fed - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENINQ, . DECEMBER 19, 1807. CHOICE OF FENDERS SPORTS OF THE DAY SUPS COiClir.1 i CHEMAWA GUI IS CALLED OFF 31 ultnoiiiah Manner Foars forSafoO f Plovers. for Holiday Contests. Manniif r mnrtilr.tf that There wir. be no f.mthnll mmf Satur day lirtwetn th- Multnomah club and tli Chemsws I " Jak ll'iran stateo "' wine to the two oik ... i .'i.i-uimiii ilnv nnil fct lulf university New irsrs 1aylt found IrnpofSiMe to lake on the "men. It is frnr.-d tht the team who nrc Invaluable for the holiday cont.xts might I Injured and the chances or the ciuomen mu ,nTi?'riI!iit.. him a llsht. tnat team .r .n,1 have been excellently coach! They have several Rnnitl In view ur to and during the holiday and exprct to win a majority or mem. The winged "M" Haver are praetlc t .i.i...Uir urv nlaht and are iaa Mtitimlnr definite form. The Fnlurdny .. c.itia hit reatored the con n.i.n of th nlaver that they are the making of a good team and the .nlhA'y practice ahowa the reault of this feel ing There la a vim. a determination to pliv together na to neip ore other out that I Immediately n Clark and Chandler Again. In the coming game the club will be oo.in m.i hv Ita two collegian who 1, Lived such a splendid game stains fcoattln Clarke and Chandler, Christ mn vacation set In at Oregon In to give. Clarke, the great punter era! ?ay of actual practice other member of the SWARTHMOKirS TKKAT3IKST OF ECCKXTKIC QUA K EI. ESS' GREAT OFFERING. lime aev with the team. in tne Peattle game he virtually tepped from the train Into a unuorm. u'hihar nr nnt Clarke' fame mmbr haa nnnd bevond the coaat la tint known. If not then there I a glorl , oui surprise In atore for 11 lad from the valley of the Mississippi. After the game It I a cinch that the praise of the Tortland boy will be sung over Chamn Clark' domain. Multnomah will undoubtedly pursue . um mpthod of attack agalnel M Tinla and Knnksne a against Heattl depending on Clarke' long, high spirals to keep tne goal ciear aim iu iui n maroon Irraeva within striking distance r (ha Vllaanurl threshold. Owing to the fact that the Missouri society and the Knlghta of Columbua have aiven notice of their Intention to look after the visitor' social pleasure the game -will be an afralr or some so clal note. SPORTING NOTES Local and Otherwise. Those who attend the annual gym nastic exhibition of the Y. M. C. A. Juniors tonight will witness a splendid program. This is parents' night, and fathers, mothers, relatives and friends will be guests while the youngsters will show off In the gym' root J ne exm Wtlon commences at 7:30 o'clock ,and there will be no admission fee. Joe Thomas will help Owen Moron prepare for his ring battle with Abe Attell New Year's day. It Is to be hoped that Moran absorbs Home of Thomas' spirit, for If ever there was u fighter who is brimfull of sand it is Joe. His three fights with Young Ketchell prove this. The big fellow ought to help Moran acquire some points about the American system that the Britisher doesn't know. a Following were the result of the M. A. A. C. billiard tournament last night: llasch beat Holbrook, 60 to 26; Slgler bent Brlgham. 60 to 42; Wlckershaui beat Bigler. 60 to 65; Dunne beat Atkln non, 60 to 33. and Wickersham beat Urigham, 60 to 47. The beet lawn tennis ball for Ameri can courts will be found this year, as tests will be made for this purpose. The tests will be rigid ones from balls purchased In the open market. An ef fort will be made to have balls of the unit quality sold in every part of the ' country as well us Newport. This will be welcome news for the local clubs. With n handicap of fjve points Dick Janes and Dan Bellinger last night de feated T. M. Dunne ami Arthur Jones in the finals of the Multnomah handball' tournament. Dunne Injured his hand during the second game and was un able to present his heretofore puzzling service. The scores were 20-22, 21-10 and 21-0, the ohUr men being shut out In the last. Handsome gold medals were given by the