- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENINO, DECEMBER 16. 1907. I V PEACEPROMOTER 5 HUJEf HERE IX'loatcs Next September Will Hold National Con vent ion in Portland Portland has bean choaen the meeting place for the flrat natlonnl convention of tha National Indu-trlal Peace aaaoclatlon. and tha delegatee will convene In tha Roaa City next Brp tember to discuss tha work of I ha or ganisation. 1hl announcement waa made bv T. II. 8cu!lcn. national organ Is r and manager, wno alao stated that Portland will become tha natlonnl head- quartara of the labor pence aaaoclatlon. Mr. Bcullen arrived from S.lem Sat urduy, where a branch order was organ lied luat week. Ha will leave nest week for Pendeton and Astoria, where branches will be oraaniscd. Klnre his visit In I'orttand last sum mer the sssoclailon haa drafted a na tional charter and tha following na tional board of directors has been sp mil riled from the. roust states: Wsshlngton John II. McQraw. presi dent Beanie Chamber or commerce; u. II. Revi-lle prealdent Kt-attle Commer rial club: William Jones, president TV coma Chamber of i'ommerce; J. Allen flinlth, professor polltlcsl science, State university; " A. Perkins, publisher. Ta coma; J. H. Lyons. M D.. president Wsxhlnaton State Medical association. California Oeneral Theodore Belch- erl, vice president United mutes M f I Ana I hank Han Vrinrlim: ' If Rant " ley, president Han Kianclaco Chamber of nmm-rce. Alfred Htlllmsn, cnaumsn Han Francisco rtosrd of I'nderwrlters; J. I. Mcdaughey. publisher, Stockton; 'V. 8. Gates, secretary Hoard of ( hs Ti tles and Correctional It. H. Mowbray. I'nlted States National Bank; Kalrfm II. Wheelan, vice president Southern Pacific Milling enmpsny. Oregon Bsmuel . Reed. prcnldut Portland Chamber of Commerce. Walll Nash, president Portland Hoard of Trade; Chsrles II Merrlc, scrretar" Orocers' atd Merchants' association; Andrew C. Smith, president )ilbtrnU Savings bank; Iletiry B. Thtelsen. presi dent Hslem Hoard of Trade; Otto Kle man. secretary Oregon Chapter AmciV can Institute of Architects. Affiliated with the directorate are: Albert E. Mead, governor: Hiram K. Hadley. chief Justice supreme court; Julius Atkinson, attorncy-ifcneral ; Wal lace Mount, Judge supreme court, Wash ington; Frank W. Bllgcr. president Oakland chamber of commerce: Frank H. Kennedy, Moline Plow company; (Jeorge F. Hudson, mayor of Stockton; F. J. Hymmes, presiuent Merchants" as sociation, San Francisco, California; Oeorge K. Chamberlain, governor; R. S. Pean, chief Justice state supreme court; F. A. Moore, biwii late Justice supreme court; A. W. Crawford, attorney-general, Oregon. Mr. Kcullen will leave fur Washing ton, I. '., ns soon ai he has arranged his work here, to enlist the aid of federal authorities in the Industrial peace movement. He has letters of In troduction to President Roosevelt and all cabinet officers and to the Oregon. Washington and California delegations to congress from state officials, prom inent business men and commerclnl boil I eg of the Pacific coast. What Time Is It Dy VOUR Stomach? If Your Stomach Doci Not Strike "Mtal Timer Three Timee Day, It Usually Means Dyspepsia. sow to mm .fjt-huqt. Aa a rule all hours of tha day look alike, and feel Ilk, to tha dyspeptic. Thera la no hankering for breakfast, no rnawlna- for lunch and no mouth-water fug for dinner. Disgust takaa tha place of dealre, and tha clock Itself at meal time reflects the owners grumpy face. If before breakfast, before dinner and before supper you do not feel a happy- hungry feeling and lonatng for food. and feel that you could eat almost any thing put before you. you have a symp tom of dysoetisls. If during your meals you still have an aversion to food, or feel hunary and not huncrv at thn same time, you have a very pronounced case of dvspcrisla. It after your meals you real