THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 8. 1807. FOR SALE MISCKLLAXEOCS tut photograph outfit, iodisc records. Will sacrifice, f 40. Room II, Hotel Brealtn, Washington and llth. iroinraN"HFTc" t u nlb"ifACiiiNE3I A 1 1 1 1 1 . ... wins, tonr suaes,' eio., tvniwi uuurui. oia ana exchanged; lowest pnoes. j nan a, zvs uunieiae pnone Mam iiaa fin ivnini, i SAXte AXU EXCHANGB Exxnanre ' Y)tw41 m .1 nMAMa4n 4Va T Att4 I "w, o-room cottage, i,oi. nouses, ana J room e,vv. ?-room house j I3,20g.' -room house, Mi0- t-rootn houa, l-room houa. t-room houa. 3.700. I. too. 4.000. t-room houa. 11.610. I houaea. 1 room. 16.000. t-rdbm house, 4 lota, 3,000. I houses, room a, I,0U0. l-room ha Ma a, 11,600.- 7 -room ouse, 11,000. l-room houaa, t-room houaa. II. 000. 1.600. 4,000. 1,100. 1.600. 4 -room houaa, T-room houaa, l-room houaa, T-room houaa. l-room houaa. 11.000 10-room houaa, 16,000. room houaa, 11,100. l-room houaa, 14,700. i l-room houaa, 13,000. l-room houaa, (1,100. l-room houaa, 14,000. l-room houaa, 13,000. Small cottage. lota. 11,000. , S bouaes, I rooms. 16,000, -room houaa 14,000. -room houaa, 13,000. -room houaa, 18.000. l-room houaa, (4,500. 10-room bouaa, 14,000. t-room houaa, 11,250. l-room houaa. 11,600, -room houaa, $1,800. 10-room houaa, $2,500. . . . S houaea, and 7 rooms, $1,000. -room houaa, 12,600. 7-room houaa, 12,260. I houaea, $6,000. 7-room houaa, 11.600. -room houaa, 1.100. 7-room houaa, 2.600. -room houaa, 2,600. l-room houaa, 1,000. 7-room houaa, 1,160. l-room houaa, $1,200. II vacant lota. . "V Abova la only a partial Hat of what can trade. If you hava Improved, unimproved or Umber land to trad, and or bring us particulars. Ws hava aom aaw mills, hotels, atocka of rood a to trade. What have you7 Prafar to deal with owners. . HENK.LE A HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. ANOELKH EXCHANGE. What hava you to offr In exchange for tha following properties! II acres, 4 eres cleared .and In cul tivation: rat seeded to pasture and sally cleared; good houaa and barn: 4,it u. mil from Newbera and only II mil, from Portland: will trade for house and lot; a good chance; only 1,100. . . 12 aerea, H - pi Ilea north of Salem n Wlllamatta river. All finest land In Oregon. J I aerea bottom land In knm ik ai-r4V berries, family orchard. a dwelllne? houaea. hop pickers" aheds ant n ana hna houaa. Close to steam- boat, railroad And electrlo line. Price $6,600. Will trade for a dairy ranch near coast, or will consider any other property. .( 7-room modern house, flrat class ulumfclnr throughout, plastered and tinted, around 100x100. In Piedmont Price $2,800. Will trade for an Inv proved place close In. 7 rooms, strictly modern and right up to date. Lot 60x100. In Alblna, best residence district. Price .750. WIU exchange for acreage or a farm. Offer ua something. .WE CAN EXCHANGE TOUR PROP ERTY. Write ua. ANGELES EXCHANGE. 611 Commonwealth Bldg. Ith and Ankeny. miimmmmii WHEAT LAND, WHEAT, WHEAT, WHEAT LAND, DOLLARS AND WHEAT ARE ON A ' PAR AND ITS THE FARMER THAT IS MAKING BOTH. Get In line and trade your Portland rroperty for Sherman and Gilliam coun y wheat land. Don't think that your propoaltlon is too large for a deal, we 11 handle It for you. Lafayette Realty Co.. 113 H Waahlngton at. Land Offerin?s--Exchanre 134 acres Improved wheat land, fine Income, Sherman county. Or.; want Im proved land in western Oregon, or neai Columbia river; fruit ranch preferred. 166 acres, 110 aerea level and the best of wheat land and general farming; want Portland property. 160. 124 and 0 aerea not Improved, rood soil. In Clackamas county, Or., for Portland property; can add some caah. Room 302. Couch Bldg. M-4011. A-16 6 8. fcObb 4-r60m House and 2 lots, value 2,000; 2 blocks to car, 15 min ute service; to trade for 15 to 40 acres In valley. Want some buildings and near railroad. Will assume mortgage up to $1,500. What have you. A-80, Journal. EM ALL HOUSE! AND FINE" LOT: close In, 1 block to car; $1,200. Will trade for farm near Portland and as sume small mortgage. C-90, Journal. .WE'WNTnSRTLiiSJDrojiEs-m exchange for wheat land; see us at once if you have a house to trade. Room 15, 313 Washington, cor Ith St. HAVE VOLf A SMALL FXRMnrtHE valley or near Portland that you will trade for Portland prooertvT if so. write. phone or call on the Lafayette Realty Co., 811K Washington St. Lands to trade for elty property. Now, what have you to offer? Henkle A Harrison, 217 Aplngton bldg. f EXCHANGE FIFTY-ACRE RANCH, good location, value 11,600. What have you? P. O. box 744, St Johns, or., or see owner at ua juonawk St., BL Johns. CLEAN STOCK OF SHOES FOR 1ALE or trade for a farm, weU improved. 'Address owner, 12 KilUngsworta Ave., Portland. felX-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE OR trade for well-Improved farm; willing to pay difference If necessary. Address owner. 82 Kllllngsworth ave.. Portland. i-ROOM MODERN BUN.0ALOW NEAR Mount Scott line, fine electrlo fix tures, basement and large lot. Will trade for small ranch suitable for' chickens. Give description and loca tion. H-89, Journal. ' , WILL EXCHANGE AjJ OLD ESTAB llshed and prosperous -country store for a good farm, Yamhill county pre ferred. Value about $8,000. F. FUCHS. . 