14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND. THURSDAY ! EVENINO. DECEMBER 20, 1907. Sin Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1206 Call Bldg." Tsispboa shim; suaL Oresontsns when In Ssn Francises ran hav thtr mall nt In car of Th Journal of flea. ARTHUR U FISH. Representative. NOTICES NEW TODAY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND TO all person, firm and corporation Interested In the Titla On ran tea ft Truat comuanv. In Durauanoa of an order made by the honorable tha elr cult court nf the United State for tha diatrict or Oregon, In tha auit or N. Coy. plaintiff, against tha Title Gtiar snte ft Truat company, a corporation, j ana omers, notice la nerecr given to tne creditors, aa wen aa an peraona, flrma and corporations having claim or aemana against the aia Tine uuaran tee ft Truat comDany, a corporation, Portland, Oregon, to present the same w th the vouchers thereof, duly verl fled, to the undersigned receiver of aald Title Guarantee ft Trust company at hi office In the city of Portland, Oregon, on or beror tare months rroiu ut date hereof. Portland, Oregon, December 18. 190T. bi. C, HGAK8, Receiver of the Title Guarantee A Truat componr SPECIAL. CLUB DA NCK M URLAR k SITUATIONS WANTED MALE PERSONS WANT1NO A SITUA- TION CAN INSERT A WANT AP by FOUR LINKS. IN THIS COL UMN, THREE TIMES FREE or CHARGE. -,. Orchard Homes I and acr tract; flna oil; om running water: aome ciesr; soma ui..i. aome Umbered; everything r"( I hali Xma and New Year' eve., by atatlon, achool and stores, Small Pf I Myera' Terpalchorean club. All mem ber a rerjueatod to be preaent. rrores- aor Mvors, master of ceremonies. Mrs. Myr and Mra. Dr. Kent, floor com mittee. ment down. $10 monthly. $66 an acre and MP. - oTtAjn) rmisTOi co, sea stark sv. jtoom la, A GOOD HOME 8 -room house on East tSth itreet. $2300 EASY TERMS. KASTHAaT l TXOaCrSOV, Chamber of Commerce. MEETING NOTICES WEATHER REPORT WEB FOOT CAMP. NO. e & Ufuutm.fi ' tit tha World. . meet ' every Friday night In w. o. W. Temple, 128 11th , at. All roembera re quested to be preaent. Visitor wetcom. FRANK M OTTER. C C n. ij. I'Annun, cierx. lneota llcenae: Al references: are 10 WASHINGTON LODGE NO. married; total abstainer. T. J. McAn MAN WITH EXECUTIVE AND DB- tnl bualneas experience in every ca pacity from bookkeeper to manager miiat nave employment. O-10R. Journal FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI- vate family, home privileges, batn.l gaa, cheap. Call sUO E, Slat., Brook lyn cur. - PACIFIC HOTEL. FURNISHED HALL AND BALLR modern convenience 1 M. NEW WITH e Main IMS. OOM. N sjrJHhoni RESORTS YOUNG MARRIED MAN. BOILER- makerr helDer. also rood rivet heater. will take any kind of Job. P-lOfi, Jour- nai. - , . YOUNO MARRIED MAN WILLING to work wishes noaltlon aa book. keener or assistant; can-do collecting. ifc-ius. journal room a. 214 Columbia, cor. lit: new I CA8TLB EDEL BRAU (Twelve. Mile brick bulldlna- iuat oneiiinr: steam heat. I Houae) Moat unlaua and beat road- hot and cold running water In every I house In the west: kitchen supplied room, free bath, phone; too to 11 day, I from our farms; (Irst-claaa good; pert- r rea ivierriii. oniiniior, 11.60 tot week; one call means another. A-10B, land prices. THE GRAND, 46 H N. ID ST. ROOMS n. 11.25 per week and up. BUSINESS CHANCES for gentlemen iiiCELY FURNUHED ROOMS. STEAM I AS PRIVATE SECRETARY OR STEN OKTSDher: V veara exDerlence: thor- ougmy irusiwortny; Dest or references aa to ability and character. Willing- to lave city, c-ios. Journal. YOUNG MAN. tl. WiSlfES StfilAbY position of any kind. X-10S. Journal. Light work of any kind ry a reliable yotina? man. S-IOI. Journal Wanted a position as janitor1 by a Janitor of It yeara' experience cash bond riven. log .Keeerv au, van couver. wain, WANTED POSITION AS BAKER will pay th aum of SS to th person wno will secure m position, jwus, Journal. SITUATION WANTED BY ENGINEER havtntr ten year practical experience witn Mm and electrical macmnerv. Own tool and indicator, rirst-cias Mtn The storm of yesterday caused- th following: maximum wmu eiocuies m tills district: North Head. , miles . v. . r,' - . . W I I m n A Ld m11e V.JXI ! .,,thw.t und ftnotane. SO mile south-1 By order W. M. west. It also caused general rain In L. 4fl A. F A A. M. Hneclal tranr. MedfArd Dninn communication tni tinure flay), I p. m. sharp, Burk hard building;, - E. - Burnaida and Grond ave., to conduct funeral of our late Brother Lane. Visiting brethren In- 3. H. RICHMOND, See. ii.,- jit.tw-int Mrh in the Willamette I m. w. a KVKkcith.KN caaip. .4S. enllev and sound country amounted to J moet Wdnaday evening. Allaky between an Inch and an Inch and a half. Mi's.. d and Morrleow t. i he storm la now central over Montana, I vv. a. OREGON GKAPK CAMP NO. but the precipitation sine th "tP"J t 91t Mondays. 17th and MarshalL rrossed Th riocay muniu i vhiwm . -iromn very light. Good rains nave iann California as Jar south aa freana A blKh pressure area overliea the Atlantic Statea and the weather east of th Ml Hesippl river Is generally fair. The lndlcationa are for fair wather In this dlatrlct tonight and Friday, es tpt in weatem Oregon and western Washington, where occasional light rains may b expected. It will b cooer lontghU bRLfGGlST. dRADUAtli PHlLADliL- phia college of pharmacy, 7 year ex perience, desires position. Y-107, Jour nal. MIDDLE-AGED SINGLE MAN WANTS Dosltlon In or near city as man about place; wages secondary consideration. Particulars and reference on request. A-ios journal BUSINESS NOTICES . Westcni Circulating and Distritutinj: Company . ' Manacer. A. B. Caurhey. OFFICE ROOM it MILNER. BLDG. Authorised representative of Sun Ad- L,nV.X m"mira of II 7 rertislng Bureau. Merchants Outdoor T.h.r Jr WiJ.6r t Katurday arid Advertising Co.. 'Reliable Advertising '1 vr.rld? Ul6. Ur y- Bureau, latlsfactlon guaranteed. Ask for prices. ' Phone. Home A-1644. Mln. Precln. PRIZE1 CIGAR STAND OPTIMO AND probably 11.0 leet Sunday. Temp. Max. 44 40 38 62 it 41 Boston, Mass. ..... Buffalo, N. Y....... Shicago, IIL Cincinnati, Ohio ... fx-nver, CoL ...... trTnnnaji Cltv. Mo. .. Little Rock. Ark... 0 Los Angeles, CaL.. 7S, Kew Orleans, La, ... 60 Kew York, N. Y... 41 Imahi. Neb. fl Philadelphia. Pa. ..- 41 Phoenix. Aria. .... 72 (ltthiirr. Pa. ..... 41 44 1 60 64 ian Francisco, Cal. 61 Seattle, wash. .... IVashington, D. C. K . i . roriitinu, vi..M, ft Louis, MO. r. . It. Paul. Minn.,. Bait Lake, Utah. Ian Diego, Cal.. 41 61 40 Zl 21 Zl 10 so 63 41 63 38 30 SS 81 14 44 S3 1 41 4 48 40 83 6 I Silk Tie, 10c; 60o In cash given away 10 1 with each S9 of these clears sold. 641tt .0 1 Washington ft. J. C. Gregory. SHAW, PERKINS & MITCHELL. BI - cycle, gaaoline, electrical repairing. 107 Stark to 326 Stark. .0 ..0 .0 . .0 .0 V.-..9 .0 .0 :S' 1.23 .0 .18 ",T . .14 . .83 .0 INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND, SOLD Covenant Contract Co 42? Flidnt bldg. Main 21. ' . L. C. HHNRICHSEN Co.. JEWELERS. and eptlclans. X4 Washington at LOST AND FOUND. LOST JOLD CLASS PIN ON "U" CAR Monday nlghtiabeut o'clock; D. P. T. Feb. '97 inscrlWd on pin; totters light ly blurred. Return to Journal office and receive rewsrd. ' ' - . LOST A BLACK COLLIE DOG W1TI-1 Paclflo Title ft Trust Co, th leadln bstractors. 204-6-0-7 Failing bldg. ""Western Abstract ft Loan Co., room 1 2, 268 Stark, opp. U. wu oiag. aiARRIAG LICENSES s Tracy McDermott, Swetland building, ii rtAMthv Ow,niL 24. , ; A. G. Enaulst, SI 5 Tremont street, II. ind Ellen Hogg. 21., ' Martin Zimmermann, 695 Guild ave .' ue, 20, and Louisa Arndt. 21. . J. Benson. 676 Lexington avenue, 15, and Clyde Florence Weston,. 86. Helmer S. Peterson, Clarkston, Wash ligton, 27, and Helga Berg, 29.- , Ben Berger, 304 Wheeler street, ti. pd Ipa Hanson, is. u.Hlinir ( 'h nl a. W. U. bmlth ft Co Washington bidg, corner 4th and was Inrton sts. - Weddings cards the best. 100 for 86. aivln RJ HswK. lffiast Tooseth ft Co florist, for flower o; 11 kinds. 123 6th L Clark Bros.. Florists Fin flowers nd florsl designs. Z& Morrison t. Full dress suit for rent, all sizes, fnlqu Tailoring Co.. S0 Stark St UAX M. SMITH, FLORIST. 160 6TH it. OPP. Meier ft Frank's. Main lilt BIRTHS 2ARLSON December 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Carlson, 856 South avenue, t son. . . i DRAKE December 24. to Mr. and Mrs. George w. Drake. 116 Grove, a son. RUSCH December 2. to Mr. and Mr. G. t. Kiiscn, lyenrs, a aaugnter. EASTMAN November 11. to .Mr. and Mrs. Joel Alpha Eastman, Summit treet. a daughter. 8 ' . ) DEATHS tOVING December 22, Lucie Loving, St Vincent hospital, ags 27; hemor FUNERAL NOTICES. BCIIOCK In thi city, December 25, at li'it Corbett treet, Myra . Schock, tired 63 years. The funeral services will be hld at Flnley' chapel at 1 p. in., Friday, December 27. Friends ln fited. Interment Greenwood cemetery. LtHN In this city December 25, at 258 North Seventeenth atreet, Tillie M. tahn, age 3 years, 6 months and 26 Says. The funeral services will be held it the above residence at 2 p. m., Fri fay. Decemer 27. Friends Invited. In-ti-rment at Lone Fir cemetery. tARLSON In this city, . Decem ber 24, 1907, Joseph Carlson, aged 86 fears.' -The 'funeral services 'will be leld at Flnley chapel, Friday, December 17. at 10 a. m. Friends Invited. . t. , 1 .... . i1 , brown on breast and face, with col- lar; reward. 808 4th st. FOUND CANOE IN WILLAMETTE SlOUKh. C658. J. R. Criger; phone Scott SITUATION WANTED. YOUNG MAN S3, not afraid or Hard work, u-iot, journal. A RELIABLE MAN OF 30 WISHES steady employment of any kind. Ad dress Nichols. 1501 E 15th St., city. WANTED POSITION OF ANY KIND bv vouna- Geunan of hlahest of dU' cation; speaks, read and write Eng lish. Addres F-104. journal. SITUATIONS WANaED FLMALK. PERSONS WANTINO A SITUA TION CAN INSERT A WANT AU OF FOUR LINES. IN THIS COL- : UMN, THREE TIMES FREE OF . CHARGE. , GERMAN WOMAN WOULD LIKE situation as housekeeper for widower or In family In the city or eountry; can not speak English well. Bertha Gun- kow. 636 Ppencer st., Montavilia. MAN AND WIFE WANTS POSITION on small ranch or farm, or a cook and helper In small camp or small hotel; have two children, girl 13 and baby 20 month old; beat - reference given. W-106. Journal. EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER wishes place In small family; widower or old people. L-104, Journal. WOMAN WANTS WORK. Phone Pac. 2024. BY DAY. LADY WANTS LIGHT HOUSEWORK or chamber work; sleep home; phone Paclflo 237!. Room 18. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned came day. 228 Front St. Main 474, A-1S74. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Me tiger, proprietor. HELP WANTED MALE WE EDUCATE YOU IN' SALESMAN - ship by mail In 8 weeks and guarantee riositlon as traveling salesman with re iable firm; salesmen earn from 82,000 to 810,000 a year; write for catalogue today. Address National Salesman' Training association, 631 Scarrltt bldg., Kansas City Mo., or room 333 Lumber Exchange. Minneapolis, Minn. Union Hotel Rooms Room Room. Country transient solicited. Room 25c. 3 So Ind 60o per night J. H. H. An derson, proprietor.- , - Wasninrton Hotel Newlv furnished, alrv outside rooms: neat accommodation; rent reasonable; transients solicited. 102 3d and Flanders, PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. 205 Vi Morrison St.... Phone Psclfl 331 27 N. 3d st Phone Pacific UOO A. B. C EMPLOYMENT CO. HELP free to employers. W. A. Davis, Mgr., 226H Morrison st. Phone Main 3022. ST. LOUIS LADIES' EM P. AGENCY. Mr. Richardson, mgr.; selected help a specialty. 230 Tamhlll. Main 6413. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Phone Main 6521. 249 Couch st. WANTED AGENTS hest modern. 812 to ISO rar month: inrnnnnn, in w. rsrs. tn Artonia. HOTEL ' ft 2 aaa fieri voirriirn OILT EDGE INCOME PROPERTY. Invest 34.000 and double your money In nn VuP f f ,u,lv. 9K tm .nt Intwr. EMPREPS NEWLY FUR- I eat on vour monev If vou do not mra to nlshed. central, oulet: th and Stark. I aell. . . LAMBERT HOUSE NEWLY FUR-1 n' . no 'k- Investigate. Do not nlshed: room 11 per week and ud: I answer vunlesa vou have th cash. In- modern conveniences 13 U irnlon av. I quire room 16. Lafayette bldg. DON'T, NO DON'T BUY YOUR ROOM FOR SALE FARMS PERSONAL BisrSnau ' ' We Cure IK acre. U mile from Greshsm depot; All diseases of men. women snd children ' 11 acre clear, 100 young appl trees, I both acute and chronic disease of f running water; would mske a nn I in y, r, nose, throat and lunge. poultry inrm; pric IJS.Vuv; ouv uvwu, nwn iuiicjr, uiuuurr, urain nu iiom. balanc 10 year at 6 per cent. ch catarrh, rheumatism. Indlaestlotir-v 80 screa 20 mile east of Gresham, constipation and skin diseases promptly near Sandy P O.: estimated to have cured. All private and wasting dlaeaan 1.600.000 feet of Dillna timber: land all promptly cured and their effects per- level; If taken at once, 31,80,0, , rnanently removed from the ayateid. 1 430 Lumber yjxenange. u.nuni. we guarantee an 01 our cure. TlTS KARY FURTJTsHED ROdMST fi-.pg per wees ana up. 1QH d. Ins-houae till vou aee what tha Port- TUB HAfirntc I lmna "usiness Agency nas on tneir Dar- 13th and Alder. Nicely furnished I tuL J.V. 1. w:. .u. .0Ui".J.n rnrr.r , r i a mii k, h., i . k.h , I. . un. risnn and Aldor. MAN ACRES, 10 ACRES INCUL1,1Va- Vork Surg leal ft Medical I nstltul. Ion, balanc pastur and light tlmhe, ''gh bldg., 6th and Wssh. sts. rioi.n. Dr. Mary . Lane Institute v li, bal- Expert treatment given woman antf rooms; central; dining-room In nectlon. , fOrMisiIkd LIght H6L'i3fclKEi!!pKt3 rodms: convenient, new hntiaa. 2 ieiay st, near Morris; take 8 car. Large, nicely furnished froTTt room, nrst rioor, good locality. 141 nc.L,lAOL,nj Ktaii t-O lAlli A i 1 1 1 A rtr mrrm Mnnhoim WI..I I fFrvtlnln "t .l.' A .. a- wh?ch l7ea2liyiearyn.d; "p.Tac'tl'v m.n 8-ACltE RANCH T(Wb MlLES Fr6m tt"?',nf.,2ri" ".",. 1 44 tlon. house and barn, running water; 11 mile from Portland on lilliaboro elect no survey. Frio. I4.40U, ii.uou ca anc time, . ... . - , children' aliment by a graduate -end H-acre tract, with water main, near licensed Isdy physician. Maternity eaae Mount Scott carlln; 110 down and 10 given special attention. Up-to-date san. per month. : - - Ftarlum In connection. No charse for 12 H acre mil from carnnj: lies I consultation and corresnondenc abao- level ; line lor suuaiviuing; f ,vvv; i tuieiy confidential. Addresa all corr term. . I apondence to Th Dr. Marv Lan Inatl 'L ELIAS BRONO, . . tut. Medical and Surgical. Incorporated. iiv su mi. ni'Mi, iiimn i (,.. rooms s to is, urand iheatr blugH cor. ACRE tltACTS ALONG THE LlNE3 frk and Wash, sts. phone Msln 31 of th O. W. P. railway, on fourth I LADIES. 81.000 RKWARlv-Tvvm Pi.hi. down, balanc 110 per month. From 366 tlvely guarantee Dr. Southlngton' 13th. between Alder and Morrison ts. 8160 to 8300 a month: very Utile requireq. can I4v g targ t, Ittl money Medford, Or... 270 acre under plow. "v"5 no harm, pain or Inter! itue money bearlnK 0;chara ,prng water, good work. Mall 11.60. Double t siwvxfl. buildings, good land; Is pUtted In I to Buy of Jlrugal.t or .wrl Interference trength FF? ...:FMl WANTED-BY. EASTERN MANUFAd- LVr'cPcV wrVt.fl at" f 6ou7h,nn R.m.d7K. IT"kS I as City. Ma wnnwn m n ina k has mkihIh I a . - I . . , . ' - - I crm in tint, wiiij ibri iiv.uuu ui iuu'i, nBion niog. clr rental property in exchange. C LOOK TILL YOU GET TIRED. AND H. Pierce ft Bon, Medford, Or. THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED these naDa ther sdvertlsaT ro to the -"l!'AP FARMING AND FRUIT LAND, L ,' ; mjOUW UwlWl . room In privet residence, furnace Portlaifd Hu.ineis AnrvN1. Eth It 'o' , cl L"k? RCflllK Jtr A JkS L'Jtrlt tieat modern convenience, would per- The noted bntJXZ tllr.' U county. Oregon; circular fre. ' Drenkel J G& 143 I'Z QUI 5U m.t light hou.ekeeplng, fo? reflned.po. tfe'l b Mft Pfne. Lakevlew. Or. U Chr hir.eeae T . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Prot'-W.Nyc Means Mystic Healer 1T2I Week' up clean Turn" Ished housekeeDln room. bath. isunory, zurnac neat, yaro. ivii Stanton t U car . 847 11th at Partner Vv'ANtED bL'siKe. ii,nu inapeviion. juiuiiar yre- xwrreq; reference. -iot journal. $1.60 WEEii UP LARGE, CLEAN furnlabed houeekeeDlnsr noma linn. ary ana pain. onermaa at, aouta. rorxiano. SALOON FOR ALE CENTRAL LO- I cauon. aoing good business; nign rraa rixturea; low rent; 'long leas. TIMBER -1 ChrcnLc Diseases Of men and -women permanently curad py modern sclentino metloda Eleo- trlclty snd alontrln.llvht likilmaat fn dlseasea rrf (ha n.A.t.t. nri ..-,,, Consultation free. Dr. W. L Howard. TIMBER LANDS. CALL UN US. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 'or Interview address X-102. Journal. Cowch Bldg. 108 4th, near Washington. I Commonwealth bid.. Ith at .A.. X 1 .A 1J a 11. III AI, H 1 t.lLTl I , T I J A.A.C - SA L, . . LJ AJ A l.lkl A J J A A A I. A , A h. . M n&l, A .A J IVI I , III, IJiniKIN and poolroom, clearlnc 8200 ter month: 1 . Per snaps irom 40 acre upward. Let I Celebrated beauty eomnounda. lin.ion - I , M . 1 " 1 . 1 . a. ft I mm kHMM I. a . . . ... 9 I n...l - I- . J. . . . . . Yir.rtmuTi-pi;i I J" ur naa invuiue. I 1 j , ui 1 uiaa, iu logo, isce Dieacn, rice ter eblw Aliee ' I PARTNER WANTED. AS OWNER IS 83 ACRES 4. MILES FROM CORVAL- "J.m "ius viy w Amerlc I M Field- oyiLAider. I h,Za vi . r . . 1' . I iia mil a Aiiu. fmm iihinv, fr..A I ner bldg.. 10th and Waah. Man 7i-, KOiiMS: ALS2, 0i5EKJt!EPlN5 necessary;' wUl nay you 13 to 36 a day; thre lde. For sal by owner, Q. LADIESI ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR ... avuiciv, i.ui, 1 uwu imt nicnesicre rina. in uiamona Brand. 64. I For IS veara knnwn - : x. " l-i l.j i. ,111 wu irvn. a ginAducn in rum i 1 t, 1 . 1 , r- -- rLliAOANT FURNISHED ROOMS I land and want to know tha In. and I renaDI. iK no other. LARGE LIGHT for housekeeping electric lights, bath, icna nnn neai.. ODD Bin St t."w'w1. VmCLES. HARNESS Chichester Diamond Brand TO liable Information. I - - I'"' by drugglat everywhere UL'RNISHED HOUSEKEEPli3 R65Mi5 room. 148 6th t, room AJ no charge; H?"2 .il? i.l ..... AllL CHRONIC DISEASES OS4 MEN. iree oatn. 3B3 st st. I piewseq to ibik witn you ROOMS AND BOARD by day. week and month: peclal rate .; 7m,7,... .r".: . "I .-"I?: ! ...a..--., ... ,. win, 1 k,..!.... kn . a.k .. Vi..Kr. 1 ,v.i-. - I IF YOU HAVE 35,000 AND WANT TO 73. " for .Sln.rrnTnlnri I 1 U'uir Invest In a aood lealtimat business ' , '... : i.. t lfnfj"f.'.in.f"lnfig;. &vul. Crora. with on of th largest and best f - I ..." I '"" Harness Co., 6th. near Davis. ( ri H I . K.Hl'fllV . " A WTW I In ttm . tv An waw (hl. k,pln.1. mam. I . iilho V. V. , 456 ALDER 8T AT 13TH. fidentlal: nrlnclnala onlv. . Address FOR SALE LIGHT STUDEBAKER 85o table d'hot dinner, f to T:I0: 1 R-106. Journal. I farm wagon: good a new. Salvation I Paralysis aoltra. rhatimatlam ti.rAti. unch. 11:80 to 1:80, 26o: breakfast, I partner W.MTrn t- iTTynri I Army. 84 Union ve. . chronic, spfnal and female dlseasea ' :ao to s, ibc: wxiy ana montniy rates. .... u ..ii-m, ., win I GOOD TEAM, marnfsh and WagONI' fiFTH tSTKT. COR. SHERMAN. THE COLONIAL. .STEAM HEATED I show you 3125 a month to yourself; for aale. cheap.. Will sell eparately. GERMAN BOOKa MAOA Anes Nov: e. room: rood ' table: low ratea 148 1 monev ranulrad fullv .Murd p.ii tiiu 1 1S6 Carpenter at ! Woodlawn A.w . - . . , I . . - - - I .. 1 r iviii ai., curnrr morrmon.- Miaric 81. NEW Dr. Pnllip T.Ball itlam, I dlse Ft Sill iZVNEf gllaW HE boa: HAZEL A oardlnr house for vounr men. steam heat and hot and cold - water la each room. Phone A-4167, S8H Sd at MODERN I RESTAURANT OWNER DOES THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FURNISirED ROOMS THREE UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY furnished rooms, at 708 E. , Yamhill et. Phone Eeat 1408. FOR RENT HOUSES ler, etc; experience not necessary; will Fay you 830 a week, with your board. 225 required. Call Z48H Stark st. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD business opening, call at 148 6th st. room a; we deal .with principals only. CIGAR STORE AND POOLROOM. centrally located doing a business of never less tnan 4200 per montn clear; win sen for less than invoice. 21s lurh Iber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST PRO- duce and poultry businesses In the city. 219 Lumber Exchange bfdg. 76-ROOM HOTEL, THE BEST BUY IN me etrv: neara ivuii nar mnnin. ziu thumper ef;xcnsnge mog. VAN HORN XRANSFliH FUKNlTliKbi PRT NER WANTED IN A BUSINESS and piano moved, stored or shlDDad. x-nona, main Jis. cooking and wants partner to be cash- f iXTirTTi.,- """-'.iJ r. etc: exDerienee not neoessarv: will VICTOR TALKTNO MACHINES AND FOR RENT COTTAGE. "128 N. 1TTH st., oei. unsan ana oyi; rooms nd 2 attic room. Max Smith, 88 N. ttn st; no pnone. HOUSES AND FLATS FURNISHED and unfurnlahed. A. R. Drannr lilli vv nsMinprton, room e ana . corner 7th. el, a to. ! German . mnli VLk. Spanlah Swedish snd ItaUan diction arles; foreign book of all kind Schmal Co.. 221 Flret at . DON'T um DULL AND MaiS-Mvev record: Stein war land other) Dlanea I Sexlna Pill a .fir all k,.ni... at - Sherman. Clay A Co, 6th and Morrisoa bo I for 16; full guarantee. Address sts.. opp. postofflce.' or call th J. A. citmmuii n,. 3600 PIANO. 350: ORGAN 330: LE3- Portland. Or. son oc. Mrs, wsrtin. 1st st FTHE ORIENTAL DOCTOR THE CHI. YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU- ties Medicine Co.. cure acute, chronl Ic house repairing. 227 H Stark. ana private diseases of all kind, either I men or women. zroty id t SUITS PRESSED WHILE Y6lJ WaIt' 11 jm I . 1 1 , A t . . . . . . , ,. aain pressea, too. uu- FRESH COWS. 146 K. MADISON bert. 106 H Sixth U nxtna Quella st. Phone E. 2991. - - Phone Msln 2068. GENTLEMAN WISHES ACQtili'kf : FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE . nf young widow lady having own -- I .' '. n nine gin preferred: WERENI AND SEUL PIANOS. SHEU- 1 man, jiay ft ua A WFTiTrRTTTTiT H"rTgn' s-pm, object matrimony. Address Box 61. city) modern house, oak-stain rinisn, con- -n. x. j fusKCE. SPECIALIST, JDIS- . . . . 1 l n II I.. 1st I - a -1, i 1 i.l rrciv luuiiuBuuu, 'cirvu iv ii.hm, v. Ww,mv , ,n irregularities cor- 60x100, nice lawn, om fruit tree, rected; no exposure; charge moderate. chicken-house and yard; near carllne; I ll H lt, cor. Yamhill. ; FOR RENT- that will clear over 8150 per month: 8600 reaulred. 219 Lumber Exchanx , j i - 1600 BUYS 18 INTKRF8T iN1 RKq-fii" B""0- ,J;00. Will trade PERSONS OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE, 6i B.yAf...A tNJiiES,T JN BEST btor farm. Better look this up. Angeles eltner ,ex de,lrln, .e0iuintna .7 Commonwealth bldg., tn joo for circular. Portland Introduclna manufacturing business in city; bears Exchan' 61i 680 4TH ST. MODERN I oln.a.t In.n.MlAn 9CI ).rlr .1 atilt. I . . 9-room house. Inquire 684 4th St. 11. Also other nsvlns- business chancea nq nKPn?; STRICTLY MODERN NEW 6-ROOM WANTED" southenat corner 11th mil Vi Tr.r. rison: 130: an 6 -room chicken ' house, city water, ta nnn ta tin nnn "aKGa.iiL. I . land cemnany. earned . i,.,,., Moiyf tmi et., city. STOCK IN PORT- DR. BINO CHOONG, IMPORTER CHI." ned 20 per cent last nes root medicines; aell Chinee tea. waukle st, 814. Phone Sellwood 69, BRIGHT. a ana C. jtnr- young man, eervis ana smajl capital I Vear Will exchanxe for city or u- I certain nra . 11 iTir.' Tf . Ta ROOM HOUSE TO RENT. 115 PER month: all modern, hot and cold water, tmtn. izbi k. 10th st. N. WANTED 100 MEN; DR. KETCHUM will cur promptlv an your private ana sexual aiseases; graauaie; aavic free,' 170 3d st Main 7164. Wanted salesmen ; many make 1100 to 8160 per month; some even mora; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards: cash ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery . Ca, . Top- penlsh. Washington. - -. - , MEN TO LEARN ELECTRICITY, plumblnir. plaaterins. brioklavlnc. all kinds of draftinx and Dlan readinx: day and night; no books; jposition secured; free catalog. Coyne Trade School, 230- zu sin si., enn r rancisco. - MEN TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Charley Lee. 93 N. 8d st Perfect fit guaranteed; all work first-class. FOR MEN ONLY. SCIENTIFICALLY treats private, and sexual diseases. Examination and medicine free. i Dr. Madison, 251 Alder: rooms 12 ana 14. WE SECURE POSlilUNS FOR MEM- bers; special membership 82. . M. C A. CAL. WINE DEPOT. HEADQUARTERS for cooks and helpers. 14 4tn st , A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM rates and high cash value make th policies of th Columbia Life ft Truat Co. easy to sell. APPiy to Jesse k. Sharp, manager of agent. 21 Lumber Exchange bldg agents wanted canv you sell goods? If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery compney, Hnlem. O'. LARGE PRorlTS. GOOD SELLERS, Bee piummer Drug Co., zo 3d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED A HOMESTEAD RELIN' ouishment: Address Mrs. I. M. John. son. Tournv bldr.. cor. of 2d and Taylor. HAVE CUSTOMERS FOfc IMPROVED and unimproved real estate. List your property with me. . H. W. God dard. 110 Second st Phone Main and A-1743. - , WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO PENT HOUSES, COT tage. flat, stores, office, rooming- houies. eta juanaiora wui ao weii to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF UJ'EOON. J- Phone Ex. 72. S. E Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED FINANCIAL UNDERTAKERS DUNNINO. MENTEE ft GILBAUGH, undertaker and embalmers: modern In every detail. Seventh and Pin. Main 130. Lfldv Hsststant v- ,: ). P. FINLEY ft SONS, SD AND MADI on st. Office of county coroner. Phone Main ..''"'' GERMAN , FAMILY THAT 5 UNDER stands gardening, for ranch. . Inquire Of J. 8. Smlthson. 81 N, 6th St. v GOOD PAY MEN WANTED EVERY where to tack signs, distribute ' circu-- counts. lars, sampies.etc.i.flO canvassing. Na tional Dist. Bureau, Chicago, IIL WILL BUY ACCOUNTS OF Oregon Trust ft savings Bank, Title Guarantee ft Trust. Co., ll.mli ant, V.tlnn.l Pnnlr ' Phones Main and A-1743. H. W. God- dard, 110 tsecona street. - , Can loan your money on first- class real estate security. See me. Ji. w. uoddard, 110 Becond street WILL PAY 35 CENTS ON THE DOI lar for Oregon Trust ft Saving ae- B-io. journal. WANTED BRIGHT, ENERGETIC. young man, services and small capital to ehow good faith, will secure good position and Interest In money-making office, business. - Call ' personally. 618 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. - HELP WANTED FEMALE a. a HiiiMSTOCK,' f FUNERAL Di rector. East 13th and Umatilla. Phone Bellwood Tl.- Lady assistant fcELJER-BYRNES CO., FUNERAL DI recjors, embalmers. 273 Russell. East 1081. Lady assistant ' - -- EDWARD HOLMAitf, . UNDERTAKER. 120 Id st ' tHiCSON UNDERTAKING CO- EM balmlng; lady ass't 409 Alder. M. 6188. CEMETERIES ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES. 810; family lota. 323 to 376. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont at and Cully road. Phone Tabor ' 20. For f - I Information apply to Frank SchlegeL 153 Worcester blk. Phone A2S2S. 1..UJ 1. ..' 'i ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER 25 FOR position with wholesale house; expe rlence unnecessary. T-28. Journal. DAY NURSERY. 13 N. 6TH ST.. CHIL dren of working women cared for at 10c per day. EAST SIDE FEMALE EMPLOYMENT Office. 122V. Grand ave. East 1066. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; 4 la family; ; no email children; steam - heated room. - 681 Madison St., Kings Heights WHO WILL LOAN ME 1160 AT 8 PER - cent' on manufacturing plant worth $1,200; write borrower, -104, Journal; no ngents. ' ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED LOCATERS FOR Gov ernment timber lands. Parties desiring to take up timber claims, now 1 your op portunity In a good location; can be driven to with vehicles; suitable .'for ladies; will leave here with parties about December 28. lor particular call up E. E. Willard, phone M-667 J, room 201. Imperial hotel. IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE . OR sell your furniture for cash, phone East 5204. 868 Hawthorne. WAITRESS WANTED AT ONCE. AT - !!! ad st. Pl'.ze Restaurant. WANTED COOK FOR Apply 101 N. 6th St. BACHELOR. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL . FOR general nousework. Apply 186 E. 16th GIRL FOR COOKING- - AND 6OME housework. 236 King at, . phone main ion. MALE AND ' FEMALE HELP mufin ; toe ya tried tie 'Journal r::zzl Ad : cchmns ? . Why c :t f3ll37..ia;,t!:e; fectsteps cf WANTED STENOGRAPHERS. BE ginners and experienced, to take our special drill work now, to meet call lor tne new year; day and night classes; will place you ; in position. Eclectic Business University, , 625 Worcester block.- ' MEN AND WOMICN ANXIOUS TO iN crease their earning capacity; .. . we have helped thousands, let us help. you, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND- .. ENCE SCHOOL, -r ir ' 64 M, 6th st Open Evenings. - , HELP WANTED AND - SUPPLIED, male or female. R. O. Drake. 205 Vi Washington st Pacific 1170 or A 1670. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE FIREMAN 2 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, would like postUon. X-107, Journal. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD gooas ona guarantee best prices. S. J. ft L. Kubenstein, 173-175 Front st, Blipoaua nauunai notei. f-acilio 1401 WANTED AN OFFER FOR 100 pairs homer pigeons. ' Z-l 01, Journal. .'OB HILL SECOND-HAND CO. PAYS ' highest cash prices for all kind of gooas. Bit) wasnington. wain Z421. FOR RENT NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE, modern, 786 East Slat at; take W.-W. car. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR smau ramiiy. Z3 6'h st. GOOD. NEARLY NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE near Hawthorne ave., 312. Portland nomes fjo., zo4 Morrison st. NEW B-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN 211 N. 23d at Phone owner. Main NICELY FURNISHED MODERN COT tage near Piedmont car barns. Five room house. North Albina, 10 per monin. fnone vvooaiawn mi, sz KU ling worth ave. ' HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE raro 'aim. .. 1 - . A' Ul, OOIISI ; -. GOOD FURNITURE OF 10 . ROOM house. Walkine distance. Some rooma rented; pay all er.pense of house. Cost 11.700 two year ago. Look the place over, and make offer. Any . reasonable proposition will : be accepted. . Phone Main 6067. ' - - - - off U?e businesT'call personall" 613 GENERAL, MERCHANDISE STORE- LADIESI DR. LA FRANCO'S COMJ Commonwealth hldg.. 6th and Ankeny. stwir witn noaionice. in souinern 1 Dounn: an r. .n it v r..,.!.i... ,1 Oregon, ior impm or uhihiiitii nui arugguiia or man; booklet free. acreage noar ronianu, vaiue auoui j ur, l-k rranco. r-nnaaeipnia. Pa. JOURNAL WANT ADS 10 A WORD. 13.500. Particular 83 E. Taylor t Portland. Or. Phone East 23 9 ACRES CLOSE TO PORTLAND TO tmrtf mitrni taxe teieDnone oonni, : W. Rotherford. Commercial block. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN. FINE TWO-STORY NEW , bunxalow: 8 extra large flber-Dlaatered room, reception hall, pantry, bathroom, FOR SALE HIGH GRADE NEW AND with best nickel-trimmed bath, lavatory second hand upright piano at greatly ana iiuko mirei, mn concrete-wmiea 1 reaucea prices. H. Binsneimer, 7 la t. nflMoniAnt with .tntlnn.rv iva.h , ti a I i . ' . j " :J.5 iir'funacergaS: ; VaY. ciouiric, iirepiace; graaea Bireeis; CO- - .iv,in. n r, ment walks; pleasant surrounding, lm- Com d ee u. at Twentieth a?d mediate possession; bargain this week; wi-hinetL Uriir vrlcn Talwava tha 33.800; part down. Portland Home Co. ioWB,t ton ur pTlct lwVB b 204 Morrison St. H. P. PALMER. 222 FAILING BLM. makes a BDeclaltv nf uilln, hmi.u in n ix. mi rn wine oisinct. C R. Doanell & Co. Real Estate. Room 12. 268 Stark. lowest WESTERN SALVAGE CO. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUY furniture, stoves. The Dollar, 282 1st. ONE GOOD LAUNCH HULL, . 1126. One 60-foot launcn. 12.700, Wanted, several launches to fill orders. Heye Engine ft Launch Co.. 171 Madl- 3326 BUYS BEST GRADE . FURNI- ture of small modern flat close In: cneap rent, hob piarn, mine tl. ULCHTEL ft KERNS MAKM A KK- inn at. ntionea Main 7408. Home A.13H7 Io..'V'SiTe, MorVls'il- MnUl HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CUKE-SURE; t a t, rr. .a x. 1. a . r , rn.uiaiiB. . 00m , wjr n. fjinxx VVAlrt It.WV TU 0,0UU CAH druggist FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES OFFICES TO RENT IN THE WOR- cester and Hamilton bidga at moder ate rate. Apply to Koperi strong. 111 rcester Diai' .- SEE ARCHER ft SCHANZ CO., 6TH and Oak sts , opp. Commercial . club bldg. . s ; NEW STORE FOR RENT. 250 THIRD St.. near Madison. IRST-CLASS OUTSIDE OFFICE rooms for rent In new building: steam heat electrio and gs light with jani tor service. n. e. cor. aa una warn son. "OFFICES." Room and nubile hall. Allsky bldg- 3d and Morrison ts FURNISHED HOUSES $30 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, furnished. S4 Corbett Apply 843 Washington. Main 4629. FOB RKNT FARMS FRUIT AND VEGETABLE FARM, 120 acre, no cultivated, 10 bearing or chard, 9-room house, good barn, fruit and poultry houses, mile of rail and boat station, near Portland; wants cash rent. See Portland Home Co., 204 Mor rison st ... 1 ; - airToSnrveL'tlS8 in e2LU?i. WWAd?U?i' CLEAN. WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING "lUr.l??-'" ?ne-Xe.ar-. Ar11": purpose Th Overall Laundry and brick h,,i . L t1 supply co.. pnon Beiiwooa a. iiioney at once, inquire room 16. La fayette bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington.: SMALL HOUSE, LARGE LOT, FOR saie cneap; can Sunday. 185 Mor rison st Must be sold this week. STOVE DOCTOR WE REPAIR, PUT in colls or exchange, buy or sen stove 232 1st The Dollar. Main 6874 At One Half Price EXPERIENCED . MASSEUSE- 3IVe3 massage bath. Room 14. 861 Mor- rlon. formerly of 224tyiWaahlngton. PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND Kretal are sold by A. B. Bloomer, 196 .m u rnunw jviain bvhz. klSS dlBSON GIVES SCALP TREA t" ment, dandruff. 268 -4 Mor.. room 62. ABSTRACTS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT ft TRUST Ca Main 660, A-4222. 730 Cham, of Com. ASS A VERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION ca and Montana Assay Office, 188 Mor- rtsorr t - ACCOUNTANTS. COMMERCIAL WORK GENERALLY; jiirBgiiKniiiiiiB. , iiciorv rnin: , mm offlrjaystem a jpeclalty; reference; t. A-tai nn, vvo wurcgai.gr VlQg. B. W. GAGE, ROOM SO. RALEIGH bldg.. 6th and waah., general account-, Ing. balance and statements furnished. AUTOMOBILES COVET ft WALLACE MOTOR CO., Dis tributor Pierce Great Arrow, full jew. eled Corbln and Cadillac. 16th and Alder. " OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. AUTOM0-' oiiea ana garage; aDsoiutely fireproof House and Lot $400 All watches, lewelrv. diamonds. tIo-i building. 10th and Stark. Phonn a.akkh line, guitars, ior inis moniir uuiy ai . Uncle Mvara 14S A. near Alder I ; v' , J ATtT 2-rOOm hOUSe. ROvlOO- InK T.nn.4' l.piTTtn, ti a ta a r ... . -.y-v-o iin'pr.,0 I - -- -- -- -- -- r- ie,.U8w t niiV"'1 t m"oh cow, single and double harne. EXPERT MOULIINO AND STATU-. , .. . . .-a,a,., 0 ""i i Ban, neavy ana lignt. oou r isnaers. 1 wum, ianor caati ana orna- i FINE BUILDING LOTS ON MOUNT gOO- On THA DOLLAR. CMaIRS AHb w,ent Antique, .Grecian, Roman and Scott and Mount Taoi. earllne? 1S I fl..V iif:? IcZz. Florentine. G. Adami Co.. 241 Columhla i t , - " " " " " l a iciinivii ihuich a,w a,iiv t wvavas v v f - - ; iTsiv Hn .nriS . Tii Ti' BK?r .P011"' XleH.JSTont l. W OUJ ttttAMiy fJlUUlO. CHINA PAINTING SSLt A 11 All-Aj A I AS As A A HV.JIJ.,. AS AA need answer. Q-1Q4 Journal. BATES- , A C XT A t Slit 80x100 BDlendid lots, all In i,ltt. CALENDAR PADS FOR 1908, vntinnt anclonnd with 1 ar,A i f Wight CO.; 1BO oth St fence; .good barn, comfortable 5-room BEST DRY 4-RtJoT , FIR WOOD ' DE. AAVAAaA), MAT ,1UI. v , v. o. C limn X I U 1 IB . . LHU best buy In the pity; two block from carline; price 12,800; terms. Room 32, Washington bldg.' Mrs, Marklcy, R. 647850 Morr. M. 7647 der manure from Smith's. Main 6633. HAND CARVING TAUGHT, DEALER IN niinMun lurnuurg. repairing, oas wash. ATTORNEYS NEW MODERNS ROOM HOUSE, TWO . In, a. I1.e 17, ...U . . . . . . . n - cash, .balance terms. NEW. HOUSE 22x24, LOT 60x100", . . 'VTA4L A ti.lu . uw m i n m . m -a ona Aiuma, uu taxes an, includ ing furniture; a bargain; can give terms; If this is too cheap I have other. .Pail Woodlawn ' 1277. J Simon, 82 Killings worth ave. - -v. deliver fan,6 ha'n'diahts" PIGi?.?T3 E ft.i0.? ATTOR- Klrk. rtoover. hut nhona Joa.Lsflamma .i"!'! "Ufc Corner tii- nii " T" . T I a auq jiorxison BIS. A. Bbt.lU , 44A . rouqh-cOAted colLies. highly- Qlihlu& .TonNEYS- bred and perfectly marked; six weeks Ijyy"'.;" ,7, ".mL, , . ' ; old; .pedigree . with each,, Call at 469 likfJ-PJu,t lUi co.i LAW Kast latn St. ' - i m umi;iiiuii mug, m. emu. WE PA Y MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Main 6665. 211 1st st IF YOU WANT TOSELt Eilslt ODiBi U3i Highest price 267 Flan- Second Hand Palace paid for second-hand gooda dera Phone Main 8518. BEST LOGGER" HtHJk.fi. MADE TO order, union maae shoes la stock. Err.est Claus. 36t4 Qllsan. RAZORS. KNIVES. SCISSORS TO grind. Karlson Co.. 851 Ankeny. M. 8260 CASH FOR FURNITURE; PROMPT attention mv..-ys given. East 1067 TIMBER WANTED PINE OR HARD wood, conveniently located to R. R., from 3100,000 to 3300,000 to Invest Slaughter' & Cooper. 621-623 Chnmhar of Commerce.- Phone Main . 8560; Home A-65S0. - - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RUNT HANDSOMELY FURNISHED CORNER room In steam heated apartment; modern; hoth phones; suitable for two gentlemen or would rest to business wo men, 494 Morrison ST., flat'l. 66 It Takes a -Lot of to Briye r99 - And it's aboot as practicable as to run a business with out advertising, or to rety upon "hit or miss" advertising in trying to drive prosperity nails. . . It' takes a lot of advertising of the any-old-kind brand t to keep a business off the rocks it takes but a fraction " of as much of the clearheaded, reasonable kind of publicity ' to ' speir success as it does of the mixed and purposeless kinds; some bad, some worse, some dangerous. ' ::f-:,The only kind of advertising that costs is the "drive-i-nail-in-the-dark". kind Journal advertising lpesn't cost; it pays handsomely, because The Journal is the people's popular paper-it reaches the creat Durchasinp; nuhlie more ; Q effectively, than any other Portland medium. --.'. For real estate selling The-Journal is the '.'real" thing. ' -' The s"ecret is '.they all read The Journal. ' , - B.106 PAiNAMA CANaL 2 PER CENf A- H. T ANNEK. ATTY, 609 COMMER . bond at( once. Apply to . C. Giles, olal block, 2d and Wash. Main 1446. EY 1 RICHARDSON. 618 CHAMBER f Commerce. Practice In all courts. Golden West Hotel, or 841 Everett t CAMERA AND COMPLETE. OUTFIT", value o, now ta, wardrobe -16.60,1 couch 33.60, 345 steel range $28.50: come in and see other things we nave. Anstey Bros., czs isi si., r-aciiic iu. GR o: BATHS n H hj 8aa PERSONAL MISS ETHEL WARD, . MANICURIST ana cniropuuisu nas removea irom 851 H Morrison -St.. to zoitt 8d t IMPERIAL HOTEL TURKISH BATHS. mtr Awm aii a& trm an, I a, 4 . . vi'CM uaj oiiu iiignu r.verytning new. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ' & BTRKENWALD ft CO- loi.xns vv. erett st. larxest butcher I A.B. t 4ka uaa - WaJAl. at Vr " Sure our for rbeumatUm. Sold by aU BV?SHER,9.4i ?UJPPUfi-AI)01-PH A. qruygiaia.' ' ' 1 ' t vmu" mu carries m run TURKISH PATHS. , 800 . OREGONIAN dn5fplet tWUortmtat low" bids.: ladle day. antlemn nlchta. Mam its. --' MRS. C.-CORNELiUS. SPIRltUAL -Mis: BLANK-BOOK MAKERS dlum. SelUrg-Hlrsch bldg., 10th and wow-i T a vtiT 7. xPiiTj, XrCrTT. Washington. - HOWE j DAVIS ft KILHAM. 109-111 JD i'.c : 1 nr,n "J i . ,,AtH . xt- 1 i-M " atBlank book manuf acturd: agts. MRS. BEIP;. -cLAiRANT. XND , orro'ne'sImp'v.d1" tCT iX" psychometrlst 802 Allsky bide.: SDlr- k c-,, u. .i- Itual test circles Tues., Frl. eves: "'the T mariet" MRS. OBROCK. MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref- i erences. 282H x'ark. Main 2403. A-2734. LADIES' BARBER 3HOP MANICUR- mg. racial massage. D4 4tn At CHIROPODISTS WILLIAM DEVENY AND ESTELLE ueveny, tne oniy scientific chlropod- PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU. ts, parlor 203 Drew bldg. 162 2nd t nate girls: good care 8 Mllner bldg. OLGA LANDEN, FINNISH MASSAGeT steam baths. Hlrsch bldg., Wash., cor. 10th kooijis IB-IB Belilng- A-ZS37. CHIROPODY , AND PEDICURING Mrs ,M V. Hill. 830 Fleldner bldg. CARPET CLEANING - MOLES. VVKINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS I -..i.- - - - hair removed. Mrs Hill. 330 Fleldner. JOYCE BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THH BALM OF FIGS OH ALL KUMAi,t! K Electric t'leanlng- works; .i carpet itu, uuiu urj inn com- -cleaning; carpet reflttln out work guaranteed. Phone Main A-2672. - 270 Grant at " " M fadlfendt?11 if 0N44?h"torB Wah' faANlTARYCAHPaH- CLEANING. SUC-' lacry attendants, no 4tm cor, wasn. tlon aj,a compressed air combined: BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE carpet cleaned 00 , floor. Main 6634. uuu-asrs. ivi a ueaner Diag. jiaia 1 4 iu Main tuvv. diseases. ' 626 E, Belmont. East, 4034. Q'ssneq and DOLL HOSPITAL NOW OPEN FOR claitv- wt 1 business, st 423 H Morrison at:. "72 and A-