The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 29, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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j- a,1! ..." .la
Usually when thar la a anrlnkl thert
is also a downpour.
yesterday was a busy day In th
liquid Una at tlit Hottl Terklna. The
liquid waa In tha form tf guests.
Amoni tha first who registered
I Trvlnv m I . -a r. i j
jfepuDlican vcjnny -iM?inci v,;! 1 i. chari". k
.Attorney Kcsfffiis io Enter VV
. T . T !onojr wno anould wllc in an1 reglater
JulCC IOr JOSS a JUlr 1 i:.. " J-o.rm cf Seattle.
. . , x r. I . Mr- lo-ralna went to lila room, thun
Ynitrrlifv TMt1r in TlO-'SaV M' roiinU awhile i and th.n cimi
'6V f . ' " i flown stair like lightning. Ha had
Ineara or tha arrival or Melvln I). Bwr,
of Wiisco. Mr, Boar, by-tbe-way, la- a
temperance man.
After tha arrival of Messrs. , I
ralne. Boer, llath and Sprinkle, tha
rlerka began to grow auspicious. They
thought that some prartlcal Joker waa
at work. Hut say not ao. Each guest
registered, paid for hla room and want
on about hla own business. Nona of
Mannings Supporters.
tha namea suggesting something watery.
Nearly everyone who reglalered dur
ing tha day had something about hla
nnme or tha nami of hla noma town to
auggeat water In on way "r anothar.
Just for Inatanco: - -
1L Anderson of Hay Cantor, waa there.
80 were K. Htlck and Mrs. Htlrk of
Ciiob Hav. Thnn thora waa Arthur K. ;
Turner of Waterford, t alifornln. Frank
pavetiDort of Hood Jtlver, wno 1a in
I'ortlaad ajiuost every wrtd, alao had
tha nleaaure of Putting hla elgnaturt
and the name of hla headquartere on
the hotel blotter.
H. A. Halnecott or. Fail liana, arrival
lata In tha day. and he only added to
tha water Hat already there. And he
navtr knew anvthlna about It. In
-peeking of the otlmra It la only correct
that H. M. David of Spring Hrook, the
moat euphonious name of the lot, ahould
alao come in for hla ahare of mention.
And ao far aa the clerks Know an
theae guests In particular, were on the
water-wagon all day yeaternay. ui
late laat night several of them were rt
ported to nave oeen amniea emnnn
for placea where water-wagon drlvera
are not tolerated.
By adding It men to tta roll by an-
field artillery of tha Oregon National
. Cua C Mof, for nearly four yara
tha Kpubllcan deputy In tha Ieroo-
cratio dlatrlct, attoiney'a ofDce, yea- ,he iiquld-auaceatlnit arrlvala apparent
trrday afternoon tendered hla raalgn-ly knew anything about tha othera of
tlon In ordor td enter tna race xor uie
ofnc which John Manning now 'holda.
Mr. Moaor waa very frar.k in hla
inter of realgnatlon acnt to Mr. Man
ning yeeterday afternoon. In H ha
eaye plainly that he la about to enter
the face for the Republican nomina
tion for the dlatrlct atiorneyahip and
I. Maiirnlnv hia HcnutvshlD In
order to aava embarraaament to Mr.
.. . n A"pn.""u7r.: YnahiYrun Ml-tmant In on evening battery A
nnmlnatlon for dlatrlct attorney at tha
toming primary election," Mr. Moaer Quard laat Friday night brok tnT
clt,n rord in national guard clr
frlcmla by conducting a campaign clea In thla atate. Thla waa accom-
while holding a deputyahlp under you. pushed aa th reault Of a Tlgoroua cam-
j nercoy irnuvr ywu-mj
.i.nniv rfUtrtrt ettornev for the Fourth
Judicial dlatrlct of the aUta of Oregon, bera of the .battery einc order were
sum reaigneuon o ocni cn.yw received early In November hat tha
with the ending of the lat day of D- tRnk mut be recruited to th full coro-
. tH-mber, 1907. plement of 111 men by January 1.
