THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1907. BREWERS DO NOT AGREE Danger of Disruption of (he Organization Over Ques tion of Carrying on War fare Against Prohibition ists in the State. Browfry intrrtata of- lha atate are at war over what should ha done to pro mot lha pronprrlty of tha bualnraa and maintain lta life, and aa a rrault thara la danger of an open aptlt In the ranka of tha Oregon ltrewer a aaaocla tlon before many more meetlnga have been held. There are two factlona In the aaaoclatlon, one of which dealrea to make open political war In behalf of the brewing Intervata. the other being more conservative and fearful of open political agltutlon. Teaterday afternoon at the meeting of tha aanoclatlun Ihcmi two lactlonn were In evidence hut, o the nunnbura of the nHiK'UUiu May, I here waa no nplrlt but that of harmony prevailing oVer tha uellberatlona of tho body. At the cloaa of the ineotlng It wax Announced by tha official and niem bera of the astsoilatlun that very little beyond tha gviu-ral ruitlnu had been taken up for ruiiMlilorallon. It van atated tnat the iihm-Uhk had connld'ied und dlacuaaud the refi-nia of the Na tional anaoclatlun ttiitf .all biewera whould Join In tho effort to maintain more lawful comlltlona anionic tha an loona aupplled by the breweries with ber. It waa decided, according to Prexldi nt I'aul Wenlnirr, thai I he aaaoilatlon xhould Join with thu nntlonal urgunlzu tlon In an effort to nccnre the rlomr regulation of aaloona Inclined to be din orderly. The Oregon brewer will not countenance a attloon which violate Mta.lo lawa or city ordinance and at the meeting the propriety of refusing lo ncll to audi aaloonci was dlaruoawi. In thla roLtlire work ihn convention had an cany time, hut the political phase of the iucmIoii waa not m ;isy to aolve. It la believed thHt the hki-ii-tlon split on the iiientlon of a ..lulral policy and that for that rumnn no action waa taken. 1'art of tho nietnlicm dcMw to go out Into the flitlit iiRainxt option and make every k1M effort to win back Into the wet column Uiom count leu nnd Dn-rinrta which urn ns well ns to prevent those, now well from becoming dry. Some believe tnat the controveray atarted over this question will ultimate- ly result In the partial shuttering or the i organization and Its practical ulstmiid- j ment. I The session yesterday whs nn ci'.cnd- j ed one lasting from 2 o clock until nearly At Its c lose the member would make no statement of what liml ' been done other than to Nay that the principal action had been the Indorse- I ment of the national association a loon regulation plan. TILIMI WANTS ii Introduces Resolutions to Prevent Express Compan- Jlauling Liquors. ICS Washington, Dec. !. Senator TllkJ man of Month Carolina precipitated general discussion In the senate yester day by the Introduction of a resolution which seeks to prevent express com panies from flooding local option south ern atnvs with whiskey. In an original package. Snarked "C. O. 1). ' The reao utlon was as follows: "That the committee on Interstate commerce Ih Instructed to consider and report by bill or otherwise what legis lation Is desirable or necessary to en able the states In the exercise of their police powers to control the commerce of liquors and ell alcoholic beverages within their borders so aa to aid the cause of temperance and to prevent tire encouragement by the i;nltd Btatea government of Illicit dealing In the Mini'." "The supreme court of the United Ntates has held that auch traffic cannot Im Interfered with because of Its Inter state character," aald Senator Tillman, "and the purpose of this resolution la to define the point at which the police power of tha state begins, and de termine how far congress "an go In limiting the control over Interstate traffic in Intoxicating beverages." In the course of the discussion Sena tor