il mm Of THE UKNAb 1 THE JOURNAL i ? AN ' INDEPENDENT . NEWSPAPER. . C. ' . JACKSON. . . . . Publisher llMMied etr ewnlnf (xpt Sondaf t nd erj Sanda? morulnf, it lira Jonrniil Balld- . Inc. Flfifc im1 Yioihlll itr!. I'ortwna. ur. fcntered It th potofflr tt PortliM. Or., for nxmlwlo Unitifb tkm cull as cond-cUM (natter. 1SSEPH0NES MAIN TITS. HOME. A 6051. All prtniit rmrbml by tb tamtyn. 1U ID oneratur in oeprimeoi jaa roUElON ADVBBTIS1N0 BKI'RKSBNTATI VK Vrelnd-njiimln prll AIerttln Aeney. ' JtrauwIHi BulJdln. 224 KIMS oua. Nw Xort; Trlhun Hnlli)lnc. (Tileira Subscription Tfrmi bjr mall to nr ddna la 4J Ultd SUtn. Canada or Mfiloo. r DAILY. OB,ytar........tS.oo I on Boats V .60 iiivri4 ft Jo Our month... I .33 DAILY AND SUNDAY. I7.M I On month t .03 On .fiat . Co ir state baa no militia, but it has a full- bier, paying no attention to what he fledged state government, which is does, and asking no ' questions, it bound to protect life and property only accounted for by dividends to within its borders. If it cannot do produce which thepnbl!c must be this it should return to a territorial plundered. ' condition, in which the federal rov-I According to this story, Mr. Ilar ernment would be the power to act ilroan not only lost or recklessly and In such a case. foolishly Invested $60,000,000 that he made year before last but last TIIK GOVERNOR'S DUTV, lyear had to borrow $25,000,000 be sides to make good. The stockhold I T IS perhaps superfluous for The era are kept quiet and contented by Journal to offer advice to Gov ernor Chamberlain with refer ence to the Steel bond. He has shown abundant capacity to take care of the state's interests in that matter. But for his forethought in the payment of large dividends, and as to the rest of the people, about 999 out of every 1.000. who have to pay in freight and passenger charges why, they be d . They have nothing to say, and if through declared that it should be the gov erning bodyof the city and county. whom all Republicans should obey, The theory la beautiful, but,. the trouble la that a large proportion of Republican voter won't obey worth a cent. Probably the MethodJaUgilnlsteri desired the absence of reporters while they discussed the text, "Lot brotherly love continue"; or "Be hold, how good and pleasant It ia for brethren to dwell together in unity," or some other similar scriptural monition. -C5 TUTiatovAt fcatfi TAfi vrlf. m ten shall remain, Kor be erased, nor written o'er again; ' The unwritten only still be- longs to tk, .. Take heed and ponder well what that shall be. " Longfellow. Probably the most curious sur exacting a larger bond shortly be- their congress and legislatures they nrl8lnK verdict ever rendered was iure mo suspension or me Title attempt anr reiminton nf thio hn. in" me omer aay Dy a jury corn- Guarantee & Trust large sums of iness, which is in realltv theirs Har- P08e entirely of women, who de- state, school and other funds would riman talks of persecution and Joins elded that a gown purchased by the uru ueea iosi. even in me race or m w th other nni1Mv ramhw tn aerenaani waa a gooa nt. liui mey this known fact, the governor has bring on a panic to frighten them, h" nave a11 had a grudge against ueen cnucisea Dy some or wr. steel s All this nranr rurinn ennrti. ner. friends for conditions imposed with tion of affairs cnrlmm aiir th reference to the new bond. It is a neonle will so lone and .n nHntiv Tn mikado sends a message de- strange position for them to take, in submit to this sort of mananmnt claring that he Is for peace. He view of wfaat has actually happened of public service corporations, espe- came to tnat 'rarae of mind none the anfl in view of what might yet hap- daily railroads. There are synip- less because of the voyage, of the IS'OT A BAD VEAR, pen were the state's interests not toms of a reformatory Aane-fv hut American battleships. fully safeguarded. With a less how soon it will be brought about '"' courageous executive the effect of 0r to what extent nobody can say "eP" to be awakened at mld the criticism might be to cause i No other Deonle on earth, under v nlht' yo "hould go to sleep bo- rclaxatlon of that firmness essential form of covemmpw prrnt nni. fore that hour- The new year must in the matter of this ,'bond. fhitr th nn..i.n. th rt,i'a De welcomed noisily. D6 DO. more laxity in I would anhmlt in it nch a nilum I ' The year is about gone; let it go; a better one, hope and believe, is at hand. Wmuim iim nistorr or 1907 mere snouia oe no. more laxity m woUid submit to any such a system, shall have been, fully writ- state matters than in private hpl- or lack of Bystem, of corporate man ten, when iU record has cess. It should not