The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 29, 1907, Page 17, Image 17

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"i fl'n 7fVver U of the v
, , , , , i
1 IIE past week was devoted almost
entirely to family affair In eel
eb ration of the yulettde and
while every one waa busy, there
' , waa little of aoclal importance
to Record. The first week of tha hew
year promisee to start in with' a cay
flourish, ; however. , Invitations are out
for numerous affairs of interest.' Nw
Tear's eve the paramount home affair
will be the dance given by Air. and Mrs.
T.B. Wilcox for their son Itaymond,
who Is spending his first year out of
college at home. ' He waa graduated
from Harvard laat June and since his
return has been renewing old acquaint
and they were assisted by Mrs. B M.
Lombard. Mrs. J. R. Stephens. Mlsi
Blawaon and Miss Wilcox. The mem
bers of the' board' are Mrs. Cleveland
Rockwell. Mrs. G K. Ladd, Mrs. W. I
Johnstone, Mrs. W. W. Cotton, Mrs.
Zers Snow, Mrs. 8. Q. Reed,, Mrs. L. H.
Tarpley. Mrs. A. B. Manley, Mrs. R. R.
Steele, Mrs. J. ix, Mrs. A. L. bucas,
Mrs. W. P. Olds. Mrs.' Lola O. Baldwin,
Mra R. E. Brlatow, Mrs. C. A. Coburn,
Tir . Pnnl W . rran n r A TkA ia nArira IT
Mrs. Mose Blum of San Francisco,
whose prolonged Visit here has been the
occasion of so much entertaining, re
turned some of the courtesies extended
ances and ' winning; back the place- -of I her with an afternoon of bridge Tues
day at tha, Portland. There were six
tables, and the' prlsewinnera were Mrs.
Oustave Simon, Miss iat Hlrsch and
Mra Albert Feldenhelmer. The guests
were Mrs. Julius ij. Meier. Mrs. Marcui
Flelscnner. Mra I. N. Flelsehner. Mrs.
Slgraund Frank, Mrs. Sol Hirsch, Miss
ejus Mirscn, miss iuai mracn, Mrs.
I Bum White. Mrs. Oustav Simon. Mra.
Albert Feldenhelmer. Mrs. Charles Fel
denhelmer. Mra -Herman Metsaer. Mra,
8. Llpman, Mrs. I. Lang, Mrs. 'Charlei
Kohn, Mrs. Emmanuel Bichel. Mrs. Big-
mund Kicnei. Mrs. Ben Neuatadter. Mrs.
he same ?vJ"'Lur. Mra. Ben Selling, Mra
The Concert : to be ? given tomorrow
night at the.IIelllg by the Stanford
Glee and Mandolin clubs promises to
pojrularity' ho baa always held.
The Concordia1 ball .that ' evening is
another-event of importance. Tha young
women of the club are to give a vaude-
villa entertainment in an attempt . to
eclipse the efforts of the young men In
trmt direction at tne "rnanassivina oaii.
The plans are being kept strictly secret
.end there is much speculation as to the
nature or the Drocrram to be given.
A targe tea wiu.oe given inarsoay
after New Year's day by Mra Sol
Hlrnch and 'the Misses Hlrsch which
will be attended' by a large gathering
f : Dromlnent society rollt. Tf
day Mra. J. J. Fanton -will begin her
series oi tnree card afternoons tor miss
I 'an ton of Montana. Friday Mra Fred
trick Eggert will give a reception at
the- rortiana in tier capacity as presi
dent of the Woman's club.
Other events of interest this week I be a social affair of no small Import-
will be the dancef or yming people to-lance. The club .members arrive today
the Stanford Glee club concert tomor- u4 wiU !b ,or the. moat part enter
row niirht and the wedding of Dr. Harrv Itained at tha homes of various Port-
fctart and Mifs Mabel Curren Tuesday! land SUnford men.- The Stanford men
t-vening at tne jnrst congregational in th i?nlvraltv club will be resnon-
chtirch . aible for a good Part of their enter-
The Kubelik concert on January Is tainmant. ; Th natronessea wHl be
the next concert event of lmDortance to Mr Min JdA Corbet t. Mrs. Tferhert I
society, , I Holman, . Mra. - A. J. Olesy, Mrs. J. Wea-
I lev Ladd. Mrs. RalelKh Stott. Mrs. J. A.
A hnt been evnnptel alnoa tha nrn. I Bladen. ( Mrs. A. E. Rockev, Mrs. T. B.
' " ! : T l,,Y,c A XTnaUla- It.. A
nillVAi . .IVt'. ill. I, nil 11.
A. Morrison, Mrs. Walter J. Burns, Mrs.
Harriet K- MCArtnur. Mrs. uavia t.
Honeyman, Mrs. John K. Kollock and
Mrs. I. in. l,iDman.
Mrs. W. A. Knight's little four-year-
old daughter Marcla celebrated her
birthday with such a pretty Christmas
"tea party" at the Nortonla last Satur
day afternoon. - The principal attraction
for the 16 small folk was the lovely
supper at the Christmas table, where
holly . and mistletoe recalled the season,
and a beautiful tree bore a present
irom Santa lor eacn.
The guests of the tiny hostess were
ueorge htronaugn. Marclle Carlock.
Louln Nitchey, Teddy Ames. Helen
ber of their family, including their four
grandchildren. There were present Mr.
snd Mrs. Ewlng and their children. Mr,
and Mrs. Charles E. Warrens and their
children, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Walthew
of Seattle and J. Marshall Steel of
Berkeley, California. .Mr. Steel came
here especially to be present on this
occasion snd this was the first time in
11 years that he had been able to spend
a Christmas holiday with his parents
ana sisters.
w w
The guests at Elton Court enjoyed a
delightful Christmas celebration. After
an elaborate dinner the dining-room was
cleared and A Christmas tree loaded
with gifts usurped the interest Dr. H.
I. Keeney filled the role of Santa Claua
The room waa beautiful with decora
tions of Christmas greens and red can
dies. Dancing followed the distribution
or tne gina
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kohn and Miss
Florence Kohn entertained at dinner
Thursday evening at the Portland in
compliment to Mr. and Mra Mose Blum
Covers were laid for 14 and the other
guests were Mrs. Sol Hlrsch. Misses
Ella. Mai and Clementine Hlrsch, Dr.
Jonah Wise, Samuel Blsslnger, Will
Llpman, Sanford and Samuel Hlrsch.
Mrs. E. Dewltt ConnelL who has been
In California for the past two or three
months, returned home for the Christ"
mas season. Miss Alice Benson, who
was with Mrs. Connell through much
ilt and who visited her sister.
Miss Carolyn, at Stanford university.
has also returned home.
w w
Mr. and Mra Fred Hopkins and their
two sons came up from their farm near
Medford for the Christmas holidays and
were guests of Mrs. Hopkins' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Woodward, on
Kearney street
Dr. and Mrs. H. w. Coe will entertain
Mr. Hughes, Mr. Pridham, Mr. Bradford
and Mr. - Taylor of the Stanford Glee
club during their stay here this week.
These man are college friends of George
Coe, who Is this year a senior at Stan
ford. Dr. and Mra H. W. Coe gave a family
dinner of 10 covers Christmas day," en
tertaining Dr. and Mrs. Luther Dyott,
Miss Adclle Dyott and Gavin Dyott
i WW
Rev. John Dawson, rector of the
Church of the Good Shepherd, and Mra
Dawaon were very pleasantly surprised
on Christmas eve by the wardens, J. H. I
the Hahn home, on the Cornell road.
w w
Mrs. Jerry Bronaugh and her little eon
George and her sister, Mrs. Charlus A.
La Morris and C A. Zander, presenting
to them 'on behalf of tha members of
the parish a handstyna silver tea srv
lee. Tha presentation speeoU waa ably
made by the senior warden, J. H. Jsv
Mr. and Mra, 0. Walter Gates enter
tained Informally at dinner laat Batur
day evening. Their guests were Mr.
and Mrs. UsV Lombard. Dr.' and Mrs,
Ueorse A. Marshall. Miss JUela eJhciby
and Chester u. Murphy. .
The fortnightly bridge club was
charmingly entertained Friday after
noon by Mrs. Marcus Flelschner. There
were four tables snd the prises were
won by Mra Herman Metxger and Mra
Abe Meier. .
Tha girls of tha younger set are plan
nlng a leap-year party to be give Im
mediately after the hollflnys at Murlark
1L The Invitations will be sent to
the girls only and will be out this week.
Miss Ernestine Falling came down
from Boise, Idaho, to spend Chrlstmss
at home. The Falllns family united
this year in their Christmas celebration
at Mra John Lalta's home.
Mr. and Mra Julius L. Meier WllU
leave this evening on a short trip to
New York. By the same train Mrs, I.
Lang will go 8t Paul on a visit to
her daughter.
Harold Bates, a' popular Portland
Academy student of former days, has
temporarily given up his work at
Princeton and returned for the winter.
. w w
The marriage of Mrs. Harriett Hahn
Sheldon and Lieutenant Harry Wester-
Macrum. went to Engene Sunday to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge 'B. porrla
Mr. Bronaugh went up there for Christ
mas and returned Wednesday night
. w
Harold Chamberlain, who t recently
went to eastern Oregon ' to engage In
business, came home to spend Christ
mas witn iiis parents, . nr. ana Aire,
F. P, Cliamberlln.
w ' w
Mr, and Mrs) Blaine It Bmlth of I nr.
John Hanson.
I the Hlghlnnd
Rev. E. B. Bollinger of
congregational church
ponuriumj mt cervniony, usisg ine ring'
aervlce, in the presnnce of a number of
invited guests. The parlors wre beau
tlfully derorated with mistletoe and
holly. After i receiving congratulations
Tha marrlasa of Mlaa Nallla1 Couture
and Frank Gordon. 'Wednesdsy - after- JJ- SlJJ 'i?&gll?t
noon, was a pretty affair. The mar- nuhed home on the west side.
w w
There was a wedding Christmas eve
riaga took place at the home of the
bride's parenta, 731 Bush street In tb
reception hall huna- larsa clusters of I at 171 Colless Street when C. IL Elatnn
tngtnn, and tbjMr three sons are spend-1 Oregon gripe and streamers of red and I of Oswego and Miss Nellie Rose Grant
married by
bride and
laJa01! laTamr'at Seaside' M. white festooned from the wall, to the of Llnooln, Nebraska, were i
tags, A la llama, at Seaside., , . 0,rl,nd, of wf Rev. Henry A- Burden. The
Z:. tned from the corners of the room te 'iv,V .T" .
iienry vessinger as rcur,.a h th, center of the b. wlrwlnw . lar
, , I .,. . . . . ' " "
worn iiwiuhi I
Wesalnger, gave
night . II
W w , . I white silk and carried a bouquet of
uorneii xor ine tnree wnme nuuuaf , wnite belt which hung
III. tfl.. , Ilia YVaMlMA mmi I - i". .
mm viavij wma m m vrvsuri grape ana i
a uinner or nun lasi oignu
white bell, which hung in the arch, made
oi urvion vruni ani it
'I the bridal party stood,
erns, under which
The bride wore
Mr. and Mrs.' Lewis R, Alderman and I white carnations. Miss Lulu Coleman
their three little children are spending "nf"ae .f'rMn,i wTra?.wn j-?,.rL.-ti.a
hniiii.ii, with Mra. Alderman's I. wn,t carnations. Frank Jenson was
r... u m .T ttarliar. i iivsi man, sua Vivian elms ring-Dearer.
'-' -'- . " . I Haw I1V 1C. tlmllh Aa .ImI..
. v i, n7-'rw.-I. '- ..al0, dinner was served in the dining
Professor irtiella Clay Carson of th room. Two rooma h,a be.n thrown to-
TTnlveraltV of Oreron IS BDenning Tnelsether for the dlnnsr and ware very
Christmas holidays at home with her prettily derorated in red and white snd
father, John u. tarson.
W ' w
Mr. and Mra F.
entertained ovfr Christ
Mra J. U. Mack
side home.
w W
Oregon grape. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon left
other from
childhood duye. Mr, Elstnn Is an Os
wego merchant and the brlda for five
years has been a teacher In the Ne,
braska schools. Mr. and Mra Elston
ut reside at Oswego. .
) Friday evenlnf, December 10, Harry
Engart and Miss Kate Callahan were
married at the residence of Charles
Venable, 2S Northrup street, Dr. J.
Whttvoinb .lirougher officiating. ,
Lester E. Thompson and Miss Thoebs
Edith MoLaln were married In the ra.
ception room of tha White Temple Tuea-
. w - ; on the evening train for Seattle and will i1" ' ""' 4" i
n. O. Downing-were be at home January 1 at Til East. Tenth irousiJ.? Til , ,Uv J
hrlstmas by Mr. snd atreet , - , Urougher, u. a. r
atthelr pretty , 8ea- ; ' Tuesday evening Tidwar,
f 'ir..:. ".ny.hToin,1::: John mncl, Roth on Christmas Day,
. . . ' - -. . . . la I La A - a W . a. i A S II. W I
w diviiirj us, vri iuiu mfw, nmrr.f
Cliff. Th walla of th parlor wer
very pretty, wedding In 8t Helonsland Mrs. Jennie Byrne were married in
was that of Miss Margaret McLaren to the presence of a few friends. Dr. J.
miucuinu uruuiurr viiiciaiius-
with his mother, Mrs. Walter Reed.
Mrs. IL C Wort man entertained wtthl covered with hollv. maklns- an effective I
ajmusicaie yesieruay Biiernoon, giving bsckground for ths polnsettls. blooms
io, ,uU iju, ., ., I which formed the tr nclnal decoration. I
WW . I To tha atralna of thn lihenarln wad i Una 1
Mr. and Mra Julius l Meier gavs a I march the bride and groom, prec eded I
large family dinner at tha Portland! by Kenneth and Hilda Cliff, inarched
to the altar, where the He v. j. Mo-1
Itren of Rockland, Canada, an uncle of I
(Continued on Iage Three.)
Chrlstmaa night
Miss Leone Kays of the Nortonla is
spending the holidays at ner noma in
Marcla Knight, Four-year-old Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Knight.
the bride, read the Episcopal ceremony.
The bride' wore a traveling suit of
brown. After congratulations ail re
paired to the dining room, which was
beautiful witn rea and wnite carna
tions and ropes of am I lax, and enjoyed
a bountiful dinner. Mr. and airs. Kotn I
departed on the evening train for Port
land. Tbey will spend their honeymoon
in southern California and on their re
turn will reside in Rainier, where both
have many friends. Tha bride is a
sister of Dr. A. P. McLaren of Rainier.
w w
Henry A. Bunten and Mlsa Austa E.
Klnser were married at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mra O. A. Kin-
er, tit Gantenbeln avenue, December I
18. at I o'clock. Tha house was deco
rated with hollv and white carnations
snd tne Kev. Harry it. trail performed
the ring ceremony. The bride wore
blue silk and carried white carnations,
and tne maid oi nonor wore cream ana.
It was a oulet affair and there were
about 10 relatives and friends present
A pleasant evening of music with sup
per, followed. Mr. and Mra Bunten
left for a short wedding trip and they
are now at home at Hi Mississippi ave
w w
Miss Marie Cot and A. J. McPherson
were married at St Mary's cathedral In
San Francisco Christmas eve. Rev. Fa
ther Wymann officiating. Mra. McPher
son is the -daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomae Cox of 170 North Sixteenth
street Mr. and Mrs. McPherson will
travel through southern California be
fore leaving for their home In Rhyollte.
Wllllam R. Lancefleld and Miss Ethel
Walker were married at noon Christmas
day. The ceremony waa performed by
the pastor of the Mizpah Presbyterian
cnurch. Dr. J. R. McGlade, at hia resi
dence. 608 East Seventeenth street. Mr.
snd Mra Lancefleld will reside in the
One of the pretty Chrlstmaa weddings
took place at the bride's homo, 427 Pres-
cott street, at I o'clock on Christmas
day, when Byron D. Blanchard and
Clara R. Taylor were married. ' The
bride waa attended by her sister. Miss
I Edythe Taylor, and the bridegroom by I
iiaveJ tour'
... . ; ANQ '. I
401 Stearns Building
Corner Sixth and Morrison
Newest and dain
tiest designs In
Monogram 8ta
loner y. K n -
graved ana ITint-
ed Invitatlons.An
nouncements. Vis
iting Cards.
H Wash. St
ing of the club year, the musicals given
at the Woman's club last Friday was
a notable event The day was beautiful
. and, called out a large attendance of
members and visitors, who 'took ad
vantage of the occasion and the favor
able weather to make It a society event
Many elegant gowns were in evidence
and tha holiday spirit prevailed In every
feature of the day's program. ;
Mra. Warren E. Thomas, a member of
tho club, and one of Portland's best
known musicians, was In charge of the
program, and showed ber ability as a
leader. "In Fairyland" by Orlando
Moncan war suna- bv Mrs. May Dear
borne Schwab. Mrs. W. A. T. Bushons;.
' - M . s a juu in n a Li . i r: w . i rjuu -k j ii cn. w. i rt 11
Vjii llHei8ne,Smtriof. aKovJi8 Honeyman, Ronald Honeyman, Margaret
i fairy words were from Keats, Shakes
' peare. Hood, Felicia Remans ahd other
h iii num. . ino music wan uuiii. uparn
llng and In delightful harmony with the
holiday atmosphere that pervaded the
U8nembly. . There was a charming va
riety of quartets, duets and a solo by
eacn or tne lour singers, witn Mrs.
Foster, Margaret Cook, Anastacla Nor-
to.i. Florence Pangle. Charles Carr.
Katherlne Wheeler, Anna Wheeler, Jack
IouBherty. James ' yan Bchuyver and I
r ranees warrens.
w w
Mrs. F. M. Branch gave the second
Thomas as accompanist. At the close I of her series of 1 o'clock luncheons, fol-
: or tne program Mgnt reiresnments were
served -by the social committee, of
which Mra P. j. Mann is chairman.
Mrs. Hose Hoyt and Mrs. Staiger poured
coffee and the other members of tho
committee served. Mrs. Egbert the
president, was handsomely gowned in
.'.black lace with garnitures of black vel
vet and wore a black picture hat.
During the business session of the
club it - was voted to continue the pure
. . food committee and to stand beck of the
, measure for a. city food chemist and
: Dr. and Mrs. Holt C. Wilson enter
tained at bridge Friday eyening with 10
; tables. , i The decorations were algnlfl
cant of the Chrlstmaa season. The prise
winners were Mra. W. B. Ayer and Mr.
The guests of the evening were Mr.
. nd Mrs. .W. B. . Ayer,. Mr. and Mra
ieorgo Good. General and Mrs. C. V.
Beebe, -Mr.- and Mrs. L. Allen Lewis,
Mr; an'i Mrs. xneoaore a. Wilcox, Mr.
snd Mra Stewart B. Linthicum, Mr.
and Mrs. N. E. Ayer, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard' Mather, Mr. and Mrs. : John Bben-
Youniar. Mr. ana Mrs. u. J, xteed, Mr. and
Mrs.- Iran tiarx,- jar. ana Mrs. wunam
H. Warrens, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J,
Kurns, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koehler,
Mr. and Mrs. Zera Snow, Mrs. Arthur
v. Mlnott, Miss Lewis, Miss Hoyt Miss
-WilHon,: Mies liirscn. miss hailing, Dr.
rsnnrrt . WlJson. . W. I. WheeJwrleht
t'nr! trptihn, Rodney Ollsan and Walter
i t.t coe. ;. i - .v
The tea given "Friday ' afternoon at
tho ' Florence Crlt ten ton .home on the
east Bide was attended by about 100 in
terested friends who became acquainted
with the work and lU'needs and con
tributed to its aid.. Receiving f the
ir.i.Mu were Mrs, Cleveland Rockwell,
Airs. R. K. Steele, Mra. J, D. Lee, Mra.
A. 1m.- Lucas and Mrs. S. G, Jteed. An
tiie dfninfc-rooin Mra Cleorge E. Cham
bu"l.Uii ajjj iira .w, I. CUUe poured tea,
i !. . : . :-.' - : .; .. - ...
lowed by bridge, Tuesday. The Yule
tide colors were used effectively. Those
present were Mrs. J3. i Weaver, Mrs.
J. B. Frem, Mrs. D. G. Tomasini, Mrs.
C. h. Boss. Mrs. Millie Perkins. Mrs.
C. Emery, Mrs. Ben Fleckensteln, Mrs.
M. J. Dela. Hunt, Mrs. F. O. Jennings,
Mrs. h. si. Kotnermei and Mrs. Ji. fos
w '
Miss Mary X.ivingstbne, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livingstone,
will leave next Saturday to enter board
ing school at Mount Ida in the suburbs
of Boston. Friday evenlntr she enter
tained informally at dinner a few of her
Portland academy friends. Miss Liv
ingstone is one of the- most popular and
cnarming oi tne -eaiyoung set.
Mr. and. Mrs. Isam White entertained
at dinner Christmas night at their hand'
some Twentieth street home, in com
pliment to Mr. and Mrs. Mose Blum of
San Francisco. The guests were Mr.
ana Mrs. tiustave wmon "ana Miss Helen
Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Blum and James
Blum, Mrs. Loulsson- of San Francisco
ana r nuip juoewengart.
. " . .. v -vv-.'..; 1.-'-
Joe Barber left last night for Chi
cago to enter the tTntverslty of Chi
cago for medical work. Mr. Barber Is
the youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. 8. J.
Barber and was graduated with a rnnA
record of scholarship last June from the
university tf , Oregon. He. la also a
Portland academy graduate.;
i '-'' - -w - -. :v?'
Mr. a Ad Mra 'August Aberdorfer cele
brated ' their elchteenth
vrMry chrutmaB nlrht A fw friend
Cttinv in . lor an nrorma atfan ns yf
bridge. ... v - ,
A delightful family reunion was en-
Joyed Christmas day at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Ewlng. 10 Spring
iiu, wucn ivir.. ana
Mrs, Jamas Steel welcomed avery menvi
A 1i
$150,000 Stock of High - Grade Merchandise
to Be Closed Out at Once All Pep ts Included
This plain announcement will crowd our store tomorrow, for there's not a woman in the city of Portland but knows the. splendid quality of the4
goods we selL it s very necessary tnat we reduce our .stock to tne lowest possible point, and do so in short order, and we don't know of a better
way than to reduce the prices. For twenty-five years this store has stood for straight-forward, legitimate merchandising always selling goods of
dependable quality at the smallest margin of profit, and have never yet had to resort to questionable methods in order to dispose of our goods, Dur
ing this great sale every "article in the 'store will be offered at special reduced prices--with the exception of goods the price of which is controlled bv
the maker. YouH never again have an opportunity to buy standard merchandise at such remarkably low prices; so be prompt and supply your needs
even iui iiiumiis w iwiic. otiic wiuuuimuc umu picseni stuttis arc soia. rrompt ana tarciui auenuon given to ail OUt-Ot-tOwn orders and ex
pressage prepaid within 100 miles on all purchases ta the amount of $5.00 or over.
Dress Goods
Silks, Liftings
Tailored Suits
Leather Bags
Suit Gases, Purses
Wash Materials Table Linens
j v'"" "' "'. ' ' 1
Silkolines, Cretons Napkins, Towels
Pillows ,
Skirts, Waists .laces, Gorsets
Furs, Umbrellas Handkerchiefs
Muslin Underwear Fancy Neckwear
Knit Under wear Feather Boas
Bed Spreads
Table Covers
Hosiery, Gloves
Flannelette Wear' Portieres
Ribbons, Notions Men's Furnishings Lace Curtains
Fancy Linens .
Curtain Madras
Outing Flannels .
Pillow Cases .
Curtain Rods
Crashes, Etc., Eta
Hundreds of. other items in all departments in fact, everything kept in a first-class dry goods store will be found here at matchless prices. Ex
traordinary values in fine Biack and Colored Dress Goods and Silks. We have long been, noted for carrying the finest line of dress materials ,pn
the coast, and our present showing offers a wide ringe of colors and weaves to pick. from. Every yard of dress goods and silks at greatly reduced prices
Thomsons Corsets
Thomsqn's glove-fitting Corsets in
thirty new styles all sizes special
4 prices.
Warner's Corsets ;
Reduced ,.
A complete I stock of Warner's rust
proof Corsets all sizes and styl
1 special 'prices. -.'