THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 10. 1007. 19 FOR BALK MISCELLAXEOU 8 Finest line or rnxuicn and un framed pictures ever exhibited in Portland. On account of the financial jiurry this beautirul atork tnuat t sold In Ilia next thirty days, regardleas of coat Picture framing a specialty. The Art Emporium, HI Alder, nur ally ilAVkTtJl ANY'fi ll NTT1! OUZIXT CALL t'P PACIflC 791. Is thtra anything you want to buy! Coma and se ua at Twentieth and Washington eta. Our prices always tha lowest. . WESTERN BALVAGW CO. LaVYon cMo(iTTcnToC(V - ALL klnila of barrels and boitlea bought .and Hold. 41 N. Front. Thona Main 1147 jjTZapehT and b'eht place fcToU? fiirnltiira. atovee. Tha Doll nr. 231 1st. om4 good uuK-cti ffunnu r Ona to-foot launch. $2,700. Wanted, aaveral launches to fill ordara. Ileyea Engine A launch Co.. 171 Madi son at., phones Main 740. Horn A-1347. IloLDEN a RHEUMATIC OL'KE iUHK our for rhinmatlam. Sold by all drugala. lltC'N UH.D li.eO, SPRINGS l. is,, MAT treae 11.60, draaaer $7.1.0. mantel bad 15 to. Anly trn . tf I at. Fan. 1170 CLEAN WASHED RaOS FOR wiping purposes. Tha Overall Laundry and "fp'V - f hnna Hell wood it, eTWe doctor we repair, put In colla or exchange, bur or aell atovee til Int. Tha Dollar. Main 614 PERSONAL HOLDENB RHEUMATIC CURB Sura oura for rbttrastiaw. fold by ail r " TTJr K 1 311 BATHS. .00 OlttoOMAlJ bldg : ladlaa daya. gentleman nights. Main 1911 MRS. 8eIp CLaIHVOYAN'T AND psyrnometrlat. 101 Allsky bide; spir itual teat rlrrlea Tuea.. Krl avaa UIlM .111 11 U; kit l lL'Ii Z L- a li i v irn bath, aalt (low, cream maaaaga; rf arencaa. 1K1U Park Main 140 A-I714. EA D I EVlt A R H E 11 3 11 O P M A N I C V I i- ing, racial inaaeag. 64 4th it. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Free? Free! Free! 'Absolutely Free If rot correct. private hospital kuh unfoktu- nata alrle; good rare a M liner hid-. 6LOa LanTTe nVTIRn isii m a s a g e. steam hatha. Rooms 18-14 Selllna Ulrarh bid.. Waah.. cor. 10th. A-J1I7. Sh5les, wrinkles, hupehTlUou" nair removed Mra Hill. 130 Fle'dner. UAl.M OF MOri Kelt AM, KKMAI.K dlaeaaca 6' R Belmont F.aat 4014. DotL hoJpitaiJ now open for bualneea, a I 411 It, Morrison at. MADHAOli VAIlik AND TIMI IIATIIH. lady attendants, 1 10 W 4 th, cor. Wash. TjaTm ovrroirtnrATjrKWAO. At One Half Price All watches, Jawalry, dlamonda, Tlo llna. (tiliara. for ttila month Sjnly at Tnrla Myera. 143 Id. near A Ider, VkHIC'LEK. KARM W-AOON8. HOItHKH. milch cowa. ainala and double harnea aa, heavy and lltrht ISO Flandera. 16c' 0t TlIR"TOLLAlCTira R8aNT5 eztenalon tablea at tha 1'eoplea' Kur nlture Houae. ilK Front at. We buy and aoll everything. Main 4210. iON T NKGLr:Ct'rTolJirTl58F:S. OR. der manure from Bmlth'a. Main 611. CAl.KNDAR PADH KOK 180. UATEiT WAiht Co et For sATrTMiKApmANn nrw 21- foot Inuncli. fi horae power, two-cylln-fler enrlne; a baritftln. A. T. Whitman, foot of Thtrrman at. l-'OR 8AI.H TTVO INCCHATD US AN'b one brooder, rh'p. P-100, Journal. FIRHT CI.A8M MAS I ' UK iTTl t 8A I . E. 1'hore Woorllnn !'74 or call at barn nnS haver and Mn ryl i n d ave . dlaeaaea 111 Kllertner hlda Main T71I RlHS (HllHoN (ilv'KH SCAl.P TltKAl'- rnentdiiridruff. 2m Mor.. room 5 !. ASS A VERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Aeaay Office. Ill Mor rlaon at TOL'n LIKE. U)'K on IirSINEBg 50c 50c 50c MELVIH THE RKNOWNED AUSTRACT8 LAWTER8' A H8THACT TRUST CO. Main H:0. A-4222. 710 Cham, of Coin. ACCOINTANTS. COMMEHCIAI, WORK oenerai.LT; Inveatlsiitlona. fuctorv rim In lumber office ayatrma a apeclalty: rferenrea; li. W. Marnea. toil Worceattr bide 11. W. (Mill:. ROOM 30. RALEIGH blilK-. 6ih and Wh., Keneral account Inn, biilnnrea nnil e'Rlciiipntu f urnlnhed. UlAltLKfi U I'AUIUSMTImTrTIC At countant. notary public. Ill Murquam M( Phonen Moln 4221. A-4r,6& Aatral dand tranrn clairvoyant; no rharce If not antlariert when reading la over you 'to b Julac. I dn here by aojrmnly axree anl KUnrantee to niako n dui.'Ke If I rnll to "all yo-j by name In full, nnmra of your frlenda. enemlre or rlvnln, I promlae to tell whether ymir hiialiand, wife or aweet- hll.rl im It-IIM rr Tula..- ...11 uii lini. .n win the oik) you moat uoalre, even iliuuch mllea away: how lo aui'i-eed In buil waa. aiieciilutliin, UwaiJtn; liow to marry to one of your choir; how to regain youth hnilth and vitality; r move evil Influinoe: curce drink hub- Ita; locatra tronaura, mlnea and oil wella; curea all nervnua dlaaaa. Telia you Juat how. where and whn to Inveat your money to obtain the beat poaalble rrauita. If you do not find Melvln auperlor to any clairvoyant now practicing In the city, hla advice will be abaolutely free. $600 for any mlatake made through following hla advice. HARDWARE WINDOW AND IKMIR BCMlEICNH MADIt to order. Portland Hardware Co. T4 4 in. l.NKL'RA.NCK ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 144 Sherlock bid. JAB Mcl. WtxiD, KMPI.OYKRM' LIA blllty and Individual accident cvirlty bonda of all kin. la. phone 47. 