The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 24, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Charles Bo wen and China
man; Near Grass Valley
' Slain by Robbers.,
trnlted Press Ltiwd Win.) ...
Grass Valley. Cal, ' Dec. Ii.The
finding of the body of Charles Bowen.
watchman at the Kentucky Flat
. (J ravel mine, five mllee south at here
and the burning to death of Chlneee,
Ho Qual, In a cabin In the sam vicin
ity may develop In the unraveling of
a' floubia crim to cover roDoery.
When Ho duals cabin was dlsoov-
ered to have been burned and the body
found In the ruins, it wae thought he
had set fire to hie cabin while moa-
lug opium. -
ttut when the body of Bowen, an
aged man. waa found on a trail near
the same apot with hla skull cruahed
and every evidence of hla having ben
killed and robbed. It waa remembered
that Ho Qual had considerable gold In
uuggeta and duat concealed in bla cab'
The officers are certain that both
Howfn ana the Chinese were murdered
by thugs, but they have no clue.
(Special Dtepetrk te Tbe Joe rail.)
Echo, Or.. Doc. 24. H. W. King, who
haa charge of the ditch work at thla
end of the Umatilla project, aaya the
work In thla vicinity la aoon to be com
plete. About SO men are employed aa
yet along the dltchea, watching breaks
and repairing any damage that might
be done while the water la being run
through the reservoir. While very little
trouble baa been experienced so far
from the headrate above Keho- to a
fiolnt aeveraj mllee toward Hermiaton,
t will take aoroe time to get things I41
working order.
It la reported that the Echo office
will be discontinued eoon after t je first
of the year, and that what work re
main a win be conducted at Hermtacon.
O. P. Morton, reclamation attorney, will
probably be at Hermiaton to aome
montha to coma, and Mr. King-and
othera employed here will probably go
to Hermiaton or elsewhere In the ser
vice of the government.
Water la now being run through the
ditch to the distributing system and
over the Hermlston unit of the project,
and a few thousand acres of land can
be watered thla season, though the big
reservoir will not be ready for . water
uotll aome montha later.
Stockholders of California
Trust Holding: Session at
San Francisco. .
' fPolUd Pre Leased Wire.! .
San Francisco, Deo. II. A meeting of
the stockholders of the California 8a fe
Deposit 4 Trust company la being held
thla afternoon in conjunction with the
repreaentatlvee of the depositors. It la
expected that a decision In regard to
what course shall be puraued will be
me ie. . f .
While the majority 'of those Interested
In the affalra of the bank have come
to tbe conclusion that a receivership Is
the only solution, there ie a strons mi
nority which will vl sordini v oddoss thla
aotlon It waa learned 'thla morning
that the Western Pacific, the laraeet in
dividual depositor in the bank, end
which hae been auppoaed to be unalter
ably opposed to any action other than
the appointment of a receiver will con-
alder a proposition to appoint a tem
porary 'receiver to look after the bank
until aome better clan oan be disco v
The grand lurr thla afternoon took
up the Investigation in violation of the
state banking lawa by the officials or
the institution. No particular act of
the officials la to be taken up. The in
vestigation will be entirely, alone sen
ral lines.
Assistant District Attorney William
Hoff Cook today secured an order from
Police Judge Cabanlss directing the
property clerk to deliver to him the
documents found In Brown e desk.
The documents will ba brnutfht be
fore tne grand Jury at thla afternoon s
.4 . . , '
Depositors of California Safe
Deposit Outline Scherne
for Rehabilitation.
Twenty-Five Persons Nar
rowly Escape Drowning in
Waters of Puget Sound.
(Called Press Uised Wire.)
Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 24. Twenty-five
passengers of the launch Eagle barely
escaped drowning yesterday afternoon
when the Stellacoom float on which they
ad nurrleoiy sought refuge went to
Tntr 1 1 mnTci rvTl TitrN" nurrieoiy eougni reruge went t
ICY WATERS OF BAY Wees In the heavy squall that sud
denly swept tbe vicinity.
