THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENINQ. DECEMBER .19, 1907. n i Hi i v T f mi i mil ii n iiii i m I i i i I I i Store Open Evenings Glove and Merchandise Orders at Jewelry Counter Unadvertised Sales" of Stationery and Pictures : R UY your gifts at Lipman-Wolfe'i JLf Portland's most reputable dry goods store. A gut in a box or wrap ping paper bearing this name is doubly acceptable. It is the hallmark of qual ity in dry goods and kindred lines and people look for this name on Christ i - - mas presents just as they look for the word "Sterling" on silver.. Hundreds of extra clerks and the widest aisles in tcTwn make shopping a pleasure. Sale of Beautiful Fancy Linens 1 J Nothing comes nearer to a housekeeper's heart than a beautifully designed piece of linen. In this sale we include" hand-drawn, hand-embroidered, scalloped and eyelet-wof k effects in Doilies, Squares and Scarfs. An infinite variety of effects in Japanese, Chinese, Irish nd Belgian Linens. Center Aisle, Fourth Street Entrance. Chinese Drawnwork apin:): D;iwMWjrk Inch -Inch 12-Inch 1 0-Inch 4-lnch 10 Inch lli!7-ln. DolllfS Dolllos Dollies Squares Squares Squares... .01 Trav Clothi . Ilx54-lnch Srsrfs ...15 . . . 25 ...T5 1.25 1.7S l.OO 1.35 Irish Lmbroideicd Linens -Inch Inch lt-lnch 11-Inch 14-Inch Round Hound Hound Round Hound Dollies. . Dollies. . DolllM. . Top . . . . Tops. . . . J7-lnch Rotinil Topa.. l-lneh Round Topa.. 45-Inch Hound Topa. 64-Inch Round Topa. lSx64-lnch Scarfs ll'lp 6-lnch Dollies 454 1-Inch Dollies 70 12-Inch Dollloa S1.25 tO-lnch Squures CZ.SO 14-Inch Hciuarca 3.75 JO-lnch Hcjuares (6.75 St-lnch Hqtiares S9.00 4S-lnih Squares S12.50 64-Inch Square S18.50 16x24-ln. Tray Clotha. S2.SO J0xJ-ln. Kcarfa S 1.00 20x45 ln. Hrarfn..'. SO. 00 20x54-ln. Scarf S6.75 ( : ; 7 $1.25$1.50 Vals. 79c ? v. , An extraordinary Friday Hosiery Sensation 5 0 0 pairs of Women's Fine Quality , Imported Lisle Thread Hosiery, with broidered insteps, lace boots, lace and embroid ered styles, all hand embroidered in fancy col ored designs or self black. Regularly sold at $1.25 and $1.50 pr., spe cial for this sale 79c Mail Orders Filled Battcnbcrg Scarfs j Squares Reg, Val. to $3.50 at $1.29 Friday Bargain Day we offer 300 Battenberg Embroidered Scarfs and Squares, with linen centers make ideal Christ mas gifts ,for housekeepers. Scarfs are full 18x54 inches; squares 30x30 inches; regular values to $3.50 (H on sale at $l.LtS $1 Drawnwork Linens 60c i: 500 Austrian Drawn-Linen Scarfs and Squares, with six rows of drawnwork; scarfs 18x54 inches long; squares r 30x30 inches; regular $1.00 values; on sale for DUC Lipman-Wolfe's an Ideal Store for Men as Well Just Inside Washington-SL Entrance 1 Men's $10 Smoking Jackets, $6.00 Fabrics and needlework seen only in standard $10 grades, in a special assortment all priced $6. Materials are heavy double-faced cloths in beautiful, rich designs. The man's ideal of solid comfort. Very fine textures and weaves, in strikingly contrasting color combinations; solid shade bod ies, with fancy pattern cuffs, collars and lapels, In plaids, checks and stripes. All garments cither cloth or silk cord bound. An important feature of these House Coats is that they all came to us from tailors who work on men's clothing all year They sre, therefore, cut and made in absolutely correct proportions and sizes, with liberal size armholes and widths of backs. An unusual size range is represented in this sale group all breast measures from 36 to 46. Regular $10.00 jackets, 6.00. t :,, -iff yy . t " f r 3 Men's Bath Robes $5.50 Vals. $3.75 100 Men's Blanket Bath Robes, all