The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 13, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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fists nnd Words Lash Chamber Into 'Temperature Mile
' and Half Above Jllood Heat Due to Debate on Veto
of Ordinance to Pay the Deposed Sleuths.
'In turmoil of vituperation. banaluK
f flata. buffoonrrr and profanity In
Wtilch several member paaaed th lie
and nearly ram to M'wa. tha liy
council yeeterday unanimously voled l
sustain Maynr Lane's veto to tha ordl
.Banc appropriating money to pay tlx
Mlary of four dlachargad detectives.
Opposing -unrllmn completely re
llOuncvd their former action, when tiny
passed Itio ordinance on a atrlct party
vats, and 'laid down" quietly with no
ether excuse thin to any tUry wished to
call tha mayor a ' I'luff '
What they meant by "bluff waa
nrobablv art forth In a remarkable doe
ument read by Councilman Iiennatt. who
wound up a long harangue by saying:
"Tha mayor la endeavoring to gain
political prestige through pura bluff
la telling tha peopla what ha would do.
aad by Impugning tha mollvaa of tha
council, t believe It la high lima to call
Ma 'bluff by sustaining hla veto, and
thereby y it's up to you.' "
Tha action of tha councilman waa tha
rtault of a well-laid political plot
atrhed Monday whim tha councilman
decided that tha only way to cat "from
under" thalr previous blunder waa to
act In accord with the mayor, while
tenting to differ from hla vlewa.
Bennett accordingly drafted hla re
markable speech which ha read from
manuacrlpt yeeterday and tha raat fell
la Una without other explanation than
they wiahed to "are what tha mayor waa
going to do about It"
Beaeaahlea Mm Tight.
Perhapa never befora have membera
of tilt city council engaged In auch bit
ter controversy aa marked tha war of
word a in which Vaughn and Will
played the leading rolea, ably asslstea
by Jienneu. ceiiara ana ninfr. wnuu
nearly avery member "explained" hi
vote, none of them Indulgad In tha per
onalltlea that marked tha dialogue be
tween Wllla and vaugnn. iso language
", waa too strong for them and Council
man Conoannon aroaa and objected to
their conduct
In tha meantime Mayor Lane waa rap
ping for order and endeavoring to atay
tha flow of words spouting from Wllla.
Twlca he pounded on hla Jeak with the
Civel and till Wllla kept on. Not until
ayor Lane waa leaning far over to
ward the obdurate councilman and rain
ing bla voice above the turmoil of sound
that aroae from all aldea did hla honor
gain anything Ilka maatery over the
. situation and even then Wills Insisted on
having tha laat word by aaylng, "I have
a right to apeak. Keep your Democratic
friends quiet or I will keep them quiet
for you.
This called forth a reply from
Vaughn who dared Wllla to try keeping
hlra quiet Wills then turned on
Vaughn and said:
"If you aay that I voted to pay Mac
donald any salary, Mr. Vaughn. I aay
you He."
Hera Mayor Lane Insisted on order
and the atmosphere cleared considerably
when his honor referred to the powers
of tha policemen sitting in the chamber.
Wills finally wound up hla remarka by
aaylng the language uaed by the mayor
In hla veto waa Indecent.
Wills' reference to Macdonald came
about through an utterance of Vaughn
who drew a parallel In tha appointment
' of Macdonald aa clerk of the municipal
court, which waa declared Illegal bv
tha courts, to the action of the council
la tha case of tha detectives.
-Vaughn declared that Wills had voted
to employ Macdonald and pay hla salary
and called for the city records to sus
tain him when Wills denied the allega
tion. Mayor Lane called on Deputy
Auditor Gautse whose reply bora out
Vaughn's contention.
Bennett SxpUlaa Teto.
The councllmanlo npheaval came
about Immediately after Councilman
Bennett read his speech. As soon as
Auditor Barber read tha mayor's veto
message, Bennett waa on his feet and
paid he wiahed to- explain hla vote. He
then commenced reading from a closely
typewritten manuscript
Councilman Hrnnett reviewed tha
raae. letting forth all tha arguments
which tlw ootiiu llmrn have uaed from
tln time the rletecila were discharged
until tha courla di-cul-d In their favor.
All "f the old arguments which have
hern eel forth In i rlni from time to
time, arre lined by llenneit.
