THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - SUNDAY ' MORNINtr, DECEMBER 1 10O7r TRAVELERS I FIS R lila Vinnectlon wltn the holidays and Said that the writ had been culled upon to mv the ef and at a time wlini the currency condition of this country were not exactly a tliey 'should be. "Oregon wit called upon to save tha aat at tola particular time and w answered to the call bravely," he aild. "And 1 also wlah to add with, empha sis, that Oregon was the first siais In the union to to bark to the gold Standard basis practically the same its waa in vogue previous to the curren;y famine through which we have Juvt panned.'' ( . Uovernor Chamberlain went on io prrdlct great things for the weat and Orron. "With tae crtmnletlnn of the Pana ma canal," he aald, "great factories will everywhere nnd eventually Of the Faclflo eoant and Ketf President of Protective . ... ... ,. . I the people of t ASSOClatlOn . VaS hleCted nVr statesxwlll be supplying the east 'I w" TTn i I tvirvn c-1 17 fl Arnpnnn I N uiiuuuuvuoij uuiuuwi i entitled AAA Pnrr.tnl fna Jn '" Pr. however, and If. AUUJ IU UUJlluiciUUt utu m. nraonicK, who baa sold GO Mil POOR (WEN with Mayor Lane waa down for a speech vervthlng." Portland, the Iloae City." Mr. Fund, of Yarns. hard wa re mplumenta nut In tlila country for moat nlKh 109 yei.rm responded to the toaat. Mr. Brannlrk was particularly complimentary to the people of Fort- land and the went in gnnrral. Portland, he aald. waa the aeoond larcest Imple ment shipping point In the United Blatee. - . . . . Oilier down on the progrnm for id dreaaea were aa follow: Kev, Jonan v ise. jrranK A. Hpenoer, Kev. A, A. Morrison, Judge T. O. Hnlloy, ' Dwlglit Edwards, Clyde B. Aitchlson and II, M. Governor Chamberlain Jollied tlio traveling men, looked optimistically In to tha future and aaw Indication of times when the weat would be support ing1 tha effete cast 'and complimented I Cake. v everyone In general, la a good naturod uurin thoarternoon session of the roaa rates, wnicn question nss on asi tatlng the mlnda of the members for nearly a year. Brown Told Bartnett It Was Time to Take Money Away From the Wage Earners When He Saw flick 3Ien "tere Onto His Curves. : (Meant ws by Loageit Leaeed Wire.) trUan Francisco, Dec. 18. "W must notr go after the wage-earner. All doubt as to the transgressions of tha persons responsible for the failure of the California Sa fa Deposit Trust! company la dismissed by Prosecutor Cook and District Attorney i Langdon in, tb discovery of this pitiful phrssa among official correspondence un- made' certain "dV'm.nV. upn the raTO from . .r.ulta of tha wreck! cteverai months ago the Traveling men i - I jiif liars m . , n.,M .v. .h- tha' officials for ratea. been evtmolled with, ami now tha trav-l . i i . . t - i pn Vrrm question up "wrole to W.Tt.r J Tiirtn.tT .hll. Aim. Mills riaher. Elected President Last Night, of "Traveling-, Mens' tectlre ABsoclauon. " . , addreaa before the Oregon and Waah ' lngton division of the Traveling Men's Protective sssoclatton of America at Its annual banquet at the Hotel Portland . last night "There was a time, some years ago," : said ths governor, "when the west de pended altogether, one might say, upon the effete east for Its support, liut such is not the altuntlon today. The : eaat now looks to the west, and with every assurance and as they should, for most of Its support. We will not dfs- appoint them. In time the great east : tnai you nave aiuneard so much about t win be dependlur; upon the weal Oregon for. Its support altogether.' Oregos. to tk Rescue. In Introducing the ajovemor, it. C. McAllister,- the tonatmaater and. rettr- .f Inr rtrjalffjftnt nf tha nulfltlnn vmsm i tloned the fact that It was Mr. Chani- I flne .location. 1 berlaln who had issued ths holiday proc with the state railroad commlaalona. with ths hop of a settlement in their isvor. . Tha traveling man tn now tihvln tin for mileage booka of 1,000 miles. The ranroada, under the present arrange- inms. reruna b.bu or inia amount after checklns un the acrlo. What tha aaaociatlon mem here dealre and which they ear they are e-.etermlned to secure Is a flat rats of IH cents a mile. The queatlon was left In the hands of a com mittee for further consideration. Another Interesting feature of the aft-ernoon-meetin waa the election of of ficers. With the exception of the elec tion of the president., secretary end treasurer, all the other candidates were unanimously elected. - For the secre taryship there waa auite a SDlrlted con test. J. C Olbson of Portland waa the vic tor for the secretary and treasurer of the association over two other rand I. dates. . They were E. Shelly Morgan and Jsmes P. Kennedy, both of Portland. L- O. Laktn. the retiring secretary, did nui enter m corneal. Willis Fisher of Portland was elected president of the aaaociatlon. Mr. Flatt er la one of the best-known travellnr Pro-1 Tnn ,1n the northwest and was elected a 1 vi oi J , ireae and penned It In a letter he Vice-presidents were chosen aa fol lows: C. D. Fraser. Portland; Charles L. Dick. Salem: Isadora Monhelmer, Se attle; Meyer Abrahams, Spokane, and George A. Peel. Portland. The board nf directors elected Is ss follows: H. M. Ogdn. H. C. McAllister,- J. A. Luckel. 8. C Pier, W. B Ulafke snd 11. p. Gaylord. Nearly 300 members attended the meeting. The association has a mem bcrsbip of 785 In the two states. latter waa In New York shortly before) the bsnk closed Its doors. I It - meant that Brown bad reached the conclusion to hasard the savings of , ine wane-earning community oi ean Francisco in one of bartnett'a paper corporations that had bsen avoided by nuarly every financier of prominence on the Pacific coaaL It meant. In other words, thst Brown was willing to lure the poor with a project that the trained caution of the rich had repudiated aa frensled and Impracticable. "The recovery of this correspondence Utterly disproves the claims jof Bart nett that he did not know 'What wa happening at the bank while he waa away In New York." aald Proaocu tor Cook tonight. "While Bartnett waa In New York he hardly let a day go by wunoui communicating witn Brown. Bartaett Blf SUok. The correanondence ahowa that Bartnett waa the big atlck of tha bank and that hardly any of tha trana- actlona which led to It failure could have been effected without hi knowl edge and consent. "The correspondence further proves thst Bartnett has been untruthful and waa a financier of the moat vindictive type. What It proves so far as Brown is concerned Is evident to sny one who takes the trouble to read a very amall portion of It." Prosecutor Cook recovered ths cor respondence when searching ths bsnk wiiii a ueiucuve. LAST CALL THIS YEAR! Big Piano Snaps If you select your piano before 10 o'clock Tues day, evening, we can save you nearly half the price of one. The finest assortment of high grade pianos and "Player Pianos" in the city. Can arrange terms of payment to suit; Hovenden-Soule Piano Co. Corner - Morrison and West Park Sts. New Town in Benton County. (8neetal DUntoh tn The Irnmil I Monroe, ur., uec. zs. it is repo that iw ttwn la ,A K ,t..t..i , upon- the west and miles north of here snd two mile south 1 The portion Of the correanondence ha consented to make nubile today relatea principally td the efforts made by Brown I oi end Bartnett to float stock of the San j tl POWERS TRIAL VEI Wi WEDNESDAY Fourth Trial of Man Ac cused of Killing Govern or Goebel Clqsin Iranclsco Bond & Mortgsge company while Bartnett was In New York. The corporation was planned on a basis that Would ret the charter atock. rted holders the most they could aerura four irom ine investments or other persons, (Ileant Ktws by Longeat Leaied Wire.) Georgetown, Ky., Dec. 21. The case of Caleb Powers, on trl for the fourth ms for complicity In the assassination of Governor William Goebel at Frank fort, January 0, 1900, will. If thera 1 no deviation In the present agreement for the argument of counsel, go to the wr TOMORROW -at the CLOTHING COMPANY i ' ' Corner Morrison and Second Streets - raws Trevor The monev realized foe tn atnek ,. iurv Wednesday afternoon at 6 o clock. of Bruce, on the banks of B!chanlon was sold was to be loaned out and se- It has been definitely agreed that the , tarnation several week ago through i which Oregon passed most successfully. In opening Governor Chamberlain ..spoke of the reference to himself and w 1sm APPIY AT ONCE Wt need helpand we need it quickly, Bank ers, brokers, doctors, lawyers, butchers, bakers, druggists, grocers, jewelers, plumbers, ; print- ers, painters, salesmen, clerks no matter what your occupation or profession, we need you and the proposition we have to offer will surely interest you. 1 j We want to make a clean sweep of 150 ; suit patterns regular $25 to. $28 values '. in cheviots, cassimeres, tweeds and Scotch effects -this season's most stylish -patterns the most desirable weights for pres ent wear, and to set a new tailoring rec ord in this town, we shall offer these $25.00 to $28.09 Values ' ' Slade-lo-Rleasarc : FOR .$22.50 : And as ah extraordinary "inducement we" ' will include An Exira Pair oi Trousers FREE WITH J VERY ORDER This is too good to-overlook and it won't be overlooked so you'll have to come "on the ' -run" if you do not want to miss it. Come, to morrow: . speeches are to occupy an aggregate oi 18 hours, nine hours to each side. The first two hours of this morning's session was taken up with the reading by. official court stenographer Clarence E. Walker of certain portlona of the' records of previous trials, through which It was shown that there exists tered in the course of the tatter's ree-u- I material discrepancies in tha testimony lar business. of some wltneases, particularly ss con- Wlth his characteristic opulency of I cerns the actions and statements of financial imaginings, Bartnett planned ) Henry Youtsey before the day of tha to rloat the stock of the cornoration : shooting. originally among the foremost moneyed Through this the corrmonweaith was lake. A sawmill and other enternrlnea cured by bonds and mgrtnm nn r..i are being; planned. This Is on the line estate, yearly dividends to be declared of the railway that Is being built south on the profits. from CorvRllia. The chosen site Is a, Bartnett honed 'by this nlan to run a1 sort of second bank' in conjunction with the California Safe Deposit & Trust SecretArv at the Trmir fiAnr n 'company, aecurlnff better olasa of mort- Cortelyou has leen Invited to apeak at aKes ano: loans than might be encoun me annual dinner or tne Atlanta Cham' ber of commerce next month. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS CRAVENETTES mm n At prices that will jforce you to buy here. $25 Vals- Now $20 Vals. Now $1 6.70 $1 3.95 $15 Vals. Now $10 Vals.' NOW...A $9.70 $6.35 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY "Men's Trousers Regular $4,. $4.50 and $5 Values 3o30 interests of the jComsL Writing to Brown from the Waldorf Astoria on May 28 last. Bartnett sent from New York a long list of magnates whom he thought could be Induced to buy stock of the bond and mortgage company. He declared that an effort should be made at first to secure only fja.uuu ana fiu,uvv suoscnpiions. enabled to further suoport its claims that prior to the conviction and subse quent confession of Henry A. Youtsey ' part of Caleb Powers and others alleged I to have been Implicated with him to ! protect Youtsey. The testimony showed i that Powers at his firs trial said that he had no meeting with Youtsey and Amonar the nrrmna nt thla ilnu nn I that he hadiever h whom Bartnett figured In and around San Francisco, whom-Bartnett thought could be ' induced - to subscribe, were United 'States Senator Perkins, Mrs. L. P. Drexler, W. H. Crocker, J. Downey Harvey, William Dingee, the heads of the Martin and De Sabla Interests and President Patrick Calhoun of the United Railroads. Bartnett also had his eye one the millions of John O. Rockefeller and strongly advised Brown to try and have 1 the btanaara uu interests in ean Fran cisco identified with the new corpora tion. Brown's reference to the wage-earn er was made in a letter he sent to Bartnett on September- 5. He then wrote: "I note what you state with refer ence to the money conditions in New York and we can only wait for the ar rival of the- propitious hour to obtain the required assistance for the bond and mortgage company. We are con stantly advertising the features of the business and have interested several officers of the building trades council who are now preparing to make an active campaign among the labor bod ies with tho expectation of bringing in a considerable amount or subscrip tions. Of course they will be paid in i installments unu n may uine noma years berore tney are paid in run However, if we can issue, say 8,000 shares of our stock In this way payable In installments of $1 or i a month It will immediately bring money Into tne company Tor loaning purposes, we have exhausted ourselves in the mean time In attempting" to get in large in terests here and feel now that- our only hope in obtaining- subscriptions at all Is to go after, the wage-earner." Il r.TlATr 1 -XTTH In TT-VXI TCI - OX UlVAiN XJ Ji-Ul I Uli 10 OPPOSED TO THE LID II w (Special DlMwtes . to Tha Joornan I Spokane, Wash., Dec, 28. Mayor i Moore in a written statement today de- a1. ma .4 Kim., f urithmt. aniiiviuifltlnni .ft be strongly opposed to the Sunday cios- j vast quantity of commissary uPPeaj eard Youtsey make threats against anybody. Likewise it ! waa made clear that numerous others who at this trial had given testimony In supnort of the outline oi the defense that Henry Youtsey was alone respon sible for the killing of Qoebel, had said nothing 'about him at previous trials. Following this the defense moved to ex clude from the consideration of the Jury all testimony bearing on the bring ing of tha mountaineers to Frankfort, whlcn was overruled. When Judge Morris read his instruc tions an adjournment was taken until Mondav morning at 9 o'clock. WAR SCARE NOT VERYJpil San Francisco Unduly Ex cited Over Shipment of Ammunition. Men's Fancy Ribbed Underwear Goipamy CAPITAL STOCK ....S1.O0O.O00 TREASURY STOCK ... . 400.0O0 Incorporated tinder tha laws of the But of Oregon, with Its Prin cipal office at Portland. Or. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PRESIDENT. IR. A. Proudfoot ...Portland. Oregon VICE-PRESIDENT. IB. O. Cooper Portland, Oregon SECRETARY. Ij. O. Nichols Portland, Oregon TREASURER AND MANAGER. I William Trevor ...Portland, Oregon IC J. Dlppert .....Portland, Oregon Karl LIbey ........Portland, Oregon I J. L. Mitchell .....Portland, Oregon OFFICE: 604-5 Couch Bldg. Claims and Development Work Wc bought all the mill had of this number, so we can give you the best bargain in under wear we have ever offered. Regular $1.25 per garment, now 76c Men's Stiff Bosom Shirts $1 15 With cuffs attached. .Regular $1.50 values, now ..... (Bcmt News by LoDfwt Letwd Wire.) San Francisco) Dec. 28. A local news paper tomorrow will say: "With more han ordinary secretiveness, and In spite Of denials of army and other officials that the shipments amount to anything worth noting, the largest consignment of war material ever sent to the Philip pines in two vessels is assembled on tha transport dock at the root or oisom street, and on pier 42,'at the foot of Second street, ready for transportation to Manila the coming week. "The greater part of the material. Amounting to-2,000 tons snd including 240.000 rounds of cartridges and a lng movement. His statement is his nouers, wajrons ana tuner ireigni. is i : answer iu a liemiun Biirnou oy rjuniueea . AT. I men and firms a week ago asking him .mal1, steamer China, sailing next I to slack up In enforcing the law. . Tuesday afternoon. The remainder of r IWIIWIIIBIIW HiBl I B I.MWI II 11.11 ! .IHMM HIM I. 11 l . HIW W 111 I HT1 IT1 TT 1 w..- - - . -L- - . -- .- .. - i . ' I IP ifi r I - ii " ii ii i. 'f iff'' a: I 5 . ii The Gold Ridge Oroup. consisting of five claims of 20 acres each, is located on uoid Kiuge, and lies be tween the 'famous- Briggs Mine and the Tobacco Group (from which much $1,000 ore has been taken) in Josephine county. , Oregon, and near the California line. The names of the claims In this group are: Boundary, Argle, Slide Gulch Num ber One. Slide Gulch Number Two and Tannan Peak. . The Boundary claim adjoins the Pay Streak and Wounded Buck claims, from which claims the Briggs boys have extracted many thousands of dollars . and made tha district known all over the world. On this I claim has been driven a tannel about 14 feet, exposing a full face of ore: which runs from 4 to $ per ton In gold. . "j ' The Argle. claim, adjoins the Boun I dary on the east. On this claim we have run a tunnel 60 feet, with ledsre exposed tne run jengtn of the tun nel from C inches to 2 feet, with gold values from 14.05 tn 16.88 per ton, with small silver values. Three as says from thla ledge shows the fol lowing gold values: $4.95, $7.44, $888.93 and $2.11 in silver. , , , Slide Gulch - Numbers t'Ona and Two claims adjoin the Boundary and Argle claims on the north. These claims are covered with fine minlne timber: the only work-done on these claims is the location ; work. This work on Slide" Gulch Number ni shows a ledge of about 4 feet wide with gold values of about $3 per ton. The work on Slide Gulch Num. ber Two waa all done in what ap pears to be a large -body of xxydlzed lores. .a The company Is ' havlnar nlnn i drawn lor a aismp mill wnicn will I be installed on the DroDortv as soon Upon the placer DroneHv of thl I near the quarts claim of the com pany, there has bnen Installed a five ton derrick, and we have winter nun- piles for work which will be con tinued throughout the entire .winter. Across the line Into California, and on 'the opposite side or the Briggs Mine, the company owns four I claims which . are named: Golden Gate. Mt. View. California , Placer land Siskiyou. On ' the Golden Gate claim there I are two open cuts and the ledce as i exposed in tnese open cuts is from s inches to so inches in width, and the assays show virlues of about tsu per' ton In gold and sliver. . Out of this ledge a small pocket of $640 of tree gold was tasen. . . On the Mountain View claim three I ledges are exposed; one of these ha been opened about 40 feet with full race or auariz irom iu to s tr- wide and runs in fuse milling gold from $8 to $12 per ton. . , W have purchased 40 acres nf copper ground in the heart of the Seven Devils' Copper district, with copper, gold and silver values from $15 to $40 ser ton. 25.000 shares of fully vatd-im and I non-assessable stock will be sold at 1 10 cents a share, and after that i sold the stock will be advanced. The -mayor's communication Is ad dressed to President Goodall of the chamber of commerce, and others, who were the Detltloners. The mayor says the law is "non-enforceable because it is contrary to tire habits 'and temper of the community," and therefore the tha mntprlnl alreadv assembled consist ing of 7,500 new Springfield rifles and much equipment for submarine mines, as well as a full cargo of general war supplies, will fill the hold of the trans port Sherman,- to djepart tar Manila on . January 9. iinhiApiiiim. r!ii nt ion t.i "ina snipmesii is only pari OI l"W -Intolerant or Vabld nforcement." He J1,8 n1 '"?nlU?nw""!'aiiy," claims conviction cannot be obtained, '"'hm"8 tinppSJnnt t? .i - i : throuch San Francisco. Constant sup- '.ruZ,: U-.l-wS Plies, of ammunition ar needed by. ths s-ood. bad and thinks It should be rcDealed. The mayor will, however, cresent the petition to the council "for .ts careful THAW'S WIFE IS H . VERY P00IJ HEALTH L x EBS BLD'G 7(h and O'cs STARK OR ANT PHEQUEYManacr v (United I' Lrnd Wlr.) New York, Dec. 28.- Evelyn Nesblt Thaw still is quite ill and there is 1 prospect that the new witness for the 1 district atorjiey at the trial January : ( has not had a IK tie to do with nre- venting her from recovering her health. She has become very nervous and the smallest things seem to annoy her. Mrs. -Thaw is practically nervous wreck. This matter of the testimony of 1 Miss Slmonton is believed . to ' have hcaused her a great deal of worry. Bhe 1 nas oeen 111 auntie tne rail-ana .winter so much -that " she. missed manyt visits -Southern " Democrats i will have .'.no presidential candidate to'nrooose at the nationRl convention, according A Gov- Constant sup- f lies or ammunition are neeaea oy a rooDS there. The shipment is not at all out of the ordinary," " M0T0R3UN INDICTED . FOR CAUSING WRECK (Tlnltnf Prcw - Leaned Wire.) Tndlananolls. Ind. Dec. 28; Augustus Batterall, a motorman of an Indianapo lis and Cincinnati Traction company car, recently ; wrecked at Acton, Indiana, causing the death of Donald Sleetb, has beeri Indicted by the grand Jury for manslaughter, and placed under bond. , It is claimed 'that he disregarded a -signal" and allowed the car to rush into . an open awucn. - ' BB CXCASXTABXJS. , to your horses as wall as to yourself. You need not suffer rrom pains of any sort your, horses need net suffer. Try a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It cures all Daina. J. M. Roberts. Dal- ersfleld. Mo., writes: "I have used your i unimem iot ten years ana rina it t . be the best I have ever used for man I or baast Bold by ail druggists, 1 This Solid Oak Mission Rocker I Finished in weathered, has genuine Spanish leather seat and back, a regular $9.S0 value. . . , ; This Week $495 We have many other styles of Mission Rockers at equally low prices. Our, store is full, of good bargains. You will be surprised how much lower our prices are than : those of the other stores, OURS IS THE DIFFERENT STORE; THE ONLY REAL INDEPENDENT STORE; ALWAYS REASONABLE AND RE LIABLE. : Our regular, prices will at any time put the so-called one half price sales, clearance sales,, or January sale prices of the other stores to shame. COME IN AND CONVINCE YOURSELF, It costi you nothing to investigate and will save you many dollars. You need not buy unless you are thoroughly satisfied that you are being treated right. We have everything to furnish your nome complete, whether it be a. modest cottage or a mansion, and guar antee to you a saving of at least 30 fer cent. , . - , ' 4 . ? L. - . INDEPENDENT FURNITURE CO. Green Front. " Building COMPLETE HCU5EFURMSS1LRS -104-106 First Street CASH OR CREDIT Between Washington and Stark revor Coripuiv Phones Main 1791, A-19!T. Call William VreTOt or Z. It. XSteder, s - , Attorney. The Trevor f,!in?nj Co.: Have Contb!! Yori:cdTI:cIrrfc;:;I'! Since J