J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO, DECEMBER 13, 1B07. !i I Too Utterly English, Don't Y'Know I, t If I i III A A I ! j. i(. y rtZ - V.J -'hi; t T.f s-.". -,: j s ,,.,,.,.,.. ' i ."ill . xZZr-ir-"- jl ;v v1 jl ros BOVM STOMA CSS. Thla la on ef the numcrnul reaults of faulty dlgeatlon and often la accompanied by belch ing, bloating, lioadarhea, and dla glneaa. To relieve thla rondlllon and reator tha digestive organa In their norm! rondlllon tha fol lowing formula la as Id to work wondiTi. "Two ounce Kssenc of Pap ain: three ounce 8yrup of (lin ger; on a ounca Oatandlr Com pound; mil theaa wrll and uaa In doiMa of from one to to ten apoonfula after rarh ineel, alao at bed 1 1 ma for tha flrat few dHva." Thla can be prepared by any praarrlptlon drugglat or tha In gradlanta ran be aerurad and eaally mixed at home. Thla la what la known aa tWe Paateur formula and mont drug glata are familiar with Itn won derful curative power on tha digestive organa and lowel tract, aa It will In a ahnrt time correct their action and reatore them to a normal healthy condition which menna tn Improvement In the health of tha whole ayatem. Your Christmas Shopping BISHOP OBJECTS TO CHURCH mil! Tells Now York Episcopa Hans They Are Opposed to True Christianity. (Speetil Dlipatrk to Tbe Joarstl.) L'tlca, N. T., Dew. 11. Ulahop Charlaa T. P. Olmeted of tha Kplacopal dlocaa of central New Tork today eipraaaad In unmlatakable term hi oppoaltlon to lotteries, rafflea and card partlea meana for the aupport of tha ColacODal church. lie direct h i atatement particularly to Kplacopal churrhicoora In hla dloceae. and after remarking that falra, rafflea tnd auppera are a deacent from the highest plane of Chrlatlan Jiving, con tinue: "Aa to card partlea. dancing and the atrical, there I at loaat ona reason why It might he beat to avoid them all. and that la that a good many Chrlatlan peopla conlder thorn wrong In them- aelvea. We may not agree with aucb people, and may make uaa of thoae practirea for our own peraonal amuse ment ao long aa wa do It In moderation. but It la a question whether It la wla or charitable to uaa them for tha auo- port of tha church." He declared that playing card for prise waa akin to gambling for monev atake. London, Dec 11. The Dncheti of Marlborough arrived here today ier a lengthy stay in America; the duchess Is anxious to see her chll en, from' whom she has been separated for some time. The Duchess of Marlborough is accredited with having said that aha has come to regard England as her permanent home and that she has no longing to return to tbe United States except on occasional visits. HOODOO DAY AND DATE HITS TEAIXS i GUEST OF HilS HI T HUBBY JMED FACTORY Mm GIBES Jl ClUB ! Wife Holds Warrant for Spouse While With Him at the Theatre. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joaraal.) Philadelphia. Dec. 11 Within an hour After aha had accompanied her husband to a theatre and enjoyed herself Im mensely at his expense, Mr. Maggie Romano, of Fifth tret. above Bus- . f Upon tha charge of beating her. L The alleged assault came Thursday J and It waa on Friday night that Mr ? Romano went to the theatre with h " husband. She then had a wnrrant for a bla arrest in her possession, but he did 9 rot know or 11. t ney nau Den nom S about an hour and had lunched, whe 2 Mri. Romano disappeared. When nhe f. returned sha had a policeman with her( f-nd ha Tilnced her husband under arrest. 1 The Doliceman showed Domano the J warrant. Romano was shocked. H Innkad flrat at his wife and then at th rol Iceman. Several minutes elapsed befora ha uttered a word. 3 "All this after what I did:" he said to his wife. "All right. I will go Z sJong," ha added, turning to the police. 