The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 30, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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I : ' yl TAN -'II T? ' "TT ' ," " n " -
Eminent 3fedical Authority
Says Disease Comes With
Temporal Welfare Right Ob-
ject of Desire, Among,
Christian People.
ger of Rats.
"The Trua Prosperity and It Marks"
Wa thm auf, 4m- ft mn lnfaraHr 44c
Immigration of Hindus delivered by Dr. B. E. 8. Ely Jr. In
1 nil. i as - t I ne v-aivery rresDytcrian cnurcn yeater
and Utfier ASiatlCS Uan- day morning. Tha speaker took for his
text tha aecond verse of John III: "Do
loved I pray that In all things thou
rnayest (trouper and be tn health, evun
as thy ' aoul prospereth." In treating
hla subject Dr. Ely said In part aa fol
low: "Christianity haa been faulted for
lta other-worldllness, ita disregard for
tha preaent world, its supposed eon
tempt for material good and earthly
prosperity.' ' Hut here r "the disciple
whom Jesus loved," a man of the high
est aplrltuallty. who, more perhaps than
any other apostle, laid at rem upon a
Christian's other-worldllness here he
la writing 'to hla friend Uaitls, another
eminent Chriatlan, and wishing; him
In all things,' praying that he
, "Until tha Astatic sections of every
city on the Pacific coast are thorough
ly modernised In sanitary conveniences
and the Inhabitants made to live ac
cording to standards of cleanlfneas a:
by Americana, the cob at will" never be
free of the danger of an Incursion of the
bubonic plague. - If this result cannot
be obtained by any other method than' I well
: stringent exclusion of the Chinese, Hln
due, Koreans and Japanese, then X do
not believe that exclusion Is too high a
price to pay,
may have -"a good career and be. In
health, prospering In those respecta
even M hla 'aoul prospereth. in so
aa he represents the true
and teaching of Christianity,
4K ' t..t .h r. rr.fc I temporal weirare ana success is a ngnt
...... vuuuxnn ui . "'" i object of desire and a
Matson, state .biologist of Oregon and I mutual congratulation
a recornised authority on tronlcal die- I nana.
' ease on the coast, who, with his brother.
t'.aaw .iKf TB1U1 V&.IWI aWI IGalUS I P
pered spirit
fit subject for
among cnris-
Matson, has been conducting an ea-
liHuativ. investlga'tion Inw'Vh. bubonic KMS Vofh." '
fr.t'-?d -Mi that ymZy Veproip
fron. Arter an examination which haa
aated a number of weeks and Involved
Venal Order Keversed.
"But mark. John does not say to
ray that you may be Droa-
tually as you are temporal-
way:, i pray
you may be nrosoemi temnorallv
as you are spiritually.' lie makes the
the bodies of hundreds of rata. Dr. LTi-i'L 7i. ,5"
. "P'rual befora and above the
fhVihorv'4 b" b'n brouht"lnt hebest we can wish one another
the laboratory. , .... I for the Kaw Taaa la nn M.v van ha
But Dr. Matson believes that in this .,, ,
v---u- -w- v. ... v.i SB v w BB.BV V V
all be
ou are
ceasing guerilla warfare against the SsVe rify " - ,r U4 xum lru"
Infected, rat must be. Kept up aa long ..A'n d ,... ham ... marW. ,
usee Oalua aa an Illustration and Indl-
fr.n.nnth?. k! successful, and good as you -are
examination that la now going on the kut mav mn rir.t nf i
ftVW&uil' in-nVnK ndbhecyc0e.sful'..0fyou
H'-fiiSS ,rrn"'rLr"l "1 good.' That U the order of Ae
ea the Asiatlo colonies and other places
of a like character are allowed to exist
In American cities. Filled with dirt
and offal, unsanitary, - honeycombed
with dark cellars and dark passageways,
the ordinary Asiatic, quarter of the
pacific coast city,' la, tn Dr. Matson'a
opinion, a paradise for the rats and aa a
consequence, the natural source for the
Ilarue to take Its start.- -
"The bubonic plague Is primarily a
disease of rats," he asserts, "and rarely
attaches Itself to human beings until
after It has raged among the rodents.
"In Chineae- cities the coming of the
plague la generally foreshadowed by
heaps of dead rats lying In debris holea
end neglected corners In the street).