club to the winners. I John Mlddleton, the man who gave the northwest the only true application of the new football rules with the. Uni versity of Idaho eleven, has again un dertaken something new. "Mid" was married in Spokane yesterday to Miss Rlvia Wagner, a girl from Villisca, Iowa. The popular coach and his bride tiegan their romance back at Simpson college, in Iowa, several years ago Mlddleton will coach Idaho again next year at an increased salary. City Pads Grow Discouraged Trying to Select Snit able Life Preserver. There Is one college In the world which places athletics above mere money and has won thousands of friends and hundreds of prospective students by it. When Miss Anna T. Jeans of Philadelphia bequeathed $3,000,000 to the institution on condition that It give up Intercollegiate contests, particularly football, the college authorities Bhelved the proposition until the next meeting. CLASS TEAMS ON LONG BOH TODAY Sickness Makes Changes in Personnel of Contesting Fives at Oregon. Walter Miller, the marvelous jockey, has already ridden over 1,100 mounts on . American tnirks this year. Over 300 of them have passed the wire first, over 200 second ami over 160 third. This is n remarkable record and no wonder the boy is firi'ling it hard work to keep down u JOS pounds, as called for In his contract. Horsemen believe that no American jockey has ever lived who could get a horse away from the post faster than Miller, and this is half of bis success. His), sprint finishes remind one of Garrison, and at times he has that wonderful ruler eclipsed. ;s Manager Billy Brown of the Seattle Athletic club wants to arrange a home end home series of howling games with Multnomah club. Guess he can be ac - coromodated all right. Anything Seattle broaches Multnomah, is willing to con sider. There arsU'Some of the best . bowlers In the country at the clu maples and a team could be picked which -would make an Interesting con test for the Blue Diamonds; perhaps as . interesting as the recent football game liere. r .Bill Esslck, who tised to stand on the eminence at Twenty-fourth and Vaughn street, mlle rt the matinee s maidens and try to "put 'em over" for . McCredie, has his hammer out for the .. Portland magnate. The blonde pitcher '.who wa sold to Cincinnati along with McLean, says McCredie cut a slice out of his .salary after the California earth- quake, but promised him half of the ' "purchase money If sold provided he would not quit. BUI eays he was sold Ho Cincinnati for 12.000 and only got $600 from the local owners. Bill Is wintering In Seattle. (Special Dltpaton to The Journal.) University of Oregon. Kugene, Or., Dec. 19. Owing to sickness and various other causes the teams which will lako part In the interrluss cross-country run today have suffered Important changes. The senior team may not run at all but If it should it will be composed of Kuykendall, Zacharlas, Swift and George and Frank Sullivan. The Junior team will bo Reld, Talbert, Trow, Wood and Bond. The sophomore team will be weakened by the loss of Stelwer, but even then It will bo the strongest out and should win easily. Those who run wll? ho lowell, Morgan, Nicholas. Jones, Downing. The freshmen will suffer most as Sam May, their captain, and Breeding are both sick and will not run. They may. however, spring a surprise as they have several men who have been show ing up well. Their team will he Mey ers. Downs, Hoover, Johnson and Har ris or Moon. The course will bo between two and two and a half miles. A cup Is offend for the winning team and gold, silver and bronze medals " the first threo men BAT NELSON PULLS IN HORNS FROM fOSIC Chicago Dane Fails to Show Vp After Challenger Waits an Hour. MEItSEREAU ROLLS HIGHEST AVERAGE Captain James' team took throe straight games at the Multnomah al leys from Moore's squad last night. Mersereau getting the high average of 199. Benhrim rolled the highest scorj, 214. Following is the result: JAMES" , CUBES VXVTZB COUOK. I Ilflwtf, 191 ft. Main street, Ot tawa. Kansas, writes: "Every fall It baa been my wife's trouble to catch s severe cold, and therefore to Cough all ' -winter long. Last fall I got her a bot - tl of Horehound Syrup. She used It and has bean able to sleep soundly all ; nUht long. Whenever ths couch trou . Idea her, two or three doses stop the , reurh, --a4 sha Is able to b up and ' writ-,, liot 600 and L00. Sold by aU James Mersereau Atkinson . Ben ham Bates TEAM. . 