In addition he took ocraalon to
"roast" Mayor Lane at etate.1 Interval
In hla apem-h He said that Mayor Lan tha rietecllvea for the PU
poaa of n y lnar off rolltUal debta of th
mayor w ith tba people a money and
violation of the charter "
At the conrhmlon of Hennett'a speech
Mavor Lane aald.
'You took a lona way around. M
pennett but you finally arrived. Tha
la tha main oolnt- you Anally arrived.
Then the roll was called and all fall
In line. Home iiuletly. but raoat o
them found It neceaaary to give the!
reaaona for eo completely cnangtn
from their former poaltion. One amus
Ing feature was In the vote of Council
mnn Melding, who at rived after tha wa
waa over.
All the votea had been taken but not
announced, iieldlng waa aeated In the
ar of the council chamber talking to
friend and did not know what had oc
cur red.
When Mayor Lane asked Raiding
he wiahed to vote, the councilman
looked around In a bewildered sort of
way and asked wha It waa all about
Councilman ilaker walked over to Beld
ng and Inatructed him to vote no.
Zesotara for OonaollmeB.
Without demanding any explanation
or knowing wnat he waa voting lor,
Ileldlnc shouted no and everybody
After the votes had been cast and the
veto sustained. Mayor Lane aroaa and
gave the councilmen a lecture on ho
to conduct themaalvea lie deplored the
feeling which had been displayed and
aald that In the future he would not
permit It to go on as It did yesterday
He did not mines words and several of
tha councilmen were noticed to squirm
in tneir sests as uia mayor continued.
Councilman Maker then aroaa and
moved that In the future all debates
be limited to four mtnulee. Tha motion
waa evidently aimed at Councilman
Vaughn but hit several of the others,
Including Baker himself, and a amall de
bate followed. Tha motion waa Anally
pasaea. nowever.
Kesing. snow, Day and Carpenter, the
deposed detectives whose dismissal waa
the cauae of the heated debate yester
day, will now have to go Into tha courta
to collect the money which they claim
Que tnem from tha city. The aalarlea
to which they lay claim amount to
about 13.(100.
Mlaa Fern Madllynn Vpham, daughter
ni Mr, ana Mrs. j. 11 i pnam, la one ox
Portland's talented young elocutionists
ana musicisns. site has msde many
friends during her appeerenoee before
twai a wiamr isrou
Iiow many little boys and
glrla have read the Christmas
poem that starts with these
lines? Nearly everyone of you
have, but you have not read tha
very lateat version of "The
Night Before Christmas."
The Oregon Sunday Journal
of December 15 will furnish
youngsters with a real treat.
"'Twas a Night Before Christ
mas" will be given an entirely
new aapect. It will be tha
twentieth century night before
Christmas with all the flavor
that made the original poem so
dear to children's hearts.
Poem specially Illustrated for
The Bunday Journal. See that
you get The Journal, read the
poem and aave the pretty pictures.
I t , . - - r . '. , ;
Former Opfden-Dallcs Route
Will Only Run Between
Pilot Rock and Ukiah.
Mini Fern Madllynn rpham.
audtoncas and has won them by the
charm .f her delivery and her technique.
Mlaa L'phara received her flrat training
in dramatic art under the tutelage of
Mra. c. M. Klggtna and gradu.itel from
tha Chicago School of Elocution and
Dramatic Art. She begnn her piano
atudlaa with Mlaa May Cooke and fin
ished under the direction of Ixiuls II.
Boll. Her work has received rflany
encomiums from her hearers
McCurdy A Bibliography of Artlclea
Relatlnc to Holldaya. revised by K M
Coulter; 1107.
Montaigne Michel de Montaigne: a
Biographical Study; by M 10. Lowndes,
Potter Reminiscences of Bishops and
Archblafiopa; 1906.
Landon I'nder the Bun; Impreaalons
r Indian Cities, with a chapter dealing
with tha later life of Nana Sahib; 107.
Paasmore In Further Ardenne. a
Study of the Orand Duchy of Luxem
bourg; 1805
Snaffle In tha Land of the Bora:
Bax Cathedral Church of Bangor; an
account of Ita fabric and a brief his
tory of the see; 107.
Bazzi Giovanni Antonio Bazxl. uaual-
ly styled "Sodoma." the man and the
ainter; by R H. H. Cust; 1806.
Bruce school Architecture; a handy
manual for the uae of architects and
school authorities. Kd. 8. 1906.