22 1H Morrison st. - 1 EquIty' in 6A' for eqiIItY In 'Cot tage. Phono A1215. CORNER GROCERY. AND GENERAL store for sale or exchange for small Improved ranch, residence or vacant lots. Address J-89. Journal. I'IRdT-CLASS PATENT T(J ' EX" change for unimproved or Improved property; big money la this. 22 Waah. Ington bldg, ' ' T'0" "EXCHANGE LOTS" " W "PdRf land for horses, cows or young stock. 412 Sweetland blag. FOR ECHaN6e-2 - ACR'gg GOOD land; level; for account in Oregon Pavlnirs A Trunt. Phone A1216. ONE; OPEN' "JOHN .bEERfi 'BtfGGf, one set double driving harness, one roller top desk and some household fur niture for vacant lot , 14&H 4th st, room 9. . ' v HUMS LAWU TO, Equity" in tw6 Kick lots fob a small rooming house; timber claim for real estate or a business; lots of Portland property for farms or acre age and vice versa,-Globe Realty, 2 2 Hi Morrison at. ' - ' Equity" 'In" good' J-st6Rf' bou&E; remainder "at 120 per month, for ac count In Oregon Savings tc Trust, Phone ton SALETAND fcTCTlANGB FOR 8 A LB OR EXCHANGE TOR CITT 'Ota, lj) section In Central Alberta, Canada. K. R. Frark. 45S N. Front at. r acres- on UKtnrfniiLLHBCRa to trade for houaa and lot not to ex ceed over $1,100 In Portland. , Write of call on lament A Kins;, 141 Madison at. Prloa 14.600! will axchanare for room Ing-houae or grocery - store. Addrosg y-ll, Journal. ' rai tcrstt park twa " lots closa to Car Una to trade lor snaa house and lot, or wlU 'sell. Inquire i-v, journal PERSONAL DrManr Lane Institutes ' Exoert treatment vtvan woman and Children's allmanta hv a a-raduate and licensed lady physician, Maternity caas rirn special attention, y p-io-oi taiium In connection. No charge for consultation and correspondence abso lutely confidential. Address all corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lane insu tut, Medical and Surgical. Incorporated. rooms i to 14. flranri thaatra blJ.. or. Park and Waah. ate Phone Mala 121. LAUika, I1.V00 REWARD we POSJ tlvelr guarantee Dr. outhinxton Rrao-KOlo "Monihlv1 rjimnouni Safe ly relieves aome of the longeat, anoat batlnat abnormal eaaea In I to I daya; no harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall 11.10. Double atrangtn ii.eo. uuy of drugglat or write xr. Bauiningioa Kameoy CO., uepb ii. aaa City, Ma mcELAGEE rnw iitduEBT character, alone In me world, would marry elderly Christian American gentlemaA In comfortable clrcumstan- oes. This ad. la genuine and answers desired only from aerloua aentlemen giving partlculara and description. AJ-I draas Grace E. Bradford. South Chicago, 111. Chronic Diseases Of men and women permanently cured by modern aclentlflo methods. Elec tricity and alectrla-liarht treatment for Olaeaaes or tha prostate ana rectum, Conaultation free. Dr. W. L Howard, Commonwealth bldg., Ith at AJ.L CHRONIC DlafilA8E8 OT MKN women, ohlldren; cancers and famale slckneaa permanently cured; sure cure for enlntl menlnsltla Dr. Paul Crom- wall aanltarium. 127 N. 12th. Msln 1471, Madame Lackey Gives electrlo baths and vibratory treat ments, also aclentlflo maeaasa, scalp and face treatments, chiropody, zu 4th St.. near Salmon. Main 2011. MARRIAGEABLE LADIES AND GEN'- tlemcn. all area, want correaDondenta; many wealthy; complete names and ad dresses of either aex furnished for less than lo each. Partlculara free. Ad- reaa K-l. Journal. DR. IN' A NEWCOMB OF LONDON. Celebrated beauty .compounds, London formulas, skin food, face bleach and hair tonics compounded and sold by me exclusively In America. 103 Fleidner bldg.. 10th and Wash, sts. Main 7721 ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS. 8CI- entlflo Swedish maaaace and move' menta Scalp treatments. I treat all nerve and chronlo diseases. Mrs. Nia beth, 262 7th at. Phone Main 7033; A-4121. - LADIES! AdK" V6UR DKUGUlST FOR Chlcheatera Pill a the Diamond Brand. For 21 years known as beat, safest. Alwaya reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are aold by drugglata everywhere. Dr. Philip T. Ball Paralysis goitre, rheumatism, nervous, chronic, spinal and female Uiseases. 602 FIFTH STREET, COR. SHERMAN. Dr. Mary Kramer Cures all blood diseases; confinements a specialty. Ill Mississippi ave. East 6543. Free examinations. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NOV ela, eta; German. English, French, Spanish. Swedish end Italian diction arlea; foreign booka of all klnda Bchmale Co.. 121 Flrat at DO XOU KNOW THERE IS A Posi tive and Infallible cure for rheuma tism, sciatica, neuralgia, gout and lum bago? If not, send your name and ad dress to E-8S, Journal. ' DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne Pilla cure all weakness: II a bo I for 16; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co. Portland, Or. LADIES DR. SANDERSONS SAVIN and cotton root pills: only safe and sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 per box, or 2 boxes for $5. Dr. Pierce, lSlVi 1st st WANTED FOR A PARTNER LADY who is a fair oenman and who can furnish three or four rooma suitable for club purposes. Address E. R. C, 460 Washln gton at. THE ORIENTAL DOCTOR THE CHI- neae Medicine Co.. cure acute, chronic! and private diaeaaea of all, kinds, either men or women. ztH id . MARRIAGE PAPER. PHOTOS. Ad dresses, complete, ready to correspond, 26o. Sullivan 135 E. Market St., In- dianapoliB, ma JUSTOPENED LITTLE PALACE Massage parlors. Full line of baths, chi ropody. $7 Cth st., one block from Wash. THE 6NOWDEN BATHS." 145V4 ITH St.. rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponare baths. electrlo treatments. Idy attendant. PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND Kretal are sold by A. B. Bloomer. 130 4th st Phone Main 3982. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT,' 60c Ladles aklrts pressed. 60o. Gil bert, 104 H Sixth st, next to Quelle. pnone Main zobh. SPOKANE ARTIFICIAL LIMB HOUSE; 17 years' successful experience; all styles of legs and arms made and re paired. Sherwood Bldg., Spokane, Wash. LADIES I DR. LA FRANCO'S COM nound: safe, aoeedv regulator: 26 rents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. DR RING CHOONG, IMPORTER CH1 . nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases, n. za st. between amhlll and Taylor DR. f . J. PIERCE. SPECIALIST. DIS eases of women; all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; charges moaeraie. mitt let., cor. yamniu. GENTLEMAN WISHES ACQUaIN tance young widow lady having own home; lady with little girl preferred; object matrimony. Address nox el, city. FOR SELECT AND HIGH-CLASS shampooing, manicuring, face and scalp massage, call 210-211 Tllford bldg. Hair and aca 1 p treatment our specia It y. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE, electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub- baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. JUST OPENED MANICURING AND facial massage parlors. Room S, 146 H 6th st. MISS ETHEL WARD, MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 861 Morrison st. to zuift sa st A MAN WITH SOME MONEY WOULD like to correspond with a woman with a view to matrimony. A-a, journal, HOLDER'S RHEUMATIC CURE cure cu druggists. Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by oil I; TURKISH PATHS. 100 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladies days, gentlemen nights. Main lftgg. MRS. SRI P. CLAIRVOYANT AND psychometrist, 802-Alisky bldg.; splr-, ltuai test circles Tues,, jrri. evea. OLOa" LaNDEM.' FINNISH MASSAGE. steam baths. Rooms 18-11 Selling Hlrsch bldg,, Wash., cor. 10th, A-2337. MRS. OB ROCK. MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref erences. 282H Park. Main 2403, A-2734. MOLES, WRINKLES. HUPKKFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs Hill. 130 Fleidner. BALM' OF FlUB FOR ALL F EM A Lb! diseases. 126 E. Belmotrt. East 4034. MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT- meot: dandruff. I8H Mor.. room 63 DOLL HOSPITAL NOW OPEN FOR OPEN business, at 33 tt Morrison at klSS MARCELLA LEROY. 291tt AL- der st., massage and scalp treatment MASSAGE. VAPOR AND TUB BATHC lady attendants. 110H 4th. cor. Wash. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseasea 103 Fliedner bldg. Main 7711. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU nat girls; good car. I MUner bldg. PERSONAL , MAKE TOUR OWN BUST AT HOME; Pretty, tilumn. vnluntiimia and charm ing, and 'twill stay so. at little cost of money ana isoor. ir. conways rnui- oioa prove now saaiiy and readily it may be done, and "no One the wiser." For 10 years we have restored, en larged and developed the breasts of old and young, in every walk In life, wits this wonderful vlUllier and bust stim ulant without a fall ere. 11,000 for a caxe we can't enlarge 4 to 10 inches or mors, seated I act 4o stamps. Con way Specific Co., Tremont at, Boston, Msssachuaetta. VREE-VOUR FORTUNE t6U. B America's eminent astrologer, clair voyant. To Introduce my work the beat of all please try me and see. HL John, 12 Sheldon at., Chicago. Send birth date and stamp. Know thyself. FROM A "to H 6N-TRAILING CRliT nals. Mailed to any address on re ceipt of P. O. money order to amount of WESlrgfaNl'"L' yll"hr' "g"' would marry; confidential M. E. box 16, Toledo. Ohio. STRICTLY "TEM PE RATE MAN OF II years. In good circumstances, wlahes to correspond with young lady who ts matrimonially Inclined; none but those who would appreciate a good home need reply; no objection to young widow. J. c Nem, general delivery, Portland. fcLDfcRLVOTJrvvlfiliflTiErTro: qualntance of elderly gentleman of means; 10 to 70 years; object, matri mony. L-90. Journal. good APPEARING VoUNd oENfLE- man wlahes to hear from nice young ladlea; oDject, matrimony. Address, v- Id Tm. ..... I PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL ctUB solicits business from reliable people only; fine local Hat; strictly confiden tial. Mrs. H. C Wllhur, 401 3d St., near Harrison, s car. Main 15. GENTLEMAN; fTNJS CHARACTER temperate; plenty of means; wishes to meet refined lady; object, matri mony. B-0, Journal. Notice hair cuttJNg 25 ci-INts'; shoes ah I net! free, at the Model bar ber shop, the finest 9-rhalr shop In the cut; only neai 01 uaruars empioysu. si fth St.. near nrrK. John". I WILL Mkicr 6U At tu and etarx sts. arter you - get your shoes shlned free at the Model barber shop; also get your hair cut; It coata but two blta, and they employ only the beat of barbera. The number la 11 Sixth st. CHlROpobf. SCALP tTTEatm nt" 161 H Morrison St., room 14. Form erly 224 H Washington. PERSONS OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE. either sex, desiring aciutlnUnce. send Oo for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, room I. 181 V 1st nt.. city. GOITRE AND CANCER SPECIALIST. Goitre or big neck promptly removed: cancers and akin moles cured without a knife: asthma permanently cured; tspe worms removed in 3 hours. Dr. Voose, 1H 1st at. MAN OF CHARACTER AND ETUCA- tlon with little capltsl would like ac quaintance of like woman similarly placed, or owning small business; so y to become mutually Interested and In ter-helpful with view to matrimonial al liance. Respectability and honesty es sential genuine. Answer In full con fldence. B-8, Journal. MAUr,'BE SURE AND WAIT. I UaVK rood news for you. I am ttettlnx my shoes shlned and a shave for 15 cents t the Model barber shop. I am going back tomorrow to get my hair cut for two bita. as they employ only the best of barbera. Tell Gaston the number Is 1 Ith st. Charlie. ABSTRACTS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT ft TRUST CO. Msln 160. A-4222. 730 Cham, of Com. ASSAYERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Aaaar Office. Ill Mor rison st ACCOUNTANTS. COMMERCIAL WORK GENERALLY; Investigations, factory costs; lumber fflce systems a specialty; references; w. Karnes, son Worcester Diqg. CHARGES L. PARR1SH, PUBLIC Ac countant, notary public, ill Marquam blag. Phones Main 4ZZZ. A-4ftB6. AUTOMOBILES COVET & WALLACE MOTOR CO.. Dis tributors pierce ureal Arrow, run jew. eled Corbln and Cadillac. 16th and Alder, biles and garage; absolutely fireproof building, lutn and BtarK. rnone a-obh. ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH & BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison ata GILLIAM & GILLIAM, ATTORNEYS-at-law. 720 C. of C. bldg. Main 6101. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. LAW collections. 414 Huchanan bldg. M. 8130. A. H. TANNER, ATTY.. 0 COMMER clal block. 2d and Wash. Main 1441. GREY RICHARDSON, 618 CHAMBER of Commerce. Practice In all courts. ART EXPERT MOULDING AND STATU ary work, plaster casts and orna ments. Antique, Grecian, Roman and Florentine. G. Adam! Co., 249 Columbia. KERAM1C STUDIO. CHINA PAINTING and firing; orders taken for Xmaa. Mrs. Marklcy, R. 64. 860 H Morr. M. 7447. A. BERGER, ART STUDIO, 644 Wash.; oil paintings, landscape and portraits. HAND CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN antique furniture, repairing. Git wasn. CHRISTENSEN ART CO., 376 STARK. Main 4201, A-3217. Frames and framing. BARBERS. LADIES BARBER SHOP, 4 CHAIRS, no waiting. 64 Fourth street BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS Sc KILHAM. 109-111 ID st Blank books manufactured; agta. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledg ers; see the i.ew Eureka leaf, the best on the market BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES & BIRKENWALD A CO, 8C4-308 EV erett st, largest butcher supply house on tne coast write ror catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekum, 131-131 1st st. carries a full Una and complete assortment at lowest market prices. BEAUTY PARLORS Frakes, 409 Washington St. Marcel waving, (wide English wave), halrdresslng, clipping, singeing and shampooing. Scalp treatment, (hand or electricity), facial massage, electric vibratory, English vapor and colored light process: manicuring, 26c. CHIROPODISTS WILLIAM DEVENY AND ESTELLE Deveny, the only scientaflo chlropod lets, parlors 203 Drew bldg, 162 2nd st CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. v. Hill. o f leidner Oldg. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET .CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; ateam and compreased air process; renovating mattresses ano reamers a specialty JOYCE BROS, PROPRIETOR OF THE Electrlo ('leaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2 tt ana a-p. ii want st BAMTAK CAKPK1' CLEANING. HUCT tlon and compreased air combined: carpets cleaned on if loor. Main 6634. Mam szou. THE IONE STEAM CARPET CLEAN- works; carpets cleaned, refitted ovated, 'til Ey- Hit U & East 110. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS Special 1011 X FEW DATS ONLT Ycnr Life, Lore or Business 5Dc 5c 50c TIIE GREAT, THE ONE. THE ONLT ' 1EI?IN At the Benson. Morrison and Fifth. THE RENOWNED CLAIRVOYANT SPIRITUAL ADVISER GUARANTEED SATISFACTION ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE TOU HEAR THE TRUTH AND - WOTHINO BUT THE TRUTH. A Clairvoyant With Power. Many may ask: "How ahall mm know who la tha true medium and who Is the ImposterT" "By their work va ahall know them." Master, Mind of Clairvoyants. A True Seer. For honest dealinaa hla renutatlnn shines like a bright met. or a-uidlng light to all who aeek reliable advice. If you want to Know the outcome of any proposition consult Melvln. If you have consulted those who are leaa com petent you have made a mistake, but this you can rectify by calling on Mel vln. who will tell you how you will succeed. 10c, Low Fee Thla Week Low Fee, 60o I do hereby solemnly agree and guar antee to make no charge If I fall to call you by name In full, names of youi friends, enemies or rivals. I promise to tell you wbnther your husband, wire or aweetneart la true or false: tell you how to gain the love of the one von most desire, even though miles away; how to succeed In business speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the one of vour choice; how to regain youth, health and vitality; removes all evil Influences, cures drink habit, locatea treasures, cures all nervous diseases. Consult the man with the renutatlnn: It's the cheapeat In the long run, and. moat Important of all. It costs you no more. Reads your life like an onen book One vlait to tbls mysterious and far- seeing clairvoyant will mean the future patronage of yourself and frlenda and win repay you ror tue many disappoint ments you have mot with In othera of my profeaalon. Concerning Business Affairs. Glvea never-fnlllng Information re garding all kinds of business, lawsuits. claims, collections, Investments, spocj- latlons. damages, wills, pensions, pat ents. Inventions and all financial dif ficulties. . Never before In the history of occult science has a man of Melvln's profes sional standing consented to place his services at the disposal of the public, for eueh a nominal consideration. Re alising that this city has been overrun with pretenders, and that manv of Its beat citizens are anxious to visit a genu- ne clairvoyant. Melvln has decided to place his consultation fee within the reach of all. Merit brlnors its own reward, and Mel vln is the only clairvoyant who haa ever been In Oregon whose merit has been rewarded by the confidence, patronage and respect of the entire community. Melvln haa made n life study of his work and Is prepared to advise and as sist you, no matter what your troubles are. In his capacity there is no guess work. Every procedure Is definite and exact, and the result Is certain. If you have already made a mistake, thrown away your money, and lost confldeica through dealings with much-advertised and self-styled clairvoyants and their cheap, clap-trap methods, start from the beginning and consult Melvln. He will tell you frankly your condition and what you may expect If nothing can be done for you he will not take one cent of your money. If Going to See a Medium Why not see the best as the best Is the cheapest In the end. Betler consult no clairvoyant at all than one who Is un able to help you, for false prophets do more harm than good. High-class pat ronage solicited, those capable of appre ciating the powers of an Intellectual psychic. THERE IS ONLY ONE MELVIN. Master Adept My practice and professional reputa tion are built upon "honor." Reason able charges, fair dealings, faithful ser vice and speedy success for my clients have won for me the largest practice In the state of California. My superior knowledge and power give me advan tages which warrant me In guarantee ing safer, surer and more rapid results than can be obtained elsewhere. For many years a practicing clairvoy ant, known from ocean to ocean as the marvel of two hemispheres, press and fubllo recognise Professor Melvln as he foremost and most able clalrvovant and splriti medium now before the pub lic. Where others fall he succeeds with ease and he positively will NOT accept fee for his readings unless you are per fectly satisfied and receive the Informa tion you desire. Marvelous demonstra tions of second sight, that must be seen to be believed, so be sure und consult him at once. Elevate thyself. Know thy future. Positively no equal on earth in his profession. By his wonderful powers he will give you names, tell yon what you called for, tells you what you want to know. If not correct. Free. Free. So positive am I of my power to ten ine past, present ana luture thnt I will make NO CHARGE, NO CHARGE, NO CHARGE, unless you obtain the In formation you desire and find me su perior to all clairvoyants, palmists and mediums In this city. There are many so-called clairvoyants who make great claim of what they can do for you, when upon investigation and every action would convince any sensi ble person that they arft. Incapable of helping themselves. There are also coun terfeit dollars. Imitations of the genu ine; there are good doctors and bud ones, and a few honest lawyers. Jjst so with clairvoyants; there are a few fenuine arid a great many Imitations udge me by my work. My extensive patronage and great success are the envy of all competitor. I am never Idle. My motto Is, "Work and win." I help my patrons to success In attaining ineir various Bmuiuons. 'mat is why I have so many of them and why each one recommends me to their frlenda $50 for Any Mistake Made Tnrongh Following His Advice He is permanently located here and absolutely reliable. For a Few Days Only 50c Low Fee - 50c His parlors are constantly crowded by peopio -wno sees; reiiaoie ana Important advice. DON'T CALL ON MELYIN Out of curiosity, but if you mean busi ness and want to hear the truth and get advice that will do you good In your future, call on him as soon as pos sible. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do toda,y. Delay Is dangerous. He sees all and tells all. arid never asks ?uestlons. It Is not what he has dono or others, but what he will do for you. TheJeison Mitt MORRISON. COR. ITH. ,: Hour It a. m, t t p, m. , , AND PALMIST CONSULT TIIE BEHT IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. REE README TO ALL W1IO BRING THIS ADVER TISEMENT I WILL TELL THE FOL LOWING Free cf Charge 1 WHERE rou came from. WHO It Is thst cauaea your trouble, how to overcome It. WHAT your ailments sra, how to cure them. WHERE you will be most successful. WHAT you should Invest In to be successful. WHEN you can expect a chance In affaire. HOW to control those you love. WHAT you are best adapts! for. And-then if you are convinced thnt I have the ability to read your past, pres ent and future life I mill give you my Deep Psychic . $5 Reading for $1 PROF. NIBLO 303 Washington Street THE MOST POWERFUL CLAIRVOY ANT IN AMERICA. i. FREE FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRINO THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult th lkL PROFESSOR Kill MO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; odvls-r on buslneas and all affairs of life: tells your full name and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control the one you lo've, even though milts away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; does all others sdvertlse to do, Hours 10 to I. dnily and (Sunday. Office, Noa. 1 and 4. Grand thratre bldg., 362 H Wash., near Park at. Plion Main 1147. LOOK An educated, experienced palmist, the old rellaDle spiritualist, business, test medium, complete clairvoyant life read er, adviser, natural healer by psychic power; tells your full name, age. occu pation exactly what you want to know without aaklng a question: by the deep, fiaycbic trance .reveals the truth about ove. business, marriage, mining, ores. Journeys, claims. Investments, changea letters, unknown mysteries as to per sons or things; sees what sickness you nave ana who can cure you. MriY.Marslifleld 261H MORRISON, Between 3d and 4th Streets MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. scientific revealer? tells entire life, past present and future; consultation on all affairs; nothing excepted; names given; good advice and sure help; mis take Impossible; by a most powerful sympathy, known only to a few se lected In her profession, the madame reunites the separated, restores lost love and removes all domestic troubles, and cauaea speedy and happy marriage with the one you love; also, locates mines and hurled treasure. Fee, 31; letter, XI. 240 Park st. MRS" BTEVENb, FIFTEEN YEARS Portland's leading palmist and clair voyant For a reliable reading call upon thla gifted seeress. Develops and teaches occult science. 343V Yamhill. MADAME LARANE. CLAIRVOYANT and palmist; her experience dates from childhood. 126 7th St.. In store. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. SPIRITUAL ME dium. Selllna-Hlrsch bldg., 10th and Washington. MRS. LINDSET; CLAIRVOYANT Business and life readings. 86 Park St., room 3. Phone Pacific 1803. MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER 826 Main St., 26c. Phone Msln 7648. '11! J A COAL AND WOOD Money Saved By addressing your orders for dry oak and fir cord wood, cedar poats and shaved shingles P box 82, Lents. Orders delivered subject to approval (C. O. D.) to any point In Portland at very liberal rates. SLAB WOOD. BIG LOAD. I J. UNION FUEL CO.. Foot of Montgomery st Phone Main 2143. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! 1.000 cords on hand delivered same day aa ordered. Home phone A-1634. The Nobby stables, 12th and Flanders. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF 8LAR wood call Main 4S76. Oak, ash, fir and coaL Portland Wood & Coal Co, 16th and Bavler sts WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coala, coke, charcoal, kindling; Phone Main 1011. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES CO., Wood and coal. ll East Vvater St FOR QUICK DELIVERY Oregon Fuel Co., 334 Alder. PHONE MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO., WOOD AND coal. 360 Water st. phone Main 1370. COAL INDEPENDENT COAL A ICE Co.. 353 Stark. Main 780. QUICK D" VERY. SLAB OR CORD wood. Steel Rrldire Fuel Co., East 424. EASTERN FUEL 63 I'nion ave. N "WOOD.' COALT B 1314. CLEANING AND DYEING THE 1IEIL1G HIGH GRADE CLEAN liiK wui- of all kinds in our Una, 543 u Wash st. A-67C3. Main 6866. FaN-CO-VKSTA CLUB 174 WEST Park. M-siia; A-&uzr. sponge and nress vour clothes, $1.60 per month. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED. 11 per month. Unique Tailoring Co 809 Stnrk st 11 W. TURNER, dyed a apeclalty. Main 2513 dyer Carpets S06 Jefferson st Feathers and feather boas cleaned, curled and dyed. Work called for und delivered. M. 2376. 764 Water. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS J. J. RANKIN. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, JOBBING AND REMODELING A SPECIALTY 287 FRONT ST. PHONE MAIN 653. JOHN A. MELTON, 235 2D ST. Ofr fice and store fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. ANGELL A KEEP, CONTRACTORS AND builders 620 Union ave. Phono East 4286. Jobbing, repairing, reshlngling, etc Kes. Scott 6065, or Woodlawn 60. li MELTON OFFICE, STORE Fix tures; general Jobbing. 17 1st st Phone Main 3190. CHIROPRACTORS EVA HOGAN, DR. CHIROPRACTIC, 223 Fliedner bldg.. 10th and Washing ton Ms.; hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. n'jS h mTGORDON, GRADUATE P. S. C. 204-5 Oreg. bldg. Phone A-1963. DR. P. q. S! BRIETLINQ GRADUATE S. C. 900 Marquam bldg. A-1622. DOG AND HOR8E HOSPITAL DR. C. E. BROWN, D. C. M. DOGS and horse hospital. 101 N. Ith st (Vain 481). W M. MILLER, V. S., VERERINARIAN. 26 N. 8th si Office 127 Flanders. Phone Main 7846. ' CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL fcr horses and Cogs. 189 GUsaa st Phone Main 1484. x DETECTIVE AGENCIES. . THE" GREAT SCOTT rTECTIVE agency guarantees success.Jl09 2d st room 4. Pac 117. Res. MifU 1401. CLAIRVOYANTS DANCING WALTZ, TWOSTEP. THREESTEP AND stage dancing leaaona, 16o; oldest and only reeognlsed teacher. Prof. Wat Wilson, entrance to hell and office II Selllng-IItrsch bldg., 384 H Waahlngton, between Weal Park and 10th sts, Prof. iunuLek uancino aCalemY! a select school: class or private lee- eons dally. st K Morrison, rnon. DANCING iNATRl'C'f 16N8 EVERT afternoon, 1:10 to 4. Murlark hall. Wash, at 12rd. Prof. Carter, Jrlnejpe j; DRESSMAKING MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS. MODIRTK. Taiior-maoe auua ana pry gowns a specialty. 