2 snan. i Mrs, Romano freely admitted to Mag latrate ocott, oerore wnom lumwnn n mlnnl that she had eone to th theatre with nr nuEDana jubi unmc hhad him arrested. She said she ac i eompanled him so he would not suspect ana was loins 10 na-vc nun on" Shs declared that the attack on Thurs i4av was not the first, and that she . wanted nnthlnsr to do with him. 1 Through his counsel Romano declared 2 that a young man was the cauwe of the a) trouble Detween nimneii nn ins wiiu. Ha aald he caused the arrest of the S young man Friday, and, consequently, tlrra Romano caused his srrest. Ro- -2 mans was released upon $400 ball to appear In court. Jbenson relinquishes i LEGISLATIVE VELVET . - - . English Rector Says They Are Invited and Coerced Into Joining. '8. (Boeclal CIspsteB to Tb onrul. $ Balem. Or., Dec. 13. In order to J avoid even the appearance of official 5 vll, Secretary of State Frank W. Ben- 3 son haa turned over to the slate treas- StJrer $1,887.37, the unused balance of fZ.OOS received for copying the laws 4 enacted by and the journals of the bouses of the last legislature. J Tha secretary says he at first r- mlnent leyal advice, including that of J tha attorney general of'the state, and 5 that his advice was all clear in- favor jet retention or tne overplus, both as (Special DlspatrB to The Journal.) London, Dec. 11. A Birmingham rec tor has created considerable sensation by denouncing the evils of factory drinklnjr. lie declares that girls are in vited, encouraged and coerced Into Join ing drinking clubs, to which they pay a weekly subscription of 1 and 3 pence. lrlnk Is not alven ooenlv to them. but Is put In tea served in the factories or in randies passed among the girls. In some factories permission is given for carouKal. The rector affirms that certain licenced house organized these clubs with the view of encouraging drinking among factory women. A deputation of barmaids who came to plead their profession to Herbert Gladstone, secretary of state for home affairs, said that their means of earn ing their livelihood should not be taken from them. Mr. Gladstone had prom ised to deal with the matter In the forthcoming license bill, and had said last February that the employment of girls and women In bars was open to all the objectionable condemnations raised on the grounds of health, eco nomic disadvantages, temper and mor als. There has been such agitation since that time that the barmaids got to gether. It was finally arranged that those now working could continue, but that no new women could adopt the calling. The Tlmei says in regard to this mat ter that the reformers have not pro vlded other employment for the 100,000 women now behind bars. It asks: "Are they to compete for places In the tea Rhops? The tearoom girl Is exposed to more temptation of a certain kind than the barmaid. She Is brought more free ly into physical contact with men than the barmaid who fa entrenched behind the counter. Friday, tha thirteenth! And what do you think happened? Well, It happened all right every train was late this raorn- ing. Old No. 1 was hours lata. Toung 21 waa Just a minute be- 4 hind time and the other came creeping in, all a few minutes or more off the schedule. Yesterday the trains were all on time. Fact, Today it is Just the opposite and the old dates on 4 tho calendar mixing in with 4 Friday caused all the trouble. Here are the belated creepers 4 that came In today: Northern Pacific No. 1, due at 7 o'clock, arrived at 11. Southern Tacinc No. 16, due 4 at 7:26. was run In two sections. 4 The first cam in at 7:55 and th other one 10 minutes afterward. Southern Pacific No. IS, due at 11:30, arrived one minute late. 4 O. R. A N. No. S, due at S 4 oclock. waa Just an hour behind time. O. R. A N. No. 5, due at 8:45, 4 was five minute late. . Astoria & Columbia, due at 4 12:15, arrived three minutes late. lied by law. However, since the flat salary statute's provisions have been raised against him, he relinquishes the balance to avoid any possibility of im putation involving legal or moral as pects of the case. COOPERATIVE STORE 3fAY opex no More k matter of right and aa being author- , A keen brain and steady dependable nerves can win wealth and fame for their owner. Clear headedness and ) a Strong, healthy body depend largely on the right elements In regular food and drink. Coffee I contains caffeine a poisonous drug. Postum Food Coffee is rich in the x - gluten and - phosphates that - furnish the vital energy that : cuts; "ginger and 'hustle" w lot 0 body and brain workers. "There V a Reason Meeting of Stockholders to Be Held December 23 to Decide to Continuance. SCHOOL CHILDREN LIE OX COLD STONE FLOOR (SpecUl Dlspstch to Th Jonrnal.) Lima, Peru. Dec. 13. The school chil dren of America may have a chance to compare their lots with the youth who attend a parochial school In the mount ain iown or Yaull. In this republic. 1 he Voice of Yaull, a little newspaper uiriiaiiuu uirre, says: neiween me rour dark walla of a nouse wunout air or light the vlaltor may see a multitude of little ones spread iioor, ineir nine DOdles be numbed by cold of the pavement, tears In their innocent, averted eyes In this Biaie inese unnappy ones suffer tor tures while they renialn in school. Those who are lucky enough to reach the achoolhouse early get scats on the only bench In tho room and are curled up with their legs on the bench to keep warm. The master, that soldier of civi lization, that martyr of duty, is seen in the depth of the room seated, like an other Diogenes, on an empty store box. such is the picture presented by the schoojs in the province of Yaull." ABYSSINIA NS BRING BEASTS TO KAISER (SperlSl Dispatch to Ths Journal 4 Hamburg, Dec. 10. A commission from King Menellk of Abyssinia has arrived here, bringing as presents to the kaiser a lion and rhinoceros, which have been placed in the zoological garden. The mission Deseecnes tne kaiser to send r Carijbe done with comfort and satisfaction by buying here and avoiding the crush and confusion of the department stores. Our stock contains the latest ideas only. Our salesmen are competent, courteous and polite and will give you all the time you require While our large, light and airy store affords plenty of light and room so one can shop in, comfort. Our prices are no higher than the ordinary sort elsewhere. We offer a splendid assortment of House Coats, Lounging Robes, Bath Robes, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Steamer Rugs, Automobile Rugs, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs In fact everything that a gentleman needs HATGLOVE and Merchandise orders ' ALL at our usual modest prices. BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER STEAL THINGS HWJPHS Sisters Who Planned Nice Presents for Mamma and Papa Ar6 Arrested. (Speclsl Dispatch t The Joarnil.) Pittsburg, Dec. 11. "For papa try slipper department. "For mamma try fancy purses, shirt waists, manicure sets." This waa a part of a long list of Christmas gifts for members of the family found on two pretty girl shop lifters, captured by detectives In downtown department store today. Some of the Items were checked off. The girls who gave their names as Kate and Myrtle Anderson. 22 and 15 years old, respectively, and who live In tne suDurb or iiiizaoeth, confessed, wecplngly, at police headquarters that they had tried the plan last year, and had done all their Christmas shopping on less man a sa Din. Five department stores referred charges against the young women. They wore valuable rurs, which were claimed by one merchant. Detectives found an extensive stock of stolen goods at tho tunzaDeth noma. Unl ILL I llul" u i iiilitnrfr-mim.TTTT ITT I Cut glass at Metzger's, S42 Wash. WOMAN WANDERS IN THE TEMPEST Mrs. Edward Hinder of Sara Miss ing Dogs Put on the Trail. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Vancouver, AVash., Dec. 13. Mrs. Ed ward Mueler, a well-known resident of this county, disappeared from her home mi pmia-nnnni M Waal 3 K II WASWNQTON, W2& iWMbJBMqaL w: tarn )ar tn xiava not raach tha intertor 4e; amaaa bo murttrti Iteration of tb- ftould be droseni In a ahort time. alvad here com en tha alleged itaA proper ati order at the; aoai the Cooper rtv a.a4 Inthnatlng to dlacrlmlnat conteridtB fae official Ma aali construed as crl and ao opinion clally as to his ftt tha time af t it imply a plaints have be vaJs. la oroe obvious that the Inspired by act: acaaJ ai.-ln or crtucism ler uvti pr Interior na,' Neltlier tha, r the i oraarn, as German agriculturists to Abvsslnia in I near Sara yesterday afternoon ond al- contriDuie to tne work of civilization ana modernization. An Abyssinian con sulate la to be established at once in Henin. (Special Dlipatcb to Tbe Jonrnal.) Oregon City, Dec. 13. A meeting of the directs of the Rochdale cooper ative store will be held Monday, Decem ber 23. to determine whether to sell the property of the association on hand or to make an assignment for the benefit of the creditors. The store has been running for about a year on a coopera tive basis, most of the stockholders' being employes of the paper mills, and closed Jts doors yesterday forenoon. It Is estimated that the assets on hand, exclusive of solvent accounts, will be sufficient to meet the liabilities. Many of the stockholders are desirous Of con tinuing the business under a new man TCP. ring Hkea your wonderful "Oairtt" fot tire raontki nd being entirely cared of stomach surra na ayepensi. i minx a wore, or prsiae ! due to"CMcarta'rfor)ielrwonderfal composition. hare taken numerous other ao-called remedial Christmas at Pendleton. (Seclal Dlxpotcb to OTie J.wrn.l I Pendleton, Or., Dec. 13. It Is esti mated that Pendleton will use 1 000 Christmas trees, which are now being delivered-by Blue mountain farmers at an average price of Jl each. Stores and homes are preparing elaborate decora tions for the holidays. 'Manv farm..,-. make a regular business of "hauling Christinas trees for. several VMdii K for ths holidays sach year. ' Din witaoot tu ana i unci taat cascareta rellen snore In a day tlisa all th other 1 hae takes would In year." rfsmea ncuun. m Mercer at., yertey Uliy, M. i. Best For The Dowels m I mC ai CANDY CATHARTIC though every effort has been made to locate her no trace of her whereabout has been secured. All night the people RbOUt Sara hunted the rnnntru nv.r fin the driving rain, but their efforts were entirely fruitless. This morning Sheriff Sappington, accompanied by De tective Vaughn of Portland and his bloodhounds, left for the Mueler home and will endeavor to trace the missing woman. Mrs. Mueler has complained of ill health for some time and for two or three days has been considered seri ously elck. At times her mind it Is i said, has been slightly affected because of this illness and it Is thought she has wandered away. If this be true, It Is feared she suffered much from ex posure during tne night. As every larmnouse nas Deen visited, it la not believed she has taken refuge. BURGLARS TRY (Continued from Page One.) an II :4ogratt conduce vetopment of tha IwawiMq with 1st crnor's friends a Indications are that' not agree with ki a moat bitter flghf i Th fight wil" tt heavy odda. for ti a brief ssasaaga tw flatly announced I to th views of tit matter m prefer by the then deleraS 'In addition to th ;ba reposed great ernar and haa a cot matter pert la in j Speaker Canaoa af) gresa war tn tha a I AH atgas will t freer era r1 opponent for this srtata to t with th aehnfaaMrl brought to hoafc g athscaUaaa which brtoeg again! hteij TayrirniInnTii companions and at the safe. The hand- tan- e po- Pleasant. f Jatble, Potent. Taste Oood. Do Qood, hrr bickea, Weakea or tiripe, le, tie. Me. Never sold In balk. Th fonain tablet stumped OOO. tJaaraataed to ur or your saoaey hack. Sterling Remedy Coi.CiScaga or N.T. 591 AXHUALSALEf TEX 1LU0M BOXES back later with temDted to break writing on the envelope Is the only gible clue in the possession of th lice. when the warning on the envelope was discovered it caused consternation among the office force. It was ex tremely uncertain for awhile just at what time tha safe was due to go off. After waiting tor a time one of the employes musterea me nerve to inves tigate and found that tha small hole :mH c 9 I WOEKMXN ON FED Asrih"aaj "rvrre avaatw ai last Monday ba 'employed Is not a lakes H sraa a V th aaave o atwi tars, stoaeroajsatu) otf to tb unrbr at a wors so rong as M. BS to "tuele-polof tka .tWflaV Who Is There Still Talking Calamity ? Dard Times? Nonsense! lei's Tell Yon DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER THE TOTAL SALES OF EILERS PIANO HOUSE. IN PIANOS AND ORGANS, WERE $102,869.45. Please note that this does not include the business done In Seattle and Tacoma, nor in San Francisco and the California field, which ALTOGETHER WILL AMOUNT TO OVER A QUARTER OF A MIL LION DOLLARS. ,A. 9UARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS OF PIANO BUSINESS, WE SAY, DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER. A GREATER RECORD than ANY NOVEMBER heretofore. To be sure, we now hustle a little harder and make prices and concessions considerably lower, but it sells pianos. The people everywhere have the "wherewithal" to buy! Why shouldn't they? Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture shows that THIS YEAR'S FARM PRODUCTS ARE $657,000,000 ABOVE THE VALUE OF LAST YEAR'S, and nearly FIFTEEN HUNDRED MIL LION ABOVE THE VALUE OF 1903! Doesn't this mean something? "Ocean vessels are now loading in the port of Port land, with an estimated carrying capacity of 175,000 ton' Placed stem to stern, they would reach three miles," says yesterday morning's Oregonian. THREE MILLION DOLLARS is undoubtedly a low estimate of the value of the products which will be moved from Portland at the present time by this fleet. THREE MILLION DOLLARS in HAvJD MONEY, which will surely come to Oregon from this one source alone, and is sufficient to transact all the business in this territory for years. No wonder business is good I STRANGE HOW MANY PEOPLE THERE ARE WHO ALWAYS INSIST UPON BUYING WHEN PRICES ARE HIGH. SHREWD BUSINESS MEN AND.WOMEN BUY WHEN PRICES ARE DOWN THEY BUY NOW BECAUSE OF THE EXTRA ORDINARY CONCESSIONS THAT WE ARE NOW IN POSITION TO MAKE. YOU SOLVE THE CHRISTMAS GIFT PROBLEM HERE! EILERS PIANO HOUSE 353 WASHINGTON ST. T n x n rut t n r nT t n II 1 II ' 1 1 a, 1 IB i.ltk 3inThreatens id FriendsT -I Not VK). -"The Ixpraaston ud by orator of tha Con- kn the cTuma. this the aummarr al instituted by Jkugutt, lKA ' and ca by tha eecood phrase on all ght. The phrase torlo and haa ftset of the mm-. ubseguent debate rujlaoncy of th t tha tanta at- ho, la eompany aa anting near th or a fail a s the nasi painful aa premier. II lenched his desk tor several mln- storm let loose Uaa urging put ohatnhar without Seams that to the the pavilion, m ha intention to at dual and ?.ch, the mJnitr etinio vw s te tUuMa the were ITUHieea ever, empwyins in aucn tha llttata re te er. t m irasta ahaka aohad M. Rodlt irtQUiroQ worn rda tha premier. auaed MM. todltcbefr's i tor hi I an hour, during iter wallaeverely handled Wed a)iy bodily by hla corn, ftt the haa . Tin then e.Iered on a ltni la u 1 ftal Pi a-a fjaw a V1 B -WaI aVBIII UaUllini Ba Wkfimmmm. meant; r. butfl etuoalt to thel forgW iion. mbers opened fl th ghtist ipena ft. lat haa n He v& toords was v . et!weae i 4TU aul railroad coatrao- I reauciintt t..i ewtsi. man 'i' "' ' ,wls tng road plain by crats that M raooai attaos been earried M. Rodltcheff Dillon arid' bged . . Aner an ring which tha euoaiaea. id reeidegt, eterty mbere ard then ftoaUcheff from arose and de- lntenU6n of of- Id let hla woraa iBbken. however Wf sixty -nine niciii' tlonal lolned It o testify to the ptolyptai Irf fConatltu St flukoff, Jolr o teaury !".to jtHV.w-aa olahrtd eTamdateat at the ai lib annua .w."rfJis: tt'T&UltmP "1 n?w available. Three wek rr.,, eTeinlBleaat the anrtuat ft 3 saaa ia I ?tteieale4oiiah Society banuat bld Th raTaek . I2o? I L Olympus -JMt evealng. U '4kTmlnnJ I aVoUnaaB fiaaa all aver (he 6tntl were f mar UM waa U a'trraji. ea haott to ta,ste a' th' haaala and drlak wee aram, Jut eaojjgh to give vtoea far bit lilt aa tha way honja T drilled .near the combination dttl, was harmlp? and that the safe waa not loaded-'; , , . The only money secured was some loose change lying scattered In different drawers. One drawer contained 14.48. The burglars took $3.SS and left 11.10. There was a purse la the office that had been found in the auditorium -that Pontalnei 29 cents. The bvirlars took 25 and left 1 cent. From anoUier drawer .$1.10 waa taken. . .... 'I