When the Asiatic quarters are made
sanitary, as we understand the word in
these days, and the Asiatic Inhabitants
cates three of them. The first ls-wel
come of the truth. Oaius had laid hold
of tha truth as It Is in Jesus,' and that
with an open mind, a wnole heart, a
firm grasp. A would-be religious lead
er congratulated his readers not long I belonged ,jto the same church, Dlotrephes
ago that the day Is not far off when I by name, and who wanted 'to be th
one who "would be a Christian will no whole thing, do all the 'bossing,' and get
I longer be comnelled first of all to think
and make confession,' as John, or I'huI,
or even Jesus thought and made con-1 master's tollers. They who, like him,
' are compelled to live according to the
standards of cleanliness adopted by na
tive Americana, then the danger spot
' will have been removed and It will only
be necessary to introduce a lew regula
tlone to adi
Two Humble Cervaata.
"Well, John and Paul never for an
Instant considered they had grown wIbm
than their great master. They sought
to bring into captivity every thought
to the obedience of Christ. Men like to
boast of their Independence or author
ity; but to imagine we nave left Chrlat
behind and , have gotten bevond the
point where we need to be guided by
mm is sn attituae toward truth that
toKens a aure decline. When business
. i f ' - vit . : ' '.1
iiM'SAim boys' aoraiG
Ing thought that by our endeavor the
name ot jesus may oe maae greater in
Ita honor and . influence In the world
than It, would have been without our
The Xaal Prosperity.
"Oalus, In his work, was humble. Ha
was not like a certain other man who
11 the clory. Oalus was wllllna- to
take even the lowliest place among the
welcome the truth ' Into a hoabitable
mind, heart and conscience, -who walk
according to the truth In dally nractlce
and progress toward , perfection, who
work for the truth and the extension of
its Influence, faithfully. lovingly.
worthily, devotedly, and numbly th
have that higher prosperity which is to
be the measure of the lower, and which
gives it reality ana value.
city against
it we cannot
most certainly insure any I booming, trade expanding, money is J r McfllarlA Tolls nf ftnri'a Klmrdnm
the plague. being made, more time to be had for w flcuie 1 ells or uoa Jlingaom
compel the Hindu, I amuaem en t and the means of social en
and Its Adaptations.
- tan Dyke's celebrated Christmas ser
mon. In which the central thought Is
that Christmas might be observed every
I Joyment so largely at the com mum! of
ideals of cleanliness, and if they persist ?.h" people, the peril Is Indifference to
In cnna-rec-atlna- In hovels snd hordlna-1 tne irutn.
n tha a mcriMn nuhilr then I helleva I terest leaves the door of welcome clnae.t
tv,t ih. mtifntaat uinrl at acoluainn I a gainst these higher lntereata that m kn
7l?l 0Lbl.i "vr2 nrfc.." Smatfi "Tha kingdom of Ood is at
er like animals, constituting h."en "2 'L " ". I'11 3T In the year, furnished the theme for
JjJJr' ?,!! Sr'eVl'i.vl5. ?h. SrC.,T4.a'k. Sf '"I !." warning sermon, of Dr. at.
$25.00 SUITS REDUCED" ifjg gQ
BOYS' $15.00 a or '
OVERCOATS.............. . OyOJ
BOYS' $10.00 nr- ' v
OVERCOATS ............... O Oa a)D ;x f
BOYS' $8.50 df- OC
BOYS $5.00 . tl) r-A
BOYS $3.05 ?0 C?A
overcoats....: oZ.DU
. . , . ... ...... . ..-.
$30.00 OVERCOATS ' 1 Ann aa
REDUCED T0............5a.U.UU
$25.00 OVERCOATS 'jB i r- a
REDUCED TO...., ....... 01 UaUU
- Two-Piece Suits jn Plain KnefPant
suits......: : iit).50
i ouiio.. .saj.iiii
5 $12.50 KNEE PANTS J-f A
tTS............. ....5U
''tAIA w.rnn rt i irmn I. f
BOYS' 58.50 KNEE PANTS f J aa
SUITS...!..,..,. .,.4.00
SUITS .53.50
Mlspah Presbyterian church
, Dr. McGlade chose for his text
is better to cut deep and sharp than to I com. to the truth to be merely lntellec
temporise until It is too late,6 : I tual. The things of Ood must gain en
trance Into the heart as well aa the
The speaker took Issue with th. oft-
ent that the cnurcn has
"The second sign of spiritual pros-
rxa.niiie; ao you Striv. to copy It, be
lieving that it Is put here before you to
be followed. The worst kind of in-
fideuty is not that which denies the
and that evan
gelical truth has become worn out.