1C.3 . 196 . 150 , 134 . 160 Total 793 MOORE'S TEAM. Moore 100 Ballev 144 W. Healey 160 Wels 140 F. Healey 100 Total 644 170 2 152 145 132 791 100 . 137 98 136 100 571 HIO 162 214 at; 790 100 171 123 10 100 600 (I'd I ted rreaa Lcaied Wire.) San Francisco, Pee. 19. Ueorge Mem slc spent the best part of an hour last night waiting for Battling Nelson to put in an appetnince, but the Dane is evidently over his haste for a match and was conspicuous by his absence J tie agreement by Metnslc to come down to the ringside weight demnndec by the Chicagoan and the offer to bet $5,000 on thb nidi- was no bait for Nelson, who has. to all intents and purposes, pulled in his horns and quit Memsle announces Ins intention of leav ing for l.os Angeles tonight. Memsle Is not the only lightweight seeking .Nelsons scalp, l'uckle Mcrar- lund Is after the Iiane hot and heavy ana wants to net $5,000 on the side. He declares that he will pin Nelson down to lil at 0 o'clock, but as Nelson walks around the streets weighing about 133 that weight should not bother him. 1 he Australian colony is still loyal to Jtlll bfiulres, whose third appearance on American soil will happen Friday input in JJakcrsneJd, when he is sched uled I'j co 20 rounds with Jim Flynn. QUAKERS WILL LINE UP WITH MULTNOMAH Fast Pacific College Basket hall Team Plays Here Tomorrow Nidit. Members of ths special fender com mittee of the city council wilt meet Tuesday afternoon and select a fender for the streetcars operated in Portland. For months the councilman have been testing and Investigating fenders for the purpose of selecting the best ont for Koae City cars. Chairman W. T. Vaughn stated this morning that there would be no more tests conducted and any person having anything to aay upon ths subject of renders will have to appear before ma committee at Its next meeting. Councilman Vaughn favors tho Eclipse fendor manufactured In Los Angeles, although not so strongly as he did before the tests were conducted. Mr. Vauahn aaM that the testa bl anted the hopes of many fender men becfuse or the severity or tne lests. Mr. linker and Mr. Drlacoll mav have f references In the line of fenders rated but If they have they kept thsm quiet. Neither man has ezpreaaed an opinion na to what type he prefers and much speculation Is Indulged in by per sons as to which fender will be selected. President Joaaelvn of ths I'ortlsnd Railway, Light A 1'ower company will attend tho meeting to watch out for his company's Interest. If an ordinance la piiaatHl requiring a fender ths rail way company will be put to an enor- moua expense In equipping Ita cars. First Great Holiday Sale. The Chicago Clothing Btore. -7l Third street. Is now holding Its flrat great holiday sale. Coming, aa It does, on the very threshold of Xrnas. when every-onc haa so many things to pur chase, they are able to offer the public many Inducements which are nothing short of marvelous. Probably nowhere In the entire weat Is there gathered un der one roof such a countlesa and va ried profusion of practical gifts. The season of the year when Inventory Is taken Is fnat approaching, a time when they usually run up their achievement for the past year, and they have there fore marked every article In the house, regardless of cost, with a view to reduc ing the Immense stocks. Bee their spe cial holiday announcement In tonight's Journal. mi Discriminating Men insist on knowing what ther buy. la selecting itimuUnt they always demand Geaulo Whlky. The Government "Ore-a 5Ump" is only found on natural whiskies. This stamp seals every bottle ol . , SannyBrooli nx PURE FOOD Whiskey It tells the exact Are Proof and Quantity of whiskev within the bottle. Its parity, mellowness and flavor comes ONLY from perfect distilling and perfect ageing. All Flrst-Claaa Dealers Sell It. SUNNY BROOK DISTILLERY CO., Jefferson County, Kj. BLUMAUER & nOCn, Distributers. Portland, Ore. if i ii MINUTE MEN POSTPONE SOUTH PORTLAND GAME SrUPT GIVES SEPIES TO POSE CITY TEAM Acting under advice of Coach Ken nedy, Mnnager Guy King of the Bunker Hill foolljuli tenrn has decided to post pono tho Sou t h 1'oithiiid game until later in the senson. Members of the Hunker Mill eleven are nursing old bruises and will not play until the men are smdn in fightliig fettle. I he annual dance will ho held tonight at the east side Woodman hall. The party is in charge of the following plajers: Hay Kennedy, H. Burroughs, King Xantler. Jack Katch. Thomas Jack son, I . Klnmp, J. Byrne, lleni v Vad nais. August St. Thomas, .less Piatt, 11. ilanelli, Don Stiver. K. Kyne, R O'Neill, Earl Hill-and the team officials. SEATTLE GAME IS OFF WITH LOS ANGELES MEN An unexpected spurt on the part of the Hose City bowling team on the Oregon alleys last night won two of the three games from the Oregon club. In the first Mama Rath and Raymond began In the sixth Inning, which ac counts for their low score: following is the result: ROSE CITY. (Doited PreM Leased Wire.) Los 'Angeles. Dec. 19. Seattle High school has canceled Its scheduled Christ mas day football game with the L.os Angeles High school tc-Sjm. Faculty ob jection is given as tho reason. All ne gotiations with Stattle were declared off last night when a message 'was re ceived by Lester Henry from Principal Gelger of 3attle stating that it would be Impossible to give the team per mission to play In Los Angeles. I'aciflc college of Newberg, the third member of the northern division of ths State Basketball league, will line up against Multnomah club In the club gymnasium tomorrow night for the sec ond game of the league schedule. While few reports have convo from Newberg as to the worth of the Quak ers this season, those who have seen them at practice say they play a fast. scientific game and will be formidable opponents of anything in the league. Multnomah was beaten by the T. M. C. A. five In the opening game of the league and is determined that the next game will be a victory. i'aciflc has a large number of gradu ates and friends In Portland and there will In all probability be a large bunch of them out to rout for the disciples of William 1'enn. The court gallery win iioiu some i.anu people SO tblt mere win ne room lor everybody. Th game win be called promptly at 8:30 U ClOCK. Xrnas Gifts Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, hand-painted China, large assort ments, moderate prices. CREDIT IF DXSIRXD EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. Washington St 10th, Where your credit is Rood. 1ft (Iff u VU lHfjf ;ii.isi. nr Christmas albums and and New Tear's cards, hi i calendars. f inest as sortrnent In the city at the Postal Shop 124 Fifth street, near Washington. Hanan shoes sold at Rosenthala H MILITARY ACADEMY Kara l PORTLAND ORE! " A Boarding and Day School for Young Men and Hoys. Preparation for col leges, U. S. Military and Naval Academies. He credited to Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell, Am herst and all Stats Uni versities and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train ing. Business eoursa Ths principal has had 2 years experience In Port land. Comfortable quar ters. Best environments. Maks reservations now. For Illustrated catalog and other literature ad- ilrbss J. W. BILL, M. D., Friactsal and Proprietor, Scott's Santal-Pepsin capsules A POSITIVE CURE For InflsmmstloB orCatarrhot PiMiisd Kid- Soli by th Bladder and tiTf. HO OtTgE BTO PAT. Corn quickly and Mrmaoentijr ths worat caasa of Saporrhwa an It, CO ttiattar of bow long ataDdinf. A bio In tely sarroicaa. eon oy aroggiats. Price tl.no. er by mail, poit- paia, ai.uu, c nosas, f.fa. THESMAL-POTCa Bsllefootalna, Ohio, all Drnsflsta, Woman islnterei tad and aaoald know . . about the wonderful MARVEL tthirlina Sorov ins pew 'ri arran. Jnitr-. n ana Auction. Ileal Bar. eaa Moat uonranlefit. . hviMe latitat! , lit nar Iraavht far it. If be cannot supply tbs nanv ci., aouept bo other, but aend a tain d for mutinied, book araM. Itfflra full nartlcnlaxa and d'raetionfl tn. vatunbleto ladlea. MIRVBL CO.. 44 IT. 8J ST.. EW vonn. For Sala by Skidmora Drug Co., Clarks Co, and Laua-Davla Drug Co.- Woodard, -6 Storaa Parker Oreen , . Pflughauptv . Hanson Total Ambs 27 Boland . . Meleen ... Barbour . Raymond , Total .. 1 t 3 . 171 137 188 . U5 175 n . 173 Mi 1 43 . 212 1G6 148 -0 143 150 . 801 747 871 OREGON. 1 2 3 27 168 13 . 16S ' 174 17 . 14 184 150 . 161 143 16S . 6 14S m . 741 "ili "lii T 498 E52 42 628 293 T 556 512, 482'' 459 338 A v. 165 184 164 175 147 Av. 185 171 161 153 189 This Day In Sport Annals. 1866 At Chicago: Northwestern Baseball associatioa held Us annual meeting. 25 clubs belns- rerjresented. 1872 John Tavlor. a former cham pion pigeon shooter of America, died at Ureenvllle, New Jersey. 18S3 At Lvnn. Massachusetts: CO. Breed put up a three-pound dumbbell from shoulder to arm's length 6,000 times in one hour without rest. 187 At Dieppe. France: Jem Smith and Jake Kilraln fought 108 rounds to a draw for the world's championship. 188S At Gloucester, New Jersey: Miss Annie Oakley broke 50 clay pig eons straight, 16 yards rise. 1H02 At Boston: "Jimmy" Brlggs and Joe Bernstein fought a 12-round draw. 1903 At Butte. Montana: James J. Jeffries, champion heavyweight pugi list, failed to knock out Jack Munroe In axhibltlon bout v USIilESSCGLLEGL "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" mroxs BuiLDnco. tejtth axtd MOBBISON. A. T. ABUSTBOS O, U. B psnrczpax Ours Is a large and growing Institu tion. We occupy two floors 65x100 fee t, and have a $20,000 equipment. Reputa tion for thorough work brings mors calls for helrT than we can meet posi tion certain for each student when com petent. AH modern methods of book keeping taught. Chartler is our short. hand easy, rapid, legible. Students ad mitted at any time. Catalogue, business forms and l penwork f res. Call, phone or write today. Od Xanede. few form. mviia kxowm to fail. Tarraat'a Extract of Oubebs sod Oopaiba In CAPSULES. ThatiitetaM, quirk naiinonugkear tot gonorrboaa, float, wane, aw. juay to taka. eoovanlant to carry. Kitty years sneoasafal oas. frioefl, at Rowe & Martin's. 351 Wash ington St., Portland, Or. ; or by mall from The Tarrant Co., 44 Hudson St., New York. rOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Bavin and Cotton Root Pllla The best and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PER IODS. - Cure the most obstin ate cases In t to 10 days. Price $1 Ser cos, or tnree Doxes so. Hold by rugglsts everywhere. Address T. J. ijikcxu. isi f irst st. fortiana. or. Sase, Lasting CURES For MEW In Uncomplicated Disorders My Fee Is $10- Pay Ma When 1 Have Cured You Under my treatment every bit of relief is a part of a permanent cure. That is the only kind of relief I treat for. I, of course, do everything that should he done to ease pain or remove dis tressing symptoms, but my treatment proper is always directed toward the accomplishment of a thorough and lasting cure. It is one thing to relieve and another thing to cure. Sometimes relief appears to be a cure for a little while. Then, sometimes, the patient is sorry he was relieved, for there are cases in which treatment that seems to benefit wonderfully brings ultimate injury. My methods are beyond a doubt the most speedv, per manent and safe methods which cannot possibly produce un desirable results. Tbi Leading; Specialist SB. TATIiOB WEAKNESS Functional weakness In men Is In reality a comparatively simple ali ment, and is but a symptom of local disorder, a state of chronic Inflam mation of the prostate gland. No stimulating treatment, whether in ternal or locally applied, can do more than excite temporary activity. By my system of local treatment I re store absolutely normal conditions throughout the organs Involved, which promptly results In complete and permanent restoration of Jtrengtb, and vigor. This treatment is original with me, and Is the only radical and certain cure yet devised. TABXOOOEXB Varicocele Is a relaxation, knotting and twisting of the organic system. It stagnates the local circulation and Interferes with the process of waste and repair. Neglect brings derange ment of functions and Iniury to the general health. Most physicians re sort to surgical operations and hos pital treatment. I cure Varicocele without operation, pain or detention from business. My cures are abso lutely permanent snd no 111 effecta whatever can follow my treatment. COBTBAOTED SZSBABZS 1 have reduced the time required for curing contracted disorders about one half. This Is an Important achievement. It replaces danger with safety. It forestalls chronic compli cations. It removes the infection and Inflammation before that vital center, the prostate gland, can be come Involved. To many men it mews the difference between perfect health and a lifetime of misery and runctionai weakness. My method is mine alone. My treatment Is origi nal. In some features It resembles the ordinary. In Its chief essentials it Is different. In results it Is en tirely different. It Is safe, prompt ftnu iriorougn. The above, together with Organic Weakness, Nerve Debilitation. Lost Vigor. Specific Blood Poison. Stric ture, Plies and Reflex Ailments con stitute my specialty and are the only diseases i treat. COVBTTLTATION AND DZAOHOSXB PBEE. CUNSriVTATION FREK Mr HONEST AND CANmn ADVTfMc fWBTOj YOU NOTHING. I cheerfully give vou the verv best oninion. milrtod hwr ii bumwdiui prut-wee. men uui ui town, in iruuoie, write ir you cannot call. ao inn.iij lanes yiciu icnuujr iu piuycr iiurnu ireaimeni una cure. My offices are open all day from 9 a, m to 9 p. m., and Sundays from 10 to'l. The DR. TAYLOR Co. - 934 H MOBEISOK STBEET, OOBHEB SECOOT AIT9 MOBKISOW STBEETS, FOBT&ABD. OSEOOK. graraBBBiflciHsraiscrauraaiM M I CURE, NOT TALK IS WHAT VOU WANT YOTJ MTJ8T. COMB TO TJS SOOSTEB OB IiATEB. WHT NOT NOW? BEFVBB TO SUFrEB ANY X.ONOEB OH PROMISES Or THBBB. If ITKAKltEBS If other physicians have treated you for so-called "weakness," you were helped only temporarily, If at all, and the reason is very appar ent when ths causa of loss of power in men is understood. "Weakness" isn't a weakness at all, but Is merely a symptom of ehronie inflammation in the pros tatic gland, brought on by early dissipation or some contracted dis order. Our aystem of local treat ment removes this Inflammation and la the only treatment that haa aver restored or ever can perma nently restore strength and vior. Our Fee 55 to 930 CONSULTATION FREE we do not oure you it will not cost you one esnt. blood poison sg&amyn.m ECZEMA, FIMPXiES, BX.OTCHE8, XTCHZNO', usaisu, vuvujuuatTIOiri OT TXB SKIN. ci niOTiinr trmwrv n.iTmra . INFLAMMATION AND AU UBII11T TBOTBI.ES COMMON AMONO MEN. vtMTBAOTEO DISOBDEB8 EVEBT OASB Or contracted disease wa treat Is thoroughly cured; our patients have no relapses. When we pro nounce a case cured there is not a particle of Infection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there is not the slightest danger that the dis ease will return tn ita original . form or work its way into the gen eral system. No contracted dis order is so trivial as to warrant uncertain methods of treatment, and wa especially solicit those cases that other doctors have bean unable to cure. OXTB rZB NEED NOT BB TMJ.B WSMIM OUBSS, CONYUXiTATIOB CONFIBBNTIAt AND XNTZTBO A personal thorough and searching" examination Is desired, though if inconvenient to call, write us a full description of your trouble. Our office hours are from 9 a tn. tn g-so n. m exccDtlng Sunday from t to 12. Address or en 11 nn ik. i ST. LOUIS "isr DISPENSARY B COBNEB BBCOITO AND XAWKH.I. TBCETS, FOBTtAND, OBBOPN. H tiigrassm!aaB8BSuas B JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST r