I ' ' ' J . 1 - ... I . , i , , ' ' .- - ',- . , " ) - ; rTHB; OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL. PORTLAND,' SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 7.V. 1907. I Town Topics HUNDREDS PERISILIN : A MINE TOXIC IIT'S AMCSK3IENTS. (Dally Newspaper Telegram.) Wwp for tha hearts that ar broken. Mourn tar tha humaa that are sad: Oh. what a terrible tolua Of plagues of tha day running mad, Jfelllg Tha Bptlr Wab' Sigh, tsnder hearts of the nation! baker ...... "Tha Daughters of Man. jr.. taken Ita desolate atatlon SIlfJIIV ... .......,, . . 1 Yon Yonaon. vauaaviua. tvrla All flue to Diana." itfyi : . t H "James Hoys in Missouri. Star Tha oonatanUy increasing Interest In tha naw book add ad to tha Fortiana publlo library haa suggested a naw plan of bringing them to publlo attention. Hereafter tha booka corresponding to tha llat published In tha Sunday taper Where hnmaa have bran happy and srigni. Walla have aupplantad tha laughing Anguian instead or tha smile Qrlef avary aplrlt la quaffing. uroana .every aunDaaro deme. Have you an eye that can pltyT Have you a hand that ran savef 8pakl la there Joy In 'That Cltyf nay, are there tear in the graver . .-. . . I : SKETCHES OF rORTLAND PASTORS . fxr"-' 7-r-ar --r rV" T" w ri I l, IS . 1 I VU 1 Ha1.iiriaiiaig a.isaaiaaaaMHMMaMiMaaMaMaaMMia the mill ba fnrfnil In a eaae aieciaiiy ni ninti aixa a t aalde for them at the end of the blog- I I Ilk I I ft I IN 11 Y liter I viiavia uiivtivHe ZOOVO AVD COLUMBIA. Telephona A-Ul. Main It. Our BpeolaJtjr OolUra and Ooffa. ranhv atack near the door, where will ba on exhibition and open to e- amlnatlon for ona weak. Tne louowinB Monday thaae booka will go Into cir culation and a new group will take their Dlara. Thla chance. It la hoped, will fa a-rataful tn tha tiatrona of the library. for It will enablo all no u.e i ine chant, stlnga Bank." It did not. how library to haya an eoual 0PPrt unity aver, appear to have made any differ- i nr w f T ,w Il.w I ence in ine puuina; and left for tha booka. Theae will be filed In tha order In which they are re ceived, and tha reader notified of hie turn. Teacnere will pieaae note u; booka of Chrlatmaa reciutlona and poema may ba found ehelvid on a caaa at tna.rignt 01 mo oean. Tha Taachera" Progreaa club, com- "The War In Ooldfield" will ba the aubjeot of a lecture by William Mo- nevltt, LL. M., editor of the Dally World, of Oakland. California, at IU Davla atreat, Bociallat hall. Hunday evenlna. The a tuat on at Ooldfield will poaed Of tha Multnomah county teach- be explained and dlacuaaed. and e-ery-- ...a. t,..i.- i.. body la welcome and adrnlaalon la frea lar monthly moetlng at tha city hall thla mornlur. The membera of the club are engaged In a atudy of Bhakcnpeare aa outltued by the profeaaor of Unclleh literature at tne aiaie univerauy Edward M. Bharp, paator of fh Mount Tabor Ireabyterlan churoh. waa bora at PrlnAton, Illlnofa, and when three yeara of ago moved, with hla paranta, to Me- chanloavilla, Iowa Later the family moved to Muaoatlna, where ba compluted tha high achool courae and then entered Paraona col lege at ralrfleld, Iowa, and graduated In JH5. In the fall of that year ha en tered MrCormlt'k TllMllrlral umlmr. and graduntxd aa one of the four honor mm in a nuai or 37 In thn yar 881. -".I- ,.'"!.rp' r'r,t leiornte waa at Walla Walla where he Inbored for three l,??.r"- 11? went rrom pnatorate Jn mi to Silver Creek, New York, and waa wiui mai onurru ior ten yeara. In 101 he waa elected by the preebytery of buf- iam Ha a ciinimidHimirr to the general aaacmbly held at 1'hllailalnhla an4 nnia.i for tha debate on the revlalon of tha oniramon or raitn. In the fall of 101 he waa called to the Mount Tnbor Treebvterlan rhurch and began workwln Beptember of that year. lie haa been with the Mount Tabor church alnre that dnte nnd haa aaan u ve made any oirrer-' oom to aelf aupport. The manne waa power of the ad. tor bul two ,nd .'f)alf H "'l a ouuuing in wnicn tne church feela a juat pride. Hurlnir the paat yer he waa a fra ternal delecate to the rlrated Trndee council, waa honored with the degree of Doctor Of Divinity by hla Alma Muter, and waa aleoted prealdenl of tha Tort land Mlrlatera' axaorlatlon. In l0i he was olecle.1 by Portland presbytery aa a commlMloner to the general aaaemhly at leii Molnea. which will be noted In htatory aa the aaaem- the noaton Store haa been crowded with ouatomera all day. Tha offlcea of the foreat eervlce are being removed from the cuatom houae bulldlna- to the Tllford bulldlna. Tenth and Waamngion atreeta. In order to ae "Hamlet" will be the aublect for atudy cure more room. The work of the aerv- and dleouaaton at the next regular meet- ice la ateadlly Increasing;, and It waa Ing to be held on tha flrat Haturday tn Impoaatble to obtain aufffclent apace In January. roe ClUD weicomra oumu. mamharahln "nd would be clad to en roll aa a member auyona Interested In the atudv of Shakeepeare. without re- card, to balnr a member of tha teach- era' profeaalon. While going through the motlona of alarlna an Imaclnary enemy. Charlca rin.iri attracted the attention of Pa trolman