61 Wn. Pig- Pe TIT. kXPEklLN'tikb bkk!i4M AKkk wishes engagemente by the day. Mlaa Irsen. Phone Main 161; A-1 1 1. DRESSMAKING - WOkK OlfARAN teed; reasonable prlcea. 140 4th. A 4323. Pac. 2771? MME. HOFMAiSTER TEACH Ea FIRST ciasa cutting wltn Storey's ldla' tailoring system, 670 Couch st. WANTED. BY EXPERIENCED DREH8 maker, work by the day. Phone Ta- hor 341. MADAME ANGELES 141 FIFTH. PA clflc 2. . UP-TO-DATE. HH1H-CLAS4 DRE88- muklnpr 340 4th; Pac. ZT7V, A-4JZJ MTsI B. A. OPPERMAN, CUSTOM corsetmakT. 416 H Morrison at. EDUCATIONAL ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 141 Ith at, near bostofflce; centra I location; Pitman rhorthand; expert grad uatea: low tuition: day and night school; new pupils dally. W. W. Wll Hams, M. B , Prln, BEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland. Or. Write for cat- a inau. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO., Ill STARK ST. Electrlo and gaa fixtures and supplies. mantels, tiling, rrate inn oogiron PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGD neera, contractors, repairers, electrlo wlilng, supplies. 34 1st, cor. Stark. Main 46 R. H Tste, Mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WOKKs. II Cth st Contractor, electrlo supplies, motors and dynamos; we Install plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. Ill E. Morrison st Fixtures, wiring, re pairing East 3128. or B-llli FaTrhanKS-MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos A CAD C. lat and Stark. ENGRAVERS DESIGNERS AND PHOTO ENGRAV ers. Nelss A Connawav. 101 Id. M. 7311. FIRE INSURANCE. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg. 10 4th St., near Wash. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE A IRONWORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Main 2001. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE; ELEC trlo equipments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machlnry Co.. Ill Morrison. HELSER & UNDEN MACHINE WORKS Marine stationary engines, 260 Gllsan. BUY GASOLINE ENGINE. WOOD8AW Ing outflta Fairbanks. Morse A Co.. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND. EUROPEAN plan only. 13, 16 flay. HOTEL OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN. HOTEL IMPERIAL. EUR.. II AND UP. BELVEDERE, European; 4th and Alder. HKLLKVUE. EUR 4TH AND SALMON. HARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS MADE to order. Portland Hardware Co. 74 Ith. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 344 Sherlock bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, EMPLOYERS' LIA blllty and Individual accident aecurlty bonds of all klnda Phone 47. 101 Mc Kay bldg. JEWELERS J. WOLF, 165 WASH. FINE 8PECTA cles 60c Elgin watches 16. Repairing. LOCKSMITHS. LOCKSMITH. UMBRELLA REPAIR Ing. Dave's. Washington, corner lith LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK ft CO, FRONT and Oak ata. leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters; findings. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland. MONUMENTS NEU A KINGSLEY. 268 1ST, PORT- land's leading marble and granite wks. MUSICAL NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC 21 M. Parvln, Mua. Doc., 36 Ruasel bldg. Voice cu 1 1 u re, piano, narmony. counnrpoini bone, clarinet. Professor E. A. Smith, 282 12th st Home AS360. Kllll. THIELHORN. PUPIL OF PROF. Otukar Sevcik, violin and viola tAoher S34 Pine. Tel. Psclfl.' 3S. fTTEAlUCER'SCll OOL OF MUSIC Mandolin, guitar and banjo. 118 Tlll- ford bldg. PROF. T. E. LAWSON, i68 12TlI Btf. Piano lessons reasonable. Main 4668. MORTGAGE LOANS AND BONDS, MORTGAGE LOANS AND BONDS. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Couch bldg., 109 4th St., near Wash. NOTARY PUBLIC r. F, PFLUGER. NOTARY PUBLIC commissioner of deeds. Deutsches tiotariat k. 14 Mumey Ding., aa and Mor. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LI LLEBELLE PATTERSON. SPE. cialiat on nervous, acute and chronlo diseases, ill renton oiag. pacino iio. DR. R- B. NORTHRUP, 416-16-17 DE kum bldg.. Id and Washington sts. frnone wain domination rree. PLUMBERS FOX ft CO. SANITART PLUMBERS, 231 2d. bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main'2001. DONNERBERG & RAD EM A CHER Rj moved to No. 103 Burnsldt at. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS 1 DUFUR ft DUFUR, 104 WEUJS-FARGO bldg. pnone a-&ss; largest and most complete stenograpnio ornc in west .TYPEWRITING EVENINGS SPECIFY cations, abstracts,., etc. East 2494. PATENTS PATENTS, TRADE r. MARKS REOIS- tered, expert advice free. A. J. Mat ter, all Commonwealth btdg Ith and Ankeny. - ; ' PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS T. E. BEACH ft CO, TUB PI' Patnt Co. Window glits a- l 1S8 1st it,; Phone 1334. MONEY TO LOAN XMAft XMAS MONET MONEY XMAg- BORROW NOW XMAS MONEY XMAH money AM AS money xmas MONEY XMAS MONEY XMAS MONET XMAS Money AND AVOID TUB MONEY HOLIDAY RUSH. XMAs) SALARY LOAN'S MONEY UPON PLAIN ' XUA NOTES. MONtfcY ABSOLUTELY, XMAS NO SECURITY MONEY AHKED. X M A 4 , REM EM HER MONEY ir YOU WORK WE XMAA WILL LOAN YOU MONEY MONEY. XMAS BE8T I I EASIEST MONEY XMAS