new patterns and colorings, made with large square collars, cord and tassel at neck, girdle at waist and large pockets. Made full and long; values to $5 50 Jr on sale at 43. J 500 Prs. Long Kid Gloves $3.75 Values $2.95 Pair Shrewd shoppers will an ticipate their holiday glove wants here today. Every pair of gloves in this sale is full 16-button length, 3-clasp mousquetaire style, all new and perfect. Every pair of these gloves is a regular $3.75 value and the equal of the so-called $4.00 values offered by other sales. In all sizes, in tan, brown and black. Every pair fitted at counter .... $2.95 10t000 Yards figured Crepe de Ghinc $17257$ 95c Special for Friday very timely for Xmas gifts we offer 10,000 yards of new figured crepe de chine for Du Barry Scarfs, in Persian Border, figured, and Dresden effects; regular $1.25, $1.35 f C and $1.50 values; yery special at Useful Xmas Gifts Embroidered Sheets and Pillow Cases Embroidered Sheet, 45x404 inches, and two pillow cases. set in dox i or ine special jow CI jLfi price $3.0U Embroidered Sheet, 54x40'S inches, and two pillow cases, set in box Pillrw fae. urallnnrd and nmhmirrn 45x38Vi inches, very handsome $4.00 ...90c r SPECIAL SALE- OF BOOKS SUITABLE, TOR XMAS GIFTS r Portland's Largest and Best Book Store 73c Alcazar Classics at 29c Bound de luxo Individual bindings, ruhrlcHtM title-page, fins Illustrations. Titles of perennial Interest and charm. Alibr Conntantin. IyUdovlc Halevy. Attic Philosopher, The. Emlle Souvestre. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Burns' Poems. Bitter Sweet. J. O. Holland. Brooks. Phillips. Addresses. Browning's. Kobert. Selections. Child's Gurden of Verses, A. R. I Stevenson. Christmas Carol. Dickens. Courtship of Miles Stnndlsh. Henry W. I,ongfellow. Cranford. Mrs. Gaskell. Iog of Klnnders, A. Oulda. Inm Life. Mitchell. Dreams. Olive Schrelner. Drummond's, Henry. Addresses. Kdltha's Burglar. F. H. Burnett. Kvangeline. H. W. Longfellow. Favorite Poems. ' Familiar Quotations. J. Bartlett. Hiawatha. H. W. Longfellow. House of Seven Gables. Nathaniel Haw thorne. Idylls of the King. Tennyson. Imitation of Christ. Thomas a'Kempls. In His Steps. Sheldon. In Memorlam. Alfred Tennyson. Jessica's First Prayer and Jessica's w Mother. Hesba Stretton. Longfellow's Poems. Lucille. Owen Meredith; Man Without a Country. Rev. E. E. Hale. Minister's Wooing. Mrs. Stowe. Mornings In Florence. Ruskln. Prince of the House of David. J. H. InTaham. Princess. Alfred Tennyson. Pruo and I. Geo. W. Curtis. Recessional and Departmental Ditties. Kipling. Reveries of a Bachelor. Donald G. Mitch ell. Robin Hood. Rubalyat of Omar Khayyam. Fltsger- aki. Samantha at Saratoga. Marietta Holler. Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne. Sesame and Lillies. Ruskln. And many others. 50c Standard Books at 25c Th Rnv of Oranre Ribbon. Barr. . Love For an Hour Is Love Forever. Barr. Remember the Alamo. Barr. The Squire of Sandalslds. Barr. His Sombre Rivals. Roe. Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush. , A ltnnvhti nf KMf Rarr. He Fell In Love With His Wife. Roe Betveen Two Loves. Barr. Opening of a Chestnut Burr. Roe. Barriers Burned Away. Ros. And many others. $1.18 New Fiction at 50c I if tamm Extra cloth, gold ti tles, ornamental side and back stamp, gold tops. Undeniably the handsomest low priced library edi tions on the market. Selec. jd from the world's choicest lit erature, and written by authors of es tablished reputation. Embraces History, Biography. Travel, Adventure. Humor, Fiction of the choic est character, Poetry, and Belles - Lettres. Clearly printed in