Oalbralth. who arrcated him on a charge of carrying concealed weep ona. Having no money for bail, Flow- era apent tha night In Jail, in tne mu nicipal court tbla morning he failed to explain hla actiona to toe iiuii.tn of Judge Cameron and waa fined $10. Flowera la employed at a aaloon at the corner of Seventeenth and Thurman atreeta. the government building. J. H. Fulton, a 18-year-old lad. who waa found aleeplng in a boxcar last ntl. waa thla morning aent to the Hove' and Qlrla' Aid aocletv by Judce Cameron of the municipal court. J. U. Church and Axel Johnaon, young men who were found In the aame car with the boy, were ordered to leave tha city. "The Panlo and tha Remedy" will be dlacuaaed by Judge C E. B. Wood at the meeting of 1 ranch (. Bociallat party, at Allaky hall. Third and Morrison. Bun- day evening, fllgnora Curenl, the great aoprano rrom the east, haa kindly con aented to alng at tola meeting. Adml alon free. atreeta; Re. W. A. M. Brack. Holy communion and aermon, 11 a. m.; Bun day achool, tn a. m. Tha Church of Our Savior Wood atock. Bervlcea. 11 a. m.; Sunday achool 19 a. m. St Mark'a Corner of Nineteenth and Qulmby atreeta; Key. J . Blmpaon. communion. V a. m.; tnstina and litany, 11 a. m.i evtnuoni. 7: JO p, m.; Sunday achool, 10 a. m. St. John'a Memorial Sell wood: Rev. W. R. Powell. Bervlcea and aermon, 11 a. m. Bunday ar'honl, 10 u m Oood Shepherd Bellwood atreet and Vancouver avenue, Alblna. Kev. John flaw son, rector. Sundny achool, t:4S a. m.; morning aervlce, 11 a. tn.; evening aervlce, 7:S0 p. m. St. Davld'e hUkat Twelfth and Bel mont, Kev. Ueorce n. Van Watara, li. I). Holy communion, ga m; rector'a Hlhle claaa In chapel. 10 a. m ; morn ing aervlce and aermon. 11 a m ; eve ning aervlce, 7.30, HwniUy achool, 15 a. in. OongregmUoaal. Madlaon and I'urW. Dyolt, I. I. iisat'ir. m. and 7 :10 i Rev l.d-Bervlcea toplca. Rer. Edward M. Sharp. blr of union and reunion with Cumberland Preebylerlan church. for three yeara Mr. Sharp haa been the permanent clerk of the Svnod of urecon ana aince octoher, 190, atated clerk of Presbytery of Portland. CHURCH SERVICES aptUt, Smith. Bervloea, A real old-Uma revival la on at the Men'a Raaort goapel mleelon. corner of Burnalde and Fourth, where meetinga r. h.M nirhtlv. Durlnc the past month Borne 17 profeaalona of faith in lumbl Chrlat have taken place, .aai after an addreaa by Rev. J. A. Mcveign the auperlntendent, a former printer and newspaper man, 10 men came forward and expreaaed a determination to walk in tha matA old wir. And they were not after the "loavea and flahea." "Why the Ministerial Aaaoclatlon Had No itJcht to condemn a Sunday After noon iluslnesa Men'a Meettnc." Rev. K B. Muckley'a aublect tomorrow night, Flrat Christian church. Park and Co- Rev. Dr. Thompaon of Bellwood will lecture on Yellowatone Park at the Men a Resort, tonight (Saturday) at 46. Thla lecture will be Illuatrated by aome fine vlewa of the park and la lire to an. 8. A. Laaaelle, aecretary for the firm of Laaaelle Broe.. Packing company of Albanv. filed bankruptcy papera In tha l nit.H Ristea airoult court thla morn- Inc. Liabilities. 4.S21; asseta. $2. 691. Among the credltora holding ae curitlea la the auapended Title Guaran tee o Truat company. of Portland. The amount la 116.000. The company also haa a dryer at Cove. In Union county. For labor, among: which many women are mentioned, the firm owei $1,98. The tea which waa to be flven De cember 6 at the Florence Crlttenton Ref-- homa haa been postponed to Fri day. December 21. The board glvlnc tha tea conalata or Aire, ijeveiana nocawcu, preaident; Mra. R. R. Steele. Mra. J. D. ia. Mra A. L. Lucae. Mra. W. P. Olda. Mra. 8. O. Reed. Mra. Lola O. Baldwin, Mra. R. F. Brlatow, Mra. C. A. Coburn, Mra. Ford Warren, A. li. Manley. L. O. Tarpley, C. E. Ladd, W. W. Cotton and W. L. Johnstone. Katle'a White Robe" will be the title of a atereopticon lecture given thla evening at tne Salvation Army hall, Madlaon atreet. at 8 p. m. All are invited. An el cant assortment of ladles' fine handbaga, puraea and card casea at Herni a drur store, 211 Washington atreet. ciearina nouae certiricatea taken. Steamer J eaae Harktna. for Caraaa Waahoucal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leavea Washlnrton atreet dock at 1 p. m. Save the discount CIS cental by cay' Inc your bills for December aervlce on or before the 10th of the month. Home Telephone company. Coal Single sack or ton orders de livered promptly. Independent Coal A Jce company, 35S Stark atreet Phone Main 7S0, A-3780. In a colllelon between a power broom Toilet and manicure aeta at Bernl'a peioncing m i. vny clearing house certlflcatea taken. nartment and an eaai ana wesi car on . . . ., 1 1. 