THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, jg5jf Bgg;i1J I ! - rcfDiprircp LLI IHUL (lLi.1, THAT J i mm i This Petition Montana's At torn v-(Jnirra I Files in Treasurer Case. (NperUl Il.p-t to Tte Juml ) L l Helena. Mont, I'ec J. 11 mo ui- F I kriet cvnwt concurs In a. pcttttnn lllad I ody y Aitomry-onirr!"n ibe I frolt of the state a.alrtal fclata Tre.taurer 31M tor fh recovery ot l.H0 nfJ'ged 5o hMe been III'. lily collected arid re gained as latcreeC an aVraalU of .ubllc funds Will be 41)iU The rlilr .eaettn et fotth are rtwt n jiave hern (4i( wbli'U prevent I ne !Tplilon of Uw sllrKid transact lona. Shat legislature has petitioned for She dmitilns nf the trflnr Hint tan J on4 of 1 l tveaanrer hat b"n Im rnmd : tindjrannot fiinWirre1 wlfh th cirit Jniiln n1 thai evlnence t convict la finnaulniiMe. A elmUr action against "j-'nrmrr Trraatlre CoJtriia haa also bean llamlaaed. ; t IMOIS SFODSETDTS CHALK OH HER SHOES OFFICER SAYS he is mmni ' r rilmo 'Admits That He Had .Plans of Toulon Harbor for Sale to (formally. Appendicitis ( it How to Avoid It and Lscape a Surgical Operation, Told By One Who Knows. I JJWilkesbArre Wife SaysJIus bbTMkkfts Jjer llay at ?t- 1 tfoKn n1 Unnnilu ?j ' -,; .-V, It (Sv Wiae fae ne'nttt.) J 1 Wllkesbarre.r Fsi.. rec. 1J, clever bcheme of a JaaLia Juialtand tuld. tin court today tfr Mr. Mary Thomas I fcfthla city. wtx?tarttirf her fcusbahj 4 Srlth threats. 1 1 Kha said that be ao Inaatirly fealnus of her Dint he marked the axdna -if her ehoe with chalk, ao that be I Vould tell If aha had been xit of doors .-luring hla absence, and alo secreted ' narkad nanera in her clothes no that they would fall out If ahe i alked a 7 . w bout - . U MM Hill 1 1 I f I . YTl M. 'A I ahe 4mkT' Tieeir tfolffr 1it he waa not i about. - - 1 ' ,'1 Judge Fuller adjrmtt)d. th raw. tar week. " A f ipBESIDENT OF CHILI -TO'HKDCCE CUSTOMS If Valparaiso, Iec. 14. The chamber of ,." deputloa haa approve the projeot of i law, authorUlng the prealdt-nt o the ' republic to reduce by 60 per cent th ruatomi dutlea on snirar, (alvrtnlsed Iron, foot-rear, and manufactured wool I Hi aoodaAlan to aunpnaaa. far two J ar.c trtaj j-dter f Innxirturh ei , b ' "aiveatoe. Hlfhetts h 'dntlea on foot- ear have been proalbUtva. . Free baaketa at Wavd'e.i latand.MIder JAr NAVAL OFFICER 1 YANKEE ' WIDOW J t London, Oc. j J. The marrlaw an i fiourtred of ar 'Japnw nmval officer . 'namatf Klkutaro Hasaktirt to an j(mer '. Iran widow named Lydla Weaxherly r.Franklyit , ' r Both flaVe re ffMerl recently at' Prln- . reaa Anne, Maryland. The marriage an .' Jiounrement la publlahed only today, ; Jhotig-h the warYlarte 'too plar e fa the , Teclatrafs office, Hanover Square and J he enniistvetmet concludea wltSi th tatemant that th pair are now oft their i ay to Japan. v ' Onld-heatf ea canes at Metxpeia. (atcUl DlfBatrh Tke Jwmill PuLa, !. VUido, the naval rub luutonani. nl.u w.i artrataU aaiua time an at Toulon after he had wid"vorfd lo ll covernment lana of the harbor defeaaaa. which he waa alleged to have atoleo, mad a full cunfeaslon t hla crime lo the examining magistral In rHa. He wow admlia that he In cotraiiinlcailna with an efu( of the i tlernmri aplonag" department, and Imd offered him the ain-n document ff 140, 00" The aent conaldered tha prh e too high, no the twg-otUtton fell . through I WIm-t rilmo'a houa waa aearrhe-l . police fnuiMl thera telegrama which the I German Cnta had addreaaed to hint. ; One of Iheaa aald that "the prlca ankrd for tha good waa too dear." The oria ' inal telegram which I'llmo aent offering I lo Mil the 1ocumcnla waa alao traced i bv the authorltled. It waa In a dm- aulaed liandwriilna. and did not con- i lain the name iirul mMrfu of the acmlrr. 