be expected, and agement. It has long been acknowl- r Deen entirely maae up as nj iao peopie aj iarge it is not ex-1 edged that Barnum told only the inaeea nas oeen pretty mucn aone pecieu mai any oona snouia De ac- literal truth when be said the Am already, except as to minor details, J cepted for the slate, that would not erican people liked to be humbugged, in me columns or ine journal rrpm oe accepiea as Dansiaoie security, but It seems, from the way they al day. to day it will be found to have Instead of being less exacting, pub- how such men as Harriman to nor. been a rather good, prosperous and He officials should be more exacting form, that they also enjoy being eaiisiaciory year lor me country ana u transacting anairs or me state I robbed.' Xor Oregon. Only "rather," and not than is usual in private affairs, wholly satftfactoryV a to Oregon, for Even' had he :the inclination, Gov- reasons ,jtoo. obrious to need men- ernor Chamberlain has no right to tionlng the principal ones, being be lax in guarding the interests of lack of railroad construction and the state in the matter of public the "panic"; yet we must always ex- moneys. It is, over-laxity of other pect some little setbacks . and disap- officials that Is at tbei bottom pf the THE NEW YEAR ; , . ... .. . ,r -, t a . MORTAL: ;.v... 'J-, '- "The night is cold, the hour Is late, the world is bleak: and drear; - l- . ' ' is it knockine at mv door?: THE NEW YjCAR: : ' : '. . "A . " MOKTAL: ur voice is strange; I know ou not; in shadows . dark I grope. . , ' r's "What seek you here?" THE NEW YEAR: " V ' "Friend, let me in; my name is Hope," MORTAL: "And mine is Failure; you but mock the life, you seek to bless. "Pass on.". T THE NEW YEAR: "Nay, open wide the door; I am Success." ' MORTAL: , "But I am ill and spent with pain; too late has come ' your wealth. "I cannot use it" THE NEW YEAR: "Listen, friend; I am Good Health." MORTAL: "Now, wide I fling my door. Come in, and your fair statements prove." THE NEW YEAR: "But you must open, too, your heart, for I am Love." Letters From the People Uselcssness of Political Clubs. Portland, Dee. 49. To th Editor of The Journal An observant rltlsen ma' readily discern the recently aroused ac- Some Current Slang THE ENt)rXO OP A YEAR. T Br Caroline Frescott Are you one of the sort of people, dear reader, who vearn for knowledge? imiy or me picayune jolltlclans at this Have vou ever felt that It would be of present Juncture to promote the wrganl- value to you If you should learn a lsn- HE POINT of time when one cation of partisan , clubs for use duf- IflK the aruroachlil camnnlra for na- year'ends and another begins tionai, state and county officers, it is unuBuni inierri In such matters ment an effort tn flf!curea portion of the eapected graft inoi io do wneeaiea or stolen from an lunocont and unsurpectlng community. PoMsiblv It .would ba th wise Dart of our citizens td look askance at all such tlonal. state and. county needless to stat the ur three harleQUiosAtnk In as for self aRftraittlxemer is one of much interest and con slderable importance. The bus- polntments, and on the whole Ore- present troubles. For what has hap-jiness of a certain natural period of gon can rejoice good deal while pened ana for, many other reasons, time Is then wotfbd up, or note taken complaining but- little, especially as I it Is important that somebody at the I of its condition-.' and that of another it faces very bright 'prospects for the I state house should stand as a pro-lperiod begins. Many people at this -effort on the part of the ever alert lime seirisn partisan, in the opinion of the writer the usefulness of political clubs has panned away never to return, the people have become too wise to tol erate them much longer. These organl- s.iuuus are 01 no special Denem to edu cate any one. At their meetings thev spout torrents of meanlnrlpns nlntltnrt.d aimosi loiany ignorant or the subjects they undert&ke to explain. One good issue oi a sterling, wen conducted newspaper presents more Information, finer logic, than mav be heard In all the meetings or an tne clubs durlnor an lm- portant campaign In Portland. Years lang syne, when the partisans of both parlies met In Joint debate and able spoaaers tooa opposite sides and under lie year; to begin tomorrow. teat against high finance, nqt as an change of date give a little especial Beginning with the soli; the basis example of It. .; Therefore, Governor heed to the flight of time, and the of all - prosperity, only hops hare I Chamberlain should, as he doubtless necessity of being up and doing if Deen a aisappomtment,- ana not a w". continue sinciiy m tne posl- mey are to realize much on the ln