hioateti or gassy, or you have heartburn and palna In your stomach, or you feel gurvly brash rising In your throat, you have a chronic i-aae of dyspepsia, and you have had It a long time, probably without realizing It. For all these thins there Is a sure cure, a i ur that will make mealtime an awaited pleasure, and the meal Itself a soothing luxiirv Tills Is true bei suae the cure. Stuaits Ovspepsla Tablets, ontaln just the elements which a good. strong, heslthy stomach hss. Kach little tablet Is enough to digest onu grains of food, thoroughly and well Just as though you bad no stum- h at all. Stuart's livspepsin Tablets actually do all the work of a healthy stomach. They digest If your stomach can't. They i digest everything Take one or two after each meal and know what It is to have the luxury of perfect ingestion and atop Irritation, belching, bloat and brash, and that EE OS OF TfJpTOR Jlau Is (Jiven Knowledge of Power of Being Back of All Things. Heart Troubles The heart may be weak just the same ns the eyes, stomach or other organs. It often happens that a person is born with a weak heart. Then aeain dis ease, fevers, over-exertion, anxiety, nervousness, rheumatism, etc. weaken the heart. The result is shortness of breath, pal pitation, pain in the heart, or in some of the nerves From the text "Acquaint, now. thy- nf iUn l1ncf K,J, self with him and ho at peaca." Job ' II:2I. R-v Benjamin Voting. 1 l j J.J1C 110011 SllOUld DO SSS m P.r,,H,r,fh""" "l ",c -"y,r strengthened with a tonic, "A friend s.iys to the patriarch Job:; 811(1 1 Of t IllS Hot IllTlCT OOUalS JJr. jMiles Heart Cure. TEACHINGS OF CHRISTIAN SYSTEM To Know God Haa Ili-cn flic IN-alr of the Mind for Agra Fury of th Klemcnts Taken aa Keprracn tatlona of Power. 'I know what Is wrong You don't know God well enough. This suffering and trial and sorrow will not affect you ao seriously If you will study to appre ciate: (loil. "Oet acquainted with him and be ut pence. The Christian system teacnes ins i conimunlcablllty of (iod. It says thst I Ood Is more than foxre. lie Is more ' than the all II.- Is mi.rc than the un- ) knnwnhle. Ood Is more than the prima mover or the cause of muses, or even the supreme. Christianity emphasliea ( personality snd fatherhood. It says: , Ood Is, snd that he is the rewarder of I them that diligently seek him. It says further thst revelation Is possible. It I affirms that the being who made man i can reveal himself to his knowledge It ne- "T bd IsOlnpe lust fall aa I thought in a mll.l form I was weak, tired feeling, and "hurt of breath: could hardly go about, and a good deal of the time sort of un asthmatic) breathing and cxtr.melv nervous I began taking Pr. Miles' lUart Cura and Nervine and now 1 feel so much better In every way I am so thank ful that I hegnn Liking this medicine, and shall not hesitate to te othera how much goo, it has done me " MKH F J NORTON. Frecvflle, Nw Tort Your druggist lelli Dr. Mllei' Heart Cure, and ma authorlx him to return price of first bottle (only) If It falls to benefit you. Ileves that the law giver is greater J Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ifld man m i.w. j Teaches Kerelatlon. "Not only does religion leaeh that " "-aa rsvelatlon Is possible, but that It Is ' hlahlv nrobahle It Ih unite reasonable knows what was s.ill You mav In t he to suppose, in view of mini's power, anil ')Ulet of your room sob out our con the fact that he ts made In the Image icssion to ( rutst nint know tluit '-on are of the Divine, that he at some lime or : forgiven and he will never tell It to any other be given knowledge or a revela- oik." tton of the power and the wisdom and 1 the love of the being back of all things, j ('()R'K KX PKUIFVCK It seems to me that the view or the, man who says he believes In a supreme be- In, ami vet shuts him un to some work tol Seeks to llrlng Out (he Host In the far past and to that alone, Is II- ' There Is In t's. '""When mil t,.ke Into consideration! At ,h" morning serv lee at the Hrst the greatness and dignity of man, the j Congregntlonal chun h yesterday K-v power ami acuteness of bis teasoii, the Luther R. I'vott.