101 Mo Kav hid DAN KB TTNITED STATES N U - Nor" ... Tranaaeta a Gene All CI I Ire of the l'nll. mad on Favorable Terma irealdent j. c AINBV Vlce-Prealdent R. kka H ATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. ORIOON. tbweat Corner Third and Oak Wtreeta. ... ' General Hanking Pualneaa. DRAFTS 1MHUEO viibdio in All Cltlea of the United Hlatea anil Europe. Hongkong and Manila. Collection L' WORTH AHNfca Aaaletant Caahler Caahler It W. SCIIMEER Aaalatant Caahler W. X HOLT A. M. WHIOHT DO JkWKI.KltB J. WOLF. 65 WASH FINE HPECTA rlee KOr. Klitln nmcheg & Itepulrlng. LO( KSMITIIS. LOCKSMITH. I ' M lilt KI.I.A REPAIR Ing Dave'a WamnriKinn. corner I2ih TIl.To.N, ItANKlHS Portland. Oregon. Eetabllehed lit. W. M. I ilili n tr .tin t ur I. ADD. - " . . . 1 1 i a , n. HUI niu DAIinun HARK Lfbl ni aL'nJlLJi!l0(L":""u''t r'n ""' defioalta. Intereat iald on time depoalta. I f' ... 0f -''l-H',ltNIA-Eatabllahd 1144. Head Office Ban rranoleco vapitai paid up $4,000,000 I Hurplua and undivided profile I10.1M.I71 n.,w, 'J""11" n.l Exchange Rualneae Tranaacted. Intereat on Time "poella. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Aciounta may be opened of 110 and up ... ,, ,w,rd Portland Itrnnch .:hamber of Commerce Building. "M. R. Mai UFA Manager I J T. III! IIT II AEI .1 Aae t Manager NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY LKATIIKIt AM) 1 INDINCJH CHARLES L. M ASTlt'K A CO KUONT and (k ata. imthiT and aklna of every deacrlptlon for nil purpai.i; eole and tap cuttera. fin llnta Remember, Low Fee, PERSONAL We Cure AH dlaeaaca of men. women and children both acute and chronic dlaeaaca of the, eye. ear. noee, throat and lunga. heart, kldneya, bladder, brain and atom ch catarrh, rheumatism. Indication. ronat Ipatlon and akin dlaeaaca promptly cured. All private and wxatlng dlaeasea promptly cured and their rffecta per manently removed from the ayatcm. t'onaultatlon fre and atrlrtly conll dcntlal. We Kimrantcc all of our curea New York SuriMcal .Medical Institute, Itnletah bldg . lh and Waah. eta. AUTOMOniLES 50c 50c 50c MOXKV TO IA)AN Mon Don't Ee Ercke M E L V I H The Renaon. COVET A WALLACE MOTOR CO.. DI8- inouiora Fierce Great Arrow, full lew. eld forbln and Cadillac. 16th and Alder. OPEGON MOTOR CAR CO. AL'TOMO bllea and garage; abaolutely fireproof building 10th nnd Rlnrk. Phone A-4tB0. ART EXPERT MOULDING AND STATU ary work, plaater caata and orna menta. Antique Oreclnn, Roman and Florentine Q Adnml Co.. 24 9 Columbia. KERAMIC HTLDIO. CHINA PAINTING and firing; order tnken for Xmaa. Mra Mwrklcy. R. 64. 1!.0H Morr M 7647 HAND CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN antlpu furniture, repairing (LMWnah. CHRLSTENSEN ART CO. 37. STA UK. Main 4201. A-3 2 1 7. Framcaa nd framing. A. RERGEH. STUDIO. 64T4 WASlT; oil pnl 11 tings. In nd wen pc ind portrait.-!. ATTORMCVS Dr. Mary Lane Institute Expert treatment given women and rhlldren'a allmenta by a graduate and Hcenaed lady phyalclan. Maternity caeca given apeclal attention. Utv-to-datr an- llarlum In connection. No churge for ! pii-.ooTT Five it ' 'r'nicirTi ax"ti consultation nd correaponden. e abno- law I xt ! kJv ma. lutelv confidential. Addresa all corre- j"' MrHZB4.,1!Ulk'y blS'- Crn" epondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Inatl- nd MorrUon aii tute. Medical and Surgical Incorporated. . GILLIAM A: GII.I.IAM ATTORNEYS rooma 6 to 14. Grand theatre bldg.. cor wt-lnw. 7;o r. of C. Id.lg. Main 5 1 0 1 . )nrk and Waah. ata. Phone Main 392 ' INTERSTATE ADJ L' HTM EN T CO LA W W7 . , coiierllons 414 Ruchagnn bldg M. 130. eais the Myotic i & zwxm. U It r. I i If ll'I I A H I 1S1 ) V Alt r'lliuiil.'l mm 145 1-2 Sixth St. Roams 3,4 1H Morrison, corner Fifth. Hour. 10 a. m., to k p. m ; Sundays, to ft p. m. Ft EE! TOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Alwaya Consult the Beat PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greateat living aatral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; advlaer on bualneaa ney ia our H'k - h:ira olenty or u youra to. nt nsklng. A lew houra' preparation and the money la youra. You chn raise the money you need on your houactold furniture, piano. fU turea, etc., without removal or on your an In ry by giving ua your pliln not and without the knowledge of anyone. When In need of money It will pay rou to get It fr m us on payment plan, t coata you Uaa and Kta ou out of debt. Confidential lonna nnd to ladlea on their ')raoiml i.oto :m Imjulrlea any- wnere. Ik not hesitate to rnll for pnrtlculara you will ho conleoualy treated whether von hnrnw i.r not. Hutton Credit Co. I12ifirth floori I knm Rtdg. X.MAS ""X.MA.s" " "XMAS XMaT MONEY MoNKY Mo.S'KY MONEY NOW IS Till: TIME To CALL REFOR E CHRIS IMAS IIISII IS ON. ALA It V .(i.H KRuM $lo To $100. A CHRISTMAS SI'GG ESTTON. "G1T; TIII-.M MONEY!" ITS CHEAPER AND MUST SVIISKY EVERT ONE. "TRY IT'" Buv Pretrnt Willi li W'lirn In Doubt. "DO.VT 1 1 1 :i.A V." STATE SECI RI1Y COMPANY. "04 DEK I'M ISI.DG. SEVENTH H.OOR. OPEN EVENINGS I NT 1 L XMAS. X.MAS , . H X.MAS X.MAS MONEY MoEY MONEY MONEY TIJf E R CI I A N T S NATIONAL It A VKl'ort llr..nn " i K Wa lho.. . .PreMdent I It. L DURHAM Vlce-Prealdent . W. IIUVT Caalner GEORGE W. HO YT .. Aaalatant Caahler Tri.., C. CATCHING Seoond Aaalatant Caahler. iranaacta a General linking Ruslneaa. Drafla and Lettere of Credit laaued. . Available to All Paris of th World. Collections a Specialty. FIRST NATIONAL U A N K I orlland, Or. Oldeet National Bank on Capital and hliu lu.4. ii, 600,000.00. deposits. 