1 the Grand avenue line at 11 o'clock last night the power broom waa wrecked and Ita driver. John Stidhem. waa thrown between the horaea and run over by hla machine. The wheel punned over both lees and he waa Injured lntorVUly The atreet-oleanlna; department baa been unable to learn who waa at fault In the accident. At a meeting of the George Wright Relief corpa laat evening the following Officer were elected for the ensuing year' Prealdent, Mra. Theodore Cour ier: aenlor vlce-prealdent, Mra. Ellen Mllla; Junior vice-president, Mra. Sarah Hawklne; treaaurer, Mra. Mary Pferd ner. reelected; conductor, Mra. Elixnbeth Griffith; guard Mra. Ella Lombard; chaplain, Mra. Susan Cojie. Offlcere of the Portland lodge of the Ancient Order of Hlbornlana were elected at the annual meeting laat night aa follow: Prealdent, E. H. Deery; vlce-prealdent. Martin Glnty: financial secretary, Dennis W. Lano; recording secretary, Dennis Madlgan; treasurer, John Farrell; sergeant-at-arms, T. P, Daugherty; sentinel, Dan Bmlth. For your fall eult and overcoat go to J.' C Schaefer ei Co., tallore, Raleigh building, 323 Waahlngton atreet Dress suits a specialty at J. C. Schaefer & Co., tailora, Raleigh build ing, 323 Waahlngton atreet Gillett, Zlnn, Gem and Ward safety raaora and blades at Bernl's drug stora 233 Waahlngton atreet Nobby suitings at J. C. Schaefer A CO.. tailors. Raleigh building, 823 Waah Dentist has offices to share: chyst clan preferred; modern building. N-88, journal. Acme Oil Co. sell aafety coal oil and nne gasoline, mono i-ust 788; B-100T, Woman's Exchange, 7S3 Tenth street lunch 11:30 to 2; business men's lunch. McAllen & McDonnell, the well known dry goods firm, has Incorporated as McAllen A lIcDonnell, incorporated. The Incorporators are Dnplel McAllen. W. P. Slnnott and J. Frank Slnnott, the capital stock being 876,000. By a typographical error In the ad vertisement kf the Boston Store yester day the expression "Near Saints Sav ings Bank" waa mado to read "Mer- CITIZENS BANK Eighteen years in busi ness on the East Side Does a General Banking Business Cut Business cards, 31.60 per 1,000. rate printers. Phone Paclflo 601. Woodward Dancing Academy. Arlon nail, lonignt wessons zo cents. aggs. Highest price paid for fresh Kr use's, Park and Morrison. D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. Try the Independent laundry. Manure for sale. Main 683. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. Where to Dine. Merchanta' lunch dally, 25c; Sunday dinner, 60o. Kruses, Park and Morrison. NEW AD FIRM. J. H. Lambert, President A. W. Lambert Cashier 120 Grand Ave. 4. It J, Z,ewls M. Head and Captain Charles 17. Blaok Porm a Copartnership. From tho roster of the Portland Ad. club a new advertising company has been started In Portland by Lewis M. Head and Captain Charles N. Black, both formerly with tho Chapman Adver tising company. The new firm will ba known as the Head-Black Advertising company, with offices In tho Couch building. Mr. Head waa the author of the Rose City Park advertising campaign, fa miliar to all readers of The Journal. He has had n wide experience in advertising lines and has been identlffed with sev eral of the lareest publicity campaigns of various kinds in the United States. Mr. Black, formerly of Chicago, was tha representative of the Portland Ad club on the 1907 rose fiesta executive committee and capably conducted the publicity reatures. He was later aent as a delegate to the convention of thn Associated Ad Clubs of America at Cincinnati and cleverly mado a reputation for the Rose City, wlille endeavoring to secure the 1908 convention for Portland. Crowds at 3farkeH's. The following program will be ren dered tonight by a select orchestra at Markell & Co.'s store: March "My Irish Rosle" Overture ."Indian Maiden" Oriental Intermezao "Rasaza" Valse ( Spanish) "Esprlnta" Selection '. . . "Sweet Recollections" March "Policy King" Selection March .' "Sweethearts'- Another feature splendidly executed this afternoon that will be repeated this evening from 7 to 9 o'clock Is tha ap pearance of Santa Claus. During his afternoon visit be gave every boy and girl a beautiful souvenir. Arista Rev. EL II a. m. and 8 p. m.: Sunday achooL 10 a. m.; U. X. P. U.. p. m. Third Vancouver avuntie and Knott streets: Kev. H. Be hwedler. naslor Services 11 a. m. and 7:46 d. m.: Bun- aay school, ltf a. ni., B. X. P. U.. .46 p. m. Hla-bland Alberta and Sixth atreeta Sunday school. 10 a m : aervU-es at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m ; li. T. p. U., 6:30 p. m. Bellwood Tacoma and Eleventh streets; Rev. George A. Learn. Ben ices 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. n.; li. Y. P. C, 7:1a p. m. Calvary East Klghth and Grant streets. BeYvlces. 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a m. Immanuel Beoond and Meade atreeta; Rev. A. B. Mlnaker. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday achool, 11:46 a. m. Grace Montavllla; Rev. Oilman Par ker. Services at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; toplca, "Foreign Missions," and Evangellatlc services. Central East Twentieth and Ankeny atreeta; Rev. W. T. Jordan. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p m ; morning topic, "Cured at Last", evening, ser mon by Rev. F. E. Lask, "True Riches'; baptism at evening aerviro. Sunday school, 12 m.; V. P. meeting, 6:30 p. m. Unlveralty Park Rev. A. B. Walta Sunday achool at 10 a. m.; services. 