Mr. Moiter-e realgnatlon will be ;e- , M that tlm, thrrm were only g0
oepted. It hae been anticipated for on th- rou,ter rou but from week to t me, ever ainc Mr. Moaer began weelt ,w eni,tmanta war made. One
nounoement of hi candidacy. By
frlxnda of Manning Moaer'a action
looked upon with unkind eyea.
arsued that Moaer la not ahow
rlitiit brand of political gratltud by
entering tha race while Manning la In
the field In view of the fact that Man
ning picked blm nut of the Republican
rnnka and made him hla deputy while
there were acorea ct . l)mocrata clam
oring for the place.
Tha aiinnnHltinn that Mr. Minnlnf la
to be In the rac for reelection brlngal That Japanese In th vicinity of Aa
no eurprlae, for he hia been looked I torla have been very actlv of late.
upon aa a definite candidate for aome .,,. tttm w mA h
time. He haa been con-ldered tha loai- carefully going over th beachea and the
cal candidate for the Democratio aide coaat near tha month of th Columbia
of the Arid by many of the party an( between Tillamook and Aatoria, ia
loaders who have been urging him In- tT -r,-.i, .
eletently to coma out and announce tn- ttniont of B. IX. Welch, a real
blmaelf a candidate ; - eatat man of Aatoria.
. .w "A number of Japanea have been aeen
. I? My. f A- traveling up and down th coaat line
JtTp to thla time however, Mr. Man- carefully inspecting every bit of - the
nlng haa held back, coyly aaylng that country.' eald'Mr. Welch. "One man
he dlJ not know wnether he would be declared that he waa the paymaater of torla. while It haa been frenusntlv dem
a candidate or not or would retire I the Jananeae and ahowed 13.000 in caah. I onatrated that It la eaav to make a land-
! V
week ao II out of tha St varancle
had en filled, and Friday night the
ranka were cloaed aa required by tha
order from Waahlngton. tour axtraa
volunteered, and there la no loncer dan
ger of any ahortag In th number of
men in in oaitery.
Regular quarterly Inspection waa held
Friday evening. CapUIn 1L V. Welah
nuttlnr hla command through a lively
drill with tha heavy field piece a. Th
battery executed te movementa with
an eaae and action that waa commend
able, th volley firing being especially
good. Battery A haa lately been fully
eiulpped with th lateat field plecee and
aide arme. and la th only organisation
of lta kind on tha raclflo coaat.
aent blm to pay off hla men. The 7ap-
'orn otner man
coaat and lta
anca apparently had no work other than
that or inapeotlng
ouletlv to private life.
Tha poBwible entrance of Mr. Man
ning and the definite entrance of Mr.
Moaer Into th race opens th entry
lint with one candidate on each aid
of the political fence. In addition I
A. McNary, former city attorney, J. J.
Fitzgerald, present deputy citjf at
torney, Ralph Moody -and Municipal
Judge Cameron nave all oeen men
tioned aa possible candidates. Accord
ing to report neKher Moody. McNary
nor Cameron Intend to become candi
dates, so that tt aeema probable that
Mr. Moser will have but one or two
men against blm forth primary nomi
nation. ,
which, ha told aeveral people, had aeen I ing on tha beach near Seaside,
Mr. Welcb aaya the coaat In tha rear
and to the aeuth of Aatoria la prac
tically dofeneeieaa, ao that It would be
an easy thing for an enemy to land
anywhere on the beach between Tilla
mook and the mouth of the Columbia.
Th entrance to the river itaelf, la well,
guarded by three forta. but there la no
protection for the country eouth of Aa-
IXulaV ji MajBM
The Eminent Violinist
;..!,,.. . - At the -.,--4- '
Heilig Theatre
"January 9ih
January lllh
The KNABE PIANO is used
EXCLUSIVELY by this great
est, of the great violinists for
playing all his accompaniments.