. .. , . . . . The Eagle waa leaving on her trip
(United Press Ussed Wre.l from Stellacoom to the Islands and her
San Francisco, Cal., Deo. 24. After passengers had Just boarded her when
struggling Tor more than half an hour the whltecapa stood the little craft al-
In the icy water of the bay after mid- most on hor beam ends. The passen-
nlght last night. Robert Franklin of ger, became frightened and hurriedly
Hutte. Montana, waa rescued Just In the Teft the launch to ,seelc safety n the
nick of time by a crew of four men float Aa they disembarked from the
iow,rea mm me jmuimi vimho. launch the landing began to break to
Franklin, a member of the Fraternal pieces, and before they could make the
Order of -agIc. rtu",nff J1"01", r shore aome of them were thrown Into
land on the ferryboat Piedmont, fell the bay. The wavea were rolling sev-
overboard. After swimming for about eraj tt high and some of the paeen-
half an hour he was on the point of frm became panlc-etrlcken. Women
giving up. ilia cries were heard by the Tost their hata and umbrellas and va-
raptaln arid officers of the Oakland. In- ri0ua Christmas packages could be seen
stantly the bis; ferryboat waa stopped floating on the wavea. With drenched
and a boat lowered. After a search of clothing the frightened crowd reached
j rsfiKjin, una no was ustoubu. a u oar a
1 t - 1. 1 .a
iiifj varv ikiiu. I roil Tt i i w r-r t i -rr t
(United Press Lexsed Wire.)
Washington. D. C, Dec. 24. Ueuten- by the compulBOry Sco,
ant-Colonel Con. M Perkins of the ma- ancy Uw pissed at the la
r Ine corps, living In Berkeley. Caltfor- the legislature la shown
nla, will bo retired December 80. Colo-
(8d?IsI Dhipttch to The Jonrsil.l
Pendleton. Or.. Dec. 24. That Uma
tilla caunty Is being greatly benefited
law. or tru
st session of
bv the fact
that so far during the present school
nei ""i.5,?",.! mr 61 cases of truancy have been re
mental instability, ami he was told that
the verdict was against him. He and
hl friends decided that it would be to
ported In the county.
haa not been necessary In any case.
the pupils have
s advantage to be retired under the started to achool upon notification
w allowing that course after 0 yeara' the officer. .There la a better at!
,rv'..whJohl 7Jh h,m.'w wo"w b 1 ance In all Umatilla county achoole
ut prosecution
been Immediately
county schools thla
. (CslUd Press Uaerd Wire.) '
San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 14. riant
for the rehabilitation of the California
Safe Deposit A Trusty company have
been prepared by th executive com
mittee of the Incorporated association
of depoaltors and have been aubmitted
for the consideration of the commit-tea.-
Althoegh the attitude of the- com
mittee haa been' that of opposition to
the aDDolntment of a receivership, the
plana for rehabilitation are In keeping
with that policy, a resolution waa In
troduced laat nlaht by J. D. Iaaaca and
amended by Banford Felgenbaum to the
effect that a committee of three be
appointed to confer with a similar com
mittee selected by the aiocanoiuers n
canvass namea of men who might be
eligible candidates for tne receiversnip.
After It was adopted Paul ii. Nlppert
made a motion that it be laid on tbe
table. That motion waa adopted.
(SpecU) Pit pitch to Tbe Journal.)
Pendleton, Or.. Dec 24. Pendleton
churchea have aet a mark at SOO con
verta to be made during the evangellatlo
meeting to be held here beginning on
January 22 by Rev. C. R- Haudenachleld
of Chicago. All of the churchea have
Joined for the serlee of union meetings
wnicn win Drain 011 mi .V .
1. .i...-. will aaaiat. Pendleton
churches are greatly encouraged In .oelr
midwinter meeiinga Dy in
Bolae haa Just closed a serlee of meet-in-,
in will, k ftio converts were made
and Walla Walla closed recently after
1 niiln nvtr bfiu Tor ina ciiuitii".
Converta made In the union meetings
will be left entirely free to make their
own selection 01 a cnurcn wnu wuiv.11
to affiliate.
Milton, Or., Dec. 24. Rev. J. II. New-
Krrv a noted Vlralnla evangensi,
conducting a series of meetings at the
Methodist episcopal enruuu. "f""'"".
Milton, and he Is succeeding In brlng
Ina converts to the altar in the old-
fashioned Methodist way. They were
so moved that they shouted and Bang,
bringing tenrs to the eyes of all in ins
house. It is reported that many of tne
hardened sinners of this section are
halna- converted. The meetlnga will
continue after the holidays.