Knox said tlfat the trouble could be remedied through a bill, and at Till man s suggestion. Knox prepared an amendment to the Wilson law. Till man withdrew his resolution and of fered the Knox amendment, which was referred to the ludlclnry committee. The Knox bill provides that all In toxicating llqtiora transported Into any state or territory or remaining therein shall upon srrlval within this state and before or after delivery to the con signee be subj-t to the laws of such state In the same manner as though such liquors had been produced In ailc state or territory and shall pot be ex empt therefrom by reason of being In troduced In original package or otherwise. A Christmas Trees Holly,Mistletoe,Oregon Grape WIOLCUU AWD SZTAJZi Phone Ue Your Order at Once, ralms and Plants make nice pres ents. We have thousands. PORTLAND SEED COMPANY I. B. Oor. front and Yamhill Its. rhone Main 473. Main ftM. or Pri vate Exchange A-601S. POMPADOUR CREPE DE CHINES Pompadour Crepe df Chlnet very appropriate for scarfe. waists and party dresses. We have a most beautiful assortment, rich floral effects, 111 dainty colore; Values Hf,c to II 00 special CO price Krlduy JfC FANCY DRESS AND WAIST IC SILKS 1.200 yarda plnlda and fancy Bilks, In heavy taffeta and Loulalns weaves, rich effects In Kcotch plaids, shepherd checks and ! eltv stripes, regular II and ti ll values specially priced AOs Bargain Friday yard mm 11 1M TIP fWDTU IM TWMlG W03IKX TO AID SCOUT WIIIIfLWINO MAY 00 EAST AGAIN Ancient Aborigine, Tempted to Tour With Lecturer, Ixvr llegp lilg Fire at Home. (special Plapstrk t Tb Jonrail.) Pendleton, Or., Dec. 19 --After having been lionised In a tour of the eastern statea eight years ago, Charles Whirl wind, or Bhap-llsli. the aged Umatilla Indian scout and friend of the whites, has again been Invited to go on a lec turing tour with K. 8. McComas. the veteran newspaper man of t'nlon, who Is planning a trip through Illinois. Iowa ancl Indiana In January and February. Right years ago Whirlwind, accom panied McComas on an extended While some hesitate, others will gather in the good things this sale affords. No line is immune from these reductions. We expect to sell an immense quantity of excellent merchandise at prices that scarcely represent the cost of production. We do this in order to start the new season with all our sections free from accumula tion of holiday goods. The greatest bargains of the year are offered on every hand. Our Bargain Friday sales are becoming more and more to be recognized as a distinct opportunity for money saving on dependable goods. tour PI K'li Aini I'Af ITVT I of the eastern states and was a center -M" w.m' nf attraction w meet h at lirt A ladles' auxiliary of the National Industrial Pence association '' est.ibllMhed In this cllv. nnd an open tiiiK tor this purpose will be held ace Methodist churcn, Friday even ing. December l!i, at K o'clock. Judge KronoiiKh will make the open ing address c ii hers who will speak are Mrs. Marlon Warde Farnham, Father rirv I Mlurk of M ! rands' church, who Is now, since? me ocnin or juage r raxer, acting president of the Oregon men's bruncii of the organization, Kev. W. H. Ileppe and p. II. Scullln. whose topic will be "Strikes and Lockouts In Their Relationship to Women and Children." An open letter Is In circulation pledging support to the movement, signed bv Mrs Abigail Scott Dunlway. Mrs V. Wynn Johnson, Mrs. Marlon Wardo Fnrnhom, Mrs S.u.ili A. Kvans, Dr. (iettrude French. I r Mae Curd well and Mis. Klhi J. Clinton. IMPKKSSIYE SKRYICES (Continued from Page One.) dent weighed heavily upon his majesty. In cone hiding, the speaker pointed to the assistance lent by the king In works of science and exploration. He had financed many undertakings in that line, particularly the discovery of the north east passage In IVJ", the north pole ex pedition of Frltjof Nansen, tho Norwe gian Arctic explorer, ami the establish ment of "Skanseu'" in Stockholm, where, all the national characters In music, song and dance are preserved. Kev. C. J Kenh.ird spoke entertain ingly upon the Swedish people's relation to Its king, laving particular stress on the fact that never under the late mon arch's rule, were causes found for the breeding of anarchy or revolution. No more democratic government ever ruled than that of Oscar II, and even the I'nlted States, he said, could find there matters worthy of particular attention. The speaker closed with a "Long live King Guslar, and mar he prove a worthy son of Oscar II." The services ended with prayer by Rev. C. A. Tolln and singing by the con gregation. VALLEY II0II SCHOOLS DEBATE TOMORROW FOLM) (il'ILTY OF PASSING COUNTERFEITS wherever the lectures were riven UH 'aiiir m la nlu nninff another ' such trip for the pnrpose of lecturing I and advertising Oregon and he hopes to j secure the consent of Whirlwind to nc- ) company him ' Arrayed In manv-colored Indian robes. beaded vest, buckskin leggings and moc i caslna of his tribe. Whirlwind rn'ikea t plctures'jtie figure He Is now over 8n years of sge and has seen much service an a scout for the government In north west Indian wars When asked If he would go east this winter, he replied: ''leap snow, heap cold, east; I'matllla nil same spring time. Me heap like warm fire. Maybe go next summer." Whirlwind owns a good allotment on ! the reservation near Thorn Hollow, ! where he has a neat cottage and a tug fireplace and hibernates during the win ter season. As chief nf Indian scouts Whirlwind was successful In dislodging nnd cap turing the "Sheepeaters" In the Feven Devils country In the Bannock war of 1 S 7 S In eastern Oregon and Idaho. Dress Goods for Xmas Gifts Exceptional values fur Bargain Friday in our Dress C,nn,U section; nothing mere appropriate than a party dress or -kirt pattern (or a Christmas gift. Special prices prevail for Hargain Friday only. Black Dress Fabrics BLACK STORM SERGES BLACK FRENCH SERGE BLACK CHIFFON PANAMA BLACK APEX PANAMA BLACK DOUBLE-WEIGHT CHEVIOT 42-INCH WOOL TAFFETA 40-INCH EMPIRE BATISTE 40-INCH CREPE DE PARIS 42-INCH SILK EOLIENNE 46-INCH CHIFFON VOILE 56 -INCH BLACK KERSEY, f 1.50. Very fine blacg Ker- 1 ' 56-INCH SCOTCH SUITINGS. 48. A special line of Scotch plaids in pretty cont inuations of reds, navy. Krri ". r'c : a rery desirable material for all around wear; real 75c value, specia at -8 Tomorrow (Friday) positively the last day for discount on east aide gas bills. Portland Gas company. (I'nlted l're Leased Wire.) Vancouver, H. C, Dec. IS The two Hellci iult brothers were found guilty ' of passing counterfeit money and will he sentenced Monday by the speedy I trial judge. They had done a great bufincis In counterfeit quarters They said they had come from Kverson, i Washington, where they told the judg ..... bi.r.,.11.. .OK - I of this eoin he man namert Wutoh i been presented with a new police call ti, i,,ir hi,V,. ..nt. ,-..i I system by the Homo Telephone com- POLICE CALL SYSTEM . PUT IX AT ALBANY (Special Pluritb to The Journal.) Albany, Or.. Dec. 19. Albany has stock In Walla and Vancouver. Walla, Tacoma, Seattle JUNKER WALKER ATTEMPTS SUICIDE (United Tress Leaatd Wire.) San Diego, t'al.. Dec. William F. Walker, wanted In New Britain. Con necticut on a charge of embeizlcment of Jfiti.S.OOO has been placed In the Cu artel in Knsenada, Lower California. He was found In a mining camp called Hataria, in the mountains east of Kn senada. When captured by the ruralc and Hoffman, a detective from the I'nlted Staves he nnule a desperate ef fort to drink drink from a small phial supposed to contain poison. The i'lnker ton agency confirms the report of die arrest. (Special DIaiiatcb to The Journal.) Albany. Or.. Doc. 19. High school de bates will be held Friday night In the inll.v lllrtt dlltnnv ii ml uill ' debute the Vniverslty of Oregon appro- Jiriatlon. Salem will support the af trmatlve favoring tho Indorsement of tho act of the legislature. The local team Is composed entirely of girls, who ere considered exceptionally strong de baters. Tho Linn County Grange Is one of the most active opponents of the appropriation. Brownsville and Sllverton will debate at Brownsville the direct primary law. Junction City and Harrlsburg will meet at Junction City. They will also debate the direct primary. PROTEST AGAINST ACTION OF 1)0 UM A nanv. This will lie maintained ano kept in repair without cost to the city, the only condition attached being that the city police be obliged to respond Im mediately to any call from the police signal station. The bell has been placed In the business section of the city, and throtiah its use the officers may be sent at once to any portion of the resi dence district that may be In connec tion wltn the Home central office. ALBANY AY0ULD KILL TRACTION FRANCHISE (Pperlal PUpotch to Tha Journal.) Albany. Or.. Dec. 19. Mayor Wallac has instructed the city council commit-; tee on franchises to take action to have I the streetcar franchise carried Into the courts on forfeiture proceedings on the grounds of non-compliance with terms. I The city attorney will take up the mat ter at once. The papers have already been prepared. It Is reported, and will j soon be filed. I 1 i W sey, fine blue black, spot If finish, very Mutable for jacket, wraps and coats; good $2 50 valnf, on sale Friday at fl.BO 56-INCH HEAVY CLOAKING, f 1.10 Heavy Scotch cloak Tff, in dark ombre plaids and stripes, very suitable fur coats and wraps, new weaves and colorings; bitf values at $175 to $2. sale price Friday . . . .91.19 N The Greatest Toy Bargains Are to be Found Here More toys in this toy store and greater values than ever. Our great toy depart ment in the basement is wide open, and this is an invitation to you to come in to morrow and see why everybody is so en thusiastic about it. You will note that the values offered here are the best'to be found. Here are snapshots at some of the things to see. All .r0c .Media meal Toys. Bargain Friday.... 39 All $1.00 Mechanical Trains, Bargain Friday 69 All 35c Rubber Balls, Bargain Friday 25 All ftOc Rubber Dolls, Bargain Friday 39 All 2."c Children's Sewing Tables, Bargain F'riday 19 All lTc Children's Sewing Tablets. Bargain F'riday 9 All 2")C Vacuum Pistols, Bargain Friday 19 All 75c Doll Carriages, Bargain F'riday 49 All 65c Dressed Dolls. Bargain Friday 39 All $1.25 Dressed Dolls, Bargain Friday 98 All 50c Story Books, Bargain F'riday, each 39 All -10c Story Books. Bargain F'riday, each 29 All $1.00 Story Books, Bargain Friday, each 69 Gentleman and Christmas? It is always a puzzle to know what to give the men folks for Christmas. You only need to call at our men's wear section and one glance around will solve the question, for our stocks are complete. $1.05 rtir); HEN'S NECKWEAR Beat l.SO rrd .... Here is a great sale of men's high grade Xeckwear of more than usual importance. It's a spot cash purchase of a most attractive assortment in F'our - in - Hands and large English Squares, made from the best quality silk in all the latest patterns and color ings; ties that sell everywhere at $1.50. Specially priced for Bar gain F'riday at Men's House Coats BEST $5.00 GRADE $4.29 A great special bargain in men's Coats, nfHde in the very latest styles; come in Oxford gray, seal brown and navy blue; the sleeves, collar and pockets arc trimmed with fancy plaid trimming, making a very sightly garment; regu lar $5 values on sale J A OA Bargain Friday at., iy'r.i Men's Kid Gloves $1.00 VALUES AT 79c An extra good line of men's Dress Kid Gloves in assorted shades of tans and browns. Regular $1.00 values specially priced for Bargain Fri "lay at iJC $1.05 Men's Kerchiefs BEST 10c GRADE 8c A special bargain in men's fine Japonctte 'Kerchiefs, made with hemstitched border and large silk initial. Regular 10c grade specially priced for Q Bargain F'riday at OC MEN'S FANCY SUSPENDERS BEST $1.00 VALUES 79c One of the best bargains we have ever offered Men's Fan cy Suspenders in a large as sortment of fancy embroidered designs, each pair neatly packed in fancy holiday box. Regular $1.00 values specially priced for Bargain Fri- m day at 3C Women's Silk Stockings $2.00 VALUES, SPECIAL $1.50 Women's fine all-silk Stockings in black, red, navy, lavender, wnite, Drown, royal, gray, pink and sky blue, made with double sole and toe; extra good at $2.00. Special Bargain rnaay S1.50 HH. a, uh mm"' A present does not lose its charm because it's useful. Our store is full of useful presents for both big and little boys. Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters,' Neckwear, Jewelry, Gloves, Mufflers and many other ac ceptable things. Each of our boy customers receives a nice present free. STORE OPEN EVENINGS ?. LI0H ClotiiinaCo - .GttSKuhnPjcR''- 1 " ' ica-163 TWrd Street.' - (rnltod Troaa Leased Wire.) Seattle. Wash., Vec. 19 Led by an exiled jiriest, a Dand or itusslans in Seattle are forming a- protest against the penalties of imprisonment and de portation issued a few days ago against I the soi lal Democratic members of tha j Russian douma. This will be sent to either the president of the United States or to congress and copies will be sent to the commercial bodies of this city and one will probably be addressed to the czar. The Russian priest who is heading the movement is Josef 1'leaahef f, who has been a resi dent of Seattle only a few months. Tomorrow (Friday) positively the last dav for d'scount on east side gas bills. Portland Gas company. Hex. Knight Consecrated. (United I' re as Leaned Wire.) Trenton, N. J. Dec 19. The conse cration of Rev. Edward Jennings Kniehi. formerly rector of Christ Epis copal church or this city, as bishop of the missionary district of western Colo rado, took place In Christ church today with imposing ecclesiastical ceremonial. The event attracted a notable gathering of church dignitaries. Rish.ops Scarborough of New Jer sey, Talbot of eastern Pennsylvania and Lines of ffewark acted as consecrators. Rishops Darlington of Harrlsburg and Mackay Smith of Pennsylvania pre senting the candidate. Bishop Spauld Ing of Utah preached the consecration sermon. The ceremony lasted nearly two hour nnd was of a most impressive charac ter. It included the examination of the candidate, the promise of conformity to the church canons, the assumption of the episcopal vestments, the laying on of the consecrators' hands and the final announcement of the completed consecration. The Inflnano of Art In framing pictures appropriately no that the shape and finish combine la perfect harmony Is magical. We have all the Reason's pretty styles and there have never been more artistic effects. Sanborn. Vail & Co., 1T0 First street. Big Meeting of Breeders. Rochester. N. Y.. Dec. 19. There was a good attendance yesterday at tha open ing here of the annual meeting of the New York State Breeders' association. The program of the two day's session Is ne of the best ever prepared for a meeting of the ansocl '.tion. Forj most among the experts to address the meeting are: F. D. Co urn, secretary of agriculture ot1 Kansas; Jay A. Bon j- stell, of the Bureau or Soils of the United Str- Depart . nt of Agricul ture: Pre .- If J. A ebber of Cor nell univ . and D. W. H. Jordan director o the state experiment station at Geneva, - Tomorrow W(Frldar); ooaltlvelv the last dav for discount on east aide gas bDlls. Portland Gas company, . t, PURE JAPANESE SILK For CHRISTMAS Absolutely the Genuine Article Table Covers Cushion Covers Ladies' Waists Handkerchiefs fine Embroideries S. BAN & CO. 34 North Third Street Cor. Couch Street u Women's Bainty White Aprons There's always a great demand here for Aprons probably because we show them in so manv orettv stvlea and at such reasonable prices. For reason of their usefulness, they make very acceptable holiday gifts. They're worn by the young ;ady at her little informal suppers, at her sewing circle in fact, every place she has any excuse for wearing an apron. Maids, waitresses and nurses all have need of them, and in our assortments are any kind you wish --plain or fancy and every one durably made. Holiday Aprons 43c vsortmcnt of fiift Aprons in lawn, cambric or A fin c a in the round or square effects; some with rut lies of neat embroidery and em- 43c organdie trimmed broidcred pocket, others trimmed in fine laces and embroideries; real 75c values. Special at Children's White Aprons 27c The Aprons are made of best quality white lawn, have nicely trimmed bib and shoulcler straps; sizes OT from 4 to 1- yrs ; real f0c vals. Special at, only Q 50c Corset Covers 37c Dainty Corset Covers, made of best quality nainsook; a dozen pretty styles to choose from ; neatly trimmed with embroidery laces and ribbons; regular 50c fwj and T.'c qualities. Bargain Friday vfC Outing Flannel Gowns 89c ' Cleaning up odd lots of our regular $1.2."), $1.50 and 51..") downs, all made ot heavy grade outing flannel, in white, pink or neatly striped pink and blue effects; all sizes, extra good widths. iargain rnday at 89c Our Domestic Section Is Brim Full of Useful Christmas Gilts The following items will prove splendidly that our prices are always tne lowest. Linen Towels, 30c Values 21c Linen Scarfs, the 40c Values at 29c A great holiday offering of dainty Linen Bureau and Side board Scarfs, attractive pat terns to choose from ; good large size, 17 by 50 inches; finished with hemstitched ends. Keal 40c vals. on OA sale Bargain Friday at &C Sheet Blankets Best 91.10 Grade at 85c 11-4 Sheet Blankets of good wearing qnality, full size for double beds; come in all white and all gray;, our best selling number at $1.10 a pair. Spe cially priced for Bar gain Friday at. 85c Hemstitched Linen Huck Towels of extra good quality, j: incne.s wide and 33 inches long, plain white only; always sold at 30c each. Specially priced for Bargain Fri- r at ZlC Couch Covers, $1.50 Values 91.20 A special sale of Roman and Oriental Striped Couch Covers, full 3 yards long and 50 inches wide; large assortment of at tractive colorings to choose from ; our best $1.50 grade. Specially priced for d Bargain Friday at.. Bedspreads, $2.75 Values, for, $2.25 ' Full size, white Bed Spreads in a large assorttnenVoX Marseilles patterns, neatly hemmed all ready to use;'extrago6d OP value at $2.75. Specially priced for "Bargain; Friday 'at nJULiO Women's Gift Umbrellas $5.00 to $10.00 Values at $2.98 GOLD, SILVER AND PEARL HANDLES Another great purchase of women's fine Umbrellas, duplicates of the ones on sale two weeks ago. Fine Jieavy black silk and wool covers, best steel rod and paragon frame; beautiful handles of gold, silver and pearl which alone are worth from Art g0 $o.00 to $10.00. Special Xmas price JZ"5 Four Bargains From the Notion Counter $1.50 HOSE SUPPORTERS 98c Extraordinary sale of Hose Supporters, side and oad stvles. made of best quality satin, each in a neat holiday box: YlO values up to $1.75. Special Bargain Friday........... VbZ 7i HOSE SUPPORTERS 49c , Women's fancy Hose Supporters, in side and pad style, in good quality plain and fancy silk values up to 75c. Special Bargain Friday -f, ......'....... vC : 40c BURNT-WOOD PANELS 29c Burnt" Wood Panels in great variety of designs ; values up to 50c, ; All at one price Friday., . . . , . . ... . ... ....... 4 35c BURNT WOOD FIGURES 15c Burnt Wood Figures at less than one half price; regular 35c. values. Special' at. . .