1 a. m. and 7:30 p .m.; topics, "Work-Minded Workers," and "A Test by Fire"; B. Y. P. U.. 6:45 p. m. First Tne White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor atreets: Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher. D. D. "One accord" prayer meeting, 10 a. m.: services 10:30 a. m. nd 7:80 p. m.; toplca, lrue inches. and "The Friend of the rlendlesa with a prelude, "A Tribute to Judge Fraser"; Bible school. 12:10 m.; Young People's meeting, 6 p. m. Sunnyslde (German) Forty-flrat atreet and Hawthorne avenue; Rev. U Feldmeth. Preaching, 11 a. m.; Sunday achool, 9:46 a. m. , . Kt Johna (German) Rev. C Feld meth. Preaching 3 p. m. bunoay scnooi laco'J.d Seventh and Eaat Ankeny atreets: Rev. Stanton C. Lapnim. terv Irea af 10:80 a. m. ana 7:3(1 P. m. lop lea. "The Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man," and "The Great est Blunder ; Bible achool, noon Yoiina- Peonle'a union. 6:30 p. m. Savler-Btreet uecween i weniy-ur and Twenty-second streets. Bunaay arhnol. 2:80 n. m. HI Johns K JL. leonaro. Dsrvicea, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Bunaay scnooi. 10 a. m.; B. T. P. V. :0 p. m. Chinese Mission 362 Oak street Sunday school, 7 p. m.; preaching-in Chinese. 8 p. m. First Germen Fourth and Mill trtm. J. Kratt feerv1cs 11 m. and 7:30 p. m.j Sunday school, 8:46 a. m. . Rficond German Morris street and Rodnev avenue: Rev. F. Buermann Services, 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sun r1nv arhool. 9:46 a m. East Forty-fourth Street Corner East Main; Rev. B. C Cook. Services. 11 a. m. aim 7:30 p. m.: Bible achool. 10 a. m ; B. Y. P. U.. 6:45 p. m. Lents First atenue and Foater road Sunday school. 10 o. m.; services, 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. .. juount yjiive navtmu u ctqivh. Rev. B. B n. Johnson. Services at 11 a. Tn nnrl S n. m. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth: Rev. Erick Scherstrom. Services, 10:46 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday achool. 12 m.; B. -Y. P. U.. 6:30 P. m. Union Avenue Mission (Swedish) Corner Skldmore. Sunday school, 10 a m. Norwegian-Danish services m nan corner Mississippi and Shaver streets, 11 r. m anrl 7:50 p. m.: Sunday school, 12 m.; Industrial school Saturday after noon, 2 o clock. Sunday school, 10 a is.; servlcea, 11 a. in. and i p. m. Annabel Services at 11 a m. and 7-48 p. m. Kenllworth East Thirty-ninth atreet and Gladstone avenue: preaching at 1 1 a. m. by ReV. J. H. Dunning, l'h. D. ; Sunday achool at 12 m. Piedmont Servlcea. 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. Trinity Fill ton; Bunday school at 11 a. m.; Christian Endeavor. 6:46 p. m., 7 30 p. m.; preaching by Harvey Miller. Ketabalst. Taylor-Street Rev. Benjamin Tounc, D. D., paator. Sermon, 10 30 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; topics, "The Greatest Thing." and "God In Man"; classca. 9:30 a. m.; Bunday school, 12:16 p. in. , Epworth League, 6:30. Sunnyslde East Yamhill street be tween Eaat Thirty-fifth and Thlrty alxth streets; T. B. Ford. Services 11 a m.; Junior League, 8 p. m.; Senior League. 6:15. St Johns F. 1 Tounc. Services 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. , Sunday school, 10 a m. Epworth Rev. Charles T. McPher son. bervlces In Oregon building at fnlr grounds. 11 a. m. and 7:SJ i. tn. Toplca, "A New Heart" and "yueen Esther"; Sunday achool, 10 a m., Ep worth League, 6:30 p. rru i-entenary East Pino and Eaat Ninth atreeta. Rev. Clarence True Wilson. I). D., pastor. Class meeting, 9:30 a. m. ; services. 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p. m : topics. 'VltsJltv of Vision" and First ther H. 10:80 "Man'a Greatest Achievement." and Chrlat and the houls i.f Men", Htimlsy 1 school, 12:16 p. in.. V H C. E. 6:30 p. m. univsrsity rark ion naven avenue: i Rev. D. B. Gray, preaching 11 a m., n.l 7 til n i ), l'..v V .... 1 ,,I.L. Sunday school. 10 a. in., Y P. S. C. K, 6:30 p. in. Laurelwood Rev. D II. Oray. Serv ices at 11 a. in h'llnl:i' school, 10 a. m.: Y. I. S. C K., 7 p. m. Mlaslsalpp) Avenue Miaslsslppl ave nuuand Fremont; Kev. Daniel T. Thomas. Services, il a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school, 10 a m ; Christian En deavor, 6:30 p. m. Sunnyslde Corner of East Taylor and Hast Thirty-fourth street. Kev. J. J. Staub, Services at 11 a. ni. and 7:10 n, m., topics, "The Piayer of a Contrite Heart" and "Noontide," b.-i nn, in series on the "Morning, Noonllilw and Evening of Life"; Hunday -hiMl. 10 a. in . Junior C. E.. 3 p. in , Senior C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Hasaalo Street East Seventh and Hassalo; Rev. Paul Kader. Bermon. 10:ao a. m. and 7:."0 p m ; HundHV achool. 12 m.: Y. P. 8. C. E. 6.30 p. m. Highland Eaat Sixth street north and Prescott; Rev. E. S. Bollinger. Serv ices si 11 a. m. ami 7:30 p. m . topics. "Christ Not a Destroyer, hut a Vul flller." and "A Young Man Who Waa Herlous"; Hundav school, 10 a. in , Y. P. S. C. E , 6:30 p. in. St Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson. Serv ices, 11 a m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school. 10 a m. First German East 8eventh Stanton atreets; pev. John H. Hopp nervices, io:jo a. m. and 7:in p. m. 8unday school. 