maflon Wilson, sentry. Vt. L. E.
Hlbbard, George Sisemore, Charles Wil
son were elected managers, land Dr, J.
W. Geary camp physician.. .
What It Has Done
For others It. win do for you, ' Ttls !s
the reasonable1 promise for Hood's
Sarsaparilla to. all victims cf the grip.
It rids the .blood of the grip 'poison,
creates an appetite, aids digestion and
builds, up tho whole system.
, "After the drip I was all ' run down
and felt, so tired I could hardly, get
about the house. I tried Hood's Sarsa
parilla and before I had taken one
bottle, tha -tired, weak; feeling left me,
pay appetite came' back and I could do
my nousewora." -airs. , juuey itogers,
Parkersville, 357. T.. ';;''. - ?
Ton Weeks of Grip was my sad ex
perience. : X was very weak and unable
to work. Being urged to take Hood's
Safsaparlllt. I did so and lnten days
I could work eeepi well, had a good
appetite ' ana gained in .health'-and
treng'th.'" H.; C. Hitter,1 Cuba Ohio.
tnara no nrom ior us in iuj
.- w - .
rTj Af.-iwr-v v cannot aimm io ovcrioua iuis wdiw i'' .i : ",t ,
J . ' tmmmm mmm . . ' . .v-
, , - ' - . . I ' m. ,j mi..Mat . . . ' I ' .
reduction wUl more. the Jimoant of goodi which, we,, mart el -.-..u -ft J vrtl y v;
ALL OUR STOCK go Into thle ..I.e. excepting . few Ui on SK
price. We cannot .fford to take ,p.e. ,oi aTeru.inf apace w -v.'"-. '.
Cash Io Wanted
Bot fpecial short-time credit may te ar
ranged for by, partie. where reference,
are atiifactory. j V -! U' ''' -; X ' ''"
Long Tlaei Payment Accocsts
'Will be .accepted as uinal, but only .at :
regular , pricea. ' However, our regular
price, are hjwer then you can find elle
nrhere. - V V , 17 Js-.i - 5''
Spring Mattresses
$2.25 Wire Springs .9X
$3.00 Yum Yum Springs. ...... . .?1.05
$3.00 Supported Springs. V .$1.05
$4.75 Edward?' Special Springs... $3.95
$6.00 Steel Frame Springs $3.95
$8.00 Steel Frame Springs $5.00
$10.00 Steel Frame Springs $0.00
$2.50 Excelsior Mattresses $1.50
$3.00 Wool Top Mattresses $2.00
$3.50 Cotton Top. Mattresses $2.50
$4.50 Wool Combination Mattresses
at $3.00
$6.00 Cotton Combination Mattresses
at ; $4.00
$8.00 Cotton Mattresses $5.00
$10.00 Cotton Mattresses
$12.00 Hair Mattresses ..........$8.75
$15.00 Floss Mattresses $11.00
Our Mattresses are made in our own shop
Extra Discountsbn
- 'Entire : Line
i.. .........
K0r Cotton Inerains, yard
75c Half Wool. Ingrains, yard,...
$1.00 All Wool Ingrains, yard......
$1.50 Brussels, yard- ...... ... . .fX.lW
$1.60 Velvet, yard,. '''V'j rS
$1.60 Axminster, yard ..............
$1.90 Body Brussels, yard. . .f , . .;. . .$125
75c Wood Chairs : .. i . 50
$2.00 Kitchen Tables ....V..;.... $155
$4.00 Household Treasure -.. . . .$2.50'
$5.00 Kitchen Safes;.5...t;i;.J.U.$355
$6.5(V' White Couches .$4.75
$7.00 Sanitary 1 Cpuches ....... . ..$4.75
$8.00 idtchen Safes ..$5.25
$10.00 Kitchen Safes .:.V.....$6:50,
$12.50 Hardwood Wardrobes . ,r. ;$8,75
$16.50 Cook Stoves ..... $12.25
$20.00 Extension Tables $13.00
$25.00 Buffets, oak . i . .$18.50
$30.00 Dining Tables ........ ..$21.50
$35.00 Chma Closets ,..$24.00
$40.00 Dressers . . ...... . . .$28.50
$50.00 Parlor Cabinets $32.00
Chevllonrie 9alo of
Brass Beds
No. 410 Polished Brass Bed, lH-lnch
post, similar to tha plctura, reducsd
from 117.60 to ....S25.00
No. 1010 Similar,, to the above, only
square corners, reduced from 1R6.00
to ...... . 'SZo.OO
No. B36 Satln-flnish Brass Bed. with
1-lnch post, reduced from 150.00
to s34.Wv
No. 892 Polished Brass Bed, J-lnch
posts, reduced from .58.00 to S37.50
No. 666 Polished Bf" .ai, JJ nj
posts, reduced from 167.60 to S37.75
Closing Out Office Desks
We Intend to sell put all our of
fice deska at Just about cost to maka
room for other linss.- -No better op
portunity was evsr offered In this
city to ret a fine desk at a low
price. '
No. 0348 Solid Oak Polished ilat
top Desk. 048, T sets of draw
ers, regular price $26, now S17.SO
No. 0816 Flat-top , Desk, quarter
sawed oak, slie 88x55. regular
price $86.60, for .....i...f24.0p
No. 843 Polished Oak, Rolltop Desk.
