-L?rr THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 29, 1007. Tbivn Topics I '.'i'T-.J . - .j.' jff", i iiiim , I, -tii--" TOXIGHT'8 AMUSEMENTS. Ilflllr -fit mum 'iTeart' Xtarquam "The ioyniaker" Haker The Mldnlaht UH fcmplre , "Why Olrlo J-eave Itomt1 Lyrlo "ClnilTella Bur ,.."QuMn of the White Blaves' Fraiik M. fiantaana. who wu A mem bar of the Royal Hawaiian bond during tbe Lwli and Clark exposition, but In recent months hs been employed aa a ' musician in a Hawaiian orcnesira in Seattle, shot himself through the head hortly before noon yesterday In hla room at the I total Oak. Park and Oak streets. The bullet, which cama from a revolver he had purchased the day be- lore, piercra me main, ana ne uiea in a few mlnutea. Tbe cause of the sul clde waa not fully explained, lie had asked hla brother for a revolver on hla arrival In Portland the day after Christ- mas, but gave no hint of any desire to . take hla life. He Intimated that he wanted to defend himself from some one wnom ne expected 10 rami auer uun from Seattle. Thia may havbn an Inaane delualon that led 10 the' act. "fiantaana waa a Portuaueae, II years of age, and hla only relative here (a hla Mother, it. M. Bantaana, a inemner or the Hawaiian orchestra that entertains diners at a local srlll. Application of . Samuel . Maturovskl for renewal of his license waa disap proved by the license committee yester day afternoon. Maturovskl is a dom ing dealer at First street con : earning whom there has een consider . able complaint made to different city authorities at different times. Masur ovakl said recently that he Intended to go out of businesa January l so ne waa allowed to retain his license until that time. However, since he has sent In his application for renewal It waa de cided to recommend that the renewal be refused. . Two rose trees and numerous rose bushes have recently been planted In the yard surrounding the postorflce building. Early In the spring similar rowers are to do pianiea arouna me pase or trie larger trees on tno tawn. Months and months aro Postmanter jrilnto took up the matter of beautifying the reaerai building grounds, uventu ally an order cama from Waahlniton. together with $20, and the postmaster was aiiowea la go eneaa wun me ;m provements. MUwaukle boasts a band that has held weekly rehearsals f6r a number of years and has always been quick to reaDond to all kinds of requests - for muelo at all tlmea The membership has been under a continual change but there has always remained enough mu sicians in the little city to keep the or ganisation together. It owna Its own hall with Improvements worth about $1,100. New Year's eve the band will give a masquerade ball in tbe city hall. ' Examinations under the authority of the United States civil service commis sion are scheduled to take place In Portland January It to nil the follow ing vacancies In the public service: Draftsman and sanitary dairy engineer, department of agriculture, salary $1,400 to 11,(00; apprentice engineer, hydrographlo office,, navy department, salary $700; physician In the Indian service, salary $720 to $1,200. Oevurts 4 Worrell have dissolved co partnership and the business will be retained by Matthew Oevurts. la the adjustment of matters between the part ners It has been determined to inaugu rate a blr reduction aaJe of stock.' Ii view of this the readers of The Journal will And in today's issue a display an nouncement The stock I all fresh and new, as the Arm has been ia business put a lew weens. We know that if you knew what wo know about tailoring, were acquainted -with the precision and certainty we take measures and fit you, the ability of our tailors, etc., we would have your order for your next suit. And remember our f i rice Is only $26 for any piece of good n the store, made to your order. No other firm. In the city will do thia YOUNG OPERA MANAGER MAKES SUCCESS IN FACE OF FAILURE Prank W. Healy, Manager San Francisco Opera Company. Unique Tailoring Co 309 Stark, near eixtn street. , Crowns SS and up. . r Gold -fillings $1 and up. -Extraction, painless, 80c . Silver fillings, 60c and up. , Union Dental Parlors, 221 H Morrison, corner First , Biggest offices In Portland, Work guaranteed IS years. . A sack of Adamant wall plaster will be a prise at the fancy ball of the MU waukle .band, City Hall, MUwaukle, New