"There never will be any age," aald he,
"when the kingdom of Ood will not be
found perfectly adapted to it. The
' 1 A. 4.1. I
long at uicsc prices. ,
3d arid Oak
1st and Yamhill
truth of Christ's precepts, or refuses to
There is no change In what we call hu.
AS long as sin is in tne
(Special Plipatca to The JnaraaL) V
Pendleton. Or., Dec, SO. A new tlm.
card went into effect on the O. R. N.
in this city last evening at 13 o'clock. Jn them the very loftiest of ideals,
The changes made are as ionows:
Main line No. 1. westbound, 11:25
p. m., now 11:40 a. m.: No. 6, west
bound, 1:05 a. m., now12:lS a, nl;; no
change In No. 2, eastbound; No. t, east
bound. 1 .65 a- tn., now 4 a. m.
Spokane branch No. 8. northbound,
fouthbound, 4:30 p. m., now 4:25 p. m.;
No. 42, mixed, northbound) 8 p. m.; Nfc
41, mixed, southbound, 2 p. m.
.The moat important cnanges are in "Beecher n,ed to talk about 'clrcTar
ZkXXX. mtra-in',. hoW XA MS: DuilcV' Control of Himself a lnon
Ave minutes earlier, tne wesmounq deacrlblna the iim. m Sti for lTesenf lay reople.
i line train is s minutes later ana going forward whithersoever th lih Describing Daniel -aa a younr man
and love Of Ood leada? Aa itm.K,,,!. I with a mirnn.K. whose life nffera valn-
put It, Is there in our walk 'the pit-1 able example. Dr. J. Whltcomb B rough-
grim s progress as well as the pilgrim s er, at the White Temple last night,
practiced?; I . praised the qualities of "grit, grace and
cause they are not masters of appetite,
passion knd Impulse. Not so with Dan-
h kinir. I 1 ? " WB" cnuenui ana resolute,
problems of our day are new problems;
dom of God is modern and will continue ;? U2 Htet?ty,uL.JJ tJulS0'if, !l?
to be modern In the respective centuries. w ,n!f,,ti"f im,"eJi?. Atil1
hut thai whinh j '.u'" man nature.
CK.lutU.UI BO -.,. . K
Brinurisri ss: y$ Vh uke"
tice. The idea of a nroressedlv Chris- "ln of th world. As long as man suf-
tlan man debating the question 11 to f h8 wi!i neSd a cmforter' P
whether or not the teachings of the lonK ,h Ba1 Procession wends its
sermon on the mount era nr.otlr.1 way to uoa s acre, numan nearis win
No. 7. 1 not. If not practical, nrav: vh. m heed to trust him who is the resurrec-
-' 1 I 1 . ' I Mr.. IV.. If,.
t'j s"vcu 10 ine aisciniea or tha I
master? ,
Third llgn of Prospsrity.
man In the land by tremendous enere-r.
"The secret of ultimate success," said
Dr. Brougher, "is that courageous, per
sistent, faithful doing of what you
Know to be right until you are crowned
the .master of your life. Let this nun.
J Ing year be opened with a great pur-
uuot, tv un .un you uugni to De, ana
then by the help of Almighty God give
your life with prayer and perseverance
to the achievement of that purpose, and
success is bound to crown your efforts.
Grit, grace and gumption, under the
blessing of Almighty God, will always
the Spokane train leaves 4S minutes
later than under the late schedule.
Snaps in Typewriters, t
New Model Remington, manufactur
er's price $106; our price $45. ,
New Model Remington, manufacture
er's price $105; our price $55. .
New Model Underwood, manufactur
ers price $105; our price $a0.