1'nlackllv the traitor, at the hint mninct he ilei ulcd to alter a word In Uie A raaurea have to lp elgned, I'llino, rorgi-ttlng the part he plH In k. empl'ycd hla ordlnarr handa rltliiK. nnd put hla Inltlala Ht the fool it the allerjliun At ttte coneluatuii of li examltuUlun lie fainted, aod a doctor had to be "at for In Order to revive him. A Turin newKpaper atated today that Ailmiral Mearl, aa-Urrman naval filia ba In 1'asla, lu ha Juat been re called, waa mixed tip In the I'llrao af fair, and that It waa to him that lUlnto offered lo aell the papera. n Inquiry at the foreign ITIoc thla evening It waa lerd tlmt there waa im fiMtadailufv for the Bbiteinant that Admiral Blegrl tint been Implicated In any affair of eaplonage In Frame. ASSOCIATION PLEAHS F0K CASH D0NA1T0X (Rpeltl Plipilrh to Tk Jonrof I ) . Uucooa Ayrea. I Ma. 14 The Li'irrrian- AtKeAtlae ajllcm of Berlin haa di rected a petition to Its dlplomatlo rei reeenlatlve In ihla elty asking A aut aly . for U aurpert In tha Oerman city. The minister haa recommend"l the matter to our government, which uffgtsted to eougreaa .an annual TObvenflon ef H.eoo for a period of four yeara. The government haa alio requested the.Oarman irffi'aaor. lluatave Nlde- leln to trrvearfrate- tha beet Binnner of extending th market or Argentine products In (Jermany. It hns determine! to uav the Herman profissor Jj.OOO io visit Argentine and niibllfh a work .n the agricultural products of the country. ATTEMPT TO MURDER RAILWAY MAIL CLERK . (SaaaUl r!p- la The JgaraaL) Bpokaae. Waarwt Dec IS. While the Bpokane I-lls St Northern paasenper was on Its way to Newport last night an attempt waa made by some unknown person, hid In ambtiHn. to Kill Mall Clerk Pearson. Several shots were fired through the car door, but none took ef fect . . BADEN-BADEN THIEVES STEAL RICH JEWELS A Simple Bemedy That It Alwayt XflcaolOQe. I It has only been a few jeara elnca It I n dlaiovcred that a surgical operatlea I .... I.I ...... ., II. .1,1-. I.. II Ml ..ifuiu i uiv Himiiuil I III, III , - been hut a abort time alnre the dlaaaee wn diacovcred and named. Wbauevsr laara la ui Inflamed condi tion of I he appendix, caused hy Impact ed faecea In the amall cavity apenlng Into tha InUsUne, vu then have appa d:(ltla The oldep doctors used to call this Inflammation of the buweU. ant wets piixxlei) lo knnw tha cause, Kven how, with all the knoa-lndge We I e n th dUaaae. no medical man ran i tell by wa should have ta aien4ix. , way we nnd It, where It la, at wliat are , Its fiinctlona. if It haa any. i The illamne f which IUs ofierttloa la a cure la aaaaily raaael by WidicaiiHi, j.iml in ninny caaea tollowa a large aed I , Indlk'ri'imo aaeai. 1 I J'hvalclana have ntf) recently recom i mended an oratln. hut now, as It Is 1 known that It la caused by Indigeatlon. or 4 y ape pais, aura wHtetMii aw opera I lion In .maurrd. Where the patient la treated with fltimrt a I'yxpepsla, Tableta, the un healthy condition prevailing rapidly dla appcar, the aiomach and Inteatlnea are; pluccil hack In their normal condition. eciy org. in of the body operates as It ahould, iiinl the I n fl.'i mum I la reduced and the "jMTallon In avoided Conm ii iiiloun pliyali'lana, w ho are look 1 1 k after the l"M IntereNts of their P tlinia. will alwaya keep a aupply of Htuart a Uyeuepaia Tablets bandy In the It iilrtre. where In canes of sudden at ta ka of iixilgeatloa ilK-y cb relieve the pntlent at once. There la no record of a case of ap pendicitis wlu-re the stomach nnd bow els were In a healthy condition and properly digeatad Ut food from raewl to meal No better advice can be given to any oue wtto has attacka of indigestion, or who hat bean threatened with appeadl cilia, than to tell him to go to the itrug Mora, pay