(Special UUpstch to Tbe JoorntL) j
Freewater, Or., Dec. 24. Freewater
toda-a i:o. 202. I. O. O. F ., naa Deen
organlacd at this place by Grand Master
... . 11.1 ?r
Richard Bcott wltn a cnaner usi w
members. Of thla number 65 were can
didates who were Initiated Into the
secret work of the order by teama from
the two lodges at W'alla Walla and Mil
ton. Grand Master Scott etated that
thla waa not only the youngest lodge
In the atate. but it haa the honor of
having the largest Initiation ever held
In the stnte at one time.
The newly elected offlcera for this
lodee are as follows: P. G.. D. C. San
derson; N. G., J. I- Sutherland; vice
Brand, R. O. Hndley; recording secre
tary, C T. Ooowln; permanent secre
tary. L. C. Mitchell ; treasurer, w.
Badgero; warden, E. F. Bottorr; con
ductor, A. S. Pearson; I. G 8. J.
Campbell; O. G.. W. A. Bottorf: R. 8.
N. G.. Dan Kirk; U 8. N. G.. J. H. Had
ley; R. 8. V. O.. C. Powell; L. 8. V O.,
M. L. Hoadlcy; trustees, J. A. Bradley,
Dan Kirk and W. II. Hafer. The first
meeting of the new lodge will be held
January 1.
- 7jiat Ails You T
Do yoa feol weak, ttred) deiponden
bare frequent headache, coated tonsue,'
bitter or bad taito In morning, "heart,
barn," botching of gas, acid rlstngi in
throat after eating, stomach gnaw 0
bora, foul breath, dluy pclla, poor ot
variable appetite, nausea at times and
kindred symptoms . . ,
- If jotNive any conilderahU number of
UiavaboTi iJjreatoma you art suffering
from JllounMVWpld liver with Indl-
gestlonarlpeIa Pr PJeree's Cnlo'e
Vedlrnl DUcoverr H m'le 11 n o? the wTm
va)iiahl mel;ctniil firlnclpleg known i
ywllcal sclenee tor the, "?r"jriCPj rlir
Such at.norpul . contlltlon. It is a Uit:
fiiclent liver Invlgorator. stomach tonic
bowel regulator and nerve strengthenrr.
The 'Golden Medical Discovery Is nof
a patent medicine or secret nostrum, s
foil list of Its Ingredients being printed
en Its bottle-wrapper and attested under
oath, A glance at Its formula will sho
thM It contains no alcohol, or harmfu'
habit-forming drugs. It Is a fluid extract
made with pure, trtple-reflned glycerine,
0. proper strength, from the roots of thr
following native American forest plants,
It., Golden Real root, Stone root, Black
Che-rybark, Queen's root, Bloodroot, and
Mandrake root.
Tbe following leading medical authorities
among a host of others, extul the foreo!nr
roots tor the cure of Jut such all menu a tin
above yn)pnnt indicate! Prof. It Bartbolov,
M, D., of Jefferson Med. Colleye. Phllai fr.f.
jl. C Wotxl. M. D .ot Unlv.of Pa.) Prof.kd!n
M. Hale. M. D.,of Hahnemann Med.Colleco.
vkicatro; rror. joun King, ti. 11., Autbor 01
AmerU-an IJlHOensatoryj Prof. Jna M. pVm'
der. U. V., Auuiorof H peel do Medlclneni Prof.
Laurence Johnson. M. U.. Med. Iept Unlv.of
N. Y.I Prof. Flnley Elllngwood. M. I) . Anth..
of Materia Me-llcs and Prof. In Bennett Medi
cal CollefN Cblcaro. ' Pend name and ad
drees on Pustal Card to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buf
falo. N. Y.. and receive frr booklet glviri
ei tracts from writing of all tbe above medi
cal su tlx in and many others endorsing. In thr
atrongnst powtible tcrtnv each sod erery In
gredient of which "Golden Medcal Discov
ery " Is composed, f
Dr. Pierce's Pleaoant Pellets regulate and
Invigorate stomach. Ilrer and bowel. Thej
mav be owl In conjunction with "Ooldei
Medical DIcoTry " If boels are much cor
stlnated. - r tiny and sugar-coat"
Quick-Wittcd Woman Pre
vents Panic When Christ
mas Tree Catches Fire.
(Catted P.-eas tested Win.)
