The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 19, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Report From San Francisco Is That Pnuarulor 31 ay
Consult AVi (h President as to California Senator's
Alliance With Iloss of the Southern Pacific.
V 1 1 1 Hands J. ll.ncv return from
Washington ltl II"1 scalp "( I'nlti'il
PUir Senator ! rf '. Perkins of
C'Hfmli stts'hed to lils belt? homo
people (un In tilifonil think an and
tlH-y attribute the v twit of the nun
after the higher m t" " rMrr ,,t
the natlon.U capital n a little tom.v
JJiawklng on the aloe with IVrklns' scalp
lock ai mi objective point.
Jrtr Heney refused to discuss while
In Portland the object of hi eastern
trip Ha M tliat lie was not going
there to help Urlatol nor waa ho noln
to upset him. Mr. Hrlstol adds t lift .
itr lleney Ima gone east on "
luln-a an. I to iena mor m
perilon conies news from fan truti
claro that Henator Perklna la awn.
that the prosecutor ia on hla trail an
ipect to ambuah hlra If he l not
"'The San Franclaco Examiner says
that President Koosevelts Influence
-.uld be used for Heney for the pre,
Ident la agreed with Mr. Heney
the Junior aenator from the aouth rode
JournaFs Stinprinp: Expose of
: Plumbers' Combine Indi-
I rectlv Cause of Suit in Cir
. . i
cuit Court Sensational
Into promlmfire on me of Ham Mer
rill m oromot I v ii
Onn of the iix-n wIki think t tin t
Ifeney U going afNr the ton In P:Will
A Ityan who "slso ran'' for mnyor of
lnn Frunel.ii-o when I'lnlirml Mi-4'urlhy
Irl.. I i.i j.rl, k IiIk y Inlo the rhiilr
Ndimltz or,, i. oi rupleil. mivk
Hi nry l Hie i holcn of the I.Iik oIii
Hixihivrlt Kepulilleati league and thnt
wlillo tin- prosecutor tines not come wit h
In i )i r-- milr H of being n ltpulillean yrt
lie ii i nouali of a reformer to si t poll
tie aside nnd save hi Mate fnon be
lli run down by the houthern I'u-
If If-
Mavbe the president wnnta to know
how i loop to Merrill Senator I'erklna Ik;
maybe he uunt to know If Henry mil
"gel" lb iiln a ml thus knock the po
litical ilruiriK wheels off of the suave
Keiitleman who In alleged to be wear
Inn the mllroad collar
At any rale there In Interesting con
jecture In It all and. perhapa, the land
fraud chuck inn be nkht racked that
the reform block system may be us'd
to derail Perkins and Mend Heney to
the aetiute by the straight and narrow
y J Testimony Will Kesult.
Ai an Indirect result or in
Journal'! expose of the Port
land plumbers' combine, which
waa laid bare In a series of
articles in the columns of this
' paper a few oiontns ago. sun
s, baa been brought In the circuit
J" court against local wholesaling
Arms. If brought to trial the
-action will disclose the identical
conditions as related in The
1 Journal's accounts of this bonus-
exacting, over-charging mo
nopoly whose grafting tentacles
reach from the eastern manu-
fneturers to the local whole-
i aalera, through the various local
"plumbing firms in the combine
i to the Plumbers' Protective as
, .rnoclatlon. The latter, controll
ing practically everv piumuing
firm in Portland and vicinity,
exacts through Its votaries the
over charges and bonuses from
the public. This boodle fund of
(Special Plapatrh to Th Journal.)
Walla Walln. Wash., 1 ec. 19. Aa a
result of a lively mar among local fuel
dealers the price of coal has dropped tl
to 2 a ton and wood has slumped 1.50
n cord. Good coal Is retailing at 19 n
ton, with extra charges for long dellv
erles eliminated, h uel dealers say they
expect prices to drop null lower. Many
of the yards. In anticipation of a hard
winter and high price, are overstocked
and ns there la every Indication of a big
output In the wood ramps this winter
dealers expect wood to be much cheaper
next spring, and thev are In a hurry
to unload higli-prlred slocks. Many
men thrown out of employment by the
recent financial stringency are seeking
employment In the wood camps and
the output this winter If expected to
exceed last winter's by 60 per cent
(Special ptipnteh to Th Jooroit.)