i.0 centa and take home a paekiujia of .Stuart's liynpepnla Tablats. wlii'irt'rr heartburn, ran In etomnch or boweln, heart dlaeaae or stomach treubbra. sour crucllona, acidity or fer mentation are present, act at once. THke a dose of the Tableta and get ro ller ua oi in an poaalble. At all drugglsla LO centa. Send ua your nam and address to day and we will at oace send you by man a sample package rree. Adnreita K. A. Stuart Co. ljO Stuart BUlg., Marehall, Mica. W1LLIA3IS FUNERAL AT OREGON CITY The funeral of Mra. T,ura H. W11- llama of Oladatore. wife of ('. A. Wll- llamn, inl)utnnt general of the Oregon O. A. II., who died at Nt Vincent's honpltal lnnt evening, will take place at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the Klret I Methcxllnt church at Oreynn City. Be alden a husband kirn. N IHIarus leaves two anna Clark H. WtlHams of the Oregonlan. and W. A. Wllllama, alao of Fortle.nd. Mra Wllll.irot was born In Alexan dria, New Hampshire. Iiecember 12. 14!'. In October, 1 875, she was raar- rld to .Mr. Williams and moved to Oregon 16 years later. iRpeclat filapltcB Id The iotnl Pnden-Baden, Dec. H.ln the Hotol Stephanie some thieves have rolibwl Baron rtnldschmtdt Rothchlld of Jewels valued at IS.OOO and at the same time took 120,000 worth of Jewels from tin Baroness EphrunsL Hi k ' 'If you are going home for Christmas, take along one of our 'Life-Preservers" in the form of a Rain coat. It's a warm friend and will never go back ' pit you. ,; . i .There are many other things you will want to ' . wear, and things you will want to take along for -presents. How about Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers, Silk Hose, Silk Pajamas, Silk Underwear, Silk Um brellas, Silk Waistcoats,. Silk Shirts, Silk Neck wear, and everything for men's and boys' wear as fine as silk.' 4 Or buyone of our Merchandise Orders for any amount you wish, and he can select his own present. JI0ME PHONES WILL RING IX COURTHOUSE The eoiintv court this morning de cided to order the Installation of Home telephnnea In the courthouse. This Is done In compliance with the petition of over 70 attorneys or the city, wno urgeo i that they were often put to inconveni ence bv the fact tiiat there w amy tne , telephone system In the courthoase. Twelve cr thirteen phonea.wUl be or-) dered In. the county being granted a special rate of J2 per month. SHOULD BE PAST 25. ' t . v ' " '-.', : '- . I mm Gv&KuhriProp t (WBi66'nntSt., PORTLAND. At Loast That Is tbe) Conclusion ot Dr. KeU Kvosr. From the New York Sun. After an eVbntiatlve examln.itlon ef tha causa that determine the size and -welirht of newly born Children Hr. Bela Itevan comes to the conclusion that heredity haa nothing to do with it The size of the child depends entirely Bpon the ae of the mother, he thinks, and the older she Is the bigger and stronger the uhild la likely to be. regardless of the Mtature and strength either of the parents ior grandparents. Speaking .generally, he finds that the children of very yoiine- mothers are like ly to be small and 111 nurtured, while those born to women more than 26 are j ant to be large and robust. He consld- ers the reason very simple, the woman of 25 hefng fully matured, ao that o nourishment la expended upon her de velopment. From fills prislrlon the doctor at tempts to explain the racial character istics of vaiioua peoples. Thus the geandinavlaus, who mak late mar riages, have maintained high stature and" robtaaf physique. .