Year's eve. There are slippers for the sweetest Cinderella, by O. Wlssinger, lady's purse by MUwaukle Mercantile Co., umbrella by. B. Rosenblatt and prises from F. Lehman, F. Aright and Charles uai:ara. Near Tremont Station, on the Mount Scott carllne, yesterday, . the house of John Vaughn was destroyed by fire. The contents of the house were burned and members of the family narrowly escaped with their Uvea Vaughn is an employe of the Marshall-Wells Hard ware company and but recently came to- Portland. , ' . Head-Black Advertising company, pre pares good advertising copy for the city papers, writes booklets, plans publicity campaigns of any kind and originates new and clever advertising Ideas, 400 Couch building. Phones Main 6522; Home A-4766. ; . -.Several children who have Just com pleted their first work In 'black and white, after being three months at work, are luunina Aurwo.ru iu iuunutty inurnina, I when their beat efforts will be put on LEADING 0PTCANS 1, ' Our optical department Is the best equipped In the city., ' - , 2. We have several registered and graduated opticians In charge. I. We never encroach upon the - field of the odullst which we re gard aa a protection to the eus- '. tomer for glasses. , -j 4. Our long experience with the , publlo of Portland and Oregon fs . our best reference to the - new ' resident of this community. . , 5. It Is a well-defined policy to make uniform and reasonable charges for all service, whether . in the optical or jewelry depart mente. t , . HEITKEMPER'S JEWELRY STORE ' ;"Lowest Priced Jewelry House 1 7 r for Fine Goods."' - 285 M0R8IS01V STREET Nxt to New Corbet t Building. '' On the desk of the dramatic editor of one of the Chicago newspapers Is the following placard, announcing in bold letters: "Theatrical managers' and advance gents not encouraged here." If the owner of the desk had ever met Frank W. Healy of the San Fran cisco opera company it is safe to say that he wouldn't have hoiated his alrn. or r.t least ho would have lowered It whenever Mr. Healy waa in town. New and then one meets in various walks of ilfe some man whone great good fortune It Is to count Juat about very one he knows aa his mend, ne haa the remarkable gift of making the arantina of a favor on his part seem tr.e granting or one by tao ravorea. It lies within the power of all theat rical men to oxtend some email cour tesies, Juat as it Is within the power of newspapermen, or lawyers or any one else. That they all overlook their op portunities In this line with unfortun ate frequency only makes Mr. Healy's position among his many friends on the coant the stronger. Ho Is a comparatively young man, one of the many to whom the Ban Fran cleco earthquake proved to be the flood- tide or opportunity. At tne time or the California disaster Mr. Healy waa I Paciflo coast. assistant manager of the Tlvoll opera company. He had been a printer, a member of the chorus, a light opera tenor and had held other positions prior to his going with the Tivoll company. As joou aa he and hla company gath ered a few scattered belongings from the earthquake he called Aida Hemmi, Teddy Webb and the others together and proposed that they form the Ban Francisco opera company with him and tour the conat .They agreed "at once while San Franclaco- wax still smoking lu faq".--and came to Portland, where they fcoado an Instantaneous hit. From here tnoy traveled over the west, spending a season In" the Tlvoll, which is now the Baker theatre at Denver, and a season in Seattle, cover ing all the Pacific coast states on tour. The organisation, always a good -singing one and with some notable artists mong the stars, sooa began ,0 De strengthened materially until It Is now the premier llnht opera company of the west. If not of the country. The aucceas of the San Fronciaco company is largely due to Mr. Healy himself. Where the . ninety and nine would have made a failure, he by the exercise of common aense and uncom mon courtesy haa made a success. Ills career and that of his band of alngera will be watched with growing Interest by the people of Portland and the whole CAN ITBE DONE? BALANCE OF EIGHT-CARLOADS OF NEW PIANOS TO BE , CLEARED OUT BEFORE MIDDLE OF WEEK. Of the Eight Carloads of Fine New Pianos Offered Just Before the Holidays, Only 61 RemainIf Ev eryone Knew the Situation aa It Is, All Would Be Gone by Tuesday liightv The head of every home which does not now possess a choice piano will surely oe intonamy Interested in wis snnouncement Blxty-otie of the finest 1 pianos, made Djr one or tne oideat ana moat reliable piano manufacturers are being offered far below regular price. The recent financial uncertainty eauabt many manufacturers. In practi cally every Una, unprepared. In thia particular instance Kliera Piano House secured most unusual concessions by takina.elht carloads. 143 Instruments, of 100 pianos which had been finished. This advantage In turn Is presented to our patrons; Itlnvi been sold. ajtd srrjvxo lxssoits tbxb. '" Nor la the concession In price men tioned below the only attraction in connection with these planoa The buyers of these pianos will secure free a term of four months' music lessons om any school or teacher desired. Tbe planoa in this sale are known far and wide. They are of the hlch- eat standing. We are not at liberty j to mention them by name in the papers In connection with these cut prices. It would hurt their sale at reaular prices elsewhere. Suffice it to say the pianos have never been sold for less than s? ror tne plain case and uq ror the fanpy kind. Now they ao for 1248 and IZH respectively. , PAT fa A WXSX. These prices mean for all cash, but any reliable person may secure the same on payments of $1 caah and $1 or $10 a month, for the simple addi tional Interest. Remember, please, that the four months' course of muslo lessons will be supplied absolutely free. The pur chaser may select any school or teacher preferred. We pay the bill. No such proposition has ever been made in this or any other city. We are sure It will never be made again, simply because such an unprecedented financial condition never can again arise. Please remember, too. that the reru- lar Kllere guarantee money back If Instrument Is not in every way satis factoryaccompanies every one of these pianos; also the maker's five years' warrant, which Is countersigned py us. If you live out of town vou need not hesitate in securing one of these In struments. We will ship any style de- tied burl walnut or quarter-sawed oak auoiect to inspection and 'approval, we taking: all chances. Write or telephone for full description of these pianos at once, before all are sold. The rree-musle-lpsaone offer aonlled oniv 10 pianos soia oerore unristmaa, but haa been extended until New Year's. It is a double holiday remembrance on tne part or fliers x'lano House a re membrance to the buyer and a remem brance to whichever teacher or school tne buyer selects. ftalesrooms are open every evening. Ellers Piano House, $53 Washington, corner 01 1 am. Suit and Esf ra Trousers OF SAME OR STRIPED MATERIAL FOR THE PRICE OF THE SUIT ALONE "'ITS A GENEROUS OFFER, TO BE SURE But it reduces our stock of woolens'for stock-taking and keeps our large force of skilled tailors busily employed during the dull season. You will find a generous stock to select from if you come early. ! Satisfaction guaranteed In' all cases. v . . ' Garments to order in a day if required. Full dreas and Tuxedo Suits a specialty.. 108 THIRD ST., BET. WASH. AND STARK 20 YEARS IIEHE era iiiiia w Our force is so organized that we ran do your entire crown, bridge and plate work In a day if necessary. This will be appreciated by 'people from out of n. lou may have your, teeth ex tracted In the morning and, go borne at night with new ones. v N pobitttxt.t panrtiBS yrratAO TIOBT VIII FLATCa O n&isosa abj3 oaosasD. We remove the roost sensitive teeth and roots without causing pain. No students, no uncertainty, no bungllna; oniy in most sclentini an'l carerui treatment. Our lirldao and Plate Worn la perfect; to years' continuous practice has made this possible. ExiaraAnoij rxsz AITS ihtitbp When desired you ran have T. P. Wise or my personal service. W. A. WISE, Dentist ' Falling bldg., $d and Washington at. I a. m. to p. m. Hundaya to U. Painless Kitrarflon. I0r; Plates. $5.00. MOTH ttOMZB, A AJTD HAIST g08. exhibition for the first time at the Ore gon School of Art In the Selllng-Hlrach building. The sketches are all from life. Each member of the class will have a sample of his work on View. Miss Florence Chase Currier, the di rector, says the display is the best she has ever seen. The drawing will be on exhibition from 10 a. m. until 10 at night, Monday. The Sunday ad of Olds, Wortman A King will not be found In its usual location on the front, page of section S, the firm haying taken pages 8 and In section 1 for a double page an nouncement regarding the opening of the annual January clearance sale, - - - Work of first year art students, In black and white, from life, will be hung at the Oregon School of Art, Selllng- Hlrach building, Monday rrom 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. The pubiio is cordially in' vuea. r Have you seen the famous R. A B. flat opening loose-leaf ledger used by the largest nrms in roriianoT uuims 113. bo and uo. l'Rciiic stationery ana Printing Co., 208-206-207 6econd street. The Portland Shoe Repair company, 189 Yamhill street, between Third and Fourth streets. Phone Main 7665. Tour shoes repaired while you wait Best oak. soles, 75 cents. Bauer & Stopper, "What Our Eminent Men Don't Know About Socialism,", will be discussed .to night at AHsky hall, Third and Morri son streets, crancn t, socialist party. Qood music. Ail welcome. . . . ... . . . All made-up furs in my stock will be sold at absolute cost.. Come and be convince that when I say cost price I mean it A. Reiner, 663 Washington street, near seventeentn. This will remind you that now Is the time tn have vour hair mattresses reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 471. "The Portland Curled Hair Factory, , ,11. Metxger, proprietor. Attention. Modern Woodmen Grand ball New Year'a eve at Rlngler's hall, East Morrison and Grand avenue. Best orchestra in city. Tuesday evening, cember 31, 8:30. , ' . Bath, with massage, including bed for nil night $1. Salt rubs 60o additional. Temple of Health, Professor J. Fried man, proprietor, 266 Alder street, ;i Steamer Jesse Harklna, for Camas, Washougat and way landings, dally ex cept Bunday. jeavea wasmngion street dock at z p. m. ; , . , Painting, tinting, paper hanging and picture framing. Portland Paint and Paper company, 251 First at- Main 4879. ' E ' S. MeAIlester will speak- before the Socialists tonight at 809 Davis street, on the cures of financial flurries. Dr.- H. A. Hoffman, dentist,'' rooms 206-7 Allsky bldg., 3d - and Morrison. Phone A-2248 and Pacific 1848. Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline. tPhone East 789; B-1007. E. W. Moore,' expert photographer. Elks' building,; Seventh . and Stark eta. ' Highest price paid ' for fresh egga Kruae'a, Park and Morrison. " D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. Journal want ads, lo a word. Manure for sale. Main CSkt. Bark: Tonlo for rheumatism. - B3M I Metxger, Jeweler, optician. $42 Wash, ' SILYER WEDDING IS CELEBRATED In the vicinity of Tangent Linn county, much interest waa manifested in the celebration on Christmas day of the sliver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jenks. pioneers in that part of Oregon. The celebration oc curred at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Jenks, where a large company of friends gathered, notwithstanding uto inciemeni weacner conditions. The mfether of each of the celebrants was present and in good health. The father of neither Mr. nor Mrs. Jenks Is alive. There are nine of the Jenks oromers aiive and ' all were present. ineir oniy sister, Mrs. John Rlckard. was unable to attend. The guests numbered 45. Mr. and Mm. Tonka have been long and favorably known in unn county, wnere tney nave reared a family of three sons and three daugh- The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jenks and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Jenks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenks ana oaugnter. Messrs. o. H. Jenks J. S. Jenks. F. E. Jenks. E. M. Jenks. jrs. ju. morgan, Mr., ana Mrs. G. C. Galbralth of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Owensby, - Mrs. Florence Canovan ana cnnaren. Miss Alice Morgan, Rev. and Mrs. George M. Gardner and chil dren, Mrs. C. J. Luper and Miss Annie m iimnru. . TO OPEN BANK Reorganization Association Still Straggling With Re calcitrant Depositors. Where to Dine. All the delicacies of the reason at the Portland Restaurant: fine private apart- taenia lur lautea, cvo wasn near r u tn. Try our 25 oent lunch, 11:30 to 8 m.. and our 25 and 86 cent dinner k to 8 p. m. Dunsmore, 434 Washington Turkey dinner Sunday, 11:80 to m 600. Dunsmore Washington street s restaurant. 4?4 H. C. Brandes' grill, 108 Sixth, serves eiegum xaoie a note qinners dally. Merchants lunch daily. 25c: Snnitiv uiunor, wo. A.ruo i, ano Morrison. Moore's" restaurant serves a special 50-cent Sunday dinner. 448 Fifth at Watson's Restaurant will servo a fine enicxen Dinner toaav. so cent a Perfect-fitting glasses $1 at Metcger'a BOOK SALE 20 Discount ON BIBLES , Vntil February 1st. Hyland Bros. 163 6TH BT- OPPOSXTS . O. v SIX 8D, JTSAK SAXMOir ST. Work by the Depositors' association of the Oregon Savings & Trust company for the week ending last night waa pro ductive of but small results. Less than $1,000 aT day was averaged in the signing for Home Telephone bonds and bank stock by depositors In lieu of their claims. This Is the lowest rec ord made In any week since the De positors' association started in Its at tempt to secure a reorganization of the bank. . It is said that approximately $60, 000 of bonds and bank stock remain to he subscribed by creditors before the association can hope to have Its propo sition entertained by men who are ex pected to put In sufficient new capital to reopen the bank. President Day of the association said last night that himself and associates would continue their efforts another week, which would -carry the movement to the first of the new year. - If the responses of depositors 'who are holding back are not sufficiently encouraging by that time the work will be abandoned, he declared, and unless some njw plan can be devised the ef fort to reopen tbe bank will fail. It Is expected if a reorganization can be effected the former stockholders and directors in the suspended Institution will cancel their stock and eliminate it aa a liability against the bank. CONCRETE IS KING, j Emm ease Profits la Portland ' Cement S Stocks. I We ara lanuinir a Tnne-nlflnnni "wftrlr of art on the Portland cement irfflistry whlnh will nniM4 1 nnrtlniilaiv n"Vinai ' who dealre .the very best, gllt'-dged, safe nd profitable Investment This invaluable book reauirea l.onn - 000 press impressions and will be sent absolutely free to all present or future investors In Portland cement stocks by addressing Vinfent & Co., 995 -Scarritt building, Kansas, City. Missouri. EXPECT SOON TO SHIP TOfiGE OF COME of the best looking feet in town come here for shoes; that's one reason why they're best looking; we put shoes on them that keep them so. If you feel like getting an un usually good shoe for $3.50, $4 or $5, just ask to see our Selz Royal Blue Shoes; the best shoes made for the" money. We satisfy lots of people with them. MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND ORE! ' A Boarding and Day School for Young Mea and boy Preparation for ' eet leges, u. 8. Military and Naval Academies. Aft er edited to Stanford. Berkeley, Cornell, Ara herst and all State Uni versities and Agrtoultural Colleges, Manual train Inc. Businesa eoura. The principal baa had 18 ' yearr experience la Port land. Comfortable quar tera Best environments. Make reservations now. For Illustrated eatka and other literature ad drM j. i. miuvi d.. MaolBal aa proprUeoa. USinESS COLLEGE. "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY TIUOXD BUXXBtBra. TTHTX AMT xomszsov. . a. p. AMMmoMa,jj.nxMcrrAx, Ours is a largo and growing Instltu- tloa Wo occupy two floors csxiot feet. and have a $20,000 equipment Reputa tion for thorough work brings more calls for help than wo can meet posi tion certain for each student when com petent All modern methods of book keeping taught Chartler is our short handeasy, rapid, legible. Students ad mitted at any time. Catalogue, businesa forms and penwork free. Call, phone or write today. a snw aBfe spaaw m, Tarw fa&s CORNER SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON STS. (Formerly at 149 Third Street) Best OAK SOLE LEATHER used in all our Shoes. POISON! A aotad doctor says t that wronf eyegluses ( are woim than poitoa O Correctly fitted eye f lawei are eye helpa THE JAS. I. MARSHALL MANUFACTURING CO. Show Cases, Cabinets, Store and Office Fixtures c Company Now Operating at Scotrs Mill is Malting Kapid Progress. At an annual meeting of stockholder of the Oregon Diamond Coal Mining & Development company yesterday In Its Offices In the Worcester building the reports showed that raold Droaress la I being made in the company's develop ment at Seotta Mills. It ia reported that the Oregon Electric Railway com pany will extend a branch line from Woodburn to Scotta Mills as soon as the amount of coal tonnage. The report .of General Manager H. . Staley of the coal company was to the effect that th slope baa reached a depth of 200 feet and la now close to a 10-inch vein of high-grade coal. Fur ther on the comnany expects to strike a five-foot vein of the same coal, which has been cut through by the drill the company has - been working on the around the last year. The treasurer' report showed the company's treaaury to be In good condition. . The stockholders1 elected the foUow Ing directors for the ensulns; year: L. C- Tobias. C - K. Lewthwaite, - Martin Mattaon, E. W. Keder, C. J. Hoy, p. J., Itlc Charles J. Barnard. The directors ! elected C. J. Sarnard prcsldeut and M. IMPORTANT The virtue of a pair of glasses does not consist so much In the lenses and frames used as In the proper pre scribing of them. : Glasses, not un like medicines, are valueless and often Injurious, unless the doctor who does the prescribing la compe tent and understands the needs of your special case. The thoroughness of our test detects all the defects of your vision, and In prescribing glasses for you we use the best of lense and style of frames most ..be coming to your features. , BAKER Optician SB. 8. S. MILLS, ASSXSTAJrr. lit SIXTH STKBET. Between Washington and Stark. . Diamond Douse Paint GUARANTEED " ' " r' I gaUon lota, S1.40 Pr gal. 1 gallon lota. S1.50 per gaL Manufactured by . ' PORTLAND SASH & DC 03 CO. S30 rroat St, Portland, Or. URANO CONCtRl Given by the , Spltzne r-Philharmon!c Society Sunday Afternoon, Pee. 89, ai4S AT THB SEIiaa THEATRE. . Orchestra of 80 Pieces.' Spltsner-Xonrad-Kugglns Trio, ''lolln Solos and Quart eta Prices f 5c, children 10c, box seats II." Seats for sale at Graves' muslo store, Waahlngton street. Work CtDei Store Tronts Changed, Bouses Remod eled. General Contracting, Flans Drawn. 989 Conch' Street. Phone Paciflo 8181. SEWING MACHINES $o5 ICLAY S. MORSE I srvTsg rnvHM ymiuiiii in The 0erln-- I ra kvr tifh and irtr e. Store Room for Rent COX. VXVTK AJTD PLAITDEBS. Apply Lace House Laundry . 86H ST. Tweatleth 8t Mattaon vice-president. C.- R. Lewth waite was elected secretary and C. A. Hoy treasurer. ' - , . The addition of "Messrs. ! Tobias and Rice, who reprettent large interests in the coal company, is' said to be an im portant move and strengthens the di rectory. Tua reports of the officers up To make room for carload of Sewing Machines I will sell 60 second-hand ma chines from J6 up. Drop heads. Whites, Singers. Wheeler A Wilsons, New Home, Standard, Davla and Do mestic. ' The White Sewing Machine Store UTS. 430 WASHrwaTOw ST., cox. BOTH PBOXXS. , II, D. JONES, PROP. -TO OAKS RINK General Skating This Morning, Afternoon, Xrs&lag. SXATB WITH . TXE : CX0WS8. Grand Masquerade TUESDAY, NIGHT NEW YEAR'S EVE. EXATB TUB OU TTAB OTTT. To Make A Lonf Tale Short . fk . ' Sole. 'SiEii nasi ? Eastern Shoe Repair Shop "T 3333 3A9 AMsr Street xiurru.. FURS FURS Remodeling a specialty. . Fine Furs at less than wholesale S. Schumacher 18S KASISOB ST.. KB AX BBXBGB. . "The Wckelodion Theatre" . Opposite Oregonian Bldg. . ----- TODAY The Most Beautiful of AU Hand-Colored ' ' ! Pictures, "THE PXABI, TISBXX." Don't miss It. Any seat Bo. Sewing Machines at Loiv Prices Fifty slightly damaged sewing ma chines, including Slnirera. ? Wheeler Wilson.' Domestics. Whites. Household. i Davis and others, for sale very cheap to maae room lor new siock. 838 Morrison,)' Marqnam BUjf. were received rwlth enthusiaam 1 "bv the stockholders in attendance, and nil are confident that their . coal development at Scotts MlUa wUl ultimately be a It ia said that In addition to Drosoecta of an electric railway a. survevirfor a railroad to Scotts Mills has rH-oii made bv Swift & Co.. who bAve lare liolJ inga of Unie at posits la the hilU. J r tuaao - a uvita - i S.S.SIGEI Webfoot Oil Blacking Stakes Shoes Waterproof - Presorvt Jieather Mot a Bhtae. AT AX. OEAX.SS, Mattresses nd Uphchtcrl-: Made Over and Made to O'der. ( f . Sewed and Laid. Phone Main.U;?. StaSSET ft UASST. 909 rotutU t. , OulbiaUl. V,, Promptly attended to !t spf j il city. I'oors and win ii , . i ..; hi 83 Spcocd, sear J.f.' Tu" je I