. 'The third sign tf the true prosperity gumption" exhibited under trying clr-
W working for the truth. John spoku cumatances. He referred to Daniel ab-
pf Oalus as a 'fellow-worker, for tho staining from the king's meat and wine
trUth. AS SUCh hA H. Oh Q ,nn...l.. .1 a, .Via miKll. fan ttt oHHIriV
by faithfulness. Such a one works, not "I do not know that Daniel was a
to oe seen . of men: not bv flta mi,l 1 total abstainer under all circumstances.
rmriH, uui unuer ine laruience or onn. I hut In a. nlace where his actions wnnM
New Model Smith Premier, mahufac- science, with resolute perseverance and be closely observed and purpose fully
turer'a erica SlOo: our Drice $47.60.
These are fine machines, doing work
as good as when new and which we
traded, out for new I C. Smith & Bros.'
typewriters. L. & M. Alexander A Co.,
170 Flf th street. ,
World Needs More Men to Create
Sentiment for Betterment. j
"Religion for Men" was the topic of
the sermon given by Rabbi Wise at the
T. M. C.- A. meeting yesterday after
noon. In his sermon the speaker con
tended that religion was not something
for the betterment of women alone, but
that it was for men and was manly. In
support of his contention Dr. Wise
pointed out that in all the history of
religion preached by men it was for the
strengthening and uplifting of men, and
through, its strength and power became
something to be sought and cherished
by men.
The need of the : world, the speaker ,
said, was men who would better them
selves and make themselves stranger.
The religion that counts is the religion
that creates a sentiment for betterment
Real religion is too hard for the women
nf tnriav. the sneaker contended, hut ha
TVtn an.ab., nt TUnl.!'. aAl..n.n. t i A , . V. . V. .. vr . T . . t ..... ..
i re next gues a heart grown cold in Its devotion trol while at the royal palace, saying i cessful In bringing eoual suffrage over
Steel Works Will Pay $100
to Discoverer of Silica
. Pit.
loyalty. ObllViOUS' alike to nla. n, n.ilcnliviJ ind mltntmrptr Via urn.
blame. posed to deny himself that his Influence
.t. A a worker, Oalus was marked by might be the largest possible for good,
the. spirit and bearing of love. Somu There may be Just as much harm in a
people are faithful in their Christian person's drinking wine In the home as
work, but they make It hot for those In the public grill, but it is not so in-
who have to work with them: so hard terpreted in the world today. I could
are they on the impulsive, the fitful; name women who have had their repii-
so unsympathetic towards us who are tation injured by dflnklng wine or other
deeply wounded . by criticism and de- intoxicants In tbe grills of well-known
Caledonians Hold Election.
rflMi.fll niarMfrli tn Tha Jaarnal.l
A ril. on -pt. tt..iii. I c r.'J """""cu u; v iittviBiu aiiu ae-i inioxicanis in ine gnus ot wen-Known
Athena, Or., Dec. J .Ttoe UrrmtIII I pendent - upon the stimulus of a little hotels in this city. Such actions have
Caledonian society has elected the? fol
lowing orncers: j.
, president: Alex - Mclntyre,
dent; Henry A. Barrett, secretary;
. Charles Mclean. treasurer.
meeting of the society will be held on I to the master, a spiritual decline
tne nrsi eaiuraay in raarcn.
Vtc f 'ol J pralseGalus s work was worthy the been misunderstood and misinterpreted
D. i'lamondon, I Lord for whom It was done. and their influence has been bad upon
y7 vice-presl- "So much we do as Christians is done the youth who have seen them."
In a negligent,' slip-shod way. It ar
Walter, Thomas Mils Gives
Eemedy for Present Eco
nomic Problems. ;
Walter Thomas Mills, editor of the
Seattle Tribune, spoke at the First
Christian church last night and ln his
remarks declared that the only way to
overcome monopolies was not to fight
them with a competitor but for society
to take the business in hand and con-
I the sake of the name.'
'For I that many who enter unnn a conran nf
It Is an lnnpir-I self-denial are unhappy and sore ' be-
1R. KING'S'!
IhadthamostdeWUtethg WTigh a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends" expected tiiat
' "-" Vlv i 7 . Hureiv 06 tor.mj grave. Our doctor pronounced n
uttnihksbetoGodowb of Dr. Kin?' New. Discovery cured me so cor
all lound and welLMRS:. T?VA"iTwraptTi?i t-
all found and weUIJRS. EVA UNCAPHER, uGro'vertown," Ind.