- On the other hand In th south of France and In southern Jtaly very young girls nre given In marriage, and In consequence the race haa dwindled In height and frame and even In energy and Initiative. Hebrews in Poland are a conspicuous example of the evil of early motherhood. Tiie doctor thinks that the same prin ciple may account for the smallness of the Japanese, and he is sure It does, for the degeneracy of the Hindus. It causes the average height and build of cltv people to be inferior to that of peasants, and It tends to cause physical retrogression In the leisure- class, wherein girls marry young, aa com pared with the class of workers, in which the young women have to take up trades or domestic service for aev ernl years before they can marry. Very Sad Homecoming. (Special M.pntch o Tha Journal.) St. Jlelens, Or., Dec. 13. Mr. and Mra W. P. Maelnv and two daughters have returned from a three months' visit to relatives at their former home In Penn sylvania. It Is a vcty sad home-coming for them, as their youngest child, a very bright girl of 3 years, died while they were away. MULE MEASUREMENTS. Why Those Bought for British Army Mast Meet Certain Requirements. From the Washington Star. "Three hundred mules with empire waists and chest measurements of CI Inches are preparing for a tour of India," said Robert L. McDonald, cf Kansas City last night. "A British officer has been In Kan sas picking thetn up. The party will sail in December, and this will be a chance for these rovers, who turn up when the British want muleteers, to i get a ride In a transport to Calcutta. This Js as far as the mules will be taken by the muleteers, but they them selves are to go up the Himalaya moun tains, inaia, being a rearruiry, not Place. I shunned by the aristocratic officers of the contingent of the army there. The poor subaltern spends his eave of absence on the coast, whore It is cheap. Tbe real swell goes to the Himalayas. "There Is where the Missouri mules are going. Their baggage will consist eft ii l4ti of machine guns find ammunition. They win travel in panties, one carrying a small caanon, another a pair of wheels for it, another the carriage, and the balance will carry ammunition. It a not for tha looks of things jthat the British now demand a, mule with a fl-inch cheat- measurement. but be- cause the Britisher neer , overlooks via bet. .. tia aieta out to carry his moun- r- STOKE CLOSES ON SATURDAYS AT SIX .O'CLOCK J Specials for Tomorrow ... In conjunction with the matchless bargains from every department in the Pre-Holiday Sale, we offer for Sat urday't sp?cial selling a list of interesting items that will prove suggestive and opportune to those who are prepared to make selections for holiday gifts. Mail, telephone or C. O. D. orders will not be accepted for specials quoted for tomorrow only. Another Lot of'SgSmr Carpet Samples SaW&S Special 50c, 75c and $L00 Lach Tomorrow in the' Carped Department we repeat the splendid values offered in a previous sale of samples of Floor Cover ings, l yi-yard lengths, that represent almost every weave and the latest patterns Tapestry Brussels, Velvets, Body Brus sels, Axminsters, Wiltons, Wilton Velvets, etc. all neatly tk ft aa . ... Douna or inngea, ana in sucn variety ot colorings as will en 'able you to make a selection to harmonize with any floor cov ering. , v: n few III l 1 1 a. alWaAaaa) ,,TaaiSjW Clock SDecial Salad Bowls Tomorrow at $1.75 aKe mtes ., Z ' ''-'..c,i-' The Basement Department of fers fdr to- SPECIAL 35c and 50c J morrow only at this special price hand- For tomorrow's special selling the Basement Department offers some Gold-Plated Parlor Clocks in a at these attractive pricings Nine-Inch Salad Bowls and Cake very fancy design, made of heavy metal, Plates, in German china, two patterns in each to select from 12 inches hfgh, and guaranteed for five one in rose design, and the other in rose and golddecoration. years a suggestion for an appreciable These are especially suggestive for inexpensive and useful holi- holiday gift. day gifts. Rdman Stool Special , $1.00 An attractive little piece in the mahogany finish. Has turned legs and lower cross spindles, and the seat is upholstered in plain and pattern ve lour, of which there are several colors to choose from. Only one to each purchaser. Child's Arm Rocker, Special $1.65 This attractive and comfort able little arm pattern, made of solid oak, in the golden finisk, and has loose velour cushion in various colors. We offer this regular $2.75 value for tomorrow only at the above special. Pur chasers will be limited to one rocker each. Lace Curtain Special $3.50 Values for $1.35 Pair In the Drapery Department, for tomorrow only, a new lot of Corded Arabian Lace Curtains in Mission pat terns, y yards long. Purchasers limited to two pairs each. In the Bedding Departm't $1.50 values in Gray Cotton Blankets, 11-4 sizes; special, per pair 90c $6.50 values in Gray Wool Blankets, 11-4 sizes; spe cial, per pair $3.45 4 Magazine Racks Special $1.35 Solid Oak Four-Shelf Magazine Racks, in two popular finishes golden and weathered. These plain yet substantial pieces are 42 inches high and have 12-inch shelves. An unusual bargain at tomorrow's special price. Only one to each purchaser. Sale of Children's Vehicles Doll Carts Coasters Wagons Etc. IVDUBCSSttT I IMO00 uj COMPLETE'H005E-FURm5HER5 MAKE YOUtjl owwrcwrtji in mi r'js Every convenience in the Ladies' Waiting Apartment on the Balcony. Buy a Piano Right! REED-FRENCH'S XMAS OFFER BEATS THEM ALL If you can use a piano and are willing to pay us at least $100 DOWN and the balance in six months' time, we will guarantee to give you a magnificent $400 PIANO FOR $280, or we can .give you an ex cellent piano worth in any retail store $300 FOR $225. . , i . .- Reed-French 'Piano Co. SIXTH AND BURNSIDE re tain guns on Missouri mules and he found after his exnerlenee with tens of thousands of them during- tha Bour war, that tha best mule born for Tom my Atkins' job is a short coupled mule from 16 to 15 hands high and 61 inches around the girth. Harness waa made rv the train- load far this aised animal, and tfet explatns why the officer now in Kan sas la .o particular, as to tha -rlrth measurement, Tha harness for sll Off ing the part, of a machine- gun eon- slsta ot leather and steel or bras, parts. Our mule packers, who get $76 a month In our , own army, know the advantage ef having a mule fit tbe pack or the pack fit the mnle. When he gets both he Is a happy transpor tation bos.. Tha British make that an actual state of affairs by making their trappings all one else and then finding mules -to fit The advantage Is realized only when a mula tltt in an. tlon and an underatudv haa ta ihnntAnr his load., or. durln. , th. march, when i Special DinnerSet Sale Commencing tomorrow we will place on sale a 42-PIECE DINNER SET In attractive patterns of gold and floral decora tions. These sets consist of large pieces and are worth double what we ask you for them. We have a limited supply. As long as they last we price them to you at this sale k, , , . For $3.85 Per Set J. J. KADDERLY 131 First St., Adjoining O. W. P. Waiting-Room It Is necessary to relieve the gun train by fresh mules. "The 'Empire waist' means a short coupled mule. The British army buyers' rule Is -for hand like a pictura, leg. Ilka bars of Iron and feet like itrn. son., ntells, short In his couplings and Intelligent' To this Is added in vh mul. department & chest measurement of (1 Inches. liateteers are paid for inn uuiwnru oouna np or the British transports and ar. returned to Kan sas dlty If they elect to remain at the foreign station the igrrin.. .... right to claim passage home later on. wui mi m urnumi fis,'lr United Htates, via tungiano.