114.000. A. L. AIILLH J W. NEWKIHk- . . . President (ashlar j W. C. ALVORD. 11 F STEVENS. on Vaclno Coaal 000.01 . . .Aaalatant Caahler .Second Aee t Caahler TKl'HT CO.MI'AMFJi SEC:UHITY HAVINGS TRUST CO. 2 Morrlaon Street. Portland. Oregon. 1 ran sect k a Genernl Rnnklng Ruslneaa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, lnter- eei allowed on Time and Savings Accounts. Acta aa Truatee for Eatalea "" " "iter, of Credit Available on All Parte of the World. i 1 u 1 11 " " '.'. President U A. LEWIS First Vlce-Prealdent a- J MILLS. Hecond V Ire-Prealilant H, C JL'MITZ Secretary oro K lll'SSEI.l Aaalatant Herretary ilO.M8 A.U I N KXTM F..NT8 M ORKIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerc. Building. Munb-lpa R itirosd and PublD Servlre Corporation Bond! DOWNINQ-HOPKLNS COM PAN Y ttetabllahed 1 12 BROKERS. STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Caah and on Margin. Private Wlrea. ROOM 4 (TIAMI)FR OF COMMERCE. Phone Main 17 GyerbCCk & COCke frmrSriV ( Membera Chicago Board of Trade) , v-WvJAC L,tULiUjr couch bldg., 4th iL, near Waablngloa. UKAIN. PR.Mlsio.NS. CUT f ON, STOCKS AND BONDS. r... fc 1,u A strictly Commission BUsiNtss. Continuous Markets by privet Wlru. (j.j1(.k Bervlca. 4ji:a.d i staiion timk card. LEA VINO PORTLAND. Roaeburg Paaaenger Cottage Grove Paaaenger . California Express San Francisco Expreas WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Paaaenger Foreet Grove Passe ger ... Forest Grove Paaaenger . . . and all affolrs of life; tella your full MoNEr ADVANCED SAI.AMIED PEO name and what you called for. whom pi and others upor. their own nam you will marry, how' to control the on I without aecurlly; cheapest tatea. eaaleat you love, even though mllea away; re- : payments, offices In tu principal cities; unites the separated; glvea aecret pow- save yourself money by gutting our era to control; doea all othera advertise terms nrit. to do. Houra 10 to 1. dally and Sunday. v.i.vv. a aiiu . isimii'j i bldg.. 352 S Wash., near Park at Phone' main l ib I TOLMAN, 223 Ahlnrrton Bldg. iir, 3d St LOOK COMPLETE TEST READING, 60o 1 HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON PORT land real i-Miite Security In minis of from $1,000 to $00 O0J on downtown property and from $fi0 to $fo.0(!0 on residence propetry I miijht consider good timber and farm loans. Address R-47. Jon Southern Pacific. ARRIVINO PORTLAND. S H a. m. i Oregon Expreaa 7:11 a. m 4 16 p. ro. I Cottare Grove Paaaenger .. 1 1 30 r. m. 7 46 p. m. I Roaeburg Pasaenger 6:10 p. ro ll. lu p. m. Portland Expreaa 11:00 p. Li. WEbT SIDE. .. 7.00 a. ra. Corallls Passenger 13$ p. m. . 4 10 p. ra. ! Sheridan PasaerHler 10 10 a. m. .11 on a. in. j Foreat Grove Paaaenger ... lull a, ra. . S 4U p. nt. Forest Grove Paaaenger ... 2 tt p. to. Jefforaon Strrct Depot, . 7 40 a. m. II Dallas to Portland 10:15 a. m. . 4.1i n. m. Dallas In Portland !!& n m Oawrgo-Porlland suburban Uavlnir 1'onUnil t so m hmiriv trains during morning and afternoon. Last train leavea depot for Oswego at 11:10 p. m. Portland to Dallas., Portland to Dallas.. Northern Pacific Are happy, why not you? Are lucky why not you? Are ood whv not vou7 The rronhrtess. Viola Marshfleld. will tell you whv. and advise von what to 1o. MONEY To LOAN ON IMPROVED 2G4 MORlllSON ST., RET 3d and 4th. and unimproved real estate; lowest raies or miercM i.ouis olO!noni -si SALARY LOAN'S STRICTLY CONFl dentlal; eky t0 get and eay to pay. T. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg-. 2!H Wn s fi I n g i p f Tacnma and Seattle Exp ... g SO a. m. Norta Coast A Chicago Llm. 1:00 p. m. Puget Bound Limited 4.30 p. m. Overland Expreaa 11:46 p. m. North Coast Limited Portland Expreaa ... Overland Expreaa .... Puget Bound Limited .. T OO a. ra .. 4:11 p. m. , . 1:16 p. ra 10:66 p. m. Oregon Railroad X Navigation Companj. Pendleton Passenger 7:15 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 1 30 a. m. Hnokane Fiver 7:00 p. m. Si Kan City Chi Exp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer 1:00 a, m. Chv. Kan City Port. Ex.. f 44 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 1.20 p. ra Portland Passenger 6:1 S p. m. Astoria it Columbiu River. Astoria and Seaside Exp.. Astoria Express l:0i' a. m. 6:00 p m. Astoria oc Port Passenger. 11:1 6 p. m. Portland I-xpress 10:60 p. m. .f Cominerre Practice In all rourts. Ut"rCTlKR!, SUPPLIES & R1RKENWALD & CO.. 104-301 EV- eren su. largest nutcher supply house Ladies. 