The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 28, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Toivn Topics
JtelUfr ............. "Strong, Heart"
Marquam "The "loyninKwr-
Jialcer "The Midnight Roll"
Empire ......"Why OlrU Leave Hon."
Ursnd . Vaudeville
Lyrlo "Cinderella"
filar. "Queen of th Whit Slave"
Last Sunfay wait observed a Chrtnt-
ciai Sunday at the White Temple with
ormona, decoration and muslo appro
prlute to the day. Tomorrow will be
observed a New Tear! Sunduy. Dr.
( Broughor will preach two (niiuni ap
propriate to the openlns; of the New
, Veur. Ills morning subject will be
"Look Before Yon Leap. ilia nlaiit
subject will be - Jrlt. Uruce and Gump-
tlon. or How to Get There." Ther will
' ' le baptism and an elaborate musical
iToarnm. The fined t sttleetlon of the
Christmas niusto will be repeated by
, the Temple quartet and. chorus with
solos by Mini Shea and Miss Lawler.
. Tuesday rlrlit a. union Baptist watch
iila-ht service will b held at the White
Temple. New Year's day the V. I. A.
if., a large club of young Indies, will be
"at home", in the White Temple from I
to 10 p. m, to all young people. over the
' age of It.
. f y . essBSMeasjsjSBi
- The estate of John T. McDonnell la
worth $22,B8.J2, according to an ap
pralsement filed In the probate court'
f lr George A. Brodle. J. F. Smith and
Frank liberg. Practically all of this
. sum Is the share of the deceased In
th firm of McAllen and McDonnell, In
which he waa an equal partner. Per
' sonal property effects are valued at
1300, the remainder belli In the mer
. chandlse of the firm, after Its debt
. are allowed for. The value of the prop
erty of the firm la placed at 28?,872.
but tt has liabilities of 140,471. Th
McDonnell estate a-oes to the widow, ex
cept 11,090 to nephew, r ;.
" ' 8. D. White, a patrolman, has been
elected' to fill the position of truant
' officer for the coming year at a salary
of 11,000. Th position waa created by
the new law. Whit will reslrn front
the police fore at one, and take up
his duties with the school board Jan-
vary i. It will be bis work to gather
tip all the children In the city of a
school age not attending school and put
them back Into the recitation rooms.
, Mr. White has served In the capacity of
iruant orncer lor the juvenile court and
)iaa some experience. In future he will
Siy his entire time to the work.
Mr. 8. 8. Phelps ha ' begun suit
against Frank Metschan, proprietor of
the Blue Mountain Rapid Transit line,
for 15,000 dam a res for Injuries received
In the .overturning of a stage on No
vember S. She allege that the driver
' was careless and that because of Ms
negligence the stage went Into the
' ditch between Canyon City and Austin.
fine state that ah waa severely cut
" and bruised, her Injuries being pain
ful and permanent.
. P. T. Davis ha begun suit In the "cir
cuit court against W. E. Potter, seek
. Ing to recover fl.17l.SS on lumber which
It alleged was furnished the defendant
by Moll and David, a Clackamas county
lumber firm. David say the company,
of which he I a member, supplied near
ly 150,000 feet of lumber to Davis be
. . tween January and May, for which the
defendant agreed to pay (It per 1000
feet It la alleged that the balance
sued for Is unpaid. ,
' ' la the policies Issued hereafter by the
Oregon " Lie Insurance - company, the
words: "Lu Samuel, founder, February
24. 1904," will appear In the design
forming the headkta-. Thla action waa
ordered by the executive board, at a
meeting held In the company' offices
yesterday afternoon, as a permanent
record of the valuable service rendered
by Mr. Samuel, the general manager. In
the organization and upbuilding of the
company. .
We Have Assembled
; the Skill '
Of the foremost Inventors of modern
laundry appliances, and, no matter who
they are they will have to be
Going Some
To get close enough to us to even see
our heels. If it new and excellent
we v got it. ,
Union Laundry
'Tel. A-1S33 Mala 398.
W max collar and cuff shine Ilk
, Ufa tolas;, ,
i- . j . j
Arieta It, R A. Smith.
of the Indian." "My Own United States,"
uiuairaieu, win i sung oy miss Uer
iruae stone., .
Head-Black Advertising company, pre
pare good advertising copy for the city
papers, writes booklets, plana publicity
i-anipins or any ama ana originates
new and clever advertising Ideas, 409
Couch building. ' Phone Main 1122;
uumi amiii, . .
1 The elegant Individual communion
service, girt of Mr. and Mr. Lewi
Montgomery, will be installed tomorrow
at the Central Christian church, Kuat
Twentieth and Salmon street. Christ
mas music.
.' i i t "
v Bath, with massage. Including bed for
an night, tl. Bait rubs too additional
Temple of Health, Professor J. Fried
man, proprietor, 266 Alder street, .
. - . ,
Eteamer Jesa Harklns, for Camas,
waanougai ana war landings, oauv ex
cept Sunday. Leave Washington street
aoca (lip. m.
Painting, tinting, paper hanging and
picture framing. ivirtland Paint and
Paper company, 251 Flrat at Main 479.
i Dr. H. A. 71 off man, dentist, rooms
zoo-7 Allsky bid.. 2d and Morrison.
raon a-szs ana racinc mi.
The Library will be open on New
Tear's day from 2 until I p. m. for
reading only.
Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and
fin gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007.
Woman's Exchange, 1S2" Tenth treet,
lunch 11:20 to 2; business men's lunch.
Woodward 'Dancing Academy, Arlon
ball. Tonight Lessons 25 cents.
Highest price paid for fresh sggs,
Kruae's, Park and Morrison. . -
McMlnn's Dancing academy, Id ft Mor.
D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh.
Journal want-ads, la a word.
Manure for sole. Main l(2.
Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. .
Where to Dine. ,
Merchants' lunch dally. 25c? flunriav
dinner. 60c, Kruae's, park and Morrison.
- The congregation pf the Forbes Pres
byterian church will worship In Wood
men hall on Russell street, near Rodney
n venue tomorrow morning and evening.
Rev. Harry H. Pratt will preach at 11
: a. m, and 7:20 p. m. The evening ser
mon will be on a "New Year's Theme."
Sunday school atthe usual hour, 10 a.
m. - Christian Endeavor, 6:80 p. m.
Mrs. E. W. Mueller will sing at the
' evening services. i i
s The material on the Revolutionary
topics offered by the ,Bons of the Amer
ican revolution has been listed at. the
public ' library for - the convenience of
students who are working on these es
says. The,, circulating books are
shelved during the school vacation on
the case by th charging desk. Addi
tional material may be found li the
reference department, i ,
' ' I ' y y
Lincoln-Garfield post G. A. R. has
elected their officers for the coming
year as follows:' J. W; Curran. com
mander; D. J. Haynes, 8. V. C; Charles
Duggan, J. V. C; J. E. Hall, surgeon;
Rev. H. A. Bardon, chaplain; H. Sul
ci Iff e, Q. M.; T. B. McPevitt, O. of P.;
W. C. Powers. O. of . a.; R. A. Wohl
farth,, adjutant; A. M. Hlmes, 3. M. ?
Tha Charles A. Sturm Manufacturlne
company has filed articles of lncor-
. poratlon for Its eteam boiler1 nd ma-
cninery . worKS. i'ne . incorporators are
Charles A. Sturm, Roy Flark and Flora
R Sturm and the capital stock is 210,-
000.. . : ...(.,. , v - v..
Rev. George Newton of Los Angeles,
California, will preach at the Church of
tha Nasarene 428 Burnslde street, Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock. . Services In
the evening at 7:30. The public is In
vited to these services. -..
RaoDl Wise of this city will address
the men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A.
tomorrow at 2:30 on the subject, "R.
llglon for Men." Miss Ethel Ly tie will
sing. At 8 a number of stereopticon
slides will be shown on "The Passing
' ei'i-!-. "... , i . , ! u-js
An unusual musical program has been
arranged for tomorrow morning- and
evening at the Grace Methodiat Episco
pal church. The quartet which will take
part Is composed of Miss Grace E.
Campbell. Mrs. Reno Hutchinson. Fred
8. Peirco and George H. Street. Th
program 1 as follows:
Morning 1 i '
Organ, Pastoral Symphony (Messiah)
Anthem, Cradled In a Manger...
Tenor solo, The Birthday of a King
.v... ...Neidllntjer
F. S. Pelrce.
Anthem, The Dawn of Hope..,....
. C. W. Combs
Organ, Grand March (Tannahauser)
"Evening -... . .: :;
Organ, Vorspiel (Rlenrl) .
, .Richard Wagner
Anthem, Bethlehem...,. ,.C W. Combs
Solo, O Holy Night.............. Wood
Mrs. Reno Hutchinson.
Chorus, Largo (Xerxes).............
Grace Church Male Chorus.
Solo, Chanson de Noel.. ....... .Adams
. Ul.a n ra IT fmntull
Chorus, Silent, Holy Night. .Gruber
oraee cnurcn Mais cnoir
Solo, Shout the Glad Tidings. ,. .Brown
George H. Ctreet. .
Anthem, The Night Song of Bethlehem
........................ . .D. Buck
Organ, Grand March (Huguenots).,;
............. , . .Meyerbeer
The male chorus la as follows: First
tenor, F. W. Drake,, C. M.--T!ffany, D.
B. Keers, E.VW. Soar, W, H. Wilder;
second tenor, J., L Albert, E. Behrnns,
E. ,,A. Dunlap, E. Stansberry, Claude
Crawford, J. I. canright, is. R. Fair
child, J. A. Nelson, J. R. Stites, E. I
Perkins, F. 8. Pelrce; nrst oass,A. E.
Burns, H. F. Gilnett. E. M. Hogue.' C.
H. Heath, T. J. Hoyt, M. W.- Hawkins,
F. G. Kilpack, Norman M.-. Lewton, J.
A. McKinnon, R. W. Maris, George H.
Street, H. G. Wilson, A. Wnger; second
bass, E. E. Alshaw, :L R. Boyd. L. F.
Brode, Scott Boxorth, Curtis Gardner,
T. W. Martindale, S. C. RasmuBsen, Mr.
Evans, v.
Organist and choirmaster, William
Mansell Wilder.
11 a. in. and i t. m Hunuav acliooL 10
s. ni.; U. . p. U.. p. in.
1 bird Vancouver vonu knd Knott
ireeis; kv. , H. Khwedlsr, pastor,
Borvlcea 11a m. and 7:4a o. m.: faun-
Buy sclicKJl. 10 a. in., B. X. P. .46
P. ra.
Highland Albert and Sixth atresia
Sunday school, 10 a. in.: services at
11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m.; B. X. P. V
6:30 p. tix. t
Keliwfxxl Tacom and . f ' nth
Streets; Rev. George, A. Learn. Services
11 a. m. and :u y. in.; Hunauy school,
10 a. m.; B, Y. V. L., 7:14 p. m.
Calvary kail ,i,uii iiJ, Grant
streets. Son-Ices 11 a. in. and. 7:30 p.
m. by Kev. John Bentzlen; topics.
'lUllJdh the Man of Fire" and "How Old
Art 'lliouY" ttunday school at 10 a, m.;
U. T. P. V., 10 p. in.
Iminanuoi-beooud and Meade streets;
Rev. A. li. Mluaker. brvlc at 10:30
a. rrf. and 7:30 p. ui;; Sunday school,
11:46 a. in.
Grace Montavilla; Rev. Gllman Par
ker. Hervlces at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.; topics, "The Daybreak of the
Age and "John 11I:1." .
- Central iuisi. 'i,utleth and Atikeny
streets; Rev. W. T. Joruan. Uwrvlces at
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; topics, "Life
Fading at a Leaf. 13 m.; Y. P. meot
tlan 'j Sunday stuool, 13 m. Y. P. meet
ing, 1:10 p. m. ; , ,A
cniversity Park Rev. A. B. Walt.
8unuay sc hool at 10 a. in.; scrvloes, 11 a.
in. and 7:3u p. m.; topics, "Changing
Years and the Same Gj1" an 1 "Hiuden
Monuments ": baptism; 11. Y. P. U., 6:44
FrstTna' White Tempi,' Twelfth
and lav lor streets; Rev. J. VtbltcomD
Brougher. D. D. "Ons accord' prayer
meeting, 10 a. m.l New Year a sermons,
10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; topics, "Look
Before You fap" and "Grit, Grace.
Gumption, or How to Get There"; Bible
school, li m.; Young People's meeting,
p m.; baptism. . .
. Suniivsioa iGermsnl Forty-rlrst
street snd Hawthorn avenue; Rev. C
e dmeth. Preaching. 11 a. n.: unaay
school, 9:41 a. m.
St. John (German) Rev. C Feld
meth. Preaching p. ta. Sunday achool
E'econd Seventh and Eaat Ankeny
streets; Rev. Stanton C. Lnpliam. Serv
ices at 10:30 a. ta. ana p. to.; lopica,
The Kingdom Come and cominr ana
A New Year's Resolution "; Bible
school, noon; Toung Peoples union,
M."P. m- . .
bavier-Btreej ueiween - -w-n7-ni
and Twenty-second streets. Sunday
school, 2:30 p. m.
Et. Jon ns KL. A. Lieonaro. Berrime.
11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m.; Sunday school.
10 a. m.; li. Y. P. U.. :30 p. m.
Chinese Mission 852 Va - Osk street
Sunday school. 7 p. m.L preaching In
Chinese, s p. m. '
first oerman rourin ana niu
streets; Rev. J. Kratc irvicea 11 a.
m, and t:30 p-'m.; Sunday school, 9:45
s'econd Oermsn Morris street snd
Rodney avenue; ' Rev. F. Buermann.
Services. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sun-
da school 9:46 a. m. :
Kat t ony-iourtn oireei v-omer
East Main; Rev. B. C Cook. Services.
11 a. m. snd 7:30 p., m.; Bible school. 10
a, m.; B. Y. P. (J, 8:46 p. m.
LnlS rirsi stenue ana rosier, roaa.
8unday. school, 10 ft. m.: services, 11 a.
m. and 7:90 p. m. oy Kev. j. c. uea-
cock. ' , , ...
Mount Olive Beventn ana j-yereii;
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. ' Service at 11
a. m, and I j. n. '
Swedish Hoyt ana nrteenin;
Erick Scheratrom. Services. 10:45 a.
m. and 7:46 p. nu; Sunday school. 12 m.l
B, Y. P. V.. :3 D. m.
Union Avenue Mission iBweotsn;
Corner, Skldnior. Sunday : school. 10
James Dlmond Corby ' was born in'
Brooklyn, New York, and received his
eariy eaucation in the publlo schools of
that city. Entering business lire at an
esrlr Ke, he TecHved a practical train
ing in commercial methods In th lead
ing wholesale dry goods house of the
metropolis end suplemented that by
several years In Wall streot as secre
tary to or.o of the active operators.
, W0H',d bla'way through Clinton
Liberal Institute of New Toik and en
tered Kalnt Lawrence university at Can
ton, New York, gradumlng with honor
In tha class of lm. Ills executive abil
ity was esrly utilised by the Universal
is! of tho Umpire atate who chose him
secretary of tho Universalis state con
ventlon with oversight of 140 churches
of his faith; this position be held for
many years, lie wns also chosen a
trustee of bis ima mater. Mr. Corby
ha- held sucoeanful pastorates at Troy.
Hudoon and Utlca, New York. In these
cities he was known fur beyond de
homlnatlonol lines and was a welcomt
preacher in churches of. ail denomina
tions. In Utlca he waa vloe-prenldmit
of the City ministerial association and
a member of the executive board of the
federation of chure.hea. lie has always
taken an active Interest In clvlo better
ment and outside of his pressing parish
duties made time to become active In
the work of procuring publlo play
grounds for children.
In his various pastorates he has been
aetlve In church extension work and
since coming to Portland at th request
of the missionary board of th Untver
sallst Church of th Good Tidings on
Kan Etghtri street has shown the ef
fect of an argreaatvo leadership la the
many Improvements wrousht, a wull
as In a steady growing constituency.
More than double the number of fami
ne are enrolled than a year ago and a
50 per cent increaae In the Sunday
Rev. James Dlmond Corby.
school ha been made' possible through
the untiring and loving labor of Mr. and
Mra. Corby with , the neighborhood.
I'kin are now being formulated for th
new church edifice which It I designed
to make au everyday church serving th
community in tht broadest possible
"Jt Connrvatlu0 Cmitodlan"
,v: PAYS
4 Per Cent
For the convenience o!
Its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second SI.
Corner Washington
. Norweglan-Danisii trervice in nan
corner Mlasrssippl and Shaver streets,
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school.
12. m.; Industrial achool Saturday after
noon, 2 o'clock.
Gresham Sunday school. 10 a. m., 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., by Miss
Carrie aiiiispgugn. ,
First Twelfth and Alder streets;
Rev. William Hiram Foulkea. . Service
at 10:20 a. ra.- and 7.30 p. m.; preaching
EaSt Grant: Lewis F. Smith. Services at
11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m.: Sunday school.
10 s. m.; class meeting. 12:15 p. m.; Ep-
worin league, o.ev p. m.
Central Russell and Kerby streets; J.
T. Abbett Service at 10:20 a. m.
and 7:20 p. to.; Sunday school at . 12
Chines Mission Ch'sn Sing ' Kat
Services 11 a m, and 7:30 p. m.
Mount xasor service at II a. m.
ani i .30 b. m."
- Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, it. i. ir. asrvicea at li a.
snd 7:30 p. in.
Vancouver Avenue Services at 11
m. and 7:30 p. ra.
Woodstook-fHev. II. P. Blake. Ser
vice at ii a. m. and 7:30 d. ra.
Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth and
Davis; C i. Nelsen. Services at 11 a.
m. snd 7:30 p. m.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach; Rev.
John OvalL" Services 11 a. m. and
8 p. m.; Sunday achool 10 a, m.; Lp-
wonn league, - p., m.
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt, O.
A. Waaao. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:20 p. m
Second German Stanton and Rodney.
Rev. E. E. Hertsler. Bervlcea at 11 1.
m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.
m.j Epworth league, 7:30 p. m.
Japanese Mission 121 North Fif
teenth. Rev. Ellsen Rlbara. Service
a' 9:30- a. m. and 8:30 p. m., Sunday
school, 3:3C p. m.
University Park Rev. D. A. Wattera
Services at 11 a m. and 7:30 p, m.
Grace Corner of Twelfth and Taylor
streets; Rev. William, H. Heppe, pastor.
Services at 10:30 and 7:80 p. m.
morning tonic, "The Other of God";
special Christmas program In evening;
morning classes 8:3o , a. m.r Sunday
achool 12:15 p. m.; St. Paul mission,
3:80; Epworth league. 6:30 p. m.
Sell wood Corner East Fifteenth and
Tacoma avenue: Rev. A. Preston Bord.
services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.: Junior
Epworth league. 2:30 p. m.; Senior Ep
worth league, 6:30 p. m.
tree nrst East Ninth and Mill. Rev.
W. J. Johnston. Service 11 a. m.. 7:30
p. m.. Thursday 7:39. '
Tn Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty
ninth and Powell streets. Rev. S. J.
Kester. oustor. Services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a.
m.; Epworth league, 0:30 p. m.
Wood lawn William J. lvmala. ess-
tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:20 n. m. :
Sunday school 10 a. m.; Epworth league.
6:io p. m.
University Park Corner Dawson and
Flake streets. Rev. William R. Jeffrey
Jr., pastor; topics, "Good .and Bad
Hearts" (an object sermon to children)
and "Paul and the Lion;" class meeting,
by the minister, "Tho Sanction of Eter-i 12:15 p m.; Sunday sonool, 9:46 a. m.;
nity" and "Can the Crooked Be Made
Straight"; Sunday school, 12 ni.
Mlzpah East Thirteenth and PowoP
streets; Rev.-Jerome R. McGlsd. D. P
Now Yonr's services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. topics, "Unto One of the Least of
These ,My Brethren" and "The Kingdom
of Heaven Is at Hand"; Sunday school,
13 m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. in.;
Midway Sunday school, 9:15 a. m.
Calvary Eleventh and Clay streets;
Rev. Bcn-Eira Stiles Ely Jr.. D. IX
Services at 10:20 a. m. and 7:80 d. m.:
Sunday school after morning service
Fourth First and Gibbs streets; Rev.
John R. Welch. Services at 10:30 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school. 12 tn.l Y.
P. 8. C E- 6:80 p, m.
. Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East
Tlylor streets; Rev. E. Nelson Allen.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday scnooi, la m.; x. t . a. .
Epworth league,
3:30; Senior league,
i Eighteen years in busi
ness on the East Side ,
Does a Genera!
Banking Business
J. H, Lambert, President
A. W. Lambert, Cashier
120 Grand Ave.
Twenty-six new members were -Inltl-
n(ii Inm the order or the United f"om-
merclal Travelers of America at Rmg
1 ler's hall last night. Following the reg.
ular business or the loage an entertain
ment was given. This . consisted of
songs. Jupgllng: stunts, and btxlng and
wTOstling matches in which both profow
slonal and - amateur entertainers took
part. Nearly 800 persons , attended.
Miss Fay , Ba Inter, a member of tho
Baker Stock company, was among thoso
who sans.: An exhibition in JuPKluie
was given by-Profeor uff. Others
who took pArt in the entertainment wero
Professor Fred Ely, Charles Bush, box
ers. Sax brothers, Youag and Forkeney
and Professor Helser.
' The Christmas entertainment for the
Bovs' and Girls' Aid society given last
night at the home, by the young peo
ple's union of the First Baptist church
was the most sucoeusful affair of its
kind that the home has ever known. So
manv visitors - were attracted that all
could not get Into the house, and Super-.
intenflent - uaruncr expressed , nis regret
that a larger room had not been pro
vided. - - r -: : s .:
The program consisted of songs and
recitations by the children themselves,
with a duet by Miss Mabel Lewi and
Miss Georgia Ploegstra. Candy, nuts
and presents were given by the young
people's union and a wagon load of toys
was sent out by M. Seller St Co., which
filled tho cup of childish happiness to
the brtiit. U- '. - ' . .,
S'So r m.
Forbes Rev. Harry H. Pratt. Build
ing burned. Service at Woodmen's hall,
Russell street, near Rodney avenue, 11
a. iti. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school. 10
a. ml C. E.. 6:30 p. ni.
. Chinese 145 H First street! services,
7:45 p. m.; Sunday school, 6:46 p. m.;
young people's meeting, 8:45 p. m.
, Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar
rctte street - - '
Westminster East Tenth and Weld
ler streets, Rev. Henry Marcotte. Serv
ices. 10:30 a. m. and 7:30. p. m.; Sunday
school, 12 m.; C. E.. 6 i,i p. m.
Marshall-Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth streets; Rev. C .W.' Hays,
Sunday school, 10 a, tn.: preaching at
11 a. in. asd 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. 8. C. E.
at 6:45 p. ni.
Mounts Tabor Belmont street and
Prettyman avenue; Rev. Edward M.
Sharp, pastor. - Services at 11 a. tn. and
8 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m. -
Bell wood Corner East Seventeenth
and Spokane avenue. Rev. D. A. Thomp
son, services ni t m. ana -tu p
m.t Sunday school iu a. in
tlan Rnrieavor. 6 D. m.
. i nirdEasi r i nirieenin ana1 "inu
streets:,. Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
VOrnon East Twentietu ana vvygant
streets. Services at 11 a.' m. and 7:30
d. m. by . Rev, . A.,- A. Blair; Sunday
Rphool 12 m. , i r .
Hone Montft villa: Rev. S. 8. .White.'
Services at 11 a, m.; Sunday school, 10
a. nv - ;- 'V
Millard Avenue Rev. . A. IX fioper;
Sunday school, 10 a. m.l services, 11 a.
m. and 8 p, m.
Annabel Services at 11 a. m. and 748
Kenilworth-r-East Thirty-ninth street
and Gladstone avenue; preaching at 11
a. m. by Rev, J. S. Dunning, Ph. D.;
Sunday school at 12 m. .
Piedmont Services, ll a. m. and 7:45
p. m.
.Trinity Fulton; Sunday school at 11
s-'m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p. m.,
7:30 p. m.; Christmas sermon by Harvey
MUler. - ..,
' . . Eplseopal.
St Matthews First and Caruthers
street; Rev. W. A, M. Breck in charge.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; services and
narmnn 1 1 a m, . .vafltnff ..rvlitd. at
St Helens.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen th Mar
ty i" Thirteenth and Clay streets; Rev.
H. M. Ramsay. Communion. 7:30 a. m.;
services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday
school, 2:46 a. m.
Trinity Nineteenth snd Everett
streets; Dr. A. A. Morrison. Services,
8 a. m., 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ra.; Sunday
school, 8 :45 a. m.
All Saints Twenty-second and Reed
streets. Sunday schcil 10 m.; even.
Ing service and sermon. 7:30 d. m. br
Kev. Arcndeacon Chambers.
St. Andrew University Park: Rv.
W. R. Powell. Services 11 a. m.; Sun
day school, 10 a. m..
. St Paul's Woodmere; C L. Psrker,
lay reader.: Bervlcea at U - m.. Bun
day school, 9:45 a. m. .
Th Church of Our Savior Wood
tock. Services. 11 a, : m.j Sunday
scnooi 10 a m.
- St Msrk's Corner of Nineteenth and
Qutmby streets; Rev. J. E. II. Simpson
communion, 8 a. m.; holy communion
ana sermon, n, a. m.; evensong and
sermon, 7:30 p, at.; Sunday school, 10
a, m. - '
St John's Memorial Sell wood: Rev.
W. R. . Powell. ... Services and sermon,
11a. m.; Sunday school. 10 a. rnT
Good Shepherd Sell wood street and
Vancouver avenue. Alblna. Rev. John
Dawson, rector. Sunday school, 9:45 a.
m.; morning s.ervlce, 11 a m.; evening
service, y :ai p. m.
St. David's East Twelf th and Bel.
mont. Rev. George B. Van Waters. D.
D.- Holy communion, 8 a. m.; rector's
RIKIa nlao. In .h.n.1 10 o m m rtrn.
Chris-4ng service and sermon, 11 a. m.; eve
ning service, ,7 :so; Sunday scnooi, :4
a. m. ' - i
: First Madison and Park. Rev. - Lu
ther It Dyott. D. D.. pastor. Services
10:30 a. m.- and 7:S0 . n. m. tops,
"Exnerlonce' and roood News," with
Christmas cantata; Sunday school, 12:15
p. m.; Y. P. S. C. B.. 6:30 pT m.
'University Park 1613 Haven svenue;
Rev. D. B. Gray. ( preaching 11 a. m..
by Rev. F. L. H. von Lubken, "Thoughts
for the Mew Year";, Sunday school, 10
a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:80 p. m. -
Laurelwood .-Rev.. W. iH. Myers.
Services, 11 a, ta. end 7:30 p. m.; Sun
day Aliool, 10 a. tn.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30
p. m i .
Mississippi Avenue Mississippi ave
nue and Fremont; Rev. Daniel T. Thomas.
Services, ll a. m. , and - 7:80 p. tn.
R. R. L. and E. E. Nlckelt, S 4 9 Couch
street, Portland, Oregon, formerly of
AlcMinnvllie, j Oregon, left touy for
Kannas City. Missouri, to BDen.l th
I wipter with the'' grandparents.
-ii - i i .i i i I.
y riLEB . CtTREB ' H I TO 14 2)Y8.
PAZO OINTMKST I gmrsnteed to eure any
enM of itcbinr, Blind,- Rleedluff or Protradlng
I'Uif la 6 to 14 days or tuocer refunded. 60.
Taylor-Street Rev. Benjoajln Young,
D. D., pastor. ' Sermon, 10:30 a. m. and
7:80 p. m.; topics, "He Restoreth My
Soul" and "Remember,",; a: sermon for
the close of the yesr; classes, 9:30 a.
m.t Sunday school. 12:15 p. ra.; Ep
worth league, 6:30. i
' Sunny'stde East Yamhill street, be
tween aat . Thirty-fifth and Thirty-
sixth streets; T. B. Fora. services ll
a. m. Junior League, 3 p. m.; Senior
League,- 6:15. ; -
St Johns F. L. Young. Services 11
a. tn. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school,
10 a. m. -i- v :-
Epworthi-Rev. Charles Ti McPher
son. Services In Oregon building at
fair grounds, ll a. m. ana 7iai p. m.
Topics,; -"Sympathy"v j and '-""'"On ward";
Sunday school, 10 a. tn.i Epworth
loague, 6:30 p,: m. ' .-.r 'V-.-..
. Centenary East pine and East Nlhth :
streets- . Rev. Clarence True vv ilson,
IX pastor,
m. : aervlcea.
m evenlnir nun
dress bv castor. "The Churches of Port
land"; Sunday school,- 12:15 p. tn.; Ep
worth league, 6:15 p.-m. '.
Trinity corner of East Tenth anil
. .Clarence ji'rue uiiwon, ,
. Class meeting. 1:30 i.i
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. .
musical service with ad-'
Dr. Brougher
' Preaches Sunday," both services.
The White Temple
Twelfth and Taylor fits.
jrEv7'YEAJts sxKHoara
10:30 A. 24.
4 7:30 P. K
J ; , Or How to Get There, ,
Com early
Sunday achool. 10 a. m.l Christian En-
aeavor, :ao p. m. 1
- SunnVside Corner of East Taylor and
cast iciriy-rourth street: Kev. J. J.
Staub. Services at 11 a. m. and f:34
p. tn.; topics, "A Better Hop" and "Th
Passag of the Years"; ' Sunday school,
10 s, m.; Junior C. E., 2 p. m.; Senior
t). n., :su p. m.
Hassalo Street Esst Seventh and
Hassalo: Rev. Paul Rader. Sermon.
10:30 a. m. and 7:20 p. ra.; Sunday
scnooi. is m.: l. v. tt. u. :ss p. m.
mgniano hmi aixin street norm ana
Prsscott; Rev. E S. Bollinger. Serv
ices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 t. m.: tonlca
"A New Threshold" snd "An Opportune
Moment : Bunoay stnoot l a. ra.: I.
h. is.t p. m.
St Johns Rev. n. w. Nelson. Serv
ices, 11 a. m. and I p. m.j Sunday
school. 10 a. m.'
First German East Seventh and
8tanton streets; . Pv. tJobn H. Hopp.
Services. 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 n, ni.:
Sunday school, 1:15; Christian En
deavor, 8:80 P. ra.
Btbraa. .
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving streets. Services, 11 a. m. and 6
p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Norwegian uynoa iaai lenin ana
East Grunt streets; Rev. O. Hagues.
Sunday school, 9:30; services, 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. Society, Thursday,
:is p. m.
Betanla Danish Union avenu and
Morris street; Rev. J. Scott Services
11 a, m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10
m.; Y. P. 8.. Tuesday. 3 p. m.
St James' English West Park and
Jefferson streets; J. Allen Lea a Serv.
ices, 11 a. m. and 1p.m.; Sunday school
10 a. m.; Luther league, 7 p. ni.
Norwegian 45 North Fourteenth
street: Rev. J. M. Nerving. Services st ll
a. m. snd 7:30 p. ni.; Sunday school. 9:45
a. in.
St. Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton streets; Rev. A. lira use. Serv
ices, 10:30 a, m. and 7;3Q p. m.; Sunday
school, 9:30 a. m.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod)
Corner Williams avenue and Sell wood
street; J. A. Rlmbarh. . Services at 10
a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school. 9:18
a. m.
Zion German (Missouri : Synod)
-npmn ana Buimon streets; W. IL
dciii ens. . , ,
DK-eoinn Auasiann Koflnev avenue
ana oianion sireei; Kev. c A. Tolln
jervices iy:ep a. tn. ana 7:45 p. m.: fiun
day school. 9:30 a. m.
Central East Twentiuth and East
naimon streets; Rev. J. t. Ghormley, u.
IX Services. 10:45 ft. m. and 7:45 v. m.i
topics, "In Memory f Me" and "when
Time Shall Be No More," New Year
sermon; sunaay scnooi. 12 m.; C. is..
o:au p. in. ,
Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenu and
Knott street; Kev. F. Elmo Robinson.
Services. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ro.:
nunaay scnooi, y:e a. m.; r. P. S. C.
E., 6:30 p. m.
Kern. Park Rev. E. M. Patterson;
services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; topics.
seven Secrets of Success" and "The
progress or tne Kingdom "; Bible school.
iv a. in.; i;. e.., n.tu p. m.
WooUlawn Services at 11 a. m. and
7:S0 D. m. by nastor. Clark W. Com.
stock; topics, How the World May
Kpjw That We Are Christians" and
"Why Be a Christian?"; Sunday school.
m a. in.; i. t: o. -.. c, e:au p. m.
First Corner Park and Columbia
streets, Rov. R S. Muckley. Services.
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; topics, "A Girl
Who Owned a Prophet," a sormon to
girls and young women; and "Seers of
Visions and Dreamers of Dreams"': Bi
ble school, girls' day, 10 a. in.; C. K.,
6:30 p. in. ,
Advent Second street, between Hall
snd Lincoln. Services at 11:30 a, ra.
and 7:30 p. m.; Young People's So
ciety of Loyal' Workers, 6:30 p. m. :.
United , van gellcaL
First Corner, East Tenth and Sher
man streets. Rev. A. A. Winter. 10 a.
m.. Sunday school: services It a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.l L. of C E., 6:80 p. m.
Second Fargo and Kerby ' streets;
Rev. B. S. Hughes, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. tn.; rvlces 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. .
St John's Ivanhoe and' John streets;
Rev. Chester Paul Gates. Preaching 11
a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Ockley Green Gay street and Wil
lamette boulevard; Rev. J. Bowersox.
pastor, services, ii a. m. ana 7:16 p.
m.; Sunday school,, 10 a. m.; K. I C E.,
6:16 p. m. ,
evangelical Association.
First English East Sixth and Mar
ket streets; 6. A. SiewiU. pastor. . Serv
ices 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.: Young Pantile's
alliance, p.- m.j eunaay scnooi, 10 a. m.
Urst uerman corner Tenth and Clay
streets; Theodore Schauer. pastor; ser
mon at 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 D. m. Sun
day school 9:S0 a. m.
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tln-
betts: L. C. Hoovei, castor. Preachin
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a. m. '
(Htrlstlaa Solute. - "'
First Church of Christ. Scientist-
Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and
Lownsdale streets. Services st 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m.; subject "Christian Science";
Sunday school at close of morningserv-
ice; weanesaay mooting, s p. m.
Second KlksV touii'io. Stark, between
Sixth and Seventh streets. Services at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; subject "Christian
Science"; Sunday school at close of
morning service; Wednesday, meeting,
8 p. m. ,
tmltd Brethren la Christ.
. First East - Fifteenth and Morrison
streets; Rev. H. C Shaffer. Service
at 11 . m. and 7 :30 p. . m.; Sunday
school at 10 a. m. :
Radical Sixth and Mechanlo atreets;
Rv.C P. Blanchard. Services, 11 a.
m. and ' 7:30 p. m.l Sunday scJbooL It'-fe '''"xy-".':;'''c 'ii'ii
United lTesbyterlaa.
' Church - of the Strangers Wasco
street and Grand svenue: Rv. 8. Earl
DuUola. Service st 10:45 a. m. and
7:30 p.m. On block of pew reserved for
th deaf, to whom morning sermon 1
Interpreted. Sunday school, 11 m.
First Sixth snd Montgomery trt;
Rev. A. W. Wilson, taaior. Service at
10:20 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., sermons by
the pastor. Service at 4 p. tn. for
Italians to which all Italians ar In
" ,.: UBltartaa. '.'"'.,
Church of Our Fthr Comer ot
Yamhill and Seventh streets; Rev. W.
O. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. U Kllot D. Ev.
minister emeritus. Services, 11 a. m.;
topic. "Th Rule of Jesus In th Com
mon Life of Man": Sunday school, 9:45
a. m.; adult class. 12:10 p. m.; Y. P. F
6:20 p. m. ' . .
21f OTiad
First Germs a Tenth and Stark
street; O. Hatoer. Services at 10:41
a. oi. and 8 p. m. "
UalvsrsaUsV - -
Church of th Good Tiding Fast
Couch and East Eighth streets; Rev.
j. lx Corby. Services. 10:49 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.: topics, 'How Long I It
Safe to DrlftT" and Th Richest Man
on the Paclfio Coast"; Bible school.
12 m.
I& 33. Charck SoatH.
171 H Second street; Rev. E. P. Mowr.
flervlcea 11 a. m. and 7:30 d. m.: Sun
day school. 10 a. m.; Epworth league,
6:30 p. m.
,. Spiritualist Society.
Flrt Ablngton building. Third street
between Stark snd Washington, 11 a.
m.. conference. "The Work of Spiritual
ists." 7:45 p. m.; lectur by Rev. J. H.
Lucas and Colonel C. A. Reed, "The In
fluence of th Character and Work f
Reformer In Promoting th Progress
of Mankind. ... ' ...
A. O. U. W. Iltu Beiiing-mrcn
building. Service. S to 6, and 7:80 to
IQ; 8 p. m, aeraie. is jeu urouni
Soonr E. A. De Vennl and Dr. Bev
erly, message. . .. ... .
Free lecture, urew nan. 193 iwotu
street, 2:30 p. m., "Tha Seal of .Admis
sion Into Christ's Kingdom," by A, E.
Da Vennls. .
. 2lsollason.
Bwedenborglan New Church Society
Knights of pytnia nan. juevema ana
iiH., .trMii.1 Service Ham.
Latter Day Saints Service In Allsky
Wail Mraw Tn rn mnn Morrmnn iinmii
at il:30 a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday
rhnoL 10 a. m. 1
Millennial Dawn O. A. R. HalL cor
ner Second ana .Morrison aireei. , serv
! .0.n. m .
Divine Truth Center Hall, Allsky
building. Third and Morrison streets.
Services, 11 a. m. Thaddeus M. Minard,
Christadelphlan Woodman's halL
Mount Tahnf. II l m. and 7:30 p.-m.
mnminr "Rnililn( of Bread": evening.
"What Are the Prospects for the New
Year": usual services Thursday i.v-
Y. M. C. A. 3 p. m address on "Re
lftrlon for Men" by Rabbi Jonah B.
Wise. Miss Ethel Lytle will sing. Ster
eopticon pictures, discussion group,
lunch and singing. All men Invited.
No Cocaine, No Gas
No Students
Our success la dim In uniform
high-grade work at reasonable pile.
And thos afflicted with heartweak
neas ran now have their teetli ei
traded filled and brldgework ap
plied without th least pain or dan
brilhjh; work 5.oi
r 1
m k . .-f r --fc
Jlvamlsatloa aad Consul tatloa Tree.
Rc-EnamcIing Teeth
Is th greatest Invention In modem
dentistry and has been most success
ful of all methods
W extend to all special Invita
tion to rait at our cfflce and have
their teeth examined free of charge
We own and control the Isrgnst
and beat equipped dental establish
ment In th world, having 19 office
all told.
W glv a written guarant with
all work for 10 years. Lady attend
ant ,
Open vening till 7. Sunday f to 1.
Union Painless Dentists
taiVa Morrtsoa St, Cornsf rirst
14tk sad Washington
, Phon Main 1 and A-11I1
KOHDAT naiT, dzcxkbss so
, Stanford University
Prices, 21.00. 75c. 50c.
Seat Ar Now Selling.
34Ui and ,.WihinjtOB
' Phon Main 1 and A-1123
Sunday Night December 29
A2f rxAJiczaco ofea co.
Ths Comedy With Musio ,
Prlces. 25c, 85c 60c. 75c. $1.00.
.. BB CliXRABU. '
ta vour horses as well as to yourself.
You need not suffer rrom pains of any
sort your horses need not surrer. Try
a botti or uaiisra s enow L,inimenc
It cure all pains. J. M. Roberta Bat
ersflttld, Mo., write: "I have used your
liniment for ten years and find It 'j
he the best I have ever used, for man
or beast" ; Sold by all druggist.
14th and Washington. ;
. ,Phne Main 1 and A-1122.
In th College Play. , r
Evenings. 21.50 to 25c: Mat., 81 to 25c
Portland's Famous Theatre Main 6. .
Th Greatest Novelty Hit In Years.
Evening. 25c, 80c, 76c Mat 25c, 60c
BAKXK. THEATRE ; mob iiain a
v GEO. I BAKER, Manager.
LAST Tf mm 'rnvi-it..p
Chas. H- Hnvt's nw Enrlnd Comedy
-a MimrrowT wttt.t.
With Its cheerful Winter scenes of
trijW and ice. A scream nf laiirfi
and fun. ,
Evening prices 25c 85c. 50c Mati
nees 15c. 25c Next week, startin to.
morrow matinee, "The Crisis."
Diamond Roof Stains
Gal. Lots 75 c Per Gal.
Portland Sash & Door Co.
830 rsoirx st. pobtu.ut, or.
Morrison and lth. Phone Main 117.
v ' j-.E. J. Carpenter's Great
Kmntlonnl rrsna '
A sermon In dramatic form. Ktrlctlv
moral and containing a powerful lesson.
NlghtS 15c 25c, 35c, 50c. Mat. 10c, 20c
Next week, beginning tomorrow zaatlnte,
. "-r-"Are Tou Craiyr'
Both Vhoaest . Main 488S; Borne, A-1P23
Week commencing Monday, Dec. 23,
The Allen Stock Co. Presents a Grand.
-. Double ChMntmaa Bill,
uCI2tlEBEZAA.H ' -;.
Dally matinee, 2:15 p. m., IOo and 20o.;
The Mafc From Mexico," every even
ing. 8:15.- Evening prices 10c 20c and
SOo. Boxes 60c Office open 10 a. m. to
10 p.. m. " '
Tell the Grocer to Or-er
: msiop's . 1
King: of Coffeei
1 lb. 40c, 2 lbs. 75c
4'iw --.'-Vl
ClttM and DMntlflee tfa hnis.
Prorooue a hmuuint 'frovth.
Nfrver Tails to JtMtora Ctray ta it Vauthfil PnlnvJ
Cure, Mtlp d!MM filiuij.
0c,ndI,OOt Druil,a
THP 3TAD ' oid. i. t
I 8 9 & J tt Whon,,. . W.w. A.149S
Present th' Most Sensational Melodrama'
Matinees Sundays. Tuesdays. SFRCIAT,,
Thursdays -snd Saturdays at 2:30.
Prices 10c and 2oc.
Evenings 8:15. ITlees 15c, 25 and 85c
TOone tot : Jleserved Sea is, Any Per
, fonaano. .
$chwab Printing Co
must vonr. tsjotrjLM rttictt
Wcbfoot Oil Blacking
Stakes ' Shoes wkterproof . rreserres
l.atAer wot niu,
Mattresses end ' Upholstering
Mad Over and Made to Order. Carpets
Sewed snd Laid. Phon Main 8878.
MAS SET 81 XASSET, 809 Jourtlt Street
J. Shcma&sky, .Vlaiow Glazlsg
Promptly attended to in any part of tho
city. Doors and windows bought and sold.
284 Second, near Jeff. non Pao. 8037.
At th 1SODEBIT PBHTTERT, for Cheap
- - w Prtotlrg. ,
as Buel Bids;. 4tU and Morrison,
Norllivvestern Liability & Accident Company
: A v..-; 20s wells-paeoo beso. capxtaii $200,000.00
Employers' Liability, Steam Boiler, Piute Glass, Health and Accident Insurance,
; f ... ...V Sttretjr. Bonds Only First-Class Agents ,Vantd, to Whom th
, - ' Most Excellent Contraets Will F.e Uiven. '
C. S, WESTOJf, Oeueral S:ara?Jr. ,
Th Greatest Trained Horse Act In the
World. Matlnoes daily and two perform
ances each evening at 7:30 and 9:15.
- Prices Remain the Same. '
"The riickelodion Theatre"
Opposite Oregonian Bldg.
Th Most Beautiful of AH Hand-Colored
Pictures, , . - v
Don't miss It. Any seat 8c.
To Oaks Rink
' . Open tomorrow mornlnf 1:20 a.
tn. with music.
Oregon Main 8218. Home A-2)tr,
Successors to the Portland Ty Wo V i.
II. X PRAKOEK. I'roi..
All kinds of itartneiits sgc----'.
cleaned, dyed, pressed an'l . rn, ,.
Practical hatter.
811 FOntTH ST, yoiTtim. I
- 'Fifty slightly. d-m.
chines, Jnciu.Jlnc r. ' -i x
Wilson, Ixhii-bi i j
I.avls snd t" r:v . f r -to
make ro.'M : t - y