9:15; Christian En deavor, 4:30 p. m HIBERNIA SAVINGS DANK PAYS 4 Per Cent. OPEN For the convenience of its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 SeconifSt. Corner Washington Portland or. AjrcrsxafxiTTa. HEIUG THEATRE i. the paator. Itsllsns to vlted. Servlcea at 4 p. m. vhlch all Italians are for In- TTnltarlaa. Church of Our Father Corner ot Tamhlll and Seventh ttreets; Key. W. O Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. L Eliot D, D.. minister emeritus. Servlcea at 11 a m.: toptr, ' he Rule of Jesua in the Mind of Man , Sundsy shool 12:16 p. m. First strsets; Bsformed. German Tenth and G. Hafner. Bervlces at a m. and 8 p. m. Stark 10:48 Taiversallst, Church of the Oood Tidings East Couch and East Eighth streets; Rsv. J. D. Corhy. Services, 10:45 a m. and 7 30 p m.. topics. "Can You Trust Your i Vin.lniirA " anri "T'liA Kunnv HIAm of and i I. if. f.,r tha Dlacouisaed": Bundav ; HCllOOl. 1 2 m. 14th tag WsahlDgtoa. Four Nights, Beginning Monday FRITZI SCHKFF In tha Corelo Opera , "MXlVa. MOV IS TV" PRICES Ix)wer floor. J0, 11.10; Balconv. 31.60. 81.00. 7io: K.ntlra (laU lery. 66c. I JZl:.?. HEIUG THEATRE I TOaTTOMT AT tilt O'CLOCK. . AND LAST TIME TOMORROW N10IIT (SUNDAY). AJaAX TSUAX ' In the Comedy Drama "TatS irZDBB'S Vfll" ' Evenings. 81 BO to 88c; Mat. 11 tcMa. MAUQUAM QRAND ! All Nt Week. oko. riuarsoaii-a I TAMOVn UIITUL8 ' Opening ! Matinee Sunday 1 Iormhr i t K iMAkQUAM QRAND E:. F inland s Famous Theatre LAST TIME TONIGHT, 8:11. "SAID PASHA" An Opera Wlih the Real Oriental Minor lien iMf'il Kongs. Handsome Conliunis. Splendid Chorus. Evening, :6c. 60c. T6c; Mat, 25c, 80c 8AKIR. THEATRE rno.e Mau Oeo. L. Baker, Osa. Manager. I. AST TIME TnNKiHT TIB DAUQITElfl Or MOT By Charlvs KU-in, author of The Lion and the Mouse" and "The Zualo III, ter." One of the greatest plays of m century. Evening prices 25c. J&c, SOc. Matinee l&o and I'ic. aTert Week, Btartlna- Tomorrow MatlaM "Bag- Harbor." Ztatheraa. Swedish Immnnuel Nineteenth and Irving atreeta Services, Ham. snd 8 p. m ; Sunday school, 8:48 a. m. Norwegian Synod East Tenth and East Grant streets; Rev. O. Husoes. Sunday school, 8:30; services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. Society, Thursday, b:id p. in. Detanla Danish Union avenue and Morris street; Rev. J. Scott. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday achool, 10 a. m.; Y. P. S., Tuesday, 8 p. m. St. James' English West Park and Jefferson streets; J. Allen Leas. Serv ices. 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.: evening-. Illustrated lecture; Sunday school. 10 M. B. Clroxck South. 171 H Second street; Rev. E. F. Mowre. Horvlce li a. m. and 7:80 p. m , by C. I.. McCaualand. Bunday school, 10 a. m.; Epwortii League, 8:80 p. m. 'The Publican's Prayer"; Hunday school. I LiUner league, 7 p. m in - . . I Mnpwa o- on - A K Kl Art h I Fins Set h-Thomas clocks at ger's, S42 Washington street Mets- ' Wisdom's Tloltt Creaa uat Fowder are per fect beaatiflena. , Preshytertan. First Twelfth and .Alder streets Rev. William Hiram Foulkes. Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; preaching by the minister, iixcopt Ihese Abide, and "The Sword Against the Shepherd"; Sunday school, 12 m. Mizpah East Thirteentn ana fown streets; Rev. Jerome R, McGlad-, D. D Services 10:30 a. m. and i:30 p. m.; Sunday school 12 m.; Christian Ln- deacor, 6:30 p. m.; Midway Sunday school, 8:16 a. m. Calvary Eleventh and Clay streets; Rev. Ben-Ezra Stiles Ely Jr., D. D. Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.: Sunday school after morning service. Fourth First ana uidds streets; Key. John R. Welch. Services at 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p. tn.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 p. m. Hawthorne rark iweirtn ana East Taylor streets; Rev. E. Nelson Allen. Services at 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Y. p. s. C. E., 6:30 p. m. Forbes Sellwood street and Ganten- bein avenuo; Rev. Harry H. Pratt. Serv ices at 11 a. m. ana 7:30 p. m.: Sunday school, 10 a, m.- Chlnese iitt irirsr street; services, 7:45 o. m.: Sunday school, 6:45 p. tn.: young- people's meeting, 8:45 p. m. fjeamont ieveiaiiu avenue ana J ar ret t fj street Westminster East Tenth ana weia- ler streets, Rev. Henry Marcotto. Serv ices, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. rn.; Sunday school. 18 m.; C E.. 6 40 p. m. Marshall-Street Marshall ana worm Seventeenth atreets; Rev. C. W. Haya. Sunday school, 10 a. m.: preaching at 11 a. m. ana 7:so p. ni.; x. r. a. Hi. at 6:45 p. m. Mount xaDor1 Beimoni street ana Prettyman avenue; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Bunday school at 10 a. m. Sellwood Corner East Seventeenth and Spokane avenue. Rev. D. A. Thomp son, Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; topcls, "Adoption," sixth sermon In series on, church doctrine, and "The Prof ft of Godliness"; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6 p. m. Third East Thirteenth and Pino streets; Rev. Andrew J, Jtfontgomery, Services at 10:30 a. m. arid 7:45 p. m. Vernon Eaat Twentieth and Wygant streets. Services at 11 a. tn. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. G. A. Blair; Sunday school, 18 m. Hope Montavllla; Rev. S. S. White. Services at 11 a m.; Sunday school, 10 a m.' MHlard Avenue Rev. A. X). Soper;! I- m. t-pworth l.eamie. 6:l& ti in., aeai invitea to attend momma- service. Trinity Corner of East Tenth and East Grant; Lewis p. Smith. Services at li a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, iu a. m. ciass meeting. 12:15 p. m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m.: Rev. E. A Ross will preach both morning and evening. Special services throughout ween, id a m. ana :su p. m Central Kusaell and Kerbv streets: J. l. ADDett. aervice at.iuao a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 12 ra. Chinese Mission Chan Slna KaL Bervlces 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m. mount rADor services at li a. m. ana i :su p. m. Put ton Michigan avenue and Carpen ter. 11. T. Wira Cervices at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. in. Vancouver Avenue Services at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. tn. Woodstock Rev. H. P. Blake. Ser vices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Norweglan-Daniah Thirteenth and Davis; C. J. Nelsen. Bervlces at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Swedish Uorthwlck and Beach; Rev. John Ovull. Services 11 am. and 8 p. m.; topics, "The Gospel Call" and "Second Coming of Christ": Sunday school 10 a. m.; Epworth League. 7 p. m. First German Fifteenth and Hovt O A. Waasa. Servlcea at 11 a m. and 7:30 d. m. Second German 8tanton and Rodnav. Rev. E. E. Hertxler. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday achool, 8:45 a. m.J Epworth league, 7:30 p. m. Japanese Mission 121 North 71 f. teenth. Rev. Ellsen Ribara Servlcea 9:30 a m. and 8:30 D. m.. Sunday school, 8:80 p. m. University Park Rev D. A Wattara. Services at 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m. Grace Corner of Twelfth and Tavlor streets; Kev. Wllllnm H. Heppe, pastor. Services at 10:30 and 7:30 p. m. topics. "Spiritual Rootaie." and '"Th Homesickness of the Soul"; morning classes, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday school. :15: St. Paul miss on. 3:30: Enworth Leainie. 6:30 p. m. bellwood Corner East Fifteenth and Tacoma avenue; Rev. A. Preston Boyd. Sunday school. 10 a m.: services. 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m.; topics, "Launch Out Into the Deep" and "The Man on the Tree';; Junior Epworth League, 2:30 p. m.; Senior Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Free First East Ninth and Mill. Rev. W. J. Johnston. Services 11 a m.. 7:30 i m.. Thursday 7:30. The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty- ninth and Powell streets. Rev. 8. J, K.ester. pastor, cervices at H a. m. ana t.so p. m.; Hunday achool 10 Norwegian 45 North Fourteenth street; Kev. J. M. Nerving. Services at 11 a in. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:48 a m. St. Paul's German East Twelfth and Clinton streets; Rev. A. Krause. Sun day school, 9:80 a. m.; confession, 10 a. m.; morning service, 10:30 a. m.; English service, 7:30 p. ra.; Bible ses sion and young people's meeting, Thurs day. 8 p. m. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Corner Williams avenue and Sellwood atreet; J. A. Rlmbach. Servlcea at 10 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday achool, 9:15 a m. Zlon's German (Missouri Synod) Chapman and Salmon streets; W. H. Behrens. Services at 10:15 a. m.; Sun day school 9.15 a m. Swedish Augustana Rodney avenue and Stanton atreet; Rev. C. A. Tolln; services 10:45 a m. and 7:46 p. m.: Sun day school, 9:30 a. m. Miscellaneous. r m.; Epworth league, 6:80 p. m. woodlawn William J. Douglass, pss- tor. cervices at n a. m. ana v::io n. m Sunday school 10 a. m.; Epworth league. D:au v. tn. BvlsoopaX. Episcopal (west side) St Matthews. First and Camthers street; Rev. W. A. M. Breck In charge. Holy communion. 30 a. m.; Sunday school. 10 a m. : services and sermon. 11 a. m. Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Mar tyr Thirteenth and Clay atreets: Rev. H. M. Ramsay. Communion, 7:89 a. m.: services 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a m. Trinity Nineteenth and Everett streets; Dr. A. A. Morrison. Bervlces, a. m.. nam. ana y:su p. m.: Hundav school, 9:45 a. m. All Saints Twenty-second and Reed streets. Sunday school. 10 a- m.; even ing service and sermon by Rev. H. D. Chambers, 7:30 p. m. St. Andrews University Park: Rev. W. R. Powell. Services 11 a. m.: Bun day school. 10 a. ru st. Paul's Woodmere: C L. Parker lay reader. Services at 11 a, m.; Sun day school, 9:45 a m. St. Matthew's First and Caruthers Dr. Brougher's SUBJECT, 730 P. M. STTHDAT AT The White Temple Twelfth and Taylor Streets. "The Friend of the Friend less" PBEXiirOBl 1 Tribn.se to Judge Praser." Baptism and Special Music. 