TERMS t I PAYMENTS AMAH OPEN 1A.M. MONEY XM AH MONEY TO I P. M. WED. XMAS AND SAT.'S TILL MONEY I P. M. XMAS TATE SECURITY MONEY COMPANY. XMAS X.MA8 money XM AD Money 704 DEKL'M BLDG. MONEY XMA8 XM A 8 money MONEY Dcn't Be Broke Money is our stock we have plenty of it youre for the aaklng. A few hours' preparation and the money la yours. You can raise th money you need on your household furniture piano, fix lures. tc, without removal or on your aalnry by alvlna ua your plain note and Klthout th knowledge of anyone, When In need of money It will pay you to get It frcm ua on payment plan. It cost you leaa and gets you out of dvbt. Confidential loans made to ladles on their personal bote no Inquiries any where. Do not hesitate to call for partlculara you will be courteously treated whether tou borrow or not Hutton Credit Co. 612 I fifth floor) Dekum Bldg. IF-Toim : aWS ONE yto TTOa NToT7 Income property, gilt-edge security, call to see ua. If you di-stre to negoti ate a loan of any amount at reasonable rate, we enn acenmmudute you. We have a few choice building lots 1200 and Up; good car service; easy terms. Dean Lena & Improvement Co., 3i chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. THE sTar Ianc'ompanY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can gt on his note, without mortgage (ConlUntlal: Month. month. Week. 160 Repay to us 13.:S3 or 18.1-6 or 13.36 21 Repay to ua 6 65 or 13.20 or 11.61 111 Repay to ua I 4.00 or 32.00 or 11.00 itus MCKay bldg.. 1QI Jd. MONKr ADVANCED feULAMlED PEO . pie and othera upon thalr own names without security; cheapeat I a tea, easiest payments; offices in Itf principal citleat save yourself money by getting our terms first TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton Bldg. 106 S 3d st I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON PORT land real estate. Security In sums of from 11,000 to 150.000 on downtown property and from 1500 to 110.000 on residence propetry. I might consider good timber and farm loan. Address R-17, Journal. SALARY LOANS 8TH1CTLY CONFI dentlal; easy to gat and easy to pay. T. A. Nwton. ill Buchanan bldg.. IIIH Washington at MORTGAGES. FIRST OR SECOND liana and other real eatate securities discounted. H. E. Noble. Commercial blk. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. 8. W. King. 41 Washington bldg. Main 6100. IJ.JOO TO " LEND 'lN"sWs"T"o-BuTf at 7 per cent. F. C. Hoecker, 40S Chamber of Commerce. WlLTTBUY A GOOD-REAL ESTATE; mortgage not over 11.600. Coast Com merclal Co., 04 Dekum bid g. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS of security. Williau. HolL room . Waahlngton bldg. MONEY. MONEY, MONEY 1 I ! To loan. See S. S. Gillespie, 420 Com merclal blag. ' Loans on real, chattel or col- lateral security. W. A. Hathoway. 10 Washington bldg. SALARY LOANS LOWEST RATE At1 Employes' Loan Co.. 718 Dekum. LOAN FOR THE AoKING SALARY OR chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING PaTIdO A NE M 0V ED TO 104 UNION ave- near E. Wash. Tel. East 1096. PRINTING Mercantile Printing Co. Job Printing of every description, 92 1-2 First Street Main SS14. A-2482. WEDDING INVITATIONS. ANNOUNCE menta. Beattle ft Hofmann. 204 Stark. OGILBEE BROS- PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc Main 1861. 164H lat. ROOFING TIN ROOFING. GUTTERING.. HE-pairing- and general Jobbing. J. LoalL 213 Jefferson at Pacific 1424. REAL ES?ATB J. M. Pittenger 8c Co. 263 Russell st Phone E. 4149. Fir Insurance, loans, real estate. . J. W OGILBEE, REAL ESTATE AND loans; established 1833. 146 i 1st. room 11. - FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIP tion. W. W. Espey, 119 Commercial bldg. V SPHINX AGENCY, s REAL ESTATE and timoer: room v vnaoioer or Commerce bldg. ) W. WOLFSTEIN. DEALER IN REAL eatate ana rems coiecteo. 1 1 v it st. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY. P. U. c yo.. isi Btnrg. -ret 14UT. STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross. lngs, 114 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CU v. J J . . yum ,tw,yg,. vim. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER A KLEISER. SIGNS, THE largest sign makers In the northwest Sth and Everett sts. Phone Prlv. Ex. 66. Home A-l 166. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pacific 1694. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufactur- Ing Co.. Portland. THE JAMES 1. MARSHALL MFG. CO showcases, cabinets, store and office . fixtures. 289 Couch st Paclfio 2181. R. H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER; AGT. M. Winter Dumber Co.. I Hamilton dios. TRANSFER AND HAULING C a PICK OFFICE II 1ST ST Be tween Stark and Oak sts.: phone !. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ahlDDlna: eommodloue brick ware house with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay eta ' olseN-roe transfer ca ittnorai transfer and storace: safaa. pianos and furniture, etc. moved, paokad and shipped. 209 Oak at, between From and 1st. pnone Mam est; yii. lltE FINEST aTOkAtTvVAREiUA; in tha citv. most oentrally loct.l. Citv Transfer A Storage Co- 103 Front t. Main 42, or A-1142. ROSE CIXV I'HANA CO AL Yes. . E. 1371. f. C. Fndleymaris PENINSULAR. EXPKttiS ,'A'','; Transfer. 4T A et. V '"J l 71, OREGON TRAN&Fb U CO.. 1 ! N. i u Mains. ti-H - - i 4NDFPENI K N T U. ' i ff.r Co (stornpe '4 Tv7.I JuiiXS, i KA.N.' preis. -1' M I'ni ti tve, y