laria tvre. on fine laid paper, and bound in extra cloth. Suitable for library use. Every volume complete and unabridged. Publishers price, ouc; our price, per volume 25c Add 8c for postare. Adam Bede. Eliot, . Christmas Stories. Dickens. Count Monte Chrtsto. Dumas. tijv m fonnemeia. iu tens. French revolution, wanyie. Hypatla. Kingsley. Jinn F.vre. Bronte. John Halifax. Mulock. Kenilworth. Scott. Lamplighter. Cummins. Little Minister. Barrie. Lorna Doone. Blackmore. Middlemarch. Eltot. Mill On Floss. Eliot. Prince of the House of David. Ingra . ham Romola. Eliot.. Taine's English Literature, , ... Tales from Shakespeare. , uud. , Tom Jones. Fielding. Vanity Fair. Thackeray. Ivanhoe. Scott. California and Oregon Trail. Parkman. Corlnne. De Stnel. And many others. 50c Alger Books at 25c Lach With Colored Xllrstrstlons. This excellent series of books for boys comprises sorai of the most popular Alger books. Each book is printed on purer of excellent oualltv !n uniform style of binding, with colored inlny on front cover IlIUHtratlng the subject of the title. Colored frontispiece and from three to seven additional colored illus trations. The best made, most attrac tive and best selling books ever offered for the price. Our special price, per volume 25 60c Henty Books at 25c Each "Mr. Henty is the King of Story-Tellers for boys. All boys will read his stories with eager and unflagging in terest. The episodes are all graphic, ex citing, realistic; in all Mr. Henty'i hooks the tendency is to the formation of and honorable, manly and even he roic character." Uniform cloth blnd I n g. Publisher's price, 60c; our price, per volume ...25 50c Phoenix Series at 25c The selections for this year are unusual ly strong, and ought to make this serlea mors popular than srer; 33mo cloth, decorated covsr and title pages: pub lisher's pries, 60o; our price, per toI nme - 25 j a n vendor s Wife. Barr. Elsie Dins more. Martha F!nley. 7 he Abbe Con stantino Hal evy. A Toung Girl's Wooing. Roe. An Original Belle. Roe. A Bo r d e r Shepherdess. Barr. Knight of the I9th Century. Roe. A Brave Little Q u a k e r e as. Roe. A H o r n e t's Nest. Roe. l9 k : o o o All of these hooks are full library sis TOlomu, "handsomely bound In cloth; many of them Identical in appearance and quality with the $1.50 editions, and many of them are elaboratsly a n d expensively Illus trated. Some are limited s pe oTal editions, whloh cannot be replaced when present stocks are exhausted. Others are doUar-and-a-hslf books of yesterday, fifli It mm V IK ill! . - RIBBON- which "trade opportunities hare placed In our possession at fractional prices, and which are marvelous ralnea. Right of Way. Gilbert Parker. St. Elmo. Augusta J. Evans. Man on Box. Harold McGrath. The Helmet of Navarre. Bertha Runkle. The Cort. David Graham Phillips. Castle Craney Crow. McCutcheon. Graustark. McCutcheon. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle. The Hound of the Baskervilles. Doyle. The Little Minister (fine ill. ed.) Barrte. The Christian. Hall Caine. Letters of a Self-Made Merchant to Hla Son. Lorimer. The Hon. Peter Stirling. Ford. Prisoner of Zenda. Hope. Rupert of Hentzau. Hope. If I Were King. McCarthy. The Grey Cloak. McGrath. , The Call of the Wild. London. Wings of the Morning. Tracy. Soldiers of Fortune. R. H. Davis. Wolfvllle. Lewis. Daughter of the Sioux. Gen. King. Apache Princess. Gen. King. Knight of Columbia. Gen. King.' When Knighthood Waa in Flower. Cas koden. The Virginian. Owen Wlster. David Harum. Wescott The Eternal City. Caine. The Crisis. Churchill. Dorothy Vernon (with illustrations from the