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 24.-
. , . . . . , , . , .iu, 1 ' umwiii 1,1. u 11 if bviiuui villa
the thirtieth of thla month. He applied Uer on account of the law than ever bo-
mu rl,,r,,,r"1 V' 'r.ri1'!," -.1 ror- or ,he S1 ca80 reported to the
u.vdu iscnoot orriciais inia year 42 were from
,. 1. . f.iT,r.Jir 5 I the Milton district, two from Helix,
"""'- : ' 7L u. " ""' : . n cuo ana one rrom pilot Kock.
ftlnltert PreM'f4sed Wire.)
San Jose, Cal., Dec. 24. Armed
(United Jfrrrm Uim4 Wire. I
Santa Crua, Cal., Deo. 34. When ths
Colton will case was called up in court
yesterday Attorney Marcel cerf- ten
'"U vfc ,U".d J2LL r"d th'e resignation of Walter' Bar
nett aa anminietrator or the estate of
tempt to kill their victims, robbers at
1 o'clock thla morning- held ud the
Bridge house, one milea aouth of the
the late Ellen Colton
n .. . . .11 A 1. - .
ISZ 2 Jl. ecured 46 and Ing. offering as an excuse the tanghid
three diamond rlnga. cnnrliMnn n? the r.llfom( s.r- Bn.
ioW. 2it?. 'Tf-Ii2tt32 PBlt Trust company's affairs. The
Je?a?A thliJ "5-iM.hie? theJ n.!i0riw courtwas asked for an order directing
kS Ittr h.'SS. 't?, Bt?.t that Bartnett make an accounting with-
S-h. M c- think Th.T. ' .k' "L" m a . specified time or be held Jn con
ners Ta the prisoner who escaped from RenresenUUvc
me city jan jr riuay. .
(Halted Press Uestd Wire.)
Waahington, D. C, Dec 14. Senator
Flint of California is today being con
gratulated on his, narrow escape from
inlurv when a big electric Jlrhc inh
struck the brim of hla hat as he waa
Representatives of the California Safe
Deposit & Trust company failed to ap
pear In court, although they had be-?n
cited. They will be forced to turn Over
all, the securities of the' Colton estate
In their possession. , .
""'"i wi.v as a has returned from an lnsoect
man s nanu, woigmng lour pr five ths Weston Normal sehooV Me re-
(Nncelal Dlptph to The Jmirnitl.)
Salem, Or., Dec, 24. C. L. Starr, see.
t .rata nnrma I
v . ...... hv.'vw, uvnui.
returned from an inspection visit
, , - . . . 1 iu ins ivvbiuii iivi j urn aviiuui. i it) r-
pounda, fell with a crash from anlsrh .it.nj.nA. thn ,rar j
iZ.t.1 .iA TenoTiVh i to "Han. ti7 .. lntMt 01 etuoents as Deing intense,
CitHifs T m hat?riS ? rfU1t ! The graduating class numbers 25 and
liead to strike nia naturim, and the hat .11 .rl .nnmf to tench in eautem nFk
nrnnt Tlvltli? ACTORS tn room. 1Tlln . - -. . o-o k -
work on the nart of Miss Effla CamD.
bell, one of tne trained nurses at the '
countv hosoltal Drobablv saved the lives '
of hundreds of bedridden sufferers at
that institution last night. In com- I
imny who a numner or ner xeiiow-em- i
ployes, Miss Campbell attended the
L'hlrstmas celebration In the basement 1
of the hospital. A monster Christmas '
tree had been decorated for the occasion. ,
Suddenly the flames from one of the
candles caught the cotton, which had '
been Disced about the tree, and In a j
second the tree was a mass of flames.
Tho fire quickly spread to the base
the tree, spreading from there to the
wooden supports. Panic-stricken, the
nurses ran about the room, none seem
ing to know what should be done. While,
things were in this condition Miss ;
Campbell appeared, her arms filled with
heavy blankets. Quickly the blankets
were spread over the 'flames and they
were soon extinguished.
(Sneclnl Dltmtrn to Tbe Jimrnil.l
La Grande, Or., Dec. 24. Several men
have Just been sentenced to the peniten
tiary by Judge Crawford in the circuit
Ed Boyd waa arraigned on the charge
of larceny from a building, pleaded
Jullty and waa sentenced to one yewr:
. W. Com kins pleaded rullty to the
charge of larceny at Union and received
Sioi.i! r!reh to The Jonrn.l.) a senrence tt one year.
Ralem Or i Dee. 24. District Attorney 1 earn wnne, wno mi a Japanese on tne
McNary has Issued a circular lotter to 1 head wltn a atovo poker, while in an in
all druggists notifying them to comply 1 tox cated condition, entered a plea of
with the law in Keeping a recora vi mi n.w, a uausciuuo
poisons sold. Many dons have been ! weapon and was given one year,
poisoned In Salem of late, ami at least ! Mr. and Mra. Charles fcmerson, who
one child was exposed to danger from ; were charged with the larceny of goods
fiLMminAtlm noison on a piece of 1 from a home In lower Cove, pleaded
holoirna that was intended for canines. , guilty and wore given in months in the
Assured in Our Roomy
Daylight Establishment
, 7 t
! .
Every convenience for the comfort of our patrons..
Extra force of salespeople to wait oh you promptly,
no rushing or crowding, plenty of time to make
your selections. Waiting rooms and free telephone
for ladies. Specially selected Christmas gift apparel
for Men and Boys at prices EXTREMELY
Suits, Overcoats, Cravenellcs,
House Coats, Fancy Waistcoats,
Dress Protectors, Cravats, Gloves,
Suspenders, Fancy and Silk
Handkerchiefs; White and Fancy
Shirts, Fancy Hosiery, Pajamas,
Silk Night Robes and Underwear '
$3.00 "Brook" Hat. $3.00
All Purchases Delivered Promptly
Store Open Tonight
It is the Intention of the district attor
ney to follow up nis warning wun in
spection of the records by a proper offi
cer at intervals and prosecute nil drug
clsts who do not comply with the
poison laws.
New Incorporation"
(Special Dlwwtch to The Jonrnil.)
- Salem Or.: Dec. 24. Articles of in
corporation have been filed in the office
of the secretary of state as ronows:
Dufur Orchard-l-ana company, princi
al office, Dufur, Oregon; capital stock.
w. Rnowies,
Dodds and
went flying across the room. Flint waa I tan
unnilrT . i w -. . .l.i n . . .
Mr, otar. reports mm ine worn ri ine
state library commission done through
us secretary, miss Marvin, ana Mrs.
Kidder, the library expert, is very satis
factory in milking the school libraries
more usetui 10 uie aiuqenis.
And assist la the proper difrestion and
assimilation of the food there'a-no fem-
rriv so effective : aa the Blttara nr.
VWroil thS.'h1,, J.t.h; ?y collapslne; :of the building yes.
leraay. i ne many siorma cnai nave oc-
Balldiog Collapses.
(Special. Dlapstrfr to Tbe Jonrosl.l
Astoria, Or.. Deo. 24. Bell's photo
graph establishment, situated on Corn-
country to prove this, but we. would
nave you
ry it and prove it
AT ' '
er r 1 - fjm 1
tor yourself.
.... : .' I ...
is in a class h if.
self when It cornea
to cnrlar suoh. all.
moots as
t . net n. f roe nhv
n : L- CIS r 1908 ai
1 i ;i manao from your
S :; ri-if J arugBisi oeioro
'.iTjt ; J the supply la.ex-
s nausiea. .
curred lately broupnt a number of big;
logs under the building; and during; Jaat
night the underpinning of the building
ping into the river and the front part
turning over on its siae.
u na couapse
of the . bulldlna
noise, people living in - , the- vicinity
thinking a safe had been blown open,
Mr. Bell's damages will be between 12,
000 and 13,000. The property is owned
by C, W. Lownsberry.
Horn la Fined.
(United Pres Lesaed Wire.)
Berlin. Dec. 24. Former Governor
Horn of Togolahd was today fined f 7t
and transferred-. to another post for
(11 Imllni ntttlvaa in IftAH Tt a
eharged that he caused the death of one
man wno, axter oeing oouna to a flag
staff for 14 hours, was. severe! v beaten
Horn's victim was also denied food .and
io.noo: incorporators. P.
Oeorsre W. Johnston, H. C.
C. H. Stoughton.
Multnomah Iron Works, principal
office, Portlnnd, Oregon; capital stock,
$26,000; incorporators, Kdwin E. Thom
as, H. M. Thomas, E. R. Thompson and
F. EL Thompson.
Ferguson's Unlucky Day.
Sneelnl ltptrn to Th Jmimiil.)