11.000 reward we posi tively guarantee Dr. 8othlnKon s ( pn the coaet. Write for catalogue. j-.rsu-ivoio .Montruv uotniiojni can ly relieves some of the longvst moat obatlnate abmrmal cares In 3 to 6 5ays; no harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1.60. Double strength 12.00. Buy of druggist or write Dr. fouthlngtcn Remedy Co., Dept 17, Kan sas City, Mo. Bl'TCHERS' SUPPLIES A DOLPHa7 Dekum, 131-133 1st St.. carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest market prices. CONSULT THE REST. TV THERE IS HUT ON rNMO In order that all may have the oppor tunity to consult him, fee reduced this Wei k to tho Nominal Sim of $L00 3n:tU WASHINGTON ST. Chronic Diseases Of men and women permanently cured by modern scientific methods. Elec tricity and electrlc-llpht treatment for diseases of the prostate and rectum. Consultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard. Commonwealth bldg. . 6th gt. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN. women, children; rancors nnd female sickness permanently cured; sure cure for splnif meningitis. Dr. Paul Crom well aanltarlum. 127 N 12th. Main 6478. IlLANK-UOOK MAKERS Gyp sy HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM. 105-111 2D sL Blank books manufactured; agta. for Jones' Improved Ixiose-Leaf lodg- nri' mnm. IhMt .aw L . . ..I... I . . i . on the mark. nirirv lou FORTUNE-TELLER. 4th nnd Yamhill Sin. See Sign. I MRS. M E. PALMER. I Scientific palmist, clairvoyant and RAT IIS IMPERIAL HOTEL TURKISH BATHS, j " ranee medium, continues to give her readings on nil nrfalrs or life 'J'j North 3d ft., ground floor. ! M KS. sT'E'l-fNS" IS YIO'ARS. PORT- ItiiiiI'u l.nilltii- inlmlet :tt.l clu Irvni'- Sturk ft., near I'd. MORTGAGES. "FIRST OR SECOND liens nnd other real estate hcctirltle discounted. II E. Noble. Corn inercln I lilk. gUICK LtJANS ONAI.L S EXT III TIES. S. W. King. 45 Washington bldg Main 6100 WE MAKE REAL' ESTATE LOANS 6 I per cent American Adjustment Co., Kenton bldg i iioNE xrr LO A S Ts A I.L kTnds I of becurlty. Wllllar.1 lloll. room l, I WashlngtonbIdg ; SHOWCASES LOANS ON REAL. CHAT! EL oh col. I Hon; bank. j lateral security. W. A. H i liu,iy. 10 I WiiN'ungton bldg. SaTTA R"Y l'.7A NSEo VvT-yST-rXv'K AT Employes' Loan Co. 716 Dckurn IATAN"T'i.r.t THE A . K I N G - S A I. A HV OR cha ttel. The '..ian Co.. 41" D-kutn bldg. , Canadian Pacific Hallway Co, C P. IT. Short Line, via Spok. 7:00 p.m. Via Seat.. Vic Vancouver. 4.30 p.m. Via Sumas 1 1 :46 p. m. BIBLIOGRAPHY. .-r.v'n?r"Amrlc-, Plbllogrgphr, . 1 if 5i 7 1 J. BioanApiir. Cook Captain James Ctvnk. tha Cir cumnavigator, by Arthur Kltaon, 107. jonnaton Leading American Soldier. 1 " 4. Malatesta Hlglsmundo Iandolfo Mai atatii. Lord of Rlrnlnl: a study of a Fifteenth Century Italian lBpot: r Edwsrd Hutton, 10. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. Benger Rumania In 1100, tr. by A. IL Kenne. 1100. Glnn 4V Co., pub. Classical AtUs, . 1 BO I McCrarkan Tha Italian Lakea. 1IT. Iarry Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery nf a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to tha Pacific, lr formed In the Years 1124-1:, HI. Hararhandra Dasa Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet ed. by W. W. Rook hill. 1104. Thwaltes, ed. Early Weatern Travel-, v. II. 1K07. Woixl In the Valley of tha Rhona. ed. 2. 1100. . FINE ARTS. IVi'lamotte The Slgnlat'S Book Of Modern Alphabets. Plain and Ornamen- . tai. lyoii. Hodgson How to Identify Old CTll nee porcelain, 1 907. Perxlns short Account of Romawjf Al hey, 107. Rembrandt Van Rysj Rembrandt, b jrKnackfusa, tr. by Campbell Dodgopn, Shoemaker, ed. Holiday Entertaln menta, 1K06. HISTORY. Colquhoun A Colquhoun Tha Whirl pool of Europe. Austria. Hungary and the Hahsburga. 1907. Lampaon Consideration of the State of Ireland In the Nineteenth Century, 1'J07. Lea History of tha Inquisition f Spain v. 4. 1907. stubhs Lectures on European Ilia torv. 11104. Wrong The Brltlah Nation, 1101. LITERATURE. Rrvant On the Limits of DescrlptlTO Writing Apropos of Leasing a Lao coon." 1906. Byrnn With Byron In Italy; Being a Selection of the Poerna and Letters of Lord Rvron Which Have to Do With, HI Life In Italy from 1111 to 1121; ad. Dy a. is. Mc.Manan. isos. Hile. ed American Eaaaya 1901. Umonl English Composition, 190. laalng Samtllchs Schriften. Y. 11, 1907. Newcomer Element of Rhetoric. 1906. Webster Engllah Composition and Literature. 1902. Whitney Mother Gooae for Orown Folks, new and enlarged ed.. 1191. PHILOSOPHY. Pratt Licensing and Temperance la Sweden, Norway and Denmark. 1907. Root The CHIsen's Part In Govern ment. 1907. RELIGION. CithoMr Encyclopedia V. J, 1907. Knox The Development of Religion In Japan, la07. SCIENCE. Coleman The Elements of Physics. 1901. Daniels A Text Book of Topograph ical Drawing. 1907. Kinley American Birds, Studied and Photographed From Life, 1807. l nderh.II The Electromagnet. 190J. C P R Short f In. via dnnb a na. Via Van, Vie. and Seattle.. '. 4:16 p.m.' Wclham The Recent Development of Via Sumas anS Seattle 10:66 p. m. i Physical Science, ed. 3, 1904. RL'RRER STAMPS AM) SEALS AMOC P. 1 1 C Co . 231 Stark. Tel 1407 SHOWCASES AM) FIXTURES OF EVERY DE8CRIP bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Alanulactur log Co , Portland. TYPEWRITERS ALL ao ! SOCIOLOGY. Hendrlck The Story of Life Insur ance; 1907. Hill. Com p. I lh.pi. r . . MMAKrPr. RE'flAIRED. With " Contemporary Expoaltion , and ' " ' ' " B'r M' ( rltlcal Comments From Va LPHOLSTERIXO AM) REPAIRLNQ. 