10 0 A. u. "True Riches" SOZ.O Miss rthel Shea. STEBTBOBT WBI.OOMX. ChrlstlsB. Central East Twentieth and East Salmon streets; Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D. I. Services, 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; Sunday school, 12m.; Senior C. E., 6:30 p. m. Kodney-Avenue lioancy avenue ana Knott street; Rev. F. Elmo Robinson. Services, 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; topics, "Our Debt to the Bible School, by Mrs. Clara Esson. and "The Worst Liar Ever Known": Sunday school, 9:45 m.: Y. P. 8. C. E., 6:30 p. m. Kern Park Rev. E. M. Patterson; services 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; toplca, "C. W. B. M. Work" by Miss Lei a Jor dan and "Enthroning Jesus as King"; Sunday achool, 10 a. m.; C. E., 6:45 n. m. Woodlawn Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by pastor, Clark W. Com stock; toplfs. "Life as Seen by the World's Greatest Christian" and "The Man That Every Woman Wants"; Mrs. Jordan, organizer of C. W. B. M., will speak at :t p. in.: Punday school, 10 a. m.; Y. P. H. C. M, 6:30 p. m. First Corner Park and Columbia atreets, Rev. E. 8. Muckley. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.. topics, "Founda tions," an Illustrated talk to boys and young men. and "Why I Voted Against the Resolution Condemning the Business Men's Meeting on Sunday"; Bible school, 10 a. m.; C. E., 6:30 p. m. Advent. Stecond street, between Hall and Lincoln. Services at 11:80 a m. nnd 7:30 p. m.; Young Poople'a So ciety of Loyal Workers, 6:30 p. m. TTnlted EvangelloaL First Corner East Tenth and Sher man streets. Rev. A A. Winter. 10 a. in., Sunday school; services 11 a m. and 7:3U p. ni., by Rev. M. J. Ballan tyne; communion service in morning; L. of C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Second Fargo and Kerby streets; Rev. B. 8. Hughes, pastor. Sunday school 10 a m.; aer vices 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. St. John's Ivanhoe and John streets; Rev. Chester Paul Gates, breaching 11 a m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ockley Green Uay street and Wil lamette boulevard; Rev. J. Boweraox, pastor. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m.; topics, "Preparing the Way" and "Find ing tho L'st"; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; K. L. C. E.. 6:15 p. ni. ' Christian and Missionary Alliance East Ninth snd Clay streets. Rev. C Li. Sawtelle, superintendent Services st 10:30 n. m. and 7:30 p. m.: Sunday school 9:30 a. m.; praise and altar aerv lce, 2:30 p. m.; Y. P. meeting. 6:30 p. m. Swedenborglan New Church Society Knights of Pylhlas hall. Eleventh and Alder streets. Bervlces 11am. Latter Iay Saints Services In Allsky hall, corner Third and .Morrison streets at 11:30 a. m. and 7 p. in.. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Millennial Dawn G. A. R. Hall, cor ner Second and Morrison streets. Serv ices. 2:30 r. m. Chrlstadelphlan Woodmen's hall. Mmnt Tabor; services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., 11. W. G. Wlllmont;; Thursday, 7:30 p. m., usual services. Universal New Thought Assembly Altar service and lecture at 11 a m. and 8 p. m. at Red Men's hall. Wash ington street between West Park and Tenth streets. Oregon Holiness Association (Inter denominational) 428 Burnaide street Church of the Nazarena Bervlces every afternoon and evening, and Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Divine Truth Center Hall, Allsky building. Third and Morrison streets. Services, 11 a. m. Thnddeus M. Mlnard. pastor. Rev. T. J. Oreen will speak The Power of Cnsolflshness." Friends' Church Lewis I. Hadley, pastor, corner East Main and East Thirty-fifth streets. Special evangelis tic services. Preschlng at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; C. E., 6:30 p. ra.; Sunday school. 10 a. m. Spiritualist A. O. tT. W. hall, Selllng Hlrsch building. Free Spiritual services, 3 to 5 n. m.. 7:80 to 10 p. m.: Illustrated lecture by Dr. Beverly of Chicago. "The New Kingdom Within." Messages and tests. First Ablngton building. Third street between Stark and Washington; confer ence. 11 a. m.: mediums' meeting. 8 P m.; lecture by M. L. Carter, 7:45 p. m., subjects, "The spiritualists uoa ana tne Orthodox God." Free lectures. Drew hall 163 Second street. 2.30 and 7:30. by E. A. De Vennls, "Origin of Human Races," and "Import ance of Baptism. T. M. C. A. Association Auditorium, Fourth and Yamhill streets; men's meeting at 8 o'clock to be addressed by o. C. Lapham. Bongs in me I7ark" : good music. All men cordially Invited. Beald-Head. Seals Diseases Cnrad by "THE HOUSEHOLD SUKOEON." PrassjlM refund money If DR. PORTEB'l ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL fails. 