V 10 THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY. EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1907. L U--IJ LEVY OF 4.8 ENOUGH, MILLS IS SAYS MAYOR Executive Recommends Considerably Lower Assessment Than Last Year Will Give City Revenue of $1,003, 714) as Against W9,970 Returned in 1M7. Tn nubmltlln thi annual budet of dlr xpneii and iorliti for 108 to fha city council ttiln afternoon. Mayor Harry Iatio biml hla ratlmatra on a lax !' of 4 S mll!. which would give Ilia city a menu if tl COS, 740. 31, at a-alnat MR 7Q limt jar ftmm a levy ot (.7 milla. Mayor Ln rcommrn1 that the council make a levy for the coming year of 4.8 nillla or not greater than five mlllc. The budget ahowa that the city clone HiIm yee.r u lulnrK with a balance of tit?. 1:7. 71 In the general fund Mayor Ian recommenda aeveral chaiigea In the handling of funda, aa appropriated to the varloua drpart menta. and In view of the great work done bv the engineering department urgea that the ordinance requiring 6 per cent to be charged on at reel (rai ment be amended to give the engineer ing department Ita proportionate ahare of the money thua collected, which would tend to leaaen the amount appro priated to the department from the gen eral fund. Want Mora tatltmde. The cltv executive auraeata that a 1- lotmenta of funda be mad In a manner which will allow the executive depart ment a reaaonabla degrea of latitude to lerrle economy In city expenditure, and that they be not tied up In email amounta for epeclflc purpoaea, aome of which are often not required and often prove a atumbllng block In economically managing the clty'a affairs. Mayor Lane trimmed down the eatl ' mate aubmltted by Chief Campbell of 'the fir department from 1507,000 to I S4M.1R7. Mayor Lane aubmltted hla ea ' tlmatea baaed upon the price of ma- terlala and auppllea as they eclat at pre neni. Many of the eetlmatea aub mlttad by the heada of the departmenta war oaaea on prices which obtained Jaat year. The budget ahowa an fhcreaaa in th general runa ror los over 107. as ea tlmated by City Auditor Barbur, of 111 486. The Increase of 107 over 10( was 1114,786 despite the repeal of the occupation tax. which' returned a reve ; nue or about 161.000 a year. The In : creaaea nquor license) was largely re- sponalble for the Increaae In the tota J turf a out of the general fund for 1008 fla I45S.481.8S. as sgalnat 1410.188.80 ap- i proprisiea mis year. The budfeet In part follows: Estimates Olrsa. "I herewith submit the estimate of the expenses and disbursements for the i ensuing year prepared bv the severs officers, boards and departments of the cuy, logemer witn a taouiatnd state- .ment snowing the amounts sppropri 'a ted from the general fund and the aeveral epeclal funds, during the present year, me amounts aisnursea rrotn such .appropriations, estimated available bal ancea In each fund January 1, 1)08, and estimated receipts other than by tax levy to the several funds for the year General fund. 1 OS- Balance January 1 S 28.817.11 Hecelpta all other sources... 32.114. 01 department could be amende J to give the fund for this department Ita propor tionate ahare of the amount charged t taxpayers for their part of the work, the direct appropriation from the general fund for this deportment would be much len than at prnt. Cares for Many Wlea of I tree U. 'The street cleaning and apNnkllng i InltrvHt department has the core or 20k iz mllea of Improved street on the enut aide and 6.0S milea of lniproel stri-etn on the went aide of the river, bIho 1.174 mllea of brldgea. This does not Include quite u number of mllea of atreet the contrail for the Improvement of which line been completed, or la aoon to be completed, but not yet formally ac-ccnt'-d by the city. estimated rccelpta general fund 1908: I.tciuor licenses J6,60 SPOKANE READY FOR TRIP SOUTH .Merchants' Association Pre pares for Excursion in Social Pullman Train. Spokane, Wash., Pec. If. Arrange' menla are being made by the Ppokane chamber of commerce, of watch F. K. Oootlall la prealdnnt, and the Rpokane Merchants'' oaaoclatlon, headed by A. W, iHiland. to take an excuralon to Loe Angeles In an elegantly appointed Spe cial train over Ihe Oregon Railroad aV Navlantlon company and the Southern a Ilnea. with side trips to point beauty In i I'ncK ml Miscellaneous Ucenitea. Municipal court Transfer of licenses. !t 5.000 2U.0U0 2.000 Hulldlng permits 6.000 Interest on deposit Cunts Kng. Inspection, etc.... l'ound fees Franchises - Rent city hall Certified copy Rale of Junk, street cl'ng d'pt. IH licenses Delinquent tax Removal of dead horses Miscellaneous suurces J. 000 4i.00 l.r0 H. 740 I. 312 100 200 C 00 500 600 1.000 i to polnta of the Golden Uate slnte, leavtn- Spokane February 7. It Is purposed tc Invite prominent business and professional men from va rious parte of the Inland empire of the 1'aclflc northwest, embracing ISO. 000 squsre miles In eastern Washington, northern Idaho, western Montsns. north eastern Oregon and southeastern llrlt lah Columbia. The party will be lim ited to Its. According to the nrellmlnarv plana outlined by William M-Murray, an of ficial of the Harrlman lines, at the last meeting of the trustee.-; of the chamber of commerce, the Commercial club of Portland, of which Tom Richardson Is manager, will, entertain the excursion luts on their arrival In the Rose City, and (Joatoo.' .J. N. Gillette will wel come them when they cross the re-gon-Csllfornia bcrder. While In California the state board of trad and the chamber of commerce an the Sacramento levelOnmont lea.ru an varloua eommerolal organisations will entertain the da egatea at receptions, luncheons and excursions. . Stops will be msde at 1'alo Alto. Sacramento. Pel Monte, Santa Rarbara and every pity of consequence along the linn as far s'ilh sa le Angeles, where the party will pa rate. ET TU, BUTTER! Another Old Friend Attacks I'a In Our Most Vital Part. If the food faddists keep on there 111 be nothing left us to put Into our mouths except perhaps to auck our own thumbs contemplatively after having duly sterilised tha same. "Iiacterlologlsta have shown tia that ordinary butter la awarmlng with germa," declares Good Health. "A sin gie tesapoonruj or milk generally con tains from 2,000,000 to 10.000.000 verms The number may even be much larger man this. 'In ths removsl nf eream from the milk ths germs are taken with it and n tha crocess of churnlna the eerma are collected with tha fatso In the butter we have the concentration of a large art of the serins contained In the milk rom which the butter waa derived. So In a pound of butter derived from 20 pints of milk the number or bacteria muat be almost beyond eatlmate. A brief computation will show that the number of bacteria contained in a pound of butter might easily reach the enor mous sum of 8,000.000,000 or 10,000,000,-000." WIFE DEMANDS; : HALF INTEREST sasMBaMBBBaBBSaBaSBBSBB Judc Must Decide Whether Spouse's Work Calls for 3fore Than Board. The National Temple of Labor of Waahlngton. l. C, has been Incorpor ated for the mutual Improvement nf Ita members and the promotion of th-; dignity of labor. The Incorporators are: Robert Q. M. Rosa, John O. Schmidt. Newton E. James, William II. Schaefer. John B. Herrell, Charles A. Pfau and Samuel Vti Nedrey. (flperlil Plipitri to Tse Jearaal.) Basin, Wyo., Dec 17.-If a man and a woman begin life with nothing and work side by aide until they have obtained a competence, Is tha woman entitled to half nf the earnings or has she worked only for her board and clothes? This question, which will shortly be settled by Judge I'armales, Is of Intense Interest to women all dver the United States. Km ma Rlanche Parkhurat waa a girl of 18. just graduated from Urownell hall. In Omaha, when she fell In Jove with u ranch hand, Robert I'arkhurat. After a time they quarreled. When he aneri liee fne itlvAN an In turn, demanded half tha money aha had helped to earn. Mrs. Parkhurat la wllllne- that he shculd have the divorce; she Is willing to so from ths home sha has helned to rslse In ths desert, but sha asserts that fiha Is entitled to half of that which aha has helped to earn by unapeakabla hard ahlps. Their property amounta to about 820.000. It Is claimed for tha Rsrbers' union the unique distinction of Journeymen belnar the only Isbor union thst has never naa a strike, yat In spite of this ract the condition or -Its memheri lua neen constantly Improved. ..- Total receipts 8420.721.11 Total disbursements for year J8. 285.84 Balance January 1, If 07.... I 31,444.28 General fund. H07 Balance January 1 1 81,444.78 Recelnta all other sources, es- tlmated 608.t00.00 Total receipts t fSS8.844.00 Total disbursements ror year, fiu.axa.ox Ttalanea Jsnuarv 1. If 08. estimated $107,827.78 General fund. 1808 T)alanA .Tfiniliirv 1. 1908. SS- timsted .8107,827.78 Receipts as estimated ana . tabulated by auditor 4f2.002.00 Total estimated receipts. . .85f9.82f.78 Disbursements as per estl heravliti aubmltted and tabulated by auditor... 455,481.85 ber 81. 1908 $144,848.18 tttowa Cltr'a Growth. , irh otimntp submitted bv the aud - iim nf s-enerai fund receipts and dls- - hiirsements for the year 1907 will close . i nnnraxtm&te the amount found on ' th hnnlti December 31. 1907, as thje figures given are from the books as they now stand and estimates cover only a pan ot ui pi' .,....... "A gratifying evidence of the growth of tha city Is found In the constant in crease In the general fund. Ihe gain In receiDts in this fund for the year 1907 over 1906 will be $114.7oft.9S, ana this notwithstanding the repeal of the inclination license tax, a tax giving iiMiut 8G2.000 per year to the general fund when It was repealed. The ais ......monta for 1907 as estimated will ...H T those of 1806 by $41,229.67 ,.mk. ...jiinr'i ostimate of the re celpts to the general fund for 1908 will exceed the amount received In 1907 by i ask m nnA the disbursements for 1908, as per estimates submitted from ' th uvcrii derjartments, will exceed the disbursements for 1907 by 824,965.14. imDroTement of Btraatg. . ,,fnt. . kiann in th s-eneral fund es- imatH m he on hand at the close of in year J908 of $144,348.18, lth es timated disbursements from this fund :Ai.ort a n submitted, is subject to auch unforeseen changes as may occur, Otherwise it is , available for purposes innirinc in the estimates suDmu- a herewith, or may be used in ; part by transfer to the several funds to De fnr bv tax levy, thereby re- t tor the same. ihis increase in the estimates to-be drawn from the general runa ior xa wUl be found to be mainly in the fund for Improvement of streets In front of puDMC properly, neaun uctu uuv ., eluding crematory, engineer's depart ment and street cleaning and sprinkling department The necessity for the in crease in the engineer's and in the atreet cleaning and sprinkling depart ments is quite apparent. Much Enrineerins" Work. "This city has -800 miles of dedi cated streets; their combined area is about 6.000 acres, and their mileage ex ceeds that between Portland and San Francisco. The . great work that Is thrown upon the .engineering department by reason of the length and area of cur streets Is hardly realized except by those connected with the department. In view of the extent of the work done this yearr the amount of work now un der contract and the amount advertised and to be prepared ior contract, the coming year, it would seem that the ap propriation maae snouia cover me eati mate that has been submitted by the city engineer. "If th ordinance requiring 5 per ent to. toe . charged and collected on atreet assessments for the work of this Total $492,005 Ajaooats for Special rauds. The amount necesssry to fill the va rious apeclal funda for which a tax levy Is necessary to provide for their disbursements Is sa follows: Klre. 8425.2KS.t; police, 3110.231; bonded In debtedness Interest fund. $112.0(9; light ing fund, $98,806; street repair, I . u. 270; public library. $23,000; park. $71, 080; special bridge fund. $lu6.6!S. Katlmate on a 4.8 mill tax on .the as sesament of city real and personal prop erty of $lU.i79.4i. aa returned by County Assessor Hlrler. will give a rev enue of $1.001.740 23. of which the va rloua funds would be reimbursed with a levy ss follows: Special bridge, 5-10 mill; park, 3-10 mill; library. 11-100 mills; street repair, 33-100 mills; light ing, 47-100 mills; bonded Indebtedness Interest fund. 62-100 mills; police. 8-10 mill; fire 1.77 mills. These funds were apportioned fol lows for 107: Klre, 2.26 mills; police, 13-40 mills; street repair. 3-10 mills; bonded indebtedness Interest fund. 13-20 mills; lighting mill; park. 3-10 mil); library, Vi mill; special brl'lge, 4 mill. Most Us Care. "The asseasment of taxable property within the coroorate limits of the city of Portland." oontlnues the budget, "up on which the council has power to levy taxes as declared In section 114 of the city charter as certified by the county assessor for the year 1908 amounta to $216,673,945. The financial depression affecting every part of the 1'nlted States, and to limited extent the city or t'ortiana requires us to exercise prudence In all appropriations for city expenditures and the utmost economy consistent with efficiency In every department of the city government. "Attached hereto are approximate. es timates of the amount which would be available o the several special funds on Isvles of .0048, .004V, and .005 mills on the property returned by the county assessor as within the city limits. "In a general way, I would suggest that allotments of funds be made In a manner which will allow the executive department a reaaonable degree of lati tude to exercise economy In the ex penditure of the same, and that they be not tied up In many small amounts for specific and detailed purposes, some ot which may prove not to be required, and act but to hamper and Interfere with the proper and econcmlcal management of the clty'a affairs. Olvos Seasons for Levy. "An analysis of soma of the affairs of the city may prove of interest to you. Portland covers an area of about 46 square milea of territory, and has an estimated population of about 200.000 Inhabitants. There are 800 miles of ded tested streets within the city's limits, and 303 miles of these streets have been Improved in some manner or an other. To sprinkle, sweep and clean these Improved streets the city expend ed during the year 1807 an avprnge of 31.16 each worklna- day upon each mile of such streets. "Estlmatln the population of the city to be 200.000 there was expended the sum of 6 4-10 cents per capita pel year for the care of the health of -the community. This Includes the amount expended for all purposes, taking into account the Increased amount -which has been used to safeguard the ctty from a visitation of the bubonic plague. "In view of the general condition or affairs throughout the country at this time. I would recommend that a levy somewhere between 4 8-10 mills, and not to exceed 6 mills, be made, the amount raised by which I believe with careful management will safely carry on tha affairs of the city for the ensuing year. Eanal Distribution Hoosssary. Each cltv department quite nntnr- ally considers Its own affairs as the most Important and in every Instance has asked for a large increase of ap-1 propriatlons and If all such requests are to be met the levy will necessaril, exceed a 5-mlll assessment for sue; purposes, which 1 ao not wisn to see done at this lime. It is mv opinion that increased appropriations Should be made only in cases where they nre urgently required. With the largn area of the cltv in proportion to Its popula tlon It will be impossible to trive every section of the city all of the advantages to be derived by a complete system of lichtintr. of fire and of police protec tion and patrol and to do so would cost an enormous aum ana. we can oniy ao the best we can under the circum stances, using our. best judgment and earnest efforts to do as much as our means will admit and maxing ine oesi use of auch means as are at our com mand. Present iricts aa joasis. 'The estimates herewith submitted are based upon the price or material, supplies, etc., as they exist at this time; any change in the cost of the same will necessarily modify the cost of th maintenance of the different depart ments of the city some materially.' A Justly balanced appropriation of funds to each department in proportion to the needs of the community, and the bene fit to be derived from the same should be carefully, borne in mind as a matter which reaches into every household in the city. HARRY LANE, Mayor." . . AZiWATSI WAS MCX. When a man says be always was inuroubled with a couch that .ma all winter what would you think t; na ehouia miv w aics sine using Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Such v man exlt ' . ""' ' f Mr. J. C Clark, pen var, Colorado, writes: "For- years I was troubled with a sever cougn mat would last all winter. .-This cough left m In a miserable condition. 1 tried Ballard's Horehound syrup ana. pave not Dad m sick day atnc. That's what it did for Bold by an tfrursnsta. - Monmouth Election Results. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Monmouth, Or.. Dec. 19. The city election here, with a large vote polled, resulted In the election of the follow 'nr8,:,. Mayor. J. H. Halley; councllmen. William Ridell and P. H. Johnson; re corder. H. D. Whitman; treasurer, I. C, Powell; marshal, 8. D. Coats; Council men J. H. Fream, A. 8. Chute hold ovef for on year. No Trace of Missing Ones. (Special niKpatra to Th JoorsaM ne tr, een,-?V,a8h - 19, No trace OI Barney Welson and vmm. vr. went OTnr SZJSSl E?r that IMIini araa and both sides of the point Itself were i " At the next convention n, . j.."1 ment employes brourht nn., -i.Iii . XMAS GIFT SPECIALS In Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry and Silverware At Prices Never Before Offered to the Public W0 EXTRA CHARGE FOR ENGRAVING Ladies' and Gentlemen's Solid Gold Birthstone Rings $2.00 Ladies' Filled Watches .$4.00 Ladies' Solid Gold Watches $8.50 Gent's Waltham or Elgin Movements, in a Crown 20-year guaranteed case $8 OUR GOODS ARE AS REPRESENTEDEVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED Standard Jewelry Store 188 Third Street, Between Yamhill and Taylor. Opposite Baker Theatre. a Two (Sreat XmasSpedais Smoking JacKets and Silk Suspenders Amounting really to reductions of 25 per cent to 33 per cent, just on the verge of the holidays. SPECIAL NO. 1 Men's Smoking Jackets. We have taken some out of our $6.00, $7.50, $8.50, $9.00 and $10 lines and priced them at the following special prices $4.75, $6.00, $6.50 $7.00, $8.00 SPECIAL NO. 2Embracing our entire lines Df boxed Fancy and Silk Suspenders. $1.00 Suspenders 80c $ 1 . 50 Suspenders $1.15 $2.00 Suspenders $1.55 $2.50 Suspenders $1.85 $3.00 Suspenders $2.35 $3.50 Suspenders $2.80 $4.00 Suspenders $3.15 $4.50 Suspenders $3.65 Store Open Evenings Till Christmas PLENTY OF CIRTEOUS SALES PEOPLE So OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS BUY EARLY NSMJE C HIM mm wmfm Silverware, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Art Novel ties, Etc., Etc. Toilet Combs, Brie Purses, Leather Bags, Sets, Clocks, Brae, Opera Glasses, Lamps, Jewel Boxes, Brasses, Handkerchief B o x es, Brushes and Vases. A., complete line of Toilet and Manicure Sets from the cheap est that's good to the best that's made. Holmes & Edwards SILVERWARE Makes an ideal gift. Bath, Lounging Robes and Smoking Coats If mk m Are sure to win favor with menfolk. We offer a very choice line of these goods at unusually moderate prices. If you are undecided what to give your husband, broth er, father or sweetheart, come in and look these garments over it is no trouble for us to show them. Give Sensible Gifts Things that will perpetuate the giver's memory and bring joy to the one to whom gift is made. Our store is full of sensible gifts. Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Rings Women's Furnishings, Suits, Coats, Hats, Underwear and Millinery, Etc. Etc. Furs FansHandkerchiefs Corsets Hosiery Shoes Lounging Robes Sweaters Taney Robes Fancy Waists Cravenettes Belts Silk 3etticoats Skirts. Bra celets, Earrings, Brooches, Necklaces, Hat and Scarf Pins.' Always Appropriate: CARVING SETS make an ideal gift. And hundreds of other beautiful and useful arti cles suitable for GIFTS at prices that will suit you. Chains, Cuff Buttons, Shaving Sets, anc many other things Always CUT makes an Appropriate: GLASS ideal gifts. Gifts for sweet heart, mother, sis ter, wife or friend Cash or credit. If Christmas sho p p i n g has made cruel inroads on your purse, why not avail yourself of aur easy pay ment plan Ijuy what you want NOW ,pay later as suits your convenience. .1, Special Low Prices on Bovsr and Girls Suits and Coats For Christmas ! Boys' Suits, from 5 to 14 years -Mrs. Jane Hopkins brand cut and styled in the newest fashion Suits of remarkable durability, worth up rfQ to $5.00 DjuU Girls Dresses, $2.50 to $6 Girls' Coats, $3 to $15.00 Something Here for Mr. Man Mufflers Sweaters Fancy Vests Neckties Shirts Collars-Cuffs Gloves Underwear Handkerchiefs Hosiery Garters Overcoats Hats Umbrellas Sus penders Shoes and a number of things in Jew elry and Novelty line. A, Fiber School Case, 11x14 ins. Free 3ya inches deep, brass lock. leather handle, brass riveted corners -"--free with every . child s suit or coat. QUALITY HAS tfEt'N TBE FIRST CONSIDERA TION HERE EASTERN OUTFITTING CO W ASHINGTON TENTH ZZg&$S AAASHINGTON CSi, TENTH WHEN IT COMES FROM TBIS STORE IT IS "O.K.? .. w i uo wuiisiuereu.