. Pnilton. Or.. Dee. 24. Monday. De-
i.amnor " waa an unlucky day for C.
t TcorTiiann. one of Pendleton's well-
known residents. Besides being lust
.rtiaaorf hv a bullet from a 80-30 rifle
while holding a 6-months old babe in his
arms, the bullet being fired through
a window in his house by a bunch of
boya who were shooting about promis
cously. his little 2-year-old daughter
fell from a window in the back part of
the nouse a distance of several feet to
the ground. The child waa seriously
injured but will live.
penitentiary. Mrs. Emerson will be pa-
roiea oy juage urawrorti today,
(United Preen Leed Wire.)
Chicago. Dec 24. Officials of
Illinois Steel company announce that
tne immense plant or tne company lo
cated at South Chicago will be shut
down indefinitely today. Twelve thou
sand men are employed In the plant
when it is In full operation.
Murder or Accident Caused
Death of Ed Hurlburt
at Cline Falls.
(Sseclni DUpttch to Tbe Ineroal.)
Prineville. Or.. Dec. 24.- The body of
Ed H. Hurlburt, superintendent of the
CUne Falls Power company's plant and
i 200-aera ranch at CUne Falls, was
J? I found floating face downward In the
canal at the company's headgates Bat
urday afternoon. The cook, who has
been a trusted employe of the company
for a long time, made the discovery.
After the body waa taken from the
water it was found to have a bullet
wound In the left eye, made apparent!
bv a rifle of small caliber, a tt or a
was found empty on
xnis is
the only
A 32 shell
bank of the canal,
unrihurt had been alone on the ranch
for some time, with the exception of
his cook. Saturday morning at 10
Blariner Drowned.
tr.rM.rt prvm Leaned Wtre.l
New Haven. Conn.. Dec. 24.-Cnntaln
Henry Scribner, of the targe New Hav
en, and his wife were drowned off- here
yesterday when seven bargea In tow
of the tug James McWIHiamsl found
ered. Six men were rescued by the Mo-Williams.
If you are wanting some goods for the
Christmas time.
Come list to my story. I'll tell it In
We have goods In our ltne to meet all
your Heeds '
And some that will help you fn heroic
We have pocket knives, rasors and
scissors tne oesi;
If you will follow my rhyms I'll tell
vou the rest.
We have carvera to cut up your turkey
and geese
And mop that will clean up the dust
and the rease.
We have sets for the lad lea. and ;om
for the gents, . j..-, '
While Kris Kriagle offers his compll-
- ments.
We have fools of the best for mechanics
to use
And many nice things for the children
to choose.
Our stock is quite varied with things
that are nice . 4
And traps that will catch all your rats
and mice:
Electric supplies for ; these modern
And many more things to catch all your
- dimes. ,
We do business on Third -street, one
hundred and nine.
And keep an assortment of goods In our
We are hungry for business and Invite
you; .
Our rhyme Is so short that we cant tell
. you all. . y-j ,..":
' Coleman Hardware Co:
) v 109 TBXBX) SYBXXT.
Eazelwood Cream Etore.
The Haelwood Cream Store, 38S
Washington street, is possibly the most
tastily and appropriately decorated store
in the city, and is highly commended by O.clock the eooic In company with Fred
all who see it For tomorrow a special Meredith of the district school went to
viiriun ineuu u yrnporeu, t the woods to get cnrisimas iree. me
prominent feature of which will be i cooit leaving dinner on the table for
ruunt turner, wbw T.nKinni sivie. vveD ii,,. hin4 Th .rtiirniui aimtir
bers orchestra will render a beautiful nriork. 'The oook. findintr the dinner
program from 5 to 8 p. m. and S to ; untouched, went to the stable to see If
12 p. m.
Charged With Desertion.
(RnHl DUnRtrh tn T1 Journal
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 24. An lnd!cf-
; J ik.riin. Vi..-i "he dog ran aneaa ana lea tne way
fJIll FSMJiani 1 to the farts, a short distance, from the
viurlhurt's saddle horse was there.
Finding the horse and also the dog,
which always accompanied his master
about tne piace, . zunner searcn was
male. . -
The dor ran ahead and led tne way
with deserting his wife and bnby has
been filed In the circuit court by Dis
trict Attorney Phelps. Hayes was ar
rested during the holidays and bound
over by Justice Parks, and put to work
by County Judge Qilliland.
Christmas at Seaside.
. One of the most Interesting places t
spend your holidays Is at Seaside over
looking the grand old Pacific ocean.