25c. EMP1R13 THEATRE Morrison and 11th. Phone Main 117. BUltoa w. leamaa, Manager. LAST TIME 'I ON HIM 1 , , The only HEN HENDRICKS, In h! ffivorite role "TO YOBBO." See the great Log Jam Hcene and en joy Yon s thrilling adventurea Hear Mr. Hendricks sing. Night prices 16c, 25c. 15c, tOa MatW nees, 10c and SOc. Beat Attraction, Commenolag Tomorrow Matinee "The Boly City." THE a RAIN D Taudsvllle da Xnxe ' THE 1TTE BXLXiATZXB SI8TSBS, Sensational European Gymnasts, Besides a Host of Other Featuraa. Matinees dally at 2:80, prices lSe to all seata except boxes. Every evening at 7:80 and 9:15, prices 15c and 25c. THE STAR The oid. a rnonest Br. A-l All This Week R. E. French Stock Co. Present the Romantic Love Drama, "THE JAMES BOTH XV aCXSBOUaU." Matinees Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2:30. Prices 10c, 20c Every evening at 8:18. Prices 16c, 26a and 85c. Reserved seata for all per formances by either phona The Nickelodion Theatre Opposite Oregonian Bldg. The Latest Moving Pictures and IllU. trated Songa TOINIOMT THE GREAT DRAMA. TEH YE ABB AVTTSB." Very Interesting Don't Miss Thla Admlssloa So. Mil FIRST BLOW AT COOLIE LABOR Local Union Organizations Porm Branch of Asiatic Exclusion League. Evangelical Association. First English East Sixth and Mar ket streets; S. A. Slewnt, pastor. Serv ices 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Young People's alliance, 7 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a m. First German Corner Tenth and Clay streets; Theodore Schauer. pastor; ser mon at 10:45 a. in. and 7:45 p. m. Sun day school 9:30 a m- Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib betts; L. C Hoovei, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a m. Christian Solenoa irirst Church of Christ, Scientist Scottish Rite cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale streets. Services at 11 a m. and 8 p. m ; subject "God the Pre server of Man"; Sunday school at close of morning service; Wednesday meetings, 8 p.-m. Second Elks' temple. Stark, between Sixth and Seventh streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p m.: subject, "God the Preserver of Man , Sunday scjiool at close of morning service; Wednesday meeting, 8 p. m. TTnlted Brethren In Christ. First East Fifteenth and Morrison streets; Rev. H. C. Shaffer. Services at 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a m. Radical Sixth and Mechanic streets; Rev. C. P. Blanohard. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school. 1 a, m. United Fresbyterlaa. Church of the Strangers Wasoo street and Grand avenue; Rev. 8. Earl DuBols. Services at 10:45 a m, and 7:30 p.m. One block of pews reserved for the deaf, to whom morning sermon la Interpreted. Sunday school. 12 m. First Sixth and Montgomery streets; Rev. A. W. Wilson, pastor. Services at 10:30 a m. and T:S& p. m sermon, by The little brown man from the Isle of Japan, the superstitious children of Korea and the bequeued immigrants from the land of the lotus are not wanted over here by the adherents to the cause of organized labor. Accordingly last night at an open meeting of the Federated Trades alll anco steps were taken toward the per manent organization of a local branch of the Asiatic Exclualon league. C. M. Huybl, a mem her or the execu tive committee of the Japanese and Korean Exclusion league of California, outlined the objact of the meeting and the 200 people in attendance ratified the appointment of an executive committee to plan the further organization of the league and make arrangements tor a mnss meeting at an early date when the project will be officially launched. The meeting was held in Drew hall and was presided over by S. H. Delam meter, president of the Federated Trades council. Mr. Haybl and others made strong addresses setting out the necessity for some exclusive legislation bv congress to protect the Pacific coast from the encroachment of coolio labor. At the conclusion af the addresses the chair appointed an executive committee composed of Ed Thayer, .T. L. Ledwldge, W. H. Drew, S. H. Delameter, E. W. Kan der. William Mackenzie. E. H. Plckard and William Noffke. This committee was Instructed to arrange for a mass meeting to be held soon at which time a permanent organization of the leagua will be effected. i ( ffliv Dcrfaufcn 5en ,,2cutfdje cttuttfl" foaleuftcr The A. W. SCHM ALE CO. GERMAN BOOKSTORE 229-231 First Street, Portland, Oregon INSIST! DEMAND I Tell tb Croccr to Orier Kraova ANKOLA King of Coffee. 1 lb. 40c, 2 lbs. 75o Sewing Machines at Low Prices Fifty slightly damaged sewing ma chines, including Singers, Wheeler 4k Wilson, Domestics, Whites, Household, Davis and others, for sal very cheap to make room for new stock. , M . J. JIuLL Karqaam ld. WOOD If you need It In a hurry call . rnones Main so ana a-is. BLACK BBAR COAL For Furnace, Grate or Heatar, the Most Economical. OREGON FUEL CO., 334 Alder St. We Axe Giving Away Aaheatoa Kata. TEA "Will you come over to tea next Tuesday?" "Delighted." . : Not said: ;v What sort of tea? I wonder T Oregon Main E215. Home A-Z9T. FEVCK TAITCT OAKHtirT CXiBAX xsa COMPAST Successors to tha Portland Dya Worka." H. J. PRAEGER, Prop. All kinds of garments successfully cleaned, dyed, pressed , and repaired. Practical hatter. A " 811 rOVSTX ST, rOSTlAXD, OB. J. Sheraansky. Window Glazing Promptly attended to In "any part of tha city. - Doors and windows bought and sold. 884 Beoond, near Jeff, rhona ao. 8037. VOX XX TKB TSTJST See J. R. HAMILTON At tae MOSEaUf ntnrrxJiT, for Chsap Vriatiag. -8d Basse! Bldg-. tn j4 Korrlsoa. Wcbfoot Oil Blacking Thoes Waterproof rressrvtg Xeatbar-warof a SaUs ; , A AXX. PBAXVBB& . Tour rroctr rstnrns your money if you don't like Schilling's best; we rsv l;!tj. $cbwab Printing Co, Jin Over sn-1 to Or t ,,, sc-l 1. i hof.a ii.ii ". '""'pats) "U .?: