It II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 19. 1907, JL.J. 1 i- QUESTIONS PUT IN Orchard Denies Threat 8 Jlercules Deed in Kvi (lonco Xew Witnesses. (Tnllrd f rr Wlr. ) Bolae. Ma.. Per. IP - Impeaching- ques tion re put to Hurry Orchard In Hie Pelill'oi, trial tliia morning, after hlrli the atatr lKan lta rillret examination. Clarence 1'urrow in mill too III to tie preaeni and Kilgar Wilson conducted the defense, asking Orchard In rrF.ird to eonvrrantlcns In which It la nllrareil he made Ihreata Hjtalnat NteunenhorK life Orchard denied ma kin a; n h Ihroiita In mnverstlnna with Max Mellch, Kn gene Knirlev. 1 'r Miiw. I C t'oplry. Charles, A Sullivan, Frank Hough, lit tle Pi H. H Head, I). C. CohIh. Allen F. Mri.ill and Chester II. Fvlton. I'urfr.- tne redirect examination of Orchard, conducted by Hawley, a deed for a sixteenth Interest In the lUreulea mine from Orchard to Ian Cordona & laced In evidence. The deed bore date larch 7. 189H. a year befora tha troublt In tha Coour d'Alenaa. The prosecution announced that Charlla Neville and Mra. Toney. the lat ter Orchard's second wife, would be placed on tha stand thla afttrnoon Neither of these wltnaaaea appeared In ma Haywood trial. 0. R. & H. APPEALS OH ER COUR f JACOB KAMM IXJUKED BY BICYCLE RIDER While on tha way to hia office thla morning Jacob Kamm. ona of Portland's beat-known capi tal let a, waa knocked down and aeverely Injured by a bicycle rider near Jhe corner of Sixth and Salmon streets. Mr. Karom waa unconscious for a few min utes and waa carried Into a near by grocery store. Later ha waa taken to his home at Four teenth and Main streets In a carriage. Mr. Kamm waa badly bruised about the body and wa other wise Injured. No bones were broken, however. At the Kamm home It Is said that Mr. Kamm Is resting essy and that It la not thought that any serious core- pllcstlons will reault from the accident, even though ha Is well d advanced In years. d Tha accident occurred soon 4) after 11 o'clock. CARXEGIE COMES Ur . AGAIN AT ABERDEEN (Special Dlvpatra to The Journal.) Aberdeen, Wash.. Dec. 19. Tha Car negie library propoaltlon here will not sown. 1 ne council about a year ago lurnea 11 down decisively. A lot has since been bought by the city and cer tain revenuea have been used as a basis ror a UDrsry Dunning rund. But how a change In the personnel of the coun cil has taken place and the advocates of tha Carnegie proposition consider it a favorable time to broach the aubject train, a sue nas oeen acquired and a proposition has been received from Mr. Carnerle in which he offers $16,000 on condition that $1,600 a year for 10 years be spent to maintain the library. There has been strong opposition by the labor clement Franchise and Jloney Assess ments Only Points Rail road Objects to. The fl-at step In the appeal that will be taken hy the railroads from the as sesanu'iit fixed by the stat. board of equalisation wua made by the attor- eys for, the (I. K. & N. thla morning. Tne unpcal In loss sweeping than ex pected, im It challenges only two points thi uaMfSNinrnt and Indliatca that the railroad does nut Intend to make 11 furthii fight against the valuation of 141,1(10 pi-r mile on the main lines of track. although In the heurlng before the county h.mrd of equalisation It whs claimed Hint the iiaacsainent should not he higher than I2H.U0O. What tl.o railroad does protest mains; against la the assesament of 1 1. 10,100 jn Its money, notea and ac counts In the hearing It was shown that tho great bulk of thla sum had been advanced to the I'nlon Pacific and expended by the latter In various ex tensions in Oregon. Washington and n a no. I he railroad men claim that these Improvements are being aaaeased In piecemeal In these varloua atatea and inai mese, accounta of the O. R. at N. should not be aaaeased. Another point on which an appeal Is csrrlcd to the circuit court Is the as sessment of izn.000 on franchlaea. In common wun other railroads, tha com panv naik nt tha mention of a fran chise tax. claiming that It la being sub- im iv nouore isxniion. 1 ne appeal snys nothing about the ec-asment or the Alblna carahops. Tunn n proiesiea nerore the board of eiia'lsatlon. und not a word concern Inc the flgurea of the assessor on tha murage, eviaertlr Intending to allow inuno usurea to stand as they are. TWELVE-STORY IIOTE L FOR BATCH'S TRIBE Free to the Ruptured Simple Horn Cur that Anyone Can U Without Pain, Danrar or Loss of Tim from Work MS CHRISTMAS MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED '-SB a SENT FREE TO ALL I cor raptar without onerttloa, palo. das- far or Inas of tloia, Wb.u I aay cure, I do imp! win bold, hot a enra that atara eurra anil doea away with truaara fur all lima, Ta r-nuflnr. roil .till rnur frlitnila that wj lflenrjr actual)? cure I want you I in irPi 11 wiiovui ITUI riiwiiH 10 fmr- aalf. Hcruenitiar, I am aot trying In a'll you a I run, hut I offer you as atlat. verfi-ct and rmanrnt cara that meana fn-4'duin from pain anil aurrerlnK, a largoly Incrrvaed phyale al a oil nieulal vigor, a fuller rn jnyoient of llfr'a blraaliiaa and years of comfort a ad at- 1 Ufxtlon ailiM to tha laacth of rnur Ufa. Don I axiid any money, almply rill out tha rouixm below, Isdlcata on tha diagram tha I local Ion of tha rupture, and mall It to me. I thm nrglart thla Important Biatlrr a alngle day or continue to tta tortured any longer by l.ra p. rradymade truaara. I My reniarkahlr offer Is tha falreat aaar made and ahoald be taken advantage of Imma dlatrly hy all ruptara auffrrora. (United Prone Uaad Wlre Seattle Dec. II. A 12-story building, to cost $260,000 and to be used entirely as a living place for young men, la the project which Dr. M. A. Matthews, pas tor of the First Presbyterian church announcea that he will get under way eariy next spring. Neaotlatlona are now being made for the land. Dr. .Matthews nlnna are for hnfi,iin inn by 0 feet and arranged In two-room suites. I'RIXEVILLE 31 A SONS TO HAVE BUSY YEAR New Presidential Postoffices. (Waaklnstoa Bureau of The Journal. Washington, Dee, 19. The following fourth-class postfjfflces will beconV presidential January I: Bandon, Clats- same, jeeno, ureaham, f 1,000; Lents, 11.000, and Vale. S1.S00. Falls Creek and Mot Lake will become domestic money order omceaj January 1. (Special Dlapatcb to The Jonrnal.t Prlnevllle. Or.. Dec 19 Prinxvin. lodge. No. ,6, A. F. & A. M.. haa elected the following offlrera: T. M Baldwin W. M.; C. W. Foster, 8. W.; C. 8 1 1 -' wards. J W'.: W. F Klnr ir .'.".. D. P. Adamson. secretary. ' Thla lodare haa the nmnluiinn ne . lodge at Bend, the estnbfishment of the Royal Arch dearee here and th ..- tlon of a new $16,000 building on lta jjiumni ior mo coming year. Clatsop Purnitnre Contracts. (8peclal niapatck to Tha Joaroal.) a 1 oriH, ur, uec. m.xhe county 7"" compieiea tne examina tion of the bids for tho furniture and shades for the new court house and awarded the contracts. The amount of ma i-uniracc riven in each nr tha vv-Bniui uiaapra was aa roiiowv r a lr Hellborn. IJ.087: J. J. Robinson, $203 ?Si lidrnd aor ': total, 13. lSi.L2.6 .J!l9 dellverics sre to be made within 30 days. Tree Treatment Coupon Mark on the diagram the location of tha rupture, answer the question! and mall this to Or. W. S. IIICI, M Mais Itreet assaia, N. T, j ?& Ruptured t M I Dot Xufhtrt right flirrr 1 II I a rmuf Sam. Jddrru. OP uujpie Sessions to Be Held at Sev eral Foints in Oregon First at Wood burn. BS CHABXTAau, ,to your horses as wall aa to yourself. Tou need not suffer from pains of any sort your horses need not suffer. Try a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It cures all pains. J, M. Roberts. Baft, rsfield. Mo, writes: "1 have uaed your liniment for -ten yaara and find It to be the best I have ever used for man or beast' Bold by all drugglsta. New Lodge at Freewater. Zre.fwater- r Dec- 19 A lodge of Odd I-ellowa will be organized at Free water Friday night. December 20, by Grand Master Richard Scott of the state grand lodge. The Freewater lodge will do iu. ua linn win navA n fnAmKwahiM of 26. making a total membership in the state of over 16,000. Grand Master Bcott has been on an official vlalt to Umatilla county lodges this week. Giro Christmas Lunch. The Christmas dance of the Holmes Business college will be held tonight at Murlark hall. Mrs. Q. Holmes Law-1 rence, Mrs. Charles Kadderly. Mrs. J I H. Stanley and Mrs. E. H. Taggart will act as patronesses. Building Permits. R. H. Jones, erect dwelling vmt Madison, corner East Forty-flrst,'$l,200. 9- as The following call for hopgrowers' meetings In the state of Oregon has been laaued y M. H. Durst, the Call fornla grower: Aurora. Or.. Dec. 18. 1907. Commer clal Editor Oregon Journal We expect tne organising committee of tne I'a ciflc Hopgrowers' union to reach Oregon on Aionaay, tne 23d Inst. It is their purpose to attend meetings of hopgrow ers In the different sections and explain the object of the organisation. Meet ings will be held Monday. December 23, at vvoouDurn; Tuesday December 24, at Salem; Thurrday, December it, at Port land; Friday, December 27. at McMlnn vllle; Saturday. December 28, at Inde pendence. tl la hoped that the hopgrowers will attend one or all of these meetings, and that the organization will be com pleted in each aection at the meeting. The committee will then eo to Wash ington to secure the cooperation of the growers of that state. It is necessary for the hopgrowers of Oregon to take an active Dart In this movement. The California committee Is coming up to neip lorwara me wont ana expects to be met by Oregon growerij and that the worn will be carried Dromutly to a sue ceBsful Issue It Is requested that hopgrowers of every section take this matter up with meir neignDors ; in mat an growers at tend their nearest meeting-place and help th eCallfornla commltee to close its worK up so it can get through and go to wasnington. The Intention Is to hold meetlnga In the morning at 10 o'clock, when the general plana will be discussed. Then a committee will be selected to meet with the California delegation and con nult on the by-laws. In the afternoon the adjourned meeting will come to gether again for the purpose of discuss ing and ratifying the by-laws. The time Is at hand that hopgrowers mum organize or go out or DURlness. Matters of intereat to growers having hops on hand will bo discussed at the meeting. It is expected that the Cali fornia delegation will bo , accompanied by an able attorney to explain legal matters to all hop growers and others. Dealers who are hopgrowers are par ticularly requested to attend these meetings and discuss matters with the growers. Whatever promotes the wel fare or nopgrowers win be dnuh v to mo advantage or targe producers as well as the small growers. Let tho growers mage it their business to keep the day of the meetings free to attend to thla Important matter. M. H. DURST. Sale M iitt ait ails Proves Year's Greatest Success! Tha unprecedented Inttrett mtnifeited by intelligent, up-to-date clothes buyers in this offering of tht entire winter stocks ofx V cant under actual value, gives this unparalleled sals first place A among tht year's important events. No Clothing Event in History Can Be Cited for Comparison It must bt borne In mind that this is not in ordinary sale, not an extended effort to sell a few more garments. The noteworthy point in connection with this sals is this: These Suits and Over coats were not made up for a specisl salt at cut prices. Remember, we took the entire stocks Just as they came, and every garment was maae in tne regular acnioss oroa. wsy ior tne very best trade, and was made to sell for $20 to $40. Remember, a Bona Fide Saving (o Yon of 40 to 60 Per Cent on Every Garment Bought Now Store Open Every Evening Till Xmas Men's and Young Men's $15, $18, and $20 Suits and Overcoats, Correctly Made. $11.85 This Price Em braces an Endless Variety, of Suits and Overcoats, $20, $22.50 Val. $14.85 A Saving of Half and More on These $25 to $30 Suits and Over coats. $19.85 These are Hand Tailored Suits and Overcoats, Our $30 to $40 Garments. - RADICAL PRICE CUTTING IN EVERY DEPT. ON HOLIDAY GOODS The best Christmas present for him is a CHICAGO SUIT or OVERCOAT $8.85 TO $19.85 A small deposit secures any garment till wanted. We will gladly exchange any garment bought for a present that does not suit. 69-71 T0IRD STREET 69-71 THIRD STREET jQ&nftoris , No Portland, Ore., 1907 . V53 ? LENNON'S for Gloves and Umbrellas PORTLAND ;: Upon presentation this order will i SAN FRANCISCO : I entitl bearer to. . .pair, .of Gloves at ! J. IT rr . . SEATTLE UBUan i per pair, iota! V fiTnUF,: : , valuc- aouars i i. SANTA CLAU8 WANT8 to Hand You a Lennon's I CLOVE ORDER TO ASSURE YOU - OF A -MERRY CHRISTMAS One of Lennon's Glove Orders means a present of the best Gloves in the world. They are re deemable for their face value any time at any of Lennon s Seven Stores in Portland, San Fran cisco or Seattle. Saves the giver the trouble of making the selection and enables the holder of the order to make personal selection and be per fectly fitted. bold for as much as you care to spend. MORRISON STREET, OPP. POSTOFFICE r3 -A MOSQUITOES IN TREES. Another Breeding riace Discovered for the Pest. Rev. H. Mould In Times of India. A short time ago as 1 was going around Wle Colaba cemetery, which is in my charge. I noticed what in nft.r all a very common Blent In Indi.i. a small plpli" growing out of a hoi In the trunk of a tree, a karunja. I pulled 11 uui miu iuura me noie Quito a foot deep, and containing some Inches of water at the bottom which was how ever, out of sight. Mosquitoes also came out of the hole. I had th hole stopped up with earth. The next few dava I kpnt mv open and found several other trees with holes containing water, but one In par ticular confirmed by conjecture that I had found another favorite breeding 111.,.. . r . u a II.. . , , . j-.-c mi ura nuy mosquito. TniS Waa "arunja tree, a branch of which had been loctjed off. Tn tho atumn a shallow cavity filled with clear wa ter, in which was quite a number of very iiveiy mosquito larvae. I drew the attention of Colonel Gubbins, R. A. M. C, to the matter, and he at once gave uiucru iq me aHsisiant surgeon in charge of the Colaba mosquito brigade tQ, examine all the trees, and they very soon brought in reports of a large num ber In which they had discovered wa ter containing larvae. I myself found many trees with small and Innocent looking cavities In the stumps of lopped branches, not a few of which proved to be several Inches deep, and some quite 18 inches, and all containing water. The discovery, I was surprised to hear, was aoDarentlv quite r new one, ana no one appears to have cuspected that mosquito larvae werer to be found in trees, although it is obvious that wherever water can lodge there the mosquito can breed. Trees of which the wood decays rap idly, such as uie karunja, the gold mo hur, the horseradish tree, etc., are those in which holes are most likely to be found. Some years ago. ridlns- throuarh the Jungles of Meywar, Just about the time the gorgeous nk burst lnt6 flower, 1 1 noticed alongside the road a huge maha- V n tM with A hflmHnn laHil.r mtrra IE ' feet long, leading up to the first great I fArlr A r . 1 1 gj. ' 1 mi a rt l m nuiiuoiiiia wily u WH1 there I saw a man aro un with a small uia. on b. Binnar. wnicn ne lowered into mm the trunk of the tree and which ha B n r. rv.. I ,,11 . J 1 . - . Fl 4 me the waiter waa good and IfARE BOOKS AT BROWN. Library Completes Set of Tracts of King Philip's War. From the New York Sun. The John Carter Brown library at Brown university has com Dieted lta net oi io original narratives, printed m me yeas from 1876 to 1877, of the Indian war which nearly destroyed the now cngiana settlements. A rcent purchase in London at the saie or tne Karl of Sheffield's library of a tract printed in London in 167. containing a description of the "Great bwamp Fight," which broke the power ir.u i ""r "" inaians in southern n"uuu jBiano., completed the set. The Brown library also haa bought a Virginia tract which tells of a tem pest which did great damage in 1667, and another which contains a report of Indian troubles in Virginia at about nit; mhiiiu nine mac Kinir Phiiir, "'"""B hi in new England. The library has added a volume which contains an account of an annual meet- iiiaj ui me aiocKnoiaers of a company organized in 1772 to secure a monopoly of trade between Spain and VenesueU. and books which contain the regulation of the slave trade in the French West Indies in 1745. proceedings of the local government for the Island of Marti nique and reports of the doings of the Jrench fleet In the West Indies during the American revolution. YEARLY STREET CAR TAX ADVANCES $1000 Minnesota Poultry Show. Mankato, Minn., Dec. 19. A finer col lection of fancy-bred chlokens. turkeys, ducks and other varieties of poultry and pet stock never was seen in this cec- iion iimn mat displayed today at the opening of the annual show of the Cen tral Minnesota Poultry association. The caiiiuiib me numerous as wen as of an exceptionally high class. The show Is to continue through the remainder of Hit? ITCC&. Next Year Annual Tribute to City Will Amount to $4,000. This will be the last year the Port land Railway, Light A Power company will pay $,000 into the city treasury, and commencing next year It will pay an annual tax of 14,000 for the ensuing five years. This is In accordance with the Mm pany's franchise which requires the pay an n- of the city's av, jr a k transportation company to pay an an nuai iriDuis ior 'ne use or streets. Commencing in 1913 the com- The next convention of .the American Federation of Labor will ha km i. ' - - " ..u.l. .u iiunvpr. HEBEB3IEBEBBZnHSnaH!rca.aa I Cut Prices H H H M If n B He tolr) was perennial. I mention this to show to what depths holes In trees may go and the length of time water may re main In, them. s H M 5 Tomorrow V Friday last day for discount on east alila ram biUS. positive! the ?0ftland Oas company. ii M On HOLIDAY STA TIONERY and LEATH ER SPORTING GOODS. Call and be convinced. F.P.VIEW 94 SIXTH ST. Corner of Stark and Sixth Elaborate line of Christmas Tree Ornaments j EZXKXKIX5ZZXZSX52;r pany will have to pay annually for five years the sum of J8.000; from 1918 to 1922, inclusive, 17,000; from 192J to lull, inclusive, zy.oooi rrnm loan tn 1932, Inclusive, $12,000. The oompanv's franchlaa imirti n cember 1. 1932. By that time- the company will have paid the city 1200 -000. The 14.000 oominar In nw will about pay the city employes' street car fare for tho year. LAKCENY THE CAUSE OF MOST OF COMPLAINTS A partial list of the transcripts of cases sent up from the municipal court to the circuit court from the district attorney's office during the holidays shows interesting facts regarding the ...... v vi uiiiQinui varieties oi crime committee: In the city. Out of 29 cases I, I,, uur,"'T,ln" nouaays, which is prac tically all of the cases passing through the municipal court from the state's ac tion, the largest number were com plaints alleging larceny of various kinds from petty larceny to highway robbery. In the list were thran m ti rA-m ..ti j l in mil. iwu ior annirarv torn fni assault and battery, one for contribut ing iu iu delinquency or a minor, two for forgery, two for antiit k.i... for lewd cohabitation and IS tor lar- Washington State Dairymen. inBlfPrpaa Wlr.l Standwood. Waah . nu to ntt.. -lilf?!? S" Dairymen's associa- tlOn met In fifteenth annual here today with a good attendance of members. The onanlnar 1tuain . held this afternoon, ami thi. ....... President D. S. Trnv ."fT.HV.'." ! annual address. The proceedings will vuuuuus uvtr rnaay-ana Saturday. The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which has been in use tor over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made nnder his per sonal supervision since Its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-ffood"are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare gorlc. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. s m etirraue coaiaaM. rr aiuaaav street, new voaa em. Chatsworth Park for Sale. Mount Holly. N. J.i Dec 19. Sheriff NorcTOSs today offered at public sale thjarE9 V of 'n(1 known as Chats worth Park, located oa the Jarsey Cen tral railroad near ChatswortS. ,For -12 years several wealthy men, most of them New Torkers, have used Chats- worth Park for varloua forms of rerraa. tlon. The park -comprises more "than- a,uuu acres ana contains a clubhouse with elaborate appointments, fine drives, an artillclal lake and a number of rot. tares. It was planned to make of the place a second Tuxedo, but the venture apparently was a failure. . - ' - Stockmen in Convention. Spokane, Wash. ' Dec. 19. Stockmen from nearly every part of Washington and many from Idaho and Montanaare i?nnttnncw,tne.,0urt.h ftnnual 'Ma-' s on of the Washington Livestock asao- The old trnublt hstwMK tita ai.a..KJ.i