1 THE OREGON DAILY JOU3NAU PORTLAND,? TUESDAY , EVENING, DECEMBER 17. 1907. 19 FOR SALD-i-REAL ESTATE Vl?8T BELL AT ONCB, 1-nOOM bungalow, clns to car and. ' school; mplt first-class plumbing, concret basement tinted walla, electric light, china closet, nice trees, larg lot. re stricted neighborhood. Tuls cannot ba duplicated for tha monay; 11.100: 11.000 cash. Ka owners. Churchill A Ron. Ieurelwood. Mount. Scott oar. Phone Ta- tW-A bACrIFICB--rMI HoOflH, soiioo jot: rent paring 13 par cam; -i journal. NFCr baK-I-rom cttAGti 1N qulra of ownar. 164 Eaat 16ta street north-. Prlew reasonable. 11 P. PALMl makes a a: In I ha IS. Hum mrtii FAILING peclalty of aoilln tiairta district NO BLDG.. g houaa CR, Donnell & Co. riil Fatal. Room 11 248 Stark. UUCM'ifcL. KERNS WAKki A Fb clalt of eaat alda realty, Inana. Ml K Morrlaon at rentals. BARGAIN. NEV? MODERN 7-R66M liouae, corner, 12.660; term. Fltten Fr, 4UV Commercial at. CaU morn ing. Nwly built 'l-rooin cottage and two ttxioo-fool lota. juat otttalde It y llmlta, for nla cheap by owner; alao furniture for sal If desired; party to leave town anon; terma. Phone Main 1183. LARGE MODKKN 4-ROOM COTTAGE. $1,800: 1600, balancj to an It. phone Eaat 675. FOR BALE AND EXCHANGE tnr.a, now react call ok phone 'Main J1I for enr la teat, big gest and cholcan t lint of farma, Acre age and city properties, averyone of wmcn we are ceairou or eccnangma for other real . late. What have youT Angelee Exchange. Bit Commonwealth bldg., 6th and A nketi y. Foil K'liAWfaia-KdOM ko6w- Ing-houao. fine location, good fur niture, leaae, 4.000, for ranch unen cumbered. Several city houe for ranch. Northwestern Investment Co.. ii Fourth; WILL EXCHANGE FULL LOT IN residential district, with cement alde walks, Improved atreet and city water, for equal value unimproved lota In Woodlawn. Columbia Height, etc., value I.Min. Address J-Kfl Journal. 174,000 EQUITY PORTLAND LOT and iS.000 cash; exchange ror gooa nilllntiia lAiirnn 1 s Cb r fh ffXto Loth to trade foi office business. H. L. Hickman, IenU, Oregon. PERSONAL Kidney Cure Tea Not medicine, For sale by W. J. Van Damme, 111 Morrison atreet, next to Papa coffee houae. Following are the teatlmonlala of a few of thoae who have been cured of kidney trouble! through the uae of thla tea: A. B. Galea, from Oreaham, Or., tell aooui nia Kidney trouble and tnia won; CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST darful cure: "In the bngtnnlni C77)HE TO PORTLAND. CO acraa of the flneat kind of land, U mile from Sherwood. 10 acrea In cultivation, ohter 10 haa been In po tatoea. a few stump, fine well, i- room house 2 Imina family orchard. about 15 mllea from Portland; prlc 12,600. Will trade for I'ortland prop- erty. See ua about thla. Angelea Kx- chanire, 611 Commonwealth bldg, th anf Ankeny. Fllley Park To rent payers: Why pay rent when you can buy a lot In Filler rare: for leaa than your rent? Lota 110 and up: TEKRONAL 6o fare: IR monthly aeeurea two lota. Iloom 417 Lumber tCichange bldg. Id and ff'ark i 1.1 00 Phnne Main CI4 HTfY"8 oTJaiTTkr ulock, hoiiHt) free; fruit treca Near Piedmont. Phone with email alley: aldewHlk. Woodlawn 7. WaRT A LOT AT A BARGAIN? 1600 .aeh: corner. Phone IMiM 6 V k L L " v Tt TITk Kk W iit'Koi: low; 6 rooina; atrlctly modern; in choice realdence dlatrlrt; 11,600. I'ort land Homea Co., 104 Morrlaon at FOR SALE FARMS EIIEKP RANCH FOR SALE I northern Crook county. 100 acrea, M per acre: about 25 acrea In clfalfa. S& aerea can be put In. plenty of water, good range for two banda of aheep; place properly cared for will produce lOC tona of alfalfa hay. For further information addreaa W. 1L Bhrura. Aab wood. Or. ACRii TRACTS ALONO THK LINES of the O. W. P. nillwny. one fourth down, balance 110 per month. From 165 to 1110 per acre. Morehouse Wltat Co., 410 Lumber Exchange bldg. A RARE BARGAIN 10 A CUES. 3 IN cultivation; variety fruit, raia and barrlea: 6-room houae, well, barn, hen house and outbulldlnKs; 100 cnrdu flii-t etandlng fir timber; koo1 road runs throuirti timber to Canby. 3 tuIIpb; the bulldlnga coat 1800; must well at once; price 1X25; 1150 donn. l-.nlance on time. William Cantwell. Knlglu'a hotel. Can by, Oregon. MUSICAL IN8IHUMKNT8 VICTOn TALKING MACHINES AND reeorda; Stelnway (and other) pianos. Sherman. Clay ee Co, 6 to and Morrlaon eta., odd, poetofflce- YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU- We Cure All dlseaaea of men, women and children both acuta and chronic dlaeaaea of the eye, ear, nose, throat and lunge, heart, kidneys, bladder, brain and atoni arh catarrh, rheumatism. lndleUon, constipation and skin dlseaaea promptly cured. All private and waatlng dlaeasea promptly cured and their effecta per manently removed from the system. Consultation free and atrlctly confl dentinl We guarantee all of our curea. New Tork Surgical A Medical Institute). Relelgh bldg, tth and Wah. ata Dr. Mary Lane Institute Expert treatment gtven women and chlldren'a ailments bv a graduate and licensed lady phvalclan. Maternity esses f lven special attention. Vp-lo-date Ban tnrlum In connection. No charge for consultation and correspondence sbso lutely confidential, Addreaa all corre spondence to The Or. Mary Ine Inatl tute. Medical and Surgical. Incorporated, rooms t to 14. Grand theatre bldg., cor. Park and Wah. ats Phone Main 1111. In thought that my back waa affected by rheumatism. In eouraa of time I found out -that my kidneys were affected. I went to different doctors and tried all klnda of medicine but srot little or no results. After Buffering for mora man iu years and apendliax consmeraoie money, air. van Damme gave ma a tea made from a leaf ha railed a Lady tree. I drank that tea for m week and waa totally cured. I have drank the tea off and on for three months. It la now aix months that I have not drang any and my oure la perfect and recorn mended to tha Buffering public," Mre. M. E. Butler, 261 14th at., gats "I have Buffered a long time with kid ney trouble, nothing doing ma any good. Thre cups of Mr. Van Oamme'a lea cureu me so completely tnai rro nmmend It to nil ladles who are affected with sure back. Miss Carrie Nlclous. 1154 Morrlaon at., aaya: "I have Buffered for yes re with a lama back that drove, me about craiy with pain and aufferlng. After partaking of Mr. Van Damme'e tea for a week i waa cured and now am a nappy girl and have not suffered any for tha past three months alnca J first used the VSBa tans the Mystic See 14S 1-2 Sixth St. Rooms 3, 4 LAljIKS. 11.000 REWARD WE Posi tively auarantee Dr. gout hlnctons Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe ly rllevea some of the longest, moat obstinate abnormal cases In I to 8 days; no harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall 11. 50. Double strenrm 12.00. Buy of dniKBlst or write Dr. fouimngton uemedy Co., uepc ii. tvan bs city, mo. (In houee: repairing 227 H 8'ark. TIMHEK TIMBER LANDS. CALL ON I S. COLUMRIA TRIHT CO.. Pouch Bldg. 109 4th, near Waahlngton. Wh HAVhtCASH BUYERS FOR TIM ber anapa from 40 acres upwards. Let ua know what you have. Box 7, Port land, Or Chrcalc Diseases Of men and women permanently cured bv modern scientific methods. Elec tricity and electrlc-llght treatment for dlKeases of the prostate and rocturn. Consultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard. Commonwealth bldg., 6th at. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN. wolhen. children; cuncore and female sickness permanently cured; sure cure for snlnl mpnlniHrU Dr Paul Crom well ssnltarlum. 157 N. 11th. Main 6471. .Main "j f HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES ANlT Bl)alE8FOP. BENT by day, week and month; special rates to business houaaa. 6th and Hawthorne. Eaat 71. Madame Luckey Olves electricabnths and vibratory treat ments, also aclentlfta massage, scalp and fuce treatments, chiropody. 2ua 4th St.. near Salmon. Main 2011. After suffering for 11 veara from kidney trouble I waa cured of my ali ment bv the usa of mv tea and last De cember when my health waa reatored I concluded to coma to Portland. I had 0 hana and 130 worth of poultry wire that I offered for aale before leaving. A Mr. Htrnnge appeared at my houaa and toia me ha would HKe.to ouy me out and move In the houaa. lie waa an weak and looked ao miserable that I took pity on him and asked him what the trouble waa. "I have floating kid neys and am not able to alt ud In my spring wagon when I take my milk to town. I must walk bealde my Iiorsea for the shake of the wagon la too much for me. I Intend to go to Portland next week for an operation. The doctors told me that It is the only way to aave my life." I told him that would be a aura way to bo to his grave. I have cured myself In a short time and It may take a few daya longer to cure you. but can cure you in at least two or three weeks. I then nsked him to come In the houae and drink of my kidney cure. He aald. "I have drank all kind of pat ent medicines, consulted many doctora, and I am tired of all that. My only eal vatlon la In an oienUlon. I told him, "Now I will drink r cup myself and If vou don't want to drink a cun you shall never move In this house. I will not sell to you " He drank a cup and con tinued to drink the tea for three daya. after which he had no more pain and was doing his work again and In a week was perfectly cured. I sell my Kidney Cure (Just a tea, no medicine), on the condition of "No cure, motiev refunded." The tea la put up In 60c and 11 .10 bot.llea. A trial will con vince. BALM OK FIGS FOR ALL FUMALK diseases 626 K Belmont Eaat 4014. DOLL HOSPITAL NOW 5PEN FOB business, at 4 23 H MorTlaon at. MABSAGE. VAPOR AND TUB BATHS, ladv attendants. 110H 4th. cor. Wash. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEVaLE dlaeasea. 80S Flledner bldg. Main 7711. MlSS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREA1 ment; dandruff. 264 Mor.. room 61. Free! Free! Free! Absolutely Free If r.ot correct. TOUR LIFE, LOVE OB BUSINESS. &0e MELViN THE RENOWNED Astral dead trimcn clairvoyant; no oharge If not eat In r led when reading la ovei you to he Judge. I do here by aolemnly agroo and guarantee to make no charge If I rail to call you by name In full, names of your frlenda, enemlea or rivals; I promise to tell Whether your htishnnd wlf or sweet heart la true or f.ilsn; tell you how to win the one you most dvslre, t-ven though nillea away; how to nuciwd In busl neaa, apeoulatlon, lawaulta: how to marry to one of your choice; how to regain youth, henlth nnd vitality; re move evil Influence; cures drink hab- Ita: locatea treasures, mines and oil wells; cures all nervous diseases. Tells you Juat how. where and when to Invest your money to obtain the best possible results. If you do not find Melvln superior to any Clairvoyant now nractlclna in the city, hie advice will be absolutely free. 1600 for any mistake made through rouowing nia advice. Remember, Low Fee. 50c The Benson, UlVt Morrison, corner Fifth. Hours. 10 a m.. to 6 n m : Sundays. I to 6 p. m. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO.. Ill BTARK IT. El ec trio aad gaa fixtures and supplies. man teia. tiling, erraiea and doglrone. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENOI neera. con tract ore, reps I re ra. electrle wiring, supplies. 11 nt, cor. tars. Main a k. it. Tate. Mar 6th St. Contractors, electric auppRea, motors and dynamos; we Install plant. MORRIMUN ELECTRIC CO. Ill K. Morrlaon et. Fixtures, wiring, re- paw-ing, Ksst xizs. or h-16 ift.-, , rill) ii a Il'L'u VlAiici' iiA-rTTrT FAIRBANICS -alOUSK dynamos. MdtdTlS AND A C. D C. 1st and Stark. ENflRAVERS DESIGNERS AND PHOTO ENORAV era. Nelss ft Co n siwa v. 109 2d. M Jilt. EDUCATIONAL FREE FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BltlNO THIS AD AND RECEIV8 ABaiOLUTELV FREE One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Alwaya Consult the ItesL PROFESSOU KIIIMO Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the l(f . adviser on huslneas and all affaire of life; tells your full name and what.you called for. whom you will marry, Tiow to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unltaa the aeparated; elves secret pow er to control; does all others advertise to on. Hours to to 1. dally and Sunday. Office. Noa 1 inH t ftm nil lhlr. bldg., 1614 Waal)., near Park at Phone Main 1167. ROSE CITT BUSINESS COLLEGE 141 tth aL. near poalofflce; central location; Pitman rhnrthand; expert grad- uaiea: low (union; nay ana nignt achool; .new puplia dally. W. W. Wil- llama. 'll s" Prln ' BEND VUR BOY To HILL Mil academy, I'ortland. Or. Write alogua. LITAMT for cat- FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE IRONWORKS Id and Everett ats. Phone Msln 1000 FIRE INSURANCE. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRI HT COMPANT. Couch bldg. 109 4th st.. near Waah. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE; ELEO trlo equipments: launchaa, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 1M Morrlaoq BUV GASOLINE KNOINE, WOO DM AW Ing outfit. Fairbanks. Morse Co., HOTlkLS BANKS TTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OKJCOOM. U Northwest Corner Third and Oak Streeta. . Transects a General Banking Pualneaa DRAFTS ISSUED Arallabl 1 All Cities of tha United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila, Collection made on Favorable Terma Prealdant J, C, AIN8WORTH I Cashier R W. SCHMFFJl Vice-President R. LEA BARN Ell I Aaalatant Caahler "...W. A, HuLT Aaalatant Caahler A. M WRIGHT T ADD TILTON. BANKERS Portland, Oregon. Eetabtlahe4l 1H. n. Tr"ct a General Banking Bualneea. SAVINGS BANK DKPAHTMINT. Barm,, booka laauad on savlnas deposit a. Interest paid Oa time deposlta THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Eatabllshed 1114. Head Offloe, Sao Frtnrti Capital paid up 14,000.000 Surplus and undivided profile $l.l,lia Genersl Hanking and Exohange Business Transacted. Intereat ca lima Depoaita. 8A VINOS DEPARTMENT Accounta may be opened of and lp ,w ward. I'ortland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. I1LR. MACREA Manager J. T. HUKTCHAKLL Ass t Managee MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 1'ortlund. Oregoa , f FRANK WATSON... President I R. L DURHAM Vlee-Preatdeiil R. W. Ho VT Caalner GEORGE W HuYT. .Aaalatant Caahler T., . K. C CATCHINO Seoond Asslauint Cashier. , , iransacts a General Ranking Bualneaa. Drafts and Letter of Credit leaned. Available to All Parte of the World. Collection a Specialty. TJIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Vac I do Coal A CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 11.600.000.00. DEPOSITS. U4,000,000.0 A. L. MILLS J V. NEWK1RK President . . .Caahler W. C. ALVORD., B. F. STEVENS. ...Aaalatant Caahler Second Ass t Caahler TRUST COMPANIES SLCITRITT SAVINGS A TRUST CO. 184 Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon. Transact a General Banking Bualneea. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inter, est allowed on Time and Savlnga Accounts. Acta aa Truatee for Estate Drafts and Letters of Credit Available on All Parta of the World. V F- ;M8 President I U A. LEWIS Flrat Vlce-Preeldenl MlLLS...Bcond Vice-President R. C JUB1TZ Secretary. ' GEO. E. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary ' UONDH AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal, Railroad and Publl; Service Corporation Bond DOWNING-HOPKLVS COM PAN T Established 1 8'2 BROKERS. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wires ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main IT. HOTEL PORTLAND. EUROPEAN plan only. 13. 15 day. Hotel okeoon eUropkan clan. LOOE COMPLETE TEST READING. 60o Are happy, why not youT Ar luckv. why not you? Are loved, why not you? The prophetess, Viola Marshflcld, will tell you why, and ndvlsa vou what to do. 2414 MORRISON HT . MKT 3d and 4lli. Hotel imperial, fur ii and up. BKLVKDERE. European. 4th and Alder. llkf.l.KVl E Kt H 4T1I AND SALMON Overbeck & Cooke Company! co1Uc'h,bu!d,,?4,th KwaS3S.U GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COT f ON, STOCKS AND BONDS. ,. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS, contlnuoua Marketa by Private Wlro. Quick Servlca GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. HARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS MADS to order. Portland Hardware Co. 74 6th. INSURANCE ISAAC I. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 144 Sherlock bldg. J AH. Mcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA blllty and Individual accident security bonds of all klnda Phona 47. 103 Mc Kay bid-. CONSULT THE BEST. THERE 18 BUT ONE In order that nil may have the oppor tunity to conault him, fee reduced this week to the Nominal Sum of $1, JEWELERS ASS A VERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. IS Mor rlaon c DR. INA NEWCOMB OF LONDON. Celebrated beauty compounds, London formulas, skin food, face bleach, rice powder, hair tonics compounded nnd eoid by me exclusively In America. 303 Fleld- AHSTRACT8 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. Main 660. A-4222 730 Cham, of Com. 803 4 WASHINGTON ST. MRS. M. Ii PAT.MF.R. Scientific palml!, clairvoyant and trance medium, continues to Klve her marvelous r-ndinga on all affaire of life. 29 North 3d t . Kround floor. SC5 WASH. FINE 8PECTA-Ele-ln watches 16. Repairing. LEAVING PORTLAND. Rosaburg Passenger g:lS a. m. ,t,,t.,.ae "cove Pasaenger . 4:11 p. m. California Exprcas 7.46 p. in. Ban Francisco Kx press 11:10 p. to. WEST SIDE. Corvallla Passenger T;00 a. m. Sheridan Pkaaenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove passeiaer ...11:00 a. in. Forest Grov Paasenger ... 6:40 p. m. Southern Pacific ARRIV1NO PORTLANIX' I Oregon Express T:16 . aa. Cottar Grov Passenger. . 1 1 a. m, ( Koeehurg Passenger 6:10 p. m. Portland Expresx 11:00 p. W VVEfcT SIDE. I Corvallla Paaseager 6:31 n. m. Sheridan Puasender 10:30 a. m. Forest Grov I'aaaenger ... 1:04 a. m. 1 Foreit Grov Paangr ... 2 60 p. m. Jefferson Street DepoL ... 7:40 a. m. II Dallas to Portland 10:11 m. ... 4:1 p. m. Dallas to Portland 6:11 p. m. Oswego-Portland suburban Leaving Portland at &:3J a. m.. hourly train during morning and afternoon. Last train leavea depot for Oswegu at 11:10 p. m. Portland to Dallas. Portland to Dallas. Northern Pacific Taeoma and Seattle Exp.,.. 1:10 a. m. Nort.i Coaat St Chicago Lira. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:10 p. m. Overland Express 11:4ft p. m. LOCKSMITHS. LOCKSMITH. UMBRELLA REPAIR ing. Dave'. Washington, corner 12th. LEATHER AND FINDINGS MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER. AT 125 Main a'.. 25c. I'hon e Main 75 4 8. MARIAN COREL!.!, PALMIST AND trance medium. ;'J84 Washington at. COAL AND WOOD ACCOUNTANTS. SECOND-HAND, TEAM HARNESS FOR i ncr hldg , 10th and Wash. Main 7721 Keller Harnea Co., 6th near Bale. Pavl. 1 WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF A good team for Hb feed, light work. Phone Mulii &S,1. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK days lor cro or 4 cows, a giving miiK a lot or rurnitur to uae. k-u.ii ai K. Clay at. LTiTlES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlcheters Pills, the Diamond Hrana. For 25 yenrs known ns best, safest Alwaya reliable. Take no other. Chlchenters Diamond Brand Pills ar Bold by druRglsts everywhere COMMERCIAL WORK GENERALLY; investigation, factory costs; lumber office Bvatema a specialty; references; B. W. Barnes. 508 Worcester bldg. B. W. GAGE, ROOM 30, RALEIGH bide. 6th and Wash.. Kcnoral account ing-, balances nnd statements furnished. SLAB WOOD, BIG LOAD, $2. UNION FUEL COM Foot of Montgomery st Phone Main 2143. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF 8 LA It wood call Main 4?6. Oak, ash. fir and coal. Portland Wood A Coal Co., 16th and Bevler sts. FOR CHARCOAL. CALL M. 6963. NO order too small for prompt attention. Prompt delivery. Foot of Curry st. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. House and blackumith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phona Main 1011 CHARLES L. MAETICK & CO., FRONT and Oak sts.. leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters: flndlnga. MONEY TO LOAN Don't Be Broke Money is our stock we have plenty of It your loi the asking. A few hours' preparation and the money la yours. You can raise the money you need on your household furniture, piano, fix ture, etc., without removal or on your salary by givlnK us your plain not and without me Knowledge ot anyone. North Const Limited Portland Exprea ... Ovetland Express , ... Puget Soiynd Limited . T:00 a. ra, . 4:11 p. m. . 6:15 p. m. .10:11 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Pendleton Pasaenger 7:15 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 1:30 a. m. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Ksn. City A Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer 1:00 a. m. ChV.. Kan. City ft Port, Bk.. :45 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 1:20 p. m. Portland Passenger 6:11 p. m. Astoria ft Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp.. Astoria Express 1:00 6:00 a. m. II Aatorla uc Port Passenger. 12:1 1 p. m. p. m. l Portland Cxpre 10:06 p. m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co, C. P R. Short Line, via Spok. 7:00 p.m. Via Seat., Vic & Vancouver. 4:10 p.m. Via bumti 1L4& p. m. C. P. R. 6hort Line, vl Spok. 1:00 a.m. Via Van.. Via and Seattle... 4:15 p.m. Via Sumaa and Seattl 10:65 p.m. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS isEN'EN FRESH MILK COWS FOR eale, A No. 1 stock. J. A. Zimmer man, Mllwaukle, Or. R. D. 1, box 45. Dr. Philip T. Bail Paralysis goitre, rheumatlam, nervous. sa.i chronic, spinal and female diseases. J I 603 FIFTH STREET, COU. SHERMAN. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NOV CHARLES L. PARRLSH. PUBLIC Ac countant, notary public 311 Marquam hldK Phones Main 6222. A-4685. la t i:,rmn F.nrfHfih trr.neh Spanish. Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign booka of all klnda Schmale Co.. 229 First t. VTm. SALE A GENTLE JERSEY cow; give z gauoiis. rnone r.c11 I TJoN T BE DL'LCAND INACITVE: Sexlne I'll la cure all weakness; II a bo ., 6 for 15; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Ciemensoti Drug Co., 1241 or inquire at Woodlawn Drug fitoro for C. E. Stout. i.Yrt stAI.E COW. ALSO nt'CKrf AN'D I t-lilckpns: any number. First house i Portland. Or north of railroad, VVybeig lne AUTOMORILE8 COVEY WALLACE MOTOR CO.. Dis tributor Pierce Great Arrow, full 1w eled Corbln and Cadillac 16th and Alder. Ol?BGtN MOTOR CAR CO.. AUT0MO blle and garape; abaolutely fireproof bulldins. 10th nnd Stark. Phone A-4650. ART oTrFAim'COW FOR SALET Minnesota avftj T30 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FINEST LINE OF FRAMED AND UN framed pictures ever exhibited In Portland. On account of the financial flurry this beautiful atock must be old In the next thirty days, regardless of cost Plcturo fromlng a specialty. The Art Emporium. 348 Alder, near 8th. " HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL? CALL UP PACIFIC 793. Is there anything you want to buy' Come and ee us at Twentieth nd Washington sts. Our prices always the lowest. WESTERN SALVAGE CO. LaYTON COOPERAGE CO. ALL . kinds of barrel anO bottle bought snd sold. 43 N. Front. Phone Main 3147 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUY furniture stoves. The Dollar. 232 1st. ONE GOOD LAUNCH HULL, 1126. One 60-foot launch. 12,700. Wanted, several launches to fill orders. Heyes Engine & Launch Co.. 171 Msdl- eon t.. phones Mpln 7408, Home A-S367. , HO.LDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURK Ladies dr. Sanderson's savin and cotton root pills; only safe and aur remedy for delayed periods; 12 per box, or 3 boxes for 15. Dr. Pierce, 1S114 1st St. THE ORIENTAL DOCTOR THE CHI nese Medicine Co., cure acute, chronic and private diseases of all kinds, either men or women. 260 4 3d at. j ist opened LittLe palace Massage parlors. Full line of baths, chi ropody. 87 6th at., one block from Waah. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50c Ladies' skirts pressed. 50c Gil bert, 106 4 Sixth st next to Quelle. Phone Malh 2088. GENTLEMAN WISHES ACQUAINT ance young widow lady having own home; lady with Uttlo girl preferred; objeot matrimony. Address Box 61, city. PROF. G. 8. DOVE, PHRENOLOGIST, reader rmi teacher; classes Monday and Friday rveninga; 15 years' experi ence. 409 Washington st. ri st. 1 PEC I A LI ST. EXPERT MOULDING AND 8TATU- ry .work, plaster cast and orna ments. Antique, urecian, itoman ana Florentine, o. Adami tjo., 34 coiumoia. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B JONES CO Wood nd. coal. Ill Eaat Water at MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO., WOOD AND coal. 160 Water at. Phone Main 8270 When In need of money It will pay you to get It from us on payment plan. It coat you less and gets you out of debt. Confidential loans made to ladles on their personal i,otu no Inquiries any where. Do not hesitate to call for particulars you will be courteously treated whether vou borrow or not. Hutton Credit Co. 612 fflfth floor) Dekum Bldg. X.NIAS rr t TT.T.ir.rtEI.LE PATTERSON. SPE ciallst on nervous, acute and chronic diseases. 217 fenton Ding, racinc nau UrTR. B. NORTHRUP, 415-16-17 DE kum bldg.. Id and Washington sta. Phone Main 34. KxaminaMnn rree. PLUME ERS COAL INDEPENDENT COAL & ICE Co. 361 Stnrk. Main 710. QUICK D VERY. LAB OR CORI): wood. Steel Bridge Fuel Co., East 424. EASTERN 'FUEL CO., W00D7CaALT 63 Union ave. N. B 1314. FIR WOOD. 4 FOOT, CORD 15. Moore. 401 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 8426. XMA.H ! MONEY XMAS MONEY XMAS MONEY MONEY CLEANING AND DYEING KERAM1C STUDIO. CHINA PAINTING and firing; orders taken ror A mas. Mra. Maruiey, it. 84. 3SU4 ftiorr. M. 74( HA'Np CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN antique furniture, repairing. 628 Waah. CHKISTENSKN ART CO., 376 STARK. Main 4201, A-K 217. Frame and rramlng. L HEROER, STUDIO. 6444 WASH.; oil paintings, landscape and portraits. ATTORNEYS PIOGOTT, FINCH & BIGGER. ATTOR- neys at law, 4 Mumey DiagM corner Zd and Morrison sta. GILLIAM & GILLIAM, ATTORNEYS at-Inw. 720 C. of C. bldg. Main 5101. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. LAW collections 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 130. DR. T. J. PIERCE. SPECIALIST. Dis eases of women; all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; charges moderate. 1814 1st, cor. Yamhill. cure for rheumatism. druggists. Sold by all Ikon bed ta.fto, springs n.as, mat- tress 11.50, dresser 17.50, mantel bed 16.50. Anstey ros . 325 1st. Fao. 1978. CLEAN-. WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING purpose. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co.. phone Sellwood titt FOR BALE A FINE PARLOR GRAND piano, little used, tor less man nan frlce. H. Slnsheimer. 'Z sa st. TOVE DOCTOR WE REPAIR. PUT In colls or exchange, buy or sell Moves 2S2 1st. The Dollar. Main 6374 At One Half Price All watches, Jewelry, diamonds, vio lins, guitars, for this month only at Uncle Myers. 143 3d. near Alder. VEHICLES. FARM WAGONS, HORSES, milch cows, single and double harnes ses, heavy and light. 350 Flanders. IAIRS AND bOO ON THE DOLLAR extension tables at the peoples' Fur niture House, 2134 Front st. We buy and sell everything. Main 4290. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR ROSES. OR der manure from Smith's. Main B683. Calendar pads for i908. bates- Wight Co.. 160 6th st. FOR SALE 70.000 SECOND HAND brick, well cleaned; will sell part or whole of lot at 14 per thousand. Inquire F. C. Barnes, room 428 Worcester bldg. Telephone Main 7151. , WILL EXCHANGE NEARLY NEW T typewriter for high-grade rolr-top desk; will pay cash difference. M-98, Journal. ; FOR SALE CHEAP BRAND NEW 21 . foot launch, 6 horse-power, two-cylinder engine; a bargain. A. T. Whitman, j foot of Thurman at. . , . 'ONE NEW 115 OSBORN 'MANDOLIN; 119 course of lessons for 120 cash; need the money. Call Woodlawn 83 . PERSONS OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE. either sex, desiring acquaintance, send 25c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, room 3. 1814 1st st., city. DR. BING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for nil diseases. 11 L 2d St.. between "'amhlll and Taylor LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 cents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. A. H. TANNER, ATT Y., 609 COMMER- clal block, 2d and wash. Main 1446. GRfiY RICHARDSON, 518 CHAMBER of Commerce. Practice in all courts. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND Kreta! are sold by A. B. Bloomer. 190 4th st Phone Main 89S2. JUST OPENED MANICURING AND facial massage parlors. Room 6, 145 4 6th st. a BIRKENWALD A CO., 104-809 EV erett st, largest butcher supply house on the coast write for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekum, 131-133 1st st, carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest market prices. BLANKS-BOOK MAKERS h7jWeTTAVIS"& klLHAM. YoB-llf ID st Blank books manufactured; agts. for Jons' Improved Loo-Leaf ledg er; e the new Eureka leaf, the beat on the market THE HEILIG HIGH GRADE CLEAN lng wor of all kinds In our line, 1414 Wash st A-6703. Main 8365 PAN-CO-VESTA CLUB 174 WEST Parle M-8242; A-6027. Sponge and press your clothes, 11.50 per month. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED7 Unique Tailoring Co, tl per month. ten Stark st. K W; TURNER. DYER CARPETS ouo Jefferson st Ma dyed a specialty. in zbk. FEA THERS AND FEATHKRTT(Tas cleaned, curled and dyed. Work called for and delivered. M. 2376. 754 Water. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS J. J. RANKIN. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, JOBBING AND REMODELING A SPECIALTY. 287 FRONT ST. PHONE MAIN 6533 NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL BEFORE CHRISTMAS RUSH 13 ON. SALARY LOANS FROM HO TO 1100. A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION. "GIVE THEM MONEY!" IT'S CHEAPER AND MUST SATISFY EVERY ONE. "TRY IT!" BUY PRESENTS WITH IT WHEN UNCERTAIN. "DON'T DELAY." STATE SECURITY COMPANY". 704 DEKUM BLDG.. SEVENTH FLOOR. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS. XMAS XMAS XMAS XMAS MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 211 2d. bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main zooi. DONNERBERG & RADEMACHER Re moved lo rvo. gua surniiu. ei. PATENTS PATENTS. TRADE MARKS REOIS- tered. expert advice free. A. J. Mat ter, 618 Commonwealth bldg,, 6th and Ankeny. , PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS Paint Co. Window glass and glaxtng. 115 1st t. Phone 1234. ANGELL & KEEP. CONTRACTOR AND Duimers. 2u union ave. Phone" East 4S85. Jobblna. renairlnor reshlnirlinv rtea. peon ptio, or woodlawn 60. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX ture; general jobbing. 67 1st t Phone Main 1190. CHIROPRACTORS DR. L. M. GORDON. GRADUATE P. S o., xv-o oreg. bldg. Phone A-1953. DR. G. S. BRIETLING GRADUATK P. 8. C. 900 Marquam bldg. A-1622. i MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest latea, eaalest payments; oltlces in 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOL.MAN, 223 Abtngton Bldg. 106 4 3d st. 1 HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON PORT- land roul estate. Security In sums of from $1,000 to 150,000 on downtown property and from 1500 to 110,000 on residence propetry. I might consider good timber and farm loans. Address R-87, Journal. BALA UV LOANS STRICTLY CONF1- dentlal; easy to get and easy to pay. T. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 2S6H Washington St. PRINTING WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCU ments Ileattle & Hofmann. 204 Stsrk. 6'OILUEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Main 1 858. 145 4 1st. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED mid unimproved, real estate; lowest ratea of Interest. Louis Solomon, 233 Stark Ht., near 2d. JUST OPENED MANICURING AND facial massage parlors. Room 5, 145 4 6th st. BATHS EXPERIENCED MASSEUSE GIVES massage baths. Room 14. 8514 Mor rison, formerly of 224 4 Washington. THE SNOWDEN BATHS," 145 4 6TH st. rooma 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths. electrlo treatments. Lady attendant. MISS ETHEL WARD. MANICURIST and chlroDOdist. has removed from 8514 Morrison st, to 2014 8d St. IMPERIAL HOTEL TURKISH BATHS. Open day and night. Everything new. Ladies' days Monday, Friday, 12 to 6. BEAUTY PARLORS MISS MARCELLA LE ROY, 2914 AL- der street, room 4. Massage and scalp treatment MRS. O. CORNELIUS, SPIRITUAL ME- dium. Beinng-Mirscn biag., luui ana Washington. HOLDEN'8 RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Bold by au drugglsta 4-FOOT CHD1STMAS TREES FOR sale cheap; delivery when desired. Newman, 410 East Main. FOR SALE TWO tNCUBATORS AND one) brooder, cheap. : P-10l, Journal. I FOR. SALE AND EXCHANGE - IIOUSB AND LOT IN CITY FOR A 'small farm, pilose In, -ft ft 1st 8W.S ; TURKISH BATH8, 800 OREGONIAN Vkl Arm la4loa rla va ararx 1 aman m t rr t as Main 1968. ilRS. 6EIP, CLAIRVOYANT AND psychonjetrlat, 302 Alisky bldg.; splr Itunl test circles Tuea., Firl. eves. MRS. OHROCK, MASSEUSE, CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref- erences. 2824 Park. Main 2403, A-1734. LADIES' BARBER SHOP MANJCUR jng, facial massage. 54 4th etr PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UN FORTH nate glrlsj goofl care. , Mllner bldg. OLGA LANDEN, FINNISrl MASSAGE. steam baths. Room 18-16 ' Selllng Hirsch bldg.. Wash.; cor. 18th. A-2387, MOLES. WRINKLES, fiUPERFLUoUS hair removed. ilra. HUL.83d Fleidner, Frakes, 409 Washlnrtoii St. Marcel waving, (wide English wave), halrdresslng. clipping, singeing and shampooing. Scalp treatment, (hand or electricity) facial massage, electric vibratory, English vapor and colored light process; manicuring, 26c DANCING PROF. RINGLER DANCING ACADEMY: wibci acnooi: ciass or private les ons dally. 8884 E Morrison Phone DANCING INSTRUCTIONS" MORTGAGES;"" FIRST OR SECOND liens Hnd other real estate securities d iscounti'd. It. E. Noble. Commercial blk. yTTtrK LOANS ON ALL "SECURITIES. S. W. King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS, 6 per cent. American Adjustment Co., Fen ton bldg. MuNKYfb LOAN ON ALL KINDS of security. WUUara Holl, room 9, WashlnKton bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR BEST WORK, PRICES RIGHT, call P. A. Doan, East 1095, 104 Union ave. TRANSFER AND HAULING C O. PICK OFFICE 68 1ST ST, BE tween Stark and Oak at.; phone . Piano and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick war, house with separate Iron room. Front and Clsv sts. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. " " General transfer and mttirm m pianos and furniture, etc. moved, packed nA I ...... Ann . , . "u oiiiicu. u uui Bi., oeiweea jrrool " 11 int. F-imnp main o.i; A-Z2i7. THE FINEST 8TORAOE WARER6o.vf in the citv. most G.niraliv iru..,. City Transfer & Storage Co., 101 Front ' st. Main 62, or A-1162. . ROSE CITY TRANS. CO. ALL oft" ae,S. eii5n P'ony" attention. Jt llii s. E. 1371. J. cT Flndley, manager. PENINSULAR EXPRESS"" BAGGAGLI iiucr i. aiain 1171. iE10'?. TRANSFER CO, 114 N. ItC ". nrovy imuimg ana storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE 4b TRANS '-" o otorage Btarg, Main 407. W. M. JOHNSON TRANSFER ANDExt i'"-"- " union ave. Kaat 4441, B-I004 PONY EXPRESS CO. FREE"StOlLT nKqu qnya. in it. ig gi. M.7614. E.6145 TOWEL BUPPLI CLEAN TOWELS DAILY r)uw brush, soan. tl n mnnih ts.,il Laundry A Towel Bnnnlv en, .J Couch sts. Phone 4le TYPEWRITERS ROOFING ttv nnniriNa. guttering. RE ralrlna and general lobblna. J. Loall, 212 Jefferson st pacific 1424. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY. P. D. C. Co.. Z31 HtarK. rei ljur REAL ESCATB X M, Pitteager & Co, 263 Russell st Phone E. 4649. Fire insurance, loans, real estate. J. W OG1LBEE. REAL ESTATE AND loans; established 1883. 1454 1st, room 11. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon. W. W. Espey. 319 Commercial MM MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND suburban property from 1500 up by private party. BI 6 Commercial Mdg1. EVKltV afternoon. 1:80 to 4 MnrlnrU hull Wash, at 28rd. Prof. Carter rrlncln.il. I SALARY LOANS M'MINN'S DANCING ACADEMYTldUL key bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. ' I LOAN'S ON REAL, CHATTEL OR COL ! Intern! security. W. A. Hut ho way. 10 i Washington bids. lowest Rate at Employes' Loan .Co.. 718 Dekum. SPHINX AGENCY. REAL ESTATE and timber: room 3vs tnaraoer oi Commerce bldg. W WOLFSTE1N. DEALER IN REAL estate and rents collected. 110 lt st SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASED OF EVERY DESCRIP tion: bank, bit and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufactur ing Co.. Portland. A. MSBA J?.Ifa REPAIRED. sold P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark TeC I 407. UPHOLSTERINO AND REPAIRING renovating, repair shopt matrasses re- made In one day. 127 11th. Main 119. WHOLESALE JTOBBEltS M. A. GUNST A rn DISTRIBUTORS OF mtf EVERDING & FARRKLL. .PRODUcia and commission merchants, 146 Front st. Portland. Or. Phone Main 17. OREGON FURNITURE ture for the trade. Portland. Or. TL A XT T T . . t i turlnff Co. Manufacturer ol fwml- W ADHAM8 & CO.. WHOLESALE OR cers, manufacturer and commission merchants 4th and Oak t 'V,H1'0 ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchant, Front and Da via sts., Portland, Or. WHOLESALE f!HnrVffuv . Isnaor""1"' Pra01" H'gel C- T LEW1S-STENGER BARBERS' StiPPL? Ca barbers upplle. barber' furnl ' ' ' ivtn nnq worrison. Bates-wight co.. calendars 'ailT vertlslng noveltle. lifl , tth at . - - " DRESSALAKJNG CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpet cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THai Electric Cleaning work: carpet cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2672 and A-2672.- 170 Grant at KAN If AR Y CARPET CLulANlNG, BUG tion and compressed air combined'; carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6634. Main 3200. i CHIROPODISTS f WILLIAM DEVENY AND ESTELLE Deveny, ine oniy scientuio chtropocr- Iste. parlolji 201 Drew hldg. 162 2nd t CHIROPODY; AND PEDlCURiNG. Uib. Ii. U Hill. J30 Fleldnr bid. , MRS. EMMA 3. THOMAS, MODISTE. Tailor-mad ults and party gowns a specialty. 63 Wash, big. Pac. 727. EXPERIENCED D It B S S M A K E R wlshe engagement by the day. Mis Larsen. Phone Main 8868; A-3865. DRESSMAKING WORK GUARAN teed; reasonable price, 240 4th. A 4823. Pac. 276. LOAN FOR THE Ao KING SALARY OR chattel. The 'oan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. THIf JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 2H3 Couch St. Paciric 2181. R. H BIRDSALL, DESIGNER, AGT, M. Winter uumoer co.. i namnton Diag MUSICAL NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. Z. M. Parvln. Mus. Doc, 35 Russel bldg. Voice culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint PIANO, VIOLIN, CORNET, TROM bone, clarinet Professor E. A. Smith, 292 1 2th st. Home A3360. SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large line- carried. Lock-outs opened. Jack, jails, metal furniture. Both phones. J K. Davis. 66 8d. MME. HOFMAISTER TEACHES FIRST Class cutting With Storev'a ladles' tailoring system, 670 Couch st. MADAME ANGELES clflc 962. -243 FIFTH. PA- UP-TO-DATE. HIGH-CLASS DRESS maklng. 340 4th: Pac 2776. A-4323. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL W. M. MILLER. V. 8 . VERERINARIAN. 26 N. th st. Office 227 Flander. Phone Main 7846. Dlt a B. BROWN. D. C H. DOGS and horse hospital, lot N. 6th st twain 4tit CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for home and Cog. 269 Gliaan t Phone Main 1484. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. THE GREAT SCOTT DETECTIVE agency guarantees success. 109 2d t, room 4. Pao, 11?. - Res. Main f 405. 6" ' EMIL THIFLHORN. PUPIL OF PROF. Otakar Sevcik. violin and viola teacher 33-1. Pine. Tel. Pacific 2989. FftOF.TE. LAWSON, 168 lSTH ST. Piano lessons reasonable. Main 4663 MORTGAGE LOANS AND BONDS. "OR?QAGE LOANS AND BONDsT" CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., 109 4th St.. near Wash. FIRE PROOF AND BANK SAFES AT iactory trices. Becona-nana . sales. une Mosier eaie jo., lus xa St. SIGN AND - SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER, SIGNS. THS largest sign makers in the northwest 6th and Everett sta. rhon Prlv, Ex, 64. nome A-iioD. "SIGNS THAT ATTRAftrCWiHT! land Sign Co.. 28T Stark. Pacific 1596. MONUMENTS NEU & KINGSLEY, 268 1ST, PORT land' leading marble and granite wks. NOTARY PUBI40 C F. PFLUGER. NOTARY PUBLIC. commissioner of' deeds. Deutsche notarlat R. 14 MulKfey bldg, 2d and Mor, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR & DUFUR. 1Q4 WELLS-FAROO ' bldg. Phone A-633S; largest and most complete tenographio office 4a west SEWING MACHINES. FOR AN XMAS PRESENT BEET THE East Side Sewing Machine comnanv! they will ave you money; no Interest, 1 no collector; Singer, Wheeler & WilsuSa KivKi9.n.fi Buaiiuy usea macnnies very cheap, gss E. Morrison near Grand ave. Phone- East 2369. f Open every evening until January 1. 1908., v STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and ero tng. 314 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING C'H cf PorllanO. Cue t jj Worceht-r 1 ' '. CASTLE ROCK 3IAN ON TRIAL AS TO SANITY ,f 8peclal Dispatch to The Joornsl.) . CastJe Rock. Wash., Dec. 17. Alfred Johnson of this place fa today being tried at Kalama for Insanity. Mr. John son went to Kalama Monday to he present a the defendant in a suit brought against him for debt. He lost the sultjand after court adjourned for th-s day. went to the Kalama hotel, ac companied by his wife .and secured a room. . Aa soon as they were in the room Johnson clammed the door, seised his wife and tried to choke her. Her screams brought assistance, and John son was at once taken to tail. A few days ago a neighbor went Into Johnson's restaurant to get pier of meat. Some discussion arose ever tha weighing of the meat' and Johnson be came so angry that he seised a butcher knife and used It with such f,rc tht the handl slipped. lotting hi band come In contact with the blsds, whkh cut his finger nearly off that a surgeon's assistance wa required. The crippled condition of the hand probably hai something to do with hi nut ii) ce?ding in choking his wife. Excessive, ua of alcoholic liquor I . alieaed u p cause of Joliauoii tor), ditlon. w , , . First Snow at Con dun. Special Ptrteb-' to lie Ji.r.rpiuJ ) CVfndnn. Or.. I '. 17. "J .- r n of the seis-Jii I- failing I. ". ,1 f