The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 29, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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1 V2
On the Answer to This Pcttf
: bone's Fate May Turn
, Effort to Show Orchard
it Greater Liar Than . Mur
derer Wilson Falls HI.
r (Colted Pr td Wire.)
' Boise, Idaho, Deo. ft. -It required ths
' entire time of both the morning and
afternoon sessions of. the rsttlbone trial
today to conclude the reading of depo-
, el Hons of San Frenclecd witnesses on
tha axrloilon At the.reeldsnce of Fred
Bradley. Thsse depoaltlona wera taken
, at San Francisco during tba Haywood
trial and were admitted la arldanca In
the Peftlbone esse bjr stipulation.
. rh taatimanr In tha depositions
ton dod to support tha theory of tha de
i aoaa that It was a leakage of gas and
hot tha placing of a bomb by Harry
Orchard that caused tha explosion. Tha
defense la endeavoring to make thl
. fnarura of tha testimony ona of It
stronaeat solnta In tha discrediting of
Orchard's story.
Burden jrow on Jfugeat,
Next week tha defense will add evi
dence aa to tbraata whlcn orcnara is
alleged to have mads againet tba Ufa
?f tUeunenberg. and tba man impll
atad by Orchard in his numerous
crimes will ba placed upon tha stand
ta deny their alleged participation. All
f neit week and probably a portion of
the week following will ba occupied in
this testimony.
Moyer, Pettibona and Haywood will
then teatlfy, concluding' tha case of tba
defense. .
Edgar Wllaon, who ranked next to
Clarence Darrow In tha counsel for ths
detenus, and was left In charge of the
rase when Darrow left for Los Angelea
veaterday, is seriously ill and may not
be able to participate actively in tha
trial In future. - .
..John T. Nugent Is now In charge and
is assisted by Judge K. I. Perky, of
Boise, and Peter Breen, of Butte, and
lon Whitseli. of Wallace. If Wilson s
illness continues the closing arguments
Will ba made by Nugent and Perky. '
i tiers 'Adams at Boise.
' Eteve Adams, ' who was twice triad
- In North Idaho for tba murder of Frad
, Tyler, the Jury disagreeing each time,!
was brought to Boise tonight on bis
wsy to Tellurlde, Colorado, where he
will be tried on the charge of killing
Arthur Collins. He .was met nera py
lils wife, who was subpoenaed as a
witness in tha Pettibona trial.
Tool of Landgrabbcrs Es
capes From Mukden, but
Is Recaptured Portland
Detective Will Fetch Him
to Oregon.
Physician ' Commits Suicide
Rather Than Go to JaU
fbrllisuse of Mails. .
(Hearst News by longest leased Wire.)
.Omaha, Neb, Deo. tl. A speolal to
night from Sioux Falls, South Dakota,
As tha result of being run to earth
In this city, after being; a fugitive from
the United States authorities of tha
southern district of Iowa since last Feb
ruary. Dr. C. C. J. Wachendorf, prac
ticing physician in this city, today shot
snd killed himself within a few minutes
after being notified that he was under
arrest on the Charge of violating ths
postal regulations, , . ..
Wachendorf had been a resident of
Ktoux Falls since the latter part of Sep
tember. The arrest was made by Dep
uty United States Marshals Carlton
and Lfttnb of this city. They proceed
ed to the office of the pbysiclan in the
business district When he appeared at
the door in answer to a summons of
' the officers, he bad only a portion of
)iis clothing on. When informed of the
nature of their errand, he glanced at
the warrant for his arrest and then'
left the deputies in the reception room
and went to sn Inner room, off which
was a jea room, giving . the two aep.
titles to understand he would accom
pany them in a few minutes, or as soon
as he could dress. . ... , . .
Going directly to tha bed room, ha
attemDted to shoot himself throush the
beart with a 88-callbre revolver but
-missing hisjRlra he fired a second shot
Into his head, penetrating .the brain
and eaustns instant death. ,
Tha particular charge upon which be
, was arrested waa the sending last Feb
- ruary from the postoffice at Lldder
i ale, Iowa, of a threatening letter to
Henry Quodle to Omaha. In the letter
tie c nar rea uuoaie witn naving assault
d his (the physician's) wife and
demanded a sum of money In satisfac
tion, threatening that if it was not paid
wouia aiu uia umu man. ,,
The recspture of Horace O. McKlnlay,
notorious througbout tha United Btates
as ons of the leading spirits in the far
reaching land-fraud operations of Ore
gon, recalls the flight and escape of
the fusltlve from ths United States
and the long-oontlsued efforts of United
States District Attorney Bristol and his
assistant, James Cole, to bring the man
back to serve out bis sentence.
McKlnley was convicted of conaplr.
acy to rob tha government of lands el
the same time wai a. a. u, x umr m.
bis fate, and In order to secure their
evidence in the case against Senator
Mitchell the defendanta were allowed
to go under auapended aehtencea and
bonds until such time as Mr. lleney had
secured from them the testimony de
sired. McKlnley did appear before the
federal grand Jury, and it waa upon his
testimony In part that ths indictments
were returned against Senator Mitchell
snd others.- . ... .
McKlnley eluded the vigilance of
Heney and bis sleuth, Burns, however,
and, after roaming at will throughout
tha United 8 la leu. at laat escsped in
company with the notorious dancer,
"Little Egypt." leaving hla wife. Marl
Ware McKlnley.. in Ban Francisco.
In March. 0, District Attorney
Brlatol began efforts to secure tha ex
tradition of McKlnley from his placs of
refuge in Chins, and took the question
up with the department of Justice at
Washington. After long negotiations
the department informed Bristol tbst
McKlnley would be sent for, provided
Bristol would send the evidence of his
crime and conviction to the department
of state. '
This information was prepared and
sent, and in September lsst the depart
ment of stste telegraphed to Portland
ssklng Bristol If a man could be sent to
China after the prisoner. Deputy Mar.
shal Kerrigan was selected to make the
triD and started. In the meantime ths
department of stats caused the arrest
01 McKlnley on csoiea instructions, dui
he bribed the Chlneso Jailers and made
bis escape to Harbin, at which place ha
pas just Dean rearrested.
Kerrlsan is now In China waiting to
bring his msn back to Oregon. As soon
as he is brought to Portland be will be
given the sentence now banging over
him and will begin its service. It Is
probable that he will enter The Jail
about the time that 8. A. D. Puter, his
accomplice, leaves vpon the completion
of his sentence. '
According to the dispatch received
here yesterday. McKlnley wss captured
by Chlneae and American officials. Al
though tha cablegram came from Peking,
McKlnley was captured at Harbin by
the authorities, from Mukden, whencs
McKlnley recently escapeo.
Succeeds Cake as Head of Re
publican County Commit
tee County Convention
Idea Smiled at but Not
' ' ' rrnlttd Press Leased Wlral
Cleveland. Ohio.- Dec. 21. Secretary
William H. Taft will be the chief speak
er at tha McKlnley day banquet of the
uypotnetae ciud nere January s. The
Invitation to Secretary Taft was cabled
to him while he was abroad. The ban
quet will be preceded by a reception to
IOI visitor..:' .,..:;': :'.,:t ; -r-'- ,., ;.
O'Ronrke Dead.
" (Hearst Kews br Loss eat Leassd Wire.)
New York, Dee. J8. Eugene . F.
O liourke. - well-known to every Euro
?ean printer In the United States, died
oday after a lingering Illness. , Mr,
UKourte was about 5 years or age.
He wss a delegate from the American
Federation of -Labor ta the British
trades union congress, and a member of
me ac legates- association.
A Tired Stomach
Docs not get much good
for you out of what you
iztft for it does not. digest
cuch It is wcstefnl; 7 It
feeb sere end lasio end is
cz&y distressed end often
irpset by food. The best
treatment is a course of
ivMch is positively ime
r:dl2d fcr ell stomach
4 V MavJ. .. .,- - . . . .
Tor test'monlils of remarkable cures
I ifw took on Iysppski, No. 3. '
t . C L Hood Co., Lowell, llesi.
Bean Eaters Threaten to Ar
rest Anyone Selling El-
v eanor Glyn's Book. ;
) (bolted Press VttMti Wire.)
Boston, Dec. J8. Because a friend of
Rev. Charles F. Page, assistant pastor
of Dudley-Street Baptist church, Rox
bury, read It and waa offended, tbe sale
f Eleanor Olm'a latest novel, "Three
Weeks." which - caused such a stir In
New York City, has been suppressed In
Ths young man was so "shocked" at
the book that he immediately told Mr.
Page, who. in turn, notified sn agent
of the Mew England Watch and Ward
society. The society caused the sale to
be stopped.
"If the New Tork societies for ths
suppression of vies were as activs as
we have been in this matter, the firm
which published the book would have
tnten in court long ago, saia secretary
Davis of ths society "This novel is
filthy. It Is not fit for sny one to
read. I read it; yes, and then took it
to Judge Wentworth. He decided that
the -book tended to corrupt morals and
said 'he would Issue warrants against
any one selling u.
Four shots sounded out on the 4
stillness of the night And the e)
4 burglar got away safe and 4
4 sound. At least he wasn't seen
d to limp. ,
It all occurred near the cor- 4
e ner of Fifth and Jackson streets e)
4 . last night when a lone man was
seen to be shadowing the home 4
of H. C. Proudfoot, 449 Fifth 4
4 street. Tha same man, sup- 4
4 posedly, was seen In the neigh- 4
4 borbood Friday evening. 4
4 ; R. A. Proudfoot and Arthur 4
4 C. Lawson, both of whom room 4
4 t Hi Fifth street, were watch- 4
4 ing for tha supposed : burglar 4
4 and when he appeared be was 4
4 met with four flashes from a 4
4 . revolver. . Ths unknown, natur- 4
4 ally, ran. : It is said that he 4
4 mads mighty good time and was 4
still going at last accounts. 4
The unknown and uninjured 4
is described as being ' smooth 4
shaven, of medium weight and 4
about I feet 18 Inches In height' 4
The Republican county committee, ss-
sembled in the Selllrig-Hlrsch building
ast night, carried out the program ar
ranged for it by the election of C M.
Idleman as chairman to succeed W. M.
Cake. The commutes also selected J.
Frank' Blnnott to nil the office of vice
chairman, created under new by-laws,
the election In each case being by" acclamation.
Tha committee alao took a glancing,
ndirect ahot In the direction of favor
ing the county convention Idea. - tt'hle,
action took ths form of indorsing the
resolutions nsssed by ths Union Iteoub-
llcan club and favored by the Boll wood
and Brooklyn clubs, recommending the
forming of voluntary organisations in
precincts throughout the county and ths
holding of a "county convention of rep
resentatives." It was explained that
the committee desires to hear from ths
votsrs through these precinct clubs and '
then give heed to the "voice of the
partjT If the clubs favor the county
convention method.
Olldes Slfbt Za. I
Ths -oath for ths naasase of Mr. Idle-
man to the office of chairman had been
nicely smoothed before ths meeting, and
the only ripple along Its course wss a'
motion by one of the unsophisticated
members to continue Mr. Caks in ths
office until the prlmsries are ovsr snd
ths regular campaign Degins. mis mo
tion wss tsbled. As Mr. Idleman was
not a member of the committee when
lsst night's meeting began, the firat
formality was bis srpointment from his
home precinct to All a vacancy, this
being done on the recommendation of
Mr. Caks.
This accomplished. Chairman Caks In
nocently suggested that, Mr. idleman be
called up on the teiepnone ana nounea
that he had been elected, and that his
f re Hence was deelred. Tbe member ae
ected for. the telephone duty, also in in
nocent tone, said Mr. Idleman promised
to come a a aoon as he could put on his
shoes, probably no one suspected Mr.
Idleman of intending to go 10 bed Just
at that time, however,
. ' Cake Za Vol Cat.
Idleman arrived as the resignation of
Caks was being read, and was received
with a round of applauss... Mr.. Cake's
letter offered the promised explanation,
beginning with the dictum that "a man
aging organisation or committee baa no
business to aid or obstruct or be Inter
ested In the campaign of any candidate
for nomination for any office at , the
primaries," . and declaring that , in his
own case he 'is much lntsrssted in a
possible candidate for the nomination
for the eatlce of United States senator
at the coming primary election."
Tbe name of his brother, U. M. Cake,
was not mentioned, and tbe matter of
his candidacy - was left a matter of
doubt The chairman concluded his let
ter with the expression of thanks to his
coworkers on the committee nd a call
for harmonious action.
After yielding the chair to Mr. Idle
man, who had been placed in nomina
tion by W. H. Galvani, the retiring
chairman made a few remarks deploring
fsctlonalism and asserting that a large
part of the trouble in the Republican
party arises through dissensions stirred
up by the Democrats. He wanted to
5lve .a parting word of warning In that
irectlon, b said.
Oratory Tuned Iboos.
Mr. Idleman turned loose a small
avalanchs of oratory, exhorting the
committee to work as a unit to assert
Itself as the governing body of the
party. Ue said the Republican party
has gone wrong in allowing the elec
tion of Democrats to important offices.
and It has been punished, for Its dere
liction. ' ' - '
The resignations of the members of
the executive committee were tendered
and accepted, and Mr. Idleman said hs
would deliberate a few days before an-!
nounclng the members of his cabinet
The election of a treasurer was re-1
f erred to the new executive committee, I
after several of the members had de
clared in favor of electing on the In
stant and after two nominations actu
ally had been -made. 4. a. tiertcnem,
the secretary, holds over. Several va
cancies of precinct committeemen were
Drys Saying Nothing, and
Wets Hare Nothing to
Say, Out Loud.
. Havt you ever thought' of the convenience of trading at one ator and
Gtting everything you required at rcaaonabla prices, where you could
v it put on your account and delivered at your convenience? This ia
such a atora. You can get your carpets, furniture, crockery, silverware,
lact curtaina, range or heating atove; in fact, every article that goea to
tha complete furnishing of home. If you once try tha easy payment
plan which we offer in connection with our extremely low prices, wa are
certain that you will become one of our regular cuitomera.
Challenge Sale , .
of Leather Chairs
and Rockers
No.. 147 Leather seat and
beck, oak frame, reduced
from $26.09 to . ...S1S.OO
No. 601 Leather Rocker, pol
lahed oak frame, reduced
from 117.60 to ,18,75
No. 110 Leather Chair, golden
oak frame, hand a am e 1 y
carved, red need from 131 00
to f ,,. . .92-aOQ
No. 40 Leather Rocker, Imi
tation mahogany frame, pol
ished, reduced from IS. OA
to 1 26.00
No. 156 Overstuffed Leathsr
Turkish Chair, rsduced from
148.00 to S34.00
No. JlOHOverstuffeoTLeath
er Turkish Kocksr, reduced
from $2.60 to S42.0O
gvfe.': Gas AUachmcnls
Challenge Sale of
Brass Beds
range, but adssjted in such a manner
as to give the perfectly compact ap
pearance of having been bolted together.
The body Is of Wells ville polished steel.
The' top frame, oven door, - frame te
oven, lower broiler doer and frame, and
the upper broiler door and frame are
of malleable Iron. The burners csn be
easily removed for cleaning or repairs
without tools. ' Two light strong oven rseks are furnished with each res
ovsn. The guides are close together and permit racks to be drawn out with
out dropping. Price of this range connected for hot water and gas ,...flS5
m orm i3o ro amt kovabcx acAxxsuezja mAvaa.
. Evsn though It has been used for 10 years. This Is a better guarantee
than you can get with any other range. This is a better guarantee than any
other dealer can afford to give. The reason that we can give such a guar,
antee is that it will stand tha tsst of tlms snd nvsr crack or break in any
part Come la and examine the Monarch Ranges or writs for a frsa booklet
describing them. $1 down and 1 a week will put a Monarch la yonr home.
Monarch Saagee are sold as low as S57.00.
The msnufscturera of the Monarch Mal
leable Range are a moat progressive . .
and enterprising firm. They continually
add to their line Improvements that tbe
trade requires. We see other lines of '
ranges which are the same now aa tbsy
were 10 years sgo- Not a month passes t
but ths Monarch people make some In. , No. 410 Vollshsd Ttraas Red, IH-lncl)
novation In range construction. The nost. similar to the. clctura. reduced
latest addition to the Monarch line Is - from IJ7.&0 to , 925.00
in me way or gas aincnmmw wnicn i No. 1010 Similar to . me . anove, only
fit on to the Monarch Ranges. . The gae aauara corners, reduced from 131.00
section Is bnllt lodepsndent of the coal 23.00
d with
No. Bit Satin Finish Brass Red
114 -Inch nosL reduced . from 110 00
to , ...34.00
No. Hi Pollahed Rrsas Red. 2-lnrh
posts, reduced from ttl.OO to 3T,50
. No. 6t( Hollshsd Brans Red. t-lnrh
posts, reduced from $57. 60 to $3T,T5 1
No. til Satin Flnlah Rraas Bsl, I-in h
posts, reduced from tit to 4-1,50
No. 684 Brass Napoleon Bod, polished.
reduced from 17160 to 49.00
: . ...
- United Press Leiued Wire.)
Chics rtr.'Dec. IS. Th fnlim nnu tiiat
Richard Mansfield wore in "Cyrano de
Bergerac," could not hold a candle to
iua nasiii appenaage captured by tha po-
" . Mullein, wucn mey arrestea ;a
ward Stewart, 25 years old, on th
charge of pocketpicklng, In the last
two weeks.
rewaxlrWJi" n hK Pnssengsr on
West Madison ntrfmt ,sa r mm h. mMA
his hand into the Docket of another pas
senger. iThe first man grabbed blm
and when four other men in the car
discovered they had lost thair purses
they came near mobbing him. In the
melee Stewart's nose was knocked off.
The tinted glasses he wore also became
dtsarrsnaed. The nolle a&v ha.
eluding pursuit by removing these
marks of distinction immediately after
conjpleting each of his Jobs.
(Special Piipatch to Tba Joornal.)
Forest Grove, Or., Dec. 28. For the
first time In the history of Forest
Grove, has absolute quiet reigned
among the "wets" and the "drys" at ths
relative tlms before the municipal elec-
It Is only a little over two weeks to
January 1 J, when the election takes
place, and not even a whisper has been
soundsd In public as to prospective can
Heretofore the "wets" and "drys"
have been strons- in defense of their re
spective contingent Ions; before Christ
mas, and spirited discussion has bsen
exchanged through the local press.
Last year Judge William Langley
and Recorder Hoge unsheathed their
swords early ifi the game and went
forth to a literary battle that waxed
hot and long for and against the liquor
traffic. They had their many follow
ers, and tbe town was divided.
Forest urove is tne nome or raciric
university. The faculty and friends of
this institution have always been foot
on the trail of anyone that had the
boldness to suggest boose, and hays
fought at the -oils accordingly.
This tense silence on both sides is
due to ihe fact that last January the
"wets" won out by placing in office a
mayor and three councumen, wno nave,
' CF --hyd: Wtrkk
l I ii'ii i:m it !:.n run aiiin m ft:-- " ;.-n
3V i iik -1 u ; i i' ii i ,i m mi -v ii k ' ' iv"-- . n
i '.,..., eaj
Go-Cart Prices
No. 1 Folding Oo-Cart, with steel
wheels 1.69
No. t Folding 3o-Cart with rub-
bsr-tire wheels, adjustable foot
and back 3.49
No. 1 Sleeper Go-Cart with rub.
ber-tlre wheels and springs and
reed back and foot . . , . 3,99
Jrarasols fof any" of the above TSe
No. 4 Collapsible Oo-Cart s fold up
perfectly flat, so they can be
packed in a trunk, ths III kind.
reduced to 7.50
Kooda for the aane. txas.
Saeens Reduced
No. Ill Three Pan
els, golden oak frame,
plain creton filled,
$1.60 value for...95a.
No. Ill Heavy Screene,
, weathered oak frame, ,
' ' plain saUn filling, value for f 2.28
No. ISO Four Panels,
'heavy weathered
frame, double burlsp
filling, duplex hinges,'
regular. 112.00 value, .
now 8.00
Closing Out ;
Office De3ks
We Intend to ssll out all" our of
flee desks at Just sbout .cost to
make room for other lines. No bet
ter . opportunity was1 ever offered In
this city to get a fine desk at a low
price.: . , ; ,
No. 0141 Solid osk polished.'' flat
" top pesk. I0x4 I Sets of drawere,
. regular price 128.00, now 17:50
No. ' Oil I Flat ' top, qua'rter-sawsd
yt . r 1 iesK, siss szsos, regular price
InirtY KOCkerS No. t Plsln empire style.. . 111.10. for- .-,..... 24.00
" --- - w-- - -r v wss i i w vsjai g viriuy . rom wk
Ocan-Dp Sale of
in this
department are
marked down
to less than the
cost price v
17x15. two tiers of drawers- and
one large center . drawer, reduced
from 136.00 to 29.75
?I0 Nsooleon. birdsevs "
maple, golden oak or mahog-' r.W:??.?
140.00 vaiua reoucea "wr" 7 i
to".....,.. .......29.00
No.1 715 High Wooden Bed.
finest quarter sawsd and
fnilshed oak. reduced from
11 to 25.00
with pigeon holes, paneled aides
and back, 161 value, for 39.90
No. T14 Oaki roll top, typewriter
ueaa. quarter-sawed writing nsa,
double pedestal, rsgular . 146. 00
value, for ,...,.....,... 34.50
This Is a nickel
whue .hade and c aU-wool Remnants, yard..BSf
round Roches. 50c cotton Carpet, yard '
t Tfiet
ter 'burner. The SSc Kihrrt f!arnet. vard
most ecMiomi. $L25 velvet. 28 yards at
satisfactory. $1.90 Body Brussels, 3 pat, f 1.25
'Brussels Remnant Ruga 50e
Brussels Pattern Rugs....... $1.25
9x12 Scotch B. B. Rum.... 12.00
9x12 Tap, Brussels Rug$..,. 12.50
9x12 Axminster Ruga f 23,00 spruce.
Folding Ironing Board
- As shown, 61 Inches by 14 Inches
by St Inches high. Made or light
Detective and Woman As
sert That Dead Woman
Was Agnes OTCeefe.
. United Press teased Wire.)
Harrison, N. J., pec. II. Tha corpse
of the handsome woman found Thurs
day morning, half submerged in m pool
in the outskirts of Harrison, waa twice
lden tilled today, ' u '
: Detective Drabell of Orange, and Mrs,
Margaret Wright of Montclalr, say there
Is no doubt they know the woman. Dra-
Deii aeciarea sne was Agnss u'&eere,
a maid employed in Orange. To Mrs.
Wrtaht. who runs an emtloyment
agency, she Introduced herself as Annie
If anything, tightened and sat down ovens of Brooklyn, New York.
nnAn tlntt.iiA
The blind " nig conducted by C. L.
Large has been stuck ln-tne. neck with
a 1100 fine,- which is up -for review at
tha nTt aession-of the circuit court.
Thfl-Tiresent coundl was Instrumental
In having Pacific 'avenue macadamized,
thA firat macadam road in the county.
It has built new sidewalks end made
many the: improvements wnicn tne op-1
sltlon highly approves, xneir por-1
alany facts have been unearthed con
cerning the woman s movements in
Newark, where -It seems certain - she
spent Christmas . eve. She seems : to
have been looking for a man. Of hla
SDnearance 'there are several descrip
tions, but his identity is unknown and
tnere is no ciue. , ..
Chief of 'Police Rogers, members of
the town council.: end Harrison . resi
dents generally, are working up to a
lev has been but a continuation of the I hie-h nitch over the delav. If the woman
ancient dry regime. The little bui Id-! was drugged. Chief Rogers v says, his
ler for a raloon has been converted into ( that he will takeiif, as he now thinks
a narne
still continua
there been such quiet, snd the DeoDl ' cui.n fvro "Tho o.r,
nave laaen n. ior raniea iaat r oresi
r a raioon nan oeen convenea mto( that he will takei ir, as he now thinks
uess shop, though the swinging 4 possible, she was stabbed with a hatpin,
-still swing1 snd little red lights i" -i will conduct ths autopsy when I
ontinu to burn. Never before hss am ready, not before," says County. Phy
sibly borrowed the name of Nevina from
a niece of ths late Thomas Nsvins,
millionaire at Orange. Though an ex
cellent worker;' bs expects, . she seldom
held a position long.. He thinks she
considered it unwise. In asking Mrs,
Wright for a position, to. advertise her
nistory in urange. -
Without seeking the Clothing found
near the victim's body, Mrs. Wright
accurately described It in telling bow
tier visitor was aressea.
On seeing the corpse, She was post
tlve In her identification.
ator in a department store In Newark,
offered the first evidence that the WO
man was tuere Christmas eve.
After identifying the corpse as that
of a caller at the store, Flannlgan says
ths former told him she had an ap
pointment to meet a man there. He
failed to come, however, and she left
about 9:10 o'clock.- Other witnesses say
she visited a Chinese restaurant and
German hotel, inquiring for the man.
That she afterward found this man
Is assured, from the fact that one wit
ness in Newark and another in Harri
son saw her Christmas in company with
a short. stockily-buUt stranarer. with a
aaot moustache and cieaniy shaven.
Babies at Cut Prices.
As announced on page J, ssction S, of
this issue, fillers Piano House, Is showing
this coming week , the largest stock of
high grade Baby Grand and Parlor Grand
pianos Cver seen in the west. The fact
of the matter is, the firm is overstocked
with rrand Dianos. While many of them
were ordered during tbe summer months,
delsys in selection end shipment pre
vented their arrival in time to panic-
Grove Is to remain, permanently a dry
town., .. ' . . ., . j - ...
riven with
souvenir '.plates ' will - be
purcnases at UKiamore
Co.'s drug store tomorow. See balf-psge
a on. anoinf r page v , .
We in Jersey don't rush matters of this
mna to satisiy pudiio curiosity."
. "I am satisfied with what Dr. Con
verse is doing," added Prosecutor Speer.
"There Is no need for haste In the Jn
yestlgatlon."? . -
Drabell thinks Miss O'Keefe, who. bs
says, Is unquestionably the same, pos-
ipats to any extent in tne holiday trade.
uniy aurins- ine iaat weex six carloads
of Chickerings alone were unloaded at
the big Washington street establish
ment . and their Wholesale warehouse
on Thirteenth and North ru p. ' .1
" Now Is the time to buv Bab v Grand
pianos. Uprights will be accepted in
part payment at fair valuation. - It'Js
not so much a Question of maklnar nrofit
In this sale of Baby Grands as it is of
turning the goods. If you have a home
that ought to have a grand piano you
can afford now to secure the ultimata
desire of every discriminatlng-rousiolan
a Chickering. a Sohmer, a Lester, a
modern , KimbalL or even .a. Weber Art
Grand piano at EHers Piano 4l0Use.r. - 1
Chicago Crusaders Undis
mayed by Signals of De
, feat Staring Them.
.. 1 (Cnited Praai Leased Wire.)
: Chicago, pec. 28. With a signal de
feat staring them In the face, the Sun.
day closing crusaders tonight gathered
their shattered but undismayed forces
for another onslaught on the saloons to
morrow. When , the bar of ; the gwejl
hotels and big down-town cafes ' open
Sunday tbsy will be visited by detec
tives of the Reform league, who will
order drinks and Imbibe , evidence for
presentation to ths state's attorney,
For two weeks the glistening "em
porium" of ' Thomas Chamales was
raided. Tha crusaders were convinced
no -Jury could fall to return a -verdict.
m sstititv , 'Ttisa f rsf nonAi - n 1 aa m-vatxA
and ths senXreturnsd a yerdlct of not
The members of ths panel admitted
they ordered beer while Donderinr the
case, and regarded their personal Tiber
ties as curtailed when 'the bailiffs re
fused to allow them to ..have the' re
freshments. . While the, whiskey Inter
ests are elated at the acquittal, they do
not relish ths necessity of having to
undergo expensive trials and submit to
the noisy arrival of patrol wagons bo
f ore tbolr doors on tbe quiet gabbath
mornings, ' . , . .
Beautiful souvenir plate will be
given with purchases at Skldmore A
C'o's drug store tomorow. Bee half -page
ad on another page.
, " , -'-' !" 1
; Syeglasses 1 at Metzger'g.
Bailey, His Slayer, Arrested
: -in Portland, Confessed
' s at Seattle. t
. (Special . Dispatch te Ths lorrsil.)
Seattle, pec. .28. Horace C, Bailey,
a negro, arrestsd at Portland several
days ago on suspicion that . he wa .
guilty of the murder of Marshall Combat
also a negro, who was found dying In s
boxcar In . this city ; December 1 6i thi a
evening confessed that : he was guilty.
Bailey says he and Combs were shoot
ing craps in the car and the latter re
fused to pay him 110 .won during the
which Bailey stole Combs' watch. Ballsy
was vetting the worst of the fle-ht. when'
he grabbed hA heavy ;tdol handle- and
struck Combs over the head, fractarlng
his skull. Bailey then caught a train
for Portland. -r 1 v
(Cnited Frew teaed Wlre.l , '
ficoville. Va Dec S8.. Prenldent
itwnvui uuvni. lur same, oiw or iiiLia. w
provea a oiaroai zauure toaay. -Accom.
panled by Dr. Rixey, .the president took?
to the woods, but his luck was confined
to a rabbit and one lone partridge. - '
' The women of the nresldential hartw
Mrs, Roosevelt. Mrs. Carew- her sister.1
and the Roosevelt children,, took ad
vantage of the spring-like day for V
long drive this sfterpoon. 1 ; ... ' .
Quentin Is having a good time on blr
own hook. He is roughing It around
the country and making friends wUh'ajl
the neighbors about Pine Knob. - ' 'rw-