The heavy storms that are now pre
vailing along the coast make a very at
tractive feature, and Is a sight not to be
missed. In addition to this there Is good
fishing and hunting.
The "Moore hotel." which Is ooen
throughout the yeai. will be prepared to
serve us guesis wun, tne Dest oi every
thing to eat. ...
Round trio tickets from Portland, via
Astoria & Columbia-River railway, $2.60,
on sale December 54. 25, 11, January 1,
limit returning January S.
' Two-Mill Tag.
' Milton. Or., Dec. 24.- At the annu&lJ
school meeting or district No. Si a
2-mill- tax was levied for the ensuing
year. This will raise $3,000. which, to
gether with the 'state money, the di
rectors believe will be amply sufficient
to meet all current expenses for the
school year and. pay off the last. $500
bond. . - .
He rired the Stick.
- "I have fired the walking-stick I've
carried over 40 yeara. 'on account of a
sol that resisted every kind of treat
ment, - until I tried Bueklen's Am leu
Salve; that - ha 'healed the sore and
made me a happy man." writes John
Garrett, of North Mills. North Carolina,
Guaranteed for piles, burns, etc., by
Skldmore Drug Co. 2Sc
company s house. Instead (or going
down to the ran, nowever. tne ao:
turned at the forks of the trail and le
toward the headgate at the mouth of
the discharge pipe or tne pumping plant.
This is at the top of the river bank,
which is several hundred feet high at
this point.
Hurlburt's bat was seen on the bank
of the canal and after the headgates
were reached his body was found in
water about four feet deep. ' r
It is said the only gun Hurlburt 'vr
had about the place was a 22-caliber
rifle, and the wound Is thought to ba
too large for a weapon of that size to
make. One theory is that as the vi
cinity Is a favorite one for sportsmen
the bullet was perhaps a stray one. The
autnoriiies are investigating,- .
Frank . Hurlburt, president .of the
Eastern ; Oregon Banking company at
flhaniko, Is a brother of the deceased.
He is principal owner of the Cline Falls
Power, company, which owns the falls
and a l.zou-acre rarm at Cline Falls.
Ed had been superintendent of the plant
there for some time. The body has
Deen taaen to Bnanmo ior Dunai.
j. rssjsasssa. . mm . urn i -
' AgelablelTeparaflonlarAs
similating tteFbodandRceufr
IVomQies DiSestwnJdifetfil
a ,
ncss and Kesti.ontams nratw
Opiuni.Morphinc norMiocraL
jt list Sad
mmsbbI mm
AncrfecfUemedv for Conslipi-
Hon . smir Stomarh.Dtarrboea
ness andLoss orSEEER
Facsimile Siguajurttf
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
r;rLbtSi Of 1 fu
Exact Copy pf Wrapper.
ths etiTAus eeasan. sew veaa err
KPrres v rased Wtre.l
Cal.; Doe. 24. Three bun-
Wen laid Off .
Santa Crux.
dred men employed by the Californlv
Portland ' Cement company were Uls
missed yesterday because of a lack, of
oraera. xne company says u will re
sume In two weeks, . , v
Notaries Appointed.
Smeli Dl-enti-b te The Jnnrniil :
Salem, Or Dec. 24. -Governor Cham
berlain has appointed the following no
taries public: Cyril Q. Prownell, Uma
tilla; . J. Stanley. Coullle; J. J. Mc
Carthy, John U Day. C. D. Christenn.
William R. ilcGarty anJ iL 1L K;n-
mons, all of Portland; T. H. Crawford
and.W. 8.- McFaddea -of Corvallia. R.
i l0,?d if K1la W. s. Crowell
of Medford.
' Leper) Escape,
, . (United frcw Leases ' Wlre.1
- Havana, Dee. V2. Twenty three lep.
ers have escaped from the San La-saro
hospital. Four were recaptured, but the
other 19 are still at large.
' School Levy at Echo, .
fppw'lill IMsputcb to The Jnuriml.t
Echo, Or.. 1)PC. 84. At a Knt-r ml mert.
Ing of the school directors of rilstrU-t
No. 5 a tax was voted to dofrnv th ex
penses of the school for the eon'ilntt yi. r
vt 6 mills. Ihe taxable croperty i-i t.,,
Good tea, close rrIce
There is no other way t")
build a ffood businoss cr
keep a pood business.
Tour g,i
don't 1;k
11 !'