Pries 5Cs 2nd $1.00 --'-- "UUTELY QU AtArJTggn t
my case incurable.
completely that I am
Trial Bottts Frea
the country, then religion would be for
Prior to the address Miss Ethel M.
Lytle sang "Love Divine" and respond
ed wiyi an encore,, Home Time vve
Understand." .
Who knows where there is a deposit
of white silica sand in the stares of
Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Califor
nia? Through the Portland Commercial
club the Columbia Steel works of Port
land has offered a prize of $100 to the duct ii until the monopoly Is perma
discoverer,' and agrees to take 100 tons ne" , ..nt. ' , ,
"m , . .. Mr. Mills spoke on "The New Testa
Vl wm nana eacn monm ai per ion. ment and the Labor Question, or What
Silica sand is necessary In the xnanu Shall We Do With the Unemployed,"
facture of steel. It Is at present a ory ?niw"i d,?8J with the same subject to-
ing need ln the steel industry on the piTri: T Tr .
Pacific coast The steel-working plants "We are confronted with an indus-
01 i-orciana are importing their silica trial condition where thousands of men
sand from Minnesota at heavy expense are . outside in suffering, distress and
for transportation. The discoverer of a disorder. What does the New . Testa
large depoBU of silica sand in tbe Pa- ment cay in regard to these millions
cmc .nortnwest would not only profit I of Americans, loving tne flag, devoted
financially, but would "cover hlmsolf to the country and yet for no fault of
wun giory and nis name would take a
piace among me nonored names of the
northwest s Industrial heroes.
The needed sand is uauallv nf a mine
almost clear white,,, It must meet cer
tain reauirements. The exact wnrdin
of the Columbia Steel works' offer Is as
ioi tows: L;
We will take 100 tons each month of
theirs locked out, thrown out, sat down
in the street, and unemployed. "
."This condition furnishes ample op
portunity for tha owners of the tools
to belong to one class, and for thosa
who put their lives Into industrial pro
ductiveness to belong to another group.
Wherever there Is a great Industry
there will be a great monopoly. It
does not matter how: good or how bad
the people are. If every man In tha
business were an anarel he - onnM not
better the conditions, and if he were a
devil, he could not make them worse
than thev are rirht now. Thera ara tn.
day soma lines of Industry which can
not be monopolized. These are tha
lines Which depend on the skill and ear
of Individual workers, where thera la
little need of machine work.
"There has been some talk of a choice
between competition and monopoly. In
any industry where competition is last-
ingly possible, monopoly Is Impossible,
and In any industry where monopoly is
possible competition is the process by
which monopoly is achieved. If 'thera
are live large corporations each capable
of supplying the market, the stronger
will kill off the weaker four, and pro
ceed to pound the life out of the com
munity. . . -.
"When a monopoly has been form art
society must either consent to ba
robbed by it or provide a eomnatlrnr.
If a competitor is provided ln the form
of another monopoly the two will fight
until the stronger wins, when the same
old condition is brought about, if
clety takes the business Into - Its own
hands collectively, the monopoly can be '
permanently overcome."
(Special Dlipatrh to Tbe . Journal.)
Cove, Or., , Dec . 80. -Members - of
Evergreen camp'No. 1752, B. K.'of.A,
have elected the followine- officers
Oracle. Mrs. Cora : Bloom; vice oracle,
Mrs. Mary Martin; recorder, Mrs". Flora
White; receiver, Mrs. wora Kievins
chancellor. Mrs. Bertha De Borde: mar.
shal, Mrs. Belle Bloom; inner sentinel,
Mrs. Myrtle Culp; outerrsentinel, Mrs.
Mary Harris; delegate, ' Mrs. Myrtle
Oreen; alternate. Mrs. ' Nora tfievms
manager. Mrs. Cora Richard.
Members of Ever Ready hive No. 34
L. O. T. M., have elected the following
orncers: commander, Mrs. Alice uorpe;
lieutenant commander, Mrs. Mary Mar
tin; record keeper. Mrs. Flora White;
finance keeper, Mrs. Hattle Ingram;
chaplain, Mrs. Hattle Alexander; ser
geant, Mrs. Jennie corpe; mistress-at-arms,
Mrs. Alice Tripeer; sentinel, Mrs.
V till, 17 u "v. . ..,.,. . . . v . . v, ...1 , juaij
.Keiiey; musician, Mrs. -caddie Keese.
' Ten Days of Church Sales.
' (Special Dlnpatoh to Tbe Joorml.)
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 30- M. A. Rader.
a well-known furniture and carpet
aeaier or tnis city, nn. planned a cnurcn
salevfor the first fewrdays of January,
giving wreacn or tne iu cnurcn oreani
zatlons in the city. one. day each, 10
Der cent Of his cash sales. The series
of sales will begin January 8 and close
January xo. i aia orrer is entirely
voluntary and the churches may use
he' money ln any way they may see lit
Officers of Athena Masons.
(Special Dltpatcb to Tbe Journal.)
Athena.-Or.. Dea 30. The following
ifflcers have been elected and 'ln tailed
iij th Athena Masonlo lodge: , . A, B.
JtoBwen, worshipful master; A; M.
rbhnson, senior, warden; D. O. Mc
...Xenzie, Junior warden; . Byron Hawks,
.junior deacon: Edward Foster, .senior
i deacon; B. D. Clemens,, treasurer; E4
J ward Koonta, secretary. . , ( t
silica sand, 88 per cent pure silica and
free from Iron oxides, delivered at Port
land at not to exceed 36 per ton, and we
will pay. $100 ln cash to the discoverer."
Frequently It has been reported that
discoveries or pure silica sand had bean
made ln Oregon, but thus far there was
Invariably something lacking In quality
or quantity. ine community that
"makes good" in this Instance will havn
a greater source of revenue than from
goid or copper mines, lumber mills or
oiner lactones. ,
The demand Is wide and verv haavv.
It embraces every itonworklng Industry
on the Paclflo coast from California ta
Alaska . and Is constantly growing
greater. ..-,,...--.
In theimmediate future there will be
immense - oeveiopment in . tne Pacific
coast lron,x trade. Agents of the - steel
trust nave ror tne last, year been seri
ously considering the Question of entnh.
iismng iron ana steei. industries on a
very large scale near Portland, the cen
ter of the famous iron orj region of
the lower Columbia river. Thev ara
constantly seeking tne various raw ma
terials that are reaulsite to the complete
process oi iron and steei worxing, ana
silica sana is one or tnese materials.
fSoeetsl Dlaoatrta to Tbe JonrnaLt
La Grande. Or.. , Deo. 80. union
county will make a, desperate fight
against saloons. An organization, has I
been affected known as the Civio league
ano orncers nave oeen eiectea as ioi-
lows: President - C E. Cochran; vice
president, G. I Cleaver; secretary, Fred
Tavior: treasurer, j. k. wriant. A
strong effort , will be made to carry
prontDition at tne june eiecuon.
Baker City BlasonsV Officers.
' (Special - Plapatcb to The Jnornal.l
Baker City. Or.. Dee. 80. Baker City
ioage sso. i, a. r . et a m., nas elected
tne ronowmir orncers: J. u. MessicK.
W..M.; J. Ij. Rand, 8. W.; O. W. Henry,
J. W.: D. W. C. Nelson. 8. D Alex
ander- McDougall, J. D.
Take no substitute at soda fountains.
Ask for the original and genuine food
drink. "Horllok's" Malted Milk, not In
milk trust,-..
Keeps Frost
Off Windows
Don't you dislike to leave the
warm living room and undress in
a cold bedroom where the frost is
thick on the window? No need
to any longer a
(Eonlppca with Saekeless Device)
makes any cold room cheerful
and cozy in a trice and keep it so.
It . has a smokeless device -that
means no smoke no smell no
bother just direct intense heat.
Finished tn japan and nickel.
Brass font holds 4 quarts, burns
V hours, tfcffly car
ried about. Every
heater warranted.
V- " . forttsbnluant,
steady light, simple construction and -absolute
safety. Equipped with the best central draft '
burner, Made of brass, nickel plated. Every
lamp warranted. : If your dealer does not handle ;
the Rayo Lamp or Perfection Oil Heater write
our nearest agency for deacrqjbve circular. '
. (Incorporated) . . :. .
! -
JX 1