J7x56, two tiers of drawers and
ona larue center drawer, reduced
f from $85,00 to .V......,.f29J5
No. 601 Quartered, Polished Pal.
Kolltop. a High-grade Desk, ' fitted
with pigeon holes, paneled sides
and back;- $55 rvalue.- for 8J39.90
No. 714 Oak fcolltop,. Typewriter
Desk, quarter-sawed writing bed.
double pedestal. regular ' $46.00
value, for ........... , . $34.50
Challenge Sale of
f Center Tables
T' fl.86 Tables, Hxl.. f -95
" $1.50 Tables, 18x18...,. 1.10 '
$8.00 Tables, 81x81..... 1.50
$8.60 .Tables, 24x24..... 2.40 "
$6.00Tables, 14x24..... 3.50
$7.60 Tables, 88x28..... 4.75
$10.00 Tables, 26x2.... 6.50 .
Challenga Sale Leather
Chairs end KocKers
Ko. 147 Leather seat and back,
oak frame, reduced rm t
to . . . S18.0P ;
No. 608 Leather -Rocker, rol
. Ished oak, frame, reduced from ,
$27.50 to .......... ....8)18.75
No. 10 Leather, Chair, golden'
oak frame, handsomely carved,
' reduced from $33.00 to S24.00
No. 4091 Leather Rocker, Imita
' tlon mahogany frame, polished,
reduced from $88.00 to 820.00
No. 166 Overstuffed leather
Turkish Chair, reduced from
$48.00 to .............8334.00
$11.00 Ftr
mirror . ,
Dresser. 18 x20
e e77v
$12.00 Fir Dressers, French
mirror ...S8.90
$14.00 Ash Dressers, 20x34
mirror .....slO.OO
$16.00 Maple Dressers. 17x30
mirror ..JS12.00
$26.00 Quartered Oik, 18xS8
mirror 8)18.50
$17.6I Pacific Oak, 17x80
mirror ..... .....8)13.50
jl"eayjFf '"''''ili
laWr J ' sajsa.
No. $10 T. M. A French
plate mfrror 10x12, $
In. high, 86 In. wtde, ad-
. lustable 'helves, re
duced from 82 -0 0
to ....... ....$14.50
.No. 600 O. O. Secretary,
- French bevel mirror, 10
' StlO, case 84 In. wide. 66
in. high, $25.00 value,
for ....... ..,.$18.80
No. 674 Oi O. Secretary,
swell glass door, 10x10
bevel French mirror, 84
' In. wide and 66 In. high,
$27.60 value ..$19.25
No. 0191 Combination
. Secretary, 8 farge
Frenth mirrors, swell
door bookcase, a very
Una article, $30.00 value
. fpr ..... .....$22.00
Cost Here ,
No. $$ 810.00. Maple Dress
ing Table. . yreacb. bevel
'mirror ....... ....$5,80
No. 808 $17.60 B. B. Maple '
Dressing Table, large eve.
mirror . $9J0
No.r 104 $16.00 O. O. press
ing Table, quartered ftand
, polished, . mirror
' ior .....i. .$10.50
axx scurr otbzm
n i . ii
Low Priced
$6.36 Clover
. now .......
$8.00- Welcome
i. now
$9.90 Sunlight
r Prices That
Be Equaled
No. 173 Round Top Pedestal
..Table, like the plcture.6
feet long ........$ 12.50
No. 413 6-Foot Mission,
Round Extension Table, 44
lnch top, price ...$15.00
No.' 396 Square Top Pedes-?
tabls, 48 In. In diameter,
fine quarter-sawed oak,
now ....... .. . $29.90
No. . 632 Cluster Deg Pedes
tal Table, with claw 8eetr
8-foot exfenalon highly
polished ,,$34,15
You Cannot '
Afford to Buy,
No. 1 Folding po-Cart .now
at ,".."... k ' t 8IX.OW
No. 2 Folding Go-Cart, like
' picture, i rubber lres, ad
Juntable foot and naclc,
a. now . . , . v. ....... 8)3,41
Lamps '
, This
is a
and .
chester burn
Small Per- ".J. f
fee tlon i .
Heaters. fcfgk
now only ifcG?J(
$4.00 ' II .
Largs stsa
Oil Heat- ,
ers,' re--duced
Mission Desks
Cut Pricej
No. 8050-aMlsslon Desk, weath-
er, with leather top.j'educed
from $31-60 to ....$15.00
'No 907 Desk and Chair, just
- Hks the picture, two pieces,
reduced from $30 to $18.00
No, 909 Desk and Chair, In
laid to matoh- wo pieces, re
duced from 3 to
fe IBS-191 FIRST ST. - ' -fff-'' ' NEAR TAYLOR ST. BgaV.