The KNABE has received the
UNSTINTED praise of such art
ists as Saint-Saens, Tschaikov-
sky, Carreno, Hambourg; , Von
Bulow, and D'Albert. Its tone is
Sherman, Clay & Co
Sixth and Morrison, opposite
Wholesale Dealers Victor Talk
ing Machines.
. Only Two More 5cl!!n(( Day ln.1907 , v
We re goiftg to do some terrific price smashing before the New Year sets in; we will wind
up the old year with a volume of bargains, that will set all Portland talking. Not an item
in our entire establishment is spared. Everything goes regardless of price or value. We
guarantee a saving on every purchase. See advertised specials. Others await you at the store.
34-inch Covert and Black
" Coafis'H '
Full satin-lined. Values up
up to
. See Windows.
i , - ' ' . -
s, Rvalues 9 CA
$27.50. IL.DU
. Union labor of Everett, Washington,
baa launched a plan for a cooperative j
grocery atora. ;..-.
' 1 11
Necessary in Addition to the Smoke and Words Will Eise
Three-Mill Levy to Build From the Forthcoming
Albina High School. 1 . Entertainment.
In the annual report of the echooll' Extensive arrangement are In' prepar-
board tbat will b aubmltted to the ation for th entertainment of th Port
taxpayer at the general meeting In the I land Ad club by th East Side Bualnesa
west ld high school aaaembiy room j Men' club next Thursday evening, Jan-
tomorrow evening It la ' recommended uary j. The occasion la the annual
that a levy of t mills b aaaasaed on I gathering and celebration of 03 Per-
tho property In th achool district, andlmanent organization of the East Bide
that a bond issue of $260,000 bo voted I Bualneas Men's club. The program and
fnr th erection of an additional high entertainment will take place at the
v V t ,m . ,,K aiki- - Quartera or the club In the Healy .block.
tnil null nine - In . nortn A 1 n In A : on 1 k m n i j . . '
" ' ' I ,.Dl ittVlllBUII BUU UrillIU
property already purchased for the
comreltteea have been appointed In I
Brooklyn to take up the war against
me lanaioraa.
There la every evidence that the rent
atrlkes will spread to Newark on Mon
day, a general inasa meeting will be
held tomorrow at No. 224 Court atreet
for the purpoae of organising a series
ot rent strikes to be carried on under
the ausplcea of the Newark branch of
tne workmen a circle.
Tne estimated expense ior tne year I including ooxing ana otner atnietica.
will be refreahmenta and a
A program will be arranged.
1 190S Is 1866.S85 and the estimate of I supplied by tha East Side Athletlo club.
receipts is 'aa. follows: County school The East Bide high achool glee club
fund, $295,000; atate school fund, 150,- will also contribute to the entertain-
000; tuition, $1,000; special tax levy ment, and speakers to be chosen will
of 2 mills, $626,000; total, $971,000. address the meeting, both from the
Excess of receipts over estimated ex east side organisation and from the Ad
pense, 114.016. i ciuo. a snort ousineaa eeasion and
i nta aoes not mciuae any estimate i election or oriicers wui ne neia.
for the bnlldlna of a hlirh achool In I All the business men on tha east aide
- imoi medicine, ror sale by W. J. van north Albina on a tract or land pur- nave been invited to attend by C. A.
Iiamme, lisi Morrison atreet, next to chaaud for the purpoae, and for which Blgelow, secretary of the Eaat Side
Pap'e coffee houoe. Following are the we recommend a bond Issue of $260,000, club. The object of the meeting Is to
testimonials of a few of those who have bonds to run 20 years, bearing 6 per exchange views on advertising and other
neen curea or kidney trouDlea turougn j cent Interest, continues the report. I cooperative methods., - The buslnesa men
Kidney Cure Tea
Four to H years. Values up to
$5.00 at ;;,.A....:.U...?2.25 .".