play). Charles Major. The Master Christian. Marie Corelll. In the Palace of the King. Crawford. Choir I., islble. James Lane .Allen. Via Crucls. Marlon Crawford. Master of Warlock. G. C. Eggleston. And many others. Latest $1.18 Fiction Rosalind at Red Gate. By Meredith Nlch 1 : olson, outhor of "House of a Thou sand Candles." The Halo. By Baroness Van Hutton, author- of "Pam." Satan Sanderson, the story of a thou sand thrills: scene laid in Portland, Oregon. By Halite Ermlnie Rives. Three Weeks. By Elinor Glyn. The tale of a royal love episode that Is the talk of two continents. Words of Liberty. By Myra Keller. Helena's Path. Anthony Hono. The New Mlssioner. Mrs. Wilson Wood row. The Lion's Share. Octave Thanet The Greatest Genuine Coat Bargain of the Season in Any Portland Store at Any Price 132 Winter Coats of Cloth and Caracul Reg. Values to $18.50 for $8.75 Special for Friday Bargain Day, we offer the year's greatest coat bargain 132 winter coats or cloth ana caracul every coat new this season. The cloth coats are made in tight-fitting, semi-fitting and full loose-back styles; fifty inches long. Some are all-lined with satin, others have ydke linings. The ma terials are broadcloths and fancy Scotch mixed materials. The caracul coats are twenty-seven inches long, in black and brown, trimmed with velvet and Vi braid and lined throughout with satin. Keguiar values to qis.3U, (J1Q y r 1 forFriday sale, only.. kDOV J , " i i i i No Mail or Phone Orders None Sent C. O. D. or on Approval. Sale of Feather Boas A special lot of Feather Boas, including N Ostrich, Marabout and Cbque Feather Boas in all shades all 1 f.L V3 KJll reduced. Many special Neckwear Bargains. Exceptionally Good Values In Veils and Veilings A veil is the right thing to give this year. Fashion requirements make it a necessary adjunct to the cos tume. Square chiffon and net veils, plain, dotted and ribbon edge, in all the new shades 85 up Face Veilings with lace and medium-sie dots, in all shades, 25 the yard and up. Embroidered Chiffon Veils, one and one half yards in length, very pretty designs; in. all shades &4 41 and combination colors. Regular $3 values I .J i ii $1.00 Dresden Ribbons, 55c Yd. Remnant Sale of Ribbons Half 800 yards Fancy Dresden Ribbons, 3a to 7 inches wide, large assortment to choose from; values to $1.00 yard; sale price. 55c Many Other Ribbon Bargains on Special Sale. F Another lot of Ribbon Remnants; very choice pieces; ' at HALF PRICE. On sale at Lace CounterBe early. TEDDY BEARS Make the Children Happy. They've arrived en route from Bearland Teddy, Billy, Jim, Tom, Mike, . Charlie, Golden hair, Sue, Uncle Joe, Frank, Bess, Tot, Cin namon, Pen, Lizzie, Kermit, Alice, Mac, Ed, Jack, Dick, -Bruin. Every child goes wild over the cunning Roose velt; Bears. Be sure to give one for Christmas. LOWEST PRICES. SILK UMBRELLAS Seven hundred and-. fifty finest Silk Um brellas for men and women, in black and colors, choicest import ed handles - s u c h. as ivory, gold, silver,' pearl, trimmed with silver, gunmetal trimmed and plain: $5 Umbrellas, $3.25 $7 Umbrellas, $4.35 $io Umbrellas, $6.75 5i2 Umbrellas, $8.50 The new "Fluffy Ruf. flcs" Umbrella Is the swell, est thin of the season and ran be found, among; many otner novelties, at Lipman. woires TTffH? Postcard Albums Teddy Bear- postal card album, good cloth covers, holds. 105 cards, assorted colored backs; 75c AO values . i ...... .V. . -. tW, $1.50, $1.75 Albums $1.18 Finely bound albums,; padded cov ers, fancy designs, large size bo-k, holding 300 to 500 cards; fM o values $1.75, on sale at yllU V .1 ,-.--'--- ' - M , bMHMM