- 1 1 , took as his text sweep of his Imagination, the measure I ,,,'n ... ,. h a aspiration: when ,"' "''''V ' go except thou bless me " He snoke in m-nniiiiri., , . - - . . icij exeeiM inou mess me ti,,. ... ,.r ' ivhvs cai man or iook hi nis meoon itou . . - i.i .ua.ia.a .i ,i i . I s dI r 1 1 u a I eoiilpmi'tit; when you think of . live agents. him as the focal point and acme of all n(.n Trv several todav and let your atom- progress, it seems a very reasonable , ach be convinced, let yo,lr mind be at thing to expect that the t reator should who 3IHS. BLANCHE IRRIE AT WHITE TEMPLE Mrs. Itlan.he Irble Kofoed of I.os Angeles, California, has recently come to Portland and is considered a great addition to the musical circles of the lump of lead ' feeling Thev cure dys nepsla. Indigestion snd all stomach troubles. They contain absolutely of nothing hstmful Ith tiiese words Jacob addressed Infinite mystery. It Is an open ones among some of the thinkers as t or what that Infinite invsterv case. nn. I your face be rosy. be Interested In nm ana wining 10 re- B;(f( u ,hll, j.,,.ol hmHei, Stuarts Dyspepsia lablets at ny i v'ai nimrn ... oi... j,...,.. f would have used the word who. Hi drug store on earth, -nc box. J "To know ( ,od h en t d'"'''" believed that he was In contact with Send us your name and address todayVhe mind for ages I he luminous etl er () nn Rn(1 (na( .. nnd we will at once send you by mall the sun ana us nre me mo. m . ..., oln,.r thl(n (io(, s snmnle nnckagp free Address V. A. : "no us iiiiinoc. ....i.r ... Stuart Co., 1ft. i Stuart M.lg , Marshall Midi. At all druggists. Rc a box. PARTED IN WEEK; MARRIAGE MISTAKE representations of the power w th hh h n ((M(. of (hos(, .r(t, , beot.hanlei. Old Testa- men desired to be on Intimate terms. The great Parthenon of the Athenian acropolis Is debtor to the idea. The pleadings, the sacrifices and the strug gles of men of long ago nre exponential of the deep-seated yearnings of the human soul. Proofs of Truth. af s Mrs. Blanche Irbie Kofoed. city. She has a fine soprano voice and is a brilliant singer. The Seattle Times says: "Her voice is full and rich ar.d one feels that there is no limit to its capacity." Portland will be for tunate if she decides to make her home in this city. She will sing at the White aVmple Tuesday night. December 17, assisted by some, of Portland's best mu sical talent. The program is a varied one and the concert promlHee to bo a musical treat. Lewiston Closed Tight. trinlted P-osa Len-ed VTtre.) l.ewiston, Ida., Dec. 16. Lewlston ex perienced a tightening of the Sunday lid that made the oldest inhabitant's gasp. In addition to saloons being out of business every other place of buslJ ness except those permitted by law were shut. about which we read In th ment, is still another open question among some ncholars. (Mir work this morning Is practical rather than spec ulative, dogmatic or theological. "It is Interesting to observe. In the next place, how this experience, with which our text is connected, came to "15ut can a man know Oort f Does mv " was as uuiows: jaeon nan text ask an Impossibility? Revelation ' made discord In the harmony of donn-s- iwllh tts developmental History gives an " "". ui.mi.r oau 001 uone ' af irmatlvc answer The historical much better. I he young man had given i evolution of the Jewish race from Kx- away to dominant selfishness, und had odus to MaJ.'ichi speaks the same truin. iim.hu . ...iro.-e ... mis or.mier 1 1 The character of Jesus Christ standing wis .i miserable trick by which he had CMSTMAS RESENTS PREE! Save money by buying your boys' clothing of us we will With every purchase of a Boy's Suit or Overcoat Roller Skates, Watches, Magic Horns, Dancing chanical Toys of all Lanterns, Tops, Bears and Me- sorts S DJ UNG LEADING CLOTHIER Ilriflp Of FlVO DllVS T)felnrPS ' out In such perfect reality, marked In cheated his brother out of the birth 1)1 Hit 111 flit IM, " I"' , the ,,neunlent of .ynimetry and beauty, . right which belonged to that brother. To bring una iiowu 10 una . m m u That Wedded Bliss Not the I.eal Tliinar. men to Introduce men to Ood, to re- Planter. Jacob, to leave home. Jlo went veal the love and pity and Interest of i to 1 adan Aram. the Infinite Father In the children of . His life there was nn awkward par- ,s mnko It nosslt) C IOr men 111 " Jolllll i -ur.ii em, ti uirn (Speclsl Dlspitrta to The Jonrnil.) more effectually grasp Die Idea of ! ''''" episode but, withal, he had been to make n a n certain maniiesiauons m - m ,Cum,, the oast, and to throw light on the ,e' "e a to oecome (,m s man. Trenton. N. J . Dec. 1..- Stating to future this is --1-- lie must" ffll that place" Vie can" flU her matron of honor that she "had "d "haracter il l proclamation that the place only as God fills him. made a mistake." Mrs. Joseph Walker, a ! men can know the Father. The charac- i "Jacob had to return home. On his br.de of five days, has gone back to S f her mother s home, while the bride- Smcd the truth The prophecies ! would his brother do' Jacob was groom left today for his former home f,f i-ulah the vigor of Jeremiah, the i nfra'd. i onsclence was a powerful In Atlantic City. ' loyaltv of Daniel, the magnificent con- hearer Conscience does not make cow- Mrs. Walker was Miss Schaurer. and ! nUests of Paul and hlH coluborers. the rds f ".'' of ""' wbo have she was married to Walker a week ago ' Upntle PoivcatD facing death like one fIlr, don" "omethlng cowanlly. While by the Rev. Charles H. Elder. Because 1 "J , ! cient worthies, all affirm t hat Jeob was troubled and. let 4is believe, of objection on the part of the bride's , m-n can know God The martyrs of ix nuent lie nad the experience ile- . i. . , 1 iiipii v.m. niiyn v. . . - scr It--.) in the levl am tli.. i-int,v. iir.-iiiM me iwu rioptr.i. ll'arlhflH-e nnd Of Waul, or union ami 'l ' : , , The girl's mother for a time refused : Scandinavia of ,hp orient Hn,i ,llp or ,;volvlng KTV nvprram,'1 ,hlp "v", " to forgive the girl, but a few days later Jf, Mnlm its truth. The power be man. and he revealed the least wlth- vlslled rwr daughter. Then the newly , that' strengthens men to face the perils ln ..lY'T'' .. ,. ... , , . , , married couple quarreled, and Mrs. , iviH3te.i contact In various pirts , lM. ."' .' "lul . "r ,Jn Ilnu Walker went home. She refused to see i Li ,u' xa ,i..,..nn.t ,o tes it." ; n us .Man. at nis oest. desires it so, her husband ars old who called. Kach Is 23 STOIJM WASHES OFT SAND NEAR BUNKIIOUSE (Uulted Pret f.sastd Wlra.) Aberdeen, Wash.. Dec. 16. The se ver' storm or last Saturday night worked havoc along the shore on North Beach. At Pacific, a settlement a few miles south of Mocllps. the sands were hanlv wflKhHil out I Ii. tnrrflfl. q'i i-.. u avAn rfnahlnff over tlio I111 1 If A c I., ill, ' Hut, here is found the element of seem Ing opposition where, at times it an- pears to the superficial observer that tlod. himself. Is not for man. but ... . oa Object Frf'siui tO!atalnst him- I'rogress toward the best Life of Peter as UDject lesson io rr all lnankiI1(1 mPans Hll awfll Present Day Backsliders. . struggle. Man finds himself in con- t.. t 1,0, branched to n large 11 u- 5'" ' w,lN win hi in which ne lives dlence at the White Temple last night on the fall and restoration of Peter. Among other things tie sum UROl'GHKR ON SIDESTKIM'KHS. "Different denominations have dlf- Nature challenges him. and reminds him that he must pay the price In the struggle for the best. So in the realm of intellect. So ln the realm of the million 1 i,.,,,i .1, i . ,. .. . ..... ferent expressions for describing the r J VI " ...""L V Cn!;1 h alnKaMdVr0nV: pas. ' ,7 bn out Vh" call h m a jweks Idfr n hers mi ne ,(Ht (h(.re )s uR u fnJ nas raneri 1 " , " , ' ' A" the best and. in the meantime prepares he is out of communion. n cmKr to f .hnnlrt n, th. toprotcct the grounds of the citizens get a f r sh title I have ca ed such , a I hlm3rancP8 of n(e , , . ami we Christian a sme-siepper. " ' come each rebuff, or ating, thst bids us not sit or stand, but go, and find life's blessings In full measure that we may Impart it unto others. Poll Tax Tested. (United Press Leined Wire.) North Yakima. Wash., Dec. 16 The constitutionality of the city poll tax ordnance will be tested In the supreme court, A. A. N'lcol, formerly city engi neer, having taken an appeal from the decision of the Jury in the superior court, findlnr him guilty of a mlsde meanor for refusing to pay the J2 tax on demand of the tax collector. Hall Bonds Upheld. (Tidied I'ress leased Wire.) Walla Wnila, Wash., Dec. 16. A tele gram wns sent by City Clerk Hart to the Harris Trust company of Chicago, citing that the supreme court had up held the J10O.000 city hall bond issue and statlne that the city expected the company to live up to its contract. and undermining and currying out some '20 feet o the lots Engineers Recalled. MouVit Vernon, Wash., Dec. 16. The crew of surveyors which has been working between Burlington and Prai rie has been called to Seattle. This crew is a part of the same engineering corps that has been working through Whatcom county near Deming. The surveys row being made are perma nent and will connect Seattle. Everett and Mount Vernon with the Canadian road fit the bolder near Sumas. DELIGHTFUL SUNDAY TAKES MANY PEOPLE INTO WOODED DISTRICTS Schilling's Best is sold in packages only, never in bulk. Your grocer returns roor money If you don't like it; we pay him. Thousands of Portlanders took ad vantage of the delightful weather yes terday and spent the day wandering In the woods and among the hills, many of which are within walking distance of the city. Nearly all of the people came home carrying Oregon grape branches, holly and the various other adornments of the woods, so plentiful at this season of the year. Some managed to find small trees all of which will go to make up the Christmas decorations. The principal parties In the woods yesterday were made up of -twos us ually a young man and a girl. But Honied his Lord he stepped aside, got out of touch with the master and for the time being lost his peace and his power. "The first step away was self-confidence. He declared that if all the others ran away he would not. When a dis ciple begins to boast his own strength he has already turned his face to run. The second step, was un watchfulness. The third step was prayerlessness. Prayer is the key that unlocks the power of heaven and gives the Chris tian strength to resist temptation. The prnverless Christian Is out of touch with Christ. The fourth step was one of rash Im pulsiveness. He acted on Impulse and frequently did foolish things. He drew his sword and cut off the ear of the servart of the high priest. He did nof have religion enough to stand criticism. He followed afar off. He could not stand, reproof, therefore he resigned. He retired from active service. He stepped aside to see how things would go with out him. He probably dhi not realize that the farther he got away from J Christ the nearer he was?' to the devil. ! He warmed himself at the devil s 38! Santa Claus Will Be Here Wednesday Two S pedals there were also many parents with their entire families. And then there nrAf a Hrtiro I'liiino' and nisi T ta a. a ' i 5;r S.I1, ;. ..V".;.. : fir It was a cold nleht. It is always Btarted out In the morning and did not n co1'' "I?" wnn , a. f-hristian gets . .11 I..- ! , awnv from .Tp.-.iis ( bnst and tries to 1 I rriuru until iaie in i.ne aiiermiun. Jiav- "J . , .. , , , lng been taking constitutionals most of fir'l Ids comfort in a cold, old world, i the time Tbe devil has many a r(re at which n 1 All the suburban cars were filled last f''l r'nrlstlan can try to warm himself, j evenlna with neoole returnins- from the, The theatre, tne saioon, tne cance. trie ; homes of friends, and the woods and al most everywhere. Their arms, in most cases, were filled with the Oregon grape card table and various other worldlv amusements are too often places where Christians lose their snirituallty and and others were fortunate to get I become inmrrerent io nnsi ana nu branches of mistletoe which It is ns. cause. aumed, is to be -put to an appropriate use curing tne nonaays. KEEP YOUR MONEY ItN ORliQOIN a jjr caii iff : . I THE POLICYHOLDERS' COMPANY ' " v B B ST HOR OREGON1ANS , HOMS OFFICE, Corner Sixth and Ankeny Streets, PORTLAND, OR. A, Xa, Srai.8. . Xv BAJKUEZ daAAZVOB B. SAXCtrfeXk II, . t .1 ! .1.1. .Oil l,a T .nrA T To (Inn (nd I him by sllenee: he denied 1 'm by equlv- i ocatio'n: he tried to let on that he did i tint know what the maiden was tallrlno- ' about: then he began to curse and swear saying that he did not know the man. It may be that vou have not gotten this far away yet. yet I doubt not there nre many in this audience who j are denying him in one form or an-' othr. I ' Le ps notice how Peter came back. I Jesus had pruvej for him. The second ' step was a look. It was a look of nltv and love. The third step was a men- 1 sage. The heart-broken Peter never ! expected to get the nrlvllege of- ask ing Jesus to forslve hirrf. Jesus waa dead nnd burled. Peter was rejected I by his old friends. At that darkest! moment tf nis life two women came! rushing from the Savior's prave say-1 lng 'He ts risen; we have been com manded to tell the disciples and Pe ter.' "The fourth, step was a private Inter view. No one knows where. Peter met Tomorrow 11-inch Cake Plate, excellent quality German China, embossed gold edges and beautiful fold and flower decorations. Reg. i(n 1.50 value, special tomorrow UuC Only one to a customer ; no telephone or C. O. D. orders taken. flilk PitchersSpecial Four different shapes and decorations, two sizes 8 and 10 inches high. Regu- Cr lar 60c value, special .wOC Only one to a customer; no telephone or C. O. D. orders taken. EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. Washington and Tenth THE STOKE WKEBB TOTB CREDIT IB QOOD Merchants Savings h Trust Company Of PORTLAND, ORLGON CAPITAL $150,000.00 Acts as trustee in all legitimate relations requiring such service, as to real and personal estates and in bond issues. Does a general banking business. Solicits the patronage of those requiring such service as we are prepared to render. j. R. Frank Watson., L. Durham. . . . Pres. w. H. Fear . . . Vice-Pre. 8. C. Catchiiwr, .. W. T. Mueilhaupt Caahler SacT. .Aaa't Sac7, Engraved Stationery FOR CHRISTMAS at a vary SPECIAL PRICE or $4.70 . Tor Tomorrow Only Five quires of the very beat grade, of Polita Correspond ence Paper, stamped in the latest deatim. with envelopes t match. Including:' a three-letter SteeJ Monogram which can be used over and over again. This will make a delightful Holiday Gift, one which will appeal to any one the Mother, Father, Slater, Sweet heart in fact, any one. Call early tomorrow and let us aubmlt a aketch. THE, J. K. GILL CO. THIRD AND ALDER GO A Special Price on our good coal for a short time only $7.00 per Tori G. OD. BUY NOW WHILE THE PRICE IS DOWN F. B. Jones HALT 7 Ua .O IT 71 Frasidaat, ' Oaaaral acasarar. , . AaatataAt Xaaarar. Ma Lord on that occasion. No one'r.C