Values up'to $3.00. ...... ,$1.05
30 Suits in brown and fancy mix
tures ; exclusive garrnents. Values
up to $65. . . . ; . . . . . .... .$25.00
Values up to $17.50. ..... .$6.05
Regular $3.50 values.... $1.05
Ladies'. Wool Eiderdown Robes;
$5.00 values. ... . . . .$2.25
Ladies' Black Silk Plated Hose;
75cvalues -35f
j r.ari
ana neran
1 Grand Executive H. L. Leavltt of the
Brotherhood of Owls, has notified the
local' neat, Portland No. 4, that present
Indications are that one of Hi most
Important fraternal gatherings ever held
In the Rose City will be th forthconv
lng convention to be held bare- lour
days, January IS, 16, 17 and 18. Assur
ances from a sufficient number of local
nests, not only In northwestern, middle
west, but also eaatern states, have been
received to presage a rousing aeaslon of
the grand neat, the flrat one ever held,
the order being but little more thnn a
rear old. Leavltt is now on an Inepec
Ion tour of some of the newly formed
nests, but nromlses to be In Portland
again within the next 10 dave to aaaist I arranaement right along.
in the preliminary arrangements for the I ecutlve Moaer, laat night
Locally arrangements are in the handa
of Gua C. Moaer, executive of Portland
No. 4. Jay H. Upton, aecretary and
aiU . .
So y 3
u,, ' l V.
In regular and extra sizes, 35c
values ....... i . .". 17
In black, brown, tan and white;
$1.50 and $1.75 values J....75
. , .
85c and 50c values.......... 15
In extra sizes and regulars; val
ues up to $10.. V... ...... $3.35.
Furs! :;
Gray Squirrel Ties, 50
inches long . . . .$5.00
Small Gray Squirrel,
$7.50 values . . .$3.00
French Ermine Ties,
values up to $6.50 for
only $1.05
Fashionable 3 stripe
Mink Neck Pieces; $65:
values ... ....$30.00,
Genuine French, brown r
Coney Coats ; regular
$37.50 values. $18.50
li MA
fifth and
Alder Sis.
Judge George J. Cameron, chairman of
tne nnance committee ana trustee 01
th order. . - . .
We are working away at details oz
"and w have
every assurance of a real . eucceseful
gathering. We are going to draw dele
arataa bar from oolnta 2.000 or S.000
miles from Portland, and w hope w
shall be able to send them back home
with a good Impression' of the -hospitable
proclivities of Portland people. It
is' of course- too early as yet to say bow
many delegatea will be here, but we are
confident that there will be not leaa
than 1,000, more likely 1,200, while w
are trying our beat , to boost the at
tendance up to 1.500. '
Republicans who are keeping tab on
the course of events In Indiana express
the belief that the seotlment for Hugnes
In that state Is co.iatantly gaining In
atrength. It Is their belief that If Fair
bank ware not a candidal for th presi
dency th New York executive would
have the major part of the Indiana dele
gatlon to th national convention next
year. -
the use of this tea
Bew Boll dings Keoesaary.
"In this connection, we beg to sub
mit that our receipts for the school
fund were not aa large as the estimate
on same waa made. This haa made a
difference of about $25,000 in our re
ceipt, in addition to tnia anortage.
we have had a rather atrenuoua year in
' A. B. Gates, from Greaham. Or, tells
about bis kidney, trouble and this won
derful cure: 'In the beginning I
thought that, my back waa afrccted 1y
rheumatism. In course of time I found
out that my kidneys were affected. I
Went; to (llfferant rlnrlnrl anil . tried
all kinds nt mriitna hut rnt iittia nr endeavoring ' to take care of the out-
no resulta. After aufferln for more lying dlatricts which have come Into
than 10 years and snendlna considerable district Jfo. 1 during the past two
money. Mr. Van Diimnia aave me a tea I year.
made from a leaf he called a Lady I "It waa absolutely necessary to
tree. 1 drank that tea for a week and j build a new school at Arleta, a large
waa totally cured.' I have drank the addition at Montavuia. a new school at
lea off and on for three months. It is I Vernon, large additions at : Irvlngton
now six months that I have not drank and Portsmouth, as well as completing
y ana my cure Is perfect and recom
are willing to accept any advertising
schemes that the admen will Dronose. as
advertising the eaat side Is the main
work: oi the eaat side business men.
Th club will alao boost the annua;
show of the Oregon State Poultry asso-
elation whlrh wlllhe held thin winter
In the building on the corner of Eaat I
Alder street and Orand avenue, vacated
recently by Markell & Co. The ahow
will be held irom January 8 to 14.
(Continued from Page One.)
mended to the suffering public.
' Mr. M V. nuHa 9te 11H. aava
'1 have suffered n inns- time with kid
ney trouble, nothing doing me anyltlce ty the report
the eaat aide high achool: also - aome 1 nnlninnatAd. hut wlthnll fonrlnao U
contracts were carried over from laatfinj . Vla . , , ...
year. This large amount of new build- believed by hla friends to be relying
Ing increased the actual outlay over our upon the honesty of his advisors re-"
1 1 in. niik . . . j., . - '
estimate about $90,000 aa you will no-
good. Three cups of Mr. Van Damme's
furea me so completely tnat l rec
ommend it to all'ladjes who are affected
wAm aura oacK.
gardlng the appointment of a man
to fill Bristol's place. The people
from the west who are here think
that the presidential influence will
Bonght Other Property.
"We were also compelled to pur
chase considerable real estate as new
1rwcLt1nna for nftw ' aohnnln. Thla . in.
MIm rurrL Nioim.. ku Mnn-i.nn clutleil a tract of land in Vernon, an-1 be well airectea II It is. then nO
st., says: , -I have Buffered for i years other tracts in Ainina on Knott street as grafter nor friend of grafters will
w th a in. n. j i ... I a new site for , tha WilllAma Avin 6 " ' v " mil
crasty-with nain ami i,fft.rino. Art er l school: also a location at Creston and I get the appointment.
IariaKing of Mr. Van Damme's tea for a I anotner at wenmona. ii Deing necea-
aary to secure inem locations so mat
buildings migni oe erected during the
present year or;, during the coming
yeir. ,
The Increase or pupils in the dis
Stoves, Ranges at TC1
Rugs, Curtains
" was curea ana now am a happy
rlrl and have not suffered any for the
pasi uiree montns since I first used the
tea '
, , ' A"r . aufferlng for 1 2 years from
. kidney-trouble I waa cured of my ail
ment by the use of my tea and last De
cember when my health was restored I
concluded to come to Portland. I had
60 heps and $30 worth of poultry wire
that 1 offered for sale hefnu inarin.
A Mr. Strange aDDeared at mv hnnu
and told me he would like to buy me
out and move In the house.- He was so
weak and looked ao miserable that. I
took plty on htm and asked him what
the trouble was. "I have floating kld
t.pys and am not able to ait up In my
npring wagon when I'take my milk to
town. I must walk eslde my horses for
uie ariaKo oi ine wagon 4s too much far
me. I intend to go t Portland next
v.fek for an ' operation. The doctor
, Ma , iuy way io save
my life.-" I told him that' would be a
mire way to go to , his grave. I have
'ured myself In a short time and it may
i .1 iv o us.? u.jb .Miiaur ti; 'furo you, DUt
trict Is very large and new achools or
nddlttons will have to be built at , Sell-1
Not Candidate Undei Any Circnm
stances McConrt Mentioned.
(Snprlal ' fllamitpli . tn Tha ' Imipndl i
wood. Kicnmond.. Peninsula, also i at I ,; .Pfttidltnii. Or nn on vto.
Highland and , an addition to the Hanie3 A- Fee today positively de-
Shaver school: . also finishing . Arleta I rl In e1 in ha a cDnilMila fn. tha
l..Tiji. j ..iki. f . ; I " - " yi-
, -a TTnttorf Stat. 4lo.l, -
e school meeting tomorrow even-lfnr nrnrnn nnAar anv otrnnmaf
hia report on the trade schools regard- cltX Attorney John McCourt Is be
ing which he went east especially to! lng urged by Pendleton friends as a
my house other points,
At thi
can cure you in at least two or three
. y'wka, I then asked him ts .comn in
tne house and drink of my kidney cure.
e eaia. -i nave aranK an kind ot pat.
crit medlelnea, consulted many doctors,
and I am tired of all that Mr only sal
vation la In an operation." I told him,
'Now I will drink a cup myself and If
: you don't want to drink a cup you shall
n-vor move In this bouse.' I will ' not
' n II to yuu." He drank a cup and con
tinue Io drink the tea for Ihre days,
filler wliloh be had no more pain and
ns clnti'K his work again and In a. week
w is per t'ocllv cured.
I ai?!l my IvMnoy Cure (Just n tea, no
'!! inel, on th condition of "Jvo cure,
I'-.urv refunded." Th tea Is put up In
c and il.ltf bottles. A trial will con-
lm.. . ; V i
Investigate. . The rnort Is an Interest
ing one and the b(Fi recommends that
trade schools be established tn Port
land. The annual report of the school
clerk will also be submitted.
kAilroad mex
r elect officers
.' Tbe Railway Investment company of
Oregon, composed of employes of the
Harrlman lines In Orogon, held lta 'first
annual meeting last evening at the
Hotel Imperial,- jTbts company was or
ganized Juat one year ago. : and since
then" baa . been dealing ; exclusively Io
Portland real estate. The business "for
the first year waa reported to have been
most encouraging. t-
-Offlcera for 1998 were elected as ..fol
lows: - L. c. McCoy. nretdent: fj. I. i
Lrdahl, ' vice-president; W, J. Tucker. I
secretary and treaaurer: J. F. Cussln- 1 1 90
(Continued from Pag On.)
t violations of th code of both 5e
partmenta In many tenements. These
violations -generally cost a landlord
money, ana .the appearance on the east
side of lnsoectors armed with snecifle
complaints of rooms not ventilated and
plumbing out or order and lire escapes
other than approved character, It Is
said by the strikers haa set the land
lords to thinking. ; ... , -.-.v ;
thw tenement districts of- - Brooklyn,
where conditions are almost a bad as
In Manhattan. The Brooklva strikers
started off with a " victory when the.
landlords at, Nos. 217 " and tit Slegel
srtreet v reduced the rents 22 each.
Strikes were declared at No. 2 fin fliaaal
eireoi, sua; 19 vtruiam avenue aia at
ger, C. Edward Murray, W. A. Glider- district. The strikers it JOS anrf la?
m ana V; wurr,ei(' ntl Iialller, I Slegel street, formed, together by con
wium untvvvn ;: trlbaline-.!! each. ,Thirtv-nv atriba
Allho Freights Add 25 Per Cent to Cost Price
Wc solved the expense problem by erecting afour-story building, covering one-fourth of a city
block, one-half for OUR FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STORE, and the balance to rent to bthejrs,
to pay' interest on the whole investment. v
Iyou are in the furniture business and possessed the economic advantages which enabled you to
AUTUAJLLfY 'BAVi!; UUSTUMUKS $5 UW liAUtl JpZO would you overlbok such an opportunity to
build up the mUUJiST BUblWKbS IN TOWN?
'T.l-A's" No-Rent bargains Are Becoming Famous
East Ankeny, Montavilla 6r Union Ave. Car Lines .
Phone East 2929