Bource of profit. ..; This happens tion 6 has assumed with reference vestment of early hopes and expect--qnite frequently s-to that crop; to the treasurer's bond. Every ations, and some make good reso better 'luc"k may be reasonably ex- snrety on; the new bond "should be lutlons .that are in some measure pected;nexf year. ' SVheat has been 8d tor the'amount Jhe 'purports to kept.' a great crop, and has brought a great tahd as security for. . If a: surety : History turns over a new leaf here, price. - Fruit has done ' well, and 'orr 15.000, he ought to. be of such Such and such a thing happened in been ,. very profitable. .The dairy financial standing as to be accept- 19&7. Another event, happening a output . has much increased in toI- bl at any' sane bank s for that few days or a" few hours later, will ume and value." The lumber Indus- amount. ' Any other kind of security have occurred in 1908. People men- 1, b.y, reasoning and good knowi-,Ili..--rji lahAnM t,,o W .wk v va Td? cr ?e,r uWct to inform their n, uuiniwDiDuuiug . luierruyuuna, " .r"" " w,iu, ui . 114c 1 nuu inai iucjt ci e uui n, or marriea, j "farers v:pon me questions at Issue. Is lmmennp. Wnnl-' and Iho lln. state than by a bank. The atatn fslor marlo an iiniinnnl Innrnov nr nf. stock industry have "oeen large fac-1 not an stabllBhrnent where any kind fered a great disaster, or had a pe- tors in onr industrial life. v or-bona wlir answer, or, all the de- cullar streak of good luck, in such . The -work on the Columbia jetty J 8ree or frenzied finance be prac-la year. In a sense we will all be a Isprogressing, and for .'.he flrst tlme I ticed. year older tomorrow than we are its successful end Is in Bight. A I There are many names on the new today. railroad has been constructed from!"011" tnat carry , weight and respect J; Business men check up to see how Portland to Salem, the bednninit of In Oregon finance. It is possible they stand, take an inventory, fie much more work of this kind. Har-jeacn vname'on-the bohd is good for ure up profits and losses, make espe riman has done tut little, but may! the niount it assumes to stand for. clal plans and preraratlons for an- soon be ppshed Into activity. Thej" journals aavioe to the ctner years business. It is well to north bank road 'has been nearly J Eovernor not to be moved by any do this in the realm of ethics, of completed. : There has been much criticisms by Mr. Steel's apologists, morals, also. Physically, after a cer building and other improvement lnDUt to adhere firmly to his purpose tain point, we "rot and rot," where- most ; of the. towns, throughout the Rna msist mat, every aoiiar on theas before we did "ripe and ripe." state. 'immigration has been greater bond represent 100 cents, and no Mentally this is less so. Morally, it than usual. The panic . : was a setback, but scarcely regrettable. The country's prosperity, and Oregon's along with the. rest, will continue on a safer nnd saner basis. Wages will fall or have fallen," somewhat, but so have, or; will, the prices , of necessaries. There'wiU soon be work for all will- less. ' A CONTRAST. should be the exception, not the rule, as to the rotting process, The record, the lessons, of a year, how useful they may be. For mon- vAMES H. COLLINS tells in the Jtion for instruction, for guidance, I aiuraay evening jfost or the for growth ih wisdom. Experience : I difference between the status of has been called a teacher, also a y the American and the English lamp. He is dull indeed who in a stockholder in railroad or industrial year has not learned to be better and lng and .capable menaccording to co(irPoratlon8; Taking the Union Pa- wiserhe next year, present -prospects. Oregon, and en- c'flc railroad as an illustration of the Time is inexorable. It heeds not pecially Portland, are ' greater and mer,can Method, he says: , season or date or event or humanity. An important event in salt Lake City. It is tne incarnation of the thought Time: October. 1906. Annual meeting of steadiness, the idea of ceaseless- 01 wo union racuic rauroaa. capital, nesa. It never pauses, never hast- ,,I1A AAA AAA . IT AAA . . . I uvaiiy fui,vvUiVlfv. auvui SIOCK- holders. President, E. K. Harriman. By operations in the stocks of two parallel lines the company made $60, 000,000 the previous year, and the flnan- Tlcher "than on any. previous year end,. Confidence abounds. "Enter prises will go ahead faster and on a larger scale, than ever "before. There" is no occasion to bid 1907 good-bye with a tourcountenance. And 1903 can be welcomed cheerily, TROOPS AT GOLDFIELD. THE SEVERAL acts of the fed I eral administration with refer nce to the situation at .Gold field are not very readily un oersiooa. One bent ; on criticism might quite .plausibly say that the president had been "playing politics" in this matter; Sending the troops to Goldfleld was pleasing to the mine owners,. and Indirectly to the big . corporations and the "interests," w&cit might be said, were thus pur- - poseiy placated, and caused to think ; better of Roosevelt than they-had Jateiy. t" . ' - But then Taft, "whom the president is trying to make president, comes back- from abroad, and immediately the order is sent out from-khe war department "that the troops are to be cent away from ' Goldfleld, al though they had Just arrived there , This, the man bound to criticism would say," Was to gain favor for Taft with labors anions,; which have been somewhat against him. ' Cut time passes, and the troops remain, and finally the president shifts the responsibility to Governor Sparks,; telling him that if he will vuot call a special session of the leg islature the troops will be withdrawn, but if h will call a session they will be kept there until it has bad time to convene and act. So the governor, against his will, has decided i;i surri mon ihe ;legislatnre.'.-r"t'.m'i:- ; However much or little truth there 1 might; be la these conjectures as to the president's motives, he. Is appar cntly. right in the position that the situation at Goldfleld is one for the state tof Nevada : to handle. That ens. A poet called time the tomb- builder. It builds much else, bu destroys all, even tombs, and builds f again, uncaring for Its work. A Uwy were listened to with nleasura anil profit and the Information Imbibed was -faric vervd elmiters to keen down guage or two? perhaps you would Hks to speak French with a real Parisian ac cent, or German or Italian? It would be nice, but It would take a great many years to learn It too many, perhaps, so you slve It ud. But If you only knew It, you could learn a new language right at your own doorstep, , It were. Not one In one hundred of the people who talk th English language as It Is spoken today know anything at all about it, with the exception of th few words that come into use daily m tneir own nmuea vorahulary. Don't believe It. do you? Suppose you are a girl, for Instance, fend think you talk a very nice sort of language. Perhaps , yau do. but your kuiull brother could give you a line of talk that you simply couldn't under stand at all. And trier are a thousand little brothers In the Smoky City who could do the same thing. Ton might listen to their conversation for hours and would then fall to grasp their meaning. Do you know what it means to "trim the Smoky Cltv crew." or to "outshine Vic Willis on the slab." or to "cJInch a victory by scoring two runs on Willis's wild throw on Blagle s tap, or to "pile up a ponderous mass of blngles," or to stored away for use and digestion. Now it Is somewhat dlfferont, a coterie of pin-headed egotists assemble and among themselves agree to partition the offi ces, using the members of their respec tive organisations as tools and promising only the few nuts the kernels of which are rotten. It would appear to me that the orlmarv law and the initiative n,i referendum obviate the necessltv for me the swat output of the Cubs"? Of course you don't. Neither do you know what a "rabbit lnflelder" Is, nor a "slabman nor a "muff." nor a "tallio." nor a "shut-out." Even the little cashboy who rides downtown knows what all of these words mean. He literally "eats them up'' on the sporting page of the paper formation of an v mere nnlltlnl n 7 ' .u. .1 . elnha Th. mihll, !,.' OT v "--. if - . ,1 1 you ininn you know an anout your own ct8se0ehetO:'n "' ZIVX "- a great deaf to learn ) ntia. Vo'Vhe 0 If yoi.reaa'myann.nd"have the m... i"" tiy it'iiuw w 110 nan no rpniita f inn ahi. i i . j . . r ; IV. il ri tuiio iu imvo iiti lurr t who mrr nhia Ai iVo- ZJtiJ Vonr?M Bweethcart. wouldn't you be h L ilf!nh5..a8i confidence In his heyy of feminine b-autie alio Ki axims on omen By Mildred Stuart. Women and fortunes are. said to be fickle, ' Women, however, do not al ways forsake one when fortune frowns. The noblest of men hav acknowledged their obligations to woman' for help in the ascension of the ladder of fame and fortune. Mothers are held e sponsible for the faulta and failures of their sons. A heartless woman is without a mis sion in this world. A true heart full of 'tenderness and affection will give a woman more po tent influence than the most brilliant intellect and scholarly attainments. 1 Women who do tho most good spend nine time in thinking or themselves. Forgetfulness of self la the surest road to being remembered by others. Change of occupation has done far more toward restoring the health of women than all the rest cures In th world. The science which will causa women to quit thinking of themselves and their pnysical defects will hav accomplished more than the science of medicine. Women who spend much of their time aamiring themselves, trying to change tne coior or tneir hair ana complexion. ":.- Small Cliangg :' babies '0pl ra ""'fryIn not being'- asHy?1 wUho? muo1? r'P c thsgrlB .' i . . . Don't think about - th bills and be ' nappy, ... , j . Clqs up the old book; open up tha ! new one. . . . T . ' e .,-,' .: Ooodbyt, JJ07J., Many will 'ion re member you. . , " ' . ' ' ; ' 'v. Coal IS dear, hut hnniii llf. 1. mines, is cheap. , ingtla7" Vt VW ta btgla -.!-. . '.. .' . .. V t.Whjr,!"P't..;t rolletta a food "Roos. ' . ... V(IVIVS llllill I .tf Th VOlinr man tirllt . - .t . - .. back to see th girls. , " V 'Few tear" nnmi n,.n. -1 - : lng with "New Year's." , Doubtless th nlumk.. .'1.... 11, 1 : "V v m r null Will:. nsvs a nappy isew A ear. , . - .. j Making resolutions snil tranlnr llmi ara quite different thing. ttnllim mam n . 1 . , for some watch meetings. . "M',u tress had reformed the currency? Is the enuntrv .!.. New York or Ohio for presidents? - Next year la the nn in ahUii attle's population will becom 73.6S4. More Olisht to be - lft than In 1907; it will be one day longer. . V t mm,'' If Black thinks Ronsevslt ! a f " the head of a barrel," what does ha mm 1 -, . Senator Platt'a sunnort wnn'f h, ' candidate much, for nobody hii.u. anything he says. . - . mm r- Senator Fulton does nnt icVnnai4r. ' , to .having run into any stunning oddo- ' itlon booms. . Howling Wolf wants tn ha . congress from Oklahoma, perhaps to It seems strange that a man who has been In congress a long time should get mad becaus another member calls him , 11 a 1 1 a r, - . . The doctors say that as soon a one baa the least symptoms of grip he should quit work. It may be expected that many people can discover ' symptoms easily. A serious defect in the fikl stltutlon has been discovered. It did not fix the length of hotol bedsheeta. But the legislature will remedy the omission. T m . Farmers are continually cnnmtulnt. ng us on the getting out of a weekly nstcad of r semi-weekly. Dallas Item- im hub a nmi mat a would suit them still better? monthly An Ast jria naner sreuea that nr fc.te ce"turY Portland has been frustrat- ' the shape of their nose, finger nails lng the plan and purpose of the Crito? f."d.ffiU,:7 ilS Ie"''ihf cul- h""1 reference to? thrSown-rfvi? il 1 , , Iiii ",rl. n mat case, the Lord didn't care applies to th mind and heart as well as the body, and all women should prac lice mis maxim. One story la that Evelyn has grown s out, another that she has dwindled lost if some 1 . t t: 1. ,v, , 1 ui irinuiliic ifiuuoi biiiiiiq iuuituii "w"v'ew" th? organisations are an un- forth in a conversation retrardln Mar- nuisance ana conducted itLi n,..,.. hirnn n,i..iin and in most InHtnnnea I - 1 ' j - 1 v. , stnalt9hebePearrtandtl?aVe,?dnke!,n1 1r)f bandT and m.Tne. and'had Va! rr'fllSt.te'Jerr ffeely dlS- you would Again, while I consistently believe In VI ,?.U"-y0" -TTV"1--,,- a renresentntlv- fnrm n no ' '"u I .;.....tV.,: 7. " V wun a prorounu respect ror tne jsng ' - - V " Ja v" J H ucra " 1 iisn ianffuaffe. vou would r nuzaied to he Whole DeonfJ hil ni?? i.U ?f th weaning of "skidoo'- and "23 tho machlnPee0Cy ' wWch 7- nt! 'PI 1" !1 -om?. E: I mi itiat3a inai mil (i ettliv irnm iub a woman 01 cure mina can minx or almost tn ihaHn.. n.n. t,.L do no evU and may safely be trusted as perhaps circulated to tempt the news? a wife and mother. papers to print pictures of w ..JL. Women who have had many sdmlrers day during the forthcoming trial 7 in their vnuth ara rnr.U mnM """a uiu. and mothers. Their love of admiration I O 1 1 eTuty'Tn1 women attained throurh On biaclltfhts cosmetics and artificial means Is ex. I S,,Srla"!: L.k 'b" ty coal mm. able companions. , Vovm of admiration and self-conceit A Scandinavian I5vantriiei ,,..t. 1. are fatal defects In th character of a to b T built at Canby church is u unttiii minaiun wii iorcnraainpa to I mi.- .... be one of self-denial and devotion to ?iT"n"iu5.,.?81.n? ,aw. en- others. 1 luiuu.uuui xvianiain cqunty. flfmA mAtbara ara lAalmitt tt fti art. I miration bestowed on their daughters. I : tnr?y Wiled at Roseburg last week women wno grow 01a graceruuy are 1 iu jiacoma weighed 42 more attractive in tneir 01a age than 1 ". tv,.v n f hl vntt, a ' they must cultivate virtues which are I .'?", "lro'lmSnt at the iiugene publla m.ii,uiB is t.iia, as against 1.JI7 last, February. " taineil. and clubs ar sn mirhtv n,n ana insignificant a cog In the whole ma:nine( mat we may well say, "Hold, ...jwus.j, men ustji.ujiit'in is gone. H. W. PARKER. Who? (With anoloalea to Tneir RnKin Who'll build lines In eastern Oregon? 1 win, nam ine evasive KUale, '.YS'1!le? don't know when I'll be ready. Who clal world la anxious, to know what will flakes of snow fluttering from a low be dona with thia money. The meeting, cloud to dissolve on touching earth nowever, is very quiet, a lew or the are in illimitable pace, so are we oincers atiena tunaie or proxies are iu the realm of time. proaucea. minutes r0 mumoieu over Wa rnAf m.,.h tllMa Adjournment. Brief reports in the news papers. Jr.;, One year later flame ' place annual meeting of same railroad. During the past twelvemonth .'that 80,000,000 has disappeared in speculation and : a new bond Issm of $76,000,0.00 'saddled on the company to pay its debts. At tendance about the sama as Aunt year, except for a mysterious stranger who proves to be a lone stockholder, present in, his own person instead of by proxy. Meeting called to order. More proxies produced. Nothing said about new bonds or lost $60,000,000, Xrdne stockholder rises with a question and a protefet, but Is Indignantly suppressed. After which resolution is passed approving the management. Adjournment. At a meeting of the stockholders of a large English corporation about the same time as this . latter Salt Lake meeting, a large assembly room was filled with them, and a greater number was outsjde, so the meeting was adjourned to a larger halt A minute account of Receipts and ex penditures was read, and various stockholders interrupted with ques tions and criticisms, and several mo tions "were made and carried. In a word, all the stockholders who can do so attend these meetings, they pay close and intelligent attention to what has been done and is proposed tp be done, and may often, if they 1 noose, dictate th policy of the cor porktioa. This is not so practicable in this country of . magnificent dis tances, yet that year after eai lxuh dreds or perhaps thousands of stock holder should turn over everything by proxy to a single Wail street ganj- constructed that we are chiefly con corned with little everyday affairs with work and pleasure, with the struggle for , existence, with trivial troubles. and ephemeral amusements; ,with love and spite 'and sacrifice and ambition, and so fulfill out atomic careers In the mysterious aniverse of matter and of mind. And in these careers we Count a new year as a sort of mile-post, a point passed, a date of significance. As the clock strikes 12 tonight one of these points will be reached ; a year will die, a year will le born; 1907 will pass, 1908 will come. Old year, adieu; New Tear, welcome! A happy New Year. Those two women caretakers of the baby home near Seattle,' did only their duty when the building became aflame, in running dangerous risks themselves and being severely in jured to save their helpless charges, but they proved themselves heroines nevertheless. " To do a difficult and i dangerous duty without any hesita tlon or thought of consequences to oneself is an exhibition of heroism. passe.d tho reciprocal demurrage law? "I didn't." said Blllv Cotton "Though I think it's rotten, I didn't pass the law." Who helped the car shortage? "I didn't," said Jlmmie O'Brien, "Now, sure, I'm not lyln', I didn't help the car shortage." Whodestroyed the lumber business? "I," said Dickie Miller. My "experiment was a killer. I destroyed the lumber business." Who saw it die? "I," said Jackie Stubbs, "We've finally fixed those lumber u un. I saw it die." Who'll mourn the loss? we," said the u. P. "More traffic there'll hava tn We'll mourn the loss." Who'll sing the psalm? "I," said Billy Crooks, "For LrfUkderstanrl the turtff Wv. rtfsssJftgthe psalm." . Who'll toll the bell? 1," said Willie Skinner. Our scheme failed to be a wlnn And I'll toll the bell." , W. W.' 1 IIds of the newsies and the elley kids. After all, though many of us have a nrm conviction that we Know aoout an there is to know of the language of this great country or ours, the fact remains that we know very, little Indeed. We know nothing- but what has been taught us bv the penole with whom we come in contact, together with the little ws learned In school. We are wofully ignorant or the language that Is talked bv neople whose lives float in channels different from our own. It might be good for 11s. therefore, to get out among these oirrerent people: to learn what they know; to look at things from their tmlnt of view: to study and borrow from them what Is best of what they can give. This would broaden our view, at any rate, snd de velopment Is the keynote of perfection. The Portland postofflce has a big stoy about ready to tell of Port land's growth in. 1907. When the government reads it there ought to be no doubt of Portland's ; need ; of a new postofflce building. .: --"x - Vf ; At the meeting of the Republican county central committee a member Tho President and the South. Don Marquis, In Uncle Remus' Magaalne. Four years ago President Rdbaevelt was not a very popular man in U10 south; but today there are few' south erners mora popular la this part of th world than is this New Yorker. I.tttle tmngs snow, oeorge jsroadhurst's play, "The Man of the Hour," has been tour ins: the south, and it will be remem bered that there is one In line fliat ninv which lauds the president's corooratlnn policies. In several southern cities the audiences broke out into spontaneous three-minute demonstration at the llvory of that line; demonstration of a sort usually reserved until the band nlavs ''Dixie." And nrobablv i cent of those who applauded would get a iittie notuea at you it you called them anything but Democrats. : It looks aa If John Temple Graves (who used to do a rroniDitionist, due nas now become a Hearst . Independent leaguer) was right -when he said that .the southern people admired Mr. Roosevelt because tney innugni ne was tn Diggest ieme- Ciai III: IIIU uuuuu;. Only Asks Fair Play. From the Pendleton Tribune. Again, in order to pacify Brother Bennett of The Dalles Optimist, as well as Imbue him with the right under standing, the Tribune wilt say that tt la not In favor of covering up anything oonnected with Mr. Steel's administra tion of the 'state treasury; that it is In favor of treating him precisely as it thinks a Democrat should be served In the same situation; that men high in public station should be given no more consideration in cases of lapses in the discharge of their duties than is ac corded the humblest citzen; that all public officers should be held to the strictest accountability to the people for their connection with the trust "re posed in them; but, nevertheless and also, and besides, it is in favor of giv ing a man found in the difficulty by which Mr. Steel was surrounded an op portunity to see where he is at, be he Republican. Democrat. Pooullst. Metho dist or what not. That is all It has e sited for Mr. steel; it objected, to hang ing him to a lamp-post the very day he was discovered to be in hot Water, to stringing htm by quarters without the nenent or clergy or a chance to bid his minuy siwuuyc ji nia was ana IS the position or tne Tribune, notwithstand Mig what Brother Bennett "believes" mis paper oeneves. reflected In their faces and their char acters. ; Women cannot spend too much time In cultivating their minds and their hearts to fit them for the positrons as signed tnem by their creator. Physical culture can do much for the Of 1122.000 Polk count 1... than 1809. mostly Doll tax. ,, collected. . . . Myrtle Creek ' people preservation of the physical, beauty of Vft J0' r" "Joyjnjl women, provided t!i-- do not go to the ?i,"n,ghi)"tatoe"' rown slnc 'all extremes In the exercises prescribed. ln" Dan- m , , . " Uncle BIH Brown of Dallas, of widow This Date In History. dinner fame, gave away 150 pounds of 13M John de Wycllffe. "the Morn-T "u' l" tu"urea -nnsimas. lng Star pf the Reformation," died. 1460 Lancastrians victorious st Sttikeneld. (War of the Roses) 1650 Henry of Lorraine, third Duke "how born. Died East December 23, J Clatsop county, J nai:j company Stuart, tho C. W. Carnahan in th Astoria nug get gives, many facts and figures to mai uairyirig is profitable In The Suislaw country is making rapid advancement in both the quantity and the quality of Its dairy products, says Died .January the Florence West. the Bank There is a certain roan in Aurora. uut- ot uuise, corn. jjiea AJecemuer 13, iiuisop county. 1D8S. 1600 British chartered. 1720 Charles Edward young pretender, born. il. inf. i 1781 Corftrress chartered or worin-America. warns the Borealis. who l aiwov 173 Thomas Jefferson res arned 11 Hn inin -.,t' v.. , . tiLl ;a ? that coralnf to him '.om. syfitem of public accounts. ,' Imperlarorder of the Crown of Indl wiUing to wo?k can mVke moreDmon.2 itiBo, 111 u .u on 10 ftcres of land ln this vicinity than flrit '"inl6"; wll0 Aran .the on a "ter section of land ln the worn- A first railroad locomotive In America, out eastern states. aiea in new jersey. Born in 1802. Rtl?e2tt.,tiir., 1?;nf.p,nrnfr'-MUnUeT A Eugene man has a Jackscrew mad' 5at1" .t.r.asuLer uDiffr Lincoln, and in Ohio in 1779. It is therefore l?i urani, oiea. uorn January 21. isoz. am j v,.., .1.. . "v,: naxorftn.?14- by a pioneer" of 1847. "'vhS wooden ft Tin tor of t n a nlnnmpr fnt fnm -fnv 1 1 j a . 1- 1 j. . . . . . b . - m.j t i i rri huh fii 1 1 1 Jt 1 ' m wn nnr nnsi t n irv nu Huff a tnma I I 1 17 7 I "i " 77 1 v BoT in "Net 'rorlKir1 n?iS ment " BtlU in od condition. Ttwm- a vl nMU- I Several Florence people have lost their Harry S. Aew s Birthday. cows, the animals actlna as if thev Harry Stewart New, the chairman of poisoned. They were accustomed to . the Republican national committee, was born ln Indianapolis December 81, 1868. He is a son .of the late John C, rew. who served as treasurer of the United States under President Grant. feeding below town and around Snruca Point. Some think the trouble la caused ' by the animals eating wild parsnip. Polk- county is all right financially and the people are happy and contented, says the Dallas Observer. The year Just as assistant .secretary of the T treasury ?y". "V11" uoserver. me year just under President0 ArthSr.nd toVsu? teSfLfc" .bn SiJ,nI!c.8dint.!? . Aavice itareiy followed. , JL I .,111 UUU 4,lUIIC.JVIlIUCrilt. .When" times are good -the oeoDle aV urged to save their money, and when th day of depression comes they are urged to turn It loose, but the advice is rnrel heeded in either Instance. - Sqnaws and Sewing Machines. I am Brenarina' for mv annual trtn to the Indians of the Florida ever- giaaes, tne most interesting trin I ever saia a sewing macmne agent. But What do VOU sell in tha nnt- lanaisn evergiaaesr' a woman asked. "Hewing machines, dear madam." he repnea. IT Ik. Tn4t..," juven so. -mere is naroiy a squaw in the wild and remote everglades who has not her sewing machine. Indeed. sewing macnines nave oecome necessi ties in the everglades, .like moccasins or nrewater. "Why? For beadwork-making. --v tou know this beautiful beadwork that the Indians of the everglades sell? Well, It Is all made on sewing machines.- It la made on my -machines. I have done a good trade In the everglades for five years. . - - . ,. -"In, the everglades,' he ended, 'th hnnt nf the loon nt tha Bnlaai, a o. crocodile Jn the bayou are well nigh drowned in the continuous whir, of a: thousand busy machines." general at London under PrmaiamtHU'lPllf J -?eJfer ,.R.,ve" rison's administration. Harrv New re. ?rlh Prom 88 v.en Pe"er. tilings ceived his education fn tha indianannna Ior i" wnose lot is so - tortunateiy m.lMnl at BntlS? coTge! with this favored portion of out hffB H."!5 beloved country ,J 1 ' .imiuauwu WRHl IQ WOrK I i'" There Is room within a radius of sis miles . of Myrtle Creek for 100 mor on the Indianapolis Journal, of which nis rainer was puoiiaher and editor. i lean , m'.. "r..r."j miles, ot wyrtie ureeic Indiana state senatiT nurlr, .h- families, sajfs the Mail, One man near ".Vi8", Bli During the wit th). tnwn TOith oni- jfn acres or i with Spain ha served as assistant adju- i miii 1 1 a i.iitiu wiii in ui uiuuuulb iriim ir rank of cantaln He flrs? -3 R! thiiT year, and there are many more 26: and was reelected to reDresent Tn,ifann .vf.n.el??i nrn.lni? r" ca1a or In June. 1904. Durinath 1 a Blf WfaSil dentlal campaign he was vice-chairman Of the committee and early in. tha present year was named to succeed Georg B. Cortelyou as chairman. Mr. The heavy rains last woek hit Browns- ' vllle a hard blow, and as a consequence it is probable that' a number of her lead-' .. New was offered the nosition n fir.t ing Industries tha Woolen mills, flour , . - . . - . . M,11M . nA. . i.hl ctntlnn r.A. mniBinnt poBtmaster-generai ny Presi dent Roosevelt, but declined for busi ness reasons.;-' ''...' Fat Men Can't Get Work. Employment agents say It la as hard for fat men to get work as for Employers of lnboraiold that a man is Indolent. They declare that the hustler, the - fast, nervous, energetio tvt of worker is ilrtewv ratwthg rat. and they saV that the sinewy chap does 40 per ceift more work than tha soft, fat fellow, j , Hence It is not uncommon for em ployment Agents to advise, fat natrons to diet and reduce their welrht hnfona .beginning- to canvass for a Job. v Inn- mills, electric light station, water'. works system and planing mill -will be put out of commission for some time to come, 'the trouble all comes from th washing out of abortion of the new dam, built at a considerable cost at tha head, of the mill race last summer. ,v -- XX, v-;'i',' The city council of Elgin has decided , mat 11 was not necessary to levy a tax I . to carry on tha municipal affairs the'-. coming year.' Biffin has Just completed a new water system whl'ch Is first-clnss In every respect, at' a cost of: 114,000, and there" Is sufficient funds in jthel hands of the treasurer to pay for It- No I bonds -were floated and the . entire amount has been accumulated - during th past few years by excellent and business-like officials.