Day Alphabets. Old and New. for the
se of craftsmen; ed. 2, rev. and enl.,
(Joodyear Roman and Mediaeval Art,
rev. and enl. ed., 1837.
Pierce Parties and Entertainments
novel suggestions for social occasions;
Robinson Picture Making by Photog
raphy; ed. 6. 1902.
V'an Dyck Van Pyck; by Herman
Knackfuas, tr. by Campbell Dodgson,
Van Dyke Art for Art s Sake; seven
university lectures on the technical
beauties of painting; ed. 14, 1907.
Adams Historical Essay; 1891.
Crlssman Library Method In Ameri
can History; 1 906.
Legr Haiti; her history and her de
tractors; 1907.
Couch, comp. The Pilgrim's Way; a
little scrip of good counsel for travel-
gpertal Plapatck te Tee Jearaal)
Pendleton. Or.. Dec. 11. Tha stage
line from Pendleton to Pilot Rock,
which haa been In operation under dif
ferent managementa for tha paat 40
years, will be discontinued next Mnn.
nay, ueceniber m, when the train aerv
Ice on the t'matllla Central branch of
tne o. it. a N la installed. Tha atage
line will Im continued, however, from
Pilot Itock to I klah. II mllea further
aoutn. The Fendleton-Pllot Rock aiaga
Una la a portion of tha original stag
line operated between Ogdan and The
iwuea in aariy iaya, and la one of the
ian lanamaraa or pioneer daya.
W. S. Henninger Is Elected
3Iaj or of Summer Resort
by a Largo Majority.
(Special Dlapateh to Tfca Joarnal.)
Aaiorla, Or.. Dec. 1J, Tha municipal
election at Seaslda Wednesdsy resulted
In an overwhelming victory of the law
and order ticket, and with one excep
tion all the city officers will ba changed
on the first of the coming year.
The principal fight waa over tha may
oralty and amendments to tha charter
aa prepared bv the preaent council. The
proposed aroendmenta, which Included
one for the creation of a water com-
misnion, were dereated. Tha fight was
a bitter one, and a large vole was cast.
i"or mayor W. 8. Henninaer wax elerte.i
securing 130 votea. agalnat 32 caat for
i. i u'ir j ne campaign was waged
on the Iwaiie that there had been too
murn secrecy in the conduct of the
municipal affalra during the pnst year
mi inp aaaeruon was aiao mad that In
ae Cole waa elected he would not auali
try. ao that the preaent mayor would
noiu over The other officers elected
were as followa: Recorder. W. E. Burke
who defeated It. O. Ralston, the law and
order candidate, by three votes; treaa
urer. Ed Hennlnger, who had no opposi
tion Kor councilman at large Fred H
Moore na elected without opposition,
aa wire Howard Lalghton and T. J.
llaycox. councilmen from the First
ward. For the poaltion of councllme
from the second wnrd. there were tbree
candidate. . Duncan and C
Reeves, the law and order candidate,
were elected, receiving- J and 37 votea.
respectively, against 27 caat for Llovd
iirniiuis. lnere was much rejoicing at
Seaside last evening over the result of
the election, especially In the defeat of
the proposed charter amendments.
r iT
: L
1 II. . I
I II7 -1'-, 1 1
!' 1
Tbi final Dtndirlai Rirtr Falls to Product thi Ditlrid Ritulti
TISS Lewie' hair waa vary tnla aaa it was Usa thaa two (eai ia lanlh wheal
sgsa saiag DanoWlaa. SK says bar Uw aad acalp are Dow (airly
ttfjmlng with new Ufa and vigor.
That' tba mala aseret el ikia great ramaJy'e saeeaas aa a hair grower. It aw
livsna, invigorates and (airly alacfrifiea tha hair gland ana tlllUOS at I he
acalp, causing unuaaal and aaheard-a( activity on ike par of tkeea two meat Impoc
lam organa, resulting In a atranuout and continuous growth
of tha hair.
Tba following la a reproduction of Mias Lev la' last knrart
ollofl r - Vm'
ma Januarv 3. IQtH
laar uoctor IVnewll
Yoa keow I told yesj in my Crst latter tkat aw kair woJJ
aot raack much below my akoulders, aad tkat all o( it tegetkar
anly nude aaa tiny braid.
1 am aeading yea tny photograph, wktck I kad taken at Stsvena
Bros. It tails tka whole story Utter tkaa I cm tell it.
Everybody I ksow Ml aaing Daoderine. ao you aaa I am doing
tning to snow pay appreciation.
Sincerely yours, (Mias) EVA LEWIS.
Latest Photograph of Mitt IVA LIWIS
1971 Hamilton Avenue, Chicago
In the Right Placo
At theRight Time
rhat"s it where you want it wKen
you. want it and if you only
knew how easy it is to carry from
room to 4 room and how much
cheery comfort you can have with a
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokelcaa Device)
You would no longer be without one,
"No smoke no smell" (his is the
Perfection maxim. Because the smokeless
device smokeless vou can have
direct, glowing heat from every ounce
oi oiL Brass font holds 4 quarts-
burns 9 hours. An ornament any
where finished in ianan and nickeL
Every heater warranted.
srs: 1807.
Kobes. comp. Flve-Mlnute Declama
tions: 2 v., 18)0.
RUey Morning; poems; 1907.
Van Dyke Days Off; 1907.
Levi Memorial Volume; Leo N. Levi.
I. O. B. B.. 1906. n. d.
Cattelle The Pearl; Ita Story. Its
Charm and Its Value, 1907.
Bnyaer The world Machine, me first
Phase; the Sesmlc Mechanism; 1907.
College Entrance Requirements In
English; 1909-1911, 1894-1906.
Commons Proportional Representa
tion; ed. 2, 1907.
Portland Public Schools. Board of
Tool Work for the Grades; 1907.
Richards Good Luncheons for Rural
Schools Without a Kitchen; 1906.
Rose The Rise and Growth of De
mocracy in Great Britain; 1898.
Tompkins The 1'h.llosoDliv Or Teach-
ins; 1898.
Weale The Truce in the East and Its
Aftermath; 1907.
Allsop Practical Electric Liaht Fit
ting; ed. e, rev. and enl., 1905.
.Bacon crumbs and His Times: 1906.
Begle Comprehensive Bookkeeping;
la first book. 1907.
Crooker & Wheeler The Manage
ment of Electrical Machinery; ed. 7.
Oas Engine Questions and Answers
From the Oas Engine; 1907.
Rice & Cox Squabs for Profit: a
practical treatise on the raising of
squabs from tho egg to market: 1906.
Kicncy A Handbook for BuDerintend
ents of Construction. Architects. Build
ers and Building Inspectors: 1905.
United States AKricutural Denart
ment of The quantity and character of
creosote in wen-preserved timbers; by
Gellert Alleman; 1 907.
Watson How to Build a Direct Cur-
Congressman Ellis Secures
Government Pay for Yet
eran of Civil War.
(Special Olipatcb to The Journal)
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 13. Congress
man Ellis has Just secured a civil war
pension of $20 per month, dating from
March 30. 1907. for A. p. Rhonlmus, the
aged man who killed Tom Myers in this
tuuniy a year ago.
Rhonlmua is about 70 years of age
and was attacked by Myers on tho
range after a quarrel In which Rhonl
mus accused Myers of stealing his
noraes. Arter being shot by Myers,
Rhonlmus returned ttie flte. killing
Myers instantly. Rhonlmus was held in
Jail here for eight months and was fin
ally acquitted in the circuit court a few
weeks ago.
He is an eccentric character, being
highly educated, yet living the Ufa of
a recluse. He at one time practiced law
but for 2f years has raised horses in
the foothills of Umatilla county.
Danderln makes tU acalp healthy ana fertile and keep Hi
so. It is Iks greatest acalp fertiliser aad therefore tka (raat eai
halr-produelng remedy tba world has m kaawa.
It is a natural food and a wholesome inediai'ne for both the kair
aad seals. Even 25o bottlo of It will put tnwn
genuine life In your hair than a gallon of
any other hair tonlo ever made. It shows
results from the very start.
B OW a all almsj slats la tkr sliaa.
ts stat eOaaataaaalSf.iwawttla ?
C n C C T? baw ,ow Qtilekly IteaaartBa teU wa will tni
rllCCa '' sample frea by ratorn mall to aay Me who
" send, this advertisement to tha KMwIta Das
d.rine Co Chleaga.wlU tbalr UU aJ4 Sddma Sad ISOMie la
surer or ataaps to pay postage.
When you buy clothes you alwaya havt a fixed
determination to spend a certain amount. We
have found that $10 ii a very popular price and
In making our purchase! we havt borne this in
mind in order to give the greatest possible values
to our patrons at prices that cannot be duplicated
by our competitors. Therefore Suits, Overcoats
snd Cravenettes that cannot be purchased else
where for less than from $12 to $15 we sell at
. that popular price.
Watch Our Front Door Cases for Saturday
ill firt added pleirars
aaaer -it aivaa a hriL
banl. study light. Equipped with (he latest improved central drak
karner. Made el hraai. nickel plated. Every lamp warranted.
Wril ear reared agency lor descriptive circular il you del I lind
Perlechon Oil Healer or Ryo lamp at your dealer i.
;.j f k n e if .
'"'Vi fcaaaa' -Sii
WO M uob PaM..
ThejO. B Wilcox VP.;
LwMacit ,
; low Non-ParticiparJng Rates' ; - High Cash Values
vpiy to nnn m. nui, acaror or aoati, ai4 rubber BxchMVaV31
rent One Kilowatt Dynamo or a One.
Horsepower Motor; 1906.
Atherton Ancestors.
Crawford Arethusa.
Gale The Loves of PeTIeaa and
Hale, Ed. American Stories.
Hale. Ed. English Stories.
Hale The Peterkln rmnpr
Hill Twenty Years at Sea: nr.
Leaves From My Old Los; Hooks.
Wharton The Fruit of the Tree.
United States Agriculture. Donarl.
ment of Diversified Farming- Under the
Plantation System, by 11. A. Brodie,
1907. Evaporation of Apples, bv H. P.
Gould, J907. Methods of Destroying
Rats. b D. E. Lautl. 1907. Use of
Fruit aa Food, by C. F. Langworthy,
Idaho University Agriculture Experi
ment Station Irrigation Investigations
by E. Nelson, 1907.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Coulee City. Wash., Dec. 13. Two
burglars early yesterday morning
cracked the safe In George M. McDonald
& Co.'e store with nitroglycerin, but
were frightened away before they could
secure their plunder. They escaped and,
aunougn a posse nas oeen in pursuit all
day, they have not-yet been overtaken.
The explosion completely wrecked the
ironi ana part or me bottom of the
safe and the inner doora w.
opened by the clerks after the cracks
men had gone. The office fixtures were
badly damaged. The fugitives ran a
quarter of a mile east of town, where
they mounted horses and rode to Adrian,
on the Great Northern, to where they
tere tracked by a poase oX 60 aimed
mala, '., ... . . : - . i
(United Preaa Lenad Wire.)
Seattle. Deo. 13. The Japanese-Korean
league or &eame Inst night gave deHnlti
evidence of Its attitude on oriental im
migration oy indorsing a memorial to
congress which excepts merchants, stu-
oenis ana travelers from the proposed
cAuiuaniii law. j ne exclusion league,
wiien iirsi organized ana for some time
anerwarn, was nerore the public in the
attitude of udvocating the absolute pro
hibition of oriental Immigration. Lately
me iwaers or me organisation have
Deen endeavoring to rormulate meas
ures that will reeulate inatend nf nwi-
I hlblt Immigration of Asiatic races. The
pennon in congress win De circulated
all over the coast.
Texan Discovers Lost Yacht
Supposed to Contain
f OR
'Special Dispatch to Tba Journal )
Naples, Dec. 14. After holding the
ease in roiift 21 years, the court of
appeals of Naples hns decided that th.
title of prince of Pescara, which hns
oevn neio sn tnis time ad recognized
as the rightful heir of the noble family
oi Avaios, nas Deen so held without
the right.
Cuba Eats Fruit
New York cats meat, Canada
eats pork and Iceland eats fat
The colder the climate the fatter
the food because fat heats the
body and heat is life.'
The finest fat that grows makes
Scott's Emulsion
It is the Norwegian Cod Liver
full of heat and nourishment It
has a power in it that jives
vigor and new flesh to those
who suffer from consumption
and other wasting diseases.
AO Drataists i 50c aad $1.00. .
(Sperlal Dlapateh to Tba Journal.)
Walllsvllle, Texas.. Dec. 11. The re
cent shifting of the bed of the Trinity
river at a point a few miles above Pa
cific haa solved the mystery of the dis
appearance of a British yacht, which
has been missing for seventy years.
The hull of this vessel has been i
brought to light, and upon the deck are
tnree Grass cannon oI ancient pattern.
The discovery of the vessel waa made
by John M. Sparks, a well known citi
sen of Nacogdoches, Texas, who was
making a trip down the river when his
attention was attracted to the wreck.
A rise in the river washed away the
sand which had covered It for nearly j
three quarters of a century. The Im
portance of the discovery lies in the
fact that according to tradition the I
hulk of the yacht contains English gold
coin to the amount of $150,000.
The yacht was said to have been char
tered by the Mexican government to
bring arms, ammunition and money to
Banta Anna, ror use in nia campaign
against the Texans in the war which
finally gave Texas ner freedom. The
versel was proceeding up the Trinity
rivnr when it struck a shag and waa
butik. xnu vi uiTcra auiu crew or tne
vessel were said to have joined Santa
Anna ana were an killed a few days
later In the battle of San Juan.
Sparks claims whatever treasure the
vnssoi may contain Dy right of discov
(Special Dispatch to The Joarnal.)
North Yakima, Wash., Dec. 11. Un
fair treatment in the charge made by
the men returning from the camps of
mo BTovemmeni reclamation service In
the Tleton canyon. Much feeling haa
been caused among some of the men
who have come out of the canyon either
aiscnargea or naving given up tnelr
positions, and serious charges are made
Dy tnem of tneir treatment. They
uiaim mai iney nave oeen aiscnarged
without notice or without cause; that
mey are worxea overtime without pay;
that they are obliged to buy their own
oeauina: ana nay nosDiiai and ha minor
fees. Those who have -come back from
the camps report that there is much
aissatisiacuon among tne men.
C. H. Sweigert, the district ena-ineer
in cnarge tuiuie iicion worx, denies I
that there art any such conditions in
tne camps, ana aeoiares mat the stories
Men, here's a capital suggestion, affording a
short cut to the gift proposition : Give her one of
Lennon's Glove Orders a coupon redeemable in
any of our seven stores to the amount of its face
Gloves on Special Sale
Our reputation for giving the best glove values
is well established. Here are some interesting
bargains for Saturday: t
J1.60 Gloves, : 86e La
dles Real Kid Gloves
black, white and all
colors $1.50 value
Sale price 95
$3.50 Gloves, $3,86 La
dies' Elbow-length Kid
Gloves black white
and colors $3.50 value
Sale price ...82.35
$4.60 Gloves, $2.86 La
dles' 1 - button-length
Cape Gloves, sixes 6H
to 614 $4.50 value
Sale price S2.85
$4.50 Gloves, $S.St El
bow - length, genuine
Kassan Out seam Cape
Gloves, $4.60 values
Sale price 83.39
$5.00 Gloves, $$.76 1
button - length "Money
Back" Cape Gloves
money refunded If not
satisfactory $5 value
Sale price ...83.75.
Ladles', Children's and
Men's Hlgh-Grade. Full
Fashioned Wool Gloves
60c values Sale
price, pair 254
nr. . . .
lforrlaoa St, Opp. rostoffloe,
Portland's Xxolasira Olors aad Umbrella SHora
furnished the men free, and are an evi
dence of the consideration the govern-
are those of disgruntled men who have
eitner Deen aiscnai
aw .Ka I... , . . " urui:a ul I HO uuiiniueraiiuil ill
reason or who nave left the government! mmi .hn. it. min..
mn nr. ! .
There are now between 175 and 200
men employed on the Tleton project.
The chief "complaint of tha men seems
to be the uncertainty of their Jobs.
They aay they are taxed for hospital
and bath fees, must buy their own bad
ding, pay their board at tha rate of
15. 2S a week anl then are UkelV to ba
discharged after a short employment
Air. Bweigert juwer.U the baths are
Melville S. Ingalla Dead.
Astoria. Dee. 13. Melville 0. Ingalls,
son of Mi", and Mrs. Daniel J. Ingalls,
died at an early hour this morning of
typhoid fever after an illness of several
wt-eka. He- had been Working In a log
ging camp near Rainier and waa taken
sick there, but continued In his regular
duties until week ago, when his lather
brought hltn to the family home in this
city, and every attention was given him.
but his' case waa hopeless from the first.
He was born on the LeWla and Clark.
16 years of age, and unmarried. Per
sonally he was a hard working man, of
upright habits, and hla njany friends
will regret to learn of hla death. Tha
arrangements for his funeral have not
been perfected, but it -will probably ba
held on Sunday. , i; -
; Free baskets at Wood's, 1st andiidsn '