Whitman College, Walla Wal'a.Wnah.,
re 19. The nnnunl 1nteroc!ety debate
between the I'hrenokonmlan and Athe
naeum Literary societies nil! be held
tomorrow nlk'ht. The speakers are as
follows: For the Athenaeum, Calvin
Crumbake-, Wnlter Kelthouae, Lester
Llvengood and Frank Fletcher; for the
Phrcnckosmlan. Vernon Cooke. Hadford
Hlgsby. Hnrrv Davenport and Walter
fculls. The question Is. "Uesolved,
That the Jnpanese should continue to
be admitted to the I'nlted States on
the same basis as Kuropean Immi
grants. The Atheimeum haH tho af
firmative. The delmte will nettle ths
socleti" championship .or the yenr and
serve as a tryout. as the six who will
compose Whitman's tw.i teams against
Willamette and Pacific universities will
be selected from the elslit contestants.
For store, hall or home decoration
Four varieties, ten sixes, all potted
Xmas Specials
No. Total Ppeclnl
Leaves. Height. Style. 1'riee.
6 40-ln. Fan...? 50
7 H-ln. Fan .S,"C
5 S-in. Aiec.i 55r
9 46-ln. Areca
10 4S-ln. Siiko 1.70
7 6C-ln. Date a.35
12 ft. Fun tree. .2.75
11 11 ft. I an tree g.l5
aia-ait thib.d bt.
The Store Noted for Bet Goodi at Lowest Prlcct j-
Men's Sweaters at 95c
On sale Friday only at this price. Mrn'
fine Jersey Sweaters in navy and jrray;
very bet elastic rib and standard fl.SO
values. A snap.
$1.75 Silk Scarfs at $1.19
bO-inch Silk Scarfs, hemstitched ends,
a wide range of pretty floral designs;
sold rejfulirly at $1.75 and l. An ac
ceptable 'gift.
$1.50 Damask Squares 97c
36-inch hemstitched Damask Lunch Cloths,
rich floral designs and fine satin finish;
never sold for less than $1.50. Two to a
Coque Boas at $3.39
liO-inch Coque Feather Rnas in pink,
blue, gray, white, brown and b'ack,
extra full and fluffy; only three dozen
in this special lot, so hurry. A very
acceptable gift.
$5.00 Silk
Umbrellas at $2.47
Htiy her something useful. Select
one of these splendid $5 Umbrellas
and pay less tlvin half regular price.
Come in wide variety of latest nov
elty handles, pearl, gold, silver, gun
nictal, etc.; bes I'aragon frame and
steel rod; cover of best taped silk
ferson lodge 1ms been Invited nnd m.i
be present Ii a body. The of I hers to
be Installed are:
Kncampnif :it T. II Lafollette. C V ;
I. W. Spejr. II. 1'.; Ui.y i.alolieite, S
VV.; Karl McLaiiKiilin. J. . . A. S In
land, scribe It i' Adams, treasurer.
Of the subonlln.ile .lBe the ofl'ic.-rs
are: iuy l.afollette. N (i . W II. Hus
ton, V. tf.; Itohert .Moore, secretary; It.
11. Adams, treas-jrer.
4 I'graft Is divided monthly among
'the various members of the
"protective" association.
(Special Pl-pitch to Th. Journal.
Ilolse, Ida., Dec. 1 ! I'ro.secut Ir.g At
torney Koelsch Is golriK aNcr tlie vio
lators of the Sunday reat law. Hull Is
to be brought nKaiimt the niamiKcmcnt
of the Nataturlum bathing reaort. and
an effort may be made to sto; ti,-- run
ning of sireetenrs on Hundav (me the
atrical man has been sentenced to pay a
heavy fine for vlointlon ol tin- law.
Manv mote arrests a:e to be made soon.
The prosecutor says the law will be en
forced to the letter.
Charging that the wholesale houses
handling plumbers' supplies in Portland
will not sell to any one except licensed
plumbers and that they have unlawfully
combined to raise the price of plumbing
materials for' the benefit of themselves
and the plumbers, M. K. Thompson has
begun ault in the circuit court against
th Gauld company to restrain the lat
ter from ' foreclosing a mechanics Jk-n
placed on certain property of his in
Alblna. . . .
Thompson says he contracted with I).
8 Hughes to erect four buildings on his
ntB at a cost Of $4,600. One week later
Hughes -contracted with Stanley &
Shoemaker to furnish the plumbing mii
teriabj and do the work of fitting for
S53tS It is declared that it was im-
poasible for Thompson or Hughes to
(jut the necessary materials, because
. the -wholesale men would sell only to
plumbing firms that were licensed.
h loiii.l concern was In this com-
Wnatlon. it is charged, along with the
; ?rane comnany. Failing. Haines 4 Mr
Caiman and other wholesalers. It Is
charged that licensed plumbers. In turn,
were forbidden by the wholesale men to
sell to Individual buyers, thereby hold
ing' the public at the mercy of the
wholesale men in charging whatever
prices they might agree upon.
' Thompson says he has paid the con
Mir in full for his work, and de
clares that Stanley & Shoemaker, who
did tho plumbing, are tne agents ior me
Gauld company. He asks that it be en
joined from enforcing its lien. ino
Gauld lien was placed at the instance of
the plumbing firm snn assens inai nia
'terlal to the value of 1263.64 is not paid
A Left Handed Woman at That No
Wonder the Watch Wouldn't Go.
From the New York Sun.
"Women don't deserve to own
watches," recently remarked a jeweler.
"They don't know how to take care
Of them.
"A woman bought a watch fr m my
firm recently and 1 gave her strict In-
. t ructions to wind it every 24 hours and
always at the same hour as nearly as
poasible. Two days later she came
back with It and said it had stopped.
"Well. I found it had run down. I
told her. but she insisted that she had
; wound it. .
"Two or three days later she came
hack with the same complaint and again
' I tried to impress her with the necessity
; for winding it. Again he insisted that
' ghe had done so and went away miffed.
'Tho third time she came I asked
; her to show me how she had vound it.
' Then I fnade a peculiar discovery. The
' woman ' waa left handed and in at
tempting to wind the watch she had
bean wlndinf It the wrong way. I've
had peculiar experiences with custom
ary put that beata all."
. Oklahoma. ILawyera Meet.
fTJslted Pre" td Wire.) .
Oklahoma City. Okla., IXee. 1 9 It
waa a -fllstinguished gathering- of- law
ve" and Jurists that, faced President
Hlffor 1 Jackson thla morning when
hi cal51 to order the annual meeting
if h Oklahoma Bar association. All
ports of the new atata were represented
U the gathering. The address of
lrsWent Jackson was fo1Joved by the
ie.rta of Secretary F. H. Kcllogsr of
Powth McAlester and Treaaurer 8. 8; renrn. of Outhrle. : Whn thie had
adopted and tha necessary com
rn i '(. unpointed the convention took
rdecta for unebcon, r .-. f i i. .-i.'
rgpeelnl rlptch to The Jnnrtnl.l
Tekoa, Wash.. I'ec. 19 Heal winter
hns set in. Monday morning, the cold
est of the season, the thermometer went
to 10 above zero. There Is good skat
ing on the ponds, though the ice on the
creeks is not solid enough to be safe.
The ground, which was rather muddy,
Is frozen to a considerable depth.
Nearly all farm work wns completed
before the freeze and winter wheat la
reported to be in excellent condition.
The new O. H. & N. depot, all com
plete except the plumbing, was occu
pied by the company the latter part of
last week.
(l ulled I'rcw I-eo-ert Wire.)
Carson. Nov., Uw. lie The $25,000
suit of 1.. (V Hr.mson against the Oold
fleld unions, accused of boyl'ottlng
Hranson s Coldl'leld newspaper, there
by forcing him to sell the property. Is
being heard berure tho supreme court
uf t ue stnte,
J'ocketlxHik Found.
A pocketliook containing a number of
papers and cancelled checks was picket! (
up near the po.storrice snoniy iirt-T
midnight last night. The name "War
ner" appeared on some of the papers.
The owner can recover his property by
calling at the Turn Halle saloon. Fourth
and Vanillin streets.
Buy Him a Kodak.
We have all styles Kasttnan Kodaks;
prices ringe from $1 to $35. Instruc
tion given at any time. Oregon Photo
Stock company. Ill hixth street, be
tween Washington and Stark.
Tomorrow (Friday) positively tho
Inst dav for discount on east side gas
bills. J'ortland (.as company.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Prlnevllle, Or., Dec. in. The various
local I. O. O. F. organizations held a
joint Installation and banquet on the
evening of Januarv 4. The Mount Jef-
He Fired the Stlok.
"I have fired the walking-stick I've
carried over 40 years, on account of a
sore that resisted every kind of treat
ment, until I tried Bucklen's Arnlci
Salve; that has healed the sore and
made me a liappv man." writes John
Oarrett, of North Mills. North Carolina.
Guaranteed for piles, burns, etc., by
Skldmore Drug Co. 2Bc.
His Cherished Illusion Doubly Dent
ed by Sleeting With Truckman.
From the New York Sun.
"I feel younif." said Mr. (Jrnybny,
"and I like to think 1 still look young,
but now and then I tjet a little re
minder. "On the elevated last hlslit a man
xho had been sit tins In n seat three
seats distant from where 1 was stand
ing got up to uo out. Now, standing
In the other direction from this seat,
but onlv two s.rits distant from it.
reading a inwspiiper, was a young man
who could easily have not to it before
I could, but he made no move for it.
Waist Patterns at $2.98
Fancy taffeta and niessaline Silks
in 4-y.vd waist lengths, plaids, checks,
stripes, etc., in all the newest color
ings; standard $1 grades. Take ad'
Wool Blankets at $5.95
F.xtra large and heavy white Wool
Blankets, pink and blue borders, silk
finished and our best regular $7.50
values. A gift 'worth while.
Some Appropriate
Fancy Aprons at 25c
Square or circular styles with or
without bib, some embroidery trim'd
and others in plain hemstitched; reg
ular values in the lot up to 50c.
$7.50 Silk
Petticoats at $4.63
Made from best quality pure taffeta
silk, extra full with deep flounce and
silk under ruffle. Come in navy, red,
blue, green, brown, rose and black;
standard $7 50 values anywhere on
earth; on sale Friday and Saturday
only at this extremely low price.
Long Kid Gloves at
$2.38 a Pair
Full elbow length Kid Gloves in black
and popular new shades of tan, on
sale Friday and Saturday only at this
special price. Gloves fitted.
KID GLOVES 2-rlasp genuine
French Kid Gloves in a complete line
of new shades, the identical quality
sold elsewhere at $1.50 a dl AA
pair, extra special here at... vlvl
CAPE GLOVES Real Kassan Cape
Gloves, full 16-button length, harness
stitch and standard $4 grade, on sale
Friday and Saturday at, spe- QQ
cial spO.OO
SIK GLOVES F.lbow length pure
Silk Gloves, double tipped fingers
and regular $2.25 grade, on special
sale here Friday and Satur- frl AJ
day at, special, a pair plf
Christmas Gifts
Suitable articles for gift giving arranged to save
tmrc and trouble. Glance over this list.
Furs Reduced
Furs make very acceptable gifts. Choose here and
you II save fully 50 per cent on the exclusive fur
store" prices. See our Morrison street windows.
Black Voile Skirts
We make a specialty of fine Black Voile and Pan
ama Skirts; an elegant line to select from in the
popular plaited styles, with or without silk drop.
A Dress Pattern
"McAllen & McDonnell's for Fine Dress Goods."
Superb new fabrics in latest shades. Give her
something that's serviceable. A dress pattern will
settle the question.
Fine Undermuslins
Gowns, Skirts. Chemise, Drawers, Corset Covers,
make dainty Christmas gifts. We ve a splendid line
of hand-made garments at the lowest prices.
Leather Articles
Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Purses, Belts, Toilet
Sets, Music Rolls, etc. Make your selection now
while the stocks are complete. Best values in town.
500 Sample Waists
500 beautiful white lawn and silk Waists, dainty
lace and embroidery trimmed models in advance
spring styles, on sale at about 60c on the dollar.
Only one of a kind. No exchanges; all sales must
be final.
Bearskin Coats at $3.65
Children' curly bearskin Coats in
cream otily, large white pearl but
tons, lined, ages 2, 4 and 6; marked
to sell in the regular way tt $4.50
1000 Men's Ties at 25c
Regular 50c values choice selection
of new patterns in all popular shades,
pure silk and double faced; a chance
to buy Christmas Neckwear at just
half price.
$3 Silk Hosiery at
$2.39 a Pair
On sale Friday and Saturday only;
women's pure thread Silk Hosiery in
handsome embroidered designs, "Gor
don dye," double heel and toe; stan
dard $3 grade.
BOX HOSIERY Women's fast
"Gordon dye" Hosiery, put up 3 pairs
in neat box; regular 35c grade, on
sale Friday and Saturday at this spe
cial low price. Mail orders QQ,
filled promptly iOC
FANCY HOSIERY Beautiful silk
embroidered Hosiery in a great va
riety of new patterns and colors;
standard 65c and up to 85c values in
this lot; for two days we offer CA,
your pick at JlC
WOOL HOSIERY Women's fine
lambswool Hosiery, gray heel and toe
and best garter top, warranted fast
black and stainless and best 35c qual
ity; on sale Friday and Satur- OP.
day at, special &OL.
$3.50 Bedspreads $2.47
Extra large and heavy white Marseilles
Bedspreads, hemmed, choice new patterns
to select from; never sold for less than
$3.50-apiece. A useful present.
34-inch Taffeta Silk 95c
34-inch black guaranteed Taffeta Silk,
splendid weight and finish and a stan
dard $1.25 quality. She'll appreciate a
nice silk waist or dress pattern. Buy
now and save.
Linen Handkerchiefs 11c
Men's pure linen Handkerchiefs, , and
Ji-inch hems, full 18-inch size and, regular
18c values, on special sale Friday and Sat
urday only at this remarkably low price.
Store Open
Commencing tonight this
store will be open evenings
until 9:30.
Toys, Dolls,
Visit our Toy section. You'll
find our prices the lowest in
the city. Good goods only.
He Just continued standing whers he
was and went on reading 1 1 1 s paper.
"And then, of course, I knew that
ho was leaving that sent for me, and I
knew why. liut I was tired and bo
I looked nt him and bowed and smiled
a little in acknowledgment of Ills court
esy, nnd he bowed and smiled a little In
return jind then 1 took the seat.
"Coming across the etret one morn
ing I heard a man singing out to me
" 'Come on there, old man, come on,'
and looking up I aw a young truck
driver holding up his team so that he
wouldn't run over me.
"You know what h would have said
if I had been a young man? It would
have been: 'Hey, there!' and then It
would have been up to me to Jump or
get run over, but he was showing to
me the consideration due to ag.
"And In this case my cherished Il
lusion wa doubly dented, for did not
the necessity of the truckman's calling
ehow to me that I had been nbsent
mimiod when he spoke, not watchful.
on the alert as I ought to have been
In such a place? And what the truck
man thought of me was shown by what
he Raid.
"Very kind of lilm. though. It aiirrlv
was, mid tho people who thus lRnlnil
me of my Hge are all prompted by tlm
kindest Intentions, but renllv I wish
people wouldn't be so polite.''
.. XJJi
for imm
Necklaces Manicure Set Sewing Sets
Bracelet Jewel Box Belt Buckles
Toilet Set Back Comb Nail Buffs
Umbrella Lorgnette Chain Pin Trays
Opera Glasses Neat Hat Pin Picture Frame
Brooch Pr. Beauty Pins Bodkin Set
Stick Pin Brush and Comb Dutch Silver
Hand Mirror Bon Bon Dish Shopping Bag
Card Cases Lockets Gold Thimble
Miniatures Collarettes Lavallier
Colognes Velvet Brush Pin Cushion
Cut Glass Bowl Ink Stands Fine Bead Bag
Bead Neck Chain Puff Box Thermometer
Ivory Piece Chatelaine Watch Smelling Salts
Possesses every American and Swiss movement of standard
reputation those that can be absolutely depended upon for
their time requirements. The variety is of such extent as to
satisfy any and all purses.
Of ideas for useful, practical and elegant Xmas gifts. In each
spacejs a hint of quality which thrifty buyers can readily accept
with the Feldcnheinier guarantee accompanying. One price in
plain figures to all and they are of the greatest interest to those
seeking economy for wares that are of the highest order.
Mail Orders Solicited Send for Catalog. Store Open Evenings
1 i ' .. -1 ... .. ; ,
Nobby Fob Fountain Pen Diamond Ring
- . i. ,
Link Buttons Smoking Set Carved Rings
Watch Chain Vest Buttons Seal Ring
Wallet Scarf Pins Jade Ring
Umbrellas Emblem Charm Traveling Set
Military Brushes Field Glasses Match Box
Soap Box Nobby Locket Shaving Cup
Hand Mirror Reading Lamp Corkscrew
A Good Watch Set Studs Pocket File
Ink Well , Writing Set ' Coin Holder
Folding Pencil Card Case Pen Knife .
Clothes Brush Briar Pipe Letter Opener
Cigar Case Cigarette Case Comb and Brush
Tie Clasp Key Chain Key Ring