1903 Various Writers; Ed. by A. B. Hart; New Ed, Johnson Guide to Government Land BIJOU UPHOL8TERT. FURNITURE of the United States; 1906. rill-: JUIKS I. MARSHALL M FO CO KhowcaeN. cabinetB, titore and office fixtures. I'x9 Couch st. Pacific 2181 DESRiNEK R 11 ItlRDSAI.i Winter Lumber Co AGT. M, 7 Hamilton bldg Madame Luckey Gives electrlo baths and vibratory treat ments, also scientific massage, scalp end face treatments, chiropody, 209 V 4th St.. near Salmon. Main 2011. DR. INA NEWCOMB OF LONDON. MUSICAL j ror a rolinmp roauliiK on pnst. : -a., M in s 4 un.l f iln.- t ri d rrifli, 1 r W a T A" T 1 IV! t' fV 1l'LM r . - v v Tallies T ."o: , 313 "4 Yi! mhi'l I St. '.. 035 hue, Mdg! '-eed-ouoed: . A, (l8 i.ixdskY. (T.AIRVOYANTiCireplanoharnHy. coii.itfrpolrif.i ifl iJtf metal' furt.ltura. Botjj COAL AS I) WOOD Business nnd life readings. Magnetic PIANO, VIOLIN, CORNET. T ROM-I Jj p riavis 66 3d - - treatment 16 Park St., room 3. Phono i bone, clarinet. Professor E. A. Smith. J ' Li -. t J SLAB WOOD RIG LOD 12. I Pacific ln3; A-30'.0. 292 12th st. Home A3360. IFIRE PROOr AND I.ANK SArES A I nV.inii ...',r, , . - factory orlces. Second-hand safes. UNION HjEL CO.. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT i EM IL THIELlioRN. PUPIL OF PROF. . The Mosler Safe Co. 108 2d at Foot Of Montgomery St 325 Main .. 2Sc. 1'hone Main 7B4R. Otakar Kevcik. violin ami vlnln ' 11"."-- - Phone Main 2143. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4X75. Oak. ash. fir and coal Portland Won1 fr v uiclm aLvu ucuuijr uoiiiuuuiiun, ivoiiuo u jnrn ana isavier sts. formulas, skin food, face bleach, nee T,Tri,Y'i7"v 'hci TTi 7TTi CT-u-l CT; rowder. hair tonics compounded and sold , 1 ur IoV n , J'n f? , ,, ly me exclusively In America. 308 Field- rZt d liver ' KooV 'oT' c.rrv s ' Tier bldR, 0th and Wash. Main 7721. j ro"1'" liilTjj iJlHLJlL'lFIi LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are nold by druggists everywhere. WESTERN FEED Ar FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1011. Dr. Philip T. Ball Paralysis goitre, rheumatism, nervous, chronic, spinal and female diseases. 603 FIFTH STREET, COR. SHERMAN. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NOV els etc.; German. English, French, Spanish. Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Bchmale Co.. 229 First St. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sex I no Pills cure all weakness; $1 a bo.. 6 for $5; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Clemensoti Drug Co.. Portland. Or. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES & CO., Wood and coal 181 East Water st MARIAN CORELLI, PALMIST AND trance medium, 22Si, Washington st. DRESSMAKING MRS EMMA J. THOMAS. MODISTE. Tailor-made stilts and party gowns a specialty. B3 Wash big. Par. 727. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by the day. Miss Lnrnen. Phone Main 3865; A-3865. teacher. tZ'. pine. Tel. Pacifl.- 29S9. PROF. T. li. LAWSON. 1 OS 1 JTH ST. i Plnno lessonn reasonable Main 460.1. MORTGAGE LOWS AMI RO.VDS. M ORTGArrL( ) A N S AND "boNDsT"" CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., 109 4th St., near Wash. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER. SIGNS. THE largest sign makers In the northwest 5th and Eveictt stu. Phone Prlv. Ex, 66. Home A-1I5S. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT !and Sign Co. 2S2Sark Pacific 1596. SEWING MACHINES. DRESSMAKING WORK GUARAN- j teed; reasonable prices. 840 4tn. A- 4.1J.1. Par. 2776. MolIT,1fiaw',,!;'U ,L ?' WS0,U Ml? MlTlTlT..KMTiSTER TEACHES FIRST coal. 850 Water -t. Phone Main 8270 ! cla8 cuttlng wltn Storey's ladles' MONUMENTS NEU & KINGSLE Y, 26.1 1ST., COAL INDEPENDENT COAL & ICE Co. i53 Stark. Main 7S0. tailoring system. 670 Couch st. land's leading marble and irranft wk.t FOR AN XMAS PRESENT SEE THE East Side SowIiik Machine company; PORT- , hey will sae you money; no interest. renovating, repair shon- mmr.t... r.. made In one day 127 11th. Main 8191. TRANSPORTATION eastern fuel co., wood, coal. 63 Union ave. N. B 1314. Flit WOOD. 4 FOOT, CORD $5. Moore. 402 Wells-Kargo bldg. Main 8425. MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA clflc S82. Ladies dr. Sanderson's savin nnd cotton root pills; only safe and nure remedy for delayed periods; $2 por box, or 3 boxes for $5. Dr. Pierce, 181 W 1st st. THE ORIENTAL DOCTOR THE CHI- nese Medicine Co.. cure acute, chronic and private diseases of all kinds, either men or women. 250 3d st. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel So., 334 Aider. CLEANING AND DVEINO THE IIEHRim Ing ivor- of all kinds In our line. 643H Wash St. A-67 C 3 . Main S3 5 5. PAN-CO-VESTA CLUB 174 WEST Park. M-8242; A-6027. Sponge and press your clothes. $1.50 per month. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL W M. MILLER, V. S., VERERINARIAN. 26 N. 8th st Office 327 Flandera. Phone Main 7846. DR. C. E. BROWN. D. C M. DOGS and horso hospital. 106 N. 6tn at ('ain 40S6). CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSEdT 11 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., S09 Stark st JUST OPENED LITTLE PALACE Massage parlors. Full line of baths, chi ropody. 87 6th St., one block from Wash. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 cents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60c. Ladles' skirts pressed, 60c. Gil bert 106V4 Sixth st. next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. H. W. TURNER. DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 606 Jefferson st Main 2613. FEATHERS AND FEATHER BOAS" cleaned, curled and dyed. Work called for (lnr1 delivered M 2375. 754 Water. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and ilogs. 2S9 Glisan at Phone Main 1 484. NOTARY PLI5LIO C F. PFLUGER. NOTARY PUBLIC. commissioner of deeds. Deutsche notarlat. R. 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d nnd Mor OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS no cnllcc.i'i ; &llim'l. liecicr a. oiibuii ii specially; slightly used machines very cheap. 21 E. Morrison near Grand nc. phone East 2369. Open every evening until January 1. 190H. STREET PAVING DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. SPE clallst on nervous, acute, and chronic diseases. 217 Fcnton bids. Pacific 1 l ii.i DR. R. B. NUKTllli U P, 415-T6-17 DE- : kum bldg., 3d and Washington sts. Phone Main 849. Exnmlnarlop free. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crose I n g s :i 1 4 Lumber Exchange. Ti I EB A I! B ER ASPHALT PAVING CO. of Portland Office 655 Worcester blk. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO., 811 STARK ST. Electric and gas fixtures and supplies mantels, tiling, urates and doglrons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGI neors, contractors, repairers, electrlo wiling, supplies. 94 1st. cor. Stark. Main 659 R. H. Tate, Mgr. CARPENTERS AND UUILDERS GENTLEMAN WISHES ACQUAINT- anre young widow lady having own borne; lady with little elrl , preferred; object matrimony. Ad dress Box 61, cl t y . DR. T. J. PIERCE. SPECIALIST, DL3- eases of women; all irregularities cor rected; no exposure; charges moderate. 181H 1st, cor. Yamhill. T T 1)4 VlflV CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. JOBBING AND REMODELING A, SPECIALTY". f87 FRONT ST. PHONE MAIN 6523. SEND 25c AND YOU RECEIVE POST pald 1 needle package and 1 book for every household Albin Drobs, Box 229, tiHKiann, i ai PERSONS OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE, either sex. desiring acquaintance, send 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, room 8. 181 1st at., city. JJR. BING CHOONG, IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases, li: 2d st. between "amhlll and Taylor. PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND" Kretal are sold by A. B. Bloomer, 190 4th st. Phone Main 8982. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE Fix tures; general Jobbing. 67 1st st Phone Main 8190. CHIROPODISTS WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 61 6th st. Contractor, electric supplies, motors an l dynamos; we Install plants. FAIRBANKS-MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos A C. & D. C. 1st and Stark. PL'BLJO STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR & DUFUR. 304 WELLS-FARGG bldg. Phone A-63S6; largest and most complete stenographic office In west TRANSFER AND HAULING C. O PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST., BE tween Stark and Oak sts.; phone 691. Pi anos nnd lurnituro moved and packed for shipping: commodious brick ware house wi:h separate iron rooms. Front an. I Clay sts. PLUMBERS FOX & CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS 231 2d, bet. Main and Salmon. Orison phone Main 2001. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage: safes. i planus and furniture, etc., moved, packed .1 si .1 1: ipped. 209 Oak st., between Front Phone Main t4; A-zz7, DONNERBERG A RADEMACHER Re moved to No. 30.1 Rurnslde st PATENTS THE ITM'f STORAGE WARKROOM in tin; city, most centrally located. City l i.msfer & Storage Co., 103 Front st Main 02. or A-1162. ENGRAVERS DESIGNERS AND PHOTO ENGRAV ers. Nelss & Connawav. 109 2d. M. 7319. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS REGIS tered, expert advice free. A. J. Mat ter, ol8 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. rose nit trans, co. all oh ileis givsn prompt attention, E. 2169; res. E. 1371. J. C. Findley, manager. The Way to do East Next Trip Try The ORIENTAL Limited THE GREAT NORTHERN'S SWELL TRAIN, dally to St Paul, Mlnneaoolla. Dulutb, St Loula. Chicago and all points east Crosses both mountain ranges by daylight Complete modern equipment Including Compartment Ob servation Cars and elegant dining car service. For tickets and sleeping car reservations call or address H, DICKSON. C. P. & T. A. 19a Third Street, Portland. Or. Phones Main 680. Home A-S986. VOSTK PACTPIO STEAMSHIP CO. STEAMSKXFB Roanoke and Geo. W.Elder Sail for Eureka, San Franclaco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p, m. Ticket office 182 Third .near Alder. COOS BAY LINE The steamship BREAKWATER leaves Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m., from Oak street dock, for Worth Bend, Harsh Held and Ooos Bay points. Freight re ceived till 4 p. m. on day of Bailing Passenger fare, first class, $10; second class. $7, including berth ar?d meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and ivuB.iington streets, or Oak street dock. Manual Training- MjuraxIneOrtnher 1905 July. 1906; Vol. 7. St. Louis, Mo. Mayor's Message, With Accompanying Documents to the Municipal Assembly; 1907. United States Census, Bureau of the Special Reports of the Twelfth Cen sus; Statistics of Women at Work; 1907. United States. Census, Bureau of the Special reports of the twelfth census; 1 wealth, debt and taxation; 1907. USEFUL ARTS. Bailey Cyclopedia of American Ag riculture; Vol. I, 1906. Bcvier & Usher The Home Econom ics; Vol. 1, 1906. Franclne Pulmonary Tuberculosis; Its Modern and Specialized Treatment: Ed. 2, 1907. Hasluck Woodworking; a book of tools, materials and processes for the handy man; 1907. International Text-Book Co. Inter national Library of Technology: VoL 68-76. 79-81; 190S. Printing Art An Illustrated magaslne of the art of printing and of the allied arts; 1907; Vol. 8. Richards A Woodman Air. Water and Food. From a Sanitary Standpoint; Ed. 2, Rev. and Enl. 1908. Smith Press-working of Metals a treatise upon the principles and practice of shaping metals in dies by ' the action of presses, together with a description of the construction of such V liAplements in their various forms; 1904. Wiley Foods and their adulteration; ' description of common adulterations, . food, standards and national food laws' and regulations; 1907. FICTION. Adams Reed Anthony. Cowman. Andrews The Militants. Conrad The Secret Agent. U Ooron The Truth About the Case. Phlllpotts The Whirlwind. . Seawell The Secret of Tont GERMAN BOOKS. Klelst Michael Kohlhaas, Nac Elner Alten Chronik. SECRETARY WILSON WILL HELP INDUSTRY (United Praai Leased Wire.) Washington, D. C, Dec. 18. "They shall never use me as an Instrument to stop any Industry of California," de-' I clared Secretary Wilson, when Repr- PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE Transfer. 247 Alder St. Main 2171. EDUCATIONAL WILLIAM DEVENY AND ESTELLE Deveny, the only scientific chlropod Ists, parlors 20:t Drew bldg. 162 2nd at. CHIROPODY AND PED1CUR1N Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 Fleldner bldg. ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 6th St., near postoffice; central location; Pitman rhorthand: expert grad uates: low tuition: day and night school; new pupils dally. W. W. Wil liams. M. 8.. Prin. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS F. E. BEACH & CO.. THE PIONEER Paint Co. WMndow glass and glazing. 185 1st st. Phone 1334 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 N. 6th, Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. CARPET CLEANING JUST OPENED MANICURING AND racial massage parlors. Room 5, 145 6th st. ' EXPERIENCED MASSEUSE GIVES massage baths. Room, 14, 361 tor rrson. formerly of 224 & Washington. "THE SNOWDEN BATHS." 145U 6TH St., rooraa 24-25. Vopor. sponge baths. electric treatments. Lady attendant IkJlSS ETHEL WARD. MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 851 H Morrison St.. to 201 8d st. itflSS MARCELLA LE ROY, 29m AI der street, room 4. Massage and scalp treatment. .JvIRS. C CORNELIUS. SPIRITUAL ME dlum. -Selling-HirjSCla bid, 10th gad SVishtngton. JOYCE BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electrlo ('leaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2672 and A-2672. 270 Grant at SANITARY CARPET CLEANING. SCC tion and compressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6634. Main 8200. CHIROPRACTORS DR. L. M. GORDON, GRADUATE P. S. C. 204-5 Oreg. bldg. Phone A-1953. DR. G. & BRIETLINO GRADUATE SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy. Portland. Or. Write for catalogue. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE & IRONWORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Main 2000. PRINTING WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCE ments Beattio & Hofmanu, 2d 4 Stark. ; INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE & TRANS- fer Co. Storage 824 Stark. Main 407. W M. JOHNSON. TRANSFER AND EX- 1""- 2.1 Union ave. East 4441. B-1004. PON Y EXPRESS CO. FREE STOR age 5 days. 31 N. 3d St. M.7514. E.6145 Splendid accommodations for outfits ana livestock. I kick foot of Alder st, Portland; foot of Court st. The Dalles. Phone Mojo 914 Portland. TOWEL SUPPLY OGILBEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Main 1868. 145 W 1st. FIRE INSURANCE. CALL ON US COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg.. 109 4th st.. near Wash. GASOLINE ENGINES P. S. C. 900 Marquam bldg. A-1622. DANCING PROF. RINGLER DANCING ACADEMY; a select school; class or private les sons dallv. 888H E Morrison. Phone. DANCING INSTRUCTIONS , EVERY afternoon. 1:30 to 4, Murlark hall. Wash, at 28rd. Prof. Carter, principal.. M. MINN'S DANCING ACADEMY, MULr key bldg., 2d and Morrison ata, t STATIONARY AND MARINE; ELEC trlo equipments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Keierson iviacninery co.. iss Morrison BUY GASOLINE ENGINE, WOODSAVV , Ing outfits. Fairbanks. Morse & Co.. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND, EUROPEAN plan only. $3. $5 day. HOTEL OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN. HOTEL IMPERIAL. EUR., 11 AND UP. BELVEDERE. European; 4lh and Alder. L1LLVVE1. SUA, .III AMD SAXlONr. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR BEST WORK, PRICES RIGHT, call I1. A. Doan. E. 1095, 104 Union ave. i CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, soap, 11 per month. Portland Laundry & Towel Supply Cc. 9th and i toucn sis. t-none 410- WHOLESALE JORIiEItS ROOFING TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING. RE pairing and general Jobbing, j. Losli. 212 Jefferson st. Pacific 1424. w A fitivom nys DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. ruKiLAivu, OREGON. EVERDINO & FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants. 140 Front st . portiano-. pnone Main 179. REAL ESSATB OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turing Co. Manufacturers of furni ture fofithetradePortland, Or. T M PitfAnyif f? Cm, ",.:r.u t .v&Zi .J wadhaMs co.. wholesale oro: utf ,vuD.a pw i nwii. rj. .oij. r ire cers, mauuiaciurflrs and commission imroimuT, mono, imi eamic. i mercnanis. 4tn nnn oak sts. J. W OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND j ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND, .uuiiimu loo. iu iil, produce mercnants, tront and Davis room 11. ts.. Portland, Or. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIP- WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND tlon. W. W. Espey, 319 Commercial j glassware, Praol. Hegele & Co, Port bldg. ' land. Or. SPHINX AGENCY. REAL ESTATE! LE W 1S-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY and timber: room Commerce bldg. 308 Chamber of W. WOLFSTfcilN. DEALER IN REAL Co.. barbers' suDDlles. barberV furnl. ture, barbers' chairs. 10th and Morrleosi. gal av I sentatlves Hayes, Needham and Smith .UtlUIIIUia KlVCr CJCCOCry I called on him to ask what wai the BEOTX.ATOB LINE STEAMXB8. status of the sulphur Inquiry. Daily service between Portland and 1 The, secretary said thut It would take The Dalles, except Sunday. leaving j f,ir week longer to, get In all samples, Portland at 7 a m nrrlvini. ft ! but he thought that'bv Fcbrnnr. 1 h. p. m., carrying freight and passengers, ought to know what the chemists had io By ttuout mi percentages or sulphur In dried fruit. ''It has already been found." said the secretary, "that the percentages vary at different times. One of our chemists went away, and on coming back some weeks later he found smaller quantities In certain samples than before he left. 'This I consider Important." In case the chemists' re- : ports are unsatisfactory, the state dele- : gallon will be prepared to ask for remedial legislation. EUGENE CITY AND SCHOOL TAX LEVIES (Special Dispatch io Tba Jonraal.) Eugene, Or., Dec. 19 The voters of the Eugene school district have adopted the tax levy of 8 mills for 1908, A com mittee was appointed to confer with the county court In regard to the feasi bility of establishing a countv hik-h school. The clerk's report showed 2.145 . school children between the ages of 4 and 20 years In the district, as com- ' pared with 1,917 last February. The city council last night fixed tli tity tax levy at 10 p1"- ' First Snow Go Quit Uf. - (Special PrspatrS ,T Joornsl.) Castle Rock. Wash.. Dec. II After two days of snappy, cold weather, tn first snow of the season began fPleg here about daylight yesterday tnntmnu. About two Inches fell, but by rnvm tt, weather began to moderate and by 1 o'clock In the afternoon the auow ha I UNION COUNTY TAKES IT DRY QUESTION (Special Dispatch to Th Journsl.) Pendleton, Or.. Dec. 19. The first eastern Oregon county to agitate the question of a local option vote at the election next June is Union. On Surf, day afternoon a county mass meeting will be held at La Grande to decide whether the question of county prohibi tion shall he submitted at the next elec tion. It is highly probable that the question will be submitted and there are manv conservative students of local conditions who believe the county will he voted "dry." as was Wallowa county two years ago. Prohibition in Wallowa county appears to have been made a success and has had much to do with influencing other eastern Oregon counties. Albany's Tax Levy. (Special Dispatch to Th JouraaM t Albany, Or.. Dec 19. Th oit .- levy Is 7 mills, the county levy 9 mills and the prospective school levy la I mills: total. 18. Last year the total for city, county -and school wan nit mill Tha rllv exnecta t- . .kn, J19.000 on the asaesaed valuation and I disappeared entirely. estimates mat this win meet all run-1 lu rkS-wuiHi' c. i:ii.k.,miahs estate and renta collected. 110 1st st 1 vertlslng novelties, 160 ta fitl i Improvements contemplated. N nlng expenses and -keep up alt public ' la aonrerlr aiHKrtUemcuta hert'.t, p's. i aaeeiwa 4ui, -